HomeMy WebLinkAboutGIRDWOOD ORIGINAL TOWNSITE General Information "an 196 0/255 pal pa:IlEE1tIMG GP fret %3 -ata �' j I fONYK1pNSlq dOYENff011! DEPT. OF ENVItONN16NTAL CONSBtVATION ANCHORAGENVESTERN DISTRICT OFFICE 555 CORDOVA STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASK 99515 (907) 349.7755 August/, 1905 itE'C�IIVED Mr. David Diller AUG 07 1995 CRW Engineering Group DER FNGINEE8ING 3900Arrdie Bivd.. Suite 203 Anchorage, AK 89503 GROUP RF— Old Gkdwood TovmsRe SewerTID GA -3 6 LID 60.9, Deviation Request ADEC Project No. 9521AVMI9.149 Dear Mr. War This Is in response W the rratenals received in this office July 24, 1995, conoemeg a claWallens request to substitute 2' -Lock precast rubber hoots for required an LInx Seals. The Deparenem has compieteG its MinvY of Ule SUbMK ed inforrnation and has no O*CdOn to the deviation request provided that this material meets AVW IJ design criteria specRwtbns. Thank You for Your cooperation with this Deparbnern, d there are any further questions regarding the above phase do not hesitate to call. MLU/pt SinnooeraN, ;t:4/4 Mkhael Lu, E.I.T. Em"aonmemal Engineer wait-barrah[vawrvyleyna 1pl •+aw• gN7✓u L@J tier un a -o, ce o..e nvm vs. INr lb 'Y 19934 UW Flfiler1n11G W .Pot 561-Zt/3 NEFF.OF ENVIRONMENTAL COESIOMgIM (907) 349-7755 May 12.1995 R CUIVED 9vw MAY 16 1995 Mr. oa%id oiler CRW Enonear tg Group GBt7UP a9o0 ArCtlC Bled, Sun 203 Artchdepe• AK 99503 RE: Gld Gidwood Towrgie Sewm TIOGA.1&(1080-8•Mamiolewehx Conemrcdon 6-2 end M4. ADEC Propct No. 9521.WW319.148 ThW* you for yorr Cooperabon wwl this Depertmero, A Vt are any hrftr Quesfiom repmd4g the above PWW do n9- heehero to cal. rA•errtalrtarwwOn normo yen ...w. --- � �%�•✓� to alGrao W Ef.T. uJ Errvwmrantel Engrwr a&e16a1EEeWL TONY KNOWL£a. GoWPINOrr vED DEPT.OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DISTRICT OFRCE - •- •'--'''"'" 800 E. Diff" BAN., Ste. 3470 Anchornge, AK 99515 (907) 36&7755 May 2,1995RECgy5EyooIVED Mr. David Diller MAY01995 CRW Engineering Group CRVy ENGINEERING ' 390D Arctic Blvd.. Stite 203 GROUP Ancirfyage AK 995M RE: Old Girdwood Tovmsits Sewer T1D GAJ & UD 609, Manhole Waiver ADEC Project No. 9521.WW-319-149 Dear Mr. Diller: This is it response to the materiak received in thio office April 28. 1995. toncernirg a waiver request from special manhole Construction within a protective well radius. The Deparmgnt has completed ifs review Of the submitted matenals which included attaCred dravrirgs for spacial manhole construction and design plans of the above refererwed project. Based upon this review the Departmem finds insufficient justification for the requested waiver to allow standard manholes at the referenced kica ns. Than it you for your cooperation with this Department, a there are any further questions regafd6g the above please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Men" W, E.I.T. Environmental Engineer MLU/cf April29. 1995 „ �vinver"group State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation - Anchorage D'atrid Office- SW E. Dimmed Blvd., Suito 3470 Anchorage, Alaska 99515 -- AM: W. k9ch3el W. Environmental Engineer Re: Old GirdwCod Trunk Sewer (9410); ADEC Projed No. 9421.W W-319-149 Manhole Waiver Dear W. Lou; We would 91u1 to request a Waiver for the wr6bYdlon of manholes G-2 & Md of Me Old G4dwoed Trunk Sewer. These manholes are currently located within a protwIrve well radius. Acwrdirg to MASS Mese manholes would tie required to be wnsmi par Standard Dews 50-22.238 24. Rough woulalions indican Mat a minimum 10-M1 diameter manhole would De required to construct and maintain the necessary Mmugh-p¢wtg and fittings. Due to the size of manholes required and Mer locations at approx. 65 If loom the wells, our request is Mat ADEC would allow standard manhole wnstrvction and eliminate through-pgplg at Mesa two locations. A timely response would be appreciated as we would tike to be abbe to give an appropriate solution at the Pre-Bid Meeting on May 4. tf you have any questions or require fuller information, please do not hesitate to wntad us. Sincerely, David Differ. PE w: (Saeg Geri AWWU apsosna 0900 acne &vol •Siete 20}.A+�cnaoge. A 99503.(907)562-3252*FM(907)5614273 L` � TONY KNOW!£$ GOVERNOR DER• OF ENS'1110NMENTAI. CONSERVATION Anchorage, AK 99515 (907) 349-�55 RECEIVED Mr. Ronald Szda APR r 7 1995 k)chor9ge. AK a • . Glrdwood Townsite Sewer TlD • 6" ADEC Prof" No. 9521 -WW -319-149 Date Mr. Szela: 7his lefter is in ntsiponse to the rnaterials received in On office March 2D. 1995 mncwnrQ the above paject. The Deparunern has completed its revam of the subrnated materials which inctuded plan drawings, and spedficabons for the proposed project which Involves the n5tallabon of approxirnat* 4190 linear fee ol "Ch ductile Won ppe. Band upon this review and previous subffWals by CRW Engineering it appears that the project n the coromns of this Depsrhner� Therefore, In accordance with State WwWwater Disposed 1. There are 14 web vt this proposed protect which requve a nunirmurn of at Wast one warmer for a reduced honzontal separation dstance. Frorn the wdoffnabon received ft appears that waivers can be grarsed to thm web subject to the following conditions: proposed design of this prolea b. AN sections of the proposed sewer We encroaching upon the protectrve mJINA of web will be double encased vt P*W?Yww anomarrent Pipe pints within the 100 foot promective radius of private web shall ham hog shv� sleeves ratallecl as indicated in the Specricaborts and Contract r. Mi h" W, E.I.T. Emra vnK" ErgP TONY KNOWL£-i, GOVERNOR DEPT. OF ANCHORAGE DISTRICT OFFICE 800 E Drncnd Blvd., Ste. 3470 Anchorage. AK 99515 (907) 349.7755 February 23.,99s R EC0,E I V E D FEB L7 1° ENGINEERING CRW EngineeGroup GROUP 3900 Arctic *: Suite 20 Anchor0p, AK 99503 RE: Old Gkdwood Tnmk Sewer TID GA -3 8 LID 60.9 ADEC Project No. 9521-W W419-149. PreGm'vwry Review Dear Mr. Differ: This letter is in response to the nwterials received in this office February 9. 1995 concerning a preliminary review for the above project The Deparenent has complated its review of the submitted materials which included revised well waver data sheets, waiver consent forms and a Storm Water PoOubon Prevention and Plan Review Cheddist Based upon this revrew 4 appears that the minimum information re@ured for a waiver of horizontal separation distances has been subrnitted in accordance with Slate Wastewater Disposal Regulations (18 AAC 72015). The Department has the following comments and conditions pertaining to the well waver requests: 1. The well waver Consent forms swisy this Department's requirement that all affected well owners be notified that a request for a variance from the required separation distances is being reviewed. Al the present tone, the Department does not require that the owner of a well consent to the granting of a waver for a lesser horizontal separation distance thorn required. 2. According to the Muniapality of Anchorage, Department of Hearn d Human Services (MOA. DHHS) this area has no history of coliform bacteria or nitrate contamination problems with groundwater wells. 3. A review of MB geologic in(ortrwtion for this area and the available well logs indicates that while Uta wells in this region are shallow. they are drawing from a confined aquifer protected by a fight impermeable layer of seat ranging from approximately 51020 feet in thickness. The proposed project would decrease the N taminatibn potential Which ft on-site wastewater disposal symem currently present- The risk of contamination due to a potentia leak from dais Mr. David Diller Febnrary 23, 1995 There we 14 walk in this proposed project which require a minimum of at least cria waiver for a reduced horizontal separation Cstartoe. EIIe&ve November 10, 1990, plant review waiver requests are subject to a 5230 fee for the first five waivers, with each additional request assessed a In of $175. A total of 25 plan review waiver requests were counted for this proposed profact. Thank you for your cooperation with this Deparm m, it there are any further quesfions regarding the above please do cwt hesitate M call. Sincerely, Mitlmel LU, ELT. Environmental Engineer MLU/cf WELL WAIVER CONSENT FORM Old Girdwood Townalfe Sower LID 60-9 PROPERTY LEGAL lot 20, Block 5. Girdwood Original Townshe Lot 21, Block 5, Girdwood Original Townsde PROPERTY OWNER: George H. Vander Hu de MMLING ADDRESS: PO Box 5W Girdwood, Alaska 99557 CONTACT PHONE7E3-2516 As Qw Owner of tlw above ,WN 0 cad property. I have no ob)ectlon to the issuance of a waNer by the Mexico; Depanmern of Erwlronmenim Conservation (ADEC) for die purpose of a reduced horizontal separation distance between my well and the proposed sewer main. 1 understand mat it a waiver is Issued. it will be jawed to the property and Is hilly transferable to future owners for the well currently In piece. I also understand OW If a new well is constricted, this waver will not apply and a new wWer application would have to be submitted, 0 required. Lellllwe ` —u -.f �— `l %5 gnetur� Osla Signature Cl 3 p 13 B 3H WELL WAIVER CONSENT FORM OIC Olretwood Townsite Sawer LID Will CONTACT PHONE 7832516 As the Owner of the above mWernced property. I have no objectba to the issuance Of a waiver by the Alaska Departmsrs of Envir mentW Con stun (ADEC) for the purpoee of a reduced horizonal separation Clstarce between my woll and the proposed sower mein. I undereleE that if a *Wm Is Isnted, it will be issued to the Mop" are is fully transferable to hat" owners for the well ourrendy In place. I aim uniki stets the 8 a new well Is constructed, this waiver w111 not apply and a naw waiver eppbcWbn would have to be sWmMsi, a required. Signature Signature T RECEIVED E NG it. EE a,rIG WELL WAIVER CONSENT PORP Old Olrdwoo9 Townslt r Server LID 90.9 CONTACT PHONE: As ern Owrwr of the abms referenced poperty. 1 have no ob*Wn to the herurtoa of a waiver by the Alaska Department of £mironnwnlai Canservtlbn (ADEC) for the purpose of a reduced horizontal separatlon dlstanw between my well and the proposed sewer main. I understand to N a walm Is Issued. 9 will be Issued to the Property and is hdlg tra oler" to future owners for the well wasrAY In &m. i also understand diet N a new wall is c Jr Wed. ttgo Waiver will not appy and a new walm appllcalan would have to be submNtecl. N required. /.44/- 4- 4S ipna ur atm ignatureSDate es 13 'gy 16+12 OM amm m ml-�, A P.12 I �'r' ' = rowal•ava lQu..nw m.m lar+....... 2, �BPT.1P ENVt�aNM®Y'1'AL C�N661 ANCHORAGE OISTWCT OFFICE BOO I- DimO 4 Blvd., Su. 3170 — ArKMNg•, AK 995/3 1907) 318-7756 40 DEC 13 094 Mr. D" Oiler EgWe4mmm CAW Erghwrg Group gam 30M ArobC 8W., Suft 203 RE: 0ldGkdwoDdTrUr1kS@m*1T1DGAG&UDW9 Dear Air. Dian: LEC 13 -9 16:12 W aYi im Q rY 561-2 a.22 Mr. Dawtl Dim MW/d cr. Art Ronftn. DW/SCRD/ADEC Robert Dolan, W W/S=/ADEC - /. a 1 MlCnel W, ELT. En&ordrmael SVinW 107 161 2213 1x -u -N aawxw rooa n+ -,l WAC TERJ MCMEL. GOVERNOR DEM OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEDFATION RECEIVED Pr. ANCRAGE DISTRICT OFFICE NGV 281993 HO 6uc rne.-ty aDD E. Oinond Blvd., Ste. 3470 CRW ENGINEEBM Arlahorage, AK W515 (907) 3 November 25. 1990 Mr. Devld Dix CRW Engineering Group 3900 Arctic &M.. Sum 203 Anchorage, AK 99503 RE: DIA Gkdwood Trunk Sawa TID GAa 6 UD 6D9; ADEC Rojas No. 9021-W W- 319.149. Preliminary Raviaw Dear Mr. Dior: 1. WIW 0 the projected design now capacity for this tnunk sinver upg 2. Additional intarmabon regarding Wei depths and ravii "Ier quahty for the proposed sevier tine installation. Well probes may be provide addrbor.-d information required for virarver review 3. Far dre gravity row sections of this seiver upgrade where there is less 5.5 fM of cover, insulabon oll be required. 4. The 1994 AWWU standards require a minimum Of 10 feet of cover for M alation of torce sewer man. The section of force man proposed for construction acm Man Street to Alyeska Highway (STA 28+91.41) has an indicated 8 feet of cover. 5. From the sods logs provided it appears that the SMIGW WOUr Ow" level present may nc' essilate a general dewatering pemut dump excavation Work. Mr. DaM OWK MLU/d Sh-cro�mly. Mid" W. E.I.T. Em4awnentel Ergkmw e1 I , m „�...... .. ------ " ' I mD I a , I I ;Nil W iam N i ; "'I/O ff i i Qa I I i BLOCK 2 ' I: i am /4 I ' 1 I I ; I 20 II; I .,� // ;11 NER"D I; ! i'., i�l /e BLOCK 2 ' ISI PUMP STATION aD oo! l: mPj. . j m W� I j I W I ; i aD M II I� 1� `, ":• I l2 1' i `` 7�� Qa SEE SHEET 11 FOR,LAYOUT I I BLOCK l ----- BLOCK l In j ; 11 i REMOVE &REPLACE 40 LF i^jl 3 �, !9 '-;=-BLOCK 3 I „ 1 ` ! jaG._� _ 8 �� ;� . I p I r3 \ I ; / ' OF BIKETRAIL%. MATCH EXISTING. ; m,l iml 4T, BLOCK 3 : ,3 \�, t� ! 1 -� \� - • tr'I i I 4a , '. ! I I 4a WORK SHA ! BE INCIDENTAL TO 14a aD, I O ! �� THIS CONTRACT. ;. II ` I I' ,', aD I SCHOOL SCHOOL ! I :,CJa 20, 3 I l3 9 :j DSD'_ .12 9 3rn ; II W 30' =t� . 20 , 20' ,DI I ,.-� 'I:A3°'' W F- I ' 1 Z I I wi /0 , LQ cc to q9+16.6 !1 ,- '-j I I I _ 54+45 I STA 24+45.64G 10' RT I iv, i 4a \ !2 ao 5b o� STA 57.66.28G- I : sAnuP I ,'' I \\\���\ /0 , I i ! c� 11 tw+N `- r ` g a { p STA 49-iOC 1 I CONSTR. SSMH G 2 r1 i CONSTR. SSMH A-1 _ j i! a1 P.LT4Nt+•ENT-0.450,of -• :, ,, j1 r\23rDt.•-•1.' ..; '� 1 w MUNICIPALxN+..t N:z w STA 27+66.28G, 10' RT I �'--'--\\\„�a,RESERVE S M - 1 'r �� R. SHG j ; t._�iAs CONT 3, "•, rt+v..1s5 57.47 / GOLD `�'�AVENUE I I \r I 1OT _-HT 7f , �'\\� - c� s►mt�eese.+ab , j „ v+v=us v4o i i I tom''° -,- -1---- - j ~1. i 'STA vu11 t- 211^p>BIESI -- ADOT '{PERMIT' II o \---`iiy�-------� ! \ , _ - -__ I R Y --- - fol I 26G 27G�y�w� -- - - - l - 29G 30G ---------- ! �; 60.91.92G- i s. 2. 22G N0: 1-132"00-95 015-_----- 23( 24G! . -- -- -1- - O L -25G - - -o - 1 - rL �iat3 < - r r r- - - t - - - - - + - - + j STA 30+91.92G, 10' AAT _ _ -•-- _-------ty---- :: -r -t- - - - - -- - -- ------ --- - -S - a �1 SSt / ------ �L , 1 I _ 4 $-S3EL.P`1E E T. 1 . � ,:- .., ,,, . WA I ues�'' 1 vmNu x44'r3A� bl�:M s•ceAe Sn.St+•16 �,: �; 21+:J514'RT.'Li LMi.Ttl=1S.i,L •A _ _ ---- S f h \ -.. - : �, STA 24�26G C/L •� 2D'&13a LF 18J'4. / T 1 1`, . I f - \ "f„ 1 i "1 y� I,' I I \\� •• / q.d, - r'" \ ; i ,, I I •;I '�,- L y 5 .►,- r \� II z; CO -4 I L = .45- ------ '.$' { NV•'►A- I I I - ; 16 § za I 30' I U, 1, i9'1• �f11', I,d10 . II ; • O 49+3'f.6 1 r`i TIv'urF•n.° 50+59° 1 pF,>a wlcw t STA. 51.4OG' CUL ERT WfTH aD ;`�I d END{`\,SECTIONS 3 I i I ': --- _ �\ eb�t + =11L,' 1W5' 40•' lr \� 0 1 �'1So, 30' w STA C/L 1'.: - - P `+�F�6� N1 =- F&13 F 18" D m• STA. 21+40G, 10' RT STA 49�4BG TO STA 5D►yJG cnl 1�mAaIeR , I �• CONSTR. SSMH G-1 1Ike 2 c /L I 23 -' S •• STA ?G G, C F&135 LF 18' CULVERT T WITH 1 aDl � BLOCK 6 RECORn DRAVI✓INGS i INSTALL LF ENCASEMENT UNDER ' YESKA HIGHWAY PIPE DI :I =I , I F&I 6 -INCH SERVICE ylLirc16.5 nm. lbs a D.' 4 I I I 4a BLOCK 5`'�, CULVERT WITH I i I < , 2 P. END SECTIONS I I,� 2 1. yATA PROVIDED BY:'t1� � 1 4 L -1i i1OLF �1 1 ..• BLOCK 4 111 STA' 21 C/L Is 1 BLOCK ' ;<'� 3A 22 END SECTIONS I ! I ' III ., 01 e- BLOCK 5 mD. I I I ^ D I ` This will terve to te•h that Acs Record Drawings I h, i c a a BLOCK are otrue and accurate representation of the protect 6 I �s constructed. �. p� '4 m I ONS QTOR: • REMOV - EXIST. CULVERT, 1 I `T \� r 3 e. d,ee��41r L �: F&120F 24" CULVERT WITH aad " I \\\\\�( -=J 3 I I I \ ' , I I DATE E, @AD 0.I N. OF END SE TIONS CASO&ALSgNM'Fkr. W.ENDo.35.OFYLAII 21+30 SADGLfl=51+40 Imr1L=11.L 2. DATA TRANSFERRED BY: COMPANY: j"+wRA.1u ODt1.61s 16.68' ��, DATE: 3).1296-- I.L. .:.....:---'-- 1. '--'-----'---'- .• SANITARY SEWER PIPE DATA :..:....:..:. 3. Based:on -orianCfri P etiodic ficltl o iv�N:ial-"tii,Ger stlrva{tions by -"s `het-i1S:eGf' u'erv.'10 eEn inNr: 6 ` I:- - .......•..:.--•--..-•...•-.: .1 . ... ,•--- .1 . . . . --=---4---'--'--- --- - PIPE N0. LENGTH (LF) BEARING I . I . i14Ij • I % - i -..i- .- ..: i :_I. i - ;_� dnt I � thegrOj c4ar-pro?�:Ved t-at:eon•St�VEte Caia-Pppeais- : � � � - ePrernt:.. - 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 . �1 • , . SS1 SS2 e i n , : �9.gg , S60 50 19 E � 273.31 . 305 64 S60 5019E - I : : I. . . . , :°. 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DATA oeW DATA ° DESIGN 4i ow.lce,kF9 toacvs4eRREo ! wNo,�.R---Atr MR BM R72 Weat of IntR. of Main Street BA4E PB DD TELE LK DD b MR Right-ot-Way 24.17 Toro AM PB ELEC LK 00 STAKING PROFLE DD W DESIGN DD WVHp SAN SEWER DO W CYAiIinTIES DO BL AfaU[T sTORM SEWER PREUMNNtY ./ DD BL CONTRACTOR WATER FNAL DD VH INsaECTGR CAS MLMWAL/STATE NOR. t"- 50' SCALE VER r 5' MIR 1995 SHEET 5 of 14 CONSTRUCTION RECORD REVISIONS VERTICAL DATUM VERTICAL DATUM PLAN CHECK CONSULTANT SEK ego 5012 5112 g•O1 51616 - I I I li iii iiiiu I I �, I -------------- OD ---- A � bia --,1 BLOCK l � ---- 3A ' BLOCK 6 i 9 / 2A A ' 7 6 5 STA 49.1*- w STA- 19+ OE, y LT 0) CONSTf�i H E-4 5. -. I I�`�� _ ENS°t:s 0 h0 ;QLt h 5:IP► 5 / I I �: J -1P .1173 ♦♦TV - a i 1 i I a -EAST STREET J �'f- I� co-17- ~` --- --- --r----------r- -'- ---T n----- O O i 4 - -- --'-_-_ --_- -_-_ - I - - 0--"----.- 14E ----- 15 -- ---- 16E 17E / 18E - 9E �B�1a a i ,• i, ?, I-=----'-^--------------- - -- ---^--------------------------20;4=LEARING LIMITS -- - -- ` T< 1 i I Z STA. 44.90E O STA 44+10E SSMH G-4 Y / CONSTR.SSCO E-1 SEE SHEAT 5 - - — , RECORD DRAWING -, 1. 47A PROVIDED BY: I-A+^ j TYi will serve to certify that there Record Drawings -15 - _ ..... . .. carate representation of the project .. .. .y� .....+r i ..v. rr,,. ..., •r., "dn ac uct d. OSB y a tm re re e CqNTRACTO •� I -__- __�__�. .. .. .... .. BY Z � TITLE. �-- DAVE R CREEK ---- - 2. - Z- � RRED Ely: _______--�-------•�COMPANY: DWMlw DATE: _9I�1Z19( 1 - - - Based on periodic field observations by the Engineer (or an •--. I -i-� � � II'� --, ____ __ - ,-� - �- � %_��•_-1i___-� ___ -_ _____� __••1 tlr hedirect supervision), _____________ the Contcersded dataeppe re to repre nt --------- tspov' the projectaronuctetl. -_---------------------- __ -- ------- DATA TRANSFER CHECKED BY: 'Dot-W CO PA-'--- B TITLE:U&)Jff Anchorage Water Wastewater Utility FngineerJng & Planning Division 401 W. International Airport Road Anchorage, Alaska 99518-1195 Fax Number (907) 562-0702 Tom Fink, Owned by the Mayor Municipality of Anchorage June 28, 1991 Mr. John J. Trautner Box 909 Girdwood, Alaska 99587 SUBJECT: Old Girdwood Townsite Water & Sewer Improvement District (Proposed) Dear Mr. Trautner: On November 26, 1990, Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility (AWWU) sent to you a REQUEST FOR PETITION concerning the above subject properties. On February 28, 1991 you were sent two (2) additional sets of mailing labels to assist you in obtaining the necessary signatures needed for AWWU to continue with this project. As of this date our records show that you have not responded with the necessary signatures. Therefore, please be aware that should AWWU not receive you]: circulated and approved REQUEST FOR PETITION by July 12, 1991, we will have no choice but to conceder this proposed water and sewer project as null and void, and cease all further work on the project. As explained in the November 26, 1990 letter, should this project be deemed null and void, you would still have two alternatives for obtaining water and sewer. Alternative number 1 being an interested property owner constructing the required utilities, at his/her expense, through a private development agreement administered by this office. Alternative number 2 would be to btain a legislative grant for 100% of the cost of the project. The Utility would then be able to construct the project without a majority vote of the property owners and without any cost to them, other than a sewer trunk charge. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 564-2712. Sincerely, Acting Assessment Supervisor Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility cc: M. Graninetti Girdwood Board of Supervisors John Smith Health and Human Services