HomeMy WebLinkAboutCORONADO BLK 2 LT 1 oro 0 S,D' II REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES ~~ ~. (Fill out in Triplicate) W~l 1 data: i ~/~b-~ ~ b. Depth ~, .. . .t:~' . ;'":'' i~,.".' c. Casin~ size" , i,I d. Distance from well to closest exlstinE or proposed: 7. Sewage disposal system. 3. Seepage Area . ~ 4. Cesspool' . ~~ 5. Property Line . ~ 6. Other sources of possible cont~ination, i.e., creeks, lakes, houses, barn, drainage ditch, e~. . a. Age of system -, ~ '~'~ b. Septic tank capacity in gallon~ Name of septic tank manufactu~9~ 1. If "home made" show diagram on reverse side of this form. Ce d.' Disposal field or seepage pit size and type~ '~t+ to house f'otmdation /~ ~ . ~ istance to pr~pert7. line .e. Percolatio~Test'~suLts . f. Percolation Test performed by . Use the reverse ,side of this form to show diafram. Diagram should include .,,,,he following information' p?operty lines, .well location, house location, r~utic tank location, disposal a~ea location, location of percolation test, a~d~ di~',ection of ground slope. 9 The ~ . · ~n'f~at~on .on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 'S'ign;]ture ~of A~plic~n~ ........... ~'~e $i~'ned~ ' TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPART~4ENT PERSONNEL The above escr~.bed sanitary facilities are hereby approved, subject, to the d ' ~'l!owing con~ilions: Conditions:_~7 TH[ 5~~ . The above described sanitary facilities are disspproved for the followinK reasons: .- Approval is valid for one year following the date of approval. CPJ: cw (To be,~ip,,.y,,epared only under the supervision of your SPECIAL POWER. ~F ATTORNEY Legat',~i~i;~FStance Officer or Civilian Attorney.) , ~ ~ , ,-, ,, ff,,~' , ~OW ~L MEN BY TtlE~E PRESETS, that 1 (s~ate full n~m~, [i'~,, grade, service n~ber/SS~, as ~p~llc~bl~) de~irin~ to ~ecute a ¢~I~PO~OF A~Ol~Y have ~ade, constituted and appointed, and ty these pre~ent~ ~'m~e, coCa,tut- whose address is __ ,-d.' ,~ County (City) of Irk ~ C ~ O~ ~[ ~ -- , State of ( in,aTt a~roortate clause(s)). my Attorney-in-Fact to act as follows. GIVI~ ~ 6~1~ ~to my said attorney fult ~ower~to* . '' '~ l') ~ To ac.~ in mY beha'Lf to rc:.o:~ov, rent (.p~:(, .P~, ' .... ' .... - ';: fol. l:owin~ ~mopert'~ loaa~'e'~ m l,ot,~ ~ au .... A'}asks. One (}) !960 2olu.mbT,.a ~obt~.z,'-: ,.omc Ser~;4 ~a),~o c,' ,-r.'~ ,,: .. ~)~, ~ l?:~ ]e3nto attached ~, eo]].aw-]n~ ?urnisk~rF'~ .'~r'r., ~_n~l.u't,7~ ~"~ the pr'op~r~y ~ '' ~. 1 e~ ~00 6a]_ e~e~tank, O. % ]0C ']_L ~m,,pane tank :~d 'l 2J" J.b ~7opane riot, ~r:e~'¢¢ ~,~y'¢~n] 'n~(me~tF. T~ the e,:en'b ~,e pro,-ert,'x ':~ sold *~¢ ~'eo~7~r't.y ~em,~t~ Oq ~ho ~'e~'r~hea rea~ [~r oPe" [,',' F, rov'~c'ed !p ocr n,o ..... =: ace r-:-r~t }.s paZd. . ~¢ fhe ~ro~er~ 4s ~o}d ~n,~ 2n'~ hart o'r the sale pr~.ce ':s l"~r~?ed h'/ ,J. ri ~be trM.%e~ Willtremai-n 0~'%o'b I ',-.lqC ,.. boro~tado .... ' ...... ~"~ C.L ~'~e lien has h~en com, fite'~e~ ach4 F~T~ I do authorize my a[oresald Attorney-in-Fact to perlorm all necessary acts in the execution of the a/oresaid authoriz~tlo~ with the ~eme validity as I could effect if personally present. Any act or thing lawfully done htrem~der my said attorney shall be bl~tflg .on myself and my heirs, legal and personal representatives, and assigns. p~VI~, ho~er, that,all busine~m t*a~sact~d hereunder for me or for my account shall be transacted [n my n~e, and that a-Il j~dorsewentm ~ instx~e~ts executed b), ~ said attorney roi the purpose pi carrying out the foregoing powers shall cOnfai~ ~y n~e~ [oJ[~d bF that of my said attorney and the desl~a[~on "Attorne)-~n-Fact". I FU~ D~E that th~s power shall remain to eFFect even though [ ~ repomted or lxsted, officially ot otherwise, as Att, ~ney i* revoked ',y my death ar as otberwlse provided here~n. It~. ~le~ soouer -e~oked pt terminated by me, this Special Power of Attorney sha~ c,.ome ~.1, and ~ID from and Notwithstanding my insertion of a specific 'expir~tlon date herein, if On the above specified expiration date I shall or have been, carried in a mLlitary status of "mlssinge~ .missing-in*actionn or apr[so.er-of-war," then this power of attorney sh'alJ automatleally c0nt[nue to remain valid and in full effect until sixty (60) days after I have returned to United States military control following termination of such "miaaing,~ "misslng'i~'acti°n~* or "prisoner-of-war* status. 1N WITNESS ~R~F, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this ~ day of ~IFtF: ~19 f)~ · WITNESSES: ~ . ( ADDRESS ARD SEEVICE NO./SSAN (If any) IF ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE A NOTARY PUBLIC: st.t,, of ' 'iL, "-i ) ss County (P-~4'3') '' "'~ ~ ' ' I, }i~T' [?[ I' ,.' '" )':P,"' '¢ ' , n Notary Public in anti for the County (Ca)"~.') and State aforesaid, d0 hereby certify that on Il ......... '~)2i~_. day {,t ..... ~ .... ~ ....... 19 ~:?. before me personal ly app ........ 1 ....................... , , who is known by m. to be the identi- ~7~I U';s',~ .vi*,. ~'.' ~s~ tLe*l in, wh,,s- n.,~,e is s~i~'hcrihed to, alld who signed and executed the f,,~(.,(oirig instrument, alid having k~,),~.l ' )i:: t'l, ¢olltPi)t~ therr'~f. I',~ personally acknowledged to me that h,, si~npd and sealed the same on the date Iff ~itness ~ere~*f, I harp hereuoto s°t ntv h~,qd and official s,' Ithis ray ancl~ear,~h~-e. Nr~tary P.blic MY Commission Expires: AF ,~o,~,, 831 SEP 68 (To. he prepared on~)r under the supervkslon ~f your SPE~f~L'~POW.~/O, FC,A'TTORNEY,r.,. . . .. . ., Le~l Assistance ,O~f[cer or C[v[lian Atto~e'~.)',1 :~W,~ ~N BY T~E PRES~S. that I (state full n~e, title, If~e, *.~tce: n~ber/SS~, e~ /ppl~l~eble) and presently stained-or re.idin~ st ~8e~18~ AFB. M~ssi~i~i .... · ' ' -~ ' - ' ~ "~ .... .~ c t te Co;daty"(C[~y) bf ......... Rgqh~Ke . ~.t.-of .. Alaska ., .. .~. , fo~t~n~ ,ord~r%~ loea~d on ~t.~. % ~tbck 2.~ Coron~o Su~.livzsio ~ :~ze a', ,,, ~' x 40' ].eanto attached. The follo~ng f~n~hin~'.a~e ,incluAed ~ ~Ne ,~ro~r,~y~ a-~ .... + ~ ~ ~--a ~ ~a= n~s-nt- +~nnants. 1. 1 ~ee~;"o~ator~ 2. 1 built ........... . , '~ ~,~' ",'- ~ ..... ' : ~" ........ : ~'. :" " .......... " ~ ~t,~-,~l~ . "i'~ ~2 ~'~6at',.,~el %ask-, 9. 1..t~ ~ ;oropm~s tank. a~ a ~a~': .... ~r-'afld~' ~hl~fe~ h~e 'al~o~ au%~or~.ze~'-~o deduc%-lO% of tl~e ~n%al ~ee as ~r_ co=ntaa1~a.~-~ ~%~ i~_.~~' ~".~ ~.~ p~%ce. The abgve aa'le.a. Oe~ '~e,'t~'"~~ i'~,~e~'.i~ ",n~':~- o~'~'the Sa~e, pr~-.'¢~ i~inanced, ~Y ~'a .~ .h', H~i~'.' .... . 4' ill :" ~t~':~Pt~ ,~:.L,._" X= :~;~:-::- ;~: ........ 7:-::--- -J.u . ' '' ' '~:: ' , , , t " '"-' : ~, I do authoel~ my aforesaid Attorney-in-Flct to perfoM.e~l ..c~Wy,,act~ Aa the elequtiqn qf tM a~t~s~t~, ~.~ {~ .~ity as I could effect if persOnal'ly preie~; ' ~,a6t ~f"thine l~full~l ~e~er ~,~e.;,~t~l~l ~.t~l'~+~rt~"M~.~* for me~%r ~or my ~cco~nt ab~ll ~ I F~~ that }hA. ~wer shall remain in effect evei,~h '1 I rir~ or Jilted; A~torBey la revoke~ by my death or Is otherwise provided herein. ~ · ......... *' ' "~ : ' ~, .m~ee~ ~:,~d"of..ler~t~-'~ ~eg .~bls ~eclel Power of Attorney shall becoee ~ and ~ID from and insertion df ~ specific e~lra[~on ~te heYeln, i'f"~n t~ ~dve'apeclfled'~lt~tt~ d~' I 'shall be, sW~ll'"~h}~}tleaIt~ bSat'tn~e iie:'r~'a'i~ '{ali~lihd'tn!'f~l'"effect until sixty (60) days after I have returned to United States - .June l~ 6~. IF lC~OWLEDGED BEFORE A NOTARY st a~e of l'~I~,~i6,>T} PT County (~) ~IA"LttISON ~ ss I,'' KA~4~}~E '~ ~'1W~]";~}I'}~. , s Notary Plibltc in and for the County (~'I~) and State ~fo'resald, a'0 hereby c~rtlfy that on the' l~h day o f ,T~)~' _ , 19 ~9 . , before me personally appeared ,..~'_~.~Ll ___ who is k .....by me to be the identi- cal person who t~ ,fescrihed in, whose name is subscribed to, and who signed and executed the foregoing instrument, and having first made known t him the contents thereof, he personally acknowledged to me that he signed and sealed the s~ne on the date tt bears as his t~ue, free and voluntary act and deed for the uses, purposes and considerations therein set forth. Itll'.lit.~h~:l.~llietreof, ! have hereunto set my hand and official seal this day a;~.~ear above. iF roam 8~1 SEP 68