HomeMy WebLinkAboutBEACON HILL ESTATES LT 10 Municipality of Anchorage Page I of '-~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Permit Number: -~-{J~) ~ PID Number: Name: ~ V ~ ~ ~/ ~ ]/15 ~ / ~ / ~ Wastewat~ System: ~ew D Upgrade Total Depth from original grade: LEGAL DESCRIPTION so, Rating: /' ~ GPD/Sq. Ft. Lot: / ~ Block:~'~ Subdivision:F,'// Depths, ~ ~"~t° pipe bottom from original~,~grade: Ft. Gravel depth beneath pipe I. Z Ft. T°wnship: /2~ IRange:~ ~ is,c. on:/2 Filladdedabovooriginalgrad,: Gravellength: ~, 0 - ~l Ft. Et. WELL: ~/~ D New ~ Upgrade GraveLUepth: ~ Number of liT: JDistance~.nlines: / ~ ~ Ft, Ft. c,asa,,,cation (Pr,vate, A,B,C): ~Depth: :Cased To: Tote, absorption area:5~~ Driller: ~ Date Drilled: Static Water Level: Installe SEPARATION DISTANCES ~e~c D Holding D S.T.E.P. To Septic Absorption Lift Holding Public/Private Manufacturer: Capacity in gallons: From Tank Field Station Tank Sewer Lines ~e,, 7~ /~/~ ~/~ / / ~,.~,~,'.~~ .u~e~o, Co~.~n,,:~ ~u,.:;;~ F// ~/~ / /~ UFT STATION ~ ~/~ Lot ,ne "Pump on" level at'.~ level at: J High water alarm at: ~ou~a.on. ~ ~~..~ ~ ~ im~,c,,,~ec~,o~o~o~o~~ , c~ ~//~ ~/~ ~ ~ ~ Remarks: ~5~/~~ ~'~/~ ~[~ BENCHMARK ~~ ~/"~ ~~ ~~C~ L°cati°nandDescripti°n:~'l } '~/~''~ '~ ~nspections pe,orme~ ~7: Dates: ~st ?' ~ :~ Department of Health and Human Se~ices approyal Reviewed and approved by:/~~ ~,~ Date' ~/~ ~ Permit No..~ "~ ~-~ Page ~' of '~ Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report .! PID No.: ~/~- U° b'° 72-013 A (2/91) MOA 25 Permit No. ottOotO Page ~'~ Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650 · Anc,horage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report 72-013A (2/91) MOA25 HAND WRITTEN PERMIT Permit Number: SW~[~)~ Date Issued: ///~/~/. , , Design Engineer: A', Km,~FO', Owner Name: ~)4o1'~ ~ Owner Address: 753/ Parcel ID: D/0'- Section: /~ Township: Lot Size: Max Bedrooms: This Permit: Pe rmi t Type: .~.tt~.t~-' Expiration Date. Day Phone: Lot: /~ Block:-- Range: (sq.ft. Total Capacity: SEPTIC TANK: Minimum septic tank capacity: d~D0 gallons. Each septic tank must have at least 2 compartments, insulation is required if depth to top of septic tank(s) is less than 4.0'. Lift stations require an appropriate electrical inspection. WELL LOG: A copy of the well log must be sent to DHHS within 30 days of the well's completion. i CERTIFY THAT: 1. I will install the on-site sewer system and/or well in accordance with all codes and regulations of the Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) and State of Alaska , and in compliance with the design criteria of this permit. 2. I will adhere to all MOA and State of Alaska requirements for separation distances from any existing well, septic system, or surface water on this or any adjacent or nearby lot. 3. I understand that this permit is valid for a single family dwelling with a maximum of ~ bedrooms. I also understand that any enlargement will require an additional permit. 4. I understand this permit is issued for 365 days and expires one year from the date of issue. 5. I will notify DHHS prior to all inspections by the engineer or well driller. ( owner/.~es i g~ee ) ~ / ISSUED BY: _ _ ~ ~ DATE: /-/~9 ?/ db/ll5 ~~ Department of Health and Human Services Tom Fink, 825 "L" Street Mayor P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 January 8, 1991 Dave Ellis 7531 Beacon Hills Anchorage, Alaska 99516 Subject: Lot 10 Beacon Hills Subdivision Permit #900316, PID #015-092-55 The subject permit, issued by this off~.ce for a single, family well and/or on-site wastewater system has expired"as of December 31, 1990. A new permit must be obtained from this office for a well and/or on-site wastewater system no~ installed by the expiration date. If you have drilled 'the well, a well log needs to be sent to this office for documentation of the installation and to close the permit. If a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site wastewater system, the original as-built inspection report (three-part form) must be sent to this office for review, approval and documentation. All i.nspection reports must be submitted within 30 days of construction completion. When applying for a new permit, the fees are: $90.00 for an on-site wastewater permit; $50.00 for a well permit; $140.00 for a combined on-site wastewater and well permit. If you have any ques ,ti,,.~ns, / Jg~h Sn~i't-h,fP :E .-' U P~Og.ram Maflager Oh-site Services please call this office at 343-4744° JW/ljm: 200 enc: Copy of Permit "KidsAre Our Future" Tom Fink, Mayor Ntunicipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 September 28, 1990 Robert Kniefel Kniefel Engineering 8441 Miles Court Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Subject: Waiver Request for Lot 10 Beacon Hills Subdivision Waiver Request #WR900040, PID 9015-092-55, SW900316 Dear Mr. Kniefel: Your request for waiver of the required 10 foot separation between a septic system and a lot line has been approved. waived distance is 5 feet. The This approval applies to the existing septic system lot line separation only. Any future upgrade to the septic system will require all separations be met or another approval from this department. Sincerely, Daniel N. Bolles On-site Services Concur: Susan Oswalt Acting Program Manager On-site Services DNB/ljm "KE KNIEFEL ENGINEERING 8441 Miles Ct., Anchorage AK. 99504 (907) 337-1121 · Fax (907) 338-1874 September 13, 1990 Mr. John Smith, Manager On-Site Services Program Department of Health and Human Services Municipality of Anchorage 825 "L" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: WAIVER REQUEST, LOT 10, BEACON HILLS SUBDIVISION Dear Mr. Smith: This letter serves as our request for the following waiver and approval of the upgrade of the existing system on the above lot: 1. Setback between field and lot line (10' 5'provided) required, This particular lot consists of minimum available area for the placement of any system. The pie shape of the lot along with the adjacent well radius setbacks have combined to provide very little area for any replacement system. Within those constraints we have developed a workable plan which will results in the above waiver request. This design will allow for the upgrade of the current system which was found to be inadequate according to a report by S & S Engineers, attached letter dated August 6, 1990. Currently, the septic tank meets the 50 foot well radius requirement existing at the time of initial installation (8/72). The current crib system intrudes on the 10 foot setback from property line. This waiver was approved by the John Lee letter dated June 30, 1972. In addition the system has grandfather rights according to the letter from Kyle Cherry, dated 2/27/73. This waiver will allow the new absorption bed to be installed similar to the existing waiver and provide a better solution than the previously suggested holding tank. The new bed was designed to avoid any conflict with the existing well from the adjacent lot. The waiver deals with the five foot encroachment into the normal ten foot setback from existing property lines. The utility companies have provided the attached letters of non-objection to this use on the north property line. 7531 Beacon Hill Drive September 13, 1990 page two The soils test for this lot revealed no water table at the time of digging. We also checked the existing monitor tube in the soil test done by S & S and found water at the same approx. 11 foot depth it had when dug. The use of this bed set within four feet of the top of ground wi]] provide proper separation from the water table as noted in the S & S test hole. We would sincerely appreciate your review and approval of this waiver request and system upgrade, Based upon the limited options for this lot, we fee] we have developed an acceptable solution to all parties, If you have any additional comments or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us, Respectfully Submitted, Kniefel Engineering Robert Kniefel, cc: Dave Ellis attachs: ATU Letter CEA Letter System Design (two pages) Soils Test by KE Letter from S & S, August 6, attachments John Lee Letter, June 30, 1972 Kyle Cherry Letter, February 27, 1973 1990, including ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT 1203-13B G-2440 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 21st day of August, 1990 by and between CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., an Alaska non-profit electric cooperative membership corporation of Anchorage, Alaska, hereinafter called "First Party" and David Ellis, of Anchorage, Alaska, hereinafter called 'Second Party', WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, First Party occupies an easement on the North side of Lot Ten (10), Beacon Hill Estates Subdivision, Anchorage Recording District, Alaska; and WHEREAS, Second Party has proposed to construct a septic leach field which encroaches approximately Ten feet (10') onto the foregoing easement. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of their mutual agreements and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, First Party, for itself, its successors and assigns, waives its objections to Second Party's encroachment on the said easement for the purpose mentioned, subject to the following conditions: 1. Second Party will hold First Party harmless from liability for any injury or damage to any person or property which may result from such encroachment. 2. The said encroachment will be without prejudice to First Party's full enjoyment of any and all rights it may have in and to such easement. 3. Any facilities or property of First Party which are damaged or destroyed as a result of such encroachment will be repaired or replaced at no cost to First Party. 4. Second Party will comply with all safety codes and regulations. applicable 5. Any expenses which First Party may incur in the relocation or modification of its facilities to accommodate the said encroachment will be paid by Second Party. By its execution of this Agreement, Second Party agrees, for itself, its successors, and assigns, that its encroachment upon the named easement as hereinabove mentioned will be subject to the foregoing conditions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives and agents as of the day and year first above mentioned. CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. (First Party) General Manager By: David Ellis (Second Party) David Ellis LSRW2/37 25 Anchorage Telephone Utility 600 TELEPHONE AVENUE, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503-6091 Owned by the TELEPHONE (907) 561-3000 Municipality Tom Fink, Telex 090-26-532 of Anchorage Mayor Facsimile (907) 561-1703 Dave Ellis 7531 Beacon Hill Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99516 August 8, 1990 The Anchorage Telephone Utility (ATU) has no objection to the vacation of and replatting of the platted easement located on the nOrth property line of Lot 10 Beacon Hill Estates Subdivision. Acceptance and use of this letter of non-objection by yourself, your heirs, your assigns, or your successors, will constitute agreement to the following stipulations: 1. ATU will be held harmless, now and forever, for. an~ damages or injury to any person or property as a reS'~lt of this enchroachment. Any ATU facility damaged or destroyed as a result of this encroachment prior to replatting will be repaired at no cost to ATU. Any costs incurred necessitated by this property owner. by ATU for encroachment special construction will be borne by the Ail applicable safety code regulations will be observed and maintained. This letter of non-objection will in no way preclude ATU from full use and enjoyment of its rights within any portion of the remaining right-of-way. Sincerely, ACCEPTANCE: A~HORAGE TELEPHONE UTILITY Robert B. Hancock, Supervisor Outside Plant Engineering DATE: RBH:iy:le ~ OSP 56-1 , , / ' .Hillside .Heights ~ Lot 4 : , :'~ . (n_gew_~fiel.~d greate~ ..,t.h..an/100' .to~Oo,,wel!) ' I~'~ ,,~' ,Wlld,.w.o,o,d '-- ' ~ ¢//~W.6CZ//,/.,/.I '~..~ i--~. ' ~ : ...~ /i ~" . Court -field../ ~, ~ ~ 7 ~o°' I / ' L oo, R : ~ ~/ /_ooe / z" ,I ~ ,~ . 1', system is being upgraded to provide a new field.:-:.0.At~'he ti'me of installation~ the tank will be checked for soundness and replaced if tank deteri.~ration is beyond .normal limits. ' 2. ~ Ail materials,' construction methods, and inspections will follow ~ ~ M0A DHHS ~ules'~ and regulations. 3. ' System Design = 3 bedroom ~ 125 sf/bed x 1.5 = 563 sf of bed area. System area,= 565 sf. 4. ' Ail well radius to be staked prior to installation of bed. 5, Bed to be set five feet from property line, waiver requested. The north property line has a utility easement whiph the utilities have granted approval for this bed to encraoch, see attached. System UpgPade SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN ~', .... * ~,'~, "¢~,' ~,~.,~ Lot l0 Block N/A Beacon Hill S/D 8GALE PREPARED BY: , z,, = so, " Knlefel Engineering MOA CE 90-030 page 1/3 · 1. Abandon existing ..... . crib. · ....., 2. Maintain 5' setback from ~ ' property l±nes. Lot 10, Beacon Hill Subdivision g- Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: '~O ~,~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ T' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 DATE PERFOR Township, ~an~o, Soction: SLOPE SITE/PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S IF YES, AT WHAT -. o DEPTH7 p E Depth to Waler After Moniloring? Date: Gross Net Depth to ~ Reading Date Time Time Water/ L~rOp PERCOLATION RATE __ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER COMMENTS TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND ~ FT PERFORMED BY: K-, , ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. 72-008 (Rev, 4/85) CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN DATE: {~"~ 13"fie August 6, 1990 ROBERTSHAFER, P.E. ROGERSHAFER CIVIL ENGINEERS (907) 594-2979 FAX 694-1211 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVALS SEWER & WATER MAIN EXTENSIONS SEWER & WATER INSPECTION ENGINEERING STUDIES AND REPORTS WELL INSPECTION & FLOW TEST SITE PLANS ROAD DESIGN SOIL TEST PERCOLATION TEST STRUCTURAL & MECHANICAL INSPECTIONS ON SITE WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN Mr. Dave Ellis 7551B~acon Hill Drive Anchorage, Al~ka 99516 REFERENCE: Lot 10; B~con Hill Estat~ Mr. Ellis, We have completed our assessment of the wast~water disposal system on the referenced property for purpos~ of obtaining a H~th Authority Approval (HAA). As you know, we conducted an adequacy test on the ~xisting septic system during a w~ flow t~st on Jun~ 22, 1990. Unfort~t~y th~ adequacy t~t r~u~ ~how~d th~ ~y~t~ to b~ in a ~t~t~ of fail~r~. Th~ ab~orp~on capa~t~ of th~ sy~t~ i~ l~s4 t~n r~q~r~d for a 4ingl~ f~ily hom~. In an effort to d~ign an upgrade to the system, a soils test was performed on July 3, 1990. Unfortunately groundwater wa4 found at a depth of 11 ft. below the surface. This alleviates the possibility of installing a deep trench upgrade as proposed. This groundwater depth also verifies the groundwater encroachment of the ~xi~ting syst~ making it in non-conpliance, with State Regulations. Using as-built survey information a detailed site plan was dev~oped'~o determine the area on the property available for a leachfi..~ld upgrade. I regret to inform you that the ar~a available is only 465 sq.ft. This area is on~.y available with the following conditions: I. A separation distance waiver to the w~ll on the property is obtained. 2. A property line waiver is obtained to the adjacent Lot 9. 3. The upgrade is installed in the same location of the existing failing syst~. However, with the existing soil rating of 125 sq.ft./br. (which happens to be the b~st possible) a total absorption ar~a required for an upgrade is 562.5 sq.ft. There do~s not ~xist this much ar~a on the property outside the 100 ft. w~l radius for th~ w~ s~rving Lot 9. 17034 EAGLE RIVER LOOP, SUITE 204, EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 Pag~ Two Lot 10~ Beacon Hill Estate~ Augu6t 6, 1990 The only option~ available for on'site wast~water disposal for this property are as follows: . ~, I. Convert the ~xisting septic tank into a holding tank ~n~:'~dd a 1000 gallon holding tank onto the outlet of the septic tank. This m~an~ there would be no leachfield and the wastewater from the house would need to be pumped and hauled away each time the tanks became full. 2. Purchase the adjacent Lot 4; Hillside H~ights or obtain an easement from the current owner of Lot 4; Hillside H~ights for purpos~ of that n~ither of thee options are attractive and it brings me to be the b~arer of bad news. However, I see no other option~ Si~ ~RT ~AFER, P.E. PERFORMED FOR: -~', '~,~ E~I ER'S SEAL) Municipality of Anchorage 825 "L' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST//~,~,/~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I~'''~ ~.~ ~ · Township, Range, Section: SLOPE SITE PLAN Depth to Water Alter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN ~....-...~_..,~.~"'I'} AND FT / COMMENTS , , , .--" / IN 17034 Eagle River Loop Road Eagle River, Alaska 99577 ROBERTA. SHAFER PROJECT: .'~;>~ LOCATION OF WELL (Legal Description): WELL DEPTH: ~/~'" t FT, CASING: DATE DRILLING COMPLETED: "*"" STATIC WATER LEVEL (Top of Casing): CIVIL ENGINEER 694-2979 DATE OF TEST: (~ ',~"'~' '" ¢~'O I..,~ FT. SCREEN: ~ DRILLER: ~.,,//~--, FT. DATE: ____ ~, -' '~.'~.'"' ~' O CLOCK ELAPSED TIME SINCE DEPTH TO DRAWDOWNI PUMPING PUMPING STARTED/ WATER, FT. RECOVERY RATE, GPM REMARKS TIME STOPPED, MIN. / ~ '~ -- (swI) 0 0 Start L,-t..~" 1 , 2~ 30 35 40 45 50 55 90 180 (3 hours), 210 ,', ~'"' ,, t o....... o .... 35 Flow is not Guaranteed Subsequent Variations Can Occur. S & S ENGINEERING 17034 Eagle River Le~le Read Ne, 2.~. Eagle River, Alaska ~9577 Coas~ flora)age 7r~ end '&- Sl:l~r,s Deer Slr~ Lot, 10. Beacon It~11s Sul)dtvtston for t~ sul)~ec~ p~op~rty pas allow~ ~o coaLe ~lthtn 10' of,.~ line. This'lot 1l~ watver was okayed Dear I~r. $~rpa: This Is written with reference ~o your leg'+er of Fobruow Area ~rOu9~, ;~ ~h~la~es~ Interpretation 0f ~he WesCo Weber Regula+lons I ~uld say ~he~ because, you 'dl~ ~ave Ownership of ~u~:" '~'..,~:'~r':; Io* on or ~re February 5, 197~ ~et ~u are ex,pt f~ +he le~lon~ave so-celled "Grendfat~r Rights", AS long oS fha requlr~nfs of ~he Gree~er Anc~rogo Area ." ..... ~ug~ ere ~ xo ~ave no o~J~lon ~o +he occupancy of your Thank ycu for your patience In this matter and we stand tO pr~¥1ds furtt~r clarlflcatlon If necessary. Yours fruly, K J, try Regional ng I n#r cc: GAAB-~£Q GI:~ATER ANCHORAGE AREA BORO~ 'R~NCHORAGE AREA BOROU"" Departmer ~ of Environmental Quality 3500 Tudor Road -- Pouch 6-65~i~l _ , . ~nchorag~. A!~_ska 99592 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM N? 859 SEPTIC TANK: 7~-- 4~-'~ ,~)c~j .~ ~,(c_ ~- DISTANCE FROM WELL '~'~ ~-~ MATERIAL LIQUID CAPACITY /~'"~)C'~ GALLONS. INSIDE MAILING ~ 77- PHON ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRiPTiON LENGTH. NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS .'fN SIDE WIDTH / LIQUID DEPTH ~ SEEPAGE SYSTEM: SEEPAGE PIT: NUMBER OF PITS / OUTSIDE DIAMETER OR WIDTH ~:~ LINING MATERIAl '~/~r~'//"/~L'$ DISTANCE FROM WELL NEAREST LOT LINE/~/ ~ ~ ~ /~ · TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) LENGTH '~' ~) ,DEPTH BUILDIN~ 'FOUNDATION~ ~ ~ ~ SQ. FT. TILE DRAIN FIELD: DISTANCE FROM WELL /~'~~, NEAREST LOT LINE NUMBER OF LINES ~ DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES TRENCH WIDTH ABSORPTION At~EA SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE TOTAL LENGTH OF LINE~/~ -- T~TOTAL EFFECTIVE DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE DEPTH OF FILTER MATERIAL BENEATH TILE IN. ABOVE TILE WELL: ~/~'0~ DISTANCE FROM TYPE.~I~O~ { DEPTH , BUILDING FOUNDATION NEAREST SEPTIC SEEPAGE LOT LINE SEWER LINE ., TANK , SYSTEM WATER SAMPLE ., NEAREST OTHER , CESSPOOL , SOURCES~ DISTANCES: DATE DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM APPROVED GREA'i,ZR ANCHORAGE AREA BORL Ah4CHORAGE. ALASKA 99502 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT NAME OF APPLICANT INSTALLATION LOCATION INSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK TYPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED SOIL TEST RESULTS COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED DRAIN FIELD OTHER SEEPAGE Pit / TO BE INSTALLED Ely PERMIT NO, PHONE NOTE: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT lEK)IL 1qE$1' PFRMTT VAI TD fiNE YFAR . FINAL INSPECTION~ 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. SEPTIC TANK SIZE MINIMUM DISTANCES. REQUIREMENTS FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT 20 ~:te DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE PIT WALL SEPTIC TANK 5 fl;, , S~EPR~ PiT 20 TO NEAREST LOT LINE, WELL TO SEPTIC TANK ~ DRAIN FIELD /~; 10 ft, SEEPAGE PI',', ALSO CONSIDER AREA WELLS. SEEPAGE PiT 10 ft. WATER MAIN TO SEPTIC TANK i DRAIN FIELD 10 f~Ce SEPTIC TANK, 25 ftc, SEEPAGE PIT 100 f~.e,., DRAIN FIELD 50 ft. TO RIVER, LAKE, STREAM. ~AST IRON IN~O l 1:~: ] V !OUAL DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM ' 4" CAST IRON ~IPNOll · SEPTIC PIPF kql'tl AIRI,IGHT CRIB lANK ...~/ CAPS ~ . ---~J I .... '.:. ! CAST, IRON I.';:"..';:.~. h .... I,;,:.', 1 · i,~o I:'.:;::'.'K: ":.--h;.:.'.t · UNDISYUItOED Sell I:. m 'l'l'):O i'~·!..'l': ----:::- - K-., ---I':::: ;I ,,.-, <.. ,,, HINIHUr, ' IIINIMUM I,: .: ', ';.;I- .... I I I ~iRAYEL IIA(~K~II.L'~ , C J required wheFlever 1toe crosses (CRIB ~' I~iRll~UM ABOVE' WA.TEN undcr drtve~'ay, TABLE) 4 INCH SF, W~:R LIN(:. CONSI (;! ~ ARCA S[[PAGE Pil EXCAVAI,10N BASED OH ~EI.L'~e S01L l,EbT. EXCAVATION S FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PIT FITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS. GRAVEL BACKFILL OONFORM TO I:ROROUGM REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. 'Hi~XL-~H AL~THORITYoR ~- LmC~N~ED ~N~R "~ ~ [ (] 10 ['IT- lDO' ~;O SEW[R LINE- 10 ;,_r ~.;Ld, U_B_LI_c ~0 TANK- 80" lO PIF- 120' CAST IRC)II T0 TA~/K- 200' IH PiT - 200' 00'-?qO' OULY CA~ T )~Otl SE~ElI i 1 Grade: 2',per or 114" p r font except lO' preceudin HOUSE tank & tha~ should not exceed ?g. 6' per 100 on flat CAST ]~ON~ SEPTIC · PIPE 5' \ ......~TANK II;TO I!N'- / [ CA~T IRON SIPIION PiPE S01L ~GRAVEL GACRFILL 20' HINIMUH I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER A/~R~.?E /[REA ROROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 28-68 AND THAT THE ABOVE June 30, lg72 Subject: Lo'~ l(J, Beacon iHlls Subdivision ~e~r Sir: L~ecau~e of a mtslocation of a ~ell on a~ adJoiqtnq loL, the sewer system for t~)u subject 2~)~erty was allow~d to come v~iLntn 1<}' of t~)(~ propert)~ )in,.~. ibis lot lin,J ~vaiver was okayed ~,y t~is ~part,~er~t and b;e aujoinin~; ~()er~y owr, er has no objection. Si nccrely, John ~t. Lee, [~.S. Settlor ~nvlrorm~nLal Special ob t:ATER AN~.HO,~A,:,~, AI,:EA BOROUGH ItI:ALTH DEPAI.;THEi'IT 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 CASF; ~1 LocaTion SkeTch Prop~sea Installatzon: Seepage Pi: · ~ Drain Field Depth Of Inlet De. pth To ~BottO~--O~f--~it Or 'i'r'enc!~ ltECEIYED GREATER ANCHORAGE A~EA BOROUGH I)F. PI'. OF ~NVIRONM~NTAL QUAklTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONS~]fftVATION February 27, 1973. WILLIAM A. EGAIV, GOVERNOR SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAl. OF, FICE MACKAY BLDG. 338 DENALI STREET ANCHORAGE 99501 Mr. G. Edward Sharpe P. O. Box 4-773 Anchorage, Alaska 99509 RECEIVED AM Dear r~r. Sharpe: This is written with reference to your letter of February 21, 1973 regarding Lot 10, B__e_a~con Hi tl-~.~b~ivi~ion. Greater 'Anchorage Area Borough. From the latest interpretation of the Waste Water Regulations I would say tha~ becaus.e you 'did have ownership of your Io+ on or before February 5, 1973 tlhat you are exempt from the regu- lations~rhave so-called "Grandfather Rights". / As long as the requirements of the Greater Anchoraae Area Borough are met we have no objection to the cccupancy of your dwetlir:g. Thank you for your patience in this matter and we stand ready to proV de further clarification'if necessary. Yours truly, Regiona I ng i neer cc: GAAB-DEQ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health & Human Services DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 343-4744 Parcel I.D. # CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL OF ON-SITE SEWER AND WATER FACILITY FOR SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 1. GENERAL INFORMATION (Must be completed prior to submittal) (a) Legal Description (include 10t, block, subdivision, section, township, range) Location (address or direc~tib'r~s)' -' (b) Property owner.' Mailing Address Telephone' (home) '~ ~{~'-Z'~'~'~"'Business Telephone (c) Lending Institution Mailing Address "'" (d) Real Estate Company and Agent Address Telephone (e) Mail the HAAto the following address: (or check here~ if hold for pick up.) List contact person and day phone number below: · TYPE OF RESIDENCE Single-Family~ Number of bedrooms ~.~ WATER SUPPLY Individual Well ~ Community Public Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation fro.m the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to th legality and status. SEWAGE DISPOSAL On-site~ Public [] Community [] Holding Tank [] Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. 72-025 (Rev. 7/88) Page 1 of 2 ENGINEERING FIRM PROVIDING INSPECTIONS, TESTS, FILE SEARCH, DATA AND INFORMATION As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional end adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. NameofFirm //~--~ L'~(~*'-tt°c-~L~- Telephone Address 8 ~"-,~'l /L,~ ~..C--~ Date 6. DHHS APPROVAL Approved for ~, bedrooms by Approved .~ Disapproved Terms of Conditional Approval Conditional The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issues Health Authority Approval cerificated based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHS do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 72-025 (Rev. 7/88) Back Page 2 of 2 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Human Services HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CHECKLIST Parcel I.D. FROM WELL LOG A. WELL DATA Well type Log present (Y/N) Total depth ~,4/¢ K~ Sanitary seal (Y/N) If A, B, or C, attach ADEC letter. ADEC water system number /co Date completed /t,, / ¢/74T,- Driller Cased to /~r~/''' /-~4'~7"- ¢~ f Casing height ~' Wires properly protected (Y/N) ~------'~ Date of test Static water level Well flow Pump level AT INSPECTION ! g.p.m. '~ .5"- g.p.m. SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL TO: Septic/holding tank on lot '7~'/ l/c~' ~'~F-'''4'') Absorption field on lot Public sewer main Sewer service line /57) ; On adjacent lots / / /JO ; On adjacent lots Public sewer manhole/cleanout Petroleum tank i~OA~ WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Coliform O Nitrate Date of sample: ~'~'~.~-'"~// Collected by: Other bacteria B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date installed / ~',7 Z-' r /OO O ~ ~: ; Tank size FOd~dation cleanout (Y/N) Cleanouts (YIN)' 7' ' ' ' 1 High water alarm iY/N) /t'~O::i" Alarm tested (Y/N) Date of pumping ~ '"'~ , : ~, Pumper SEPARATION ,DISTANCES FRoM SEI~IC/HOLDING TANK TO' - Well(s) on lot "~, (¢~"~' "'~ On adjacent lots ~ 9~ ~:~/)Foundation Compartments Depression (Y/N) To property line ;~--d Absorption field Surface water/drainage Water main/service line 72-026 (Rev. 7/91) Front CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE Date installeE"'~,. Manufacturer Size in gallons ~~ Manhole/Access Vent (Y/N) __ ~~,Pum~..~"~,,Pump off,, level at High water alarm level .~,--"'~ ~ Cycles tested Meets MOA electrical c~ S EPARAT~CE FROM LIFT STATION TO:~ On adjacent lots /' Surface water O. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA ~/~OO ~'/(~ Date installed Length ~ I' Width Z Total absorption area Depression over field (Y/N) Results (pass/fail) Peroxide treatment (past 12 months) (Y/N) /'J' Soil rating l/- Gravel thickness Cleanouts present (Y/N) Date of adequacy test for System type //~/~ Total depth ~"'3'-/ ~ / If yes, give date , bedrooms SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD TO: ! Wellon lot /~/' To building foundation On adjacent lots Surface water Curtain drain ~ fA On adjacent lots '7/O¢ Property line ~_,~.---t To existing or abandoned system on lot Cutbank /L//,l~ Water main/service line t Driveway, parking/vehicle storage area ~ ~ 0 E. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I certify that I have checked, verified, or conformed to all MOA and HAA guidelines in effect on the date of this inspection. Engineer's Name Date ~'/ -" ~ -- ?/ HAA Fee $ Date of Payment Receipt Number Waiver Fee: $ Date of Payment Receipt Number 72-026 (Rev. 3/91) Back MOA 21 NORTHERN TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 3330 INDUSTRIAL AVENUE FAIRBANKS. ALASKA 99701 (907) 456-3116 * FAX 456-3125 2505 FAIRBANKS STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 277-8378 · FAX 274-9645 Kniefel Engineering 8441 Miles Court Anchorage AK 99504 Attn= Robert Kniefel Our Lab #~ Location/Project= Your Sample Sample Matrix= Comments= Al13520 7523 Beacon Hill Water Report Date= 09/09/91 Date Arrived= 08/29/91 Date Sampled= 08/28/91 Time Sampled= 1830 Collected Byt SM Flag Definitions Below Detection Limit DL Stated in Result Below Regulatory Min. Above Regulatory Max. Below Detection Limit Estimated Value Method Parameter Units Result Flag Date Analyzed EPA 300.0 Nitrate-N mg/1 3.0 09/04/91 Reported By= William E. Buchan Anchorage Operations Manager TIME I~ATE · iNSPECTOR· DI R EC-T-iO NS: 1. TYPE OF RESIDEN ;E [] SING~E FAMI L [] MUE~IPLE F/[MILY 2.'WATERsUPPLY" · []' iNDiViDUAL [] COMMUNITY I ' ~ APPR -I DATE- · 72-010 (Rev. :3/7JB) ' THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL~ INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS TIME :)ATE INSPECTOR ' TIME ' -_ DATE NUMBER OFBEDROOMS [] ONE [] THREE [] FIVE - [] oTHER [] TWO [] FOUR PERMIT NI~IMBER ' ' ' DEPTH OF WELL DATE DRILLED [] s~x - - [] PUBLIC UTIL TY , Connection Ve ified ,, LOG RECEIVED 3. sEwAGE!_I~sPOSAi SYSTEM PERMIT NUMBER _ Connectior~.Verified i ~ IN~TALLER ~SepSi~r ~ldingTank ~ I gNe-dimen~ions: / TOTAL ABSORPTION ~F[EA MATERIAL ~_- -4.- DISTANOE¢_ ' S~ptic/Ho ding Tank--IAb~Of~tion Absorption ~re~'t0ne~rest LOt Line )VED FO ~ DR R BE OOM ITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must ISAACS PUMPING SERVICE (Norm Tibbe[ts, Owner) 6218 Quinhagak Street ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 Phone 344-0114 (~USTOMER'8 ORDER NO~ PHONE ! ........................ ~~:~.~~.........:.':::. .~ .: ~'~~ : ' :'l " ............................ : ......... /~~, '. ..... ~- "-Tf' ' ~ ....................... "'"'/ ......... I .................. TAX  TOTAL ms and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this bill. 6 SERIES 609 RE,,.M CONSULTANTS, IN[::. 5024 CORDOVA · BOX 6087 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 · PH. 907-279-0483 · TLX. 090-25360 July 27, 1979 R&M No. 951249 Michael Propst P.O. Box 10-1083 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Attention: Michael Propst Re: Adequacy Test on Existing Sanitary Sewer System; Lot 10, Beacon Hill Estates Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Propst: Per your request of July 24, 1979, we conducted a test of the sanitary sewer system on the above described property. The septic tank was pumped prior to the performance of the test on the seepage pit. During the test the liquid level in the seepage pit was measured before and after the addition of 650 gallons of water. Ail liquid levels were measured below the top of the standpipe and are shown in the following table: Initial Water Second 24 hour Total Reading Added Reading Reading Drop (gallons) 91" 650 67.5" 90.5" 23" The meter used during the test was a Neptune 1~" standard water meter which had previously been calibrated by R&MConsultants, Inc. The water level rose 23.5 inches with the addition of 650 gallons of water, indicating a capacity of 27.7 gallons per inch. Twenty-four hours later the liquid level was again measured and found to be 7.5 feet. It had dropped 1.9 feet or 23 inches. This indicates an average effluent acceptance rate of 637 gallons per day for the surrounding soils. If the three bedroom residence on the property is to house six people, the average load on the system can be expected to be 450 gallons per day. We can therefore conclude that the system is disposing of effluent at an adequate rate for a three bedroom residence. ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS JUNEA(J VALDEZ WASILLA July 27, 1979 Michael Propst Page -2- We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this letter or if we can be of additional service to you. Very truly yours, R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. Ernest R. Rah~ Staff Geologi~ Senior Geologist ERR:GS/rm/AT&SI-I