HomeMy WebLinkAboutKNIK VIEW Blocks 3 & 4 Expired 02-05-99 S-9873 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: February 15, 1996 To: Zouing and Platting Division, CPD l¢'~a~ es Cross, P.E., Program Manager, On-Site/Water Quality Fl'ollll ~/. Subject~ Request for Comments on Cases due 2/16/96. The Environmental Services Division, On-Site Services Section bas reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-9613 College Village (C.A. Time Ext.) No objections. S-9665 AMC 21.15.134. No objections. S-9674 Ramert (E.R.). No objectioas. S-9722A Mclntyre No objections. S-9869 Jodie Estates. No objections. S-9870 Speuard Heights Addition. No objections provided all development is served by public water and sewer. S-987 l U.S. Survey 3042. No objections provided all development is served by public water and sewer. S-9872 Alaska Hospital No objections. S-9873 Knik View (Chugiak). 1. Supporting documentation on water availability must be subnfitted. 2. Water monitoring shall be couducted at the existing test holes ttucough May 30, 1996. S-9874 New Smyrna. No objections. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION OFFICE USE REC'D BY: A. Please fill in the information requested below. Print one letter or number per block. 1. Vacation Code 2, Tax Identification No. 3. Street Address 4. HEW abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34). 5. EXISTING abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page, 6. Petitioner's Name (Last - First) Address I,~ 0~ ~. ~'o w~ City '-j)f~ 0 ~ I,~ I~- Stale Phone# ('~oa~) ~,q5~'~'¢~ Zip 7. Petitioner's Representative 1 1' Iq I FltlY I I I I I I I I I Address City ES'A(~L~- r~P4~'~-~-. State ~,L-A~'\ Phone# ~<~'7°/ Zip 8. Petition Area Acreage t 9. Proposed Number Lots 10. Existing 11. GddNumber 12. Zone Number Lots 13. Fee $ 14. Community Council ~HU~IAK I hereby certify that (I am) (t have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission. or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. Date: Ig-ID"q5, Signature *Agents must provide written proof of authorization. Please check or lill in the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan-- Land Use Classification Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related Marginal Land Commercial/Industrial ,Public Lands/Institutions Alpine/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study 2. Comprehensive Plan-- Land Use Intensity Special Study Dwelling Units per Acre Alpine/Slope Affected Environmental Factors (if any): a, Wetland ~ k/oM 1. Developable 2. Conservation 3. Preservation b. Avalanche c. Floodplain d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) D. Please indicate below if any of these events have occurred in the last five years on the property. r-J/A Rezoning ~/'~. Subdivision ~J/,4 Conditional Use ~/A Zoning Variance ~//A Enforcement Action For ~J.//.A Building/Land Use Permit For ~4/¢~ Army Corp of Engineers Permit Case Number Case Number Case Number Case Number ,...- Legal description for advertising. LoTS [ - ~ ~ouoc~. ~ AMC, LoT~, Checklist 30 Copies of Plat '/ Reduced Copy of Plat (8 I/z x 11) Certificate to Plat Aerial Photo Housing Stock Map Zoning Map Fee N,/A Drainage Plan Topo Map 3 Copies Soils Report 4 Copies ~/'A Pedestrian Walkways ~/'A Landscaping Requirements Waiver Water: Sewer: Private Wells Private Septic Community Well Community Sys. __ Public Utility __ Public Utility INTRODUCTION N~UNICIPALITY OF ANCHOPJ~.OI~ D]PT. OF HEALTH & PRELIMINARY SOILS EXPLORATI[~VIRONMENTAL PROTECTIO~ KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION ,^- · PETERS CREEl( ALASKA MA~ 'l I~0.' RECEIVEg This report presents the results of our subsurface exploration and engineering study for' the proposed subdivision project. The proposed subdivision and approximate locations of the explora- tions accomplished for this study are presented on the Site Plan, Figure 2. ! ! The purpose of this study was to explore subsurface conditions at the site from which conclusions ~nd recommendations for building foundations and septic systems could be formulated. The scope of work consisted of field exploratioins and engineering analysis from a geotechnical standpoint. L L L L J._ The field exploration program for this study consisted of a series of holes approximately located on each full lot of the real propert~ located on the El/2 of the NE1/4 of Sec 5~ T15N, R1W of the Seward Meridian; Lots 15,16~27~2~,50,42~4~,44,55~and ~6 plus the portions of Lots 5,14,17,26,and 51 located east of the rail road tracks. Exploration procedures are presented in'a subsequent section of this report and interpretive soil logs of the exploration are presented in Appendix A. This report has · DEVELOPMENT INC. been prepared for the exclusive use of TYEE. and their agents, for specific application to f f f I t i I I I L [._ this proposed subdivision project in a~cordance with generally accepted engineering practices. Th'e test results or the test holes are not to be used for acquiring septic system permits, but are for evaluation purposes only. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed subdivision project lies within Alaska, adjacent to and east of the Alaska Railroad Figure 1. The area has gentle roiling land with varing from 70' to 150'. Peters Creek, as shown in elevations Vegetation consists of small birch, black spruce, alders and assorted iow brush and ground cover with occasional downfall. The subdivision is divided in half by a ridge cutting across the land from southwest to northeast. The southeast section of the area is marshy with signs of high ground water present throug- hout, while the northwest section is lower in elevatioin but much drier. An old abandoned power line easement cuts across the southeast section paralleling the ~idge giving the project its only cleared area. The Proposed subdivision project will combine ail of the existing lots together into one subdivision with approximately 60 new half · acre lots. It is anticipated 'that a community well will be established to provide water and each lot will have its own septic system. 2 SUBSURPACE EXPLORATION The exploration consisted of digging and logging some eleven test holes 'evenly spaced thoughout the subdivision area. The holes were dug by Boyd Alaska with a backhoe moented on the back of a John Deere 450 dozer. Holes i and 2 were not dug due to the high ground water and overburden conditioins in the area preventing access. Holes 5,4 and 5 however, are typical in nature to holes I and 2 and is anticipated to be very similar. Care was taken to prevent the knock down of many trees during the -transitition from hole to hole inorder to keep the appearance of the lots. With the exception of holes 5,4,5, and 6 the test to a' depth of 15 feet ~hich is the maximum extention backhoe. The holes encountering high water were only approximately 8 feet to check for foundation material. holes were dug of the dug to A percolation test was attempted on test holes 7 and 10, but due to the clean material encountered the water flowed through the · material faster than could be measured. No other tests were performed at the site, and field classifications of the soils were made ¥isually. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface soils as examined were fairly uniform throughout the area and consist of organib overburden overlying an alluvial ' sandy gravel and gravelly sand deposit, see test hole logs in Appendix A. The organics encountered at the surface are brown~ fibrous, very soft and moist to saturated. This layer supports a thick crop of 'trees as described in the introduction. Ground water was encountered beneath the organic mat on holes 5 through 6 and most likely would have been encountered at holes 1 and 2. At the lower, elevations represented by holes 7 through 13, believe that the water at the higher elevations is perched and · ~heldup by a dense material located at a lower elevation. This erea is located on a bench and may be able to be drained, see Recommendations and Conclusions. no ground water was encountered. This leads the engineer to The sands and gravele located beneath the organic mat is very clean and contains an oocasional coble. Most of the gravel is to 2 inches in maximum size, and could be used as a NFS gravel 'source for developing roads and foundations. The various types of soils are indicated as well as the depths where the soils or characteristic of the soils changed in Appen- dix A. It should be noted that these changes are gradual 'and can be interpreted between the test holes. FOUNDATION AND SEPTIC SYSTEM ANALYSIS It is understood that the proposed development of the site will consist of wood framed single family dwellings. The material is well suited to support standard wall foundations with footings. 4 The bearing capacity of the soil-exceeds 600] psf for m design value; however, this material must be compacted to a dense state directly under the footings to prohibit settlement. Caution should be taken whenever trenchs are excavated though the subsurface material to prevent collapse of the walls, ~ince this material will sluff readily. It is also understood that each lot will have its own' septic system. Again the material encountered in the 4 to 12 foot depth is well suited for septic disposal. This material is a sandy gravel classified as a well graded gravel (GW) and would have a perculation rate exceeding 2 minutes per inch. The Municipality of Anchorage rates this material for septic permits at 85 square feet per bedroom. It is however suggested that -each lot be tested in the location of its proposed septic system to insure the consistence of the soil. The area of the site with the ground water encountered at or just below the surface is not acceptable at this time for foundations or septic systems. I~ the area were to be drained, the soils would be also suitable for construction once consolidation of the material was accomplished by means of compaction. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In summary, the soils at the proposed subdivisioin site are well suited for residentual construction of houses and septic systems in the areas not encountering high ground water. The areas with the high ground water can possibly be improved by 5 draining the water to a depth of 12 feet below the surface. This can be accomplished by wells, drainage ditches, or perforated drainage pipes. The'latter is recommended for econmics over a 'well system and safety over a trench system. The perforated pipe should be buried at various locations thoughout the area at about 15 to 20 feet in depth, and should be located so that septic systems will not contaminate the flow of the pipe creating a potential health problem. Outflow will need to dump into existing drainage streams to prevent flooding of adjacent property. It is anticipated that drawdown of the water level will take approximately 1 to 2 years depending upon the number and location of the drainage pipes. The that test supplemental recommendations soil conditions do not deviate from those disclosed in holes. If any variations or undesirable conditions during development~ we should be notified so recommendations can be furnished. of this report are based on the assumption the are that Respecfully Submitted BAXTER ENGINEERING & SOIL TESTING Kinney R. Baxter, P.E. 6 PPRrJMINARY SOILS EXPLORATION KNIK %/lmW SUBDMSION Figu_re 1 P~ ROBERTC. COWAN, RE. ROBERTA. SHAFER, RE. SEWER & WA]'ER INSPECTION ENGINEERING STUDIES AND REPOR~rS WELL INSPECTION & FLOW TEST SITE PLANS ROAD DESIGN SOILTEST PERCOLATION TEST December 29, 1995 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK. 99519 ATTENTION: Water Quality REFERENCE: Knik View Subdivision (proposed) This letter addresses concerns regarding a for the referenced proposed subdivision. drainage plan There is currently no surface drainage visible within this subdivision. The entire Tract is heavily vegatated which prevents any noticeable erosion from the slopes on this property. Any developement of these lots would adhere to the surrounding trends of clearing enough of the lot to construct a house thereby reducing the amount of erosion that would take place by deforesting the entire lot. 17034 NORTH EAGLE RIVER LOOP · SUITE 204 · EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 CIVIL ENGINEERS (907) 694-2979 FAX (907) 694-1211 The drainage pattern within this subdivision follows the existing slope which runs predominately from the south to the north. Along the Eastern Border of the property, a drainage ditch has been constructed paralleling Knik Vista Drive. This ditch carries runoff to the Northern border where it joins an additional drainage ditch that runs along Alder Leaf Court to join into the drainage ditch serving Inlet Vista Circle. From this point any surface drainage travels in a southwesterly direction towards Knik Inlet located to the West. There are currently three(3) ditches located on this tract which were constructed approximately ten years ago. The purpose of these ditches was an attempt to lower high groundwater levels found in the area when test holes were excavated. The location of these ditches can be seen on the attached drawing. 3e Drainage from this subdivision will'not affect any other subdivision in this area and drainage patterns will not be changed slgnl~lcan~ y as a result of this subdivision. This subdivision plat will provide for drainage easements as needed or required. Water which originates within the subdivision (snow melt and rain) will follow historical runoff patterns. If you require additional information, please contact me at 694-2979. Sincerely, David Langman Community Planner 'L ! ! / / ! / ! ! KNIK DRIVE D I I ! I I I ! I ,,x x ,,x KNIK DRIVE o> o> RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Co,tracted With Ted Schmelzer Proi~ctsName Knik View Subdivision Locatio, Peters Creek SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. S~rf. Ele~. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Data Started 9-24-89 Plpe S~ze In. Boring # TH-3 Job # Hole Diameter Rock Core Dia. Boring Method Inspector Backhoe . Date Completed SURFACE o.o V V' _ Dark Bro~ Overburden V -- _ Organics v v _ 2.0 ~ vt/ _ _ Grey Sandy Gravel :~,.'(;~'i - (GW) ..... - - 6.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE '_--:.;-.'?. _ SAMPLER TYPE ~AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD L -- LOST AFTER . HRS. FT. RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer 8oring # Proie~ Name Knik View Subdivision Job # Location Pekers Creek TH-4 SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. HoPe Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop.__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Data Started 9- 2 4-8 3 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SURFACE , 0.o VV -- VV Dark Bro~ Overburden V~V -- -- 2.0 ~ Organics 2.5 Vv ~ __ -- Grey Sandy Gravel ~b'5' (GW) 8.0 RO~O~ nP ~nr,~ O.'~ ~AMPLER TYPE -- DRIVEN SPLITEFOON -- FRE!k~ED aHELaYTUea ,-- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER :-- ROCK CORE ~MPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION ~-. 0 FT. HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS INTACT CFA --CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS UNDISTURBED DC -- DRIVING LA.SING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Boring # Proiect~ Name Knik View Subdivision Job # toc~tion Peters Creek TH-5 SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 10-5-83 PipeS|ze In.. Boring Method Backhoe Data Completed SURFACE O.O V V - Dark Brown Overburden _ 2.0 ~' Organics I/WvVV', -- Z Grey Sandy Gravel ~o ~.! (GW) - '-' 6.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE ~'.<~.: -- SAMPLER TYPE DRIVEN SPLIT SeOON PRE~EO SHelBy TUBe CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AU(3~R SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUN. O WATER DEPTH D -- DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION 2 · 0 BORING METHOD RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Datum Hammer Wt .... Sun', Elev, - Ft. Hammer Drop DateSb3rted 10--1--83 . PipeS~ze_ FACE Dark Brown Overburden Organics ELEV. 1.5¥ 8oHng ~/TH-6 '") Job~ ~..- /' L~. Hole Diameter. Foreman In, Rock Core Dia. Inspector In, Boring Method Backho_______~__e Date Compieted Grey Sandy Gravel (GW) SAMPLER TYPE :[AMPLE C~NDITIONS GROUN. O WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Conb'actedWith T~d Schm~l~r P~oiect~Neme Knik View Subdivision Loc~tio. Peters Creek Boring ~ TH-7 Job # /.5.5 SANIPLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Ele~. Ft. ' Hemmer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Sb3r~ed 10-- ] - 8 3 Pip~ Size ,, In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed -~ SURFACE 0.0 V V V -- Brown Overburden v v v -- i_vV, V -- -- 3.0, U -- :..-.' , F ...; ~. -- - :.~....,., _ --  Grey Gravelly Sand '~-,:~ - - w/ Cobles (SW) '<..' -- J] '"'": _ 6:<.;: - _ - l~.:..j: _ 15 ~ n~mmoH ~P ~LE ·":'"' -- ~ -- _ · SAMPLER TYPE ~L~MPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD Contracted With Project= Name t.~ion · RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Ted Schmelzer Knik View Subdivision Peters Creek Boring Job TH-8 ' SAMPLER r Datum Hammer Wt. Lb~. Hole Diameter . Foreman " ~rf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector {:)ate Sta~ed 10-1-8 3 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Data Completed SURFACE O.0 -- ~rown Overburden Vv v - 1.5 Vw :,o~b _ F~.' .:'~.'.°.. - ..,~ :.o -- Grey Sandy Gravel ,~.3; - (GW) -; .':' -- :;"o -- · - 15.0 BOTTO~ OF HOB~ -¢;'-~: ~ - - _ ROC~ CORE L -- LO~T AFTER HRS. FT. MD --MUD DRILLING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With_.. Ted Schmelzer P~oject~Name Knik View Subdivision Location Pe%ers Creek 8oring # Job # TH-13 SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt._ Lbs. Hol~ Diameter . Foreman Surf. Elev. . Ft. Hammer Drop.__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Data Starl'ed 10-1-8 3 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SURFACE. o.o Brown Overburden v 1.0 vV¢ - o .;.::'. -- Grey Gravelly Sand ~'-''-, .~ - (SW) ~.. .'....:.:. -- _ ,:%.:..J .. :..:.0: _ _ 15.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE :...-.,,"" .... SAMPLER TYPE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUNDWATER DEPTH 8ORING METHOD RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With.. Ted Schmelzer Proiec~ Name _. Knik View .Subdlvis.j Location Peters Creek SAMPLER Datum 4-17-R4 Hammer Wt. Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop Date Started, Pipe Size Boring Job # Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector In. Boring Method ~ Date Completed 8AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD SAMPLER TYPE SURFACE O.O B~own Overburden. v' %, _ 1.0 · rev _ Grey Sandy Gravel ~.:o,' _ -- - _- RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With .Ted Schmelzer 8oring # Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Job # Location Peters Creek TH-15 ~AMP~LER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Data Slatted /I _ 1 7- R ~ Pipe Size In. Boring Method Date Completed SURFACE 0.o Brown Overburden Vv v v - 1.~ V, _ Brown Sandy Gravel ~6,;~3~' -- (GP) ,O '~, -- -- 3.0 _ W/ cobles (GW) ~; P' .-::; _ - 16.o nommoM O~ HOT,~ ',~d.. , I Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES SOILS825 "L" Street, LOG Anchorage, __ PERCOLATION Alaska 99502-0650 TEST '1 I~ '.~.~ ~ ~ :.~,~...,,.. PERFORMED FOR: ~ m ~~ DATE PERFORMED: L~AL D~SCmPT~O~: ~ ~ ~ ~ [~ ~Townsnip, ~an~e, Section: SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9- 10 - WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH7 Deplh 10 Waler 13- ~onitoring7 ~ Date: 14- 15 16 17 18 ?9 Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 20- PERCOLATION RATE '~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 1ESTRUNSETWEEN '¢'~'~"-- FTAND IJ(...~' FT COMMENTS ~{'~ IA $ & S ENGINEERING PERFORMED BY: ~ lYu34 Eage River LOop Road No, 204 ACCORDANCE WiTH AI[~§~T~IS/~I~I~(~UIOELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: I~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~"~ 4 5 7 8 9 tl 12 ~.tZ-- ~ ~. ~,;,~. Township, Range, Section: WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? I N SLOPE SITE PLAN IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS Deplh (o Waler After Monitoring? Date: Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE L (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN '~' '~' FT AND ~-~"~- FT $ & S ENGINEERING PERFORMED BY: ...... ~- mi.... I ~ ~*~ ~J~. ~0~ ~J~o~-b CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~d~I~A~ ~UIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ~'~ 'c/S--- 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) Municipalily of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGALDESORIPTION:~,/CrC'~ [?-~vt~ ~-~,V---dl~..-~Township. 1 10¸ 11 13- 14- 15- 16- 17 18 19 20 3 (ENGINEER'S SEAL) .e~ i~ k ................... ~, t;,, ) ~ ~ ,~' ~ ~ .... -.'t~ .- .... Flange. Section: WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? \J~/~'~ ,FYES, ATWHAT , ~ DEPTH? (.~ ~ E Depth to Water After L,, t Moniloring? Date: SLOPE SITE PLAN Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop ff ~ "-, .~ ~'/¢ /" PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN '~ ET AND ~-~ ET : S ,&. $ ENGINEERING ] ~,~' ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN PERFORMED BY: ] 7~.~34 Eagle ~iYer i.eop ~oa~ ~o. 2~ ACCORDANCE WITH A~T~p~eI~IDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ~/~ ~ ~ 72-008 (Rev. 4/~) .I Municipality o! Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESORIPTtON: ~¢' / ~ L'V~'~ f~ ~ttCV'~'~°wnship' Range, Section: 1 2 3 4- 5~ 6- 7 9 10 1! 12 13 14 15 ~6 17 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS 14. - qA WAS GROUND WATER ~'~' i~.S ENCOUNTERED? S IF YES, AT WHAT & I (~ DEPTH? /,,/ p E Depth to Water Alter ( ~oniloring? ~ Date:. ~ '-q "~-'1"~" SLOPE SITE PLAN Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop q I ,,,,,1 - PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/in PERC HOLE DIAMETER ~-~ TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ FT AND c~ FT S & S ENGINEERING ~ j2~/:,~,,~4 j/..,.; ,.) .~ PERFORMED BY: 17034 Eagle River Loop Road No. 204 ACCORDANCE WITH AL~a~q]~.~.~t~).~/J~s~II~5~,J]DELiNES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN DATE: V ~' ~ ~' ~ ~ Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~-~'*L.-~'1~' 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS Township, Range, Section: ~r'~t~"~ '~ t~, SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT ~'~/ SE DEFTN? ~: ~0 E Depth to Water Alter ~ ~ Monitoring? ~ Date: Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~_ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN ~ETWEEN ¢'¢ .TAND q'¢' ,T S & S ENGINEERING PERFORMED BY: 17[;3,3 I~agJe R;v~ ~-,~'-,~ ......... ~0. ACCORDANCE W~TR ~U~df~&~:~U~OEUNES ~N EFFECT ON TH~S DATE. 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN DATE: 8~.c~ _c} Z:~ Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~'o.¢'~ ~ ~k.q/~-~ ~-~.'~tL~t~.t~.Township, Range, Section: 1 2 4- 5- 6- 7 9 10 13 14 16 17 '/8- 20- COMMENTS WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? Depth lo Waler After ~ f Monitoring? Date: SLOPE SITE PLAN Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch} PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN '~ FT AND ~ FT S 8, S ENGINEERING PERFORMED BY: .... ,..,.._~ = ... O~a*l M~JI, ~Jl~4 ~/~"~,,~ ~ "~ ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALLI~Z~'L~I~, ~I~I~P~,~IDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 53 ~ ~l 'fi~'"' 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG w PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED F O R .'~j~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 6- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16- 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS DATE PERFORME WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? Township, Range, Section: SLOPE SITE PLAN S I- N IF YES, AT WHAT f'~l oL DEPTH? ~ p E Doplh to Water After ~( Monitoring? _Date: ~ ~"~1 '4:~ ~:~'' Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER L~' TEST RUN BETWEEN /'~ ET AND ~ ET PERFORMED BY: S & S ENGINEERING ~ 17034 Eagle I~iYer ~-wl~ ~',,"" [-'~, ~l~ ~'~" ~)~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A~Ia~Fe~i~[~I~k~C~.~'~UIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ~ ~l ~.C~ ~' 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 2 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~8 20 COMMENTS Township, Range, Section: WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? DEPTH? SLOPE SITE PLAN E Depth to Waler Alter Monitoring? ~"~ Dole: o~ ~ ,..c..1~"" A Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop ~ ¢-,,,..J C." i PERCOLATION RATE ~- (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER __ TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ FTAND ~ FT ACCORDANCE WIT t1~ e I~, jll~iliSJ(~. ~9577 ~' '" ¢1 ~'~ ~ PERFORMED FOR: Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~'~'¢' ~-' 'r'~.v.~-'~ [~.~tv-~ta¢..~/ Township, Range, Section: SLOPE SITE PLAN WASGROUNDWATER ~_~ ENCOUNTERED? ~) IF YES, AT WHAT L DEPTH? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10- 11 13- 14- 15- 16-, 17- 19 20 COMMENTS -T~,H. ~ ~A¢ Deph o Wa er/J~r,, MonitorinD? 0 ./,.~.~I Date: Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop 4 b'l, I' PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN [~ FT AND ~'~ FT PERFORMED BY: ~[ P~ ~; I:MGINEI:RING I ~/~'~1~ ~ ~O CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCOR A 17~3~Eaclle River Loot3 Road No 204 D NCE WITH' A[:~S~.A71~ AjN. I:).I~U~J~J?~_ GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev, 4/85) 6Z6'ff-P69 (£06) ,6,6966 VI.I£WIV '~t, ffAl~t 3719V$ 'PO'ff ',.~g$ 'I:IVO~f dO07 ~tZAI~ ,~'70V$ PSOZl ~o MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Depa~mentofHeaith and~uman Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: January 10, 1997 To: ~/~/'l~ Recipient From:c_/~. J(J~es Cross, P.E., Program Manager, On-Site Water Quality Subjectt Request for Comments on Cases due 1/17/97. The Em.'ironmental Services Division, On-Site Services Section has reviewed the following c~ises and has these comments: 92-002 S-9873 S-9899 S210010 S-10011 Cabin by the Creek Subdivision. No objections. Knik View (Chugiak) The comments of my February 15, 1996 memo still apply. A copy is attached. Daybreak Estates No objections. Birch Grove (Eagle River) Information to satisfy the requirements specified by AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information must include, but m~y not necessarily be limited to: 1. Soils testing, percolation testing and ground water mohitohng to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65 including slope and slope setback requirements. 3. Topographical information must be submitted. 4. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided. Grant Addn. #1 No objections provided all development is served by public water and sewer. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: February 15, 1996 To: Zoning and Platting Division, CPD From:c '~ 'a~ Cross, P E Program Manager, On-Site/Water Quality SubjeCt[ '~'Request for Co~ents on Cases due 2/16/96. The Environmental Services Division, On:Site Services Section has reviewed the followhag cases and has these comments: S-9613 College Village (C.A. Time Ext.) No objections. S-9665 AMC 21.15.134. No objections. S-9674 Ramert (E.R.). No objections. S-9722A Mclntyre No objections. S-9869 Jodie Estates. No objections. S-9870 Spenard Heights Addition. No objections provided all development is served by public water and sewer. U.S. Survey 3042. ~ No objections provided all development is served by public water and sewer. Alaska Hospital No objections. Knik View (Chugiak). i. Supporting documentation on water availability must be submitted. 2. Water monitoring shall be conducted at the existing test holes through May 30, 1996. New Smyma. No objections. S-9871 S-9872 S-9873 S-9874 ROBERTC. COWAN, RE. ROBERTA. SHAFER, RE. I~GINEERING STUDIES AND REPORTS November 19, 1996 CML ENGINEERS (907) 694-2979 FAX (907) 694-1211 Mr. Jerry Weaver, Jr. Platting Officer Department of Economic Development and Planning Platting and Zoning P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage,' AK 99519-6650 j- 3'7J 77 REFERENCE: Tract A, Knik View Subdivision Dear Mr. Weaver, We understand the issue with the road pavement for Knik View subdivision has been satisfactorily resolved. The preliminary approval of the subject property was not approved until this issue was resolved. This is to request that you proceed with the preliminary plat approval process and schedule a public hearing for Tract A; Knik View. If you re.quire additional information please contact us. Sincerely, RCC/gk 17034 NORTH EAGLE RIVER LOOP · SUITE204 ° EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 MU, ;IPALITY OF ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage. Alaska 99519-6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION $987} A. Please fill in tile inlormation requested below. Print one letter or number per block. 1. Vacation Code 2. Tax Identification No. 3. Streel Address 4, NEW abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34). 5, EXISTING abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full {egal on back page, ~. Po~ilionor'~ ~am~ (kast- Fimt) 7. ~tition*r's ~,pr,sentatiw I l<lsl I I I I'I PI I 'I"FI I I l llll Address I~0'~ ~.~ City '"~14 o ~ ~ t~- State Phone f~ (~o~ Address 1'~O'5"-~ ~A6~LIE ~ZL. LOOT' ~O- City ~'~L~' IZt,,/~l::z- Slate ~.~ Phone. ~qq-~999 Zip 9q~q 8. Petition Area Acreage 9. Proposed 10. Existing 11. Grid Number t2. Zone Number Lots Number Lots Date: /'c~ i hereby certily that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances, I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonretundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to i~rocess Ibis application exceed the basic fee. I fudhm understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff. Platling Board. Planning Commission. or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. Signature 'Agents must provide written proof ot authorization. ¢'61 t. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use C,~.odication ~" ' Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related 2. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Intensity Special Study Marginal Land Commercial/Industrial Public Lands/Institutions Dwelling Units per Acre Alpine/Slope Affected Alpine/Slope Allected industrial Special Study Environmental Factors (if any): a. Wetland ~ t./0¢ 1. Developable 2. Conservation 3. Preservation b. Avalanche c. Floodplain d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) Please indicate below il any of these events have occurred in the last five years on the property. I-J/A Rezoning Case Number ~/A Subdivision Case Number ~/"/ Conditional Use Case Number 14lA Zoning Variance Case Number M/A Enforcement Action For Fl/',4 Building/Land Use Permit For ~//~ .Army Corp of Engineers Permit Legal descnption for advertising. F. Checklist "" ~: Reduced Copy of Plat~..(8 '..~x ¢/I) 14/A Drainage I~lan ..'4- Certificate to Plat % ~ Tope Map 3 Copies ~ Aeda, Photo /~({ ~ .Soils Report 4 Copies -~' Housing Stock Map / ~/A Pedestrian Walkways X Zoning Map ~ t~/A Landscaping Requirements '~ Water: >~: Pdvate Wells ~ ' Community Well Sewer: ~ Private Septic Community Sys. Public Utility Public Utility / / / / / / / / / / / / / Date: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 June 25, 1997 To: Zoning and Platting, CPD l*r°m:d~ a~m Cross, e.E.,erogramManage[, On-Site/WaterQuality Subject: I Request for Comments on Subdivisions - July 18, 1997 The Environmental Services Division, On-Site Services Program, has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-9873: Tract A Knik View Subdivision Same comments as February 15, 1997 (attached) S-9886: Goldenview Park Subdivision No objections. S- 10067: Rainbow and Vadium K. Kapingen No objections. 94-008: Bent Birch Subdivision Agreement Time Extension S-10104: S-10105: S-10106: S-10107: S-10108: S-10109: No objections. Cluster Housing No objections. Murrary Subdivision No objections. Hearth Stone Subdivision No objections. Elmrich Addition #2 No objections. Dawn Ridge Subdivision No objections. Lake Spenard Park 1940 No objections. S-10110: Eagle Crossing Subdivision No objections. S-IOlll: Green Acres Addition #1 No objections. 2 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: February 15, 1996 To: Zoning and Platting Division, CPD Subject.: Request for Comments on Cases due 2/16/96. The Environmental Services Division, On-Site Services Section has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-9613 College Village (C.A. Time Ext.) No objections. S-9665 AMC 21.15.134. No objections. S-9674 Ramert (E.R.). No objections. S-9722A Mclntyre No objections. S-9869 Jodie Estates. No objections. S-9870 Spenard Heights Addition. No objections provided all development is served by public water and sewer. S-987t U.S. Survey 3042. No objections provided all development is served by public water and sewer. S-9872 Alaska Hospital No objections. /~.:~987-3 ,~ Knik ~mW (C..lmgmk). ~ I. Supporting documentation on water availability must be subnfitt \ 2. Water monitoring shall be conducted at the existing test holes through ~ May 30, 1996. S-9874 New Smyrna. No objections. SEWER&WATER iNSPECT[ON ENGINEERING STUDIES ANDREPORTS WELLINSPECT~ON & FLOW TEST SITE pLANS ROADDESIGN SOILTEST Y ROBERT C. COWAN, RE. ROBERTA. SHAFER, RE. CIVIL ENGINEERS May 2, 1997 Mr. Jerry T. Weaver, Jr. Platting Officer Department of Economic Development and Planning Platting and Zoning REFERENCE: Tract A; Knik View subdivision S-9873 Dear Mr. Weaver, (907) 694-2979 FAX (907) 694-1211 On January 24, 1997 we requested that the platting process for the referenced plat be postponed to allow time for us to resolve some issues with Public Works. Those issues have now been resolved and we request that you continue the processing of the referenced subdivision plat. If you require additional information, please contact us. Sincerely, .:'Cowa/n , P.E. RCC/gk 17034 NORTH EAGLE RIVER LooP ° SUITE 204 · EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 '1 , ] MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Platting Board S~mwtll-~'y of Action May 1,' 1996 A. ROLL CALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Hooyer, Penney, Cannelos, Wicks, Klein, Famsworth, Eker, Gain and Caress BOARD MEMBERS EXCUSED: None STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Weaver, Contreras, and Ross B. SUMMARY OF ACTION AND MINUTES April 3, 1996 -- Approved. C. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS D. CONSENT AGENDA E. OLD BUSINESS--None F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Public Hearings a. S-8386A MICHAEL SUBDMSION Postponed to June 5, 1996 for the petitioner to post the property. b. ~3~/ll~ 'v~W SUBDMSION Postponed tna'efl~ely at the request of the petitioner. c. S-9674A RAMPERT SUBDMSION Approve of the variance for flag pole length that exceeds 200 feet. d. S-0835A TURPIN SUBDMSION Approval of the request to remove the plat note limiting development to single family subject to ffiing a resolution with the State District Recorder's office. Plating Board SummaryofAc~on April3, i996 Page 4 Dedicating a 5' snow storage easement~n~cho Street Adams Lane and 17' dedication o~~,~________~_.~ Providing twe~. _c.orne_r. ro(iiYd/~.~intersection of Adams Lane and Monte..~..a~witiu Echo ~treer. ~ e. S-8386A~ MIC~AgI~'~DMSION Postponed at the req~o the May meeting. f. ~.ff-'NKNIK ~W S~D~SION Postponed at the request of the petitioner to the May meeting. g. S-~710A STI~.IA~'F.~'ESTATES SUBDMSION Approval of the vaX~X~ subje/o filing a suitable replatwithin 18 months. The remainder of the ag~ill be heard on April 17, 1996. 1. Chair ~' 2. Secretary ~X 3. co , mmur ty Ns . The meeting adjbumed at 10:30 p.m. Platting Board Summary of Action March 6, 1996 Page 2 2. Resolving the need to combine Lots 3 and 5 to address the need for Lot 3 to be at least 5 acres due to bedrock less than 16' depth.. 3. Resolving drainage improvements and easement with Public Works Project Management and Engineering. 4. Providing a site grading and drainage plan. 5. Providing an erosion and sedimentation control plan. 6. Resolving access to Hfland Road with State DOT. 7. Resolving the need to obtain a variance from AMC 21.80.300 for flag lot. c. S-9722A MCINTYRE SUBDMSION Approval of the variance request from AMC 21.80.330. Postponed at the request of the petitioner due to lack of posting site. e. S-9870 SPENARD H~IGHTS ADDITION Postponed at the request of the petitioner to the May meeting. f. S-9871 U.S. SURVEY 3042 Approval of the vacation of 19.5 feet of right-of-way on Sproat Road subject to filing a suitable replat within 18 months. Approval of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. Providing an as-built of the constructed roadway and drainage ditches and resolving with Public Works Engineering any need to realign the constructed roadway into the dedicated right-of-way resulting from the vacation. o Resolving drainage improvements and drainage easements with Project Development and Engineering. 4. Ob~irulng ADEC approval of the drainage. 6~6~-~69 (Z06) zgR66 VArSI,"'II,' 'HSAIH 379Y'3 '~'Og '$~S '(IVO~t dO07 ~tSAIH 517DV$ #£OZI KNIK VISTA STREET / / / / / ROBERT C. COWAN, RE. ROBERTA. SHAFER, RE. February 2, 1996 HEALTHAUTHORIr¢ APPROVALS SEWER&WATER ENGINEERINGSTUDIES AND REPORTS WELL INSPECTION & FLOWIESE ROAD OESIGN SOILiESf STRUCTURAL& MECHANICAL INSPECEIONS ON SITE W,'NS T EWAT ER OISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK. 99519 ATTENTION: Water Quality REFERENCE: Knik View Subdivision CIV[L ENGINEERS (907) 694-2979 F~ (907) 694-1211 FEB 2 D ~VJUr, clpah[y of Anchorage ept. Health & Human SerWce8 (proposed) This letter addresses concerns regarding a drainage for the referenced proposed subdivision. The drainage pattern within this subdivision follows the existing slope which runs predominately from the south-east to the north- west. Along the Eastern Border of the property, a drainage ditch has been constructed paralleling Knik Vista Drive. This ditch carries runoff to the Northern border where it joins an additional drainage ditch that runs along Alder Leaf Court to join into the drainage ditch serving Inlet vista Circle. From this point any surface drainage travels in a southwesterly direction towards Knik Inlet located to the West. There are currently three(3) ditches located on this tract which were constructed approximately ten years ago. The purpose of these ditches was an attempt to lower high groundwater levels found in the area when test holes were excavated. The location of these ditches can be seen on the attached drawing. According to groundwater monitoring done on several test holes excavated in the fall of 1995, the level of groundwater appears to have dropped approximately three to five feet making developement of these lots more feasible. These ditches are approximately eight to twelve feet deep, lined with filter fabric and filled with approximately six to eight feet of sewer rock and backfilled. 17034 NORTH EAGLE RIVER LOOP · SUITE 204 · EAGLE RIVER, ALASY, A 99577 plan Page Two There is currently no surface drainage visible within this subdivision. The entire Tract is heavily vegatated which prevents any noticeable erosion from the slopes on this property. Any developement of these lots would adhere to the surrounding trends of clearing enough of the lot to construct a house thereby reducing the amount of erosion that would take place by deforesting the entire lot. Drainage from this subdivision will not affect any other subdivision in this area and drainage patterns will not be changed significantly as a result of this subdivision. This subdivision plat will provide for drainage easements as needed or required. Water which originates within the subdivision (snow melt and rain) will follow historical runoff patterns. If you require additional information, please contact me at 694-2979. Sincerely, David Langman Community Planner MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Date: November 17, 1997 TO: m Zoning and Platting, C?D Fro..m.~. a~am o,~Cm ~ ross, p.E., Program Manager, On-Site/Water Qualty Subjecff/ Request for Comments on Subdivision(s) - November 14, 1997 The E,nvironmental Services Division, On-Site Services Program, has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-10172: Crestbrook Subdivision No objections. S-10173: Hilde Subdivision No objections. S~10174: Knik View Subdivision Information to satisfy the requirements specified by AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for this proposal. This information must include: 1. Soils testing, percolation testing and ground water monitoring to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement watewater system disposal sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65, including slope and slope setback requirements. 3. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided. S-10175: Stockly Yard Subdivision Any existing on-site water and/or wastewater disposal facilities located on this property must be permitted and documented per AMC 15.55 and 15.65. If no on-site facilities exist; information to satisfy the requirements specified by AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for the proposed subdivision. This information must include: 1. Soils testing, percolation testing and ground water monitoring to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater system disposal sites must be identified and must meet all criteria in AMC 15.65, including slope and slope setback requirements. 3. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided. 2 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE COMMUNITYPLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT . P.O. Box 196550 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION A. Please fill in the information requested below. Print one letter or number per block. I OFFICE USE ~ I REC'D BY: . 1. Vacation Code 2. Tax Identification No. 3. Street Address 4. NEW abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34). IIIIIt11111111111 F III III/ / III111 5. EXISTING abbreviated legal description (3'12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legal on back page· I IIIIIflllllllllfl/llrl Il rll 6. Petitioner's Name (Last - First) 7. Petitioner's Representative ~ ~-~ ~,~ ,-'z4~l~L I'rld~l I I I I I I I Ilflllllllllll Address City ~HOE~I~ State Address ! ?o ~, ~ ~,,L~- I~,Jg~. C~y ~AG~ ~'~ State Phons ~ (~1~ ~V' Z~ ~ Zip 8. Petition Area Acreage 9. Proposed ' ;::** '" Number Lots ' 10,. Existing 11. Grid Number ;~, ~'Numb?rLots ,::- ". ~ . ' 12. Zone F~] I~l,,Jl ~l~4"tl I~1-1~1 I I I t111111 III1111 Bo Date: ~ -- J ~J - ~ 1 13. Fee $ ' '.t 14. Community Council I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances· I understand that payment of the basic s~Jbdivision fee is nonrefundab e and s to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the su .b~, ivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further · understand that assigned hearing dates are tentat ve and may have t~6 be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. ~g~ture ~"',~ ' *Agents must provide written proof of authorization. C. Please check or fill in the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan-- Land Use Classification Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related Marginal Land Corn mercial/Ind ustrial Public Lands/Institutions Alpine/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study 2. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use intensity SpeciaIStudy ,, . Dwelling Units per Acre Alpine/Slope Affected Environmental Factors (it any): W~tl /~ ~/~t""; ' , ~ ' ~ !A ~lla and i ~---" o , , !,, 1. Developable c.~ Floodplain : ; 2. Conservation d. Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) " 3. Preservation ,, .,,. ? , ;,;;, , i',: ,,, . · ~ '~ .., D. Please indicate below if any of these events hav~ occurred in the last five years on the property.: r~/A Rezoning Case Number ~-.--.~L.~.~.~.~.~. Subdivision Ca,se Number ~J/,~ Conditio'nai Use-~ ;~,, '.,, .. ~/,'Or~ Zoning Variance Case Number , ~./,A... Enforcement ~ction For ~Building/Land Use Per~it F,or ..... ; !kJ/* , Army Corp of En~gi~ne~.;s pir~mi! ( , .,. ,, Legal description for advertising. Checklist 40 Copies of Plat (Long Plat) 30 Copies of Plat (Short Plat) Reduced Copy of Plat (81~ x 11) Certiflcatp t° Plat ~ . Waiver Fee Drainage Plan Tope Map 4 Copies . Soils Repot[ 4 Copies '~ Aerial Photo~ . -. ~( Housing Stock Map ,,, ~ /4/pr Landscaping Requirements ~;~ Zoning Map Water: Private Wells "~' ~''' ,' Community Well Sewer: Private Septic Community Sys. Public Utility Public Utility NOO'O9'42"E $50,79 / I \ \ 5O Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~;~-¢' \ I% L.¢~ I~ ¢-~,¢...~'~ownship, Range, Section: 1 2 3 4- 5' 6 7 9 10 11 12 ?3 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- ?9- 20 COMMENTS 14, WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? (o.~' ' /0~¢i Depth to Water After Mmqitoring? ~ Dale: SLOPE SITE PLAN Reading Date Cross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN "~ ET AND__1~¢ FT $ ENGINEERING PERFORMED BY: --t'~ ~1/~'~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN 17034 Eagle t(iver Loop Road N0.~204 ACCORDANCE WITH AL~a~I~,T~i~['~p.,~II~I~I~,JIOELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ~ '~ dj ~ ~ ~- '2-008 (Rev. 4/85) Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 13- 14- 15- 16- 17 18 19 2O COMMENTS ~r~ ~ t~- q ~, ~..,,~ Township, Range, Section: WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? q ~-~---~ IF YES, AT WHAT ~ DEPTH? L~ 6 ' /o- ~rl--~ ~' Depth to Water Alter ~l Monitoring? Dale: '~ "q ~qS'~ SLOPE SITE PLAN Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE __ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN '~' '~- FT AND ~'~- FT $ & S ENGINEEEING PERFORMED BY: ........ ~& ,~.t.... I ~,~ ~ No. ~0~ ~'~ ~ ~D CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AL~I~¥~(]~;~A~1~'~UIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: g'q '~"-- 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: f~"~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ ~'~ ~ L~ 1 2 3 4' 5- 6- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14- 15- 16- 17- 18-- 19 2O COMMENTS ~1 ~' ~ IA ~.L~ ~/[¢.~Township, Range, Section: WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Deplh to Waler Alter Monilori~l~? L."l Dale: SLOPE SITE PLAN Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN ~ETWEEN ~'~ .TAN9 t~.C- FT 5 & $ ENGINEERING PERFORMED BY: I ~'~')~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN 1%03,3 Eagle River Loop Road No, 204 ACCORDANCE WITH AI[~§~b~I~I~[UIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) (ENGINEER'S SEAL) Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L' Street, Anchorage. Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? \Ji~ IF YES, AT WHAT (.p' SL DEPTH? , pO Depth to Water Alter ~ I MenitorinD? Date: ~:~"~1 ~ 5~ COMMENTS SITE PLAN Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop 7-. ~,,.J '"5'1~' (" PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER __ TEST RUN BETWEEN '~ FT AND ~'~ FT L. PERFORMED BY: ' 'S ~- $ ENGINEERING ~'~,~.~, 'l 7~..'3~4 Eagle River Le.~p ADa,'; ~o. I~0~,, ,~,-, ,,,'~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AL~-~T~,~?~pJ~I~d~G:I~{~:~OIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ~ ''~ '~' ~'f 72-008 (Rev. 4185) PERFORMED FOR: ,, i Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ~. c~ .: -../~- : %,w ~, ~ ~ DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~-~z:~ '~I~-'~P I~,L__'~[~.~_~ Township, Range, Section: I 2 3- 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SLOPE 13- 14- 15 16 ~8 20- COMMENTS WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED7 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Deplh to Wa(er After MonilorinD? SITE PLAN Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop '~ -~,j L.~ i~ PERCOLATION RATE I (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER __ TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ FT AND ~ FT S & S ENGINEERING ..... ~---I. ol,~,~ I ~l~ I~oad NO, 20~~ ~ O CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN e ' , s 99577 ACCORDANCE WIT~ ~[ ~ ~NICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THiS DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev. 4/~) Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: ~...J~ DATE PERFORMED': ' f'~'~'~-O""'C~~'~'''' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~-'o-'¢' ,~- '~.L4~-'-~ ~'~[~---~/[~¢~,~-/' Township, Range, Section: 6- 7 8 9- 13- 14- 15- 17- 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? ,EYES. ATW"AT DEPTH? Play / ~ ._~,~ c~ ~ aeph oWaer~ Moniloring? Ix/ic'vI Date: SLOPE SITE PLAN Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN I~ FTAND ~"' FT PERFORMED BY: ~ .% ¢; I=I~C.I~I~EI~ING I I~'~/~l,~'',~ 'J ,O 7 3 ' e iyerLoo Road No, 2 ^CGORDANOE WIT¢~F~"~ ~,~ ~.~ GUIDEL,~ IN EP~EOT ON T.,S °ATE. 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN DATE: ~ ~'~ ~-? '~' Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ~ sLoPE sI~E PLAN N 1 2 4- 5 fr/,~/~?~- 6 7. 8 9 10 · WAS GROUND WATER ~ ENCOUNTERED? __ '~ 12 DEPTH? j~ 13. Del~lh lo Water After ~ IYI0niterin§? c~"-" Date: 14- R~adin9 Date Gross Net D~pth to Net Time Time Water Drop 19. ~ ~~~~~ 20- PERCOLATION RATE ~ [minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER - ~ PERFORMED BY: $ & S ENGINEEEING -- 17r~;~ i~agl~ RNa, L~,;~; ,".;:~ ~!~JO~ ~-'A-g ~, ~ > ACCORDANCE WITH ~E~ka~g57~, [ ~ ~, .....~ uUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON TH S DATE. 72-008 (Rev. 4/~) CERTIFY THAT THiS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN DATE: ~' ~-~ ~:] z.~ , I Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~..~'T' J-~ DATEPERFORM~ 1 2 3- 6- 7- 9- 10- 13 15 16 18 19 20 COMMENTS ~,.~\ ¢_. \J ~.~ Township, Range, Section: WAS GROUND WATER \ ENCOUNTERED? ~ (~ ,F YES, AT WHAT f~[ I~ DEPTH? j~ pO Depth to Waler After c~J MonitorinJJ? c~' Date: ~ ~'~ "~ ,~' SLOPE SITE PLAN Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN /~ FTAND ~ FT S & S ENGINEERING ,., ~k~? ,.)~ PERFORMED BY: 17034 Eagle ~iver i.~p ~,~,,,~ ,-~,, 20~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WiTH A~a~a~t~'~EAI[e.~k~C~,?'~UIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: c~ ~-fl ~-C[ ~' 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) : I Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~"¢"¢'~ ~ ~W-~"~ ¢~,~¢¢__'~¢..~Township, Range, Section: SLOPE 1 4 5 6 7 9- 10- 13- 14- 15 16 17 18 19 2O was GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? SITE PLAN COMMENTS IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Oel~th to Water After o. ~ Monitoring? ~" Dale: Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN '~ FT AND L~ FT S & $ ENGINEERING ........ , ... I~,,~1 M,~ ~1~, ~--~'~Lf~., ,~ ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN PERFORMED BY: I/U~ i=aglu ~ ..... ~' .......... ACCORDANCE WITH aLLl~'~l~, ~i~I~[~?~IDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) PERFORMED FOR: Municipality of Anchorage. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~-' // - 1 2. 3- 4- 5- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 35 16- 17- 18- 19~ 20- COMMENTS ~W-qq SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? / /, Deplh 10 Water After'~ ~' MoniloriAg? '~ Date: SITE PLAN Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net )~/~'~'0 ~,~Time Time Water Drop / t.~-23-?~ I2.:~¥ 724" ~ /2:3~ I0 IIn 3 d t z .. qff /o 1o elY" 3 a/? ,, ? /,: i~ 7,~ PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN 2~'~ FTAND 3e~"~ FT PERFORMED BY: Eagle Eiver~ AlasKa~11-- 17/~/~ -~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: /~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) Municipality of Anchorage .')?...? "~ ".. ~ ¢ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES .............. ,. ,,..,..,: ...... 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 ~~.~.,.~ SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ~ ~ ROBERT C, COWAN ~ ~ LEGAL DESCRmTION: ~,, /~, ~[ ~/ ' .... Township, Range, Section: SLOPE SIT~ PLAN 6 7 8 9- 10- -- ~'~/~'/ WAS GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT 8epth t° Water AfleF~/~// ~3 MoflitorinD? ~ ~ Date: /~,~a~/~/~Gross Net Depth ,o Net Reading ate Time Time Water Drop / t;z..~.¢-'/~, i/:/3 ¢,~/~,, ~ i1:~ /o ~k~" I ~1~" ~ ll;Z4 .~/4' ~ 1/: ,~ ~ ~; ~ ~1: ~ /o i ~" 14 15 16 17 18- 19- 20 - -- PERCOLATION RATE ~"-~ (minutes/inchl PERC HOLE DIAMETER COMMENTS y,¢ //,¢ TEST RUN .ET EEN z. PERFORMED BY: 17034 Ea~Je ~ive~ Loop ~oa~, No, 2~ ~/ ¢ ~ '/" ¢~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ~91e Eiver, Alaska ~577 ' ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) 5O 5O N 00'05'53"W 329.75' (M) S > <~ . xx TELECOM & ELEC N 00'22'49"W 55, N 00'25'42"W 55' N O0'~7'b6"E ~ , O' DRAINAOE SEPTIC RESERVE /'TH#15AREA /~ / ,TH#14 LOT 4 6,3,930 SF 1.47 AC / ?#TL0'r ,¢ 66,820/SF SEPTIQ.53~ AC RESERVE - AREA / · TH#6 / TH#TA / SEPTIC / RESERVE / LOT4 7 AREA / 51,580 SF, 1.179 AC. / (1.28 AC. TO C/~L) // 60' LOT 6 57,350 SF 1.317 AC LOT LOT 8 SF, 1.081 AC. AC. TO C/L) / SEPTIC / RESERVE ALDER LEAF COURT N 89'56'44"W 276.91' (REC. 85-16~)~,~' S 89'56'44"E 276.91'(M) 0 10' TELECOM & ELEC ;M% ..... II SEPTIC 7Hi¢8'I II , TH#gA II RESERVE , SEPTIC - I AREA I RESERVE I l t AREA I I · TH#8A/ Ii TH#1.3 / I 5~ LOT 1 1.174 AC 48,990 SF I 1.125 AC o~ (1.28 AC fO C/L) (1.50 AC TO C/L's),.°,! BL¢CK 5[ SEPTIC RESERVE AREA F-T7 LOT, 5 II k9,400 SF ~-II I 1'134 AC ~'l'l (1.32 AC TO C/L) ~. I I LOT I1 d ITH#4A I 33 2 JUDD ] Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~-~t'-~ I~V-'-~'P ~-3.~,~,/.._'~[~.1~_.~ Township, Range, Section: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14- 18- 10- 20- SLOPE COMMENTS WASGROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? SITE PLAN s IF YES, AT WHAT ' 0L DEPTH7 ~ p De~l~'lo Wa~er A~er Monitoring? ~:2~ Date: ~ ~ ~ Reading ' Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~" -- (m~nute$/mchj PERC HOLE DIAMETER __ TEST RUN BETWEEN ~' FT AND ~'- ET $ & S ENGINEERIN~ PERFORMED BY: ..... ~--~. Ot,~. I ~D Road I~o. 2~ ,~ ~ O CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WIT~ e~er, Alas~.~5~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g~c ~u MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST ~ ~ 0 ROBERT C, COWAN DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: [-~'~ ~-~ ~z~__~-~ ~_~[V_~t~[,~.~f. Township, Range, Section: SLOPE 2 3 4. 5- 6- 7 8 9 10 11 12- 14- 15- 16- 17 18 19 2O COMMENTS ~ ~FL ~- ~ SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? Depth 1o Water A~r Monitoring? ('~"~"~ I Dal~ Reading Dat~ Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop ~'~',) u'l,-'~ I ' PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER __ CERTIFY THAT THiS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 4. 7 9 10 11 12 WAS GROUND WATER [ ENCOUNTERED?~,~k~:2 DEFTR? f ~ ~O Township, Range, 8eotJon: SiTE PLAN 14- 15- 16- 17~ 18 19 20 COMMENTS Depth to Water ADer ,,_.. ~ Monitoring? ~ Date: Reading ' Da~e Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~__ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~'~-'~ FT AND 4.~' FT $ & S ENGINEERING PERFORMED BY: 1703~ EagJe ~;Y~ ",,Gi; ACCORDANCE WITH/~{~3~E~II~I~-~[~GUIDELiNES. IN EEFECT ON THIS DATE 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN DATE: Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST 1 2 3 6 7- 9- 10- 11 12 13 14 15- 16- 18' 19 20 COMMENTS WASGROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? Township, Range, Section: SLOPE SITE PLAN IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? / lO~q ~ ~ q, ¥ D~pth Io W~ter After Monitorino? __Dale: Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch] PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN z.~ FTAND ~ FT PERFORMED BY: S & S ENGINEERING ~ 1703~, Eagle kiver g~ ~.,~,--d ~.'~. '~P..4~t%* ~) ~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AJ[~a~/Y~Af%J~kiaC~7~UiDELiNES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE, DATE: ~.~ ~C~ ~ 72-008 (Rev, 4/85i : Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 4. 5- 6- 7 8 9 10 11 12- 13- 14- 15- 16, 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS o \ ROgE~T c. COWaN / ~ j ~L~l~,~Township, Range, Section: SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? . ~ IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? / Del]Ih to Water AHer ~ ~ Monitoring? Date: Reading ' Dat~ Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch] PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~-P FT AND I~ FT S & S ENG!N£ERING ~--~, .5 ~ PERFORMED BY: - ~'* --- ~ ... BAred M~ ~ ACCORDANCE WITH AL~,~[~DELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. 72-~8 (Rev. 4/~) CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN DATE: Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 13 14 15 16- 17- 18' 19 20 [~t..O~E.T c. COWAN DATE PEREORMED: '~,~'~,l,~,~;~,~ ~ Range, Section: SLOPE SiTE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Depth Io Water After Maniloring? Reading Net Drop Net Depth to Time Water PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER __ TEST RUN BETWEEN ~'~ FTAND ~ FT COMMENTS '~' ~ '¢~' ~;~ PERFORMED BY: S & S ENGINEERING ~-/~,~, ~ e 17034 Eagle River L~op Road N0.1204 ACCORDANCE WITH ALi~a~EJ~e¥~).~j~/~I~r~ii~U~DiDELiNES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN DATE: JF .~ ~ -' ~ ~' Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage. Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ff~ p ~> · I~Lr~W._ q ~ ~.~ Township, Range, Section: COMMENTS ~",~ .-~ ~A SLOPE WASGROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? Deplh to Waler ADer ~ MoniterinD? Date: SITE PLAN Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop '>] ~,3 5~ I~ q ~. ~,~,$ ~- PERCOLATION RATE __ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN SETWEEN '7~,~ FT AND ~-~'~ FT" $ & $ ENGINEERIN~ . ~ PERFORMED BY: 17G-~4 ~'a~1~ ,m.!.... I ~ I~ No. ~[~ iP-o ~) CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE W~TH AI~-a~I~¥,~dSt~I~I~7~rt~iDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ~'~1 'c~5'--- 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) Municipality ol Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMEDFOR: ~:) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ ~') ~ ~ tJ'j,L,~ ~j~)Township, Range, Section: t 2 3 4 8- 8 10 13- 14- 18 20- COMMENTS ~,~,~lA ,"I,,~.. ROBERT C. COW^N ~ ?,% ..... ,.~ ,~. DATE PERFORMED: ~--~ SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? SITE PLAN DEPTH? / ~.p Deplh to Water After Moeilortog? ~ Date:. ~ Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water '4 Net Drop L? PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch] PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN '~'~'-- FTAND. I~.~" FT PERFORMED BY: $ & $ ENGINEERING '" 17034 Eagle J{lvel' Loop Road No. 204 ' { CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AIBa§J~I~I~J~I~'UIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-008 {Rev. 4/85) (ENGINEER'S SEAL) Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street. Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION:~-'~"' ~ {2~.,~ ~[~.,[Z_~t~..0Township, Range. Section: SLOPE I 8- AS 9- 10- 11 13- 14- 15- 16- 17 18 19 20 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? / eeplh to Waler Alter bt Monitoring? Date: SITE PLAN Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop 2.- ~.- ~,,J "~'/~' J" PERCOLATION RATE ~- (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~-~ FT AND ~'~ FT S & S ENGINEERING PERFORMED BY: .... I --,- ,.~ Z.~' ~'9CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A~p~I~IDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-~8 (Rev. 4/~) Municipality of Anchorage. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: DATE PERFORM~ 4'D ,--~' ~'....{',~. x ~- LEGAL DESCRIPTION' ~ ~- 1 2 3 4 6 6 ? 8 9 10- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? , 0 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Ot P E / /, Deplh t0 Water After Monitoring? --" Doth: Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net P~O/~ Time Time Water Drop / l,z-:z3-?~ l,~::z4 77¢" q IZ:9~ /o /o~/~" ~6/~,, I ~ ~ ~7 /o II ~' ~ ~/~" ~ / :~ ~ /o /~ ~', ~ ~/~,, ~ I:/z 7,~ /o PERCOLATION RATE . (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~°"~' FT AND '~*.--.~ FT 17034 Eagle River Loop Road, No. 204 PERFORMED BY: Ea~le R ver~ A aska v'~3//' ~/" ~< CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) Municipality of Anchorage. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST 6 ? 8 9- 1'1 13- 14 15 16 17. 18- 19- 20- SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S / // IF YES, AT WHAT ~ ~_~ ~) DEPTH? p E Monior nD? ~ / Dale: SITE PLAN Reading ate Gross Net Depth to Net /CTA'~a~,~,Jj~ Time Time Water Drop ,1 ~ I il:~ /0 ~" / ~" ~ z/; ~ /o ~/~,, I ~; ~o /~,.' ~ 7 /~ 7 ~h'' I %,, PERCOLATION RATE ~"'~ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~-' ~ FTAND ~'~' ~ FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: ACCORDANCE WiTH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) Eagle River, Alaska 99577 CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ,,Z. ~.~ -,S'g' Municipality of Anchorage. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: /~¢c ~ -~ /~,/- ~ '/~2,¢ ~l~Township, Range, Section: WASGROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT ~ ! L DEPTH? pO Oeplh to Water After ~. t Moniloring? /~ Dale: ~'~ ~ , 1 2 3- 4 - 5- 6 7 9 10 11 13- 14- 15- ~6- 1 17- 15- 19- 20- Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop I ~'-~,--~- ._ ,9, ~ ~ ,, La,, i~ 9 ,I ~, '7 ~ I" PERCOLATION RATE '~- (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN__~ FT AND zf/ FT COMMENTS PERFORMEi~4 Eagle Rivet. Loom Road Nh_ _9_n~. I CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN Eac~Je River, Alaska 99577 ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) SULLIVAN P. O. [lOX 272. CHUGIAK OWNER OF LAND From ~ FI. t0 /~ Fl .~0 C<~ · From From..~ ~' Ft, to'7OFt. ~ISC~, I~O~M~}IOS: , I derIifiea riiling · b) SULILIVA~ WATER WELLS ADDR~S ~0 ~0~ ~7 ~ ~-] ~ ~ STATI('LEVELOF~gATERFt. KIND OF FORMATION: From (') From_c~ Ft. to._~L~ Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From. l/ FL lo~ Ft. ]'.'o m Fl, lo -Fl From. FI. lo Fl. 6t.J ~4 rg,~ From Fi. fo Fi, From__.Ft. to FI~ _ From __.Fi. lo Ft. _ ' From Fi. to FI, MISCL. INFOPJ4ATION: 33~-5312, KIND OF FORMATION: FROM ,,.,.,.~,~.~:~;i['.... VI'. TO ........ .~.8, ......... FT.....~: ..O~,.~.~,.,~.O.~... FROm .......~.8 ....... FT, TO ........ !,'~ ......... FT, ....~.~,.~..I~'~,Z~. "' FROM .....,.!~9. ..........rT. TO ....... ~. ......... [:ROM ...................... Fr. TO ....................Fl' .................................... FRO~ ................... rt. TO ...................... ~.. ~'"~ ...: .................. ~'~, TO ...................... ~.., FROM ....................... FT. TO ...................... FT. ~,tlSCL. INFORMATION: FROM ......... ~ ............ Fl'. TO ..................... FT, ................ FROM ............ ; ......... F'II'.TO ............ :~.~,. ;.,~:~'J' ................ '~ ' FROM ....................... ~.,o ............. .~Z...; ............ : .......... ' ' - '..FROM .,,,~...~; ..... Fl' TO ................. JC'T ............... , . : . , -,~ ~ ~ ,.. ' FROM ..... ,roM.........: ........... FROM ..................... n'. TO ...................... ~: ............................ ~rO~ .....,:;~ ........... rt. TO ...................... ~ ............................ From ...................... ~ TO ,rr;.., DRILLER'~ NAM[ 6L6U-~69 (LO6) LLg66 ~gISV?V 'HZAIg X?DV~ 0 x SUMMARY OF ACTION April 4, 1984 Page 4 ge NEW BUSINESS S-7384A Knik View Subdivision The plat was approved subject to: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Resolving utility easements. Resolving drainage and drainage easements (to include the need for footing drains). Resolving the need for engineered foundations with Public Works. Entering into a subdivision agreement for: a. all interior streets to suburban interior stan- dards and peripheral roads and peripheral standards. b. access road, and Glacier to suburban access standards to Oberg Road. c. soils, sediment and erosion control plan. do water extension to include fire hydrants, stub- outs. e. street name signs, street lights and traffic control devices. Resolving with Public Works the access right-of-way and construction especially across the major drainage on Glacier Road. Resolving soils and water monitoring with DHEP. Resolving access to surrounding properties with Public Works. Obtaining State DEC approval for the community water system. Insuring all lots meet the slope chart requirements of Title 21. Resolving the need for an easement for the Eklutna Water Project with AWWU. Tracting out the area with the high water table and installing a dewatering system and obtaining DHEP's approval before returning to the Board for future subdivision. Resolving the need for walkways with Physical Planning. Obtaining a wetlands permit, if required. Resolving street names with Community Planning. 2~ S~6775B Huntwood Subdivision MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: S-7384A March 2, 1984 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Knik View Subdivision COMMENTS DUE BY: March 19, 1984 ( ,Ji~"~ PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE (~,¢' ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: S-7384 November 30, 1983 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Knik View Subdivision COMMENTS DUE BY: December 16, 1983 ( ~ CO~R AVAILABLE COMMENTS: (~)~PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM; SUBJECT: February 24, 1984 Health and Environmental Protection S-7384: Knik View Subdivision Attention: Jerry Weaver This will continue correspond on the Knik View Subdivision(Case S-7384 and will supplement the comments made in our memorandum, dated February 21, 1984. The comments made in the above referenced memorandum are still valid, and are considered to be critical. A reiteration of these comments is as follows: (i) Additional soils tests must be availed prior to preliminary approval. There were only four(4) soils tests taken in the area now defined as Lots 1 - 17 Block 2, and one in Lots 1 - 5 Block 1. At least six(6) additional soils tests mu~t be taken so that a representative indication of the soils characteristics can be determined. (2) In the original package of information submitted, the soils test sites were not specifically located with respect to the proposed lots. We have had to estimate the locations of these sites, which is not acceptable. (3) The plat originally submitted does not properly depict the topography of the system. Again, we had to make several assumptions as to contour interval, slope, etc. This is not acceptable. (4) Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Block 2 are located in a steeply sloped area. These lots are also immediately adjacent to an area(Tract A) which is underlain with shallow groundwater. Prior to preliminary approval, the following additional information must be availed: (a) The slope of each lot must be confirmed, and then an area must be delineated on each lot where the original and two(2) replacement wastewater disposal systems can be installed. The area set aside for these systems must be in an area of less than 25%. (b) Soils tests were perfo~aed on only two(2) of these five(5) lots (exact location unknown). These lots are all adjaceqt to an area located upstructure, that is underlain with shallow groundwater. There must be at least two(2) more soils tests taken(Lots 18, 19) and water monitoring Zests must be taken on all soils test holes for at least fourteeh(14) days prior to preliminary approval. (5) Subsequent to receiving the original package and furnishing our comments thereon, we received a proposed "dewatering process" for the area to be tracted(Tract A). This proposal is fraught with inconsistencies and inadequacies. Some of these are as follows: 91-010 (4/76) Community Planning Department February 24, 1984 Page Two (a) The theory of lowering a groundwater table by using a subsurface drain system(curtain drain) is to install a deep drainage system perpendicular to the direction of subsurface flow, and then divert the intercepted flow to an outfall located away from and down- structure of the area to be drained. The proposed system intercepts the subsurface flow somewhat parallel, to the direction of flow, which will have minimal if any effect on lowering the groundwater table. (b) The first'outfall of the system as proposed is directly into the "nearest road ditch". This is totally unacceptable because of the potentially large vo].ume of water that will be flowing continuously. (c) The final outfall of the system is proposed to be onto the existing Alaska Railroad right-of-way. There is every reason to believe that the Alaska Railroad would never allow this to occur. As shown on Phase II of the proposed subsurface drainage system, no septic tank systems would be allowed inside a 100' setback from the drainage culverts. If this were indeed followed, then Lots 3, 5, 6 Block 2 and Lots 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 Block 1 could not support on-site disposal systems. This conclusioh also takes into consideration slope and the MEA r~ght-of-way easement. In summary, there has not been sufficient usable information availed to this Department for any form of preliminary plat approval on this proposed subdivision, and the request for approval should be denied and returned for redesign. It should also be brought to the attention of the developer that any fourteen(14) day monitoring of ground water requested to date by this Department, does not negate the subsequent need for ninety(90) day monitoring. A standard requirement of this Department is for ninety(90) day monitoring of ground water levels in any test hole/pit where ground water was encountered or even suspected of being within twelve(12) feet of the ground surface. The last thirty(30) days of this ninety(90) day monitoring period must occur between June 1 and October 15, with final results provided to this Department between preliminary and final plat approval. Keith E. Bandt Environmental Engineering Manager KEB/ljw nicip l y of Anc or e MEMORANDUM DATE: February 21, 1984 TO: Planning Department FROM: Health and Environmental Protection SUBJECT: S-7384: Knik View Subdivision This Department must have the following information prior to preliminary approval: (1) Need additional soils test. (2) Need to locate all soils tests on the lots. (3) Need identifiable contour/topography map identifying slopes. (4) Need water monitoring on all soils test(14 day) and on Lots 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Block 2 or tract this area. cialist JWL/ljw 91-010 (4/76) ~DATE: CASE: SITE: LAND USE: SOILS: TOPO: VEGETATION: SUBDIVISION CASE REVIEW STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION April 4, 1984 S-7384 KNIK VIEW - 15 lots into 41 lots 29.5 acres Undeveloped See attached; additional soils Varies Spruce, Birch, Brush ZONING: Unrestricted DENSITY BEFORE: --- COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CLASSIFICATION: INTENSITY: AFTER: --- Special Study Rural Dev. Area Special Study Rural Dev. Area have been requested SURROUNDING AREAS: NORTH EAST SOUTN WEST LAND USE: Under Undev Under/Res ARR/Res ZONING: ............ Unrestricted .................... FINDINGS: 1. Utility easements have been requested by MEA & MTA. 2. Public Works requests: a. A subdivision agreement is required to construct Blue Spruce Drive to suburban interior standards from Knik View Drive to end ~[ of cul-de-sac. ~ subdivision agreement is required to ~ ,~ /~constru~t Alderwood Road to suburban interior ~ ~[%\% // standards from Blue Spru9e Drive to Knik View Staff Analysis and Recommendation Case No. S-7384 Page 2 A subdivision agreement is required to construct Knik View Drive to suburban peripheral and access standards from north boundary to Glacier Road. A subdivision agreement is required to construct Birch West Drive to suburban interior standards from Knik View Drive to east subdivision boundary· Resolve drainage and drainage easements with Public Works Engineering· Resolve the need for footing drains and footing drain stubouts with Public Works Engineering. Resolve erosion and sediment control with Public Works Engineering. Provide a 24-foot wide buildable access ease- ment for BLM Lot 41 and 46. Provide additional rights-of-way and/or public use easement along the proposed access road from Knik View Drive to Glacier Road to a minimum of 60 feet wide. Provide an approved road construction plan for the subdivision prior to final plat recording. DHEP requests resolution of the following prior to any approval: ae New location for well (community water). Electric and telephone easement disposition. Topography contour figures. Drainage and water monitoring thirty (30) to sixty (60) days. e. Additional soils test. f. Application for water rights from the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources. Obtain approval to construct and operate a community water system from the State of Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation. Certificate of ownership and dedication for the well radii. Physical Planning recommends return for redesign to address: a. 30% slopes in relation to 100' utility ease- ment, building pads, and drainfield; b. buildable space on individual lots; and c. location of slope easements. Staff Analysis and Recommendation Case No. S-?384~- Page 3 Zoning Enforcement notes Lots 3, 4, and 5, Block and Lots 35, 36 and 37, Block 2 may be unbuildable due to topography and the electric and telephone easement. Traffic Engineering has no objections. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval of the plat subject to: Resolving utility easements,t~ Resolving drainage and drainage easements (to~''~ include the need for footing drains). Resolving the need for engineered foundations with : Public Works. 4. Entering into a subdivision agreement for:, a. all interior streets to suburban interior stan- dards and peripheral roads and peripheral standards. ~ b. access road, Glacier and ~ to suburban access standards to Oberg Road. e. soils, sediment and erosion control plan. d. water extension to include fire hydrants, stu~; bouts. e. street name signs, street lights and traffic control devices. 5. Resolving with Public Works the access right-of-way - and construction especially across the major drainage on Glacier Road. 6. Resolving soils and water monitoring with DHEP. 7. Resolving access to surrounding properties with ~-~f Public Works. Obtaining State DEC approval for the community water system. 9. Insuring all lots meet the slope chart requirements of Title 21. 10. Resolving the need for an easement for the Eklutna Water Project with AW-WU. 11. / Tracting out the area with the high water table and~ f installing a dewatering system and obtaining DHEP's ~ approval before returning to the Board for futureJ /_~'~ subdivision. ,~ ~ ~ Staff Analysis and Recommendation Case No. S-7384 Page 4 12. 13. 14. JwT/npsa26 Resolving the need for walkways with Physical Planning. Obtaining a wetlands permit, if required. Resolving street names with Community Planning° IN¢ S-7476 U Area GRA$SER RD. 2A ,~ 0 500 1000 I I I FEET MUNICIPALITY OF A~¢EORAGE /c /2 MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: TNRU: FROM: SUBJECT: February 29, 1984 Jerry Weaver, Platting Officer Bruce Phelps, Physical Planning Manager Priscilla Wohl, Land Use Seetion~ Plat Comments New information has been brought to our attention since the original review of plats to be heard on March 7, 1984o Specifically, additional comments are submitted for the following two subdivision plats. S-7458 GRAZELDA SUBDIVISION The petitioner has provided for an adequate creek maintenance easement for this plat, however, the creek is currently not in the location shown on the plat. Substantial creek realignment will be necessary. This watercourse is Little Campbell Creek, an anadromous fish stream, and any instream work will require both a Title 16 permit from Alaska Department of Fish & Game and a Section 404 permit from the Corps of Engineers. It is recommended that the Title 16 permit be obtained prior to approving this plat because of the potential problems and time involved with securing the permit. Extensive mitigation measures and habitat enhancement will be required to relocate this stream, and that information should be provided to the Platting Board for their review of this project. KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION The proposed subdivision is located in an area with very serious environmental constraints: steep slopes, high groundwater table, and poor access. The proposed subdivision, with the large utility easement and the setbacks requirements for the storm drainage system, provides several lots which could be difficult on which to build. In addition, the density proposed is within the high range allowed in the Comprehensive Plan. Considering the character of the surrounding neighborhood (rural, low density) and the signi- ficant environment constraints, Physical Planning recommends that the proposed plat be returned for redesign to address the items identified above and to consider a cluster plat. pw4/mm11 Pl'atting Manager, March 22, 1984 Page 8 Jerry Weaver The Traffic Engineering Division would object to the removal of the construction of the walkway without removal of the easement, S~7356B Columbia Park subdivision~ Addition ~4 The Traffic Engineering Division recommends denial of for conditional approval modification. the request S-6953A Chugach Mountain Estates The Traffic Engineering Division tion of approval modification° recommends denial of the condi= S-6941A Keyann subdivision The Traffic Engineering Division has vacation. no objection to the proposed S-7384A Knik View Subdivision Ail the roadways, both internal and peripheral to this subdivi- sion are local streets. The Traffic Engineering Division has no objection to the plat, subject to providing a subdivision agreement for street lights, street name signs, and traffic control devices. RRL/GB/bmco te2/rrl6-9 Platting officer, March 9, 1984 Page 2 Jerry Weaver S~7356B 1. S-7384 1. e 6. 7. 8. 9. Columbia Park ~4 Condition Modification Public Works Engineering recommends denial of the pro- posed request until the appropriate infrastructure is in place so as to accomodate safe access for existing traf~. fic and future traffic from previously approved developments. After the appropriate roads have been constructed, Public Works Engineering would have no objection to the removal of the condition. Knik View Subdivision A -subdivision agreement is required to construct Blue Spruce Drive to suburban interior standards from Knik View Drive to end of cul-de-sac. A subdivision agreement is required to construct Alder- wood Road to suburban interior standards from Blue Spruce Drive to Knik View nrive. A subdivision agreement is required to construct Knik View Drive to suburban peripheral .and access standards from north boundary to Glacier Road. A subdivision agreement is required to construct Birch West Drive to suburban interior standards from Knik View Drive to east subdivision boundary. Resolve drainage and drainage easements with Public Works Engineering. Resolve the need for footing drains and footing drain stub-outs with Public Works Engineering. Resolve erosion and sediment control with Public Works Engineering. Provide a 24 foot wide buildable access easement for BLM Lot 41 and 46. Provide additional rights-of-way and/or public use ease- ment along the proposed access road from Knik view Drive to Glacier Road to a minimum of 60 feet wide° Provide an approved road construction plan for the sub- division prior to final plat recording. Platting Officer, March 9, 1984 Page 3 Jerry Weaver S-7501 1o o 3. S-7502 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. $-7503 1. NOTE: So as to determine constructability of all roads and acceptable grades to all units. Hansen Sand Lake A subdivision agreement is required to construct 74th to urban peripheral ~tandards from east property line to west property line. Resolve the need for road construction of 73rd with Public Works Engineering. Resolve drainage and drainage easements with Public Works Engineering. Liberty Manor A subdivision agreement is Avenue to urban peripheral to east bOundary. required standards to construct 46th from Grumman Drive A subdivision agreement Drive to urban access Tudor Road. is required standards to construct Grumman from 46th Avenue to 20 foot radius corner roundings are required at all intersections. Resolve the need for a temporary turnaround on 46th Avenue with Public Works Engineering. Resolve, drainage and drainage easements with Public Works Engineering. Resolve the need for footing drains and footing drain stub-outs with Public Works Engineering. Resolve the need for engineered foundations with Public. Works Engineering. Briarcliff Subdivision ~ A subdivision agreement is required to construct all interior roads to urban interior standards. Additional right-of-way to 60 feet is required for S. Merlin Loop. I. II Jerry Weaver, Platting Officer March 19, 1984 Page 2 Commission, Physical Planning recommends that the request to increase the dwelling units be denied° S-7356B COLUMBIA PARK SUBDIVISION ADDITION NO. 4 Physical Planning supports the recommendation of the Platting Board to delay construction of this project until 1986 because of present inadequate public facilities. This subdivision and this area of town has received careful review by the Planning Department, Public Works Department, and other Departments within the Municipality and it has been our belief that the development at the density pro- posed is not current serviced by adequate public facilities. Therefore, we recommend that condition no. 16 in the approval for this subdivision case remain in tact. S-7384A KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION See comments provided earlier for this plat dated February 29, 1984. S-7501 HANSEN LAKE ADDITION, No comment S-7502 LIBERTY MANOR SUBDIVISION No comment S-7503 BRIAR CLIFF SUBDIVISION No comment S-7504 CORNERSTONE SUBDIVISION No comment S-7505 MOLINE SUBDIVISION No comment S-7506 NORTH WOODS SUBDIVISION, No comment /./.5 Municipality ot Anchorage MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: March 21, 1984 Planning Department . Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility :'::~ PLAT REVIEW S-7384A Knik View Subdivision, Revised The Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility has reviewed the.subject plat and has the following comment: 1) The AWWU cannot approve this plat until such time as the Eklutna Project pipeline alignment has been approved by the Municipal Assembly. SHARON L. ROBERTS Engineering Tech. AWWU Jerry Weaver, Platting Officer Page 2 March 19,1984 S-7384A S-7523 S-7525 S-7517 S-7504 S~7522 S-749q S-7511 S-7510 S-7503 S-7516 S-7501 S-7499 S-7356B Approved as meeting mimimum requirements of the code. D.B..5 hfs, Variance for lot width and lot area less than mimimum requirement was passed by the Zoning Board of Examiners and Appeals. This plat is readjusting lot lines so no further action by the Zoning Board of Examiners is required. Approved. D.B..5 hrs. Approved as meeting minimum requirements of the code. D.B..5 hrs. Possible wetlands influence. R.R. .5 hrs. RecommendApprovai. R,R..5 hrs. '['his plat appears to be subdividing according to the new zero lot line ordinance. Being it has not passed the Assembly. There- fore, this office has no ordinance to apply. R.R..5 hrs. No comment. M.K..5 hrs. Zoning Enforcement has no comment. G.S..5 hrs. A 10 Foot screening easement on lots 16 B through 19B needs to be depicted on plat. No maintenance strips are depicted. G.S..5 hrs. May result in split zoning. G.S..5 hrs. Zoning has no objection. G.S..5 hrs. Access to lots 7G and 7H is a platted road which is not developed. A track appears to be maintained by an adjoining property owner. I. Lot 7G is required to be 60 feet wide, and 7,200 square feet. 2. Lot 7H - - Unable to determine if the accessory structures meet. the 5 foot sideyard setback. G.S..5 hrs. Access to Dimond and Jewel Lake is restricted to one access to each. Property is currently being used as a storage yard in violation of 21. 40.180. B. l (a) . G,S..5 hrs. Zoning enforcement concurs with the comments of the Platting & Zoning Board. M.A. 1.0 hrs. S-7518 Possible wetlands influence. G.A. 1.5 hrs. March 19, 1984 Municipality of Anchorage Planning Department Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, AK 99502 Gentlemen: The required easements and comments are as indicated on the attached blue lines referenced per the following case numbers: S-7501 S-7502 S-7503 S-7504 S-7505 S-7507 S-7508 S-7509 S-7510 S-7511 S-7513 S-7515 S-7516 S-7517 S-7518 S-7519 S-7520 S-7521 S-7522 S-6775B S-6953A S-6898A S-7356B S-7384A S-6941A Hansen Sand Lake Addition Liberty Manor Subdivision Briarcliff Subdivision Corner Stone Subdivision Moline Subdivision Rendon Subdivision Christopher Park Subdivision Clairborne Subdivision Redoubt Subdivision Dana Court Subdivision Strawberry Meadows Subdivision Strawberry Meadows Subdivision Hillcrest Park Subdivision Crown Point Subdivision Devonshire Subdivision Potter Creek Subdivision Moose Ridge Subdivision Central City Subdivision Brookridge Subdivision Huntwood Subdivision Chugach Mountain Estates. Subdivision Anchorage Original Townsite Columbia Park Subdivision Knik View Subdivision Keyann Subdivision V_~r~ truly y~3~rs, ~ , Jim K. Topolskl Land Services Manager JKT/kjr Enclosures Community Planning Department ~arch 14, 1984 Page Three 1,1'7 S-7520: Lots 1 - 42 Moose Ridge Subdivision Public sewer and water must serve all lots. S-7521: Tract A-2, Tract A-3 Central City Subdivision Public sewer and water will serve the proposed project. S-7523: Eaglewood Subdivision Public sewer and water will serve all lots. S-7524: Hiland Valley Subdivision No objection to the tracts, however, prior to any development soils test data must be submitted to this office for approval. S-7525: North Woods Subdivision Phase V This Department has not received any soils test data for review on the proposal. S-7384A: Knik View Subdivision The review of the proposed subdivision, the following: (1) Soils test in area of Lots 2, 5, (2) (3) (4) Prior tract · Lynn ~' ~' Environmental Specialist indicates 10, 12 Block 2 Lot 6 Block 1 prior to preliminary approval. Letter of approval from A.R.R. addressing outfall of drainage. Proposed location of the community well. A letter of approval for use of the easement tract area of proposed location of drainage ditch. to final approval, the water monitoring of area Lots 14 27 Block 1; Lots 1 - 6 Block 3. JWL/ljw MATANUSKA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INCo P.O. BOX 1148 PALMER, ALASKA 99645 TELEPHONE 745-3231 March 20, 1984 Planning Department Municipality of Anchorage Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, AK ~502 RE: Prelim~.na~ Plat ~ Knik View Estates Gentleme~'~ ~' Matanus~ Electric Association, Inc. has septic ~.~syst%~/leech fields crossing transmission,':~asement within Knik View following restrictions are met: 1. No :'-excavation within 5 feet structure; no objection to the 100 foot Estates if the of any No leech field nor standpipes will be allowed 20 feet from the centerline of the existing power line; The owner of each lot affected will hold Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. harmless from any damage to installed private improvements or personal injury to persons operating within the confines of said 100 foot transmission easement; and e The contractor shall be responsible to comply with all N.E.S.C. and State Statutes when working within the stated easement. If we can be of further assistance, please call our office at 745-9200., Sincerely, Robert C. Phillips Right-of-Way Agent CC: Silvers Engineering bb ALASKA'S FIRST REC--INCORPORATED 1941--ENERGIZED 1942 /,/¢ MI~MORANOUM OATE: March 12, 1984 TO: Jerry Weaver, Planning and Zoning FROM: Jack Brady, Senior Engineer, ML&P SUBJECT: PreLiminary Plats (con't) *S-7521 Central City SUbdo, Tracts A2 & A3 UoG. electrical easements with vacation are requirsd as shown. ML~P has no comment on the proposed vacation° S-7522 Brookridge Subd. No Comment S-7523 Eaglewood Subd. Did Not Receive S-7524 Hiland Valley Subd. Did Not Receive S-7525 North Woods Subd. Did Not Receive S-6775B Huntwood Subd. No Comment S-6953A Chugach Mountain Estates Subd. No Comment *S-6898A Anchorage Original Townsite BK 57, ML&P required a 10' U.G. Lot 7B, Condition Modification electrical easement as shown on original S-6898 *S-7356B Columbia Park Subd.~ Add. $4~ Condition Modification U.G. electrical easements are required as shown S-7384A Knik View Subd., Revised Did Not Receive S-6941A Keyann Subd., Vacation only No Comment JHB/csn Light & Power J unicipa lity Anchorage MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: December 14, 1983 Planning.Department 7.'~ Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility ~ PLAT REVIEW ~ '"'~ ' ' Knik View Sub., Blocks 1-3, Eagle River The Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility has reviewed the subject plat and has the following comment: 1) An additional easement paralleling the existing 100' telephone/electric easement may be required pending approval of the proposed Eklutna Project pipeline alignment° A proposed alternate route for this pipeline would parallel the existing easement and would require additional easements before the plat could be approved by AWWU. SHARON L. ROBERTS Engineering TeCho AWWU PAGE 2 S-7517 S~7520 S-7521 S~7522 _S~3523 S-7524 .._~-7525 S-6775B S-6953A S-6898A S-7356B · S-7384A S-6941A CROWN POINT SUBD., BK. 1, LOTS 1-10, BK. 2, LOTS 1-10 DEVONSHIRE SUBD., BK. 3, LOTS 1-10; TRACT A-5 POTTER CREEK SUBD., BK. 1, LOTS 1-21, BK. 2. LOTS 1-50, & TRACTS 1-6, WITH VARIANCES MOOSE RIDGE SUBD., LOTS 1-42, WITH VARIANCE CENTRAL CITY SUBD., TRACTS A2 & A 3, WITH VACATION BROOKRIDGE SUBD., BLOCKS 2 - 4 EAGLEWOOD SUBD., ADD #4, BLOCKS 15 - 18, EAGLE RIVER** HILAND VALLEY SUBD., BK. 1, LOT 2 WITH VARIANCE, EAGLE RIVER** NORTH WOODS SUBD., PHASE 5, BK. 19, LOTS 1 & 2, BK. 20, LOTS 1-11, BK. 21, LOTS 1-12, BIRCH~OOD** HUNTWOOD SUBD., ADD ~1, CONDITION MODIFICATION CHUGACH MOUNTAIN ESTATES SUBD., APPERANCE REQUEST ANCHORAGE ORIGINAL TOWNSITE BK. 57, LOT 7B, CONDITION MODIFICATION COLUMBIA PARK SUBD., ADD ~4, CONDITION MODIFICATION KNIK VIEW SUBD., REVISED KEYANN SUBD., VACATION ONLY Mur c pality of Anchorage MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: S-7389 S-7390 S-7395 /rb December 12, 1983 Jerry Weaver, Platting Officer Jonathan F. Houk, ASLA, APA, Chief Zoning Officer Plat Comments Area is classified as special study area° Information on plat is inadequate to determine if subdivision meets requirements of special study area. All other require- ments of Code appear to be met. We are concerned that Lots 3, 4, and 5, Block 1, and Lots 35, 36, and 37, Block 2, may be unable to be built on because of electric and telephone easement and topography. DB Approved as meeting minimum requirements of Code. Struc- tures on lot being constructed under approved land use permit. As-built survey needed on plat to determine if structures cross any property lines. DB Approved as meeting minimum requirement of Code. Struc~ ture on lot currently is in violation of secondary front yard setback requirement° Rep!at would correct current nonconformity. DB *This appears not to be a cost effective solution for the Municipality to resolve a private problem of a front yard setback encroachment by releasing public ROW. JFH As-built survey needed on plat to determine if the struc- ture on the property will meet minimum setback requirement. There is a proposed rezone of this and surrounding prop- erty to R-7 pending before the Planning and Zoning Commission. P~annihg Department December 14, 1983 Page Two S-7380: S-7381: S-7382: S-7383: S-7385: S-7386: Lots iA, lB - SA, 5B Corner Stone Subdivision Public sewer and water is located to the project° Lots lA, lB - 9A, 9B Sun Spot Subdivision Public sewer and water is located to the project. Lots 1 - 4 Telemark Hills Subdivision The soils test submitted indicate the characteristics of the tests will support on-site sewer systems. However, a water table monitoring on TH ~6 and true locations of the soil tests are required. The map shows location of three(3) tests out of six(6) only. Lot 2 may have a soils test but is not indicated on the map. This will need to be submitted to this department prior to final approval. Lots 2A, 3A Block 10 Independence Park Subdivision Public sewer and water is located to the project; no objections to the vacation. Knik View Subdivision The review of the above case prior to any approval will need to have the following items resolved. (1) New location .for well!community water). (2) Electric and telephone easement disposition.. (3) Topography contour figures. (4) Drainage and water monitoring thirty(30) to sixty(60) days° (5) Additional soils test. (6) (7) Application for water rights from the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources. ~btain approval to construct and operate a community water system from the State of Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation. (8) Certificate of ownership and dedication for the well radii. Tract DD Independence Park Subdivision Public sewer and water is located to No objections to the vacation. the project. Lots 16A, 16B, 17A, 18A-l, 18B-l, 18B-2 Brookside Subdivision Public sewer and water is located to the project. PRELIMINARY SOILS EXPLORATION KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION PETERS CREEK ALASKA INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our subsurface exploration and engineering study for the proposed subdivision project. The proposed subdivision and approximate locations of the explora- tions accomplished for this study are'presented on the Site Plan, Figure 2. The purpose of this study was to explore subsurface conditions at the site from which conclusions and recommendations for building foundations and septic systems could be formulated. The scope of work consisted of field exploratioins and engineering analysis from a geotechnical standpoint. The field exploration program for this study consisted of a series of holes approximately loc~ed on each full lot of the real property located on the El/2 of the NE1/4 of Sec 57 T15N, RIW of the Seward Meridian; Lots 15,16,27~29,50,42,4~,44,55,and 56 plus the portions of Lots 5,14,17,26,and 51 located east of the rail road tracks. 'Exploration procedures are presented in a subsequent section of this report and interpretive soil logs of the exploration are presented in Appendix A. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of TYEE DEVELOPMENT INC. and their agents~ for specific application to Appendix A. The organics encountered at the surface are brown, ~i~o~s~ very soft and moist to saturated. This layer supports a thick crop trees as described in the introduction. Ground water wae encountered beneath the organic mat on holes ~ ~hrough 6 and most likely would have been encountered at holes 1 and 2. At the lower, elevations represented by holes 7 through 15~ no ground water was encountered. This leads the engineer to believe that the water at the higher elevations is perched and · held up by a dense material located at m lower elevation. This area is located on a bench and may be able to be drained, see Recommendations and Conclusions. The sands and gravels l~cated beneath the organic mat is very clean and contains an occasional coble. Most o~ the gravel is 1 to 2 inches in maximum size, and could be used as a NFS gravel -source for developing roads and foundations. The various types of soils are indicated as well as the depths where the s~ils or characteristic of the soils changed in Appen- dix A. It should be noted that these changes are gradual 'and can be interpreted between the test holes. FOUNDATION AND SEPTIC SYSTEM ANALYSES It is understood that the proposed development of the site will consist of wood framed single family dwellings. The material is well suited to support standard wall foundations with footings. 4 PRELIMINARY SOILS EXPLOPATION KNIK ~ SUBDIgISION BIRCHWOOD AIRFIEL0 APPENDIX "A" RECORD OF SOIl~ EXPLORATION Cont~actedWith Ted Sohmelzer' Projects Nam6'~_Knlk View Subdivision ' P~ers Creek ~, EIw, Ft, ' Hammer Drop~ In, Date S=~ ~ Pi~ ~ In, Boring # TH-6 Job # . Hole Diameter · Rock Core Dia. Boring Method Backhoe Inspector Date Comp~ated EL-EV~ SOIL. OESCRIP'rlON STRA. OEPTI~ BORING & SAMPL.IN¢ SURFACE 0.0 ~ -- . Dark Brown Overburde~ VvV Organics v vvV ~ __ 1.5 :~:~.- = _ - (~) ~... ~-. _ - SAMPt. ER TYPE ~AMPtE C~NOITION$ GROUNO WATER OEFTH BORING METHOD · RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmel zer ~oiec~Name Knik View Subdivision Location Peters Creek ~M~Pt. ER Datum Hammer Wt. Lb~. S~rf. Elev, Ft. Hammer Drop~ In. Date Started .~_j 2 -._.~ Pipe Size In. Hole Diameter __ Rcck Core Dia. Boring Method Backhoe ,Boring ~ TH-4 Job # , Inspector Date Completed .. SURFACE o.o V~/ -- Dark Brown Overburden vV,/v 2.0 ~ Organics yt~ V -- -- Vvv 2.5 ~-~': - Grey Sandy Gravel o. ~:' _ - 8.0 Rommn~ n~ unT.E ~L'~' _ - - - - SAMPLER TYPE SAMPLE C~NOITIONE GROUI~O WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Te~ Schmelzer Boring Knik View Subdivision Job # Peters Creek TH-8 Con~acted With Froiects Name . SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter · Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop~ In. Rock Core Dia. _ Inspector ~_- OateStar~ed 10-1-83 - PipeSize In. ' 8oringMeth~xl Backhoe Date Completed ELE~. SOIL DESCRIPTION BTRA. OEPTI'~ BORING & SAMPLING SURFACE o.o Brown Overburden v v v - 1.5 ~, .~.~..o: _ · ~-~: -- ~.: :,.~% _ Grey Sandy Gravel ,~.~; - (~) -~ ..f. -- ,.',~ ,b~. ;~: '.. - _ ,-~.~ 15.0 BOT~O~ O~ HO~ SAMPLER TYPE ~AMPLE CONOIT%ON$ GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION _" Cantracted With Ted Schmelzer Proiecl~Name Knik View Subdivision Loc~ien P~ters Creek .SAMPLER Datum Hamme~ Wt. ~ Lbs. Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop~ In. Date Started _.~_ Pipe Size ~ In. Boring e_TH-!0 Job # Hole Diameter ~ Foreman Rock Core Dis. Insl;ector Boring Method ~ Date Completed SURFACE 0.O -- ~ Brown Overburden VvV ~ .~.~.~., - Grey Gr~vellg S~d ,,~ .... . : ~ (sw) ........ · - _ _ _ 15.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE .... · _ -- -- ~ SAMPt. ER TYPE ~MPI. E CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOQ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING In reviewing the ~roposed subdivision case, the ~unity Plannin~ Staff has found it to be deficient in supplying or showing the following required information (Land Use Re~lation Sec. 21. 15.110(B): POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 1. ZONING 5. 'TITLE BLOCK ERRORS 2. EXISTING EASEMENTS 6. DRAFTING ERRORS OR ObSMISSIONS 3. PUBLIC IMPKOVEMENTS 7. FLOODPLAINS AND WATER AREAS UTILITY LINES 8. EXISTING STRUCTURES OR FEATURES WATER 9. PERZPHERAL AREA INFOP~MATION SPECIFIC OMMISSS!ONS If the deficient information is not received by the Co,unity Planning Department by~~, the Platting Officer shal~ disqualify the Application and close the c~se file i~ accordasce with Sec. 21.15.1~5(A~) unless we receive a written request for post- ponemen~ or withdrawal of this matter. Please keep in mind that any new information must be submitted with enough copies to supply tile necessary reviewing agencies (15). If you }lave any questions, please let us knogto Sincerely, ~/~e,ry Weaver, Jr. lPlatting Officer cc: File jw3/al4 RECORD OF SOII~ EXPLORATION Cont~ectedWith Ted Schmelzer Boring # TH-12 Projecl~Name Knik View subdivision Job # Location Peters Creek ,~o,M PLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman S~rf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started _.10-1- 8 3 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date. C~mpleted SURFACE o.o Brown Overburden !v 1.5 .-~o~ - 2.5 - :~. -- _ Grot 8and~ Gravel ~.. ~o _ (G~) '~.'~ - _ ~.~.' - _ _ 14.0 BO~TOH OE EO~ ,.- 4. cares that conditions are substantially the same as when tl~e preliminary plat was orig- inally approved. Preliminary plats being finalized in portions or phases shall not be construed to auto- matically extend the original 18-month ap- proval period, Such an extension may only be granted by the platting authority in ac- cordance with the above procedures. All decisions as to approval or disapproval of a preliminary plat by the Platting Authority shall be final unless appealed as provided by Ordinance. A preliminary plat which has-been denied by the Platting Authority shall not be accepted for rehearing for a period of one year following such denial if the ~ feels that the proposed plat being resubmitteE-Y~ e~-~'rrtially the same as that denied by the Platting Author- ity. or if no sub...~.~t~ntially ne__._w evidence or change in circumstances has occurred. If the developer insists on submitting a preliminary plat against the advice of the Platting Officer. the preliminary plat shall be placed on the agenda of the Platting Authority with a recom- mendation for disapproval. (Adapted from GAAB 21.10.0308) 21.15,120 Final Plat -- Filing Prooedures, Submission Requirements and Conditions. A. Procedure when final plat corresponds to preli- minary plat as approved, 1. A hearing on the final plat sh'ail not be required when such plat essentially con- forms to the preliminary plat approved by the Platting Authority. The final plat shall, in addition, meet all conditio'ns imposed by the ' Authority in approving the preliminary plat. 2. The final plat map shall constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which is proposed tO be recorded and deve- loped at the time. If only a portion of the approved preliminary plat is proposed for final plat approval, such portions shall con- form to all r~quirements of the subdivision regulations. 3.Tl~e steps outlined below shall be followed in the final plat: a. A written statement shall be obtained from the Platting Officer stating that the lfnal plat being proposed is essentially 21 - 32 the same in its physical configuration as the preliminary plat approved by the Platting Authority. The final plat shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for final checking and inspection before final approval is given, If requested, a subdi- vision survey shall be submitted to the Public Works Department with a com- plete set of field andcomputation notes showing the original or reestablished corners of the plat and of lots within the plat. Traverse sheets and work sheets showing the closure within the able limits of error of tbeexterior boun- daries of each irregular block and lot of the subdivision may also be required. Final approval by the Department of Public Works shall be indicated by a statement appearing on the plat. After approval of the Department of Pub- lic Works, the final plat shall be submit- ted to the Department of Community Planning for examination as to com- pliance with AIl terms of the preliminary plat as approved by the Platting Author- ity. If all conditions have been met. a statement to that effect, appearing on · the final plat. shall be signed Py the chairman of the Platting Authority or his representative. The final plat shall not be signed until the documents described in subsection A.4 below have been re- ceived. 4. Final approval by the Platting Authority shall be dependent upoh receipt of the fol- lowing material: a. a statement from the Department of Health and Environmental Protection stating that all conditions imposed by the department on the preliminary plat and approved by the Platting Authority have been met. This approval by the Department of Health and Environmen- tal Protection alkali not affect any sub- sequent requirements relating to sew- age disposal and water supply as they apply tb any lots within the plat; ~ certificate from the Tax a Collecting Official or a note on the face of the plat statiog that all Municipal real property taxes levied against the property are paid in full. or. if approval is sought between January 1 and the tax due date, that there is on deposit with the Chmf DENIAL RECOMMENDATION is based on the following deficiencies: Petitioner has not adequately shown that this subdivision has legal/physical access. (21o80o200) "Having legal access means being adjacent to a publicly dedicated street right-of-way that is connected to the publicly dedicated and improved transportation network of the municipality." DENIAL RECOMMENDATION is based upon the numerous deficiencies as noted within the findings, as well as the fact that the petitioner has not adequately addressed the limitations of the "Special Study Rural Development Area" of the Eagle River Comprehensive Plan. Specificly, as there is ~-~ .~ ~ ~_~ S-7384 KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION 04 January 1984 DENIAL Recommendation is based upon the numerous deficiencies as noted within the findings, as well as the fact that the petitioner has not adequately addressed the limitations of the "Special Study Rural Development Area" of the Eagle River Comprehensive Plan. Specifically, he will have to provide the necessary data from which a determination can be made that his proposed densities will be feasible° Staff intended to disquality this plat due to noncompliance with the requirements of the subdivision regulations (in particular, regarding those concerns of DHEP (21.15.110(B)4b). However, the petitioner's representative submitted a written request to postpone action on this case, after a lengthy meeting with Platting, Public Works, and DHEP. Because of the letter of postponement, Staff did not notify the petitioner of the intended disqualification. The petitioner's representative ver- bally requested that the plat go forth to the Board as originally scheduled, fully aware that Staff's recommendation would be as Denial. cmb S-7384 KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION 04 January 1984 DENIAL Recommendation is based upon the numerous deficiencies as noted within the findings, as well as the fact that the petitioner has not adequately addressed the limitations of the "Special Study Rural Development Area" of the Eagle River Comprehensive Plano Specificallyf he will have to provide the necessary data from which a determination can be made that his proposed densities will be feasible° Staff intended to disquality this plat due to noncompliance with the requirements of the subdivision regulations (in particular, regarding those concerns of DHEP (21.15.110(B)4b). However, the petitioner's representative submitted a written request to postpone action on this case, after a lengthy meeting with Platting, Public Works, and DHEP. Because of the letter of postponement, Staff did not notify the petitioner of the intended disqualification. The petitioner's representative ver- bally requested that the plat go forth to the Board as originally scheduled, fully aware that Staff's recommendation would be as Denial. cmb SAFECO TITLE AGENCY, 3201 C Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) 276-6321 CERTIFICATE TO PLAT INC. To: Tyee Development, Inc. 11301 Lang Street Attn: Ted Schmelzer Copy To: Jack White Company Attn: Larry Maulden Order No. 25743 Date: October 21, Charge: $150.00 1983 SAFECO TITLE AGENCY, INC. Effective Date: September 29, 1983 at 8:00 a.m. Description of Property Affected: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Proposed Subdivision Name: By D6UGL-~ DEMpNoCK i -- Authorized Signature ':3 Unknown at this time Title Vested In: EKLUTNA, INC., a fee in and to the surface estate in said land, as to Parcel A; and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, an estate in fee simple, as to Parcel B CONTINUED FOLLOWING PAGE NOTE: This report is restricted to the use of the addressee and is not to be used for closing any transaction affecting title to said property. Liability of the company is limited to the amount paid herein. Order: 25743 EXHIBIT A PARCEL A Lots 14, 16, 27, 29, 30, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55, 56, and that portion of Lots 3, 17, 26, & 31, lying East of the Alaska Railroad Right of Way, Section 5, Township 15 North, Range 1 West, Seward Meridian, records of the Anchorage Recording District~ Third Judicial District, State of Alaska. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the subsurface estate, and all rights~ privi- leges, immunities, and appurtenances, of whatsoever nature, accruing unto said estate pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of December 18, 1971 (85 Stat. 688, 704; 43 UoS.Co 1601, 1613(f) (1976) as reserved by the United States of America in Patents recorded December 9, 1977 in Book 254 at Page 714 and March 20, 1979 in Book 387 at page 388~ and modified by instru- ment recorded June 23, 1983 in Book 916 at page 847. PARCEL B Lot 15, Section 5, Township 15 North, Range 1 West, Seward Meridian, records of the Anchorage Recording District, Third Judicial District, State of Alaska. I I !' 1 1 1 l l PRELIMINARY BOILS EXPLORATION KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION PETERS CREEK ALASKA prepared for TYEE DEVELOPMENT INC, prepargd by BAXTER ENGINEERING & SOIL TESTING Anchorage, Alaska October 1985 $ 73 8 t JA~','., 0 & 'i'-3.34 Order: 257.43 Page 2 PLATTING REPORT CONTINUED: MATTERS OF RECORD AFFECTING PROPERTY: Exceptions, reservations, and in the United States Patent. Taxes and assessments, if any, ANCHORAGE. subject to matterst contained (Affects Parcel A) due the MUNICIPALITY OF Rights of the public and any governmental agencies.in and to any portion of said premises lying Within any road,s, streets or rights of way. EASEMENT, GRANTED TO: RECORDED: BOOK: PAGE: FOR: AFFECTS: INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF: MATANUSKA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INCo March 1, 1983 855 516 Electric Line Right of Way The West 30 feet of the East 50 feet of Lot 43 EASEMENT, GRANTED TO: RECORDED: BOOK: PAGE: FOR: AFFECTS: INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF: MATANUSKA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC~ June 3, 1983 903 874 Electric Line Right of Way The West 30 feet of the East 50 feet of lot 44' BLM NOTE: A right-of-way easement of 33 feet exists along the West section line of the South one-half (S~) of the Northwest one-quarter (NW~4), Section 4, Township 15 North, Range 1 West~ as reserved by the UNITED STATES in Patent recorded February 5, 1957 in Book 142 at page 353. DD/slm/A-323 l [ ,I ! I PRELIMINARY SOILS EXPLORATION KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION PETERS CREEK ALASKA INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our subsurface exploration and engineering study for'the proposed subdivision project. The proposed subdivision and approximate locations of the explora- tions accomplished for this study are presented on the Site Plan, Figure 2. l ! l The purpose of this study was to explore subsurface conditions at the site from which conclusions and recommendations for building foundations and septic systems could be formulated° The scope of work consisted of field exploratioins and engineering analysis from a geotechnicai standpoint. L L I_ The field exploration program for this study consisted of a series of holes approximately located on each full lot of the real property located on the E1/2 of the NE1/4 of Sec 5~ T15N, R1W of the Seward Meridian; Lots 15,16,27,29,30,42~4~,44,55,and 56 plus the portions of Lots 5,14,17~26,and 51 located east of the rail road tracks. Exploration procedures are presented in a subsequent section of this report and interpretive soil logs of the exploration are presented in Appendix A. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of TYEE DEVELOPMENT INC. and their agents~ for specific application to this proposed eubdivision project in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices, lh'e test results or the test holes are not to be used for acquiring septic system permits, but are ~or evaluation purposes only~ SITE AND F'ROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed subdivision project lies within Peters Creek~ Alaska~ adjacent to and east of the Alaska Railroad as shown in Figure 1. The area has gentle rolling land with elevations varing from 70' to 150' Vegetation consists of small assorted low brush and ground birch, black spruce, alders cover with occasional downfall. and The subdivision is land hour, drier. divided in half by a ridge cutting across the from southwest to northeast. The southeast section of the is marshy with signs of high ground water present throug- while the northwest section is lower in elevatioin but much An old section area. abandoned power line easement cuts across the southeast paralleling the ridge giving the project its only cleared The F'roposed subdivision project will combine all of the existing L lots together acre lets. It established to septic system. into one subdivision with approximately 60 new half is anticipated that a community well will. be provide water and each lot will have its own SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION The exploration consisted of digging and logg:ng some eleven test holes 'evenly spaced thoughout the subdivision area. The holes were dug by Boyd Alaska with a backhoe mounted on the back of a John Deere 450 dozer. Holes I and 2 were not dug due to the high ground water and overburden conditioins in the area preventing access. Holes 3,4 and 5 however, are typical in nature to holes 1 and 2 and is anticipated to be very similar. Care was taken to prevent the knock down of many trees during the -transitition ~rom hole to hole inorder to keep the appearance of the lots. With the exception of holes 3,4,5, and 6 the test holes were dug to a depth of 15 feet which is the maximum extention of the backhoe. The holes encountering high water were only dug to approximately 8 feet to check for foundation material. A percolation test was attempted on test holes 7 and 10, but due to the clean material encountered the water flowed through the material faster than could be measured. No other tests were performed at the site, and field classifications of the soils were made visually. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface soils as examined were fairly uniform throughout the area and consist of organi~ overburden overlying an alluvial sandy gravel and gravelly sand deposit, see test hole logs in f [ 1 L L Appendix A. The organics encountered at the surface are brown, fibrous~ very soft and moist to saturated. This layer supports a thick crop of · trees as described in the introduction. Ground water was encountered beneath the organic mat on holes ~ through 6 and most likely would have been encountered at holes 1 and 2. At the lower elevations represented by holes 7 through 13~ no ground water was encountered° This leads the engineer to believe that the water at the higher elevations is perched and · held up by a dense material located at a lower elevation. This area is located on a bench and may be able to be drained, see Recommendations and Conclusions. The sands and gravels located beneath the organic mat is very clean and contains an occasional coble. Most of the gravel is 1 to 2 inches in maximum size~ and could be used as a NFS gravel · source for developing roads and foundations. The various types of soils are indicated as well as the depths where the soils or characteristic of the soils changed in Appen- dix A. It should be noted that these changes are gradual 'and can be interpreted between the test holes. FOUNDATION AND SEPTIC SYSTEM ANALYSIS It is understood that the proposed development of the site will consist of wood framed single family dwellings. The material is well suited to support standard wall foundations with feotings. 4 The bearing capacity of the soil. exceeds 6000 psf for a design value; however, this material must be compacted to a dense state directly under the footings to prohibit settlement. Caution should be taken whenever trenchs are excavated though the subsurface material to prevent collapse of the walls, eince this material will sluff readily. It is also understood that each lot will have its own' septic system. Again the material encountered in the 4 to 12 foot depth · is well suited for septic disposal. This material is a sandy gravel classified as a well graded gravel (GW) and woold have a perculation rate exceeding 2 minutes per inch. The Municipality of Anchorage rates this material for septic permits at 85 square feet per bedroom. It is however suggested that -each lot be tested in the location of its proposed septic system to insure the consistence of the soil. The area o~ the site with the ground water encountered at or just below the surface is not acceptable at this time for foundations or septic systems. If the area were to be drained~ the. soils would be also suitable for construction once consolidation of the material was accomplished by means of compaction. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In summary, the soils at the proposed subdivisioin site are well suited for residentual construction o~ houses and septic systems in the areas not encountering high ground water. The areas with the high ground water can possibly be improved by 5 I' f f 6"/? draining the water to a depth of 12 feet below the surface. This can be accomplished by wells~ drainage ditches, or perforated drainage pipes. The'latter is recommended for econmics over a -well system and safety over a trench system. The perforated pi~e should be buried at various locations thoughout the area at about 15 to 20 feet in depth, and should be located so that septic systems will not contaminate the flow of the pipe creating a potential health problem. Outflow will need to dump into existing drainage streams to prevent flooding of adjacent property. It is anticipated that drawdown of the water level will take approximately I to 2 years depending upon the number and location of the drainage pipes. The that test supplemental recommendations of this report are based on the assumption soil conditions do not deviate from those disclosed in the holes. If any variations or undesirable conditions are during development, we should be notified so that recommendations can be furnished. Respecfully Submitted BAXTER ENGINEERING & SOIL TESTING Kinney R. Baxter, P.E. 6 F PRELIMI/qARY ~TT~q EXPLORATION ~IK 9m~.W SUBDMSION Figure 1 BIRCHWOOD AIRFIELD Pi~]O]~T PRELIMINARY SOILS EXPLORATION KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION F_~ure 2 Alaska Railroad R.O.W. .Powerline ~ Ridge-~v / TH-9 14 15 TH-11 TH-10 17 16 TH-~2 27 TH-S ~ TH~7 ~ TH-~13~ 30 29 TH-6' ~ TH-5 42 43 TH-3~ ~ 6;TH-4 TH-2 56 44 High Ground Water ,'~ / / / Ridge --~-! ! ! ! / APPENDIX "A" RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION contractual With Ted Schmelzer P~ojectsName _ KILik View Subdivision Location _Peters Creek SAMPLER Datum Hamm~' Wt. Lbs. Surf° Eh,,v. _ Fro Hammer Drop__ In. Data Strutted __ o~r.;~o~u~~ Pipe Size , In. 6,0- SURFACE Dark Brown Overburden Organics Grey Sandy Gravel (GW) BOTTOM OF HOLE SAMPLER TYPE Boring # Job # TH-3 Hole Diameter Rock Core Dia. Boring Method Backhoe Inspector, Date Completed BORING & SAMP' NOTES SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH O - DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION 2. ~ PT. BORING METHOD ContTacted With Projects Name Location Ted. Schmelzer · RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Knik View Subdivision Peters Creek Boring # Job -9 SAMPLER Datum Hamme~ Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter . Foreman Surf. Elev, Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector, Date Started 9- 2 4-8 3 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed TH-4 O --DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION ~- - ~ FT. HSA I -- INTACT CFA U -- UNDISTURBED DC SAMPLER TYPE ~AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD SURFACE O,O _ Dark Brown Overburden v~V -- 2.0 '~' Organics yV V _ VV~ 2.5 __ · - Grey Sandy Gravel O.-. (GW) ':~'' 0.2:' _ - - Contracted With ~_~d Schmelzer ~oj~c~Narne ~ View Subdivision Location Peters Creek RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Boring Job # /.55 TH~5 SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wto __ Lbs. Surf, ~:lev, Ft. Hammer Drop__ In, Date Started 10-5-8 3 Pipe Size Ino 6. (L - SURFACE Dark Brown Overburden Organic s Grey Sandy Gravel (GW) BOTTOM OF HOLE BAMPLFR TYP[: Hole Diameter Rock Core Diao Boring Method Backhoe Foreman Inspector Date completed BORING & SAMPLING NOTES ~AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUNO WATER DEPTH O -- OISlNTE¢IRATEO AT COMPLETION 2. 0 FT. I - INTACT U ~ UNOISTURBEO BORING METHOD RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Location Peters Creek SAMPLER Datum Hamme~ Wt Lbs. S~rf. Eiev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Date Started 10-1-8 $ Pip~ Size In. . Boring # TH-6 Job # Dark Brown Overburden vvv _ Organics v 1.5 j: . ,~:."... t -' :' ";: ': ' Grey Sandy Gravel :¢;0 - - (GW) . :.:. ;,'. - *~0' .o.. _ ~- 8.0 BOq'mOM OF ~IOLE 7 _ SAMPLER TYPE DS -- DRIVEN SP~.IT SPOON PT -- PRE~ED 3HELBY TUBE ~ -- COINTiNUOUa F LJOHT AUGER ~ -- ROC~ CORE ~AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD Hole Diameter Foreman Rock Core Dia. Inspector Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed Contracted With Projecl:~ Name Location RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Tad Rchmelzer Knik View Subdivision Peters Creek Boring # , TH-7 Job # &AMPLER Datum Hamme~ Wt. ~ Lbs. Surf. El e~, Ft. Hammer Drop____ Date Started _,l 0- ]- ~ 3 Pipe Size _ In. SURFACE (sw) Hole Diameter Rock Core Dia, Boring Method Backhoe Inspector Date Completed BORING &SAMPLING NOTES SAMPL~-'R TYPE E~MPLE CONDITIONS GROUi~D WATER DEPTH O - DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION Non~ PT. 8ORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW aTEM AUGERS Con~acted With RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Ted Schmelzer Projects Name 'Location Knik View Subdivision Peters Creek Boring # TH-8 Job # SAMPLER ~.: ~ ~r- Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs° Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. F{. Hammer Drop__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspectur ' Date Started. 10-1--8 3 PiPe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date C~3mplated SURFACE o.0 ~rown Overburden vv,,,,.v 1.~ ,v !.~._.o.2. .o. _ - ?.~..' Grey Sandy Gravel ,,<~.',y. (GW) ,:o;, ~:::~ :;'.'.o.. --_ _-- _ _ : '_:.C - _ -.:- _ -- 15.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE :~:'-; __ - _ SAMPLER TYPE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With_ Ted Schmelzer Project, Name Knik View Subdivision Location Peters Creek Boring # TH-9 Job # SAMPLER i Oatum Hammer Wt.__ Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman S~rf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop~ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector DateStar~ed 10-5-83 PipeS~ze In. 8oringMeth~d Backhoe Date Completed SURFACE o.o ~ - ~v v Brown Overburden -- 2.0- ~-w _ I- Brown Gravel (GP) ~Jo~ ~ 2.~ - ,b -~:- - : 'o' <:~: -- ~ j :<:5~\:.o.'..~ Grey Sandy Gravel ;?,;~ ~ ( GW) L.';'~.°. _ _ :~.:. ~ _ ,,~ :~ ). - - ..; ~ ~ . :~: _ ~ _ .'.5'..~.: _ 15.~ BOTTON O~ HOLE 5.o2.'. ~ ~ - SAMPLER TYPE 8AMPLE CONOITrON$ GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD -- DRIVEN aPLITSPOON O -- DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION ]X~C)~ FY, HSA -- HOLLOW STEM Contracted With : ~- Proj~ Name Location RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Ted Schmelzer Knik View Subdivision Peters Creek Boring ~ TH-10 Job # SAMPLER Datum Hamme~ Wto Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft' Hammer Drop.__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 10-1-83 ' ' Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SURFACE Br6wn Overburden v -- 1.5 Vvv Grey Gravelly. Sand (SW) .";'.".: - -...'½ 15.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE .'--~ - SAMPLER TYPE ~AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUNO WATER OEFTH -- OI$1NTEGRATEO AT COMPLETION None FT. BORING METHOD [ RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Cont~actedWith Ted Schmelzer Boring # TH-ii Project, Name Knik View Subdivision -Job # Location Peters Creek SAMPLER Datum Hamme¢ Wt, ~ Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop.__ In, Rock Core Dia. Inspector Data Started 10-1~8 3 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe_~ Date Completed SURFACE Brown Overburden 1.0_ v ,, - Brown Gravel (GP) 2.5- Grey Sandy Gravel o. (GW) .,'..o 14.~ BOTTOM OF HOLE :~. SAMPLER TYPE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Projects Name Knik View -Subdivision Location Peters Creek Boring # TH-12 Job ~ SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. ~ Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft; Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector DateStaned 10-t-83 PipeSize~ In. Boring Method Backhoe DateCompieted __ - ECEV. BORING & SAMPLING DESCRIPTION STRA DEPTH SURFACE o.o vv - Brown Overburden v 1.5 v¢~ 2.5 Brown Gravel (GP) ~ -- - ..o: Grey Sandy Gravel ~.. :o (GW) . o ...~ ,:'..: .: -- 14.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE . .. - - SAMPLER TYPE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION ContTacted With_· Ted Scb-melzer Projects Name ~ ubdivision Location Peters Creek SAMPLER Datum Hamme~ Wt. --__ Lbs. S~rf. E~ev, _ F'~ Hammer Drop In. Date Started 10-1- 8 3 ' Pipe Size In, Boring ~ TH-13 Job # Hol9 Diameter Rock Core Dia. Boring Method _ Foreman Inspector Backhoe Date Completed SURFACE-- o.o Brown Overburden v 1.0. v '..d~. '. :: - · ..: Z'.: _ o .~,.~;'. -- · .-~, ~:., Grey Gravelly Sand ""''~ (SW) ~" "~ -- _ ?,,:' .~ ',. -- ~:.:. ;... 15.0_ BOTTOM OF HOLE SAMPLER TYPE ~AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD D--[31SlNTEQRATED ATCOMPLETICN None FT. HSA --HOLLOWSTEMAUGER8 DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION SOUT~CENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 200 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR Telephonic: (907) Address: 274-2533 June 1, 1984 Mr. John Lynn Department of Health & Environmental Protection 825 "L" Street Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Dear Mr. Lynn: ~ Subject: Knik View, Subdivision As per our telephone conYersat±on of May 31, 1984, the Department of Environmental Conservation does not consider a roadway a source of contamination under 18 AAC 80.020. Sincerely, B~ e~E. Erickson Environmental Engineer BEE/msm MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: COMMENTS DUE BY: S-8042 February 27, 1985 March 18, 1985 ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE -~-,-~/~-~i ! r I INTRODUCTION MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH & PRELIMINARY SOILS EXPLORATI~VIRONMENTAL- PROTECTIOI~ KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION PETERS CREEK ALASKA RECEIVEI) This report presents the results of our subsurface exploration and engineering study for'the proposed subdivision project. The proposed subdivision and approximate locations of the explora- tions accomplished for this study are presented on the Site Plan, Figure 2. The purpose of this study was to explore subsurface conditions at the site from which conclusions ~nd recommendations for building foundations and septic systems could be formulated. The scope of work consisted of field exploratioins and engineering analysis from a geotechnical standpoint. L L The field exploration program for this study consisted of a series of holes approximately located on each full lot of the real property located on the E1/2 of the NE1/4 of Sec 5~ T15N, L L R1W of the Seward Meridi,an; Lots 15,16~27,29~50,42~4~,44,55~and 56 plus the portions of Lots 5,14,17,26,and 51 located east of the rail road tracks. Exploration procedures are presented ina subsequent section of this report and interpretive soil logs of the exploration are presented in Appendix A. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of TYEE DEVELOPMENT INC. and their agents, for specific application to [ [ [ [ I I ! ! I L 1_ L L 1_ this proposed subdivision project in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices. Th'e test results or the test holes are not to be used for acquiring septic system permits, but are for evaluation purposes only. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed subdivision project lies within Peters Creek, Alaska, adjacent to and east of the Alaska Railroad as shown in Figure 1. The area has gentle rolling land with elevations raring from 70' to 150'. Vegetation consists of small birch, black spruce, alders and assorted low brush and ground cover with occasional downfall. The subdivision is divided in half by a ridge cutting aoross the land from southwest to northeast. The southeast section of the area is marshy with signs of high ground water present throug- hout, while the northwest section is lower in elevatioin but much 'drier. An old abandoned power line easement cuts across the southeast section paralleling the ~idge giving the project its only cleared area. The Proposed subdivision project will combine all of the existing lots together into one subdivision with approximately 60 new half acre lots. It is anticipated that a community well will . be established to provide water and each lot will have its own septic system. 2 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION The exploration consisted of digging and logging some eleven test holes 'evenly spaced thoughout the subdivision area. The holes were dug by Boyd Alaska with a backhoe mounted on the back of a John Deere 4~0 dozer. Holes 1 and 2 were not dug due to the high ground water and overburden conditioins in the area preventing access. Holes 5,4 and 5 however, are typical in nature to holes I and 2 and is anticipated to be very similar. Care was taken to prevent the knock down of many trees during the · transitition from hole to hole inorder to keep the appearance of the lots. With the exception of holes 5,4,5, to a' depth of 15 feet which is the maximum extention backhoe. The holes encountering high water were only approximately 8 feet to check for foundation material. and 6 the test holes were dug of the dug to A percolation test was attempted on test holes 7 and 10, but due to the clean material encountered the water flowed through the · material faster than could be measured. No other tests were performed at the site,~ and field classifications of the soils were made visually. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface soils as examined were fairly uniform throughout the area and consist of organi~ overburden overlying an alluvial sandy gravel and gravelly sand deposit, see test hole logs in I Appendix A. The organics encountered at the surface are brown, fib?ous, very soft and moist to saturated. This layer supports a thick crop of ~trees as described in the introduction. 8round through and 2. water was encountered beneath the organic mat on holes 5 6 and most likely would have been encountered at holes 1 At the lower, elevations represented by holes 7 through 15, believe that the water at the higher elevations is perched and "held'up by a dense material located at a lower elevation. This area is located on a bench and may be able to be drained, see Recommendations and Conclusions. no ground water was encountered. This leads the engineer to The sands and gravels located beneath the organic mat is very clean and contains an occasional coble. Most of the gravel is 1 to 2 inches in maximum size, and could be used as a NFS gravel source for developing roads and foundations. The various types of soils are indicated as well as the depths where the soils or characteristic of the soils changed in Appen- dix A. It should be noted that these changes are gradual 'and can be interpreted between the test holes. FOUNDATION AND SEPTIC SYSTEM ANALYSIS It is understood that the proposed development o~ the site will consist of wood framed single family dwellings. The material is L well suited to support standard wall foundations with footings. 4 The bearing capacity of the soil. exceeds 6000 psf for a design value; however, this material must be compacted to a dense state directly tinder the footings to prohibit settlement. Caution should be taken whenever trenchs are excavated subsurface material to prevent collapse of the wails, material will sluff readily. though the eince this It is also understood that each lot will have its own' septic system. Again the material encountered in the 4 to 12 foot depth · is well suited for septic disposal. This material is a sandy gravel classified as a well graded gravel (GW) and woold have a perculation rate exceeding 2 minutes per inch. The Municipality of Anchorage rates this material for septic permits at 85 square ~eet per bedroom. It is however suggested 'that .each lot be tested in the location of its proposed septic system to insure the consistence o{ the soil. The area o~ the site with the ground water encountered at or just below the surface is not acceptable at this time for foundations or septic systems. I~ the area were to be drained, the soils would be also suitable for construction once consolidation of the material was accomplished by means of compaction. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In summary, the soils at the proposed subdivisioin site are well suited for residentual construction of houses and septic systems · in the areas not encountering high ground water° The areas with the high ground water can possibly be improved by 5 draining the water to a depth of 12 feet below the surface. This can be accomplished by wells~ drainage ditches~ or perforated drainage pipes. The'latter is recommended for econmics over m · well symtem and safety over a trench symtem. The perforated pi~e should be buried at various locations thoughout the area at about 15 to 20 feet in systems will not potential health existing drainage property. It is will and depth, and should be located so that septic contaminate the flow of the pipe creating a problem. Outflow will need to dump into streams to prevent flooding of adjacent anticipated that drawdown of the water level take approximately i to 2 years depending upon the number location of the drainage pipes. The that test encountered supplemental recommendations of this report are based on the assumption soil conditions do not deviate from those disclosed in the holes. If any variations or undesirable conditions are during development, we should be notified so that recommendations can be furnished. Respecfully Submitted BAXTER ENGINEERING...~ SOIL TESTING Kinney R. Baxter, P.E. 6 PRELIM.1/~ARY SOTl',q EXPLORATION EAT/If VIEW SUBDMSION Figure 1 81RCHWOOD AIRFIELD PROJECT GREATLAI PRELIMINARY SOILS EXPLORATION KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION Figure 2 I_ Alaska~Railroad R.O.W. TH-9 14 15 TH-ii TH-10 TH-8 TH-7 ,,~_~ TH-6- ' TH-5 42 43 / ! _TH-4 · ,~,0t /z o 44 .Powerl ine 5 High Ground Water Ridge .----~! / / l I. L L APPENDIX "A" RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Boring # , TH-3  P~ojec~ Name ~ni~ V~.ew Subdivision Job ~ L~tiOn Peters Creek Datum Hamrne~ Wt. Lbs, Hole Diameter S~rf. Etev. Ft. Hammer Drop__ In. Rock Core Dia. Foreman Inspector Date Started 9-24-8 ~ Pipe Size., In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SURFACE V '/' Dark Brown Overburden V - Organics v v 2.0 ~ vt,' .~.~:vO.' _ Grey Sandy Gravel '"'"' ;' · ..?.'..'.~.:. - (GW) ;-. ,- ...' _ :.'. ?.¢..' _ ~.--.:;~ 6.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE '..:.:..'.~. - - - SAMPLER TYPE '~AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD Contracted With -- Proiects Name Location · RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Ted Schmelzer Knik View Subdivision Peters Creek · Boring ~ ~ TH-4 ./ Job # ~AMPt. ER -- Datum Hammer Wt Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. - Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Date Started 9- 24-83 'Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SURFACE o.o V V Dark Brown Overburden vVvv -- -- 2.0 ~ Organics VV V 2.5 Vv ',/ __ Grey Sandy Gravel 0..o,.-'°' __-- _ (GW) ':: ' _ _ 8.0 R~mmC)M n~ ,',',',qOT,E ~'-'~' -- - Contracted With Proiec~ Name Location RECORD OF .SOIL EXPLORATION Ted Schmelzer Knik View Subdivision Peters Creek Boring Job # SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wto Lb~. Hole Diameter Foreman · Surf. Eiev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date S~arted 10-5-8 3 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SURFACE I Dark Brown Overburden Organics I 2.0 ~F f GreY(Gw)Sandy Gravel  6. 0 BOTTOM OF HOLE ~ gAMPLER TYPE &AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEFTH FT, FT, FT. Contracted With l:h'oje~t~ Name Location .. Datum RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Ted Schmelzer 8oring ~nik View Subdivision Job # Peters Creek ~ SAMPLER Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman ~ Ft. Hammer Drop__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 10--'[-S 3 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SURFACE O.O - Dark Brown Overburden ',/vv _ -- Organic s v vV, V -- 2.~ ~' ."°- - - Grey Sandy Gravel :'~-i.~' _ -- (GW) · .'- o, -- -- , )rO'~ - .e~.:-0 __ _ __ .,-~- :~:, -- _ _ 8.0 Rn~OM OF HOL~ :,.C5.'!~.: -- _[ - - - - SAMPLER TYPE ~AMFLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION 2 · 5 .FT. BORING METHOD Contracted With Projects Name Location RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION T~d Schmelzer Knik View Subdivision Peters Creek Boring Job # TH-7 SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. ~ Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started~ Pipe S~ze In. Boring Method Backhoe _ Date Completed SURFACE o.o v Brown Overburden Grey Gravelly Sand ,.'~-,:~ ,, -- w/ Cobles (SW) -'...' SAMPLER TYPE ~MPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD Cont~ected With Ted Schmelzer RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION I- Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Peters Creek SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. ~ Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 10-1-83 Pip, Size In. BoringMethocl Backhoe Date Completed SURFACE O.0 Vv V - ~rown Overburden v v %/ -- - 1.5 v¢ :,o~b _ · _ Grey Sandy Gravel ,,<D.'~; -- (GW)__..'~"f -- -- :o. ;:,.. - - k::~' el. _ - J?, Dj -- - 15.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE '°"°' - SAMPLER TYPE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD ,-- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER U -- UNDISTURBED DC -- DRIVING CA~IN(3 ROC~ CORE I. -- LOST AFTER HRS. PT, MO --MUD DRILLING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmel ~r I~oiectsName Knik View Subdivision :' Lc~:ation - Peters Creek Boring Job # TH-9 ' ' ' SAMPLER Datum Hamme~ Wt. Lbs. Hole DiameTer Foreman S~rf. El~v. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date StaGed 10- 5-8 3 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SURFACE o.e Brown Overburden ~ _ - 2.0 %'Vv - I 2.5 (GP) Brown Gravel _ '.'~',:'~.' -- o..-o.':, - - L ';?.;? '-. -- -- Grey Sandy Gravel .-o .., -- i (GW) O:.~ -- -- _ ;.~.{..o., _ _ _ .~,-:. ~.;. _ ,:,.?.i ~ - d~"..;'.: - _ i ,.~ 2': o.'; _ . :.o..~ .~: _ - - ...a-.2;.: _ 15.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE ~.o..'. -__ __- T SAMPLER TYPE SAMPI. E CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH 8ORING METHOD -- DRIVEN SPLITSPODN O -- DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION ~736~ FT. HSA --HOLLOWSTEMAUGERS Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Location ' Peters Creek RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Boring # TH-10 Job # SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman ~rf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date St~rted~ Pipe S~ze In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SURFACE 0.0 Br~wn Overburden v -- 1.5 ~,v ,.O,'.'..- _ -.'..: .: .: _ I_ :O:.-.' i',:. -- 1'2:'. -?: - i ;, .'..~ -- Grey Gravelly. Sand I- (SW) .-:...., · - 2:; 2.~'-' -- ::..::~-: - .: i ~ .-."" - - .~,.~. _...;. - _ .r .'.: .:-'. -- -- :- -'.: %qo. - _ 15.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE .'..'.-. -- SAMPLER TYPE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Ted Schmelzer Knik View Subdivision Peters Creek __ Boring .~_TH-II .'Job # ,$AMPt. ER C~;m Hammer Wt ..... Lbs. Hole Diameter , Foreman ~r~, 5!~. Ft Hammer Drop Ino R~k ~re Dia. lns~or r~*~.-. ' 20--~-83 - ..... ~ Pi~ ~ze In. Boring Meth~ Backhoe · D~e ~mplet~ SURFACE o.c~ j _-. i Brown Overburden Vvv i.0, -=town Gravel (GP) °o ~ - I " C27.' ,, O ! :;..e: I ( Gq ) . .,'...o -- , .u .~,, ;,,O: - :.:.p,. - _ l ';-,o; _ 14.0 ~OT?O~4 o~; HOLE .:.~..;." -- - : J ~A, MPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER OEFTH BORING METHOD -- ORIVIN(~ CASINO RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION [, ContTac~edWith Ted Schmelzer Boring #, ,,TH-11 I ,~,oiects Name Knik View Subdivision -Job # Loc~tion Peters Creek SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wto Lb~o Hole Diameter Foreman S~rf~ EleVo Fro Hammer Drop~ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Slmr~ed 10-~.-8 3 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed ~IL DESCRIPTION STRA. DEPTH SURFACE 0.0 Brown Overburden Brown Gravel (GP) I - - ~ .~-, Grey Sandy Gravel (GW) ~,'..o -- ;~ .: .. - 14.0 BOTTOM oF HOLE :~. ~. SAMPLER TYPE OS - DRIVEN SPLIT SPOON PT -- PRE~EO SHELBy TUBE I ,:- CO'"r~NUOUS~'UOHT AUaE~ R ~ [;D( CORE ·AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: COMMENTS DUE BY: S-7384 January 13, 1984 January 27, SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Knik View Subdivision - Revi~sed~_ ~/~.~ ~/~"~"~ ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: 1984 71~014 (Rev. 5/83) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: $-7476 COMMENTS DUE BY: Feb 20, 1984 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Knik Veiw Subdivision (T15N R1W Section 5) ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE ( /) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: / PRELIMINARY SOILS EXPLORATION KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION PETERS CREEK ALASKA prepared +or TYEE DEVELOPMENT INC, prepargd by BAXTER ENGINEERING & SOIL TESTING AnchDrage~ Alaska October 1983 PRELIMINARY SOILS EXPLORATION KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION PETERS CREEK ALASKA INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our subsurface e)~ploration and engineering study for the proposed subdivision project. The proposed subdivision and approximate locations of the explora- tions accomplished for this study are ~resented on the Site Plan, Figure 2. The the site from which conclusions and recommendations for foundations and septic systems could be formulated. The work consisted of field exploratioins and eogineering from a geotechnical standpoint. purpose of this study was to explore subsurface conditions at. building scope of analysis The field exploration program for this study consisted of a series of holes approximately located on each full lot of the real property located on the E1/2 of the NE1/4 of Se~ 5~ T15N, R1W of the Sel~ard Meridian; Lo~ts~ 15,16~27,~9,._,[o -']~4~° 43,44,55,and 56 plus the portions of Lots 3,14,17,26,and 31 located east of the rail road tracks. Exploration procedures are presented in a subsequent section of this report and interpretive soil logs of the exploration are presented in Appending' A. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of TYEE DEVELOPMENT INC. and their agents, for specific application to this proposed subdivision project in accordance with accepted engineering practices. The test results or the holes are not to be used for acquiring septic system permits, are for evalt;ation purposes only. generally test but SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed subdivision project ,~ lies within Peters Creek, Alaska, adjacent to and east of the Alaska Railroad as shown in Figure 1. The area has gentle rolling land with elevations varing from 70' to 150'. Vegetation consists of small birch, black spruce, alders assorted low brush and ground cover with occasional downfall. The subdivision is divided in half by a ridge cutting across the land from southwest to northeast. The southeast section of the is marshy with signs of high ground water present throug- area drier. and while the northwest section is lower in elevatioin but much An abandoned power line ~easement cults across the southeast section paralleling the ridge giving the project its only cleared area. The Proposed subdivision project will combine all of the existing lots together into one subdivision with approximately 60 new half acre lots. It established to septic system. is anticipated that a community well will . be provide water and each lot will have its own SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION The exploration consisted of digging and logging some eleven test holes 'evenly spaced thoughout the subdivision area. The holes were dug by Boyd Alaska with a backhoe mounted on the back of a John Deere 450 dozer. Holes i and 2 were not dug due to the high ground water and overburden conditioins in the area preventing access. Holes 5,4 and 5 however, ~re typical in nature to holes 1 and 2 and is anticipated to be very similar. Care was taken to prevent the knock down of many trees during the transitition from hole to hole inorder to keep the appearance of the lots. With the exception of holes 3,4,5, and 6 the test holes were dug to a depth of 15 feet which is the maximum extention of the · backhoe. The holes encountering high wate~ were only dug to approximately 8 feet to check for foundation material. A percolation test to the clean material encountered the water flowed through · material faster than could be measured. No other tests .performed at the site, and f~elO classifications of the were made ~isually. was attempted on test holes 7 and 10, but due the were soi 1 s SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS · The subsurface soils as examined were fairly uniform throughout the area and consist of organic overburden overlying an alluvial sandy gravel and gravelly sand deposit, see test hole logs in 3 Appendix A. The organics encountered at the surface are brown, fib~ous~ very soft and moist to saterated. This layer suppQrts a thick crop of ~trees as described in the introduction. Ground through and 2. water was encountered beneath the organic mat on holes 3 6 and most likely would h~ave been encountered at holes 1 At the lower elevations r~presented by holes 7 through 13, believe that the water at the higher elevations is perched and · held up by a dense material located at a lower elevation. This area is located on a bench and may be able to be drained, see Recommendations and Conclusions. no ground water was encountered. This leads the engineer to The sands and gravels located beneath the organic mat is very clean and contains an occasional coble. Most of the gravel is 1 to 2 i~ches in maximum size, and could be used as a NFS gravel 'source ¥or developing roads and ~oundations. The various types of soils are indicated as well as the depths where the soils or characteristic of the soils changed in Appen- dix A. It should be noted that ~these changes are gradual 'and can be interpreted between the test holes. FOUNDATION AND SEPTIC SYSTEM ANALYSIS · It is understood that the proposed development of the site will consist of wood framed single ~amily dwellings. The material is well suited to support standard wall foundations with ~ootings. 4 The bearing capacity of the soil e~:ceeds 6000 psf for a design value; however, this material must be compacted to a dense state directly under the footings to prohibit settlement. Caution should be taken whenever trenchs are excavated though the subsurface material to prevent collapse of the walls, ~ince this material will sluff readily. It is also understood that each l'ot will have its own' septic system. Again the material encountered in the 4 to 12 foot depth · is well suited for septic disposal. This material is a sandy gravel classified as a well graded gravel (GW) and would have a perculation rate exceeding 2 minutes per inch. The Municipality of Anchorage rates this material for septic permits at 85 square feet per bedroom. It is however suggested that .each lot be tested in the location of its proposed septic system to insure the consistence of the soil. The area of the site with the below the surface is not acceptable at this time for or septic systems. I~ the area were to be drained, would be also suitable for construction once consolidation of material was accomplished by means o~ compaction. ground water encountered at or just foundations the. soils the CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In summary, the soils at the proposed subdivisioin site are well suited for residentual construction of houses and septic systems in the areas not encountering high ground water. The areas with the high ground water can possibly be improved by 5 draining the water to a depth of 12 feet below the surface. This can be accomplished by wells~ drainage ditches, or perforated drainage pipes, The latter is recommended for econmics over a ~well system and safety over a trench system. The perforated pipe should be buried at various locations thoughout the area at about 15 to 2(I feet in depth, and should be located so that septic systems will not contaminate the flow of the pipe creating a potential health problem. Outflow will need to dump into existing drainage streams to prevent flooding of adjacent property. It is anticipated that drawdown of the water level will take approximately 1 to 2 years depending opon the number and location of the drainage pipes. The recommendations of this report are based on the assumption that soil conditions do not deviate from those disclosed in the test holes. If any variations or undesirable conditions are encountered during development, we should be notified so that supplemental recommendations can be furnished. Respecfully Submitted BAXTER ENGINEERING & SOIL TESTING Kinney R. -Baxter, P.E. 6 PRELIMINARY SOILS EXPLORATION KNIK VIEW SUBDMSION Figure 1 BIRCHWOOD AIRFIELD PROJECT GREATLAr PRELIMINARY SOILS EXPLORATION KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION Figure 2 TH-9 14 15 TH-Il TH-10 17 16 TH-&2 27 TH-7 ~ TH-13 30 29 Alaska Railroad R.0.W. .Powerline --~ Ridge TH-6~ j TH-5 42 43 TH-3~ ~ 6)TH-4 44 High Ground Water Ridge --~-/ / ~'H-1 o~ TH-2 i, 56 ; / / / / APPENDIX "A" RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contrac~edWith Ted Schmelzer 8oring # TH-3 Projects Name Knik V~ ew Subdivision Job # Loc~tion Peters Creek SAMPLER Datum Hamme~ Wt. ,. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Ele~. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 9- 24-8 3 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed ) ELEV, SOIL DESCRIPTION STRA. DEPTH BORING & SAMPLING ~ SURFACE 0.0 -- /~ ~ , Dark Brown Overburden VV _ ~'- 2.0 · Organics %'v V./%' _ / ----  Grey Sandy Gravel '.~ (GW) ;'-.'/.,,' _ ~,.~;~ -- ~ 6.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE '~-.~-,'~. ~ - _ ., - ' % ~' ~O~E S5~~%~ ~ SAMPLER TYPE ~AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUNDWATER DEPTH DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION 2 ('1 FT. UNDISTURBED LOST AFTER .HRS. FT. AFTER 24 HRS. FT, BORING METHOD HEA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA --CONTINUOUS FLIGHTAUGEI~S DC ~- CRIVlNG CASING Contracted With Projects Name Location · RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Ted Schmelzer Knik View Subdivision Peters Creek Boring # Job # TH-4 SAMPLER Datum Hamme~ Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman surf' Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 9-24-8 ~ Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe , Date Completed SAMPLER TYPE DS -- DRIVEN EPLIT SPOON P'r-- PRE~EO aHELBY TUBE C~- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER ~' -- ROCk: CORE EAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With q~d Schmelzer ~' Projects Name . Kni~ View Subdivision ! ~ Loc~ion Peters Creek Boring # TH-5 Job # SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Ele~. . Ft.~_- ~ ~ Hammer Drop.__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started, 10- 5- 8 3j Pipe Size In, Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed ' I ELEV. SOIL DESCRIPTION STRA. DEPTI- · , BORING & SAMPLING SURFACE 0.0 ,, V V ~,- ~ Dark Brown Overburden VWv~ _ ~ - 2.0 ~t' Organics /f _- Grey Sandy Gravel ; (GW) - ,-. - J ' 6 · 0 BOTTOM OF HOLE ,.O... ~_ -- -- - - ~ ~ ~ Kinney R, SAMPLER TYPE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD DRI'VEN SPLIT SPOON O -- DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION. 2. 0 FT. PRESSED SHELBY TUBE I -- INTACT CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER U --UNDISTURBED ROCK CORE [. -- LOST AFTER.,, HRS. FT. AFTER 24 HRS.~ -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA -- CONTINUOUS FLIGH3, AUGERS Contracted With Ted Schmelzer' ~ Projects Name Knik View Subdivision ', ~ Location Peters Creek SAMPLER ~ Datum Hamme~ Wt. Lbs. i ~ Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Hole Diameter Rock Core Dia. Data Started 10-1-8 3 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Boring # TH-6 Job # · Foreman Inspector Date Completed ~AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH O -- DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION 2 . 5 FT. I -- INTACT U --UNDISTURBED L -- LOST AFTER HRS. __. FT. AFTER 24 HRS. FT. RORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERB CFA --CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS --DRIVING CASING --MUD DRILLING / ~ SAMPLER TYPE DB -- DRIVEN SPLIT SPOON ~-,-- PRESSED SHELBYTUSE % -- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER )~ -- ROCK CORE SOIL DESCRIPTION STRA. DEPTH BORING & SAMP[.ING ELEV. C~%M~,~ur~.D,,~a~,P~clW, a~,P~x~, DEPTH SCALE CONO BIOw~6" NO, TYPE REC. NOTES SURFACE O.O -- Dark Brown Overburden v V _ Organics v v 1.5 vvV -- - / 2.5, Grey Sandy Gravel "-.. (GW) ..", ~', -- . . / 8.0 ~ommoH OF HOLE -- Contracted With Projects Name Location RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Ted Schmelzer Knik View Subdivision Pe%ers Creek Boring # TH-7 Job # SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt., Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. . Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started ~ Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SURFACE o.o Brown Overburden v v _ vVV 3.0 Grey Gray , .' ~;:; _ w/ COble~/SW) "' .....-.~: - _ [ ~ SAMPLER TYPE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUN. D WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD DS-- DRIVENSPLITSPOON D --DISINTEGRATED ATCOMPLETION_I~7_Q]~,.~FT, HSA --HOLLOWSTEMAUGERS ?k? '- PRESSED SHELBY TUBE I -- INTACT CF~% --CONTINUOUSFLIGHTAUGERS CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER U --UNDISTURSED DC --DRIVING CA~ING ~.-- ROCK CORE L -- LOST AFTER_ HRS. FT. MO --MUD DRILLING AFTER 24 HRS. FT. · RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Boring # Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Job # Location Peters Creek. TH-8 SAMPLER D~tum Hamme~ Wt. __ Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector DateSta~ed, 10-1-83 PipeSize In. Boring Method Backhoe . Da/eCompleted r SOIL DESCRIPTION STRA. DEPTH BORING & SAMPLING SURFACE 0.O , ~rown Overburden Vv V - 1.5 vv _ , , ~rey Sandy Gravel ,,~.~ - ~(GW) . ~ 15.0 BOTTOM O~g~ ~ SAMPLER TYPE OS - DRIVEN SPLIT SPOON (P'~-- PRESSEDSHELSY TUBE ; -- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER J] i-- ROCK CORE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GSOUND WATER DEPTH D - DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION NorJe BORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CPA -- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS DC -- DRIVING CASING MO --MUD DRILLING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Cont~actedWith Ted Schmel~er Boring # 7~oj~ Name Knik View Subdivision Job # , Loc~ion Peters Creek TH-9 SAMPLER Datum Hamme~ Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 10-5-8 3 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SOIL DESCRIPTION STRA, DEPTI- BORING & SAMPLING Brown Overburden v _ _ 2.0 ~vv _ 2.5 Brown Gravel (GP) ~oq~ _ ~rey Sandy ~Gravel / (GW) ~:.: - ;.~(..~, _ _ ;~':.d;' _ _ '~. ':' ~ '..'5: - - - I/ SAMPLER TYPE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH O$ - DRIVEN SPLITSFOON D -- DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION NC)]q6~ Z PRE~EO SHELBY TUBE I --INTACT CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER U UNDISTURBED / !-- ROCK CORE L -- LOST AFTEfl____HRS, AFTER 24 HRS. BORING METHOD RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schraelzer Project, Name Knik View Subdivision Location Peters Creek Boring # TH-10 Job # SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt.. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. HEmmer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 10-1- 8 ~ Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed ELEV ~OIL DESCRIPTION STRA DEPTH SORING & SAMPLING r-~ SURFACE O.O %/ L/ -- Br~wn Overburden V - 1.5 V~/V -- _ ,:~.-..;_ - :O.'..,.. -- -- /;Grey Gravelly. , Sand ,,,~:~ ..... ,. _ _ ,~' / (SW) ,%...-... · _ - [.~f c.'o.. . ~ ~ .' .::. - · s.0 - - -  ~" ~ % Kinney R ~er ~ U~ % 3o56- E ~ SAMPLER TYPE ~AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUN. D WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD OS-- DRI.VENSPLITSPOON D --DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION None FT. HSA --HOLLOWSTEMAUGERS PREENED SHELeY TUBE ! -- INTACT CFA --CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS CONTINUOUS FLIOHTAUOEI~ U -- UNDISTURBED OC -- DRIVING CASING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Boring # Projects Name Knik View Subdivision -Job # Location Peters Creek TH-11 SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft, Hammer Drop.__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 10-1-83 PipeSize In, Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SOIL DESCRIPTION STRA. DEPTH BORING & BAMPLING ELEV. Co~.Mo~ture. O~t~.P~a~dciw.~.~l DEPTH SCALE CONO Blow~6" NO. TYPE REC. NOTES SURFACE ~0 Brown Overburden vV -- 1.0 v ~ -- Brown Gravel (GP) ~ o -- 2 , 5 ~ ~ -- O' o ~Grey Sandy GraVel o'~'. -- (GW) - [4.0 ~O~O~ O~ ~O~ :~.'~ _ [ , SAMPLER TYPE DS -- DRIVEN SPLIT SPOON  - PRESSED SHELBY TUBE -- CONTINUOUS FLJOHTAUGER , ~-- ROCK CORE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH D -- DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION ~nT~ FT. U --UNDISTURBED L -- LOST AFTER__HRS. FT. BORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERe CFA -- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS -- DRIVING CA~IND MD --MUD DRILLING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Boring # Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Job # Location Peters Creek TH-12 SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt, ~:~. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector DateSta~ed 10-1-8~ PipeSize In. Boring Method Backhoe DateComplated ~-, SURFACE o,s -- -- I Brown Overburden :~W - Brown Gravel (GP) - -- 2.5 _ - , Grey Sandy Gravel ~3.. ~o _ ~ (s~) ,'~.:~ _ _ - ~,~- _ _ ~ -*.. 1~.0 BOTTOM O~ HO~ .~ [ , SAMPLER TYPE DS - DRIVEN SPLIT SPOON PRESSED SHELSY TUBE -- CONTINUOUE FLIGHT AUGER ROCK CORE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH D -- DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION None FT. I -- INTACT U -- UNDISTURBED L -- LOST AFTER HRS, FT. AFTER 24 HRS.___ FT. BORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA -- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS DC -- DRIVING CASING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Cont~actedWith Ted Scb_melzer Boring # Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Job # Location Peters Creek TH-13 SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hol9 Diameter ~ Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Star~ed 10-1-8 3 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SURFACE o.o Brown Overburden V v - / (sw) .... ~.~ __ - SAMPLER TYPE os - DRIVEN SPLITSPOON -- PRESSED SHELBY TUBE CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER ~ C-- ROCK CORE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH D -- DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION None I -- INTACT U -- UNDISTURSED L -- LOST AFTER__HfS, AFTER 24 HRS. BORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA --CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS DC -- DRIVING CASING PRELIMINARY SOILS EXPLORATION KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION PETERS CREEK ALASKA MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHOP, AG[~ DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIOI~ MAR 2, P ~,~ RECEIVED prepared for TYEE DEVELOPMENT INC, prepared by BAXTER ENGINEERING & SOIL TESTING Anchorage, Alaska October 1985 Revised March 1984 INTRODUCTION PRELIMINARY SOILS EXPLORATION KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION PETERS CREEK ALASKA This report presents the results of our subsurface exploration and engineering study for the proposed subdivision project. The proposed subdivision and approximate locations of the explora- tions accomplished for this study'are presented on the Si~e Pla~, Figure 2. The purpose of this study was to explore subsurface conditions at the site from which conclusions and recommendations for building foundations and septic systems could be formulated. The scope of work consisted of field exploratioins and engineering analysis from a geotechnical standpoint. The field exploration program for this study originally consisted of a series of holes approximately located on each full parcel of the real property located on the E1/2 of the NE1/4 of Sec 5, T15N, R1W of the Seward Meridian; Lots 15~16,27~29,30,42,4~44~55~and 56 plus the portions of Lots 5,14,17,26,and 51 located east of the rail road tracks. Additional test holes were added after lots were established. Exploration procedures are presented in a subsequent section of this-report and interpretive soil logs of the exploration are presented in Appendix A. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of TYEE DEVELOPMENT INC. and their agents, for specific ~pplication to this proposed subdivision project in accordance with generally 'accepted engineering practices. The test results or the test hol~s are not to be used for acquiring septic system permits, but are for evaluation purposes only. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed subdivision project lies within Peters Creek, Alaska~ adjacent to and east of the Alaska Railroad as shown in Figure 1. The area has gentle rolling land with elevations varing from 70' to 150'. Vegetation consists of small birch, black spruce, alders and assorted low brush and ground cover with occasional downfall. The subdivision is divided land from southwest area is marshy with hour, while the drier. in .half by a ridge cutting across the to northeast. The southeast section of the signs of high ground water present throug- northwest section is lower in elevation but much An old abandoned power line easement cuts across the southeast section paralleling the ridge giving the project its only cleared area. The Proposed subdivision project will combine all of the e~isting lots together into one subdivision with approximately 40 new half acre lots. It is anticipated that a community well will be established to provide water and each lot will have its own septic system. ~ SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION The exploration consisted of digging and logging some eleven test holes initially in October 1983 and seven additional holes in March 1984 and were evenly spaced thoughout the subdivision area. The holes were dug by Boyd Alaska with a backhoe mounted on back of a John Deere to the high ground preventing access. nature to holes 450 dozer. Holes i and 2 ~were not dug water and overburden conditions in the the due area Holes 3~4 and 5 however, are typical in and 2 and is anticipated to be very similar. Care was taken to prevent the knock down of many trees during the transitition from hole to hole inorder to keep the appearance of the lots. With the exception of holes to a depth of 15 feet which is the maximum extention backhoe. The holes encoontering high water were only approximately 8 feet to check for foundation material. and 6 the test holes were dug of the dug to A percolation test was attempted on test holes 7 and 10~ but due to the clean material encountered the water flowed through the material faster than could be measured. No other tests were performed at the site, and field classifications of the soils were made visually. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurface soils as examined were fairly uniform the area and consist of organic overburden overlying an sandy gravel and gravelly sand deposit, see test hole Appendix A. throughout alluvial logs in The organics encountered at the surface are brown~ fibrous~ very soft and moist to saturated. This layer supports a thick crop of trees as described in the introduction. Ground water was encountered beneath the organic mat on holes 3 through 6 and most likely would have been encountered at holes 1 and 2. At the lower elevations represented by holes 7 through 20, no ground water was encountered. This leads the engineer to believe that the water at the higher elevations is perched and held up by a dense material located at a lower elevation. This area is located on a bench and may be able to be drained, see Recommendations and Conclusions. The sands and gravels located beneath the organic mat is very clean and contains an occasional coble. Most of the gravel is 1 to 2 inches in maximum size, and could be used as a NFS gr~vel source for developing roads and ~oundations. The various types of soils are indicated as well as the depths where the soils or characteristic of the soils changed in Appen- dix A. It should be noted that these changes are gradual and can be interpreted between the test holes. FOUNDATION AND SEPTIC SYSTEM ANALYSIS It is understood that the proposed development of the site will consist of wood framed single family dwellings. The material is well suited to support standard wall foundations with footings. ]'he bearing capacity of the soil exceeds 6000 psf for a design value; however, this material must be compacted to a dense.state directly under the footings to prohibit settlement. Caution should be taken whenever trenchs are excavated though the subsurface material to prevent collapse of the walls~ since this material will sluff readily. It is also understood that. each lot will have its own septic system. Again the material encountered in the 4 to 12 foot depth is well suited for septic disposal. This material is a sandy gravel classified as a well graded gravel (GW) and would have a perculation rate exceeding 2 minutes per inch. The Municipality of Anchorage rates this material for septic permits at 85 square feet per bedroom. It is however suggested that each lot be tested in the location of its proposed septic system to insure the consistence of the soil. The area of the site with the ground water encountered at or just below the surface is not acceptable at this time for foundations or septic systems. If the area were to be drained, the soils would be also suitable for construction once consolidation of the material was accomplished by means of compaction. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS In summary, the soils at the proposed subdivisioin sits are wsll suited for residentual construction of housss and septic systsms in tbs arsas not sncountering high ground watsr. The areas with the high ground water can possibly be improvsd by draining the water to a dspth of 12 fsst bslow the surface. This can. be accomplished by wells, drainage ditches, or perforated drainage pipes. It is rscommendsd that the Subdivision be divided into two Phases inorder to construct on the arsas presently suitabls for dwellings. Phass I would be the lowsr area not sxpsrisncing high ground watsr but vsry good soils conditions suitabls for building foundations and ssptic systems. Phase II would be the arsa directly so'th of Phass I and has very good soils also, but the high water tabls prsvsnts any development at this rims. As mentioned earlier there are many ways of dewatering an area so that it cao be used in the future. It appears that the most economical and. safest method will be accomplished by the means of a subsurface drainage structure. Both filter fabrics and perforated pipes were analysised and it is -felt that a combination of both will be considered for the project of dewatering the Phase II area. To begin the dewatering process, trenches would be excavated starting at the lower elevation of the pipe profile, as determined by the topography of the area, and proceeding into the marshy lots. This will help keep the trench fcee from high levels of water fo that the pipe can be installed without excessive pumping, and may successfully drain the~area if the impermiable layer is cut, Allowing free drainage. It is anticapited that a 12-18 inch perforated CMP Culvert will be installed to intercept any water or future water above the profile of the pipe, and filter fabric will be wrapped around the pipe if silty material is encountered. The profile will be established about 20 feet below theground surface so that areas needing to be drained greater than 100 feet away will allow for the installation of a septic system. This means that the water table must be below 123 feet as a minimum. The drainage system will enter the Phase I porition of the subdivision with a nonperforated pipe and will dump the collected water into the railroad ditch for transportation by nature drainage to the inlet as provided by the Alaska Railroad R.O.W. Its is mosst desireable that as much of the total drainage system be located within the road R.O.W's as possible. This will keep the amount of cleaPing to a minimum and prov;ide for maintenance if necessary. The proposed system location is provided on blueline prints of the subdivision and is submitted for approval for lateral -clearances. Additional in formation will be needed for exact distances and elevations for the final design and will be obtained at the time the lots are Surveyed. Wells will. be located throughout the Phase II area to monitor the draw down of the water. The recommendations of this report are based on the assumption that soil conditions do not deviate ~rom those disclosed in the test holes. If any variations or undesirable conditions are encountered during development, we should be notified so that supplemental recommendations can be furnished. PRELIMINARY SOTT,q EXPLORATION KNIK VIEW SUBDMSION Figure 1 BIRCHWOOD AIRFIELD P~CLT~C~ GREATLAt PRELIMINARY SOILS EXPLORATION KNIK VIEW SUBDIVISION Figure 2 14 TH-ii 17 TH-9 [8 15 TH-10 TH-[ TH-~2 27 TH- TH-7 TH-8 ~ 29 Alaska Railroad R.O.W. ~TH-14 // TH-6- / TH-5 ~TH-4 44 High Ground TH-2 Water 56 ! Ridge ---~! ! ! ! / APPENDIX "A" RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer 8oring # TH-3 Projects Name Knlk View SubdivisiQI% Job # Location Peters Creek ~AMPLER Datum Hamme~ Wt. ~ Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman S~rf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 9- 2 4- ~ ~ Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed ELEV. ~OIL DESCRIPTION STRA DEPTH BORING & SAMPLING SURFACE O.O Dark Bro~ Overburden V -- Organics V V _ 2.0 ~ v ~ -- -- Grey Sandy Gravel .~.~.~F~ -- 6.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE '-.:.~-.'p. -- SAMPLER TYPE OS - DRIVEN SPLIT SPOON PT-- PRESSED SHELBY TUBE CA-- CONTINUOUS PLIGHT AUGER RC-- ROCK CORE 8AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH O --DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION ~ ~ FT. I -- INTACT U -- UNDISTURBED L -- LOST AFTER, HRS. FT. AFTER 24 HRS. PT, SORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA -- CONTINUOUS PLIGHT AUGERS RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With. Ted Schmel zer Boring Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Job # Location Peters Creek TH-4 SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 9-24-83 Pipe Size · . In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed ~IL DESCRIPTION : STRA. DEPTH BORING & SAMPLING ELEV. Ce~t,~,D~w,f%m~zlw.~,~. DEPTH SCALE ~ Blow~6" NO. TYPE REC. NOTES SURFACE O.O VV - VV -- Dark Bro~ Overburden ~V -- - 2.0 ~ Organics yV V -- 2.5 VV V __ -:~* Grey SandY Gravel ,.~,- (GW) ':'.. 8.0 BOTTOM ~ ~r,~ :---'~ _ -- SAMPLER TYPE DS -- DRIVEN SPLIT SPOON PT -- PRESSED SHELBY TUBE CA-- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER RC-- ROCK CORE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH D --DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION 2. 0 I -- INTACT U --UNOISTURBEO L -- LOST AFTER____ HRS. AFTER 24 HRS. BORING METHOD HCA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA -- CONTINUOUS PLIGHT AUGERS DC -- DRIVING CASING MD --MUD DRILLING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With, T~_d S~hraelzer 8oring # Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Job # Location Peters Creek TH-5 SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 10-5-83 Pipe Size In.. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed ~OIL DESCRIPTION STRA. DEPTH BORING & SAMPLING ELEV. Ce~,,M~z~,O~y,l~e~CiWo:~Z~.Pre~t~. DEPTH SCALE CONO Blows/S" NO. TYPE REC. NOTES SURFACE 0.O V V Dark Brown Overburden ~,VV - Organics 2.0 ~' Vvv -- Grey Sandy Gravel .~o...~! - (GW) - 6 · 0 BOTTOM OF HOL~. /.~..' 9- _ SAMPLER TYPE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUN. O WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD DS -- DRI*VEN aPLITSPOON O -- DISINTEGRATED ATCDMPLETION ~). 0 FT. HSA --HOL/OWSTEMAUGERS /ri'-- PRESSED SHELBY TUBE I - INTACT CFA --CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS CA-- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER U --UNDISTURBED DC -- DRIVING CASING RC-- ROCK CORE L --LOST AFTER HRS. FT. MD --MUD DRILLING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Boring # TH-6 Projects Name Knlk View Subdivision Job # Location PetcT$ ~rcek ~AMPLER Hammer Wto Hammer Drop.__ Pipe Size Datum LI~. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. In. Rock Core Dia. Inspecto{ Date Started 1Q-l-8 3 In. Boring Method Backhoe . Date Completed SURFACE o.0 Dark Brown Ov'erburden vvV Organics v v V, V - _ 1.5 ' :.&??:. _ _ 2.5 ~ 'o:~./.. . Grey Sandy Gravel :~'2.0. - _ (GW) ,. '.-" '" ?&'i: _ '~':-~ -- -- ~O"~,. -- - BAMPLER TYPE DS -- DRIVEN SPLITSFODN PT -- PRE~EO SHELBY TUBE CA-- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER RC-- ROCK CORE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH 0 -- DIBINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION 2 · 5 FT, I -- INTACT U --UNDISTURBED L -- LOST AFTER HRS. FT. AFTER 24 HRS, FT. BORING METH00 -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA -- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS DC -- DRIVING CASING MD -- MUD DRILLING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Boring Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Job # Location Peters Creek TH-7 SAMPLER Datum Hamme~ Wt..__ Lbs. HoPe Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started_~ Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SOIL DESCRIPTION STflA. DEPTH BORING &SAMPLING SURFACE O.O V -- -- Brown Overburden v v v -- -- i vV¢ - -- vv Vi -- _ ...'...; :.'?. __ -- Grey Gravelly Sand ,'~:-3~ - -- - 'w/ Cobles (SW) .~';'",-~-.. -- -- - :.:..-.:.~.. - _ · ..~-;....:-.. _ _ SAMPLER TYPE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH D -- DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION None BORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERe CFA -- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS DC -- DRIVING CA~ING MD -- MUD DF~ILLING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Boring # Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Job # Location Peters Creek TH-8 SAMPLER D~tum Hammer Wt. __ Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia.. Inspector Date Started 10-1-83 PipeSize In. Boring Method Backhoe DateComp~eted SURFACE O.O %'%, V - ~rown Overburden Vv'%./ -- -- 1.5 vv Grey Sandy Gravel ,,<D.'~; -- (GW)__...'~; "f -- ','.o - - _ _ - 15.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE -."-' __ SAMPLER TYPE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD DS -- DRIVEN SPLIT SPOON O -- DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION None FT. HEA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS PT-- PREMED SHELBY TUBE I -- INTACT CFA --CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS CA-- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER U -- UNDISTURBED DC --DRIVING CA~ING RC-- ROCK CORE L -- LOST AFTER HRS,__FT, MO --MUD DRILLING AFTER 24 HRS.__ FT. RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contrac~edWith Ted Schmelzer Boring # Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Job # Location Peters Creek TH-9 SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt..__ Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf, Elev. Ft, Hammer Drop__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 10-5-83 PipeSize In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed ~OIL DESCRIPTION STRA. DEPTH BORING &SAMPLING ELEV. Ce~x.M~'u,e.D~.~e~:ity. Size, Pm~lo, I DEPTH 3CALE CONO Blow~'6" NO. TYPE REC. NOTES SURFACE 0.0 v - Brown Overburden v _ _ v v - 2.0 -- -- Brown Gravel (GP) 2 . 5 .r .... . -- - d> -~:- - _ :.-.<~: - ~'ifo, - , ..fo:.; - - - _ -- Grey Sandy Gravel L'o~-,~. -- -- (GW) O:_.: -- -- -- . ;'~;-?.; -- - '.~':.~..: -- - i~::?.;, o~- ~,° ;'..~,.- _ o;.~';' - - · - - 15.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE L.o..'. SAMPLER TYPE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD Da - DRIVEN SPLIT SPOON D -- DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION NC)Tm6% FT. HSA --HOLLOWSTEMAUGERS PT-- PRE~SEOSHELBY TUBE I -- INTACT CFA --CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS CA-- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER U --UNDISTURBED DC --DRIVING CASING RC-- ROCK CORE L -- LOST AFTER__ HRS. FT. MO --MUG DRILLING AFTER :24 HRS. PT. RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Location Peters Creek Boring # Job # TH-10 SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop.__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started ~ Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SOIL DESCRIPTION STRA DEPTI- SURFACE o.e Br~wn Overburden VvV Grey Gravelly Sand .,.?~ :..' _ _ 15.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE ' :':':"-' -- -- SAMPLER TYPE )S - DRIVEN SPLIT SPOON "r- PRE~EO SHELBY TUBE .~A-- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER lC-- ROCK CORE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUN. D WATER DEPTH O -- DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION None .FT. U -- UNDISTURBED L -- LOST AFTER HRS. FT, AFTER 24 HRS,., FT, BORING METHOD HBA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CPA --CONTINUOUS PLIGHT AUGERS CC --DRIVING CASING MD --MUD DRILLING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Cont~actedWith Ted, $~hmelzer Borlng # Projects Name Knik View Subdivision ~Job # Location Peters Creek TH-11 SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 10-1-83 PipeSize In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SOIL DESCRIPTION STRA. DEPTH BORING & SAMPLING SURFACE _(~.O Brown Overburden vVVwV _ _- Brown Gravel (GP) °o~ ~ - -- 2;5 -- _- _- _ - Grey Sandy GraVel - (GW) '"" '~ -- -- 14.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE :~... -~AMPLER TYPE DS -- DRIVEN SPLIT SPOON PT-- PRESSED SHELBY TUSE CA-- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER RC-- ROCK CORE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH U -- UNDISTURBED L -- LOST AFTER HRSL BORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA -- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS DC -- DRIVING CASING MD -- MUD DRILLING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Boring # Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Job # Location Peters Creek TH-12 Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft.' Hammer Drop.__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 10-1-8 ~ Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe . Date Completed SURFACE 0.o V V - Brown Overburden 1.5 Brown Gravel (GP) ~_~ -- -- 2.5~'~ __ - - - .- · c~ ,.o. _ _ _ Grey Sandy Gravel ~.. -'o _ _ _ (GW) 'o .'.~ _ _ ;:.6 - O.6. -- - _ _ _ - 14.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE ..~--~ SAMPLER TYPE DS -- DRIVEN SPLITBPOON ~T-- PRE~ED SHELBY TUBE CA-- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER RC-- ROCK CORE ~AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION None INTACT UNDISTURBED LOST AFTER____ HRS. AFTER 24 HRS. BORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERe CFA --CONTINUOUe FLIGHT AUGERS DC -- DRIVING CASING MD --MUD DRILLING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Scb-melzer . Boring # Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Job # Location Peters Creek TH-13 SAMPLER Datum Hamme~ Wt. Lbs. Hol.e Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 10-1-8 3 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Backhoe Date Completed SURFACE 0.0 -- Brown Overburden %/ v 1.0 vw~/ _ _ :..: -.':. -*.', .'.? .' .:., - Grey Gravelly Sand !~.;-,';7' -- __ (SW) .... ,::.; .-: ~ x.,~ \'..: 15.0 BOTTOM OF HOLE .....;~ SAMPLER TYPE DS -- DRIVEN SPLIT SPOON PT -- PRES~ED SHELBY TUBE CA-- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER RC-- ROCK CORE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH BORING METHOD -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA -- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS DC -- DRIVING CASING RECORD OF ~OIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Boring # Projects Name Knik ·View subdivi's:ion Job # Location Peters Creek SAMPLER 4- ,17-8 4 Hammer Wt. Ft. Hammer Drop Pip~ Size Datum Surf, Elev. Date Started Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector In. Boring Method ~ Date Completed TH-1 4 SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH O - DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION ].. 0 I -- INTACT U -- UNDISTURBED L -- LOST AFTER HRS. AFTER 24 HRS. BORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA -- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS DC -- DRIVING CASING MD --MUD DRILLING SAMPLER TYPE DS - DRIVEN EPLIT EPOON PT -- PRE~ED SHELBY TUBE CA-- CONTINUOUB FLIGHT AUGER RC-- ROCK CORE SOiL DESCRIPTION STRA. DEPTH BORING & SAMPLING · SURFACE 0.O Brown Overburden. ~ %' I _ 1.0 eF YV V _ _ Grey Sandy Gravel ;.:o.... . _ _ RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION C.~ntracted With Ted Schmelzer Boring # Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Job .9 Location Peters Creek TH-15 SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Bev. Ft. Hammer Drop__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Sb3rted 4[- 1 7- g ~. Pipe Size In. Boring Method . Date Completed ~o1[. DESCRIPTION STRA. DEPTH eORING& SAMP[.ING ELEV. Cak~,Me~t.~,D~,~m.~d~[W. Slz~,~h~, DEPTH SCALE CONO Blow~6*' NO. TYPE REC. NOTES SURFACE 0.0 Brown OvorBurdon . 1.5 v - _ _ ~;~ _ _ Brown Sandy Gravol (GP) O ~' -- 3.0 .... - - : : Grey Sandy Gravel ..... w/ cobles (GW) SAMPLER TYPE DS -- DRIVEN SPLIT SPOON ~ -- PREENED SHELBY TUBE CA-- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER RC-- ROCK CORE ~AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER OEFTH U - UNDISTURBED L -- LOST AFTER HRS. BORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA -- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS OC -- DRIVING CASING MD --MUi~ DRILLING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Boring # Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Job # Loc~tion Peters Creek TH-16 SAMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. HammEr Drop.__ In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 4 - ;17- 8 4 Pipe Size In. Boring Method Date Completed ~OIL DESCRIPTION STRA. DEPTH BORING & SAMPLING 0.5 Brown O~den ~;~v I --- Brown sandy Gravel -' ~ 3.5 Z (GW) w/cobles 7'~ _ -::. _ - SAMPLER TYPE ~$ - DRIVEN SPLIT SPOON PT-- PRE~ED SHELBY TUBE CA-- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER RC-- ROCK CORE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH D --DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION ~n~ I -- INTACT U -- UNDISTURBED BORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA -- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS DC -- DRIVING CASING MD --MUD DRILLING RECORD OF ~OIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schraelzer Boring # Projects Name Knlk View Subdivisior~ Job # Location TH-17 ~AMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. Lbs. HoPe Diameter Foreman Surf. Ele~. Ft. Hammer Drop. In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started 4 - 1 7- R ~ Pipe Size In. Boring Method Date Completed SOIL DESCRIPTION STRA. DEPTH BORING & SAM-'LING ELEV SURFACE 0. 0.5 Brown Overburden v ~ ~ _ -- - Brown Sandy Gravel ~"o - (GP) O.. O~.. -- _ 2.5 -- -- Grey Sandy Gravel -- (GW) ~"- ~ , -- 16.0 BOTTO~ O~ HOBE 5¢~')' - SAMPLER TYPE OS -- DRIVEN ePLIT SPOON PT -- PRESSED SHELBY TUBE CA-- CONTINUOUB FLIGHT AUGER RC-- ROCK CORE ~AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH U -- UNDISTURBED AFTER 24 HRS. BORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA -- CONTINUOUS PLIGHT AUGERS DC --DRIVING C~ING MD --MUD DRILLING RECORD OF S01L EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Boring # Projects Name Job # Location TH-18 SAMPLER Datum Hamme~ Wt. ~ Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop__ In. Rock Core Dia. . Inspector Date Started ~t- 1 7- R ~ Pipe Size In, Boring Method Date Completed SURFACE 0.0 - Brown Overburden V u~~ _ 1.0 Vv _ 1.5 Brown Gravel ~ _ -- - ~. - _ Course G~ave[ .~-~ -- 15.0~ BOTTOM OF HOLE SAMPLER TYPE DS -- DRIVEN SPLIT SPOON PT -- PRE~ED SHELBY TUBE CA-- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGER RC-- ROCK CORE SAMPLE CONDITIONS GROUNDWATER DEPTH O -- DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION~C)I~ FT. I -- INTACT U -- UNDISTURBED L -- LOST AFTER HRS. FT. AFTER 24 HRS.. SORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA -- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS DC -- DRIVfNO CASING MO --MUG DRILLING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Boring # Location Peters Creek Job # TH-1 9 ~AMPLER Datum Hammer Wt. -- Lbs. HoPe Diameter Foreman Surf. Elev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started z~- 1 7-R 4 Pipe Size In. Boring Method ~ Date Completed ~OIL DESCRIPTION STRA. DEPTI~ BORING &SAMPLING SURFACE .e;' I-- Brown Overburden ~/ - -- - 1.0 ~/ ~/~ Grey Gravelly Sand o.. -- (SW) · ,, - -- 15.6 BOTTOM ~F HOLE , .O~ -- -- _ SAMPLER TYPE ~AMP/E CONDITIONS GROUN. D WATER OEPTH DS-- DRIVEN EPLITSPOON D -- DISINTEGRATED AT COMPLETION ~t'3/3~, PT -- PRESSED SHELBY TUBE I -- INTACT CA-- CONTINUOUSFLIGHTAUGER U --UNDISTURBED RC-- ROCK CORE L -- LOST AFTER HRS. -. ET. AFTER 24 HRSo PT. BORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA --CONTINUOUS FLIGHTAUGERS DC -- DRIVING CUING MO -- MUD DRILLING RECORD OF SOIL EXPLORATION Contracted With Ted Schmelzer Boring # Projects Name Knik View Subdivision Job # Location Peters Creek TH-20 SAMPLER Datum Hamme~ Wt. Lbs. Hole Diameter Foreman Surf. Bev. Ft. Hammer Drop In. Rock Core Dia. Inspector Date Started ~- 1 7-Rzt Pipe Size In, Boring Method R~,~h(~ DatB Completed SOIL DESCRIPTION STRA. DEPTH BORING & SAMPLING ELEV. C~.~:4,~,,D,,~W, ma,~ciW,~m,~Wo~x~l DEPTH SCALE ~O~ elow~/6" NO. TYPE REC, NOTES 0 · 25 SURFACE vO~ I -- Grey Sandy ~ravel -- -- (GW) w/cobles 14. ~ BOTTOM OF HOLE SAMPLER TYPE DS -- DRIVEN SPLIT EPGON PT - PRE~EO SHELBY TUBE CA-- CONTINUOUE FLIGHT AUGER RC-- ROCK CORE 8AMPLE CONDITIONS GROUND WATER DEPTH U -- UNDISTURBED BORING METHOD HSA -- HOLLOW STEM AUGERS CFA -- CONTINUOUS FLIGHT AUGERS -- DRIVING C~IND MD --MUD DRILLING 4 January 1984 WALDEC ENTERPRISES, INC. 6208 Staedem Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99504 (907) 333-6025 MA YFLOWER CIRCLE PARK MARSWALK AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CENTER SCHOWENWALD CONSTRUCTION RENTALS Tyee Development. Inc. 11301Lang Street Anchorage~ Alaska 99515 Gentlemen: This letter is to confirm our oral agreement for Waldec Enterprises, Inc, to furnish water to Knik View Subdivision. This agreement is predicated on one of the following: Approval of the development of 40 acres held by Waldec Enterprises. Inc,, and which is contiguous to Knik View Subdivision In the event that failure to receive approval for the development of our subdivision, Waldec Enterprises will still furnish water to Knik View provided we can obtain from the State of Alaska the certificate of convenience and necessity. Sincerely yours, Ira E. Walker President IEW:d APPENDIX "B" The Knikview Subdivision has been divided into two Phases' ~inord~k ~ ~ to construct on the areas presently suitable for dwellings. Phase I is the lower area not experiencing high ground water but very good soils conditions suitable for building foundations and septic systems. Phase II is and has very good soils also, any development at this time. the area directly south of Phase I but the high water table prevents As mentioned in the soils report there are many ways of dewater- lng an area so that it can be used in the future. It appears that the most economical and safest method will be accomplished by the means of a subsurface drainage structure. Both filter fabrics and perforated pipes were analysised and it is felt that a combination of both will be considered for the project of dewatering the Phase II area. To begin the dewatering process, trenches will be excavated starting at the lower elevation of the pipe profile, by the topography of the area, and proceeding into lots. This high water so pumping, and layer is cut~ allowing free drainage. 24 inch perforated CMP Culvert will be installed to intercept any water or future water above the profile of the pipe, and filter fabric will be wrapped around the pipe if silty material is will help keep the trench free from that the pipe can be installed may successfully drain the area as determined' the marshy levels of without excessive if the impermiable It is anticapited that a encountered. the than system. This means that the water a minimum. The profile will be established about 20 feet below ground surface so that areas needing to be drained greater 100 feet away will allow for the installation of a septic table must be below 12 feet as The drainage system will enter the Phase I porition of the subdivision with a nonperforated pipe and will dump the collected water into the nearest road ditch for transportation to the nature drainage provided by the Alaska Railroad R.O.W. Additional culverts will be provided for road crossing as required. It is most desireable that as much of the total drainage system be located within the road R.O.W's This will keep the amount of clearing to a minimum for maintenance if necessary. as possible. and provide The proposed system location is provided on blueline prints of the subdivision and is submitted for approval for lateral clearances only. .Additional' information will be needed for exact distances and elevations for the final design and will be obtained at the time the lots are surveyed. z