HomeMy WebLinkAboutCREEKSIDE PARK #1 LT 27L. 7' 1972 ::~ o x 2 4 0 Attention: Larry An2erson ~e ~, 1 ~st~te S u Lj ect: Lot 27, Creeksi(~.e ParL Subdivision ~'l, 7~ tC..' ~'.arTlc~n'.~ Drive. ['revioasly tiqc subj(ct qrGfierty was ~iis,:~pr'r,;,v¢:,', be, causo iL was not connacted Lc ~he availabi~:u public sewer. As 24, lgTZ, I have cunfirr~ed the connection of s~b]ec~tprooerty to !)ublic sewer an~J tn~ wat~Jr facilities are via C(~ntrcl Alaska Utilities, Therefore, ~lC sewer and water Facilities s.b~ec~ ioc are Sincerely, Susan E. bickcrson Sani tarian GREATER ANCHOP~GE AREA BOROUGH Department of 5nvirenmental Quality 9500 Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507 279-8686 Time of Inspection Date of Inspection e REQIJ~$T FOR APCROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL gE~ER & WATER FACILITIES FOR Phone: Address Number of Bedrooms: Z Well Data: A. Tvr>. e ~~_ C. Construction 7. Sewage Disoosal System: Deoth Bacteria] Analysis Distances: A. Well To: Installed Septic Tank: Seepage Pit: ].. Disposal Fie]d: 1. Size Size 2. Installer 2. Manufacturer 2. Material Total Length of Lines Septic Tank , Absorption Area , Nearest Lot line B. Foundation to Seotic Tank C. Absorption Area to Nearest Lot Line , Sewer Lines , Other Contamination · AbSorption Area · R..equest for Approval of 1 lvidual Sewer & Water Facilittc Page Two 9. Comments: ADoroved Disapproved Date / Approval Valid for One Ye.~'r From Date Signed Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Dep~.a~tment of ~_nvironmental Quality / O IAS P~ANt,~F SYSTE~ I certify that the information contained in this request for approval to be a true and accurate representation of the subiect sewer and water facilities located at: Signed Date GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROU~, HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET AN~{ORAGE, ALASKA 99S01 279-2Sll INSPECT: TIME: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND }VATER FACILITIES FOR Approval Requested By Address V ~7~ Phone 2. Property Owner 5. Legal Description~dC, 7 4. Type of Facility to be Inspected Number of Bedrooms S. Well Data: A. Type Phone B. Depth Size Construction Bacterial Analysis Sewage Disposal System: A. Septic Tank (If homemade, show diagram on back) 1. Size /Od)O -' .2 JZ;,-/ 2. 5. Manufacturer 4. Installer A~proval Request for S Page Two oe ~ Water Facilities B. Seepage Pit 1. Size 2. Lining C. Disposal Field 1. Number of Lines 2. Total Length Required Measurements A. B. C D E F G H Well to Septic Tank , Well to Seepage Pit Well to Sewer Line Well to Property Line lqell to Other Possible Contamination Foundation to Septic Tank .f Foundation to Seepage Pit ,~?~ Seepage Pit to Property Line 8. CO~ENTS: APPROVE~'.'.~Cc,t DATE:~ / DISAPPROVED: DATE: APPROVAL VALID FOR ONE YEAR FROrI DATE SIGNED. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT UDllTO