HomeMy WebLinkAboutBAINBRIDGE LT 1 Municipality of Anchorage Page / DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Permit Number:",~-~G~(~-.~O / PlO Number: ~_~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION Township:/,~//~ I Range: ~ ISeC:tiOn: WELL:. [] New [] Upgrade Classification (Private. A,B,C): GPM I Pump Set at: Driller: I Total Depth: I Cased To: Ft, Ft. I Oate Drilled: Static Water Level: Ft. Casing Height Above Ground: Ft. Ft. Yield: From Well' Surface Water Lot Line Foundation SEPARATION DISTANCES To Septic Tank 175' Lift Stallon Holding Tank /va /va Ab~lorption Field :~ublic/Private i Sewer Lines Drain Remarks: Wastewater System: ~ew [] Upgrade ABSORPTION FIELD.. [] Deep Trench {~r~Shallow Trench [] Bed [] Mound F1 Other Soil Rating:/, ~ GPO/Sq. Ft. Depth..~i~e ~om original grade: Ft. Fill added~__/7 ~.~inal g fade: Ft. ;ravel width: ~,,~ Ft rotal absorption area: Total Depth from oriGinal grade: Grav.~l dT~ beneath pipe (~ Ft. Gravel lenD. th: N u m.,~__.~o f lines: Dislance/.~be~ween Fines:Ft. TANK [~eptic [] Holding [] S.T.E.P. Ma~nufacturer:. ~ [Cap~city~ gall.o?,~; Material: _~ _....-..... ~ |Number of Cn...q~oartmeots: · '- .5 / ~./--- / LIFT STATION ~/"/V',,~,~ Size in gallons: I Manufacturer: "Pump on" level at: I "Pump off" level at: I High water alarm at: Pump Make & Model I Electrical Inspections performed by: BENCH MARK Ins pections pe rfo rmedby~~'~: //~/~, ,/bates' 1 s,-/~,~,/, ..... Department of Health and/~g~ ~ices approva~ Reviewed and approved 'y' C")')W.: [ [k]g,('~'~"**¢_ Date: co, P, Assumed Elevation: 7- ENGINEE~LS SEAL ~.<c.. OF AL'~.~ Permit No. swg40301 Page Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Telephone: On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection 1 of 3 .543-4744 Report Leg(] Description:Lot 1 Bo'nbridge Subd. PID No.: 02004401  150'i JJ 'x/ NORTH: - V SWIN'G'~ TIE CHART A ' B C 'D E 1 11.3'! 26.8' 2 28.3' 14.5' 5 57.3' 36.8' 4 52.0' 44.2' 5' 16.3' 50.0' 6 68.0' 36.8' 7 40.6' 21.7' PROPERTY LINE 10" BEARING /TREE W/MARKER P L A TE,._,~,~ 18.0 SYSTEM PLAN SEE SHEET 2 OF 3 FOR CON TINUATION JOB #:94007 FILE:94007SYS PLOT SCALE:I"-50' DATE: 7/17/95 Record DraWing Permit No. SW940501 Page Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Telephone: On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection 2 of ,3 543-4744 Report Legal Description: Lot 1, Bainbridge Subd. PID No.: 02004~-01 ~ 233.6' ' ~- TEL  vNORTH PROPERTY LINE~ ' POLE o ' ~--TEL. POLE(~ 8" BEARING TREE ~ WTMARKER PLAT'E ~ q ~x~ ~ . ~ ~ I PROPOSED %~O~x~ W/MARKER PLATE SWING-TIE CHART A B C D 1 37.5' 116.5' 2 84.3' 37.5' 3 45.0' 9.8' 4 76.3' 28.4 5 81.7' 34.5 6 91.8' 44 0 7 57.8'183.5' SYSTEM PLAN Record Drawing JOB #: 94007 FLE:94007SYS PLOT SCALE:I"-50' -,.'~'-." ix -"..'f-', ~0~ ~ROBERT W. WRIGHT~ ~ ~ % Dote: ~/~ .............. DATE: 7/21 Permit No. SW940301 Page ,.~ of ,-~ Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewoter Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Lego Descr pt. on Lot 1 Be nbr dge Subd PID No.: 02004401 L ¼ I 0N38 .g~ /i9'E:9'¢ ='A393 'ANI E~'69'k ='OWO 'NIJ '0'3 o D3 o E o o¥ <D . z z I Iw~ (D (D rO~ ~ ~0 JOB #:94007 FILE:94007SYS PLOT SCALE:I"=50' DATE: 7/21/95 Wednesday, August 02, 1995 8:17 AM Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Health & Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Attn · Mr. Robbie Robinson Re~ Lot 1, Bainbridge Subd. Record Drawings Update RECEIVED AUG 41995 Municipality ot A~,cnorage Dept. Health & Human Services Dear Mr. Robinson, Attached with this cover letter is a revised On-Site Septic System Inspection Report for the above noted project. While reviewing the submittal I noted that l had incorrectly listed the Soil Rating as 1.0 GPD/sf. The original design calculations note the Soil Rating as 1.2 GPD/sf. Please replace the previously submitted Inspection form with this corrected form. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at (360) 698-7769 during business hours or (360) 613-1610 before 7 AM or after 5 PM Anchorage time. S in_.c,.erely, Robert W. Wright, P.E. 7/24/95 Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Health & Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 RECEIVED Attn.: Re: Mr. Robbie Robinson Lot 1, Bainbridge Subd. Record Drawings JUL 2 8 19'35 Municipality oi' Anchorage Dept. Health & Human Ser~;ices Dear Mr. Robinson, Enclosed with this cover letter are three sheets of record drawings for the installation of the on-site septic system on the above noted property. The system was completed at the end of December 1994, and as-built drawings submitted to me in January or February of 1995. In the race to get myself & my household packed up, and complete all the last minute details of moving, I put these record drawings off, and ended up packing them with my office documents. I have just recently been able to pull them out, and complete the required Record Drawing documentation. I realize that Record Drawings are supposed to be turned in within 30 days of completion of the system, and I apologize for the tardiness of this set. Any blame for the delay lies 100% with me, and is not the fault of the owner. As you will note by the inspection dates, I worked closely with the owner/installer on this design and installation. As this system is to be used for the new home the owner is building for himself in 1995, he was extremely conscientious in the installation of this system. It is my understanding that the system will not be put into use until late in 1995. Should you have any questions, or require additional information, please feel free to contact me at (360) 698-7769 during business hours or (360) 613-1610 before 7 AM or after 5 PM Anchorage time. Sincerely, Robert W. Wright, P.E. Municipality of Anchorage Page / of / DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Permit Number: Phone: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Subdivision: T°wnship: /2ffi IRange: 3~// ISecti°n'~ WELL: [] New [] Upgrade Classification (Private. A,B.C): ] Tolal Depth: Cased TO: Driller: ~ Date Drilled: Stat c I Yield: ~ Pump Set at: Casing Height GPM~ SEPARATION To Septic~,, Lift Holding From Tank ~ Sladon Tank Sudace Une Foundation Drain Remarks: Wastewater System: {i~ew [] Upgrade olde bottom ABSORPTION FIELD.. wTrench []Bed []Mound []Other Ft. Fl. on area: SQ. Ft. Total Depth from orioinal grade: GraY3, deoIh beT. th(~e Installer: lied: 3tic qufacturer: FI, TANK 0i$1ance befween Fines: ,/,~ Ff. / 9¢4 [] Holding "Pump on" le Pump Make & Model Location and [] S.T.E.P. · of~.~oartmeots: L ST. DON f'" level at: I High waler alarm at: ! nspections performed by: BENCH MAR"' · ' - ' ' ' "- //// Inspections pedormed by: _'~~_~..ffi/.ffi.~ ~ _ ,~ates: ~t..~.~7//~ / Department of Health and Human Services approval Reviewed and approved by: Date: ENGINEF. BLS SEAL cC,T. .......... ~ %,, .,~'~,57, '".., .'.,~ ,~,%,. c''"~' --- E-S~S6 PAGE 1 OF 1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES P.O. BOX 196650, 825 "L" STREET, ROOM 502 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER:SW940301 DATE ISSUED: 8/18/94 DESIGN ENGINEER:ROBERT W. WRIGHT, P.E. EXPIRATION DATE: 8/18/95 OWNER NAME:BEEK DAN & STACEY A OWNER ADDRESS:P.O. BOX 111714 ANCHORAGE, AK 99511-1714 PARCEL ID:02004401 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BAINBRIDGE LT 1 LOT SIZE: 101790 (SQ. FT.) NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 4 THIS PERMIT: 4 THIS PERMIT IS FOR THE CONTRUCTION OF: DISPOSAL FIELD /SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH: 1. THE ATTACHED APPROVED DESIGN. 2. ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 15.55 AND 15.65 AND THE STATE OF ALASKA WASTEWATER DISPOSAL REGULATIONS (18AAC72) AND DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS (18AAC80). 3. THE ENGINEER MUST NOTIFY DHHS AT LEAST 2 HOURS PRIOR TO EACH INSPECTION. PROVIDE NOTIFICATION BY CALLING 343-4744 (24 HOURS) 4. FROM OCTOBER 15 TO APRIL 15 A SUBSURFACE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM UNDER CONSTRUCTION DURING FREEZING WEATHER MUST BE EITHER: A. OPENED AND CLOSED ON THE SAME DAY B. COVERED, SEALED AND HEATED TO PREVENT FREEZING 5. THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL PROVISIONS. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: THE MAXIMUM TOTAL DEOTH OF THE DRAINFIELD MUST NOT EXCEED 5.5 FEET. CLEANOUTS MUST BE INSTALLED AT BOTH ENDS OF THE DRAINFIELD. ~~f~/~ l~}' ~~~' RECEIVED BY: . ISSUED BY:?' ' ' ' ~ f~.~- DATE: DATE: Date: 8/16/94 To: Mr. Robbie Robinson MOA-DHHS From: Bob Wright Wright-Alaska Engineering Re: Lot 1, Bainbridge Subd. Septic System Design Robbie, I have revised several sheets of the design for this lot. The revised sheets are attached. I have included only those sheets which reflect any changes, the rest remained as originally submitted. Please replace the revised sheets with those following. Let me know if you have any additional questions. Wright-Alaska Engineering Services · 6004 Glenkerry Dr. · ~knchorage, ~kK 99504 August 16, 1994 Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Health & Human Services On-Site Services Division P.O. Box 19665© Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Attn: Mr. Robbie Robinson Re: On-Site Septic System Permit Lot I Bainbridge Subd., T11N, R3W, Sec. 2 Dear Mr. Robinson, The following package contains revised design drawings for the above noted site, which reflect our discusion of this project on 8/11/94. I have discussed the location of the existing seepage control piping with the owner, and have visited the site to determine its exact location with respect to the proposed septic tank. The pipe crosses the property line 41 ft. east of the southwest property corner of Lot 5 Sherwood Heights Subd. It continues into Lot 5 for 30 ft. The Intake of the pipe is more than 100' from the proposed position of the septic tank for Lot 1. It is my understanding that a waiver for separation distance will not be required, and that the $920,00 fee already paid will be refunded. I have enclosed a soils gradation for the in-situ material, performed by Shannon & Wilson, Inc. The gradation indicates that the receiving soil is a sand, and therefore a sand filter will not be needed. I spoke with Mr. Jim Cross of your office on 8/15/94, to discuss the correct application rate for this soil. Mr. Cross indicated that 1.2 G/SF/D would be the proper application rate. I have therefore reduced the size of the system from 600 s.f. to 500 s.f. accordingly. I have shown, on Sheet 2, the location of the Alternate Site for a future septic system. The system shown is a bed of 500 s.f. area. In accordance with Chapter 15.65 of the Municipal Wastewater Disposal Regulations, 15.65.060.G.3, the soil layer used for the absorption area need not be unsaturated. In our discussion, we noted that Percolation Log 3 indicates that the groundwater was measured at 5.12' below the ground surface. A mounded bed system placed at this location will allow a 24" accepting layer, give 4ft. min. separation to groundwater, and 6 ft. min. separation to a confining layer. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to call or fax me at the numbers indicated below. Sincerely, ~'l'l~-Ala ska E ng i.n e~e ~' nj/Se rv i.c,~e~/- /Robert W. Wright, P.E. Telephone (907) 330-6230 · Fax (907) 337-5102 ~UG-16-94 TUE 09:54 SHANNON & U[LSON F6× NO. 5614483 P, 02 PERCENT COARSER BY WEIGHT ~~ ~ARSER BY WEIG~ W~ht ~ngine~ng '" Lot 1, Ba~ridge Subdivis~n GRAIN SIZE C~SIFICATION August, 1994 A- 1 August 16, 1994 W.O. 94007 Lot 1, Bainbridge Subd., T11N, R3W, Sec. 2 Absorption Area Calculations: Soil percolation rate is <1 min./in. (see percolation logs). Application rate for design purposes= 1.2 GPD/s.f. Number of bedrooms= 4 Gallons of septic effluent/bedroom/day= 150 4.150 = 600 6OO - 500 1.2 gals/day s.f. required absorption area Assume a shallow trench, where width= 5 ft. 5OO - 100 I.f. 5 Therefore, assuming bottom absorption only, trench= 5 I.f X 100 I.f Use two trenches, 50 ft. long ea., with midpoint effluent entry. 94002CAL.MCD Permit No. Page 2 of 9 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL_ SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-.6650 Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Legal Description: Lot 1, Bainbridge Subd. PID No.: Luna St. JOB i~: 94007 FILE:94007GSP PLOT SCALE:l"= 123' DATE: 8/15/94 Permit No. Page 3 of 9 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-.6650 Telephone: On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection 343-4744 Report Legal Description: Lot 1, Bainbridge Subd. PID No.: 4" Cleonout (typ) 4" Perf..~pipe (typ)-- / 'Ground ,%, 'Perc', '2' a. 13+89.6 Install 22.5~-B..en d ., '/ . ),' .//4'/ Mon. Tu / "SYSTEM' Pt i ~ ~' ~ ' ~ ~91op ~ipe= ~41.23 ~' ~b" ~' ~ ~ Verify Pipe= 1.33' JOB ~: 94007 FILE:94007SYS PLOT SCALE:l"= 10' Permit No. Page 4 of 9 Municipolity of Anchoroge DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchoroge, Alosko 99519-.6650 Telephone: On-Site Wostewoter Disposol System ond/or Well Inspection ,343-4744 Report Legal Description: Lot 1, Beinbridge Subd. PID No,: :FO'Lg'~ ='^al3 '^Ul ~sn~H jo ~3oJ O'O0+OL 9~99~ ='^~13 ~POJ9 'u!3 66'09'~ ='hall ~nouDal3 'I~plB IID~SUl O'~'O+OL 'D~S l'~:9'~ ='^el3 ~POJ9 g8'09~ ='^al'~ '^ut ~UD/ o!lB~S u!6aB cj~:'~L+OL :tr'~,gt~ ='^al3 aPB J9 :cj'~;gt ='^~13 ~poJ9 'u!Ji lnouoal3 IlOlSUl ~:'l'g:+i~L 'OlS : G'cj~*l, ='^al3 aPo JO 'uL-I IS'~:~' ='^al3 '^Ul 1 nouoglO IlOlSUl II!J 5u!punopl PU3 £'6g:+~'L *o1s ~'gE~. ='^~l=l =pDJ9 'u.I.J Og'L~'l~ --"^el3 '^Ul ael IIO~,suI 9'6~,+~'L 'olS (:3 JOB ~: g4007 FILE:g4007PRO PLOT SCALE:l"= 30' DATE: 8/15/94 Permit No. Poge 6 of 9 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-¢650 Telephone: On-Site Wostewoter Disposal System and/or Well Inspection ,343-4744 Report Legal Description: Lot 1, Bainbridge Subd. PID No.: (~l) ,g'o ,,, o sepoA ~ 0 JOB t: 94007 FILE:94007TRN PLOT SCALE:l"= 4' DATE: 8/15/94 Permit No. Page 7 of 9 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-.6650 Telephone: On-Site Wostewoter Disposal System and/or Well Inspect[on 343-4744 Report Legal Description: Lot 1, Bainbridge Subd, PlO No.: North Property line 4" Cleonouts (typ) g Gallon 2-Compartment Steel Septic Tank SEPTIC Scale: 1"= TANK PLAN 6~ JOB !: 94007 FILE:g4OO7TKP PLOT SCALE:l"= 6' DATE: 6/13/94 Permit No. Page 8 of g Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-.6650 Telephone: 545-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Legal Description: Lot 1, Bainbridge Subd. /----___ FINAL GRADING PLAN ~ cS-~61e-T- 1"-- 20' ) / / ~4 34, 0 ~. f / / / ./ . / Perc 1 / / / / PID No,: / ' .... i. ! / I / / I / ...o. ...... / l ~ / / // / / / c) ./l I / / // / I I 1 I I / / /. ? / ,t./!// // / ////:// / i i I / I i I I :1 I ~ I / I ROBERT W. WRIGHT CE 8156 JOB ~: 94007 FILE:g4.007FIN PLOT $CAL£:1'= 20' DATE: 7/1B/94 TELECOMMUNICATIONS 600 Telephone Avenue · Anchorage, Alaska ,, 99503-6091 · 907 564-1000 July 27, 1994 Robert W. Wright 6004 Glenkerry Dr. Anchorage, Alaska 99504 ATU Telecommunications has ne objection te the encroachment of the 4" ADS Drainline into a platted easement, located on Lot 1, Bainbridge Subdivision, as depicted en the as-built drawing submitted. Acceptance and use ef this letter of non-objection by yourself, y.ou~ heirs, your assigns, or your successors, will constitute agreemen~ ~o the following stipulations: ATU will be held harmless, new and forever, for any damages or injury te any person er property as a result ef this encreac~nent. o Any ATU facility damaged er destroyed as a result ef this encroachment will be repaired at ne cost te ATU. Any costs incurred by ATU for necessitated by this encroachment property owner. special construction will be borne by the Ail applicable safety code regulations will be observed and maintained. o This letter of non-objection will in ne way preclude ATU from full use and enjoyment ef its rights within any portion ef its right-of-way. Sincerely, ATU TELECOMMUNICATIONS Outside Plan~ Engineering ACCEPTANCE: AC&P #517 DATE: ENSTAR Natural Gas Company A DIVISION OF SEAGULL ENERGY CORPORATION 3000 Spenard Road P.O. Box 190288 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0288 (907) 277-5551 July 19, 1994 Mr. Daniel Beek P.O. Box 111714. Anchorage, Ak. 99511 Dear Mr. Beek: ENSTAR Natural Gas Company has no objection to the 4 inch ADS drainline that encroaches into the 10 foot Telephone, Electric, and Gas easement on Lot 1 Brainbridge Subdivision as shown on the attached asbuilt survey. If you have any questions please call me at 264-3743. Very truly yours, Dan Westervelt Right-of-Way Agent dw ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT Mapbook 1103-02B Grid 3238 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 29th day of July 1994, by and between CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., an Alaska non-profit electric cooperative membership corporation of Anchorage, Alaska, hereinafter called "First Party" and Daniel B. and Stacey A. Beek of Anchorage, Alaska, hereinafter called 'Second Party', WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, First Party occupies an easement on the north side of Lot One (1), Bainbridge Subdivision, Anchorage Recording District, Alaska; and WHEREAS, Second Party has a Four Inch (4") drain line which encroaches approximately six Foot (6') onto the foregoing easement. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of their mutual agreements and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, First Party, for itself, its successors and assigns, waives its objections to Second Party's encroachment on the said easement for the purpose mentioned, subject to the following conditions: 1. Second Party will hold First Party harmless from liability for any injury or damage to any person or property which may result from such encroachment. 2. The said encroachment will be without prejudice to First Party's full enjoyment of any and all rights it may have in and to such easement. 3. Any facilities or property of First Party which are damaged or destroyed as a result of such encroachment will be repaired or replaced at no cost to First Party. 4. Second Party will comply with all applicable safety codes and regulations. 5. Any expenses which First Party may incur in the relocation or modification of its facilities to accommodate the said encroachment will be paid by Second Party. By its execution of this Agreement, Second Party agrees, for itself, its successors, and assigns, that its encroachment upon the named easement as hereinabove mentioned will be subject to the foregoing conditions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives and agents as of the day and year first above mentioned. CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. (First Party) ~ Eugefie~. Bjornsta~ General Manager Daniel B. and Stacey A. Beek (Second Party) By: -- Daniel B. Beek FORM/ENCROACH Wright-Alaska Engineering Services · 6004 Glenkerry Dr. · ~knchorage, AK 99504 July 18, 1994 Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Health & Human Services On-Site Services Division P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 RECEIVED JUL 1 8 1994 D M.u.nicipality of A;qchorage ep[, Health & Human Services Re: On-Site Septic System Permit Lot I Bainbridge Subd., T11N, R3W, Sec. 2 Dear Sirs, With the submittal of the attached design package and Permit Fees check in the amount of $320.00, the owners of the above noted lot, Mr. & Mrs. Dan Beek request the granting of a Septic permit for a four bedroom house. As indicated in the Site Narrative, a seepage control pipe has been installed along the north side of the driveway on this lot, to control seepage from an adjacent lot. This pipe runs in the Telephone, Electric and Gas easement. We have correspondence in progress at this time, requesting letters of non-objection from the three utilities concerned. We request that the review of this design be initiated and completed if possible, subject to the owner obtaining these utility letters. We have attached a check in the amount of ~to cover the waiver fee for the seepage control piping which will be within 100 ft. of the septic tank and effluent lines to the field. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to call or fax me at the numbers indicated below. Sincerely, ka Engineer!ng Ser.,vices Robert W. Wright, P.E. Telephone (907) 338-6230 · Fax (907) 337-5102 Wright-Alaska Engineering Services · 6004 Glenkerry Dr. · Anchorage, AK 99504 June 17, 1994 W.O. 94007 Site Narrative The following site narrative describes the probable impacts of a proposed well and on- site wastewater disposal system for Lot 1 Bainbridge Subd, TllN, R3W, Sec. 2. The lot is located ¼ mile south of E. 156th Ave., between Luna St. and Elizabeth St., approximately % mile east of Goldenview Drive, in Grid 3238. This lot is approximately 155 ft. wide by 670 ft long, running east-west. The lot topography grades from the high side at the east to the Iow side on the west. Total elevation drop is about 70 ft. The septic system is located approximately 400 ft. from the proposed house site, in the more level lower reaches of the lot. The lot is well treed, covered by Birch and White Spruce trees, with Alder brush interspersed. Some Devils Club are present, indicating wetter conditions. The soil conditions found on the lot vary widely. The upper 2/3 of the lot have Peat over blue silty-sandy material, and are generally poor for consideration of on-site septic locations. The lower 1/3 of the lot contains deposits of clean grey sands and gravels to depths of 12 ft. These deposits have been percolation tested and found to perc at rates faster than 1 min./in. The proposed house location is at the upper end of the lot, to take advantage of the view to the north. The existing well is located within 25 ft. of the east property line, and slightly less than 30 ft. from the south property line. Distance from the well to the proposed septic system is 440+ ft. Lot 1 is bounded to the south by the undeveloped Lot 2 of this subdivision. The well protection radius around the proposed system on Lot 1 will encroach into the lower portions of Lot 2, but will not preclude well placement if desired. Because the better soils are located in the lower portions of these lots, the likelihood of well location here is slight. The proposed septic system is over 115 ft. from the north property line, thus protecting the developed lots to the north. The lots to the north are slightly higher than Lot 1, therefore any seepage which may occur from this system would not endanger wells to the north. The Lots to the east are developed, and are served by on-site wastewater disposal systems, and wells. All septic systems located on lots to the east of Lot 1 are at least 100 ft. from the well located on this property. Because of the length of Lot 1, no problems with setbacks can occur between the proposed septic system and these wells. Telephone (907) 336-6230 · Fax (907) 337-5102 Only one lot directly to the west of Lot 1 is developed. The well for this lot is located at the front of the house, approximately 125 ft. from the proposed septic system on Lot 1. Elizabeth St. separates the two pieces of property, affording ditches to contain any effluent which may seep to the west. A final grading plan has been developed for this system, and a drawing is included in the design package. With the implementation of the Final Grading Plan, all run-off will be directed around the system to the south, and then to the ditches at the east side of Elizabeth St. Lot 5, Sherwood Heights Subd., located adjacent to the east end of this lot has a seep which appears to run year round. The owner of Lot 1, has previously installed a 4" perforated ADS pipe, from the middle of Lot 5 to the west end of Lot 1. This pipe has been laid at a grade of approximately 12%, and can carry over $80 GPM, well more than the estimated 5 GPM the pipe will see after spring runoff. Spring runoff is carried in a ditch on the north side of the driveway. The seepage control pipe terminates in a drywell at the west end of the lot, that is founded in the same soil material tested with Perc tests 1 & 2, and is therefore capable of accepting water at a rate greater than I min./in. Percolation Pit 3 provides for adequate area for a reserve system, should the need arise. No adverse impacts from the construction of the on-site septic system for this lot are forseen. Telephone (907) 338-6230 · Fax (907) 337-5182 Circular Channel Analysis & Design Solved with Manning's Equation Open Channel- Uniform flow Worksheet Name: Beek Septic System Comment: Lot 1, Bainbridge Subd. 4" ADS Seepage Pipe Solve For Full Flow Capacity Given Input Data: Diameter .......... Slope ............. Manning's n ....... Discharge ......... 0.33 ft 0.1260 ft/ft 0.010 0.85 cfs Computed Results: Full Flow Capacity ..... Full Flow Depth ........ Velocity .......... Flow Area ......... Critical Depth .... Critical Slope .... Percent Full ...... Full Capacity ..... QMAX ¢__,. 94D ........ Froude Number ..... 0.85 cfs 0.33 ft 10.00 fps 0.09 sf 0.33 ft 0.1216 ft/ft 100.00 % 0.85 cfs 0.92 cfs FULL Open Channel Flow Module, Version 3.41 (c) 1991 Haestad Methods, Inc. * 37 Brookside Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 Wright-Alaska Engineering Services 6004 Glenkerry Dr. · Anchorage, AK 99504 · Telephone: (907) 338-6230 Fax: (907) 337-5182 Percolation I~og Report/ Soils Log Performed for' Don Beek Hole No: 1 Date: 5/20/94 Legal Description: Lot 1 Block NA Tract N^ Subdivision' Bainbridge Township, R~nqe, Section' T12N, R3W, Sec 33 Groundwater Gross Net Depth ~o Net Adiusted , Encountered? Yes Readin9 Date Time Time (min.) Water in.) Drop (in.) Ra~e (min./in. 1 5/20/94 1331 1:~ 1 12 At whet depth? 11.5 2 -" 1~7 1:~ 1 Water level after ~ " " 1~1 1;32 5 6 0.~ - - ~4~ ~: ~ ~ 6 0.~ Monitoring? 9-92'~ ~ - - ~47 ~;~7 ~ ~ 0,42 5/27/94 ~ "" ~,0 ~:~0 , 6 0.~ Dote: 5 - - 1:52.5 1:37 5 6 0.42 Percolation Rate ~ "" ~55 ~:~ 5 6 0.~ - - 1557.5 1:~ 5 6 O. 46 mln/lm ~ "" ~0 ~; ~ ~ 6 0,~ . - - 1~2.5 1:39 5 6 O, 4~ Comments: 10 " " 1~ 1:~ ,~/ .5/ ~_ 6 0.~ Per~prmed by: Bob Wright ~, /~~ Certify thor this test w~s perf~r~ed¢2n~ccordence with oll Stete& Municipel guidelines in effect on this date. Date: ~. 0-0.5 Grnd cover & root mot.. :.'~,~, 0.5-1.5 Brn to Lt. Brn Sand ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w/Gravel & Silt, Dry. ~ ~ 2,TOo,: 1,5-15.5 Dark Gray Sand~ ~ · % ..... I I I I I r ........ ~--q C----T----~ F----T----q ...... · ~0 w/Gravel. Very cleon, Dry. r--~---i---r--n 3 ': ~' '~ Est[mate Grovel= 30-40~ , , , · .'. Silt=< 1~ I I j , , L 4 .' ':'"0:u ,g less ~ ,,y L,i---- I ~,:-I------L----J L ...... E --Z .... L____Z____J------L----L----Ji ...... / . .. Soil grades from 1.5-6 ~ ~  i '--I '1u~ ~ ' ' i , "" ' ¢ ~ecom:n- ~rave"". ~, I I I r--w~-i---r--n r ...... h-J, , ~ , , , , , --~ ~'_.o: ' Level Perc'd= 4~__~_--,---~--~" ,'~', ,' ,' , ,l,.~_ , , , , , , ,~. I --1 I I I ' I I I J I 6 (.o fo 4.5 : ' 7 --' vv. , , , , , , , , , , , , ' ' ''. .... "'"- / Slope Site Plon II 14_ 15.5 End Hole 15- Dote: WrighL-Alaska Engineering Services 6004 Glenkerry Dr. · Anchorage, AK 99504 · Telephone: (907) 338-6230 Fax: (907) 337-5182 Percolation Log Report/ Soils Log Performed for: Dan Beek Hole No: 2 Date' 5/20/94 Legal Description' Lot1 Block NA TractNA Subdivision: Bainbridge Township, Ranqe, Sect[on: T12N, R3W, Sec 35 Groundwater Gross Net Depth (to Net Adiusted Encountered? Yes Reading Date Time Time (min.) Water,in.) Drop (in.1 Ra(e (min./in.) At what depth?11-0 I 5,20/94... ~J~1226 2:24.10 5N^ 10 mirh6 . 5aom di, n~fill tube2 2 - ' 1:39 5 6 i 5 Water level after Monitoring? 9°55' 3 - - ~243 1:5~ .5 6 0.42 4 " " 1246 1: ¢,~ 5 6 0.45 5/27/9 5 '" 1250 1:¢1 5 6 0.4.4. Date: 4- 6 - * 1252 1:46 5 6 0.46 7 - - 1257.5 1:47 5 6 0.46 Percolation Rate 8 -" 1500 2:00 5 6 0.52 See Sbt. 2 lin/in. 9 - " :1504 2:01 5 6 0.52 10 - - 11507 1:51 5 6 Comments: ~~.~,. '// /// Performed by: Bob Wright I,~ ~ Cer~if~ [ha~ this tes~ was perf~or~r~e_d/~,n.,,occordance wi~h all S~a+.e & Municipal guidelines in effect on ~his date. Date: ~--~.~/4-- -,-,-.-,- ..... 0-0.5 Grad cover & root mo~ ~--~ ~1 ~---~ i ~F---ll I'---'--'---'--'--'---'--'--'~ I ~ I ~ I ~ ~ .... II---' 1_ "'.'~li~v 0.5-2 Brn to Reddish Topsoil H----~-----I-----~-----Ii ' I I I'----'------'----'---'-----'----'----'------'----'----'------'----'l I I I I I I I I , I .%.. Loam, Sandy w Gravel. · L__/__ _1___ L----J L ...... I I I I I I I 2 ,:,..b.,. , i i , , ] X' I I ' I I I I r---T-- -i---r--a r ........ '~.T ~-- n m--- T-----1 'F----T----1 ....... '0 ...'0 2-5 Grey Sand w/Gravel ~ i i , , V~* I /,4~. I [ ' ~ .: ~'.~ Very clean, Dry. i ~ I i i L i i~1 ~ L~ ~ ~ ~ '.~d · Estimate Grovel= 45% L__ J___L----J L ...... L'~_Z~.~J..-_L----Z----J .L----/----J ....... ' .,?~ ,.'. *' I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I :. to 5.5 k--H , , , /-, , , , , , , , / 6 o' *.%0. 5-12 Grey Sand w/Gravel , I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I m L__-L-----I------ L----J L ......... '----'------'----'----'------'----'----' .... ;..O' :.O. Very clean, Dry.II ~' ,i I~ II ~' II II II /,!1'"' ~" II II II 7 " Estimate Gravel= 25-50% I I I I I I I a I --~- '~' I I I -. L-~ Silt=< 1% I I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I I I · '.... ~----~---~---t---~ ~ ~-- -4 8 __ "' '0 Water at 11, seeps in quickly mi Ii Ii Il ~1 I I I I I I I I I t · · * L__-L__-L---L--J '----'------'----'----'------'----'----'------'----'----'------'---- ,. '. , Slope Site Plan 9 -__:'q :'-,, . . s , , , ,'--'--'---'--'--'---'--', , , , ,, 10 :, :... - :,, I t_lJ__lL__l__Jlmi l: '~' ~ll~' ilL-- i-- J"'-~L-- i---'~l~l--' ,{~ :~.~l.l..~l.~O~--l], , l · .'. ~, P I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 """" ' · ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' · :'"' :; ~¢ 13 ...:.. :':', - ~.. . -._-',,r-,. 14 _ 15.5 End Hole * :4 9- . -- / ~..-~ · .............. ® ~.. ~ / pC3_~ROBERT W. WRIGHT; ~ ~ - .~ Date: WrighL-Alaska Engineering Services 6004 Glenkerry Dr. · Anchorage, AK 99504 · Telephone: (907) 338-6230 Fax: (907) 337-51/]2 Percolation Log Report/ Soils Log Performed for: Dan Beek Hole No: 2 Date: Legal Description' Lot. 1 Block NA Tract NA Subdivision: Bainbridge Township, Renqe, Section' T12N, R3W, Sec 33 Groundwater Gross Net Depth ~o Net Adiusted Encountered? Yes Readin~ Dote Time Time (min.) Water in.) Drop (in.~ Ra(e 11 5/20/9~ 1~10 2:06 5 6 0.55 At what depth? 11.0 1~ - - 1~ " " 1~17 W~ter level ~fter 14 " " 1520 2:O0 5 6 0.52 Monitoring?~.~' 15 "" 1524 1:56 5 6 0.50 ~te: 5/27/94 Percolation Rate 0.50 mln/ln. C o m m e n t s: ~~~ 1~//]/ Performed by: Bob Wrighf ~, . _ ~ Certify that this test was pe~~~cordance with all State & Municipal guidelines in effect on this dote. Dete: / - ------.. ..... 0-0.5 Grnd cover & root mat [--] ~1 T--hi i Ir--q---F--T--hi i I I IF---T----n----F----T---ql I I I I .... IF----' 1 f:~ 0.5-2 Brn to Reddish Topsoil P--~---,---~--q ,------.--.--.---.--.--.---.-----.---.--, ..~ Loam, Sandy w Gravel. [ ~ [~ ,~ ~' ~ ~' ~' ~ ~t ~ ~ ~ ~' L----~--- -I L---J L ...... I I I I I I I I ','__ .~-." · I ~ I ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I .2 ~ 2-5 ~ v Send /~ I F--w---1 .... ~--~ f ........ ~T~-q , T I F----T---] ....... '....~ ~re~ w~rave. ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3~': "" Very clean. Dry. , , , , , , ~', , LOt 1 , , , - ~'----:.~ Estimate Gravel: 45% ,' ~ ', ', ', , ~--~-- -'--- k--~'k ......... ~:--T~ , , , , , ,+' "--~--+--~---k--+-- ~' ' ' ' ' ' ...... ' ~ ~ I~ .I,i L----Ji I L ...... LN__~ ~_L___~__ J___L_--Z----J[ ~ ..... Silt=< 1~ ..... 4 "*,'.~.~ , ,~, , , , ,~ , , , , , , 5 '~'0 L~wl P~r~'d= 5 ,~--'~,~ ,---~--', , ,~ ...... ,~-rt, ........ , , , , , , , --~ ~." .. fo 5.5 ~--~---'---~--~ , /-t--J--, , , , , , 1, 6 °'~'°..... ..... s-12~ so~0 /~ , ' ' ' ' ' ~rey w'~rave' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.__'0 Very clean. Dry. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/~t ~ ~ ~ 7 EStimate Grovel= 25-30Z r--~ I .... r----n r ......... m--q F----T---q I T---q Silt=< _ "~ 0 Water at 11, seeps in quickly ~ [ [ [ [ ~ [ ~ ~ [ ~ [ ~ ~ 9 _ '.,6'.' Slope Site Plan 10 , '.----_ ,~ I ,L--J, L__i__J, , , L---i---J~---i--~---., , , , '""~.':' 0 i i i i l__J~__~ .... . r--m .... .--.--.---.---------.--' 1 "":" ~ ~ P 12 _.,. 13- "';' · ':, . qr.-. ~ -.~-,~ ~~TH ~ 14_ 13.5 End Hole __ ~~e~eee~eeeee~ · ~ ~ ROBERT W WRIGHT 16 ,~ ~*. CE 8156 17 - %. Proress~O~¢* 18 Wright-Alaska Engineering Services 6004 Glenkerry Dr. , Anchorage, AK 99504 · Telephone: (907) 338-6230 Fax: (907} 337-5182 Percolafion Log Reporf/ Soils Log Performed for' Dan Beek Hole No: `3 Date: 5/20/94 Legal Description: Lot1 Block NA TractNA Subdivision' Bainbridge Township, Ranqe, Section: T12N, RSW, Sec .3.3 Groundwater Gross Net Depth /to Net Adiusted Encountered? Yes Reading Date Time Time (min.) Water~in.) Drop (in.) Ra{e (min./in.: 1 5120194 1525 1:10 1 12 At what depth? 7' 2 -" 1529.5 1:29 1 12 1 " ' 1554 O: 59 5 ~ 0.26 Water level after 2 " ' 1556 0;56 5 6 0.~4 Monitoring? ~5.12' ~,.'. ~ - ' 1538.5 1:08 5 6 0.29 Date: 5/27/94 ~ "" 1~40,~ 1: 1~ 5 6 0.32 5 "" 154~ 1; 10 ~ ~ Q,50 Percolation Rule ~ - ' 1~45 1:11 5 6 0.26 "" 1~47 1; ~ ~ ~ 0.29 0.26 min/In. ~ ' ' 1~49 1;Q~ ~ ~ 0.27 '" 1551 1; 05 ~ 6 ~.29 Comments: 10 ' ' 15~ 1:11 /~/ 5/~/ //6 0.26 Performed by: Bob Wrighf I, ~ ~ '-~ Certify that this test wos pe~~ccordonce with ~11 Stote& Municipol guidel;nes in effect on ~his date. Date:~~ .... 0-0.5 Grnd cover A root mat i r--n r ~ r--T I ~ T----n r--T--m 'r--a 1 0.5-4 Tan to Reddish, Moist ~--*--~---*--~ ,--'---'--'--'---'--'--'---'--'--'---'--' Loam (Silt) Little or no ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' L__A__ J___L__J L ...... ~-----~ 2 _i i Sand and Gravel ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' ML ' ' ' ' ' ' ~' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ - r--~-- -~ r--a r ....... ~-T I I T---q-----F----T--q ...... 5 Level Parc'd= 4 ' ' ' ' ' ' ~' '~'' ' ' ' ' F---~--- -I----- ~--~ k ......... --.------.----.---.----'----'--' ...... , , , , , , , , 4 fo 4.5 ~__, ~ ~__~ ~ ...... ~ _~ .___.--.--.---.--.--- ...... .~..~.4-7 Grey Sand w/Gravel ~--~ ---~--n r--d---~ .... 5 ~" 0 clean, Moist. ' '~ ' ' ' , , / ', ~ ', ', ~ I ', , I  F--~---I F---3 r ......... '---'-----'----'---'----'---'---' .... 9 Slope Site Plan 9 End Hole s, , , , , , , , , , , , m L__J L__I----J L__ 1---- J~---- X----~---- J I I I I I I 14 ~ IKV~ I ~ ~-I~ I 10. o,. ,, I ' ' , , ~'I ', r--n--- r--T I I T----q~----F----1 13 ~ ~.~'''''';~-~ -- ~ ~ee . -e~ ~.~e· · 'e~l- 6 9 TH ~ '**7, 16 t.~'., c~ ~ ..~. - 1 8 c~p. ~.- ~07,,.0~ Date: o 03 ELIZABETH Wrigh[-Alaska Engineering Services CIVIL · SEPTIC · DRAFTING Telephone: (907) 338-6230 Fax: (907) 337-5182 6004 Glenkerry Dr. · Anchorage, AK 99504 ST. FIGURE I Lot 1 Well & I m 0 (]..} ~ UNSUB Bainbridge Sub. Septic Vicinity Mop Permit No. Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SFRVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Telephone: On-Site W(]stewoter Dispos(]l System (]nd/or Well Inspection Legal Description: Lot 1, Bainb! Subd. PID No.: Lunc 0 I ~Z ./'i/ / V Elizabeth St. JOB ~:94007 FILE:94007GSP PLOT SCALE:l"= 100' Page 2 of 9 ,:343-4744 Report DATE: 7/18/94 Permit No. Page ,.~ of 9 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Telephone: 54-5-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Legal Descrlpt[on: Lot 1, Bainbridge Subd. 4" Cleonout (tyP) ,/ PlO No.: Sta2 1'5-+-~.1 Install ,-Bend.. 4" Perf./pipe (typ)-- '( iPerc'. 2 TL ~.'~ · '%'~  ' ~ i.o~.T w. W.~O,Ti Perc. 1 ~ ~ " BATE: JOB 111:g4007 FILE:g4oo7sYS PLOT SCALE:l"= 10' Permit No. Poge 4 of 9 Municipolity of Anchoroge DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorege, Alosko 99519-6650 Telephone: On-Site Wostewoter Disposol System ond/or Well Inspection 343-4744 Report Legol Description: Lot 1, Boinbridge Subd. PID No.: 9'0~¢i, ='^el3 apo JO 'u!j 0 g'gE'l, ='^al3 aPO J9 tg'c~'~ ~:'^e13 '^Ul ~nouoal3 IlOlSUl :g"l,.c II!J §u!punoPI pud Z'6c~+EL 'o~$ E'BEV ='^el3 ePOaO 'u!j Og'!.E~ ='he 3 '^Ul aa1 IlOlSUl L'CL+~! 'ols O dOB ii1:94007 FILE:g4007PRO PLOT SCALE:l"= 50' DATE: 6/14/94 Permit No. Page 5 of 9 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Aloska 99519-6650 Telephone: .343-4744 On-Site Wostewoter Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Legal Description: Lot 1, Bainbridge Subd. PID No.: : ,-~ 0 ~ : ' ~2: U~ : ~1 ~ ~o . ~ : .... N~ ...... ~ ........ ~K- "[: ~1 .... :"~'0,. ~< : : ~ : o~ ~ 0~ ~: Z : ~,~ ~ ~ ~ ,>.- o =~ ~ ~]~ ' I /. . I ~ / ~ I :~ I ' /' , I~ ~ ~ ~ ~," I: ~,, I ~/ ~1~ .~ 'X I . .I . ,_~ ~ I / ~10 : ¢ ~ ~ .......... .........'': = ~< : ~ I ~ : ...... ~ ~'~ ~ ...... ~ .......... : ........ I '~.~O~T w. w~,c~T/~ I JOB t: 94007 FILE:g4OOT~K PLOT SCALE:l"= 3' DATE: 6/14/94 Permit No. Page 6 of 9 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES OIVlSION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-.6650 Telephone: On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection .343-4744 Report Legal Description: Lot 1, Bainbridge Subd. PID No.: 0:_~ Q) : , , : X : o o: o :,~ ~l ~ ·: ~ --~0 ~ _-.-.~ ~- -~ ~ o 0:~ 0 .......... ~"~ .... ~ '0 '~ '~' '~ ......... '! ' .......... ~ ................. i '~.~Zx?o~T ~. ~,~,,~ I I ',2.~..........~;- I dOB ~: 94007 FILE:g4007TRN PLOT SCALE:l"= 4' DA~: 6/13/94 Permit No. Poge Municipolity of Anchoroge DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchoroge, Alosko 99519-.6650 Telephone: On-Site Wostewoter Disposol System end/or Well Inspection 7 of 9 343-4744 Report Legol Description: Lot 1, Bainbridge Subd. PlO No.: North Property line 4" Cleonouts (tYP) Gollon 2-Comportment Steel Septic Tonk 0 ~ SEPTIC :TANK PLAN Scole: 1"= 6' JOB 111:94007 FILE:94-007TKP PLOT SCALE:l"= 6' 0ATE: 6/13/94 Permit No. Poge 8 of 9 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Telephone: On-Site Wostewoter Disposal System and/or Well Inspection 343-4744 Report Le9ol Description: Lot 1, Boinbridge Subd. PlO No.: / /--- -_ ___ FINAL' ~ ~S-~I6F i"= f GRADING 20' PLAN / / / ./ ://z// /, / / / / / ? / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / '/' '/ /~ / / / / ~/ / / / / / / / / / / / // / / '/ / / ROBERT W. WRIGHT CE 8156 JOB Jh 94007 FILC':94007FIN PLOT SCALE:l"= 20' DATE:: 7/18/94 GENERAL, ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 15.6;5. WASTEWATER DISPOSAL REGULATIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AS CURRENTLY AMENDED. INSTALL NEW 1250 GAL SEPTIC TANK AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. RECORD INLET AND OUTLET ELEVATIONS OF THE TANK, TANK BOTTOM SHALL BE PLACED LEVEL ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL. SITE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY CONDUCTED ON 6/2/B4, EXISTING STRUCTURES, ~IELLS, SEPTIC SYSTEMS OBSERVED ARE SHOWN ON DESIGN DRAWINGS. ANY DEVIATION FROM THE DESIGN MUST BE AUTHORIZED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO ITS INCORPORATION INTO THE SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, PROPERTY LINES, EXISTING WELLS, WATERWAYS, SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE FACILITIES, LAKES, PONDS, AND OTHER FACILITIES REQUIRING SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM THE PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR TO STAKE PROPOSED SYSTEM PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF ANY OEISERVEO CONFLICTS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY THE ENGINEER AND DHHS 24 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH CONSTRUCTION. A MINIMUM OF THREE INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED. THE FIRST INSPECTION SHALL BE OF THE SUBGRADE PRIOR TO PLACING THE SEWER ROCK. THE SECOND INSPECTION SHALL BE AFTER THE PLACEMENT OF GRAVEL, DISTRIBUTION PIPING, STANDPIPES, TANK, AND OTHER COMPONENTS AS SPECIFIED. THE THIRD INSPECTION SHALL BE AFTER THE WORK IS COMPLETED. CONTRACTOR SHALL DELIVER TO THE ENGINEER A SET OF RED-LINED, AS-BUILT DRAWINGS SHOWING ALL DATA AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 15.65. F.2, `3, 4, 5, 6 OF MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER DISPOSAL REGULATIONS WITHIN FIVE DAYS OF THE FINAL INSPECTION. INVERTS SHALL BE MEASURED TO THE NEAREST HUNDREDTH OF A FOOT. SWING TIE LOCATES SHALL BE MEASURED TO THE NEAREST TENTH OF A FOOT. THESE AS-BUlLTS SHALL BE USED BY THE ENGINEER TO PREPARE AND SUBMIT RECORD DRAWINGS TO DHHS. 8, ALL EXCAVATION DEPTHS ARE ADVISORY. THEY ARE TO BE VERIFIED AND MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE ENGINEER IF ACTUAL FIELD CONOITIONS VARY FROM THOSE USED TO PREPARE THE DESIGN. 9 EXCAVATE THE ABSORPTION TRENCH. BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION SHALL BE LEVEL AND SCARIFIED. RECORD ELEVATIONS AT BEGINNING, MIODLE, AND END OF TRENCH BOTTOM. CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SHALL NOT OPERATE ON THE FLOOR OF THE EXCAVATION. ANY MATERIAL COMPACTED BY THE OPERATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH UNCOMPACTEO MATERIAL. 10 PLACE THE SEWER ROCK TO THE SPECIFIED DEPTHS. DO NOT CONTAMINATE SEWER ROCK WITH NATIVE MATERIAL OR SPOIL FROM EXCAVATION. LEVEL ROCK SURFACE TO + 1" PRIOR TO INSTALLING THE PERFORATED PIPE. 11 ALL PIPE SHALL BE PVC CONFORMING TO ASTM D3034 OR ENGINEER-APPROVED EQUAL. MINIMUM SOIL COVER SHALL BE ,3 FEET OVER THE PIPE AND 4 FEET OVER THE SEPTIC TANK. ONE INCH OF INSULATION MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR 1 FOOT OF SOIL COVER. (SEE NOTE 12) 12 ALL INSULATION BOARD SHALL BE 2" THICK DOW H1-`35 INSULBOARD OR ENGINEER-APPROVED EQUAL. CENTER INSULBOARD WIDTH OVER SEPTIC TANK, EXTEND BOARD 4' BEYOND LIMITS OF TANK IN ALL DIRECTIONS. 1.3 GEOTEXTILE SHALL BE MIRAFI 140S OR ENGINEER-APPROVED EQUAL. LAP ALL JOINTS 2' MIN. 14. COVER THE DISTRIBUTION PIPE WITH A MIN. OF 2" OF SEWER ROCK, AND COVER WITH GEOTEXTILE BEFORE PLACING INSULATION AND BACKFILL. 15 MATERIAL USED AS FILL SHALL BE CLEAN AND FREE OF ORGANICS, TRASH AND CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. 16 SLOPE ALL FILL MATERIAL TO DRAIN AT 2% MIN. SLOPE, AND ,3:1 MAX SLOPE, AND IN SUCH A MANNER THAT PONDING AT OR NEAR THE DRAIN FIELD DOES NOT OCCUR. THE FILL SHALL BE LEFT AT 6" HIGHER THAN O.G. TO ALLOW FOR SETTLEMENT. SEED SURFACE AFTER COMPLETING INSTALLATION AS PER MUNICIPAL SPECS. 17 RECORD THE FINISH GROUND ELEVATIONS OVER THE BEGINNING, MIODLE, AND END OF SYSTEM TO THE NEAREST TENTH OF A FOOT. 72-01;~ A [2/91) MOA 25 C. ~'11,~, I~HSNO'I~ FROM: TO: ' Municipality of Anchorage REQUEST FOR VOUCHER CHECK DATE: R 205285 MUNICIPAL CONTROLLER THIS SECTION FOR ACCOUNTS PAYABLE USE ONLY REFERENCE · INV. DATE INVOICE NO. SANK ACCT. NO. CHECK NO. ICNECK DATE PREP I 1. REQUEST THAT A MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE CHECK BE ISSUED TO: ^ dre s -- Z THIS PAYMENT IS FOR THE FOLLOWING (SUBSTAN~A~ON A~ACHED): 3. DISPOSITION OF CHECK: {1).~MAIL TO PAYEE (2} I'~ MAIL TO PAYEE W/ATTACHMENT (3) [] NOTIFY PAYEE TO PICK UP IN TREASURY Name: Phone No.: 4. ACCOUNTS TO BE CHARGED: DESCRIPTION AUTHORIZED USE ONLY I6) [] NOTIFY DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE WHEN CHECK IS READY IN FINANCE Name: Org NO: Phone No.: . ENTER ALL POSITIONS OF ACCOUNTING DISTRIBUTION Co~! Cir. WA/WO Employee Phone No, Approving Authority 7. INSTRUCTIONS: (Rev AMOUNT a. To be used only when psymenl csnnol be made by purchase order, Iravel expense repod, or prtvale vehicle ex, pence voucher. b. Must be approved by depsrlmenl head unlesl wrlflen authority IE granled for others to a~)prove. c. Relsln cabon copy for your Ille. Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Services Division Telephone: 343-4744 ON-SITE SERVICES FEE DOCUMENTATION os-oo 3 Date Paid: N,~/ce of Payer: (Name on Check) I Mailing Address: (Off of check)~ Legal Description(s;: ~ ~ Permit Number: Receipt #: ~'~-~ Type of Payment: (Indicate Amount Paid),~-- ,'t~'~ '/ {ealth Authority: Sewer & Well Permit: Well Permit:L Sewer Perm~:'~,,~,- ' Copy Request: 72-034 (Rev. 10/87) Excavator Permit: Engineer Permit: Pumper Permit: Well Driller Permit: Tank Manufacturer: (Waste Treatment) DISTRIBUTION: WHITE--MASTER WAIVERS: Lot Line: Well to Tank: Well to Field 0 Field to Surface Water,~' ~ -°~ Tank to Surface Wat~ FILE WR~[t%~q~c~/ PID# 020-044-01 HA# Date Received: July 18, 1994 Legal Description: Lot 1 BAinbridge S/D Engineer: Applicant: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAG Department of Health and Human Services On-site Services Section Waiver Review Worksheet Permit Robert Wright, P.E., Wright-Alaska Engineering, Inc. 6004 Glenkerr¥ Drive, Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Dan Beek Waiver Requested: Septic tank to surface water of ?? and absorption field to surface water of ?? (couldn't find the distances) Criteria: 1. Geology: Points: A. Water Table B. Soil Sorption C. Permeability D. Water Table Gradient E. Horizontal Separation TOTAL: 2. Special Conditions: 3. Other: Waiver is Granted: Waiver is NOT Granted: List Conditions or Reasons for above: Date: By: Name of Reviewer Rec #: 00113/5665 Amount: $ 920.00 Date Paid: 7-18-94 Property Owner Nome Mailing Address Legal Description Number of Bedrooms: / tot MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health & Human Services On-Site Sewer/Well Permit Application{c).q,(_')-- IFY. iz[ SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Po,c., IdenIificelion Number Day Phone zip Code C) $11- 171.fi~-.',, Ft. Township Inspections will be conducted by: ~'~Approved [ngineering Firm Section [_~Ctc/~,~ Lo.('~c,[ Municipality (permit fee included) ODes your house contain any of the following: Hot Tub, Swimming Pool, Therapy Pool, docuz;~ or Water Softener Unit? /~0 If yes, which one? This application is for: Sewer Only ~ Sewer and Well__Sewer Upgrade Well Only ~ m Z I certify that the above 1nformaUon is correct. I further certify that this application is being made for o Single Family Dwelling and in accordance with applic~e Municipal codes. ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~ ~~~~; .... ,.. g_._~ .x,~ ~,. seo!,ue~j ueu~nH '~ qll~eH 'ldeQ e§~]oqouv to Allled!o!un~ ~66~. ~ .LO0 PERFC~2MED FOR: ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THIS FORM REPORTS: CONS-I-RUCTION TEST LAB Steve Lo~jqo~'rhmrn Lot Block [] Visual Soils Exominolion 1800 W. 48TH AVE. STE 'C' .ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 248-1333 DATE PERFORMED: _5_/2__1~.8_~ Sdbdivision Nk SEk biWk NjE~ Section 2~t,..i.~ [A Percolotion Test DEPTH FEET 3' 7' SOIL DESCRIPTION NOTES Peat & Organic Silt Frozen Damp 12' Gravelly Silt~ Sandy Gravel  silty Sandy Gravel DEPTH ~ LEGEND ~GS~- Perc zone Sample token Frozen zone ~' -- Water l~ble READING DATE GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH TO H20 NE~ DRAINAG~ FERCOLATION RATE: DRAINAGE REOUIREMENTS'.~_g_5_s,,g/bed.$oo~_____ C..MMENTS: Pe~rcoladon ~¢&t_was_~attempt~d+_bubdu~o_the_~nat~r~al a test could not be performed because of the fast p~_pR..r.~_te exc~_~og_l~ ..... per_m:nute. _ ........................ ] .... ~--~---1:7 TFST PERFORMED 8~: _ ~,~. ...... DATA CERTIFIED BY:__~j~aey_.g. ~¢~!e~ .................... BAr E:~/~l/81 ......................... • • • _ Municipality of Anchorage v") 6 a s Q On-Site Water and Wastewater Program ry ' ' ' ' ' 'It`��' (907) 343-7904 ���� i JUN 0 8 207111111v Certificate of On-Site Systems Approva • c„ 020-044-01 %°,6 e .. 4.5) Parcel I.D. Expiration Date: 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description Bainbridge, Lot 1 Location (site address) 15811 Elizabeth Street Current Property owner(s) Dan & Stacey Beek Day phone Mailing address P.O. Box 111714, Anchorage, AK 99511 Real Estate Agent Day phone 2. TYPE OF DWELLING: O Single Family (w/wo ADU) ❑ Duplex ❑ Multiple Dwellings (Single Family and/or Duplex) 3. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 4 4. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Individual Well Q Individual Individual Water Storage ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Community Class Well ❑ Community ❑ Public Water System ❑ Public Sewer ❑ WaiverNariance request for: Distance: 1 �Received b . ■ ■ea . L. , L� - / r Date: I l l COSA to be released to the engineer, unless otherwise requested by ti engineer. COSA Fee $ Waiver Fee $ Date of Payment (GOO' Date of Payment Receipt Number 0 /2q00 E3 Receipt Number COSA# 650 i S Waiver# 5. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation, based on procedures outlined in the Certificate of On-Site Systems Approval Guidelines for this application, shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is (are) safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater dispo5bl system is(are) in compliance with all applicable Municipal and State codes, ordinances,and regulations in effect at the time of installation.., In conducting an adequacy test,I attempt to provide a thorough,conscientious engineering analysis of the system in accordance with MoA COSA guidelines and regulations.The reported results describe the performance of the system under the conditions encountered at the time of the test, and separation distances measured to readily identifiable features. The operational life of all wells and septic systems depend on the local soil condition,ground water levels that may fluctuate during the year, and the water usage of the family being served by the system.These conditions are outside the Carol of the evaluator of this system. All systems eventually fail and satisfactory test results do not guarantee future performance of the gysterri,nor do they guarantee that there are no hidden defects or encroachments-Therefore we cannot provide any warranty for future performance, nor can we estimate remaining life of the system. The content of this report is for the sole benefit of the owner listed above. Name of Firm Pannone Engineering Services LLCPhone (907) 272-8218 Address P.O. Box 100217, Anchorage Ak. 99510 Engineer's Printed Name Steven R Pannone Date 6/2/2017 OF 44` . `4, c•. 4It *: 49 u I\ •*9� 6. DSD SIGNATURE " ' • " • �. System #1 Approved for :0*bedrooms `1j �-S{even '. Pari . .one • / System #2 Approved for bedrooms � ��., CE-8149 Disapproved k\ '°NOFESSI Conditional approval for bedrooms, with the following stipulations: r . \\ OF IVC. tea\ ON—SITE u' Wt". :ri WASTEWATER PROGRAM (20 By: Original Certificate Date: 3 ^ 1 The Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Division (DSD) issues Certificates of On-Site Systems Approval (COSA) based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 by an independent professional civil engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 7. ATTACHMENTS: • COSA Checklist X Nitrate Advisory - Septic System Advisory Arsenic Advisory Well Flow Advisory Other COSA blue sheet f - .. If more than 1 septic system is on the lot: COSA Checklist # 1 of 1 Structure served by this system 1 Certificate of On-Site Systems Approval Checklist Legal Description: Bainbridge, Lot 1 Parcel ID: 020-044-01 A. WELL DATA Well type Private If A, B, or C provide PWSID # Well Log (YIN) N Date completed Sanitary seal (YIN) Y Wires properly protected (YIN) Y Total depth 90+ ft. Cased to ft. Casing height (above ground) 24+ in. FROM WELL LOG AT INSPECTION Date of test 4/5/2017 Static water level ft 23 ft. Well production g.p.m. 4.6+ g.p m. WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Coliform NEG colonies/100 mL Nitrate 0.121 mg/L Arsenic ND ug/L Date of sample: 4/5/2017 Collected by: PES B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Tank Type/Material Septic/Steel Date installed 12/1994 Tank size 1 ,250 gal. Number of Compartments 2 Cleanouts (YIN) Y Foundation cleanout (Y/N) Y Depression over tank (Y/N) N High water alarm 1(YY/N) N Date of pumping 14 i 1--U l Pumper �i � ... � 1Q j P r4'�lY -9 1 C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Date installed 1211994 Soil rating (g.p.d./ft2 or ft'/bdrm) 1 .2 gpd/sf System type Wide Trench Length 51 .1/48.8 ft. Width 5 ft Gravel below pipe 1 •0 ft. Total depth 5.3 ft Eff. absorption area 500 ft2 Monitoring tube Y Depression over field N Date of adequacy test 4/5/2017 Results (Pass/Fail) PASS For 4 bedrooms Fluid depth in absorption field before test 0 in. Water added 644 gal. New depth 0 in. Elapsed Time: 140 min. Final fluid depth 0 in. Absorption rate >= 600+ g.p_d. N Any rejuvenation treatment (past 12 mo.) (Y/N & type) If yes, give date D. LIFT STATION Date installed Size in gallons Manhole/Access(Y/N) "Pump on" level at in. "Pump off' level at in. High water alarm level at in. Datum Cycles tested Meets alarm&circuit requirements? E. SEPARATION DISTANCES WELL ON LOT TO: Septic tank/lift station on lot 100+ On adjacent lots 100+ Absorption field on lot 100+ On adjacent lots 100+ Public sewer main 75+ Public sewer manhole/cleanout 100+ Sewer/septic service line 25+ Holding tank 100+ Animal containment areas 50+ Manure/animal excrete storage areas 100+ SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK ON LOT TO: Building foundation 5+ Property line 5+ Absorption field 5+ Water main 10+ Water service line 10+ Surface water 100+ Wells on adjacent lots 100+ ABSORPTION FIELD ON LOT TO: Property line 10+ Building foundation 10+ Water main 10+ Water Service line 1 0+ Surface water_1��+ Driveway, parking/vehicle storage 10+ Curtain drain 50+ Wells on adjacent lots 100+ F. COMMENTS / �,nn .� /ti Q-v L9c `04-1 U� v� p vat r`af v/ea l S I ocAt t- i9 ,6 real rcg,y 6,,,,,-' F:,,, G. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION `2I.. IN P�OF ACq`�`k� I certify that I have determined through field inspections and Ao per.• !) •r 1".y��y review of Municipal records that the above systems are in Fe*; . • /'‘ ••* conformance with MOA COSA guidelines in effect on this date. d- ••vo 1 • \ •• Engineer's Printed Name Steven Pannone `'•Steven 1. 'annone Date 6/2/2017 190'1 �'-_ CE-8149 s 9' '•. i iIts4� r COSA canary sheet_2-6-15.doc i � I / , • / • \ao� I 2. / / \ \) S:.::-.:division r \ O / N89°58/ '17"E 629.79' (R) I 10'rEL ELECTRIC GS EASEMENT(P&'PLAT 93-125) _..--------__jL 1 , _\7 35'x30'POWER PGL ASPHALT , • — — — I ANCHOR FASc�Itri N 8) I _ Jam'— (PER PLAT 93-12.i) �„ �, /I, ;�� OOo " • r- ,ji ^� 1 DECK n- I;, o L ,moi I Lu I • in ' r TENNIS z ,,,�. A N T a) I LOUR Y TWO-STORY U _ .• r Q cl I�_10' TEL. ELECTRIC& CAS EASEMENT FRAME HOUSE �1 "�`I`� , 1-4 o (PER PLAT 93-123) (SEE DETAIL) •� r*. I a) n I ® co L 0 T 1 DECK1 ° s I o .` 3 ,tel ,l• ' . co I 20.2' �f� 1.40 r. I--I .EG4l7N, 0 !�.• 000 I uta —1 E-' A78.65 ..0. 4:00 ;Er. 0lid�'�!' o F. R50.00' �'�li lel:=��•..�� z ; . D90°07'35" op ® ABANDONED. WELL I ; z _ DRNE • Ia E-. N89°58'12"E 579.50' (R) d N ; LINE TABLE 30' W LOT 2 Line No. Bearing Length 30' 1 S 37°22'12" E 12.78 I I I I I I N • X15.0' HOUSE DETAIL w 1'•p. 9.5' r�=�0 u, LEGEND ?� o cg //., 1,9, 6' 4.0' a FND. 5/8" - V 4_'i b q // / 4di//rr 'Q' //ii a/i/ �\� tix.,�s,• s REBAR ti o 235 v /50 N 22'5 +O� A�`\y ,.�� _�• ' Farpoi nt Land Services , LLC -WATER WELL P'tF! '�•sll�� v SURVEYING, MAPPING, LAND PLANNING, GIS POWER POLE TWO-STORY N ��'t -• `�� '9� 1 13 I E. 7Gth Ave., Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 995 18 o SEPTIC VENT FRAME HOUSE *: 4 9TH /`‘ *�// ~` '' c , II FarpotntAK.com • (907) 522-7770 • survey©farpointak.com (R)RECORD PER in 31.6' AS-BUILT OF: SURVEY CERTIFICATION:FARPOINT has conducted a physical PLAT 93-123 /////////ii//// / o • '• Lot 1, Bainbridge Subdivision, survey of the subject property,the improvements situated (M)MEASURED THIS 4 22.1' Michael .Home .P thereon are within the property lines. SURVEY / ///////////// C e/ Anchorage, Alaska 26.0' F.•. • No.LS-5318 • t Alf }��rF9F0.7/2J/16.•'��� ( Plat No 93-123 ) responsibility I`•1 �s• %.,, ,,,,,..,,,,,y,.../.9,9/4 �S— EXCLUSION NOTES:It is the owners res onsibili to determine FIT� � P 4 WORK ORDER No. DATE: SCALE: 'the existence of any easements,covenants,or restrictions which � RQfESSiOHA��p 4 ROCK RETAINING ��\\���'4 JULY 20, 2016 1"=50' do not appear on the Plat used for this survey.NOTE:Under no WALL 14017 DRAWN: (CHECKED: GRID No: FB BOOK/PAGE: circumstances should any data hereon be used for construction CJB I ME 3238 128/75 or for the establishing of property lines. X/V— /q 97