HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRESTVIEW VILLAGE Miscellaneous Informations'bVj C I , GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 3500 TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99507 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT May 22, 1972 Mr. Rolf R. Strickland Assistant Director of FQC Department of Environmental Quality Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Dear Sir: Subject: TRANSMITTAL OF PLANS FOR REVIEW OF CRESTVIEW VILLAGE LATERAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 34 Enclosed for your review, please find one set of the subject construction drawings for a lateral sanitary sewer improvement. The Public Works Department of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough plans to advertise the subject project for bids during the sunmner of 1972. If this design conflicts with either existing or future utility plans, please notify this office. Yours very truly, GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH James P. Swing, P.E. W.P.C. Engineer Charles W. Rainer Civil Engineer CWR/cl m Enclosure J~nuar.v 5, 1972 VA Adml nlstratio,a B,;)x 1 Su~.fect~ Cr~.~tvie~· Village Subdivision Sewer Sir: The Crestvt,~w Village Subdivision community sewer system is not an~nroved by this De~,artment. The gorouqh Pu'hllc Works geF, artme~t, at nresent, is ~umnin9 the system to minimize ~he sewaQe ~ollutton Problem in the arem. ~oruugh ~anttary sewer is ~cnedule~! 'to ~e tnstallad to re~lace the tn)de~uate e~i~ttng ~ewer. This project ~tll hopeCully be ~omn)eted tn the 1972 On December 3A, 1971 the community system was dyed. On January 3, 1972 the dye a~peared on t~e surface of the ground in tme southwest oart of the subdivision. T~e Pub- lic Works Oemartment will run their own studies on the existing system to determine the exact ~ondttto~ of the system. However, at the oresent, the actual ~umber of leaks and hrea~s tn the sewer system is unknown. Sincerely. Lynn S. Comd Environmental Sneclalist st cc: #tchael Rtsch NUISANCE COMPLAINT FORM · Phone No~, Box No. ~' ,Description of Complaint: Owner of Property Where Nuisance Exists: Owner's Address: Location of Complaint: Phone No. Street Address: Person Receiving Complaint: Date: I certify that such statement of facts is true to the best of my belief and know- ledge. I request that the foregoing matter be investigated and that appropriate action thereafter be taken, I am willing to testify to the facts stated in the foregoing complaint in court if necessary. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN )ate Investigated: ....... .ction Taken: " ~~ COMPLAINANT WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINT: I~R 22 1971 L^,~ O~F,~E$ MAI'FEI, INC. A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ALBERT MAFFEI ~]*'~ ' ' : ~' ~ " ' ' 1026 WEST 47-H AVENUE TELEPHONE :P77-:~.SEJ~){'k ~ ' '~ "ak?'~T P.O. BOX 674 ANCHORAGE,ALASKA99501 ALASKA WESTERN LIFE INSURANCE BLDG. March 19, 1971 Mr. ROlf R. Strickland, R.S. Assistant Director, Department of Environmental Quality Greater Anchorage Area Borough P. O. Box 968 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Re: Crestvie~ Vil~ageSubdivSs.ion Dear Mr. Strickland: You may or may not be aware of the fact that all the parties involved met with Mr. Cliff Judkins, Mr. Robert Morris, and Mr. Robert Hudnall on May 8, 1970 regarding the problem. Prior to that time the Borough had telephoned me telling me of the situation set out in your letter of March 16, 1971. I immediately on May 6, 1970 advised each of the property owners involved that they should discontinue the use of the sewer system and the dumping of sewage on the property which is owned by David Green and myself. A copy of that letter is enclosed. I have no other means of enforcing this request. It would appear, however, that your letter is misdirected. It should not be directed to myself since I am not in any way violating the Borough Ordinance nor am I discharging raw sewage on the premises, as you can plainly see if you visit the premises. The persons that should be consulted are the ones that I have mentioned in the letter, a copy of which is attached. Since Mr. Green and I have no buildings or other improvements on this property it is rather unlikely that we would be dumping raw sewage through the manhole. I would request that you reinspect the premises and obtain the proper factual situation before making any Mr. Rolf R. Strickland, R.S. -2- March 19, 1971 further directions and threatening legal action. Very truly yours, Albert Maffei AM-.clv Enc. cc: Sheila Gallagher Director of Law Mr. Robert Hudnall ~arch 16. 1971 ~tr. Albert Mallei Attorney At Law 1026 West 4th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Crastview Village Subdivision Dear Mr. Mallet: This letter is to inforn you that a recent inspection revealed that the collector se~er systma serving the six (6) ho~es in the subject subdivision is still discharging rn~ swage to the surface of the ground at the terninal manhole. This condition is in direct violation of Borough Ordinance No. 28-68, Sections 9-67, (a) (b); 9-68, (a) ~d 9-75. You, as o~mer of the properties containing the collector syste~, are officially notified that this condition is to be corrected within five ($) days of receipt of this notice. Reinspection of this condition will be made on or about ~rch 22, 1971. Failure'to correct this condition my result in legal action against you. Sincerely, Roll R. Strickland, R.S. Assistent Director Department of anvtron~ental Quality cc: Shetla Gall~ker Director of RECEIPT FOR ~ERTI~D MAIL--2~ ,S~~ ,~ ,,~W POSTMARK ~ OR DATE ~m ~pt Deliver to ~hows to whom ~hows to whom, A~see OflIy 4~ w~n. when, and where WehvereW delivered ~ 5~ fee POD Form 3800 NO IN~4JRANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED.- 'See other s/de) Nov. 1964 NOT FOR- INTERNATIONAL MAIL October 13, 1970 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 2207 McRAE ROAD ANC.,~RAGE, ALASKA 99503 0C7; .1~. 1970 Hr. Rolf R. Strickland, R.S. Environmental Health Supervisor Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Dept. 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 DEPARTMENT OF' PUBLIC WORKS Dear Rolf: As a follow-up on your memorandum to Mr. Hudnall dated October 6, 1970, this is to advise that we are proceeding at this time to form an Assembly initiated lateral improvement district for the purpose of connecting the Crestview section of the Borough to the nearest available sanitary sewer facility. I would advise that such action will require condemnation of the existing system, unless its present owners can be convinced of the necessity of such sewer service and agree to convey the existing system to the Borough for use by the community. GRE,_.ER ANCHORAGE AREA BO.JUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET · P. O. BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 DATE: OCt. 61~ '[~70 FROM: ~DIE R. Strickland, R.S. TO: Robert audn~l PubUc I~orks De~t. SUBJECT: C1~$t~ ¥illa~e Subdivision Ne wish to bring to your attention a definite health hazard that exists in the subject area. There are six (6) h~s on a collector smeer system ~hich terminates at the western bo~dary of this area. The sewer line terminates at a ~ole ~hich continually overflows and discharEes ra~ untreated sewage a~to the ground and finally finds its way into Campbell Creek. This exposes approximately 1400 gallons of sewage per day to the residents of this area plus ~asurably decreasint the water q~liV/ o£ Campbell Creek. We request that i~ediate ~ction be taken to connect this se~er into the line that exists on the nortJ~ side o£ Di_~ Blvd. For any assistance in this matter~ please contact this office. USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR REPLY nmmtd Dam Nm7 6, Bdvmrd Itmmmor 8601 Fd V~onbo DrLvm , - 84~7 tm Vt4mto OwLve aft W bemmmwnorm, ever tAJough w, t3ie mulJdlvi4iou m~w~m, mme. mot Amvmlved in tho dmuptng of me~mge. ¥ brmform, Lit order tM) prefect omrlmlvMI, I I~ bmwmbT g&vimg yom mottco to dtoconttm the umo of tim BMr tatum LT ~ D/O ~76-A Form NOG PEEHP-S-2 ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health SEMI-PUBLIC SEWAGE SYSTEM INSPECTION REPORT Establishment Crestview Village Subdivision Date of Visit 9/21/66 LocationW/in Sec. 7, T,12 N, R 3 W, SM Responsible Official Not known Mobile Homes Trailer Pk Campgr~t No. Connections 6 * Population Served Distance to Public Sewer System Campbell Ck. "As Built" Plans available 0 Design only Collection System: System Handles: Domestic Waste Yes Mailing Address Not knovm Title Mote 1/Lodge Sc hool Other 30 * Daily Flow-Range 400~0 * 0utfall approx. 1/2 mile. Date Installed Not known Ground Garbage No Storm Water infiltration Gravity Flow ,, ~ Ye~ ........ Pumps (No. & Size) None Pipe Types .See ~design Sizes $~e design Joints Same Manholes and Cleanouts See design Adequate Gradient . Annarentlv -- see ~ig~_. Disposal System (Sketch on Page Z) Septic Tank , Treatment Plant* None Capacity . Dosing Siphon None Drainage Field Surface drainage Length & Type of Pipe,,~ ......................... . ....... T o Unde rg round Soil Type Sil~.~- ~s~n~d - clay Ce s spool (Size) N~ne Privie s None Other Effluent: Sludge Disposal: Surfacing See Sketc,h .... Sludge Removed NO To D{tch or Stream~,, Campbell Creek Frequency (Name) How Disposed Collectin= in W-here Disposed system Partial Note: ~ (Yes); x (No) *Use Public Form, PEEHP-S-1 Sanitary Conditions and Health Hazards: Effluent Ponding,. , Access to Children Odors Insects and Vermin Yes Yes Yes Pipe Stoppage s Yes Complaints Water and Sewer Pipes in Same Trench Other * Appears to be a, partiall[ ,abandoned "public" sewer. Form Noo PEEHP-S-Z Page None known Not known System Comply with State Regulations: No Sketch of Disposal System: Effects of Earthquake; Reconstruction Completed and Remaining: Not 'known SEE ATTACHED DRAWINGS Comments (Include General Conditions and Adequacy): D/O ~76X Form No. PEEHP-S-Z Page 3 · oli.d bl.ocking of, t:he .lo~r,. ,...~y~C?m, surface p(mdin~ and .sur£ace twans .po~cat:ton of ::... t:he s,9~m~e t:o .C~pbell Creek. ..... S.m~... ~..~e.?t:ic act:ion is ..found ~it:hin ~he flooded port:ion ..._ o£ t:he .svsCem .nd in ~_he o~ndln~ at: tho overflov area. No solids vere seen in the .... s,evafe being emtCC_ed. CO Caapbell, Creek - t:he sewage had, !,!t:t:le odor and vas almost: clear. Rec omme ndations: ... _~__~..u....h~..~, may be o_bt:ain.!ng.nearly complet:e solid removal of ~he sevaset t:he s~face f!~t~ ef~luenC .ia, .b2..no.~a. ~eaCed. ~ adeq~Cely .sized ~' ~pCio C~ ~d .... ...~atn .Eleld should be. ~rucCed C~d Che ~er end of ~e .~u~ivts~on C0 ,, th~ ures~ se~e f~ as a. mini~ req~~. IC ~uld ~ rare desirable , ,~O, C~nn~OC ,~e $~SCe~ ~O t~e ~isCi~ C~I1 Creek ouCfall ~d cle~ ~d repair ........ Photos attached ,Yes Inspected by Art:hut Benedict: & Dan Itenshaw, P.E. Dickinson Oswald & Associat:es MEMORANDUM TO The File. FROM Clifford P. Judkins Supervising Sanitarian DATE December 12~ 1966. SUBJECT Crestview Village Subd. Overflowing Sewer System. Property & system underwent bankruptcy. Unable to determine ownership. Have paid no assesment, connection fees or monthly charges. Parties involved: 1. First State Equity. 2. John Savage, Attorney At Law 277-6576. 3. Mitford, Australaska 277-8115. ~ 4. Dorothy Prior ?? Turned over to Borough Attorney to determine who is responsible party. Four users. CPJ/cc C r~ f v /'~ uJ V / I I o_~ ~ Z:)- O ~ 7~ ~ OT E5 D/O ~76A N°, '30-12 9/21/66 CRESTVIEW VILLAGE SUBDIVISION SEWER LINE Flow from left to righT. NoTe solid material build-up in inver:. D/O #?~A No.. 31-1 9/21/66 CRESTVIEW VILLAGE SUBDIVISION SEWER LINE Surface wate~ infil~a~inE system. No. 31-3 9/21/66 CRESTVIEW VILLAGE SEWER LINE Same manhole as in shot 31-2 f~om diffe~en= angel ~o show addi- %ional pondinE. No. 31-2 9/21/66 CRESTVIEW VILLAGE SUBDIVISION SEWER LINE Sewage seeping from manhole. No~e ponding in surrounding area. No. 31-q 9/21/66 cRESTVIEW VILLAGE SEWER LINE Manhole wheme sewage apparently is ~e-en~ering system along wi~h ¢on- side,able f~esh surface wa~e~. D/0 //76A No. 31-5 9/21/66 CRESTVIEW VILLAGE SEWER LINE Effluent leaving manhole, nea~ Sand Lake Road to t~avel by sub- face to Campbell C~eek. Note ¢la~ity.~o effluent due to suP- face wate~ dilution and pamtial t~eatmen~ within the system. No. 31-6 9/2i/66 CRESTVIEW VILLAGE SEWER LINE Same manhole as shown in 31-5 as seen f~om Sand Lake Koad. 1966 I SAMPLING SITE - INDEX MAP NO. POST-EARTHQUAKE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM DICKINSON - O~WALD & ASSOCIATES FOR STATE OF ALASKA DEFINITION OF TERNS US. .SEPTIC TA#~: A watertight element designed to receive raw aewage~ to provide removal of settleaMle and floatabAe solids; to provide biological decomposition of ~he solid and liquid fraction of ~he raw sewage; and to provide storage of sludge CESSPOOL= An element which is designed to serve the same purpose aS a' septic tank except that it is not watertight and thus permits leaching of treated waste (largely liquid) into the surrounding soil. LEACHING FIELD: An element designed to receive' only treated sewage (largel'~' liquid) or liquid waste; its purpose is to distribute liquid throughout surrounding soil. Constructed as a network of perforated pipes, open-~ointed drain tile, or similar nlterial, SEEPAGE PIT: An elemen~ which serves the same purpose ss a leach- lnf ~ield. '"'Constructed as a pit with open-]ointed llnin$, tgi TO sY. 0 s ,us n ~ Well ~ Septic Tank Cesspool --~ , Sewer ~ines //;//// Perforated Pipe Seepase PAt --Vi/--'- Mater [" ~. ] Trailer C 0 P Division of Public Health Alaska OffiCe Building Juneau, Alaska Sept. 7, 1961 Mr. ~ustav V. Johnson Consulting Engineer Box 91 Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Johnson: We have received your letter dated August 18, 1961 alon§ with the preliminary plan and engineer's report. The subject project was revi&wed from sanitary~dipublic health ensineering aspects. The scope of the project is hereby approved. The final plans, accompanied by specifications, application for approval, and design calculations, should include the following items especially: 1. Details on water treatment. 2. Profiles for water ~ains and sewer pipes. 3. Percolation test results for the lagoons. 4. Quantity of water expected from the well. 5. Any sources of contamination within 500~ of the well site. We will be looking {o~ward to receiving two sets of final plans. If in the meantime we could be of service to you, please feel free to contact us. Thank you very much. Sincerely yours, SPM:rgl cc: SCRO Amos J. Alter, Chief Sanitation & Engineering C 0 P GUSTAV V. JOHNSON Box 91 Anchorage, Alaska ,~tu~'ulC 18, 1961 Hr. Amos J. Alter,~Chief Sanitation & Engineering Alaska Division of Public Health Alaska Oifice Building Juneau~ Alaska Dear Itt. Alter: A new group of developers appear to be takin8 over the Crestview Village Subdiv~sion development. Hr. Herb Rollins of Spenard Utilities Corp. has indicated his organization plans to take over the utilities. Hr. Don Smith of the Australaska Corp., Box 20~2, Anchosage has requested we proceed withwork on the sanitary utiities. The current thinking is to change the name to Southgate Subdivision. Also to keep the sewage treatment on the subdivision site since they do not control the land previously considered for treatment use. They are both measures to offset poor publicity received during the hearing for a permit to didpose of treated sewage effluent in Campbell Creek. Present plans are to develop only the lots served by utilities installed last year. ~aen economic conditions suggest further site expansion for home building, movement of the treatment plant and lagoons appears desire- able to permit muttiple plant operation with larger lagoons. Attached is a preliminary plan of the proposed wateraand sewerage systems design criteria for your review and comments. Very truly yours, ~S/ Gustav V. Johnson ¢ 0 P Y GUSTAV V. JOHNSON Box 91 AnchO~ ~ Alaska August 21, 1961 SOUTHCATE (CRESTVIEW VILLAGE) SUBDIVISION Water Supply & Sewerage Treatment Design Criteri~ I. Proposed Development A. Lots to be served include - Lots 1 thru 12 of Block 1; Lots 7 thru 12 of Block 2; Lots 1 thru 7 of Block 4; Lots 1 thru 13 of Block 5; Lots 1 and 28 thru 33 of Block 6 for a total of 45 lots. B. Population served is estimated at 158 persons based on 3~ persons per lot for 45 lots. Water Supply A. Fire Demand. While fire hydrants have been installed, the water supply and traatment costs economics will determine to what extent water for fire protection can be provided. If the present supply requiring iron removal is atiltzed, it is doubtful], any water for fire protection can be justified. B. Domestic Water a~qutremevts 1. Basing the D~estic requirements on 100 gal. per day per capita for 158 persons, an average supply of 11 gal, per min. is required. 2. The maximum hourly Domestic requirement is estimated at 350% of the average or 38.5 gal. per min. 3. The use of the existing well with iron removal treatment or exploration at greater depths to obtain better quality water is proposed to provide a minimum of 38.5 gal per min. plus whatever additional water it is economically feasible to provide. III, Sewage T~aatment A. Sewa2e Flow Basing the average sewage flow on 75 gal. per day per capita for 158 persons, the average sewage flow is 8.2 gal. per min., or 11,800 gal. per day. In terms of B.O.D., 27.8 lbs. B.O.D. is expected based on 0.17 lb. B.O.D. per day per capita. B, Treatment 1. First Stage with 80 co 90% S.S. & B.O.D. Removal. The raw sewage is to be treated in a Chicago Pump 15,000 gal. per day raced aeration M.S. package sewage treatment plant including a comminuter, surface air lift and froth spray system~ The treatment plant is to be C 0 P 2of2 ,~. B. 1. COn$inued covered with a haated b~tlding to eliminate winter operational problems. 2. Second Stage and Final Treatment. Effluent from the aeration treatment plant is to be disposed of in a series of Cwo lagoons. The efficiency of the aeration treatment is estimated to exceed 80% removal of S.S. and B.O.D. (page 111 of Theory, Design and O~eration of the Rated Aeration Waste-Water Treatment Process by Engineering-Science Inc.) Based on serving 158 persons, 80% treated plant effluent, and a rqquired one acre of surface area in lagoons for 100 persons ;~wtth raw m~e, ~he two lagoons proposed require a total surface area of 14,000 sq. ft. with a depth approaching five feet. Provisions are proposed for draining the lagoons and for posaible overflow contingencies into the existing sewer line which follows the surface drainage off the west end of the subdivision and ceosses Sand Lake Road. ~ile the outlet is presently located in a four foot sump, the ground elevation at this peint is a foot lower than the proposed bottom of the lagoon. The top of the lower manhole is also 3~ feet lower then the proposed water level of the lagoon. Overflows from either the end or over the top of the lower manhole will flow into the natural drainage channel existin$ adjacent to the sewer line. ROUTE SLIP Environmental Health Field Dir. or HO Att:P. ngr. or San. (initial) (initial) Anc RO Admin. FoX RO , Food & Drug ..... Fox Cry. San,__ Gen. San. Ktn San. Engr. Kodiak SERO Nome WPC REMARKS: ~'~---_0~ your info PRO~: Amos J. alter, Chief (b~/~.-, ~ ~' ) Pot your action DATE: r~hell d~r~n~ his .Aet and tho Water ~~~e Dr. Phillip8 finally orated that he vc~ld roeogmend to the Ceumi~ of Health and Welfare that a publio hearing be held on this subject, if poeatble prior to the inatallation of the The leaders of the group oppeaing the ue of Campbell Creek far effl~eut ~, Hr. Henry L. HeClure, and Hr. Donald A. Dura, stated that they had petitions o~150 mare A%~b, 2 EMORANDUM - TO... Dr. Harry V. gibson, Director of Health Juneau Office Building, Juneau DATE 5/4/6o FROMF.J. Fhillips-GAEID SUbJECT.Can~bell Creek Sanitation Aerobic plant Winey and I met with citizsns group iast night regarding the aerobic sewage disposal plaut in Campbell Creek. There was pitiful lack of knowledge about savage disposal and stre~pollution facto~sex.hibited by the ci~tzenery. Also, poor appreciation of the legal restrictions state agents ubide by in their work. Even though specifically and generally abused Winey held his ground ~Lth diplomacy and dignity. The group assembled requested that the ~ssioner of Health and Wel£are hold a public hear~n~ ~r~thin 60 days to determine the feasibility of the inst~llation of the plant in quest£on.This ~s official transmission of that request. There are many facets to this problem. A letter in detail w~ll follow in the near future from either me or Winey. '~E/~OR~NDUM "~ DATE SUBJECT{:~:~pI~ ~.10,rm~zk _~ ~m ~mmmm mm ~ m m m~mmm~mYmm m mm. N e m~mmdmtbm mm ~ bmmmmmm~mM! W A ~mmmm~ ~ ~bmmm m ~ mmmmm ~ ememmmme &4me&~&~e~mm. ~$ 3mmary Z960 Loan · /o eenera! Del. Auehorase, Alaska Loc BLock At the requee~ of aU HOeS IIALTY an Lnope~c~on of tim made on 1o11-60. of which proved oaciofae~ory, Very Craly yours, JV/ku Joe L. biker Z bJ Z 0 Paul L. Winsor Commissioner of Health & Welfare August 24, 1959 Mr. Gustav V. Johnson Consulting Engineer Subject: Box 91 Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Johnson: One set each of construction plans, Plans, Water & Sewerage Facilities Crestview Village Subdivision Alaska Building& Development Company Anhhorage, Alaska specifications, an application for approval of plans and a letter of transmittal for the subject project were received in this office on August 10, 1959. The plans were reviewed with respect to sanitation and functional features, and public health engineering aspects for conformance with applicable Alaska public healthlaws and codes, and are herein approved as construction plans. This approval does not include your proposed water supply for this project, since your letter of transmittal indicates that ~ell test operations are to be performed, and on which results your design water supply data to be sub- mitted to this office for review will be based. We shall look forward to the receipt of two sets of as-built plans on project completion. Full and final approval will be based on construction compliance with applicable Alaska laws and codes when our review of the as-built plans is accomplished. Please advise if we can be of additional assistance as your project develops. Very truly yours, JBB:Jm cc: Regional Engineer, SCRO Amos J. Alter, Chief Sanitation and Engineering Division of Health COPY ADH. HSE-M-FORM ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HI ',TH (X) in column marked with (U). The defects noted should be corrected. S U COMMENTS ON CONDITIONS 1. Site 2. Building [~ [-'] 3. Ventilation [~] [-] 4. H=ting 6. Plant '.ayout [] 7. Rodent Con=ol [] 8. Insect Control [~] 9. Water Supply ~ ~ ~~ __ ~~ 7' 10. Waste Dis~sal i1. Refuse Disposal 12. Toilet Facilities 13. Hand-washind facilities : 14. Equipment 15. Construction 16. Cleansing 17. Sterilization 18. Storage 19. Handling 20. Refrigeration 21. Wholesomeness of f~d and dri~ 22. Storage, Display 23. Personnel, CleaMiness 24. ~mmunicable disease control ~5. ~e~ing 26. Adulteration 27. Misbr~ding 28. Premises Clean REMARKS ~has reviewed this ins~c,~ion ~rith me. HEALTH DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT .Name Prelt~inary Inspection Water .~upply & Sewage D~sPos al ~rstems BOx ~ro. Subdivision . ,~-..-~ No' bedrooms WATE.R.SUPPLY Yes/~ No ~ Type ~/~/~/~ . ~ p~ssible depth: drilled,' bored, dug,' spri~g nearest public water ~in~feet. ~,etal ~ Concrete ~ concrete block Plan attached ,~ Health dep~t~nt plan ~ ~ize ~ ~<:~ ~allons · feet. Dis t~n ce to tE~OKr~ARY TRF~T~.~NT Seopage pit ~ Si~,e ~.% ~ ~ ~, Tile l~e ~ len~h feet. ~ ~'~e of material ~--~. ~e material in ditch~ Stone ~ '. . ' Gravel I plan to make the installation according to the plot plan and the i~formation submitted and to ComPly with re~ulations found in Alaska Dept. of Health Document HSF~-IS. , O~mer