HomeMy WebLinkAboutBELLA VISTA #1 LT 18 N2 VIKING PHASE 1 WELL CONST,UCTI0N LOG Or ~i,,. Co Vern's ..D. rillln~ & i;;rnterDrl~.es nr ~erVernon L. Nowell Type ~ ~i~able tool w, I o~n~ Jo~ Saugstad We~l location: (address & legal description) N~ Lot 18 Bella Vista Sub. ~/1 USGS no. Date well completed ~--2~ 77 Nearest community~ Location sketch or remarks Depth of we,l 168 ft. Casing: depthl6[t' ft. diam. 6 ia. Static water I.vel ~0 ft. .(,,~pl~l,,p,lp. below) land surface. Date~7 Finisl} ol well: (~p~,,,-,,-,,~,scr~e? Describe intervals and size: '~0 slot Stainless Steel Johnson Screen Well yield tested by ~.umgin~,.. i~"~'Pq"i'lq'~-,--~.,tr)at 'l~ gal/min. for lO/~ _hours with ~ . ft. of drawdown from static level. DRILLER'S MATERIAL LOG Depth below land surface in feet 0 to2,8 28 t o_38 .to.. l to82__ -~t o~0 ~tO.. 87 tel02 zo2 Z05 tol30 130 156 ,o159 159 ~tO 10~ lo5'6" ...... tO -to __ _~to. ~ t 0--.. ~to ~----to to Give description of strata penetrated (size of material, color, hardness of drilling, and water content brown tll% with gravel hard pan & cobbles gray t%ll with gravel & large rocks gray hard clay hard pan hard silty blue-gray clay & gravel hard pan mad-hard silty gray clay.& gravel hard blue -black silt & gravel hard blue-gray silt & gravel blue gray clay-little gravel seepage 1~8' dirty silt with sand & gravel hard gray clay - silt with gravel free sand & gravel with It20 tight sand & gravel with little clay-little H20 i.~;ell screen set &,fully develo?ed, Pump installed, and pumped last 12~~ ~. of p~plng. Total ~,,'ater pumped 17,550 gallons in 19~ hrs. leavin~ 40' of ~.~ter in well. APPLli NT FILLS OUT UPPER HA[ ONLY ,, Property oWner ~l~(~,~/3~L.. K' I.,/~-~_~ L,~.. Phone Ma,ll~ Addr'~ ~ Buyer ~ ~', (~ L. ndlng Institution ~[ ~ ~T ~T~, /~[ ~ Phon.  ~ Phone Realty Co. & A~nt Address Zip Code Street Locati~ ~ Type of Resi~nce ~O~ ~ Single Family ~ Muttlple Family No~; of Bedroom. ~ Other Water Supply ~ Individual A~ACH ~LL LOG. A wal log is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. ~ Community ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~,~5 For wells drilled prior to that date. give well depth (attach log if available). Public Utility Sewer Disposal ~ Individual Year Indlv~ual Installed:  Public Utility When Connected Io Public Utility: Holding Tank NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH RE~EST BEFORE ~OCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. Time Time Time Time Date Date Date Date Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Field Notes: ~...~{~ ( i....~PPROVED BEDROOMS *CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ( ) DISAPPROVED ( ) CONDITIONAL APPROVAL* Soils Rating Date Sewer Installed Well To Absorption Area Well Log Received Well to Tank Septic Tank Size 72-023 (31~.) THI$SIDE FOR OFFICiLALUSEoNL¥ INSPECTI ON APPOI NTMENTS - _ TIME- DATE INSPECTOR ~IG' [] ONE [] THRES [] FiVE MULTIPLE ~AMILY [] TWO [] FOUR - [] SIX- 'R S- PP Y - ' PERM T NUMBER ' 12.-WATE - U: L' - iNDiVi:DuAL ~'EPT~ O~F WE'LL .... COMMUNITY I~ - J DATE DRILLED '- PUBLiCUTILITY. ' -,/ - Connection Verified /'LOG RECEIVED . ' / 3.~ SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM lUMBER -E:]~I N D IVIDUAL~0N-S IT E DATE INSTALLED I ~E~]PUBLIC UT/LI-TY -Connection Verified ~ ~ , ........ k is homemade August 16, 1977 Alaska Mutual Savings Bank ~. Robinson Subject: ~½ Lot 18 Bella Vista #1 Subdivision This department has no objections to the use of a water well serving the subject condominiumscomplex. The well must have engineering, &.e., storage, flow rates, etc., reviewed and approved by this department upon completion. The well will be designated a public well and must have protective distances required per state codes. If there are any further questions, pluase contact this office at 279-2511, extension 224 or 225. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz, R.S. Sanitarian ~ ro 0 ~ . ~ ~ ~i ~ ALASKA RAIt-ROAD m~ Ill l I I I (84-172)F0 9 eu '~- ,,~ . 0 o ® g 50 I (9 LUMBIS SEWARD Hig~.wgy N 000 08' DO"W 53000 '%