HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNDI LAKE Block 2 Lots 9A & 9B General Information Page I of 3 EASEMENT This agreement, made and entered into this (~)D~day of by and between ( Patrick J. Rogers ) of Anchorage, Alaska, pa~ty of the first part~ which expression shall include his, her, or their helps, executors, administrators, agents, or assigns where thee context so ~e~uires or admits~ and ( Ma~il~rn R. Sohoop E. Jack Schoop / ), of Anchorage, Alaska, party of the second pa~t, which expression includes his, her, or their heirs, executors, administrators, or agents where the context so Pequil-es or admits, witnesseth: Whereas, the party of the first part owns and has title to that ~eal estate and real propel~cy located near Anchorage, Alaska, described as follows: Lot 10 Blk. 2 And whereas, the party of the second part owns and has title to a parcel of property which adjoins the foregoing and described as Ix)t 11 Blk 2 desires to grant a perpetual easemen~ ~for the purpose of ( well ), said well shall be located at ( Center of lot 10 and the easement shall be within the radius of ( 120 ) feet from the well site. Now, .themefo~e~ it is hereby agreed as follows: The party of the second part does hereby g~ant, assign, and set over to the party of the first part a perpetual easement fop Page,2 of 3 the purpose of installinE and operating a ~water system. sa~d well shall be located at ( center of lOt 10 ) as located on that certain amended plat approved by the G~eater Anchorage PlattinE Board and filed for recomd, such easement shall be within the radius of ( 120 )feet from the well site, The party of the second part shall fully use and enjoy the , . afo~esa_{d premises, except as to the pights he~etn ~anted. This agreement is subject to the following provisions: 1, Second Pamty shall: ~ a) Restrict the use of that portion of ( lot 11, ~ which falls within the ( 120 ) foot radius of the well from all sources of contamination, and that portion of, said tract which falls within and ( 120 )foot radius shall have no sewer, septic tank, or disposal fields, except that sewer lines of cast iron pipe with leaded and caulked joints shall be pe~mitted, and that poPtlon which falls within the ( 120 )foot radius shall have no seepage pits, and that portion which falls' within the ( 120 )foot radius shall have no cesspools, as ~egulated by the Gmeater Anchorage 'Area Borough Health Department. To have and to hold the said easement, right, and right of way unto the party of the first part. successors, or assigns for a period of ps.stuffy and under the oonditions~ restrictions 'and ;,? considerations as set forth above. ,it is expressly understood and aff~eed that this easement is a covenant running with'the land. IN WITME$S WHEREOF, the par~ies hereto have caused this U a~reement' to be executed under seal as of the day and year first '.above written. STATE OF ALASKA ) ) SS. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT } This is to certify that on the (2~) day of ( before me, the under~_.i~ned Notar~ P~lAc In and for the State of ~ka, d~y p~mis~o~d ~d swo~, personally appe~ed .be the lndiv~ua~ n~d i~. ~d who executed the foregoing insolent, ~ ~.:" ~d a~n~ledged ~o me, ea=h fo~ himself ~d not for the · ha~ ~hey signed and sealed ~he s~e as theiP vol~a~ ac~ and deed ' fop ~he uses ~d pu~oses theban se~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and officAal seal' · ~he daf and year first above w~itten. ~. ~ASEMENT Page 1 of 8 by md between (Patrick J. Rogers & Kathleen ROgers ..~ of ~chorage, Alaska, p~ty of the first part, ~tch e~Tesston sha~ include hls~ her, or their heir, executors, administTatoTs, a~nts, or assi~s where the conte~ so Tequires or admits, md ( ~/z.~. ~..~ ), of AnchoTage~ Alaska, patty of the second part, which e~ression includes his~ heT, or their heirs, executors, administrators, or a~nts where the context so requires oT admits, witnesseth: Whereas, the patty of the first part owns and has title to that ~ealestate and real pTopel~ty located near AnchoTage, Alaska, descTibed as follows: Lot 10 Blk. 2 And whe~as, the pa~ty of ~he second paTt owns and has title ~o · a parcel of pTopeTty which adjoins the foTegoing and d~scTibed 'as .,~- ement fo~ the purpose of ( ~ well ), said well shall be located at ( Center of Lo~ 10) and the easement shall be within the l"adius of ( ) feet from the well site. Now, therefore, it is heTeby agreed as follows: The pamty of the second part does hereby grant, assign, and set over to the patty of the fimst part a Perpetual easement for Page 2 of 3 private the purpose of installing and operating a x~m~mi~water system, said well shall be located at ( center of lot 10 ) as located on that certain amended plat approved by the Greater Anchorage Platting Board and filed for record, such easement shall be within the radius of ( 120 £ee~ )feet from the well site. The pa~ty of the second part shall fully use and enjoy the aforesaid premises, except as to the rights herein granted. This agreement is subject to the following provisions: 1. Second Pamry shall: a) Restrict the use of that portion of ( lot 9 wh~=h falls within the ( 120 ) foot radius of the well from all sources of contamination~ and that portion of said tract which falls within and ( 120 )foot radius shall have no sewer, septic tank, or disposal fields, except that sewer lines of east iron pipe with leaded and caulked joints shall be permitted, and that portion which falls within the ( 120 )foot ~adius shall have no seepage pits, and that portion which falls within the ( 120 )foot radius shall have no cesspools, as regulated by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department. To have and to hold the said easement, right, and right of way unto the party of the first part, successors, or assigns for a pem~od of pe~petuity and under the conditions, ~est~ictiona and considerations as set forth above. Pa~e 3 of 3 It is expressly understood and aEreed that this easement is a covenant running with the lend. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this - agreement to be executed under seal as of the day and yea~ first above written. t:.~ .STATE OF ALASK~ ) ) .}'-.THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) :i. i:.i. Thls is to certify that on the (~.~) day of ~ before me, the un~er~i.~ned Notary Public in and fop the S~ate of ~.~/~:~:~:~/'~'~: Alaska, duly c~m~ssloned ~nd sworn, personally appea~ed ( ' ~ e ~ individuals named ~nd who executed ~he foregoln~ ins~rument~ 'and acknowledged ~o me, e~ch for himself and not for the Khat ~hey sizned and sealed ~he same aS their vol~ta~ act and deed for the uses ~d purposes ~he~tn se~ forth. .: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and o~fic~al seal the day and year fimst above w~itten, ..: ~ , (~'J' GREATER ANCtIOR/~GE AREA DOROU~ff / ~1~ ':, · Department of Environmental quality~  ~ 3330 "C" Street ~ ,~) .Anch°rage' Alaska 99503. ~ t SOILS.I,O(i - PEROI,ATION TEST This form reports: Soils log Depth Feet 2-': 3- 4- 5- To ,,L 9- 10- 11 ' 12- 13- Was 9round water encountered? ~/~ _.__ If yes, at what depth? __ Reading ' Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Urop ~-~-~ ~ o 1-T~-~o-n- rate minute. .Proposed installa~-n-:--See~ge Pit . Drain Field to b6~'~-m~-f--pit or trench . Depth to~ ~ ~~~b( . - -- ..... co~r.~UTS: .~A_~_ ~~- Perfomed By:. Paul Ca,r, Pl.,ut~ing Chief S~miiari~n, DEQ FtloNo.: 4~2,4',, - ' 197§ Subdivision Plat Rovi~w For July 15, 1975 ® S-$741 A .O Public aower and wnte~- servas t~a p~ope~y. ~bli~ ~wer ~d Public ~%ve~ $-3~42 - ~fi~fa~tory, S-3676 P~'ospe~ Heights This ~ea Is not se~o~ by public s~w~r and m'atov. Tho lot ~k~ alld ~il~ t~s ~. but wa foci a well can bo ~i~ed to p~uco adaq~te vol~e~ S-3720 Kincaid Acres Subdivision. lzts 2A-2D This ~ea la not zerv~ by public sewo~ ~d w~ter. The ail conditions (note on ~e pla to ~clude 1 1/4 acr~ u~blo for each lot). Chief S~nita~iau ,~uly 24, 1975 information submitted shows this propoa~l will be~d~quate. there, are certain iiem$ that m'uat be <;ompleted prior tO final approval system and its replacemenis. The are~ c~utd have no development (2) We must have completed engineering plans on both the watel, and tho We must have doeumentf) showing the affeney or association responsible fei' ope~a/ion and maintenance of both sewer and We haw received no soil~ information or wnier availability data on this ease. We reeomm~d ~hat il'lis ease be returned o~ postponed un¢II th~ Sundl Leke ~,uLai~,is~on, I~ots 9A ~nd 9B, Block 2 We have received no soils data on the lots and both lot~ wilt be too small for development without a restrtetiYe, note regtu'dtng no development on one of lhe lots. W~ recommend that this e~e be returned o~ postponed u~tfl ih~ necess~ Infoema~ion Is suSmit~ed for ~evlow. :]8. Spendlove Subdtvtsior,_ ~2 recommend ~hat ~his ease be re~uimed or postponed %mi~l lbo neeessa~ data is submitted for review, I%olf Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitartmi ES/lw YT GREAI'ER AF:CIIOk/\GL ARLA UORt)UGIi Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" SLreet Anchorage, Alaska 99b03 ~' SOIl,SA,O(; - I'F, ROI,ATION TI'iST , ,.., ] ./ = Performed for BO_/'[ ~_//*Pr/~ ~o~. uate Perform,:d /L I_ZC This form reportS: Soils log_ . ~. - - Dep th Feet To ,L II - 12- 13- Was ground water encountered? _ ~/'~ If yes, at what depth? Reading .._ Da~e Gross Time Net Time Depth to ~ater Ret Orop Percolation rate minute, l]rain Field -Proposed installa~T-~'n-: Seepage P~t~tl_[_t~.-bb-~'~]~--O-G-int or trench