HomeMy WebLinkAboutSKYVIEW ESTATES LT 4ggrk g states ANCHORAGE AREA BOR~"'H Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTI~iM NAME.~,'~/~ /~/~,'~/~. ~' c; LOCATION*']-</~ ~ ~; {~7L~ 5 //~'~'/J~_~-~-~ ~/2®/~' SEP-T I C 'T'AN K: DISTANCE / NUMBER OF // FROM WELL /~)~/ MANUFACTURER '~/~'-,L,~/~. . MATERIAL ~'~"/-~-':% / _COMPARTMENTS ,NS~DE LENGTH /P- / ~5" INSIDE WIDTH LIQUID DEPTH '~ __LIQUID CAPACITY~--~O(2 (])__GALLONS. SEEPAGE PIT: ~ TOTAL BUILDING FOUNDATION_ , NEAREST LOT LINE . ABSORPTION AREA?V"7~EI~-.A..E~A) SQ. FT. ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION WELL: TYPE .CONSTRUCT,ONZ " BUILDING NEAREST ~ ~ NEAREST SEPTIC FOUNDATION LOT LINE ~ SEWER LINE '~' TANK ,O~E~ sourcesL o ,~' ~ CESSPOOl . _ .. APPROVED ~ ~o~ ~ ~- ~ ~,~A~-~-- - ~ - DISAPPROVE[) -- RE~ARKS] DISTANCE FROM: SEEPAGE SYSTEM r/ DISTANCES: Iv-0-'il "~'-o ~..x_J,.<. I~ INSTALLED BY: PIPE MATERIAL: LOT SLOPE:_ REMARKS: DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM LO'F G.A.A.B. Form No, EQ-031 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PERMIT NO, SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT NAME Of APPLICANT LEGAL DESCRIPTION TYPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED SEEPAGE PIT SOIL TEST RESULTS COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED TO BE INSTALLED ~Y --- ~-~::~' ~ '~2~*~/~L/~' NOTEI THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALID WITI'IOIJT BOIL TEST // / e;;'_5~ S~;E~3~'TANK SIZE TYPE SEEPAGE AREA SIZE MINIMUM DIS']{'ANCE,S. REQUIREMENTS ~/~i¢ ! ~ ~ ~ L / ~ FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT ., DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TAbIK TO SEEPAGE PiT WALL IJ~ ~._r~ v~G T ' I CAST IRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP OF EXCAVATION 5 FEET INTO UNDISTUR~3ED SOIL. GRAVEL BACKFILL e s 1 a ot.,n,ons" Performed For_ '(--~ ~C~k..__~_ ~/~ /~rv'J<'.~ Date Performed__~_-~/q'-TB Le,al BescriDtio~: Lot~B1 ock Subdivision This ~orm Re~orts Soils Lbq ~] P~r~ration Test Oeoth F__~e Lt_ Soil Characteristics 9__ !0.__ Was Ground Water Encountered? If Yes, At what Depth? Readinq Percolatio Date Rate Gross Time Minute Net Time Depth to H20 Net Drop) Proposed Inst~Fl-lation: SeeDa~e Pit ~/x'2~ Drain Field De~th of Inlet ~- Deoth-l"o---~'~-tt'om Of Pit. Or Trench _ ......... March 22, ]9'/3 lqr, David E. Marks SRA.-llox 17~ B Anchorage:, Ala.qka .SLd,,jecl;: I.t. 4~, S~yvicu EStates Subdivision I)ear F,r. Marks: As per o,r conv~rsation o, ~.;argh 2?, 1973 concerning your on-sii;e sewa~qe disposal sysg(:m:, i. im current system is nol: in r. onlplianc~ ,,g'ii;h hea'Ith codes. You must upqrade t. he sysi:(I,~ i;o p(~ss !~orough approval. Thiq may he rccom*, p'lish(d by: a) eXposing ~h(: sepgic tank and havinfl l~ank checked by ti~i~ d(:q}ar~m~:mt; h) obLaininq a soil resul~sN (~r <~) ul)~rad'in~j {;h<~ d(~f'icienc'i~; I~efore 1 ?73, Your cooperal;ion would be apr)recla',,?d and will ureve~t legal Sincc~rely, Les Buchholz Environmental Control Officer Fc-bruary 26, 1!!73 uear Iqr. ant~ i!rs. 14arks: U,.lr rJcords do ILO11 irldicaCe L~i'i appr(~w~u sew(.~r sy~;'J;em Your cuopera'Cion ()ri khis t~ia(;t,,3T' IS requestua. .Si ncer~ly: J Oilil k, Er~vi ronl:,ental Services kc C~.q'&ified No. 1~159~ !)950I December 31, 1979 Carl Po].l ard Stair Route A Box 1'7508 Anchorage, Alaska 9950'1 Permit t~ 790057 Subject: Lob 4 Sky V~ew Estates Subdivision A permit issued by this department for well and/or sewer system has expired. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well, log should be sent: to this department to document the installation date. the installation of the have them send us the as-buJ.].ts If an engineer has inspected on-site sewer system, please for our files. please contact this If there are ally further questions, office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Les. N h Senior Enviro~{~nt~l ' Spec i LNB/ljw enc: Copy of Permit F'EI~'.H I T I;,EI::'IaF'.'I"HEI'.,IT OF HEFIL'TI'I fiN[) EI'.,IVIf;b:')I",IFIEIqTFIt. F:'Fi:OTEC'f']:OI'.,I I1.,,.1t E% L.. l~ IF::" ItEC IF,;~:: I? It :E ~"11 .... F:IF'F:'L. :[ E:FIi'.,I T L. OCFIT I 0i",1 L.EGFH_. LOT 4. :~:;KY',,,'IEI.4 I:ES'FR-FEF:; SLJEi: h'l ]: Iq ]: HUH 12' I '.:JTf::Ih,!CE 13['~:T.H['ZEN I::1 HELL I:ll",![) l:::li",l"r' O1",1""~.:, :1: TE '_:;D'.!.qI::IGE:: D I ~;F'O2;I:::II_ :!?'r'%TE;f'l :( :~i; '.'1..I-:)1;~1 [::'I/ET FC)R FI F:'[~'.);',,,'FITFJ: 141EL. L.i :1.'.SID 'FO 2.12)O I':'[EET F'[~'.Cd'I R F'I..IEIL..)~C HE;Et_ DEF'ENDINEi LIPON 1'HE 14tEI....L I.J3(:ii':'~; FIf~:E FdF:(;flJIf4:EDFIND i'"ILI~T [3E RETLIF:'.NE[::, TO THE DI.::JF:'F'If;?.'Ffq[*~:NT OF TIdE HIELL. COFIPL.ETION. O"FI-IE';f.?. f;?.[EI::II..I ]: f;~'.EEf'I[.:;N'I":5 I"IF'I'.? I::ll:::'F'l..'-r'. ~(;[::'EC ~[ F l I:::I'~IT l C)[",l~ I::IN[:, E:Oi",I~;TI;:.'I, JC:T F:I',,,'FI ]: [.FIE:LJE 1'O I f',!:!~Uf;~:E F'ROF'EI~: I i",I:5TF:fl.J_FIT I O1",1. Auqast 3, 1977 $76548 Carl Pollard Star Route A Box 1750B ~%cl~orage~, Alaska 99507 oub]ec~ ~ P~it Expiration D~ar ~4r. Pollard: A permit issued by this d~part:nent for well and/or has 8xpired since the iss~z~ date ~xcae(~ts one (1) year. In the ev(.~n'~ you still plan to ins','all the well and/or site sewer syste~ a new permafit is required° The original soil test may bo u~ed to obta]~n ~A current perml'h. If the well has been drilled, a well log should b~ s~nt to thi:-~ ~(~pa.~t~nenu to document the installation date. If,' you have ~uly ques~ons ~.egardin~ the above matter~ please do not hesitate to contact thi.'~ office im~]edi, at~ly at 279-. 2511~ extens].on 224 or 225. Sincerely Ro S o [.OCF:I'I" :1; CIN I..I=IF(E: OT :1; !il; & ..:l'li:l::T: C: :t: I..lii;Gl':ll. I.,4 :E;h:l"r"v']lli~lH [:::Ei;Tl':l'l'li~:~i~ ~:i;I.IEi: I,OT ,/-