HomeMy WebLinkAboutONNOLEE LT 4B JEWEL LAKE32. Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEAL'iH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 INSPECTION REPORT ON ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL NAME ~;~ ~t:~ ~) ADDRESS PHONE(S) LOCATION ~ l~.~..fl L D LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~.~ 'q'q PEBMITNUMBER #OF BEDROOMS SEPTIC TANK MANUFACTURER ~(~. 'U,I~5 .~-"'~~ MATERIAL INSIDE DIMENSIONI LENGTH IWIDTH CAPACITY IN GALS. #0F COMPARTMENTS DEPTH SEEPAGE SYSTEM []TILE DRAINFIELD NUMBER OF LINES LENGTH EACH TOTAL LENGTH DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES TRENCH WIDTH GLr~') DEPTHS,~,~ ~T' ~ ''~ (0~ TILE TO GRADE FILL BELOW TILE FILL ABOVE TILE ~;~SEEPAGETRENCH OR [] PIT WIDTH ~ LENGTH ~xJ ~r~ DEPTH ~ [] LOG CRIB [] RINGS- DIA, FILl. MAI'ERIAL DEPTH T~O_TAL E~!FECTIVE/~BSORPTION AREA: \:~_ ~(~t~¢'~ SQ. FT. WELL CLASSIFICATION DEPTH INSTALLER ~'~ REMARKS PIPE MATERIAL  SEPTIC , TANK WELL LOT ~ LINE! ~ FOUNDA- ~ TION DISTANCES SEEPAGE SEWER SYSTEM LINE \ cD FT' -~ SYSTEN'I DIAGRAM CESSPOOL WELL APPROVED i i"lE l...i::i:i'.,l~;ti i'll I.::, .i; f'il::i'.,IS .]; ON :i; :!ii; "i I'IE I....bi;NI:!H"H ,:; :1. I'.,t I::'Eti; i' ) (;;ii:::' l'l'-]tii: Ti:;;:Ei'-,iE:H QI:;?. I;;:,1::i:1:::1 ;( NF:' ;i; EL.D. IHhi; [.:q!i:i:"lH Eli:: I;:1 1 I:;::IENCI.I Eli;;: F'].T :[:!i; 'THE: D;I;:}~;"if::Ii'.4E:E; I!iE/I.,.ll.:i:hi:N i'HE :!!!;I..ii:;;:FI-::tCE Oi::; THE Gi*i:OLii'.,IE:, t:::IND 'ii.iii: i;in?l"lQF]Of:' I'HE E;;:.:;E:I::I',,,'I::I'f' ;I; QI.,i ( :l; N Fbi:lET ::,. i i~hl].,;:[:i; ;t. :~i; NQ 5E'i i.4 ;[ D"i'I-I F'(;:d~: 'T il.it:::. I.;iil(:l.::i~,,,'i:!i;l. I:q::i;i.::'-lH 3.:i~; Ifil:i: Hi'.4D 'THE; Eft:)I f(?H Eti:::' I HiE ti:~;:.=;Cffvh:::lT ;[ Ell'.,I ,:; ;[ t'.,I FE;IET ;:,. /,]..J/Jr.-- : il ii li'l ?,ii Ii'ii :1 I,:i Iit I ;i I ,I,'l h I '1' , ~: : ; I'~i I I. I.li'~L ~ j ! i I i i ilil i'; ;I i ~ ~r,:, i i~l.' i i i'~';::,i iil'i'i,:iljl~,,,'i.:]i.., i:'l Iff,Ii I'i1.:17 i',~i !1 ; i,l'Ji ji';ih,il , i;llii',ili i','iti",],'I]i[ !:l;i~i;:!i i !'liii',!l i::, l,'b ~liiii,'l:l' !i I~ ii;ri'il Iii i',i I i ' , i.,;ll * j ! i ~ ~l,:ii,'i:r,ll '!'1111 PIJ}~' !;i:. I,I l:~ljll,:~l:l., Ill t I*,!l._l-It~:'ljl:: !iii:-. 1;:.,I.ilJ.. i~i; ,,;pi i Ilil,i ,'~;,!I Ii ill,ll~, ili,( 'l'i.ilt l'iil~ !~i i,IIi;i it:l i I[I i'i,;illi:ii!:).lil i,~ ',~;i; i i i ill i'l,.ll ,I IiIII IIIl~,l ,, ,,i~i'; ;:i:.,;li¢4 ~ ,:i ii,il i i'4 ii l,il I I i Ii'41.' ili4"l' I li',i : i Ii ':,[.: iilil, .~ :: 'l' i' .. L-Iii ~ i i i i ;,i' II i'i'~"llll: I.'II i i i.h, ,.'I_i'1 I [:[ I i ili:i i'i i' Ii',i Il 'it::1 1 ;' ; i f'~lil i Iii r41 , i!;l'~ iii'; '~' '-,i"~ i I l.ill ilii,l', Iti',it' i.11!'4!::, I:;iiii.:I I1.11',1 r ' ' ~, ,i : I i i i,I ,I ~i ; i 'i'.': ;i i I'; i ;'4' , I I il i.I t ! I I ii! llll II;:i, i. ii ,i Pll n' ,'~ ,it I'i !i~i'f i,;;i !JtJ I I,.! ll'4l Ii,'iil 'l :i'il ]i' I ~ I'1:: / -;/ / / , / July 12, 1977 R&M No. 751188 Mr. Brad Phillips P.O. Box 34 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Subject: Soil Investigation for Sanitary Sewer System, Lot 4Bf Onnolee Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Phillips: At your request of July 5, 1977, we conducted a subsurface soils investi- gation at the proposed location of the sanitary sewer system on the subject lot. The investigation complied with those procedures required by the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Health and Environmental Protection. This investigation, which was accomplished on July 7, 1977, consisted of a test hole drilled to a depth of 20 feet below the existing ground surface. The test hole was sited according to Mr. W. Bergenthal's instructions and its location is shown in attached Drawing A-01. Drilling was accomplished with a rotary drill rig using continuous flight solid-stem auger with an outside diameter of 6 inches. Samples were taken at the depths shown on the soils log in Drawing A-01. The samples will be held in storage at our lab for approximately six months. In addition, all material brought to the surface by the augers was continuously monitored by an experienced engineering geologist. The topography at the site is generally horizontal. At the time of the investigation the site had original vegetation consisting of birch with moderately dense underbrush. The top of the test hole was located approximately 1 foot below original ground surface. The soils encountered in the test hole are shown in the test hole log in Drawing A-01. The symbols used in Drawing A-01 are explained in Drawing B-01 & B-02. This log dislays specific conditions encountered at the test location. However, subsurface conditions may vary in other parts of the lot without any apparent surficial evidence of the change° Ground- water was not encountered. Bedrock was not encountered. At the time the hole was drilled, seasonal frost was not present and permafrost was not encountered. Based on the visual classification of the soil and the requirements set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage, a percolation test was not necessary within the test hole on the subject lot. July 12, 1977 Mr. Brad Phillips Page -2- We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. Please contact us if you have any questions concerning this letter or if we can be of additional service. Very truly yours, R & M CONSULTANTS, INC. Michael Mitchell, Jr. ~. Senior Geologist Jim McCaslin Brown, Ph.D. Head, Earth Sciences Dept. Attachments: Drawings A-01, B-01, B-02. MMjr./JMB/gld LOCATION SKETCH T. H. 1 Lot 4B, Onnolee Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Distances shown a~e approximate and have not been measured by surveying methods. Not to Scale. TEST HOLE LOG Scale: 1"=3' SILT AND ORGANICS GRAVEL W/ TRACE SAND, TRACE SILT (GP) 0! 0.5I SANDY GRAVEL w/ TRACE SILT (GP) 1 GRAVEL W/ TRACE TO SOME SAND AND TRACE SILT (GP) A 2 Groundwater was not encountered. This log depicts subsurface soils observed within the test hole at the location shown. See Drawings B-01 and B-02 for explanation of symbols. 20'T.D. Iq&M I::oNSULTANTS, INe'. LOCATION SKETCH AND TEST HOLE LOG BRAD PHILLIPS J PROd. NO. 751188 J, DWG. NO. SOILS CLASSIFICATION, CONSISTENCY AND SYMBOLS CLASSIFICATION: Identification and classification of the soil is accomplished in accordance with the Unified SoLl Classification System. Normally, the grain size distribution determines classification of the soil. The soil is defined according to major and minor constituents with the minor elements serving as modifiers of the major elements. For cohesive soils, the clay becomes the principal noun with the other major soil constituents used as modifier; i.e. sLlty clay, when the clay particles are such that the clay dominates soil properties. Minor soil constituents may be added to the classification breakdown in accordance with the particle size proportion listed below; i.e. sandy silt w/some gravel, trace clay. no ca]] - 0 - 3% trace - 3 - 129{ some - 13 - 30% SOIL CONSISTENCY- CRITERIA: Soil consistency as defined below and determined by normal field and laboratory methods applies only to non-frozen material'. For these materials, the influence of such factors as soil structure, i.e. fissure systems, shrinkage cracks, sllckensides, etc., must be taken into consideration in making any correlation with the consistency values listed below. In permafrost zones, the consistency and strength of frozen soils may vary significantly and unexplainably with ice content, thermal regime and soll type. Cohesionless N*(blows/ft) Relative Density Loose 0 - i0 0 to 40% Medium Dense 10- 30 40 to 70% Dense 30- 60 70 to 90% Very Dense - 60 90 to 100% *Standard Penetration "N" : Blows per foot of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-1rich OD split-spoon except where noted. Cohe sive T- (tsf) Very Soft 0 - 0.25 Soft 0.25 - 0.5 Stiff 0.5 - 1.0 Firm 1.0 - 2.0 Very Firm 2.0 - 4.0 Hard - 4.0 DRILLING SYMBOLS WO: Wash Out WD; WL: Water Level BCR: WCh Wet Cave In ACR: DCh Dry Cave In AB: WS: While Sampling TD: While Drilling Before Casing Removal After Casing Removal After Boring Total Depth Note: Water levels Lndicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the boring at the times indicated. In perv{ous unfrozen soils, the indicated elevations are considered to represent actual ground water conditions. In impervious and frozen sokls, accurate determinations of ground water elevations cannot be obtained within a limited period of observation and other evidence on ground water elevations and conditions are required. R Engineering E~ Geological Consultants Inc. .~N¢~O.A~[ F~,R~^.~S ALASKA ~UN~AU GENERAL NOTES GL8 IPRO,J. NO. GENERAL Iowe NO, DATE 5-1-72 SCALE N/A OWN ~Y LDS CHKO BY B'01 STANDARD SYMBOLS SILT SANDSTONE ICE, MASSIVE SCATTERED COBBLES (ROCK FRAGMENTS) ~ 8~ SANDY GRAVEL O~)oo GRAVEL LIMESTONE ORGANIC SILT SILTY CLAY w/TR SAND St ..... 1.4" SPLIT Ss ..... t.4" SPLIT SI ..... 25" SPLIT Sh ..... 2.5" SPLIT Sx ..... 2.0" SPLIT Sz ..... 1.4" SPLIT Sp ..... 2.5" SPLIT SAMPLER TYPE SYMBOLS SPOON WITH 47# HAMMER SPOON WITH 140~ HAMMER SPOON WITH ~40¢¢~ HAMMER SPOON WITH 540¢~ HAMMER SPOON WITH 140¢¢ HAMMER SPOON WITH 340/~ HAMMER SPOON, PUSHED Ts .... SHELBY TUBE Tm .... MODIFIED SHELBY TUBE Pb .... PITCHER BARREL Cs .... CORE BARREL WITH SINGLE TUSE Cd .... CORE BARREL WITH DOUBLE TUBE Bs .... BULK SAMPLE A ..... AUGER SAMPLE Hs ..... 1.4" SPLIT SPOON DRIVEN WITH AIR HAMMER G ..... GRAB SAMPLE HI ..... 2.5" SPLIT SPOON DRIVEN WITH AIR HAMMER NOTE: SAMPLER TYPES ARE EITHER NOTED ABOVE THE BORING LOG OR ADJACENT TO IT AT THE RESPECTIVE SAMPLE DEPTH, Fi TYPICAL BORING LOG ~O/~ING NUMBEP,--.~,T H' 30-15 Elev 2746 ,.~-~ E£EV,4770N /N FEET O~TE D~ILLEO~iO. 21. 70 All Samples Ss~s~MPLE~ TYPE ORGANIC, MATERIAL Consld. Visiblelce 0'-7' ICE-PML I' ICE -SILT S/MPLER TFPE~ Eslimote 65%Visible roe ~E~ 80~/NG~ Ss~ ~ 90,56.2% ,80.5pcf~,ML 9'A8.-~ SANOY SILT ~S~JF~ CHANGE ~ Liflle toNoVisible Ice 15L Ss J~%~U ~ 72, 5~1%, 85.9pcf, 28~ GP ('CORPS O~ EMG/MEERS METHOD) :69 ~ ~ ~ --O~Y DENSITY " F~ZEN G~UND~"°"~ ~ %--WATE~ CONTENT '2~O.o°° ~ BLO~FS/FOOT · . o~ SAMPLE NUMBER SANDY GRAVEL QO 2(;' C ~:~ 95 SCHIST ~ GEnEraL~ZED ~ ~E/GHT~D AVE~AG~ · ADDITIONA& DATA AVAIlABlE ON~UPP&EMENTA~ EXPLANATION OF SELECTED SYMBOLS CONSULTANTS, INC. Time Date Inspector Time D~tte Inspector Date Inspector Comments Date Sewer Installed Soils Rating Property Owner Mailing Address Permit No. Septic Tank Size Holding Tank Size Well To Absorption Area Well to Tank APPLICANT FILLS OUT LOWER HALF ONLY Address Lending Institution >¢ '~ ;' /'l ~--- ~ Welt Lo,~ Received ,~ ~o o Phone Realty Co. & Agent Address . , · I /,-,./ ~,,. / Legal Description ~.~7 r-'el ~:~f/.-))'VO'(-.-: ~ Street Location ("~/'~''~ ~-J~/'~3~' LR/"-'/p Type of Residence [~ S~qgle Family ~¢d"~/lultiple Family No. of Bedrooms 3 Other Phone Water Supply - Individual E Community .__~.~llc Utl~y Sew~g,.e Disposal .[~' Individual . Lq Public Utility ;3 Holding Tank ATTACH WELL LOG A well Icg is reqmred for all wells drilled s nee June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date. gwe well depth {attach Icg if avallable.~ Year Individual nstalled: When Connected to Public Utility: NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOIVIPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CA~ BE INITIATE[), Tony Know/es Mayor AI~CHt..,LA, GE WATER E, SEWER G, .LITIES 3000 Arctic Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) 277-7622 Owned by the Municipahty of Anchorage January 29, 1982 Bob Pratt Health & Environmental Protection Agency 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~NVF ; ;: RECEIVED Reference: Onnolee Subdivision, Lot 4B This is notification that sewer service is not available at the present time on Lot 4B of the Onnolee Subdivision. /J~ckie M. Mace -Customer Service Supervisor Anchorage Water & Sewer Utilities February 1, 1982 E. Bradford Phillips c/o l~4arston Real Estate 2804 W. Northern Lights Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 ~ubject:: Lot 4, Onnolee Dear Mr. Phillips: Approval for the individual sewer and water facilities ¢~annot be granted until the following items have been complected: The septic tank pumped with a receipt subn]itted to this department. o A four (4) inch cast iron cleanout needs to b~ installed to the septic tank and/or leaching area. An adequacy test needs to be perforn]ed on the existing l~aching area. This 'host will d~tormine if t.h~ system is adequate according to National Standards. A listing of private firms Derforming the test is enclosed. This report needs to be submitted to this office for our review. Please notify this depart~nent for a r~inspection when the noted discrepancies have been corrected. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 26¢~472(). Sincerely, Robert C. Pratt Associate Environmental Specialist E~clos~ro ce: General Electric Mortgage Company 1ANCI-' ~ RAGE WATER & SEWER f qLITIES Tony Know/es Mayor 3000 Arctic Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) 277-7622 '¥~"//~OAJ,~ ,_~-aF h/6~/.~CNo~Owned by the Municipality February 2, 1982 Bob Pratt Health & Evironmental Protection Agency 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Reference: Sewer Availability 0nnolee Subdivision, Lot 4B Dear Mr. Pratt, This is confirmation that the above property located at Onnolee Subdivision, Lot 4B does have sewer service available. This letter supercedes the letter dated January 29, 1982. Any question please contact myself or Skip Edinger in Sewer Assessments. kie M. Mace Customer Service Supervisor Anchorage Water & Sewer Utilities ' /~ MUN CIP~,LITY OF ANCHORAGE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE' DEPI' OF ~ rALTH & ~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL I~LI~Tik~t~Ii~'rAL k,,,i'LCTION //~ ~ 825 L Street- Anchorage. Alaska 99501 '- ~ Telephone 2644720 ~ . ~ ~, ~ I r ~ , DIREOTIONB~ Complete all parts on page 1. Incomplete requests will not be processed· Please allow ten (10) days for processing, 1, PROPERTY OWNER - / ~ PHONE ~AILING ADDH ESS PBOPE~TM ~EaIDENT (if ~ifferent from ~bove) PHONE 2. BUYER PHONE MAILING ~DDRESS ' MAILING ADDRE88 4, REAL~'O R/AGENT I PHONE MAI LING ~D~RESS '~ ..... 5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION J STREET LOCATION 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE [] SINGLE FAMILY NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] One [] Four ,~ Two ~ Five ~ Three ~ Six 7. WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL~ [] COMMUNITY PUBLIC UTILITY 8. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ~L. NDIVIDUAL/O N-SITE** [] PUBLIC UTILITY [] Other * ATTACH WELL LOG. A well tog is reauired for all wells drilled since June 1975, Fo' we s dr ed p' or to that date, g ve we I depth (attach Icg if available,) ** f individua/on-site, give installation date f system is over two (2) years old an adequacy test is 'eauired by this Department. NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCES,iING CAN BE INITIATED. 72-010(3/78) THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I I DATE RECEIVED INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS TIME TIME TIME DATE DATE DATE I NSP ECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR DIRECTIONS: 1. TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] SINGLE FAMILY [] ONE [] THREE [] FiVE [] OTHER [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] TWO [] FOUR [] SIX PERMIT NUMBER 2, WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL DEPTH OF WELL [] COMMUNITY DATE DRILLED [] PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified LOG RECEIVED 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NUMBER [~] INDIVIDUAL/ON -SITE DATE INSTALLED []PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified INSTALLER [~Septic Tank or [] Holding Tank Size: ~,~,O~O If Tank is homemade SOIL8 RATING give dimensions: TYPE OF TANK MANUFACTURER,I ' ~ TOTAL ABSQRPTION AREA MATERIAL 4, DISTANCESwELL TO: Septic/Holding Tank Absorption Area Sewer Line Nearest Lot Line Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line 5. COMMENTS ~0 ~ ~ APPROVED FOR ~ BEDROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompa ate) [] DISAPPROVED ° LEGAL DESCRIPTION 72-010 (Rev, 3/78)