HomeMy WebLinkAboutSKYLINE VIEW BLK 1 LT 24LOT MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAl.. PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT LOCATI ON --- /' I I DISTANCE TO: ~E~ ~ 1 /'Z ~ / ~ ' ~ ILiqTc~ci~°ns IF HOMEMADE' Inside len9th Width ~ I DISTANCE TO' IWell c Dwelling I DISTANCE TO: / I MAiLiNG AD ~ESS/ ~"/ '~' (Yi~ ~ . '-'~ ~/'r ~UPGRADF-~ DROgMS ~. o[ compart~nents ~ Liquid depth PERMIT NO. Liquid capacity in gallons Distanoz~t2~,'~ i nes TotaXfrX"~e ~orption area PERMIT NO, I Type of crib Crib diametel Crib depth Total offective absorption area Well Building foundation Nearest lot line DISTANCE TO: Class Depth Driller Distan6b to lot line I PERMIT NO, Building foundation Sewer Pine Septic tank -I &b~o~ ~-rea(s) DISTANCE TO: L PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST RATING INSTALLER REMARKS OTHER F::ERH ;!; T t'.~ 3 .',',¢:u.']'HUI"! !'.,II...IHE:Ef;;: FF [i]E[::,F;:OOHS ::::: 4 TFIE L!ENG'TH [:,:!: HEN:E; :[ O!'..! Z :ii; THE L. EHGTH ,:: :!: N FEET ::, OF TI'.!IZ 'T'REHCH OR [:,[ii:!:l ]: I'.,I1::' Z EL.D. T!...li'!!: I:::,EF::'TH OF' I::I TF.:IEI'.,!(:::H Eft;;'. F::':!:T :IS TH!E I) :[ 5'f'Fd'.~CE BETI.,.!ti~:E':i":I 'T'HE SL!RF'F!CE GF4:OLII'.,![:, !::it'.:!D THE BOTTEff'I OFr THE E ::.:: E: FI 'v' FI T i[ Ed'.,I ,:: ]:N I:::'EET). 'THEI:;~'.E )~.:ili; N(:)::_'i;ET I.,.t:!:B,"f'H FOR THE GRFI',,,'IEL. DEF"TH ]i :E; THE H :I: N :[ HLIH DEI::'TH OF GF:!:aI',,,%L. E~ETI.,.It:~:EI".! THE OUTFF:II...L F:' F!I'.4D 'T'H[!.:. ti:','EITTO!"I OF' THE E::.::E:F!VFIT~OH ,:::i:1'.,I F',E!::'t"). !:::'I~'-!?.1',i :( T FIF'F'I.. ]: E:I::IIqT HI::IS 'FFIE ~;fiZ'.~;F'Oi'.,llili; :[ Er ~ 1.... :[ 't~"r' 'T'CI :[ I",!f:'OFff'! 'TH 'J: rE; I',[EF'FIP"I'H[::N'T .::,1 II;' :1: i",!C::. "l"Hli~ ]: t"~ES'T'I:::ILL,.I::I'T' '[ '?'! :i: NSF:'Fi:E:T :I: Oi"~!S OF::' FIN"r' HEL. I....:E; F!.3,.'rF:ICF'NT "f'O 'T'I-.! :!: S .::'i? ':' F'EF'T'.-' FIt'.,!D l'.! .. I"F: F'F.': OF Fi'.E'.!~; :i: DEi'.,!CES THFIT T'HE I,.t!~!..L 1,.! !: L.L S!EF:VE. E~FICKF :!: L..L :f;I",IG EIF Fti'.,I¥ :E;'¢STEi'"I I.,.! ]: THE!I..IT I::' ]: I'.,11'::11.... ............. ]' N'::;PEr":T :[ 0!'.,I FII'.,![::, FIPF'Fi:()',,,'F!I.. r" ~ TH Z S [:,EPF:I!¥T'HI:~:I'.,t'T !4:1: !...I.... ~.~=!E 'i:l IEh'rE:jr' '1" TO I:::'?.OSE:C!J'f' ]: H :[ N :[ HUH D :1: '.E;"!"F:IHC:E E~ETHEE:t",! F::I I,.IEL.L. FIi",![';, I:::II'.,!V Oi'.,!-S :I: TIE SEP.tFI(!iE: D :( :E;I::'O~i;FIi.... :i'..:¥STI.:ii:I"! l: ;ii; :J..!2!,;~ FE:ET FOR FI F'F;:]:'v'FITE HELl... OF: :!.~:.iE~ 1'O ;;Xi:.¢EI F'EF:T F'REd'"I I:;! I:::'I...I[~:I...:I:C HEM.... UF'(:)!'.~, THE T"r'F:'E O1::' F'I.jE',L:[C !.,!EL.! .... H :1: t",!:!: HI...IH D ~[ S'I"F:INCE FF:OH R F'R :[ ',,,'F!T~ HELL 'T'O F! F'F::[ ',,,'FtTI}~: SEHEI:R L. Z I",!E: :[ S ~.~!~i I::'E:IET FIND TO t::i E:EIHHUN:[T"r' :~;Et,.IEF: I....]:NE Z:~; 'i:;'~:2', FE:ET. (3"!'HE!:4: [?.[~):;:!l.J Z F;iEi"I~!",!T~]; !'"ll:qV F:IPF:'[...'¢. SF'EE: :i: F' ]: E:FI"F ~ ON:E; FI!'-,]D C:()I'.,!~4;TF:IJCT ]: O1",! D ]: l;~l]il:;tFll"'l:~; I:::!F;'.tZ FI',,,'F! ]: L. FII~',L.E TO :[ I",!SUF:E F'I;~'.OPI'.::!:;~: :[ I'.,!STFILL. I::I'T :[ :1: E:EI:;N' :!: F'.r' THFtT :L: ;I; FIH I;::'FIH;[L:[FIF:: FI:_r'T'H THE F:E(;!i.J:I;REHEi'.,!T:i!; I::'()f~: O!'..I-...:~-3I't"FJ; :~E;I.,.IE:R'.L~; F:tI'.,E)i,.!FZI...I....:~; FiS SET F()F;'.'I"H D"r' THE; HIJB!;i;C]:I:::'FI!....):T'T' OF' ;:::: Z !.,.! ]; L.L ]: I",IST'I::I!...I.. THE S"?STEH ~:; ;[ Uh,!I)EF'.STF:thI[::, TH!::IT "f'HE OIq"'"S];T!;E :~;EI,.IEf;'. ?¢STE!"I Hl:X!"r' RE(;!IJZF:IE EI",!LFIFi:GEHENT ];F 'THE I:?IE'5 :!: I)EHCE: :[ S f;tEHODE!...IZ[:' TEL~ ,"-' ~' ,'". ,m-r'.~. //~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - .:, .~. ,..:, '4 n. ~ ........................ ~ .................... ¢ .............................................................................................................. FtF'F'L :[ E:I~N'T' / F ]: I",~ O &E ENG,NEERING & DEVELO, Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 ,VIENT CO. Ru~ell Oyster 694-2774 Performed for: Legal Description: [Earl SOIL LOG 688-.2280 Name: ,~/~ ~ ¢/,./i ~. ~¢ 4~}/t Tel. Depth (feet) Soil Characteristics , 10 ____ 1'1 ,__ .~1~¢ 12 ..... 13 ____ 14__ 15___ 16., Ground Water Encountered: Yes Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Comments: PLOT PLAN Performed by'~', : .. , ~ No ~ yes, what depth Drain Field PERC. TEST Time -Date Inspector Time Date Inspector Inspector Comments Conditional Approval Date Sewer Installed Soils Rating Permit No. Well To Absorption Area Well to Tank Septic Tank Size Holding Tank Size Well Log Received APPLICANT FILLS OUT LOWER HALF ONLY Property Owner ,/'~:..~/~. d~.' 5)~/-,zJ.. ~Sz:,.-,r-.-' Mailing Address //~&;¢ ./~.~,.~/ ~-~,~ , ~7/.~/.~, ~/ ¢~'~,-.,~'~ '-7 Address Lending Institution /¢..-r'5/.~- /'~']q),/)¢' ~f Address /~/f~r':~ ,/,"~ t/~ f ~ ~'7. Realty Co. & Agent ZZ/~/~ /~.-~%~ ~/~ Street Location ,.~. , .~...~, //~ ~/-~ ~. j :~-:-/~ %?~ Phone Phone Type of Residence ,,[.~ Single Family l~5"Multiple Family No. of Bedrooms [~ Other Wat e..[t~u pply ~¢~¢_ individual Community Public Utilit)/ Sewa,.ge Disposal '[3' Individual L3 Public Utility Id Holding_ Tank ATTACH WELL LOG. A well Icg is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. For wel, lC.,)q~ril~ed crior to that date. give well deeth (attach Icg If available.~ ' ~' / Year Individual qstalled: . When Connected to Public Utility: NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATE[). Municipality of Anchorage •• E.. On-Site Water and Wastewater Program o •- t c: (907) 343-7904 CERTIFICATE OF ON-SITE SYSTEMS APPROVAL Parcel I.D. 051-192-31 Expiration Date: / dr CI 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description Skyline View Block 1 Lot 24 Location (site address) 22821 Skvview Ave, Chugiak, AK Current Property owner(s) Lindberg Day phone 727-2227 Mailing address same Real Estate Agent Buyers Real Estate 5 n p`hone'27-2227 2. TYPE OF DWELLING: J N g ,,i11 ❑ Single Family (w/wo ADU) .\ / ® Duplex A`v ❑ Multiple Dwellings (Single Family and/or Duplex) << �� 6 8 9`) 3. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 4 4. TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: Individual Well ® Individual Individual Water Storage ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Community Class C Well ❑ Community ❑ Public Water System ❑ Public Sewer ❑ Received by: ,___-_,-------Z. --_� � Date: 7/i// COSA to be released to the engineer, unless otherwise requested by the engineer. COSA Fee $ '2- ' — Date: Date of Payment to--I 2-.12), Date of Payment Receipt Number 011 it-t Receipt Number COSA# (J lg t2--(0. Waiver# 5. STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation, based on procedures outlined in the Certificate of On-Site Systems Approval Guidelines for this application, shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is (are) safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is(are) in compliance with all applicable Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect at the time of installation. Name of Firm NorthRim Engineering Phone 694-7028 Address PO Box 770724,Eagle River Engineer's Printed Name Steve Eng Date 6/11/2018 6. DSD SIGNATURE - System #1 Approved for L( bedrooms. .,• System #2 Approved for bedrooms. • Disapproved. • ‘N/e . Conditional approval for bedrooms, with the following stipulations::..;. '`" .''t Or hivi✓��L���j . -0,,i -r • By. Original Certificate Date: 7 S -( The Municipality of Anchorage Devlopment Services Division(DSD)Issues Certificates of On-Site Systems Approval(COSA)based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 by an independent professional civil engineer registered in the State of Alaska.The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 7. ATTACHMENTS: COSA Checklist X Nitrate Advisory Septic System Advisory Arsenic Advisory Well Flow Advisory Other COSA blue sheet 9-1-12.doc If more than 1 septic system is on the lot: COSA Checklist# of Structure served by this system Certificate of On-Site Systems Approval Checklist Legal Description: SKYI./4115._ V I E 5I L 24/ Parcel ID: O Si/ ?Z3/ A. WELL DATA ) Well type P If A, B, or C provide PWSID# Well Log (Y/N) /V Date completed / l b Q .e Sanitary seal (Y/N) Wires properly protected (Y/N) Total depth UNC ft. Cased to VA/k.-ft. Casing height(above ground) / in. FROM WELL LOG AT INSPECTION Date of test. IJN/L 5/30/I Static water level 1/4/Ie- ft. 7 3. S ft. Well production (J/t/K g.p.m. 3f g.p.m. WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Coliform 119colonies/100 mL Nitrate Lf• (95g/L Arsenic (NI) ug/L Date of sample: C—.36 V1 EE Collected by: d. nt pvt B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Tank Type/Material SEPTic- / rti_. Date installed 7// /ó7 Tank size /250 gal. Number of Compartments 2 Cleanouts (Y/N) Foundation cleanout(Y/N) Depression over tank(Y/N) Al High water alarm (Y/N) ( Al Date of pumping /(/Z 51 d Pumper 6'6.-.147 /.J ti,•/' S' C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA A eelr Date installed 7/46/07 Soil rating (g.p.d./ 2 or ft2/bdrm) /; 2. System type i—ic..c.� Length 3 5 ft. Width 3 ft. Gravel below pipe 7 S ft. Total depth /2 ft. Eff. absorption area 5ZSft2 Monitoring tube y Depression over field Al Date of adequacy test...f 3Qf/ Results (Pass/Fail) Anr For di bedrooms Fluid depth in absorption field before test,30 in. Water added CO 0 gal. New depth,3e; in. Elapsed Time: 6..6 min. Final fluid depth 30 in. Absorption, rate >= X00 g.p.d. Any rejuvenation tredtment(past 12 mo.) (Y/N &type) l/�I`!� If yes, give date • s% D. LIFT STATION Date installed Size in gallons Manhole/Access (Y/N) "Pump on" level at in. "Pump off' level at in. High water alarm level at in. Datum Cycles tested Meets alarm&circuit requirements? E. SEPARATION DISTANCES WELL ON LOT TO: f r Septic tank/lift station on lot /00 f' On adjacent lots / O t Absorption field on lot l d 0 (4" On adjacent lots l O (i Public sewer main /00 `f Public sewer manhole/cleanout . /00 r'f Sewer/septic service line . E Holding tank /00 (74-- Animal fAnimal containment areas 50 4. Manure/animal excrete storage areas /0O (,- SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK ON LOT TO: Building foundation l O �'r Property line /0 (1+`' Absorption field S Water main /0 `f Water service line l 0 (F Surface water /O0 — * Wells on adjacent lots /00 rt ABSORPTION FIELD ON LOT TO: Property line / 0 (1- Building foundation /0 r14- Water main /c ) (- Water Service line /0 (f Surface water /0 0 (f Driveway, parking/vehicle storage ZQ 1÷— Curtain drain !/it/K-- Wells on adjacent lots /00 ;‘-- F. COMMENTS G. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I certify that / have determined through field inspections and d+� review of Municipal records that the above systems are in r '• &. 4 conformance with MOA COSA guidelines in effect on this date. " ;y Engineer's Printed Name 7 5c1 Date g(t'l((Q 6 6^� � Kora-S -11 COSA yellow sheet 2-6-15.doc • ., � -.,•..r7 - .-. _, • I,, 1.11 :_•:] l''f ,:�1 • II I ' 1,\` C( I ' ! 1 Aix I I-: j i r n S ILl y1 �p8 Fes. ii 1 x y` y4. •Z'S i1S I r 4; ( . A i + t :• fr -:� ` (et[ I a cp s-9=J ."...--0..c.:, --- 11;' ..::✓er �,Ltrrsr)(.ON' ) - 7, ' %-'6,??Z/c,- ASBUILT-NO CORNERS SET THIS DATE. SEt1ARD & ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYING 694-0829 `1 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT l HAVE SURVEYED TNI: SCa-E` i FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: -'" 4,eo`6 OF AL .44 AND THAT NO ENCROACHMENTS EXIST EXCEPT AS DATE, • „ r�� ' �0�-i.s' INDICATED. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE :=•'q . M OWNER TO DETERMINE THE EXISTENCE OF ANY GRIDS ! EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, OR RESTRICTIONS .Yw/%sy ��K 4„� WHICH1 Db NOT APPEAR ON THE RE I• e...r.-. � ;�- CORDED SIJBDI.- • Own*Mor. S.+.i-e . R I VISION PLAT. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES $ IXD FB' _ + � ANY DATA HEREON BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION y:a r #_ ;S �a' ca -,P. OF FENCE LINES, OR FOR ESTABLISHING BOUND- ��r� ` ART LINES. DRAWN: 3't MTIO D2k" • C 'r bka • n�.t,.r.l , STATE':OF ALASKA DIP Al2TMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION i)OCUiMENT:\l'lt.)iN OF CONS'rlwc rroN .,:-.E\ ;•\i. ;N;OR,M-IATION I _ _ _ ..,•,:.. _ -:i.7 tion of :he Location r, Submitted by. (l ueck ane) j. Cetatied Installer 0 --— — —_— .lpprovcd Homeowner .. - Registered Engineer .a. er N.t ie. n �, Onsite Wastewater System Serves: F.../:;_:l`t r2 J `rt-G_• C . L.CC L ..j..y 1 0 Single Family. Number of Bedrooms .ii-- Duplex. Number of Bedrooms 4 t f'4 -2. f ✓'r l.V e<i/. ft..2_c-.1 — .. ❑ Small Commercial Facility With Estimated I J — Design Flow of less than 500 GPD. : V,'A T c:R SUPPLY SYSTEM (SECTION Ii N OPTIONAL) --I •,.:..,.-..7:of Wrer stat Con:aira:ent(Check all that Apptyl W'e::IDnir'e,i or Driven) of Water Supply System Treatment of Water(Check all drat Apply) ❑ Surface Nrlrntrlt) aSF/Duplex gr N,nc ❑ Chlorination a n�Tank ❑ Filtration ❑ Mineral Removal G Other rldrnrrry) ❑ ruhhc 0 Other. 1{ ..::i D3.1.1 ' Is the Nigro et the..ell easing r-,cre:he 12'above the grourT' a =- U No IS a sar.:i,r;seal or well cap ntstalied on:he well casute S. Yci 0 Nu Is:;rain,,e directed away front or around the casing within a rad-r-•of 10 feel date well casing? Yes 0 No !s well wire enaosed in conduct? A g<Yes 0 No :::ate Critic,: Depth of well(Ft.) !Stat.::Water Level trey) Y,eld (ft ,,r.:::/.:h!er Pump Rate !Il,n-ur6,o.'rr tie_♦ )(e .-i C t/J:11 L....'1 I4.-'1 LT-IA:, ) -}C 7. C T l s-a ;S=par--tion Distat><•e from cite Well Casir.c to each of the Following Sources of Co-ian•inahon• •Septielgoleing Tank on LaSewer Lines on I...: Adsorption Alai cr Let C G Feet .i ,71.5 Feet f lc�t:) Fee! Closest 5eptte Tiofiitog Tank on Adjacent Lot Closest Sewer Lines un Adjacent Lot Closest Edge of an Absorption Arca on i Si 0 Feel f ), Feer Adtacem Lot: tff f`,(? icer :ndidi ote separation stance from toxic materials including fuel tanks,paints,lubricants and other lir.1-CA �On Adjacent Lot oetrolecun based materials.otSUciCes.funetcides or herbicides to well casing i I CO Fret r i OC, ;cit Water Sample Taken by: (Name) Sa;npleryt �tai.,3.e'L �t�'LU t r: v7.c.s't�e Li.4 .gr .. a 0 Ranee usincer Address J t/ l,: 4_21 ✓iZ. f?t/. C`I C- rL t A- tier517 Ranker CI Government Oflic:nt Water Sanmle Results• Attach Copy LEI- satisfactory-Dare Ly i34,2co/ ❑ (1ns risractory- Date Cointnents/Reconnisendatior.s • iiv ha -nl)n sannr ,)nri that elviiirri in Bemoan 11' ,1 entreat• a TypediPrmud ria^,c T !c Date 1 // �% 'is o � Wit. file t'1 et � `. !t. � • LvOCCJ r{ YIslt.«aura ttw.eld he,sepal isr is Certified bungler,Pntk.uedea&Engt'It r.: DEC.ut:(L ryOumerB s. ! t!!0UAtu vuler.q.Jepn.rnc,as iie cnr.�D£C'pfun uyyrt,vlc(pe hw-!u t'uu)u IN'n.,n. Are I (.4C�R1l.)1,iitvi mMW.t/a,:a Onn•rnt rY"are• r N etthat,,n,Ito'•Pei'.(IC re,Nlrteotelq.. >r `,4 • u,, 3r3 .e •,:,..•',i'1� 4•.",t.. n t t . 3, ')t' t-�VAS'1 L'WA"('ER DISPOSAL ]Legal Ucscrcpticzn: J )..� L‘e0c.f{,,__L______ I J 'Type of Wastewater System: Er., Septic Tank with Conventional Soil Absorption System 0 Package Treatment Plant (requires engineered designs 1 ❑ I inkling Tank. Material Type: Size in Gallons: Manufacturer: t1:3 ❑ taller -Specify TypeAlternate Onsite(requires engineered design) 0 Small Commercial System (<500 GPD) With Estimated Daily Wastewater Flow of: Gallons Per Day tGt'D1 1 Criteria Used to Estimate Daily Wastewater Quantity: j j © NEW SYSTEM 0 MODIFICATION TO SYSTEM Certified Installer Installation Notification Date: I Name of Installer: c•vt ew-i.c.. ,./.. CZ. ,_/g n....i., •-j---- Date Installed: .,I / I to ( <: r.' 7 .___-__. 'System Installed: 0 By a Registered Engineer tel- With Inspection by a Registered Engineer I 0 By Approved Homeowner(attach copy of approval letters 0 By a Certified Installer/Installer Number i Septic`Tank: Material: cr, Manufacturer: 1,,`t_1 r Size(Gallons): Number of Compartments: Te' ..,1.. 'Type of Soil Absorption System: I3. Deep french 0 Shallow Trench 0 Seepage Pit 0 Bed 0 Mound 0 Other.Specify Soil Classification: Jtv _Soil Rating: / .'— Cr r /5c4Fr Dimensions/Size of Absorption Area: l >, s,:› Grading/Size of Distribution Rock j/ 'f " - _ Thickness/Depth of Distribution Rock: 1• ' Percolation Test Results. Attach Copy of Report: Percolatiotaest Performed by: e—rg ,,e tz i,;•� C.",--e,.,•...___„ ,Nlinutes_per Inch I i-`7 Sq. fl.per bedroom percalaiion test results most be se:lied/sinned by a registered engineer .ist ground cover in feet over: Septic Tank & Absorption Area 4- Sewer Pipes 3' aea:tout Pipes/Caps Installed: Foundation Cleanout: r.c,— Septic Tank: .. Monitor Tulles: ' I idicate separation distances,front septic tank or absorption area, whichever is closest, to all nearby: abfic drinking water sources within 200 feet: I a c Private drinking water sources within 100 feet: ICL' rarest water bodies(see 18 AAC 72.020(b)): t /CC' ' Lot line: - ' -paration Distance from Onlot Sewer Lines to: Public Drinking Water Sources: r. i,cc.• Private Sources: +- t c.7• ' paration Distance From Bottom of Distribution Rock to: Groundwater Table: 4 y ' Bedrock: ., fr,• pavilion Distance from Absorption Area to Slope exceeding 25%: T rti • mmcnts/Rccummendations , • lily til r . ive it je..,'•L¢ • j•;••ed in SeCttiin IV, is correct: azure .••�I 0j/`!/��g 7 Typed/Printcu Name Title, Reg/Cert No., Inst. No. (Date /ir / I r 1•i I5k Attr` e . u,,, f',e . C•.C. lc .-:....s.--i 1 1 J i t, o • ,t••, r...Ali ....,..or.c! • y/uu cx..P.ut:r_ ..a. I Engineer.DEC Sitio. ,'1 Appraeed Ifdnnrc,i,.ncr. If rurutre:aly ,rill heat.%pnnr,.1,., ne. Y,rrdni l :ii Hummock, ., full lclvrl�dlr ci t P i:,,r.r•rrri.inhnnnrrCc i X9387 ' •�Li is/r,t Pi.le.r.1 mQ111,i •••Z. 1. ,I, ,„, `, APPROX. LOCATION ,ti,..... OF OLD SEPTIC SYSTEM r I N89°59'00 )W 150. 00' w r v O o ,. NEw . woO / 4,-; i 250 GAL •SEPTIC,. TANK 1Ln TH-.1-Q I z. lot 24 3 X35' \\ o, TRENCH • , .`. `t / • 1' r t G O CD 1, O 1. . O O O , I � ' WLL'S O ..�, . z z { . . , , _ N89 °59 ' 00 ' vv 150. 00' t SKYLINE DRIVE 2 - TEST HOLE -- - EASEMENT 1. NO KNOWN SURFACE WATER +100'. • - MONITOR TUBE ' -__ - PROPOSED LEACH FIELD 2. NO KNOWN CURTAIN DRAINS SEWER CLEAN OUT �„.. - EXISTING LEACH FIELD 3. NO SEPTICS WITHIN 30' UNLESS NOTED - WELL - DRIVEWAY 4. NO WELLS WITHIN 200' UNLESS NOTED TWELL/ SEPTIC ASBUILT �,�������,� LEGAL: SKYLINE VIEW LOT 24 BLOCK 1 ��� '�(,q !1� Ox OWNER: CARL BIRD --- _ - - ,:,I =-�I CONTRACTOR: FLINSTONE ENTERPRISE S_ _ s* �� 4:,.../�Pf � JOB# 07-055(2) 1 DATE:7/16/2007 1 SCALE 1 "-30' _ 10° � ,/,, _ •' s .f.. EAGLE RIVER ENGINEERING SERVICES # CrRISTOPHf_R R. WOOD. # --, 0E-10387 ' A 10421 VFW RD. SUI'T'E#201 . ; EAGLE RIVER, AK. .99577 +t1; "), ` (907) 694-5195 FAX: (907) 694 -3297 11kvr►•.::+�'- X89��9!� /so. , 'AO 61; y�''�''s' • ~ S . -----!-'---- • — jP4� C P o. \ ,I 46 \iN 11 4P1 J, ° • \ I'i ' . :I 2 I _ 9 1 NI of,,::, • \ O i' /61/a 3 ops D //_ \‘‘: k ; b I I` - fid( p I I _if f'z//i/E (,OSP/!/E)(,9W,-) Y�i --P/iG/l-.9,7. G/1j/41,7 SBUILT-NO CORNERS SET THIS DATE. SEWARD & ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYING 694-08 -IEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE SURVEYED THE SCA-E' )1-LOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: •49'. 1 OF A( %R 2.'-1 ter' v/C�.r'.ly,4 lorzy,46Pe f!/ DATE: '� ,r t� .• • •• ' • . 1 , ID THAT NO ENCROACHMENTS EXIST EXCEPT AS ,,/.?•s!''•- a '. ... ;�;: ..• S'F'r+ DICATED. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE i 4(2.: ;1H 4 • — � I'NER TO DETERMINE THE EXISTENCE OF ANY GRID: • • 4 SSEMENTS, COVENANTS, OR RESTRICTIONS ywi/s9 i : IICH DO NOT APPEAR ON THE RECORDED SUBDI- Duene ::::Vward,/ .- ,� SION PLAT. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD FB' i 1.••.. is � . :••X IY DATA HEREON BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION `ry 6'� t'�°� / / ` ,; FENCE LINES, OR FOR ESTABLISHING BOUND- �'ti t .. tLj"'-•' tY LINES. DRAWN; � a�� s�xw�,b•• ±. :' ,\, .__. CROSS SE7 7 0 N 4" MONITOR TUBE FILL ADDED 475' ORIGINAL GRADE I • • [J4-..'..-..; 4 PERF O TED PIPE • - Z-` 4„ PERFORATED PIPE' -,• ••••-'';� • • • I • •( :.. . 7.5' L. r • • • it__-c._________J • • - +6' TO BEDROCK +4' -TO ,,ROUNDW.ATER i4IP-.cc., OF N�xi # SCALE : N.T. S DATE : 7/ 16/2007T '`'�� *'i r•AFA GLE RIVER ENGINEERING SER VICES ' � G C>;RIST(WhF.R R. WOCO �01 10421 VFW RD. SUITE#201 `fl±f CE-10387 � EAGLE RIVER, AK. 99577 et,t) (907) 694-5195 FAX: (907 ) 694-3297 '41tiPIL6'‘czys • A 4.7.\c„ OF •`'( p EAGLE RIVER ENGINEERING .�P / _ . -r-'*, I 10421 VFW RD, SUITE 201 f* 4 / H, •��� * EAGLE RIVER, AK. 99577 l i (907) 694-5195 FAX: (907) 694-3297 I / SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST , CHRISTOPHER w000 r,J, CE-10388 7 ' \-ti.: gh C • ``4, PERFORMED FOR:__ CARL BIRD - _DATE PERFORMED 7/10`2007 I�,ti���r,� � LEGAL DESCRIPTION:. SKYLINE VIEW LOT 24 BLOCK 1 TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION T15N,_R1 W, SEC.16 TEST HOLE # 1 SLOPE SITE PLAN(NOT TO SCALE) DEPTH - `- (FEET) 0 ✓vv --"-'V BUCK N89 S9 OO-W 150.00'TOPSOIL/ROOTS p1 p oO , O o 2 • ° o Vln lot 24 6— 9ROWN SW c i • . SAND M'ITH GRAVEL z i g �-- N8959'00'W 150.00' O ' x • 8— o __ _S SOUK DRIVE 9_9-: ° c".••• SLOPE 0 WAS GROUND WATER 11 ;t ENCOUNTERED? NO 14—! ° I 15 I °• ' ,• PERC TEST RESULTS I 16—1 I ° READING DATE GROSS TIME NET TIME DEPTH TO WATER NET DROP(INIJ i7 1 • i1 08!10!2007 1038 0:00 5' 0 0 l 19--1 ,_ 2 06/10/2007 10:47 0•.09 5' 4 3 06/10/2007_ 10:48 0:00 0 0 0 19 4 05/10/2007 10:58 C 10 _ 5' 4 4-----H 5 05/10/2007 11-00 0 00 5' 0 _ 0 j 20H 6 46!10!2007 1110 010 5' 4 4 21 j _ 22 PERCOLATION RATE= 3 IMW,INCH) PERC HOLE OWME"ER-6" TE,ST RUN_.6ETWEEN._5__ =T AND 6 FT COMMENTS. SOIt�� ------. // j� Y: _ CHR .TCPHER WOOD PERCOLATION TEST BY: CHARLES BALZARIN_I _ �{{ . _ 'EST __._ __ CERTIFY THAT TH S WAS PERFORMED iN ACCORDANCE `M TN ALL STA fE AND MUNICIPAL CuICELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS rE DArE. 114 4± . 1 p