HomeMy WebLinkAboutPARK PLACE LT 5 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Divisio. d,2-- ~' O¢2 ,~/ 825 "L" Street. Anchorage. Alaska 99502. Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Name /~' ~-4~¢~ DISTANCES Address TANK FIELD WELL Phone(s).~ ~ ~[ LEGALJ PermitDESCEiPTiON~~No. NO. of Bedrooms~ LoTWELLLINE Township. Range. Section  AS-BUILT DIAGRAM (Show location of well. septic system, properly lines. [oundation. ~/~ Y~ ~ dr, .... y. water bodies, etc.] TANKS N ~ SEPTIC/~ff U HOLDING Oapacity in gallons Material No. of Compadments TYPE OF SYSTEM *~' ~ ~ TRENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~ OTHER Depth to pipe bottom Irom Total depth from original grade :iii added above original grade Gravel depth beneath pipe / ~~ ~ ~ ~ / J'~ Gravel widlh ~ S~ FT - r r Number of lines Pipe material Installer Date Installed WELLS ~PRIVATE ~ OTHER (Identify) Classification (A,B,C) : Total Depth FT Cased to FT '" Installer Date Installed: I ~ ~U~._. ~cedif' ,hal Ih is ,.,pe.ien was p e.0rmed a cc0?i.o 10 all', ~ Municipal and Slale guidelines in effect on~ date: Health Depadment Approva/: ~~.~~ ~Date: 72-013 (3/85) ALASKA ellUlROnmenTAL CONTROL SeRUlCeS, IF1C. ~nqineeri~q 6 ~nuironmentol Studies Anchorage, AK 99524-06B8 (907) 279-5553 *** FAX (907) 276-8706 MUNICIPAUIY (DF ANCH(DRAG~ DEPT. OF HEALTH & A p r i 1 25 ,EN]IgCg'~N',ENTAL PROTECTION Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Human Services 825 L Street, Fifth Floor Anchorage, AK 99501 ATTN: John Smith MAY i 419 RECEIVED RE: Returned inspection Lot S, Block §, Mt. Valley Estates #1 Lot 5, Park Place Dear John: Here are two inspections which I have had no luck in even getting return phone calls. 1. The Mt. Valley Estates is outside the MOA Building code area. On 12/29/89 I asked Don Walker for a letter from his electrician. No answer yet. 2. Lot 5, Park Place: I have tried for 2 years to get this inspection. I suspect the building has a CO. Possibly he hasn't finished his construction. He has not responded. Please keep these original inspections in your files in case they decide to sell and need a HAA. Thank you. Sincerely yours, roy C. Reid, PhD, PE, DEE Jr. LCR/sr 1419 W6SC 33~0 ~V6filU6 · c~rIcho~&q6, ~laskz 99503 · (907) 979-5553 0 C. St-eel, ,~uite 102 ~2,1222 ~ 273.2,47~ 185,~ Ea&,le ~ver Ro~ Ee~e River. Ahska 99577 (907) 69449<J4 36571 Sp~r Highway Sddo~, ~daska 99669 (607! ~6z.5667 ~:~ Ken*i, Ahska ~$! ! (907) 2834403 F~X 2834225 70i p,~rk~ Hw,/. Su,e 5 (907! $7&244e r~x S~3.~ZgG ;.SHEETFIC (007) /~LASKA erluIRonmemAL COrlTROL Ser~UICe$, ~nclin¢¢finCl ~- ~nuJronm~:nlal InC. RECEiYE'D "'~ ALASK,~ eFIUIROIglTIeFITAL CO/~TROL ser3uIce~, linC. · ~c~oro e ........... ~s~:~,~ : .~ ]. ~osko 99503. 907 12241 AvlOn Anchorage, AIo=~ 9~16 Well Lo~ Ft, ~low SurFaco W~II D~pLh (fL) Dat~ orCompleLIon bm. till w/cobbles & bouldoes 2B Drfllln~ Hethod Use ' b~drock, qry-~reon ...... I I !25 bedr ock~_g?.~eoen moio~u~e 125 .......... ~ bedrock, ~ w/lltLig._S~e~g fractures 1~5 175 ~d be?ock, gr[ w/whJt~ 9tresk8 ~ ~ ....... 22g Diameter fin.) Depth (FL,) Weight (lbs/fL) ................. _ .................. ,_..,~.~ (ft.) bate ...................... Yes~] Material .................... N°L L ......... H,P, C~pactLy 'J ype !This well was drilled under my Jurtsdlct. lon and this r, epert. Is true to the best, of my knowledge and belief. Authorized t~eprosont,oUye Date C I P A L. I T Y 0 F A N D H 0 R A G E Depaptmen{ o~' Health & Human Services Street, Anch~rage, Alaska 99501 F.'~43-4720 0 N - '* E & ,~ I T S E W E R W E L 1 .... P E IR M I T Permit Number: 88()074 Dar e .I..,~,..-,Lu.~, d. 06106/88 Engineer Designed Owner' Namex ANDREW D. CHURCH !]wr'~z,r, addr'ess: '~'? ' .... ,6~.~ WEST DIMOND ,b6 ANCHL)I~AbE.~ Ak. 995 15 Day Phone: 243-5400 F'arcel ;l:d: 020-092-51 Lot. Legal: Subdivision~ PARK PLACE SUBD. Lot.: 5 Block: .... Sect:lon~ 2'. Township: llN I:~ange: 3W l...c)t Size 42800 (sq,. F'L, c,l- acres) Max Bedrooms: "rh:i.s Permit: 3 'l"otal Capacity: 3 SEPTIC TANK: MinJ. lflLml total septic t. ank capacity: 1,000 ~;allons, Each septic tank mus'L have at. leas'l: 2 compartments, Depth to top oF sept. ic 'Lank(s) < 4,0 feet requires :i. nsu].ati()n over, '[.ar'il.,:(~s). WE..]LI...~ L. og must be submit'f, ed 1:c.'. Municipality oF Anchor, age Depar'tment o/' HeaJ. tl"l and I"}t.ttl],~:Ir"~ ~ep'v'i{::es t,,~:i.'Ll"lin 30 day!..'.,; c:)£ welI c:omp].e'Lic)n,, INFORM D.H,,H.S. F:'RIOR 'T'O :IST & 2ND INSF'E;CTIONS BY ENGINEER, AFTER OFF:ICE H[IURS CALL :];431;'""46L:il AND L. EAVE A IdE8-SAGE CONSTRUCT PER ENGINEERS ATTACHED APPROVED DESIGN THIS F:'EI::;,'MIT EXPIRES.~ ].2/:5:[/88 ]'HIS F'IEI~MIT VAL. ID F:OR A SII"4GL. E FAMIL. Y RESIDENCE ONLY I CERTIFY ]"HAT: 1. I am Camil~ar ~:i.'Lh 't'..he r'equiremen-bs f'or- on-site sewers and wells as set Fem"th by the Idurlic:ipalit. y of' Anchorage (IdOA) and 'Lhe State c)f Alaska. 2. i ~A~:i.].l install the system in ac:cot-dance with all MOA cou~.=s and regu:[a{ions~ and in compliar~ce with the design criteria o¢ this per'mi{., ' 3. I ~A~:i.].]. adhere to all IdOA and S'Late o{ A].aska requirements For the set back distances rrc)m any exis{ing ~el:[, ~,~as'Lewa'Ler dispc~sal system or public se~erage syst. em on {his or any adjacent of nearby 4, :[ unders'Land that 'f. his pepmit, is valid ¢c,r' a msximum ~2f 3 bedrooms. I also under'stand that t. he capacity c~{ t. het. otal system is 5 bedro(:ms arid any enlargement w~I1 r'equ:[r,e an addittional per'm~t, ,:., ,,.In ¢:d ~ DA'T'I~ ~ (D~,aqer) AItlDREN D,, CHURCI..] ALASKA i nuli onm nTAL CONTROL SI [: UICES, IFIC. ~n~ineerincl 6 ~nuironmental Studies SPECIFICATIONS FOR A FIVE--WIDE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM LOT 5, PARK PLACE SUBDIVISION 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 The drawings, sheets 1 throngh 4, shall be a part of th~s specifieatJ on. 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 All materials and workmanshop shall meet the requirements of the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Health & Human Services, (DHHS), the conditions of 'the perm/t, and ali appiieable rules and regulations currently in effect. All elevations and depths are advisory and are to be verified or modified in the field by a DHHS approved inspector. It is the responsibility of the installer to adhere to approved designs for installation, maintain the specified separation distances, and have the appropriate inspections. If the installation is not inspected by an AECS engineer, AECS will not be responsible for the installed system. An engineer at AECS should be consulted prior to construction, to determine the number of inspections that will be required and to explain what these inspections will involve. 2.0 SEPTIC SYSTEM 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 The existing septic tank may he used, if it meets the capacity requirements for the residence and the approval of DHHS. If not, then specifications 2.2 through 2.6 apply. The septic tank shall be a UPC approved two-compartmeat tank, constructed of 12-gauge steel with bitumastie coating, set level on undisturbed soil and insulated with overlying layer of 2 inch burial type polystyrene. The septic tank shall be a minimum of 5 feet from tile house foundation, and a minimum of 5 feet from the absorption area. The septic tank and drainfield shall be a minimum of lO0 feet from any private well or body of water, 150 feet from (;lass C wells, and 200 feet from Class A or B wells, unless otherwise specified. Less than the required separation distance must have prior approval or waiver by Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), Piping shall be fitted with a mechanical watertight calder coupling of the inlet and out!et of the septic tank. Piping shall be 4-inch ASTM D3034 or cast iron, sloped a minimum of 1/4 inch per foot. Cleanouts shall be installed as designated, capped with air-tight 1200 ~Jest 33rd ~ucnue. ~uil¢ ~ · ~nchor~§¢. ~Jaska 99503,1907) 561-5040 rain caps (,Jim caps or equivalent), and extend a minimum of 2 feet above ground level. 3.0 DRAINFIELD SYSTEM The gravel for the drainfieid shall be 0.5 to 2.5 inch, screened rock with less thano°°',o passing the #200 sieve. All substitutes must have prior DHHS approval. 3.2 The bottom and side of -the excavation shall be raked with the backhoe blade to ensure that it has not been compacted during excavation. The bottom elevation shall be level. Monitor standpipe(s) shall be placed as shown in the drawings, and shall be rigid PVC ASTM D8034, or 4-inch cast iron. The section shown with holes may be drilled 0.5 inch holes on the 6-inch centers on opposite sides of the pipe, or a regular section of perforated sewer pipe, clamped to a solid section, with either a no-hub coupling or a solvent joint. A rubber rain cap (Jim cap or equivalent) shall be placed over the top of the pipe. 3.4 The distribution pipe shall be 4--inch rigid PVC with a minimum crush streugth of 1500 lbs. All distribution pipes shall be laid level. 3.5 If the final grade of the drainfield is less than 4 feet above the gravel, insulation is required using dow extruded blue styrofoam board. There shall be 1 inch of insulation for every foot of soil less than the required 4 feet of cover, but there must be at least 18 inches of soil cover even though insulation is used. The solid pipe extending from the septic tank to the drainfield shall also have 4 feet of cover or an equivalent layer of insulation to prevent freezing of the line. 3.6 If insulation is not necessary, the graw~l shall be covered with a layer of nonwoven engineering fabric. 3.7 It is recommended that the area excavated in the ' ' '~ vzc~n~c~ of the drainfield shall be planted with a white clover, red rescue mix and Kentucky blue grass. 4.0 INSPECTIONS 4.1 A minimum of two inspections are reqnired for installation of the bed. The first inspection will be of the excavation to verify that the iustallation will be ]n the proper soil. 4.2 The second inspection will be after placement of the gravel, monitor standpipe(s) and distribu-~.ion pipe to verify proper installation before backfill. \ \ 'q 't / Registered Land Surveyor P,O. Box 111551 Anc ho ra ge ,A los ktf.9,9 511 Scale F B. : 345 5339 3#5 0927 Grid Sheet 3337 lofl CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue, Suite B ANCHORAGE ALASKA 99503 (907) 561-5040 SHEET NO. '-~'- OF CALCULATED ~y Z' t~,d DATE CHECKEDBY DATE SCALE ...: .... : . . ; ~ ...... ~ 0 0 E ~ ~- H H H H __IL1 <iz i.-H :Z 0O Z~J <~.J ~0 ri' O.D O. o SOIL LOG IL LOG PERCOLATION TEST 16 17 18-- 19-- 20-- DEPTH WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? ._ _~,,~ ~_,,-,~ __ r~/,~/~, -" IFYES, ATWHAT/ , / ~_ D..m. PY' ~ ~, 5 Gross Net Depth 1o i Nel Reading Date Time Time Water ~ Drop -l / .~,l/~,la~ /z,.3¢ ~ I i o ,~ " /.~ ,'-~ ~ / ~ , ,,. I & " i ~ " ~ /' /2" ~? I '/ ,' ~" ~ ~" ~ ,, /,.oo ~ " , ¢~" j I&" SOiL LO'G PERFORMED FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION 7 ' 11 12 16-- 18-- 19- 20- DEPTH ,'PERCOLATION TEST JOE~ ,NUMBER SLOPE . '~4~ ~J ~'~ ~ /~ WAS GROUND WATER S L ~,.~" //· ENCOUNTERED? %/~'~' O ~- P IF YES. AT WHAT I Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Dale Time Time Ware[ Drop :J,A. ! - 1 PERcoLATIoN RATE {mmuleS(mch) LOT ~5 F?. ~'ood /_o,'5/ ,o,4 ~o /d. ,PZ .4 C E JAMES B. ROD G ERS R~gistered £o~d Surveyor P.O. Box 1115,51 34~ ~nchoro~,AIo~k~t~511 345 Do/e ~ .Scole[Dcownb~ KB. ~ Grid ~ Sheet 1, GENERAL INFORMATION Complete legal description MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Division of Environmental Services On-Site Services Section P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 · CERTIFICATE OF HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING HAA # Location (site address or directions) Property owner Mailing address Day phone Lending agency ~¢'./_.~ ~'~/¢,,-1/¢~¢ ~/l~'k 7~ayphone Mailing address Address Day phone a Unless otherwise requested, HAA will be held for pickup. NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: TYPE OF WATER SUPPLY: Individual well Community well Public water NOTE: If community well system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attest- ing to the legality and status of system. 4. TYPE OF WASTEWATER DISPOSAL: NOTE: Individual on-site Holding tank Community on-site Public sewer If community wastewater system, provide written confirmation from State ADEC attesting to the legality and status of system. 72-025 (Rev. 1/91) Front MOA #21 STATEMENT OF INSPECTION BY ENGINEER As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval application shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. Name of Firm Address Engineer's signature Phone DHHS SIGNATURE X Approved for '~ Disap~oroved. __ 'Conditional approval fo~' Date ~//0/'~// ~ ~_,"'~? 0 ~: F S S~~-''' ' bedrooms. bedrooms, with the following stipulations: Additional Comments Date The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) issues Health Authority Approval Certificates based only upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHHS does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHHS do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. 72-025 (Rev. 1/91) Back MOA ¢Y21 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Human Services HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CHECKLIST Legal Description: ~'T ~ 'P,~P-,~- ~L~C~"' Parcel I.D. A, WELL DATA Well type Log present (Y/N) Total depth Sanitary seal (Y/N) If A, B, or C, attach ADEC letter. ,~DEC wa!er system number y Date completed (~/l~ Driller / II ~ Cased to "~0, ~ Casing height Wires properly protected (Y/N) g.p.m. ' Date of test ' Static water le'vel Well flow FROM WELL LOG ~.o Pump level SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM WELL TO: Septic/holding tank on lot Absorption field on lot Public sewer main Public sewer service line AT INSPECTION ; On adjacent lots ; On adjacent lots Public sewer manhole/cleanout Petroleum tank WATER SAMPLE RESULTS: Coliform ~ Date of sample: ~'///~]~ Nitrate O,'~ Other bacteria k~.i3 Collected by: B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date installed ~)'/· ~ Tank size I~Z~O Compartments ~ Cleanouts (Y/N) 7 Foundation cleanout (Y/N) '7/ Depression (Y/N) High water alarm (Y/N) Y Alarm tested (Y/N) ,~ Date of pumping ~/,~//~ I /~-C~ SEPARATION DISTANCES FROM SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK TO: Well(s) on lot I~ + To property line ,-~.~ Surface water/drainage On adjacent lots Absorption field Foundation J ~ Water main/service line '~O 72-026 (Rev. 3/91) Front MOA21 CONTINUED ON BACK PAGE C. LIFT STATION Date installed __ Size in gallons Vent (Y/N) %'/ High water alarm level Meets MOA electrical codes (Y/N) "Pump on" level at Manufacturer Manhole/Access (Y/N) "Pump off" level at Cycles tested /1/ SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM LIFT STATION TO: Well on lot /(~ ~ On adjacent lots l¢-'O '(" "~ Surface water D. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Date installed ~ ' 1' ~¢ Length ~',~ Width Total absorption area Depression over field (Y/N) Results (pass/fail) Soil rating Gravel thickness Peroxide treatment (past 12 months} (Y/N) /"~ System type 1,////o/~- -.~ Total depth Cleanouts present (Y/N) %'// Date of adequacy test for bedrooms If yes, give date SEPARATION DISTANCE FROM ABSORPTION FIELD TO: Wellon lot To building foundation On adjacent lots Surface water /"/~/A Curtain drain __ On adjacent lots .Property line Cutbank To existing or abandoned system on lot Water main/service line Driveway, parking/vehicle storage area E. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION I certify that I have checked, verified, or conformed to all MOA and HAA guidelines in effect on the date of this inspection. Engineer's Name Date (~ HAA Fee $ Date of Payment Receipt Number Waiver Fee: $ Date of Payment Receipt Number 72-026 (Rev. 3/91) Back MOA 21 ~907) 248-50~5 RESIDENTIAL ~J~E__L_L INSPECTION LEGAL: LOCAT I ON: OWNER: TYPE OF WELt_: f::'i'" J. va'[:~:.,? ~ S:i. r',,(;!i e F:am:i. i ¥' WELL LOG AVAILABLE: Yes No iNSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS MET. ~(~!:~ Nc, WELL YIELD FROM WELL. LOG: WELL YIELD FROM TEST PUMP YIELD FROM TEST: DATE OF INSPECTION: Ga].].ons per' Minu'ce :[. :]; Gal ]. c:)ns !::Der I"'}J. nute 6 Ga].].ons per' June :i. 4.~ i991 TEST PROCEDURE: We].:l. ~,.as pLtml::~>>)d at a cc~ns'l:.an-l:, ra't:e while the pre, be, A'~: '?.he beg:i, nn:i. riel o.f 'Izh(a 1:.es'i: wa1'.:er :l. evel ~,.¢as ~:c, und a-i:: 25 .fe6})'[: belt:mC tcq::, c)-F c:asir~g,, At a pumping rate o4 6 m:[nLd:.e 'Eh(.?:, ~,,,a'L~:¢,l'" :1.¢.:;,v[~1 di.'opped ur'~:i..Form].y '[:c) 24'7 'F¢(.:,E{,i:: dLtr:i, ng '7~:.~ minutes (:).F pump:(r"~g. At this 't::i.m~ '?:.he pump shut 430 (~} a :f. :1 on s v¢(..:.:,r e p u roped. ..,.':-i rs'l:, t. wc, h,,::;urs 1:he ~.,.,~,~)::~:1. 1 rechar'.,:m~' ;~.;as :1. ,, .:,~.,7 :: gat :1. (:::,ns per , LILt."/. TEST FOR E. COLI AND TOTAL NITROGEN: Wa'l;:el," was; t::{.~:,.st::ed 'for and '~:.c~'f:ai n:i. trc)ger'~ (31"~ June 15~ 199:i. E,, E;ol :i. 0,, ']'cd':a]. Ni'~:rc~:?n 0,, :$5 m~;}/1 ,, Max,, allc3wabl(~a ]"oral Nitrogen 10 m(~]/i ,, TEST RESULTS: Th:i. s Mun .i. ,::: :i. pal. :i. t ,/ ,::)-f: 'l"h,::c, I"h..tr'i:[c::i. pa]. r~:4~,qu:i.r'emen'l:: .for" we].:[ -;:lc)v.~ :i.s 150 (;:}a!ions (::,.f ,..rater per I::,edr(:~c~m per clay.. ]"h:i.s v,~ei 1 exc:ta(ad this requiremerrt:,, The ass(::>~;sirtcrrl': (::)'F '~:}"1¢¢ ccH"~d:i. 'l::i.c)n c~'F 't::hE.:, v,~e]. ] ap!:)]. :~ (.::,s on]. y 'l;c:~ thE, C:(3f](;JJ. t J. cH'i~;; ,Et!B O'f: 't:he day tested,, The -Fie:mC ra't:¢:~ may change (:Jr..re to a~u"i(:l (:::han(:;!e:es i n the? I ar'icl use ai]c! c)'i:.her -f,:,~(::tc:q.-'s that may :i. mpac:t the a(::!i.t:[ .F iai," q:: (<,(FCd :[. r'~(.::j thE' f,.,,E,]. ]. ,, ~751 ~. DIMOND BLVD. ANCHORAGE, ~LASKA VVD02-g904 (V07) 2~-50~5 SEPT!__C. _S_Y~TEM ADEQUACY_ LEGAL: LOCAl- I ON: 1 6460 St:,, James Circle OWNER: RESIDENCE: Single Fami!,.y, 3 Bedrc)oms WELL: Pr:i. vate~ On Site SEPTIC SYSTEM: F:'ROM MIJ N t C I P AL.. R E C OR D S: :5 B ed r o om Sys t em 'T'AIqI<: Ar)thor"age Tank 1250 Gal. STEF:' ABSORF:'TiON SYSTEM: N:i. de ]"re;,nc:l"t ABSEiRI:::'T' ]Z ON Al:ilEA: 554 Sq. Fi:,, SO :[ L FIAT' ]: NG: 170 Z NSTAI..L..AT I ON DA"I"IE ~ 8 / 1/88 DATE OF LAST PUMPING: ,Anct-'~,, C,,.:%,.s F::'c,c:.L1. June 21, 199t DATE OF TEST: June !.4-, 1991 TEST PROCEDURE: Systiem was inspected anti measur'ecl. '/'anl.=; was .Found with 4.5 .feet o.F cover and with a liquid level, o.F 38 inch .... es. 'l'rencl'~ el. can OLr~:S were 2.5 Tee't; deep arid dry~ ]"renc:l] monitc)r t:ube ~as 6,,5 ~:ee'l: deep with 11,,5 iricl'it~s 04: waiter-. 430 gal 1 c:)ns o.F c::leart water was adc:had t:c:, the:, trerich wi-ii t e '~.hc.:, water ],evels in the 'Lank and i':he monitor tube were monitor-ed,, 'l"hcD wa'lLe:,r' 1 (.:,:,vel i n 'Line icaril< .F 1 uctuait:e:q::l l:)e'l:weerl 36 ar'id 39 i I'ich(.:%~, wh:i. 1 e i:he Ievel i n iihe moni tot r"cise 6.5 i riches. Bi.u'- i r]~; 'Ll"le Ilex t 5 I'iOLU"'S the I (~:,v(.~:.:,]. ;i. i"1 i]hE~, '[;r'l.:~Fil:;h c:h'"C,l::H:::,ed 2.5 :i, I"il]l"lE~Ei :i. I"tdi cai: i rig that 170 ga].].oris o,F water had I:)een al:!sor'l:~ed dur-ing this l::~eric, d. T'his [:)E?ch""oc:llii hc:iL.(Se~. TEST RESULT: 't"l"ii c: sy ~.'[ .,ri meets 't:he cocle r'eq. r'ements c:,,F the I-'lea 1 t I'~ ar'id :Social Servi c:es D(.:epari:n~er~t o.F the Mun:i.c:i. pa].:i.i:y cH: Anc;:hcFcr'age,, NOTE 'l"t'ie C,l::~er'ai:::i.c~ria]. l:i...Fe c::,.F all sei:)'l:ic: sysi':ems depends on t. hE, 1 (.sc:al soi 1 czor'ldi t i ohs ~ {~;rc~unclwater ]. ~v(.:~t s that ma.y ch.ir:i, rlg 'N"t(,:c, 'y(.'?ar'~ ancl the W;::~'tSEC, I'" t..t?.¢2ll~E~? C:rF i::h(~:, ~:am:i. l y I::te:i.n(:.! sear'yeti []y '(]J'li'~;' ~y!Bt:c:~fiI,, "['hC:)~!~E~ corec:Iii:lc)ns are c)ut:side the cch'flit'c, 1 of: the evaiua'l::or' cfi: th:i.s s(+?l:rCt:i.c: system. We carl i':.here.Fore not: give any (~st:i. mCatEa c).F I'lc:iw I(:)F~(,; i.:.l"lJ.s %ys?i:efH (*!i].l I::Luqctic:!Fi Eia'Lis~:ac:tol,"y i:or CHEMICAL & GEOLOGICAL LABORATORY A DIVISION OF COMMERCIAL TESTING & ENGINEERING CO. 5633 B STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99518 TELEPHONE (907) 562-2343 Client Sample ID:L5 PARK PLACE PWSID :UA Collected JUN 14 91 ~ 12:45 Received JUN 14 91@ 16:00 Analysis Completed :SUN 17 91 Laboratory Supe~w~o~: :STEPHEN C. ANALYSIS REPORY 5Y SA},tPLE fez [¢OgKorder$ 35271 Date Report Printed: JUt{ 17 91 ~ 1.6:53 FAX: (907) 561-5301 Client Name Client Aect Ordered By :TOBBEN SPURKLAND. P.E :TOBBENS PO == }lONE RECEIVED :T SPURKLAND Send Reporze to 1)TOBBEN SPURKLAI{D, CheD~ab Ref ~: 912752 Lab Sn!pl ID: 3 Matzlx: WATER Allowable Paramete~ Tested Result U~ts Nethod LiDdts NiTRATE-N 0,35 mg/l EPA 353.2 10 Semple ROUTINg SA~LE COLI, ECT]~D BY: T. SPUI~KLAND. ~en~rks: 1 Teats Performed See Special Inst~:u~:~zons AboYe Uk~Unavailable ND~ None Detected *~ See Sample Remarks Above }l~- Not Analyzed LT=Les~ Than. GT=Greater Then ~ ~'~_1~ Member of the SGS Group (Soci~t~ G~n~ra,e de Surveillance)