HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCIMITAR #1 Soils Information : .-~ :~ICt'(INSOiq .. OS\r'TALD & PAIRTNIERS ' J ~ O~O~A STREET ' ANCHORAGE ALASKA 99501 ' PHONE 907 277-1685 ~,. L , GREATER ANCHORAGL' AP~A 80ROUGH DEPART;i~HT OF ENVIRO~!!,!FNTA[ QUALITY 3330 "C" Street ANC!IORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Case # Performed For ~i,$_1J~:~:~ 71-;t::~- Dated PerformedOc:~o ~;.~ 1972 This Form Reports Soils Lo9 ;; ___ Percolation Test - Soil Test Must Be Logged To 4' Below Proposed Seepage System - Soi 1 Cha = ~ rac ce r · s t i (..~ Depth .Feet 8~ 9~ O~ 2~- 3~ h.~-4---L-L-I ,,il ._.LIJ._I.J , I I, Was Ground Water Encountered? i~o If Yes, At What Depth? .- (}~z- ..... L_:_L_ I ]_ I I J L_LIJ II ] i_.LL_L_ I L.. Reading Date Gross Time Net TimeI Depth to H20 Net Drn ~ercolation Rate t,li n ~l ;: e Proposed Ins?'~-~i'~.:"i'"c]'n-: Scr-'FagC· Pit X Orain Field Depth oF In'e,. D~F~h to Dot. tom o~ P~l: or Trench GREATER ANC!IORAGE AP~=A F, OROUGH DEPARTII~N$ OF EHVIRO?.I?!F!,~T,.~,L QUALITY 3330 I'C" Street ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9950? Case # Performed Forv'4~l.~e.m... ...... .~. :J%,~....,",--,'~ Dated Performed Legal Description: 4..nt 4~-1.o¢~ ~.~./~oS,ubdi.~js.imp.q~.~.~ ,~1", %-~ This Form Reports Soils Log_~_% Percolation Test - Soil Test Must Be Logged To 4' Below Proposed Seepage System - Depth Feet ? .G.Cd . ? ! C:~avc;].].y 8~ Was Ground Water Encountered? ~'o ........... ?4~z~ If Yes, At What Depth? Reading Date ~ Gross Time Net Time Depth, to H2O Net OraH , ercolation Rate t.i~ n,~ ;... Proposed Instal]attc;,~: S~"a .... Dii' ..r I)rain Field Depth of In~e~, .......... ....... ,,~":' th,. ,, 1:0 [:]0 ~,13o?,1~ 01: P41', . or ]'rellC}l (iI~EA'Fr-R ANCHORAGE .... A BOROUGH DEPARTI1EHI'. OF EHV~,,,) .... ~ ,-,[ 3330 "C" Street A~C!-IORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Case # Performed For .-.vii.; .... :,~.-.'~=c;' Dated Performed~ezi. ~2 This Form Reports Soils Log :< Percolation Test~ - Soil Tes~ ~,1ust Be Logged To 4' Below Proposed Seepage System Depth .Feet', . ~,,l C]]_,_?~_t~e.,i~_?,::.~ .... F, , i I -[~F[ L ..,,. F++_L_u_ 2-- ' o,.-~ ,~tl I._ I._i I_1 lO~ 11-- 12~ 13~ 14-- c.].c~'ll ¢,o ~57:; o cobbles 15-$i¥~-.B¥-~.~]~-~{--¥(-~er Encountered?.z° _ If Yes, At What Depth? ___L.J__: _I I I I j(i I J Ji l__l_NJ_ I Reading Date ~ Gross Time i Net Time [lepth to H20 Net DroP_i_ ercolation Rate t'14 n ~ ;:'' Proposed Iqs!:al I a t i c,~: S (ltl' l' .] r'¢:,, 'P]f~ ..V I}ra i n Field Depth of Inl¢m ~:. ~)'l'}',th.. to [,OT.'~]¥-.~-Pi ~. or'rrenc~ ~ T'--.. ¢, · 3¢'0 ~'~ ''' 01 '~¢F)'dr:O.t.O '~0 ?)0 z,.: . ' .......... '[)~/ ....... COMt'ENTS: GREATER AIICftORAGE AP~:A BOROUGH DEPARI'IIEIIT OF' EHViqg~It!Ehi'AL OUALiTY 3350 "C" Street ANC!IORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Case ..£ormed For' illicm ~'!'.:'i;rm]~ Dated Performed Description: L.~.~: --~' B.~7~ co,lO .~d.b4~'~4~,.o~- ~.1~=.~..,.~.~.~. ' .: a 1 "is F'orm Reports Soils Log__~ Percalation Tes~ . .soil Test Must Be Logged To 4' Below Proposed Seepage System Soil Cl~aracterist~cq .................................... -F'?T-F-' ..... J~ L._J--_. Uo ...... c f?a~ncd ...... ~ _. F,'m";:- Gxo, ,..['UX.,i, 6r^ ~x,x~ ~4.~ te red ? ~;~..:" ~. If Yes, At What 2eptln? L_.i_LT-'I_ I J i 1-1_ ............... ~ 1 ...................... IT ............. H 2 O Pi eading Date I Gross Time i. Net Time Der)th to Net Drn ,:o~nl. ion, Rate M';n~r :, pruposed Ins{,~-'l~'~'t'[?'[' S(:~;::~Fc Pit ~ Drain Field i ,,,uh oF In,e,._ ........... J::i.t,~ 1..) ,ott.~ I . .~ or Trench , p,rforme I BY ];.u:'o.h'~ T:t;'c. ,'i';)~ Date GREATER. AhCHORAG[ ,qF~:A BOROUGH DEPARTHEHT OF,-U~I~/TP'FIFI'*'F?~:T''},;',,,I!i'I,'i( ,. QLIALiTY Case ]~,, 3330 "C" Street :-.,950 ~ ANCHORAEE, ALASKA ~ Performed For ~.':1~-.z,} Tlz'B.mk Dated Performed Legal Description: ,~-m~t,?.~. ~F;~.QC.b~n~,jr~4N/-~-i-~.v~5~:i. ,~.,,~,m .... '~,~......~..,~ :eridien This Form Reports Soils Leo ~ Percolation Test Soil Test Must Be Logged To 4' Below Proposed Seepage System Depth Feet *i Soil Characteris. cq 2-2- 3-- 5-- 6-- 7-- 8-- 10-- 11-- Overl)u~l on 12--- -. 13~. ~,C'.' t i .. lv J~ - '~'~' -- Was Ground Water Encountered? If Yes, At What Depth? , i I ~_L_i k_J_k J_l_J I_1 J__l_ i l I I i I L_I._ Reading Perc~Jation Rate M~ni,L,, Proposed Installatic~,~: S(:~baf!q Pit X Drain Field Depth of Inlet d.:~.C,1 1'.0 [~O'hl]on~ Ol: P'i~. or l'Fenc~ CO/4I.'[NTS: '::' ,;, ' ..... , la:~do':mo2 I / Date Gross Time Net 'rime-! Depth to H20 I Net DropJ GREATER A[~CHORAGE A~EA BOROUGH DEPARTHE'NT OF EH¥1RON!'!ENTAL QUALITY 3330 I'C" Street ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Case # P e r fo rmed Fo r Ui].li~m~, ?le;N~el= Da ted Pe rfo roe d_Oo'~___L14~' .19~ Legal Descri pti on: L:m:t.'"==.., t:l~ ~-~t,lO~,~., .. $~zmlt.i:=~.~:~:m~ N. pr~Ii]~iT~ sc¥,J:~ .... This Form Reports Soils Log .... ~ Percolation Test__ Soil Test Must Be Logged To 4' Below Proposed Seepage S,ystem - Depth Feet Soil Characteristicq 2~ 3~ 4~ 5-- 6~ 7~ 8~ 9~ lO~ ll~ 12~ 13~ Encountered. i*o If Yes, At What Depth? / _1il I I I I I _2,111111 I ~__.L] I_]_]_J 1 Reading [ Date Gross Time ~ Net Time Denth to H20 ]-iZ--.llliii 'ill] ............. ' ..................... Net Dro Percolation Rate Proposed Ins.:al,~.tlcl: · ~ X Drain Field , _ ................. ----,-$'6i[iCi-6¥-p~ I: or Trench l)epth of In'et ~'nt~ to ...... , C 0 M1~ Il N T S: '"~=.J:;'=:~i~'k~-q,~lD'}%g~)___9~?__j;c;~r~ol~ '_~9_.]~SL ~pPovid ed. 'by landowner, GREATER A~ICtIORAGE AP!¥A BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF EHV!RON!iE~iTAI_ QUALITY 3330 "C" Street ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Case # Performed For U~!].ie~]~ II,..tuu,: Dated Performed Oct~ L.$~ !~72_ Legal Description: This Forln Reports Soils Log X Percolation Test 5oil Test Must Be Logged To 4' Below Proposed Seepage System - 2-- 3-- 4-- 5--' 6-- 7-- 9--' lO- ll- 12-- 13-- 14-- Depth Feet Soil Characteris ~ Ore ~l)u~.T!?n sand with moab,'boreal cob%les. Was Ground Water Encountered? If Yes, At What Depth? ' Reading Date Gross Ti,me Net Time il Denth to H20 Net Dro Percolation ate r,i~ nn ;:e Propos d I,~s¥~Ti'~T~ff: Sc~;~af.q Pit X l)rain Field Depth o GREATER AItCIIORAGE f',P"A BOROUGH DEPART,q~NT OF,.r:NV!~'n~'""'-~'~'~,~., u: , ,-,,. QUALITY 3330 "C" Street ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Cas e # Performed For '±:!.]:J.u;:,~ :':',.~'b'~o!: Dated Performed ecl;, Legal Descri pti on: i'a.t' ?{. :B] o:c~'ee'r;,!O ~_u:b.d:}:~.i'~:i:am ':~ ~m-, 'r .... This Form Reports Soils Log :: Percolation Test - Soil Test Must Be Logged To 4' Below Proposed Seepage System - Depth Feet 2-- 3-- 4-- 5-- 10-- 11-- 14-- Soil Characteristicg s ~ ,T,,d. v.i~h .... W6S'--G~F6uiid'"W~ter Encountered? If Yes, At What Depth? I i .... I I_J _i_J L_L I J_J__ '_.LI_.J_J_J [_2 -2 Ll_kJ 1111 Il_J__ LUl-h-_ _sr212_l lr-T-I L_L_]__LO__L J__L h-J. L_] l~-J_l Reading Date ~ Gross Time Depth t:o H20 Net Drop Percolation Rate Minnl:e Proposed Installaticq: Ser~iafiq Pit >' I)rain Field Depth of Inlet ................... D(:!;th 1. r.) L'.,CLOUI Of Pit or l'rencK - - ......... ; ........................................................................... ~: -' ' ::'" l '? '. .'.~ :;.:~ ":i n~Z ....................... ' ' '--~:--. D a t: p: / _. GREATER ANCHORAGE AP!"A BOROUGH DEPARTM~'NT OF EHVIRO~],"iENTAI_ QUALITY 3330 "C" Street ANC!tORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Case # ~,.1 ........ ~l~.~e~, Dated Performed Oct, 28~1972 Performed For '"" *" .... ~'- Legal Description: I.ot..:..:-.t .g.lark ..... This Form Reports Soils Log X Percolation Test~ - Soil Test Must Be Logged To 4' Below Proposed Seepage System Depth Feet Soil Characterist~cq 5-- 6~ 7~ 8~ 9~ lO~ ll-.- 12~ 13=~ ~ . ~) Was Ground Water Encountered?I':o If Yes; At What Depth? .................. Date ! Gross Time I Net. Time Reading Depth to H20 Net Drop Percolation ate t,14 nn ;:e Propose Installaticn: S,.:~FagC Pit ~ Drain Field Depth f Inlet Oe:-th 't~'.:~- [~'61~T~--,-~?--Pi ~' or Trench /~ ~ .... _./1:. _.~: GREATEq A:'ICItORq(_-~E ,q?~:A I~,OROUC,[I DEPARTiIF' = ~' 3330 "C" Street ANC!IORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Case # Performed For ~,,flz~.a.~ ~,_Lc.c::el':. Dated Perfornled Legal Description: b~.~ ...... '~ ~]oc~-'. ...... ~,-.. ~ul~%v.~.sinn., -~-,: -.-~ .......... This Form Reports Soils L~g i Percola - Soil Test Must Be Logged To 4' Be'iow Proposed Seepage S.ystem - Depth Feet Soil Cl~aracteristicq . . ,~ ' ~ 9~ lO-- ll~ 12~ 13-- Was Ground Wafer Encounce~em? If Yes, At What Depth? L__ I I I I i Reading Date /i G~oss T-me ! Nel Time Net Drop ercolation Rate M4n Depth of In!et ~eFth ~i~'b-'~iF~N~'--Pi~'. er Trencff /' ~ ...... ~ .... fCC May 15, 1980 W.O. #D10763 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Environmental Protection Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, AK 99502 Attention: Mr. John Lynn Subject: Scimitar Subdivision - S-4692 Additional Soils Information Dear John: ~UNICIPALITy OF ANCHORAQI~ DEPT. G~ ' L;' ,~ ENVIRoF ,'r ; ' ZCTIQN R . C 'IVED We have submitted the final plat of Scimitar Subdivision Unit No. 3 for filing. Based on the subsurface soils in- formation from adjacent subdivisions and test holes within Scimitar Subdivision, the subdivision plat was approved subject to resolving soils with DHEP. DHEP's recommendation dated February 21, 1978 for S-4692 stated "We (DHEP) are in accord with general soils in the vicinity, but this Department must have soils data and locations of test holes shown on the plat." On March 17, 1980 we had a meeting with you to discuss the soils and review the existing test hole locations and data. The outcome of the meeting was that you wanted us to inspect the road cuts and provide you with a report of our findings. On May 13, 1980 we visited the site and obtained representa- tive soils samples from the road cuts. The following is our findings. There were two areas which we looked at that didn't have test holes. The first area encompasses Lots 1 through 5, Block 3, and the second area is at the south end of Belduque cul-de-sac. In the first area, we took two soils samples approximately 15 feet down in the cut; one at the northerly end of the road cut for Sieka Drive in the area of lot line 3&4, Block 3 and the other near the south end of the cut on Lot 2, Block 3. The material exposed by the cut varies from Municipality of Anchorage DHEP May 15, 1980 Page 2 Silty Sandy Gravel, GM (Sample 1) to poorly graded course Gravelly Sand, SP-GP (Sample 2). The area was predominently Gravelly Sand except the northerly end where Sample 1 was taken whi~-~ varies between the two materials. The second area we sampled at the south end of Belduque was a shallower sample taken from the old road cut. It was Gravelly Sand/Sandy Gravel, GP/GW (Sample 3). It indicated the same ~6il type as encountered by Test Hole #1 to the east and Test Hole #2 to the north. In reviewing the existing test hole data and road cuts, we have concluded that the area is predominently GW, with some SP and small areas of GM and GP. In the northern area (Lots 3, 4 & 5, Block 3) where the smaller areas of GM were encountered in the road cut, the lot owners may want to explore their lots to find the most economical location for an on-site system. In conclusion, it is our opinion that an on-site sewage disposal system can be used on each lot in this subdivision unit. If you have any questions or need additional informa- tion, please give us a call. Very truly yours, DOWL ENGINEERS RPG:rb Enclosures Robert P. Grier, P.E. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPt. C;,F , ' EJN'/IRO~' C-'FION (.')A'¢' .I, b DICKINSON - OSWALD & PARTNERS ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS 800 CORDOVA STREET · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 · PHONE 907 277-168~ GREAI'ER A!iCItORAGE AREA BOROUGIt F~eparl;mc, nl; oF [<}-}vir{~nmenLal Qua'iity T (): FRO ?i: S U t~ J i,{ C T: Roll Si:ricLland:, R.S. Ca'i e F Sa~i taria~ Soil',; Infori,~,ation for Scimi{:ar Subdivision !'!:: received ti~ soils informai:i;~n for i;he subj;::ci~ subdivision all(I hawz reviewt~d i;, Soils information shows Aha-i; ~hc area ,~a~ically tlrave'l. Ba.~ed ~',l 'l;he s(~ils repor'c, we find i:na~: all lots are adequatcl.7 sized for on.-site sewage disposal. Our only relnaini~lg qnestion ~ow iff, are there adequale vIa~elr' supplies for individual w~l'ls on each lot? This information wi'Il have to b( provided by l:h~; en{linecr ~'or by this ~}epartl';ie,'~i; prior to our approval. bb FROM: DEPARTMENT: INITIATED BY: TO: DEPARTMENT: RECEIVER: FOR INFORMATION ONLY FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION OTHER REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE DATE ANSWER REQUESTED: PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER ~4EED YOUR RECOMMENDATION /',, \.J 4,-1c. A' 'r: / c, SIGNAIURE ,' GREA,~R A~ICIIORAG£ AR~A BOROUG~ , DEPARTMENT OF EHVIROiIM£NTA[ QUALITY Case #__ , a ~ ,,,.- ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503' p~rformed For ~i1!i~ 91~:ek ..... .iT~ted PerformedOc~. Ii', Fhis Form Reports Soils:lLog ~ Percolation Tes~ Depth Feet - Soil .Test Must:'Be Logged To 4' Below Proposed Soil Characteristic~ Overburdem 3~ Was Ground Water Encountered? IFm .¥ If Yes, At What Dep,~h? - Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Iii ! I L_L_J, I Depth to H20 Net DrnQ Percolation Rate ':: . Minute ', ",: Proposed Installation: Se¢i;ag,: Pit.. X Drain Field Depth of Inlet ¢"~" Depth to Bottom of PiS or Trenc~ COM~'ENTS: * - Exact. loca~ibn of testhole to be ~rovided by l~mudo~:rner, and de-rloper'~ __..~,o,_2 -- . ............. 'rest Performed BY )larold, Eide~ Jr. Dat.e 'Certified GREA]ER A~ICHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPART~IENT OF ENVIRONttENT'AL QUALITY Case # 3330 "C" Street :. ANCHORAGE, A'LASKA 99503 performed For William Pl,~tzek Dated Per'formedOct. la~t~72 ['his Form Reports Soils Log X Percolation Test~ - Soil Test Must Be Logged To 4' Below Proposed Seepage System Depth Feet 3~ $'._ 7-- 3~ 4~ Was Soil Characteristics Overburd em i with clean coarse sand & scattere~ cobbles iround Wa~er Encountered?.I~m It; Yes At What Depth? .;: i' . ~. . Reading _LLLL_ _HI I_ Date ,Gross I l-~ 81ooe in bothldi~ec~io=s ¢de~uabe ' I I I f i J I~iI I I I..]. I J I Time I Net Time' I I Depth to H2(1 Net Drop Percolation Rate .":-. ,_._Min,te · :"..; e'~a ~' Pit. .' Proposed Ins~alla't:ion: Se.~ g. . ~ Drain Field Depth of Inlet ': Depth ~:~ottom of "Pit or Trench~'- · ~x~ct loc-a, tion' o±: testhole to be provided by lan~ov,~er COMI.'ENTS: Test Performed BY__4~r°ld__,. -~--~gide' .... Jr.~., Dat ~ed . _v.-:~---- ! ,.,~TER A'NCHORAGE APEA BOR~._jH DEPART;.I£NT OF EN'VIRON.MENTAL QUALITY Case Depth Feet . 3330 "C" Street ,. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Performed For ~illiam platzek Dated Performed Oct. 14,1972 Legal Description: ?~t~E~ ~ ~ · · . This Form Reports Soils Log. X Percolation Test - Soil Test Must"Be Logged To 4' Below Proposed Seepage System - Soi l~Ch a racte ri s t i c.~ 8~ 11-- .~ .~ ' 1'3--- 1'4 ' ° ' ' 15__ ~ . "' - Was Ground Nater Encountered? If Yes, At Nhat Dep.th. . ! Overburden Oravelly Sand Coarse Clean. Sand V~ell graded clean ~r~vel with thin scattered lenses of coars~ g~ sand I__L_J___J Reading Date. ",' Gross Time Percolation Rate Net Time Depth to H20 Net Drnp Mi n ute Proposed Ins~-J'lT~Fc.ijh-: Seepage Pit. ' ~ Drain Field Depth of Inlet '~"~ ' ,,. _ __Depth to Bottom of Pit or Trench ;OMF'ENTS: * -~=~ct loe~tioH of testhole to be provided by L~udm,mer Hole No. 2 - This ,soil. wll rcqui~e 92 sq. %'t. per ~-dgoo--~ 'est Performed BY_._q.~.r_.o.t.~, Eng' g. Beologist GR~..~TER A~ICHORAGE APEA BOROUGh DEPART:lENT OF ENVIRO~IMENTAL QUALITY 3330 "C" Street '~. ~... ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Performed Forv~tll±am ?latzek Legal Description: LT~C~C SE~- This Form Reports Soils 'log X Case Da'ted Performed 0ct.14,1972 ~{J~',~z?,~.~¥ T151~ ~ R 1W, S e'.--q;az~i' }f e r 4_ d i~-~ Percolation Test --Soil Test Must 'B'e Logged To 4' Below Proposed Seepage System - Depth Feet Soil Characteris t~c.~ Overbu~ien Clays with Sand Coarse gu'ained sand & graveI( very cle~n:) ! I sWas Ground Wa~ter Encqqntered? ~Yes; ouroe was Sttz-I&¢e In~d~OII. ' If Yes, At What Depi~h?., Gross Time -Net Time Date Reading '. J..l t I ! I I J ]_J I L__J_J__J ~ Depth to H2O I Net Drop! Percolation Rate ':. , Minute , .:. Proposed Insta'llati.oh-: Se¢i~agq Pit, .:X Drain Field Depth off Inlet Depth to Botbom of Pit or Trenc~ COMI,~ENTS: * Exact location of testhole to be provided by l~udov,mer GRE,~fER AIICHORAGE ARI~A. BOROUG~i DEPARTM£NT OF £HVIRO~tMENTA[ qUALITY 3330 "C" Street, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Case # ~rformed For William Platzek Dated Performed Oct.14, 1972 £egal Description: +-~.~.:. .~.~..4 rais Form R~ports Soils Log X Percolation Test - Soil Test Must Be Logged To 4' Below Proposed Seepage System - Depth Feet Soil Characteristic~ O~e rburd e~ ;,"ell graded gravel with abundant boulders and clean co~r~ Eazl~ Was Ground Water Encountered? If Yes, A~ What Dep.th? Reading Date "r~olation Rate .,'::_,'.?i'nute ' Net Time 'Depth to HZ0 i L Net Drop Proposed Installat$on: Secpag,: Pit.."X Drain Field Depth of Inlet ' ', Oepth to Bottom of Pit or Trench M~'ENTS: * - E.~act location of testhole %o be provided by landowner St Performed BY,~C~ro]d