HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIRCH TREE ESTATES General Information FROM: TO: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH D E PA RTM E NTERela&.~t,m.e~tlt,.~. O.t~..~. £1/W.~J~.~Gl~Neflt,,i I SUBJECT: ~ual D~ector ~ DATE ANSWER DEPARTMENT: ~ ]~.~.P~,,,~g....~ ~..~ ,~.~ REQUESTED: RECEIVER: REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION ~ NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION OTHER ~.. T he:...e~g..~ ~e.e.~, .,h~s,........pro..v..~d.ed.....~.~h.~s.. ~d.ep~ ~m e.n t,..~ w I .th,...a .second ............................................. appr~`~¥a~````~:~:`~`~:s~s`u~bd1:v`~`s~`~`~``.`&s~``..~s`u.bm~.~.tt~ed .................................................................................. SIGNATURE ;;G RtEATE R ;;ANCH O RAG Ei-AREA BORO U G H;i;7 !iPOUCH; ~;~¢.:.A N C; H O R A GtE;: At, AS K A;: 995OZ:2 ---~"-~[~1~ ~ ~,~.~A: .1. . September 29, 1971 ~-~_L'~NNING,i=DEI~A,'P~ :MENT:' C k .E A N C L A N W A X O L E A N C O M M U N I 'F Y Mr. Ri chard Metz Birch Tree Estates, Ltd. Star Route, Box 431 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Dear Mr. Metz: It has come to the attention of this departme~t that you may be in 'violation of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Code of Ordinances Chapter 21, Section 21-5(G)(6) and Section 21-7(B)(2), regarding the sale of'tots in the Birch Tree Estates Subdivision. On August 23',' 1971 the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Assembly approved a subdivision plat submitted by you known as the "Birch Tree Estates" Subdivision. Precedent to this action by the asse.,mbly. they took action on July 19, 1971 to rezone the area in which the above described subdivision is located, from U (Unrestricted). to R-6 (Suburban Residential Large Lot). The R-6 Zoning District regulations in Section 21'-5(G)(6) of the Zoning Ordinance require a minimum lot area of (1 1/4) one and one quarter acres per dwelling unit. (i.e. At the time the Assembly approved your subdivision', each lot indicated on the plat became a nonconforming lot of record as none of them meet the minimum lot area requirement for the R-6 zoning dis tri ct. The Zoning Ordinance in Section 21-7(B)(2) (sets forth the criteria with regard to the disposition of nonconforming lots of record) as follows: "If two or more lots~ or'combinations of lotS'and ?ortions of lots with continuous frontage: in single ownership, are of record at the effective date of this ordinance which makes anZ or all of the existinq lots noncenformin~Z as to lot width or area, the lands involved shall be considered to be an undivided parcel Mr. Ri chard Metz September 29, 1971 Page 2 for the purpeses of this ordinance, and no portion of'Said parcel shall be used or sold which does not meet lot area and width requirements established b~ this ordinance." (~ph. add) Therefore any subseo, uent sale of any parcel within yoL~r subdivision which is of a size less than that permitted in the R-6 zoning district (ioe. 1 1/4 acres per parcel) would constitute a violation of the Zoning Ordinance. I hope this information is of assistance to you. If you have any qLlestions regarding this matter, please feel free to call upon us at any time. Sincerely, . ~l~ .~_~ ..:-- ..'/ Har~YB. Mi lligan , Zoning Enforcement O:ficer HBM:jy cc: Borough Attorney State Realty bcc: Vern Wip~lins C.P. Carlson Dick Glasheen Roll Strickland ADAMS ® CO~THELL · LEE ® WINCE & aSSOCiATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS AFFILIATED WITH ALASKA TE:STLAB 503 EAST SIXTH AVE. ~ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA - 99501 TEL. 272-3428 Dickinson-Oswald & Associates 800 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 W. O. 11905 ATTENTION: Mr. Richard Metz PROJECT: Birch Tree Estates~~ Dear Sirs: Additional samples from the subject project were submitted to Alaska Testlab July 16, 1971. The samples have been classified visually and selected samples subjected to l~boratory determination of grain-size distribution. The results of these determinations are attached. The attached sketch of test-hole locations was submitted with the samples. The unified classification and seepage area requirements (in accordance with GAAB criteria) are as follows: Hole No. Depth, ft. Classification Area Required, ~. Ft./Bedroom 1 3 GW 85 1 6 GM 225 1 9 GM 225 1 12 GW 85 Average 6' to 12' 178 2 3 SM 250 2 6 SM 250 2 9 GM 225 2 12 GM 225 Average 6' to 12" 233 3 3 GW 85 3 6 GM 225 3 9 GM 225 3 12 GM 225 Average 6' to 12' 225 RICHARD S. ADAMS, P.E. ALAN ~1. CORTHt~LL, ]P.E. HAIRR¥ r. L£11~, P.E. FRANI{: W. WINCE:, P.E. 7/19/71 2 Dickinson-Oswald,Att.: 'fr. Metz re Birch Tree Estates (Unified Classification and Seepage Area Requirements, cont.) Hole No. D~epth, ft. Area Required, Classification S~.Ft./Bedroom 4 3 GW 85 4 6 GW 85 4 9 GW 85 4 12 GM 225 ~ Average 6' to 12' 132 3 GW 85 ~ 6 GW 85 9 GW 85 12 GW ...85 6 3 GW 85 6 6 GW 85 6 9 GW 85 6 12 GW 85 Average 6' to 12' 85 7 3 SM 250 7 6 SM 250 7 9 GP 100' 7 12 GP 100' Average 6' to 12' 150 *Interpolated from GAAB difference between SW & SP. 8 3 GW 85 8 6 GW 85 8 9 GW 85 8 12 GW 85 Average 6' to 12' 85 9 3 SM 250 9 6 SM 250 9 9 SM 250 9 12 SM 250 Average 6' to 12' 250 Very truly yours, ADAMS, CORTHELL, LEE, WINCE & ASSOCIATES ~ ra~-~~ W. ~ihC~ - Lon CENT FINER BY WEIGHT O O O PER CENT COARSER BY WEIGHT >m ~ GREATER ANCitO~RAGE AREA 104 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage~ Alaska 99503 S- 2282 Plat Status; Preliminary Date; 3/9/71 BOROUGH Engineer R~ea%th Department Public worR~ ~pa~rtment Sand Lake Fire Department School District Street Names Tax Assessor Alaska Department of Hmohways Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Association Alaska Department of Fish & Game CI%=~ OF ~IOI~GE: Fire ilarshal Municipal Light & Power Department Property Management Officer Public Works Department Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer Water Utility GAB Telecommunications, Inc. .Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska Telephone Association Assistant Superintendent of Mails Re: Subdivision Description of Property: (/ Birch Tree gs~.ates~LT~'~''i Dick Metz · n tlemen: ~/' ~ ' Petitt~h has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area' Borough Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed Subdivision of subject property. Attached is a copy of fi~e proposed plat. Will you please submit your comment's in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your department or agency may need. If we do not hear from you by______Maz~l~jf~_l~_L~, we will assume that you do not wish to submit any comments. If you have no further use for the attached print~ please retum~ it with your comments. Planning Department Enclosure ,. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 104 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 2282 Plat Status: Final Date: May 19, 1971 BOROUGH: Engineer Re~l$h. Depaztr~en~_ Public Works Department Sand Lake Fire Department School District Street Names Tax Assessor Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chusach Electric Association CITY OF ANCHORAGE: Fire Marshal Municipal Light ~ Power Department Property Management Officer Public Works Department Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer %Vater Utility GAB Telecommunications, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska T~lephone Association Assistant Superintendent of Mails Re: Subdivision Description of Property: Birch T e E . Dick Metz Owner: Gent lemen: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed__Subdivi$io~ .... of subject property. Attacked is a copy of the proposed plat. Will you please submit your comnents in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your depart- ment or agency m~y need. If we do not hear from you by June 4, 1971 do not wish to submit any comments. , we will assume that you If you have no further use for tho attached print, please return it with your cOnments. Fac losure Planning Department ADAMS ' COF~THELL ° LEE ° WINCE & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS AFFILIATED WITH ALASKA 'rESTLAB 503 EAST SIXTH AVE. -- ANCHORAGE, ALASKA - 99501 TEL., 272-3428 Dickinson, Oswald & Associates 800 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 July 6, 1971 W. O. 11864 ATTENTION: Richard Metz Su~ification - PROJECT: ~r~h Tree SuD~lvl~ Dear Mr. Me~' ~ - ? samples /The twenty-eight (28) soil ~elivLre~to Alaska Testlab ~July 'i,--T971_~Kave been classified.3 As I understand the. order, ~p e~were to be classified for determmnatmon of the suitability for on-site waste-water'disposal. ~/~here was no test-hole location sketch nor description s~mitted samples ~iththe · The classification and seepage area requirements, in accordance with Greater Anchorage Area Borough criteria, are: Test Hole Sample Classification No. Depth (ft.) (Unified) Seepage Area per Bedroom (sq.ft.)  3 GW 85 6 GW 85 9 GW 85 12 GW 85 Average 85 3 ~GM) 225 6 SM 250 9 ML 275 12 ~L 27__~5 Average- 6' to 12' ~267> 3 ML 275 6 ~G~M 275 9 225 92 ML .275 Average - 6' to 12' 258 RICHARD S. ADAMS, P.E, ALAN N, CORTHELL. P,E. HARRY R. LEE, P.E. FRANK W. WINCE, P.E. (Classification and Seepage Area Requirements, cont.) Tes% Hole Sample Classification No. Depth (ft.) (Unified) Seepage Area per Bedroom (sq.ft.' 3 GW 85 6 ML 275 9 SM {~ 2 50 12 SM 250 Average - 6' to 12' 258 3 SW 125 6 GM 225 9 GM 225 12 GW 85 3 6 9 12 Average - 6' to 12' GW GW GW GW 178 85 85 85 3 6 9 12 Very truly yours, Average - 6' to 12' ML ML ML ML Average - 6' to 12' 85 275 275 275 275 ADAMS, CORTHELL, LEE, WINCE & ASSOCIATES Frank W. Wince, P.E. FWW: id aDAMS ° COrTHELL · LEE ° WINCE & aSSOCIaTES CONSULTING ENGINEERS AFFILIATED WITH ALASKA TESTLAB 503 EAST SIXTH AVE. -- ANCHORAGE, ALASKA - 99501 TEL. 272-3428 July 19, 197] Dickinson-Oswald & Associates 800 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 W. O. 11905 ATTENTION: Mr. Richard Metz PROJECT: Birch Tree Estates Dear Sirs: Additional samples from the subject project were<cubic Alaska Testlab July 16, 1971. The samples h~e be~n--~Ias~ified visually and selected samples subjected to laboratory determination of grain-size distribution. The results of these determinations are attached. The attached sketch of test-hole locations was submitted with the samples. The unified classification and seepage area requirements (in accordanc® with GA~B criteria) are as follows: Hole No. p~epth, . ft. Classification I 3 GW I 6 GM 1 9 GM 1 12 GW Area Required, Sq. Ft./Bedroom 85 225 225 85 Average 6' to 12' 178 2 3 SM 250 2 6 SM 250 2 9 GM 225 2 12 GM 225 Average 6' to 12' 233 3 3 GW 85 3 6 GM 225 3 9 GM 225 3 12 GM 225 Average 6' to 12' 225 RICHARD $. ADAMS, P.E. ALAN N. CORTHi=LL, P.E. HARRY R. LEE:, P.E, FRANK W. WINCE. P.E. 7/19/71 Dickinson--Oswald,Att.: Mr. Metz re Birch Tree Estates (Unified Classification and Seepage Area Requirements, cont.) Hole No. D__e~2th, ft. Classi fic'ation Area Required, Sc~. I t./Bedroom 4 3 GW ~5 4 6 GW 85 4 9 GW 85 4 12 GM 225 Average 6' to 12' 132 5 3 GW 85 5 6 GW 85 5 9 GW 85 5 12 GW 85 Average 6' to 12' 85 6 3 GW 85 6 6 GW 85 6 9 GW 85 6 12 GW 85 Average 6' to 12' 85 7 3 SM 250 7 6 SM 250 7 9 GP 100' 7 12 GP 100* Average 6' to 12' 150 *Interpolated from GAAB difference between SW & SP. 8 3 GW 85 8 6 GW 85 8 9 GW 85 8 12 GW 85 Average 6' to 12' 85 9 3 SM 250 9 6 SM 250 9 9 SM 250 9 12 SM 250_ Average 6' to 12' 25O Very truly yours, ADAMS, CORTHELL, LEE, WINCE & ASSOCIATES Frank W. Wince, ?.E. FWW: ld ~ ~ -,4 o o CENT FINER BY WEIGHT o 0 o o o PER CEN"~' COARSER I~Y WEIGHT o PER CENT FINER BY WEIGHT · , ...4 O 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 o 0 o PER CENT COARSER BY WEIGHT ou2 ):' u~ i"-' Z o o>~ m > m . PER CENT .FINER o g BY WEIGHT ~ = ~ ~ o o~ o o PER CENT COARSER DY WEIGHT PER CENT FINER BY WEIGHT O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' PER CENT COARSER BY WEIGHT o o PER CENT FINER BY WEIGHT o o o o o O 0 0 0 0 0 PER CENT COARSER OY WEIGHT PER CENT FINER BY WEIGHT PER 0~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 CEI'!JT COAESER DY WEIqHT S PER CENT FINER BY WEIGHT o ~ o o o o 0 O O O O PER CENT COARSER ~Y WEIGHT > ~. ~-- l~. o © >