HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTREET-SHERMAN LT 1Onsite File Street-Sherman Lot 1 PID# 017-101-49 Formerly Iliamna Acres W1/2 of Tr 2. Approval from DEC for 1994 system not found. for n-, Water and Server System IR R■P tic TiwkUAbFUFpiipn SV■r8nr L] Hvir Trnk , j Cap■cltY of 1f�nC'��O � Spralf}' - PffL- 'AmptAt Trrrk SI!■ foallart■1 1'1u Mt}ar 4l Ca.nnartrnen# Seothi tankQ"I it 01wharprd TO, $ep.tie Tank &Lt■ {Gelipa%) Numbrr of Compirtmenn "M symm em9 of 4rkmi1Fr pock QQ■rrr7ra�ttiwnt; ❑ 16peallly INrynd FI■me ar P1rwme}1 wl+ery YY moth Yi 04rpowd awer ispRO Y1: Inwthu mre. Inqrl rmrrt0r, erv.t p. LIPM 170 &M link pumpQd f G n1tp41l5tl i1_1l. d Insudw Es Ott -pe. TYRR +Imturwr Own+rfE�+]Iltlrr Nu, 1f�nC'��O � a Owne�l9ullgrr 1.-1 k7��l�f tht;� PffL- 'AmptAt Trrrk SI!■ foallart■1 1'1u Mt}ar 4l Ca.nnartrnen# S011 TY?e at mining $ep.tie Tank &Lt■ {Gelipa%) Numbrr of Compirtmenn Bali Type SLr FlivOng 4 7yp+ 00 Abw0rP9J0n $Y■um 4lmin■lana{Sir■ $all Abearp"n Svmwm # ypa'Ou■ntRy Bmis1144 Minot Iml uear7 la+ SCIII Typq SulI Ahyerptlon Sysrim blm■rrri4nar%za Sari AbtarpS111 worn T"AUantity 9mekfill Maxnriml �3 for9oll , AkrmrptidinSVm" r� .b, bYOrPtIOn $ itSrr'M1 � ` PuCaaBSlonTwrtR■wlrs PreFCOI 14nTaekbk=1l4irne} k`4 Tiry flawft[. {{ IA�dI■au*cY Q Pha LJ fell +k -1 1 — Mlrrlmvm U11baril'rMqF r Ahrurp- Clan wept l Minimum Grupnd Cmer over ■ rettjlZEnuy Tank iPficc�■n` p'�pea,+Cap• Inst■rletl on leerlau PJ esIC'pm 1i1ytelle0 qn hsorptpOnP5V€YerhFeet To n4s y c T■nk F�J"1rr■ Free El ".a �9 le go Q +v4 p Vp No � 1 j"F Supply SUL1rCM an Lor N eanrst Whir Suppry ISOpr" on Aube*nt NerraiT body, o WItSeF Woter TaWud�k4dF!rk Lar Line + Zoprrotiun DIrtnnr:■to: % vFee[ Lai tp j 0- Kent , �InD Fert I fr �t r f F L� Fgiit lM Fe■x ColRrn■n171 Recu mn+rrr'drtiunr S i t 4 A Lr ArT* F-Ki2itino swstflrn Nrag1l' InRtallrr vera Fnrtrlle¢ a Owne�l9ullgrr 1.-1 k7��l�f tht;� T4t+afk4mufr4iurar �f ��*r'T7� $ep.tie Tank &Lt■ {Gelipa%) Numbrr of Compirtmenn Bali Type SLr FlivOng 4 7 7 r1 Typq SulI Ahyerptlon Sysrim blm■rrri4nar%za Sari AbtarpS111 worn T"AUantity 9mekfill Maxnriml �3 for9oll , AkrmrptidinSVm" r� Ar r.* Tiry flawft[. Adequee v T rq PrrFarmmid 9 IfA hCopy MAmonl D;M Suptio1TJllank+P{IumoW Atter h CtWV c#Rerai p 1) to IA�dI■au*cY Q Pha LJ fell +k -1 1 — M1nln+um 8rouFkd Go r 46F AbriuFP MitLOICM t al'OL404 COYaF awe 1}rp><IC Cle#notdt Pf "C■pr INIFM11*d an Cirirrnuf PIg4i 1P`Pjtw N on tion Ata r- To n4s y c T■nk Ab5orlltlan Sy Free Frrt Y1. M Np p Vp No � $eP+te 114 r1 Waw $u ppiY SoLd rc• on L.at t N"r■re Wets Supplk Sp4rc■ OM1 Atli K■nt Nvmp at Bud w 0'1 �Yalsr gi■r bbl Brtlrbd4 Lot Lino Loo %� 4 i I I {_ O:etance to- "gyp Fart nO Fras + Fast V F*1r# F+■+ Cpm men t;. ReenmmandptFurrp L I rt�t#lF 4h ho +Ifnrrn l� �ar�ectt: SlgneS- T dlprinted Nrror Tula, ReO((lr ln rrt. Na,. rt- -{} �� T' - �}1J1Qa+.r 4 411•x,+�'" "� .1 l'iy '•ref 1 f Ilf TE. AkO:f bO SiWwd by d pMfRw0anmf fY+Q Mcf- 01 I ;a, p 0996, COWAN � �e "}$e�i{iered Ylcrfecslor`Ea,f Jt.,'.' � �k 4 16-0406 (031 Waska Depa trnenl of EWranmental Carlwv9on Plage 3 0 5 Report forOn-Site Water and Severer System Certification L S.: L'GENERAL Ii FORMATICK L■gul Descriptl45n at the Location ' tleK � 17--- 01P, �_ Ckl�, 1— pllc11++x Noma ;S#Feafor P. O. BomI ' 4 4 rte #nd 71p Cuda D Band AppravgF t0= 0 ApPl3o3nF 0 Other! (13ive Nemo b oddra■LJ Audi) Slarop No. r� i A - Ilcent It! ;r,hick one) Bank ❑ In Owner{@ ullda �� ype of Ra■idenc■ Ttrtal No Df i3Niranm5 ❑Hinglr Pomlly Multi-Firnlly eltphoM+ Put4leA". nVU114n 2 k — -� r c:, Q Ra&uurant ❑ Laugp C-1 0mid II - WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Source of Yllelor and CpnTlilrlrhLnt SCheek all that Appov Type of WKUr SU Pik SyLirtrn Tr&ipvn■nt of Wafts S(,hack ell that At PIO [] well 3DFJIP&d or Ori,,#Ir) [� 61Jrfaea {I+64r"itV3 ❑F°rlvare MNnne []Cthlor3notiarr Roof Cmdhmwnk r at rla■ntliyl Q P„orilu cion E]Mlnarel harm*vol adnbllc �a.errra4 rnQre than am FLa1d1np Tank fomllyl ❑Q[h.r 44OFF Dat• lj, try. Hpighx atth■ SYall Caringmcwtthen 1■dove iM* Ground? ❑ you ❑ Nu Iv s aonitiry tool Imolleo on rhe well easings ❑ Yaw Q i~lo Is arm Irraaw dirm Led ■woy From or ■roµnd the tenlnp within ■ FedILui of 110 fowl of the wall soolnla? © vey Lt Na Qo IDOOTh of Wyell lfeetJ Steric w#rrr L-ayol rFoe*i Y4■Id rli Awk0dblel pump Flvte Of AmFla S�il�rNln separotlon b1ziewcoi from Me Well Geolna io smob o! the Following SPU POOL of Co n tarn l notion $ept10Hpld1nQ7inlr ort Loi ISowwr Line# nn Lot lAbIDFP0gn Anion Lqt 4'I Ps991 Sep%W KOMing T■nk on Adf.cern SOS C1orrLt Sewar Llriot or, Adf000nt Lot Clown Fd off of hF4 If tax ie Miltgrial■ ore ttorrd on the property, Ineludlnp fuel tenki, patnls, Iuhrlcenta and DrhAr pwtrDleum On Ldr bated mhta•]pli, pNlicIdiM, tunglC[tlet ar r,arklcf♦7oe, Ind lust* diltanco tris m "FitominEMS to V*11 codnR- WVSNP Snmpl# Teknro Gy- Hams 9am�rt■r t;, ❑ SuVer Adtl Few ❑ B■nkeF W8119 $ernpL■ Ro■k,I1$; A Mich Cupy El $etl*foct*ry - bale: Cqm men to! R ato h'emenoet I ons: Ll Ur4Latid1ittury bate: i 18-0406 $93) Alaska Mpartment al �nviroamental onservabon Gal -'Min I an Aroa on Ad] acenr I.nI 1 Adfj r..pnt LJ r2n`}II+ou. 0 GgvomrnefRC'+Fielal ' WALTER J. HICKEL, GOVERNDn JA E 1117'. OF E N V 111110N "Ei1 FAL C O M1' SIF:ItV.A1' Jl O N ANCHORAGE DISTHI T OFFICE 800 Cast Dimond, SUITE 3-470 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 October 19, 1994 Mr. Robert A, Shafer, P E. & S Engineering 17034 North Eagle River Loop, Suite 204 Eagle River. Alaska 9957-7 ub'ject: Nest 1/2 of Tract 2, Illiamna Acres, Anchorage, Alaska, Wastewater Disposal System, ADEC Project Numbers 9521 -WW -265-120, Review Dear Mc Shater; This letter is in response to your submittal, received in thls office on August 22, 1994, which Mncluded a site diagram of the proposal soil absorption system. a soils log., results of a percolation test, and design calculations- 1 have reviewed the submitted information and discussed the sizing of the soil absorptton system with you. Based on my review. I have the following comments. Based on the intended use of the faclfity and your assumption of the subsurface soil conditions, as detailed In the subrr Med data. ft appears that the proposed wastewater disposal system is adequately sized (existing 1350 gallon, two compartment septir, tank and 500 gallon septic tank or a new 1500 two compartment septic tank along with 1667 square feet of new absorption area) as noted in your plans. Therefore, subject to the following requirements, the construction plans etre approved for the concerns of this Department, ir1 accordance with the provisions of 18 AAG 72, Wastewater Disposal Regulations. 1, The Installation of the wastewater disposal system will be monitored by a Professional Engineer (P.E.)- 2- Complete as -built drawings of the wastewater disposal system will need to be submitted to this office under the stamp of a P.E- The submitted as -built drawings will need to verify sails, watertable and impermeable strata separation. In addition, the as -built drawings will meed to verify that four of cover was placed over the soil absorption system or one inch of closed cell Insulation was installed for each foot lacking cover. Please include a plan (cross sectional) view of the soil absorptionsystem- il Robert A_ Shafer, P.E. 2 October 19, 1994 If the existing transite pipe will not be replaced, verification under your stamp as a P.E. that the pipe is in excellent condition will need to be submitted to tris office. I am working on another project where the Invert of a transite pipe was gore. The project engineer claimed that the wastewater from the facility eroded No pipe. 4_ The attached forms will need to be completed and returned with the as - built drawings, 5_ It the effective depth was measured from the invert of the distribution lines, the total length of the trenches Is acceptable_ However, if It measured from the top of the gravel (two inches above the distribution lines) the trenches are approximately 20 feet under -sized. If necessary, please have the as -built drawings verify this modification. This approval does not imply the granting of additional authorizations, nor obligate any state, federal, or [oval regulatory body to grant required authorizations. Based ars the tots[ flow, the plan review fee was calculated to be $150.00. 1 have enclosed a "Domestic Wastewater flan Review Fee Invoice {#20}714) for your use. Regarding the existing Glass C Public Water Systern, 18 AAC 80.300 (c) sta#es, "[a] public water system in existence on June 14, 1991, but without a previously approved plan, must meet the design criteria of 18 AAC 80.340 in effect on June 14, 1991. If such a system does not meet that design criteria, a parson may seek department approval for an alternate design for the system by submitting a report that justifies the alternate design_" I will agree that you have started the process, however, the current submittal' does not include all the Information required by 18 AAC 60.3 (c). I recornmend that you review the noted provision and the attached "New Dess C Public Vater System Checklist," so that information can be submitted to this office which WilJ enable me to issue tha required operation approvals Thank you for your cooperation with this Department_ If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, levr� leweno, VE Environmental Engineer KKK f cf Enclosures: As Stated '"rER ANCHORAGE AREA BO " UGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME ///,"~J "'f/'fi':/,./'- MAILING ADDRESS LOCATION ~]'> 2'///}~':-~ ,:~"'/~"'~ i'JL;~/F .... /~/:' LEGAL DESCRIPTION PHONE SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE '":'/Y"';'/////'/ :, . NUMBER OF FROM WELL/'4"'>~i'/~'/:M'~NUFACTURER 2:>~/.'A~y/::'/, / MATERIAt (~<~ //~/'~/ COMPARTMENTS ,/ INSIDE LENGTH "- INSIDE WIDTH - LIQUID DEPTH ' - LIQUID CAPACITY /'. ~ ~'D-./~u GALLONS. SEEPAGE P:I:-T-: NUMBER OF PFTS / DIAMETER LINING MATERIALL:;':/'/:/C-'~//:A~2'FCRIB SIZE: BUILDING FOUNDATION OR WIDTH ~/ LENGTH,~/] . DEPTH / '/ /Y DIAMETER / DEPTH DISTANCE FROM: WELL/,:"~ NEAREST LOT LINE *;'~;-v' TOTAL EFFECTIVE - ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) /~',/~) SQ. FT. ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION WELL: TYPE ....... /.' ~/'//C ?" ~: c/,'~0NSTRUCT ON BUILDING NEAREST FOUNDATION __ LOT LINE CESSPOOL OTHER SOURCES DEPTH DISTANCE FROM: NEAREST SEPTIC SEEPAGE SEWER LINE TANK SYSTEM APPROVED DISAPPROVED REMARKS DISTANCES: , INSTALLED BY://///' PIPE MATERIAL: LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: ,~"~ Form No. LQ~031 DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DATE GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH NAME OF APPLICANT INSTALLATION LOCATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 3330 "C" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 274-4561 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT SEEPAGE PcJ~ , DRAIN FIELD PERMIT NO. PHONE INSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK TYPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED FINANCED THROUGH COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED ., OTHER NOTE; THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID WITHOUT SOIL TEST FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. SEPTIC TANK SIZE i '~'~'~O TYPE SEEPAGE AREA SIZE MINIMUM DISTANCES, R£C)UIREMENT~; FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK ~,~ [ FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT ~-'~J { SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE PIT WALL ') ~ [ TO NEAREST LOT LINE. WELL TO SEPTIC TANK t ~5 C~~ DRAIN FIELD WATER MAIN TO SEPT'C TANK (/ 0 * DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK, . i00~ SEEPAGE PIT TO RIVER, LAKE, STREAM. DRAIN FIELD DRAIN FIELD SEEPAGE FIT --( 0 O" ALSO CONSIDER AREA WELLS. SEEPAGE Pit f/¢~ r , DRAIN FIELD CAST IRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP OF EXCAVATION S FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE Pit FITTED WITH AIRTIGHT reMOVABLE CAPS. GRAVEL BACKFILL CONFORM TO BOROUGH REGULATI~3~REGARDING INSTALLATION, OR LICENSED DESIGNER I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 28.68 AND THAT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SYSTEM IS In ACCORDANCE W~TN SAID CODE. Performed for Sohacle Legal Description: iCTYt This form reports :--: ~oi l[ log --Zes Oepartment of Environmentai WL 3330 IICII Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SOILS LOG - PEROLATION TEST Scott , ty Date Performed 10/1/74 Percolation test Depth Feet Silty Sand with some Cobbles sM SF/Ba 10- 11 -' 12- 13- 18 Bottom of Test Hole Was ground water encountered? No If yes, at what depth? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Percolation ~-~te mi nute. .Proposed installation: Seepaue Pit Drain Field 'JepCh of Inlet . Depti¥-t¥¥-~Fo¥-o-f-])it or trench Performed for Legal Description: This form reports: Soils log ..... ~. Depth Feet GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUrq Department of Environmental Qk ity 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SO ILS LOJ~-,IPEII, OLATION TEST Percolation test 3- 1 0 - 6'70,% 14 '- Was ground water encountered? __.._~._ ....... If yes, at what depth? Reading [)ate Gross Time Net Time _[!e__p_th__t.?_~at~er Net Drop ProposedUal, th of t~on, Seepag~ EQ 040