HomeMy WebLinkAboutCREEKSIDE PARK #1 Miscellaneous InformationC. re ksid k S/,D ~l~ ~ i C. STATE OF ALASKA Form No. PEEHP-W-1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health II. IV. LOCATION: Operating Agency: Responsible Official: Mailing .Addre a ~: PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT Spenard Utilities Inc, Date Of Visit: 3ames moore Ti~ie: 2Z26 Spenard Rd SYSTEM DATA: Deba:= Vis~a~ Elm Rich~ Nevilla Pa=k ~:e~ Se:ve~:C=aek ~ide, 8L~, Tu=pin, Col~an ~opul~tion Se=ve~: 500 ~o. of Connection~: 204 ~etered? ~p Water Rate: Quantity - Range: 51~ - 71000 GPD Average: 61000 Sources: O~i!!ad ~el! Raw Water pH: 8.0 Treated Water pH: Tamp: 46°F TREATMENT PLANT OPERATING PERSONNEL: 3ohnny Bgornson Dick Brink Chief Operator: Operators: August 17,-1966 Vice Prestden.f, Office Location:2326'Spena=d Ed ~9,~:homge, - 7.0D/mos. GPD N/A Chlorine Residual: N/A' Yrs. Exp.: 25 Cert.: N/A Y_ks. Exp.: 2 Cert.: Yrs. Exp.: Cert.: SANITARY AND PUBLIC HEALTH CONDITIONS OR HAZARDS: No Show e r: No f) Fencing: No a) Facilities: Toilet: No Wash Basin: b) Source'l~rotection: Subg~ound pit c) Clear Well Protection: Nm nl~,,,,~ll d) Building Drains and Sewers to: No drains e) Cross Connections: None obaBrved g) General Cleanliness: _ gogd h) Other: SAFETY CONDITIONS: First Aid Equipment: No Chlo rinato r Hous lng: N/A Ventilation: Other: Gas Masks: Walkways: N/A No Lighti. ng: Good VI. RECORDS KEPT: a) Permanent Files: "As Built" Plans: Detailed Piping & Electrical Plans: . Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page 2 Yes Shop Drawings and Operating Instructions for Equipment: b) Performance Records:. Yea c) Reports on File: Yes · d) Reports i~'l~rogress: N/A GENERAL COMMENTS: '~ell is in a 20' deep pit lined mith 6t dis C~ID. Capacity is adequate for system. Yes Engineer:, Dickinson-Oswald Yes A 500,000 g~! storage tank is in the s~stem but not beinq used at present time. Flow is pumped into a 6,000 gal underground pressure tank. Considering Nunaka Valley, Shady Lane, and Creek Side Systems together, mater demands are over 0.25 ~GD. not satisfactory. Storage capacit¥.mithout the 500~O00-pallon tank is VIII. EFFECT OF 1964 EARTHQUAKE ON WATER SYSTEM: On Water Sources: None On Treatmen% Plant: On Distribution'System: .... [~inor_!eaks and some line breakaqe. Repairs and Reconstruction Completed: Yes, repairs mere first .temporary. final. Remaining.Ef£ects on System: No~e Then INVENTORY SUPPLEMENT .Form No. PEEHP-W- · Page SOURCE: a) Surface: Structure: NO b) C ond it ion: Wells: Depth: DrawdoWn: Casing Material: ~/A C apac ity: 340' Size: 15" Static Level: 90' )Q, Rated Capac[ty: gn[cnnmn Screens: Steel Casing /Depth:,, ~0~' c) Emergency source: II. STORAGE: Type Mate r ial Size C ond it ion Pressure Tank Steel ~000 qal Good ($0-70 ps~§) III. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Type of Pipe: 6", 8", 10" AC Fire Hydrants: Dead ends: No Pressures: Not tested Other: Logical arrangement of valves 42 IV. CHEMICAL FEED: Chem ical Equipment ~o C ont r ol C ondit ion V. MIXING: Size: No E qu ipm ent: C ondit ion: N,/A VI. COAGULATION: Size: Equipment: C ondlt[on: Rated Capacity: Rated Capacity: No Size: N/^ VII. SEDIMENTATION: EqUipment: N/A C ond it ion: N/A , ' VIII. FILTRATION: Type: No. of Units: N/~ F'ilter Mater [al: Underdra[n System: Rate Controller: Backwash Method: General Condition: REACTOR TYPES: General Descr [pt[on: ~o N/^ Fo rm No. Date Installed: N/A S [ ze: Loss of Head Gage: PEEHP-W- 1 Page 4 No C ond[tion: N/A SLUDGE HANDLING: Method: No XI. XlI. XIII, Disposed to: N/A G ondit ion: N/A C LEARWELL: Size: C ondit ion: CHLORINATION: Model: No Controh ' M/;% Type of Supply:.. Detention Time: N/A C ond it ion: N./A PUMPS: C apac ity: N/A Point of Application: N/A Purpose Pump Type No. Capacity C ond it ion S.hm. 30 HP 1 . 500 GPI)I Good (8erQ-Warnsr) XIV. BOOSTER STATIONS: Location Pumps~ Mo Capacity Condition XV. XVI. XVlI. XVIII. LABORATORY: Size: E qu ipm e nt: EMERGENCY PROVISIONS: · Stand-by Equipment: Spare Parts: N/A NO Fo rm No. PEEHP-W- 1 Page' 5 Auxiliary Power: ~]/a COLD WEATHER PROTECTION: Units Housed: Yes Units Heated: Ves OTHER UNITS: (for iron and manganese removal, odor control, corrosion control, fluoridation, etc.) No so£tenLng,-aeration, taste and I. CHEMICAL FEED: OPERATIONS SUPPLEIM C hem [cai Quant N/A Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page 6 Method of Addition 5iuage Di.'posed ;o: : N,A . Fret uency: Iii. FILTRATION: CondLtion of Filter Bed: Backwa~.n Op'erated byg . ' N/~_~requency N/A Backwash Dlspo~ed tog _ _~g__.:.: ....... ~. CHLORINATION: Dosage ~ata Cb:lerved: N/A . ~....~.. ~, red on ~rem[ses: Residual ~easured: M/g..., ~ V. OPERATION OF OT~R UNITS: Quant ity:, VI. SAMiOL!i'~'D AND TE~TING: a) Samulcs taken of: Bacteriological . Tests ,$ onducte d: Biweekly- · VIi. q: ..... R .... Ol>EPwkTION AND MAD[TENANCE ~ ~t[OBLEMS (!ow temperature, etc.) None reported O\rER-,&LL _,.,~AINTENANCE. L'ab~.-[cation Sch, dule: -- .Regular. visits ?a[nting Sck~dule: As required 2~¢serv )ir Gleaning Schedule; , '~/g Other: RECOMMENDATIONS Form No. PEEHP-,W-1 Page 7 WATER SOURCES: .... Concrete floor with drain piped to open outlet .lO~;'~om Well should be provided in pit. II. TREATMENT PLANT: III. DISTRIBUTION: '" 500,000-gallon storage tank should be incorporated in the system. IV. GENERAL OPERATION: Flow should be measured. Ye SPECIAL PREPAREDNESS FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE DISASTERSr · "' Emergency supply should be Prov~ided for this system which would " include also Klusne Terrace and Shady Lane. ' · Creekside LABORATORY RESULTS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR O~OLOGICAL SURVEY ~AT~ ~SOURCES DIVISION Analyses by ~oological Survey, United States Department of the Inte~io~ (parts per million) Laboratory Numbo~ · · · · · · · · · · · Date of Collection · · · · · · · · · · silica (sic2) ....... · · · · · · Iron (Fo) .............. · Manganese (mn) ..... · · · · · · · 9278 8-15-66 12 0.06 Calcium (ca) . ............ ~lagnes um ............. O Sodium (Na). .......... . . · 5.6 Potassium (K) .... .S .... · · Carb'on Dioxide (C02) ~ . . . . . . . · 1.6 Biczrbonate (HCO) ' 165 C~bon~te (CO~) ~. .......... 0 Sulfate (SOx,)~. · ' .......... 8.6 Chloride (CE) ..... ' · ....... 3.9 ~iuorido (F) ............. 0.1 Nitrate (NO5) . ........... 0..0 Dissolved Solids Cmlculated ............. 154 Residue on ~vapofation at 180~C'. · · Ha~dsnss ms CaCO3 ........... 127 No,.carbonato Hardness ~s taCO5 .... 47 Alkalinity as CaOO5 .......... BO Specific Conductance (~ic~omhoe at 25~) · · · · ..... 2?2 pH . · ........... . . . . 8.2 Color . · · ,. · · · ,., , , , , , , , , 5 · TESTING · EXPLORATION · CHEMICAL · MATERIALS · INSPECTION 1940 POST ROAD ~ PHONE 2?2-3428 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 1~9501 Date:_ Au~n,~t 17. Work Order No.: 73/1.9 Mr. Harris Magnusson c/o Alaska Department of Health & Welfare 327 Eagle Street -' Anchorage, Alaska Project: Post Quake Sanitation Study Subject: Coliform. Determination on Water Samples Gentlemen: In accordance with your request coliform determinations have been performed in our laboratory using the Millipore Membran8 method. The sample identification and results are as follows: Sample No. Identification Coliform Organisms per 100 milliliters 4?9 Creekside, at Texaco Station; sampled 15 August, 1966; GJC-SK 0 480 Same as above 0 If there are any questions with reg. ard to the above tests please contact our office. , KWB:sc Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Kenneth W. Ble[tsoe, MAIC Water Laboratory Supervisor State Permit W-1 DICKINSON-OSWALD & AFFILIATED WITH: AERO SERVICE CORPORATION AERIAL SURVEYING AND MAPPING PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS 433 9TH AVENUE -- ANCHORAGE MAILING ADDRESS: BOX 326- ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99~01 October 20, 1965 Dr. David R. Duncan Anchorage Borough Health District 217 "E" Street Anchorage, Alaska Re: Installation of 500,000 gallon water storage tank at Creekside Well for Spenard Utilities, Inc. Dear Dr. Duncan: Submitted herewith for your review and approval are two sets of design drawings for the construction of a water storage tank in Elmrich Village Subdivision located north of Creekside School and east of Muldoon Road in the NE 1/4 of Section 14, T13N, R3W, S.M., Anchorage, Alaska. This tank will serve as a water storage tank to upgrade the fire demand requirements within Shady Lane, Creekside, Chester Valley, Brink, and Scenic Park Subdivision areas. This water storage tank located at elevation 305.5 (top water surface at 345.5) will not have sufficient head to provide pressure without a booster pump. It is proposed that a booster pump will be installed within 150 feet of the discharge from the 500,000 gallon water storage tank. This booster pump will maintain a pressure of approximately 50PSI to 70 PSI within the adjacent area with pressures fluctuating up to 90 PSI in the low areas, Another booster pump will be installed on the 10" water line on Muldoon Road and located west of Brink Subdivision. This booster pump will maintain pressure in excess of 45 PSI in Scenic Park Subdivision. The 500,000 gallon water storage tank is being constructed Dy Chicago Bridge and iron under contract to Spenard Utilities, Inc. It is proposed that the erection of this tank will be completed within 15 days. Very truly yours, DI~K,I[~SON-OSW~LD & JSSOCIATES Lewis E. Dickinson, P.E. LED/jb Enclosures: Two sets of plans of above described project cc: Mr. Jim Moore, Spenard Utilities~ Inc. Form SA-lB MEMORANDUM State of Alaska TO: r- FROM: Department of Health g Welfaz~ Attn: ~unos J. Alter, Chief 5~vironment al Health !,~edical Di~ec~t or GAiu~-HD Clifford P. Judkins Supervising Sanitarian J ~e DATE : 28 October 1965 SUBJECT: 500,000 gallon Storage Tank ( CPeekside ). Trans~,~itted herewith is one set of the subject drawings, the application for approval of plans, and a copy of the en~ineer's letter of submission. The project is under construction and, in facts nearing co~-~letiom and we are just now receiving p~eliminaz? plz~s. This has been ou~ first contact with the project. Do you have tony advice concez~ing how we should handle this situation and how we can p~event such violations from occurring in the futur~ ? The project will not be approved for use by the Borough until approval of certified as-builts has been r~ceived. By copy of this letter, we a~e advising the firth of our concerti ~egamding projects going into cmstructiom phases prior to submission and approval of plans. CPJ/cw cc: Mr. Lewis Dickinson, P.E. Dickinson, OSwald, & Assoc. Mr. Jim Moore Central Alaska Utilities, Inc. }-Jr. Eln~r Gagnon, Director Federal Housing Administration DEPART IENT OF HEALTH VELFARE DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH A OFFICE BUILDING- JUNEAU 99B01 Nov_Am_her 30~ 1965 ttedical Director Creater Anchorage Area Borough ltea], th Department 217 E. Street Anchorage, Alaska AttenC£on: Clifford P. Judkins Supervising Sanitarian GREATER ANC'dORAGE AREA BOROUGH - HEALTH DEPARTMENT Dear 1~o Judkins: The drawings for the subject project have been reviewed for compliance vith regulations of the State of Alaska Title 7 of the Administrative Code. Information on this project is incomplete to the extent that adequate review cannot be made and app~ovaI must be withheld pending action taken on the following comments: 1. Specifications and other Contract Documents are not /urnished, 2. Drawings do not show details. a. Roof manhole (waterproof lid and lock) b. Shell manhole. c. Hearts for preventing vandals from climbing outside ladder, d. l~an8 for connecting tank drain to waste. l~awings do not show engineert8 st~mg~ or name and address owner. 4. Kquipment vault. a. What is purpose of ~his vault? bo Sho~ drawings for interior piping, valving or whatever ~he vault is to contain. ~nat about a floor drain or sump? Ce Cursory examination of the wall nearest the tank indicates inadequate reinforcing for loading - eoe., tank /ull of water. Medical Director Greater Anchorage Area Borough. Health DePart~nent -2- November 30, 1965 5. Should not over[low be carried doum to ground level for discharge without damage to base surr~unding tank? 6. l~hat are painting require~nts inside and outside7 7. Is not outside water level indicator desired? Early compliance to ~he above items will be appreciated in order that we can continue with our review. Very truly yours, Chief En~inee~':' A~Aleid cc: HO, SCRO, Anchorage Dickinson-Oswald & Associates Spenard Utilities, Inc. M~. Eln~r Ga~non, Director Federal Housing Administration F__. 6 AVE. ELEM SCHOOL 7500 L ~ AVE. ................................................. , ................................................... OLD H A.R..tSOR. ~,WE ~ Z4 RO~ 23 45 -~)~> 47 Y 57 Muldoon Area Reference,Map-P4 - I 'D pLO.-[' ~C)' - 0" boTCh9 c R'~rc~G1DE p &p, r... 0 HOWARD J HUNT I- <m~ ~ W,P. 8~ B.D. PLETT PROPERTY r