HomeMy WebLinkAboutPARKSIDE Soils Log FROM: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH INITIATED BY .... ~ ....... ~..~?~dT..,//J~.,..~.~.. ~.. .............. DATE OF MEMO: ..... dd'~'...~"~'::.*~z ................... ~'~) / ~ , ,' -, ~ ..~ DATE ANSWER TO: DEPARTMENT: ......... , ~ ~. ~ ~.~...~]~ .~.. ~ .~,t~.~ ......................................... REQUESTED ................................................................... REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE FOR INFORMATION ONLY FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION ~ NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION OTHER laska neral & Materials ,Sab, inc. .o~,,o,:,. 27~ '!972 ¥~ 0 80× 246 ~as.Le River~ Alaska 99577 ;~E '; Soils ~investi~ation Zn acco:rgance wit. k verbal ' ~r ~' lnsb_~C~lOn2 fo~.%r %est rloies were drilled a.'~ Parkside ¢~UOalVlslon O~ November 22 and November ~972~ for the Primary purpose of determining depth to bedrock~ rf,:~ results of +t,~ test holes and the r~s~ct~v~ hole tions selected by ,,o ..... ~1~. oas~e on ~'~" ~ " ,'~u .... ~'" '- ~ ~' ,.~_~o~ sf~a!low excavetions are as follows: . J~o~ fFot~ corner Lo% 2~ '~ ~ ~ ~pu,~ bedrou.~~~ Hole ~'o. ~ - in roadway ap~roximate![f ~-feet ~A7 from corner ~o~ ~ Block 2~ ~eptn to bedrock 25 feet~ Hole No. ~ - in roadway a~ ..... - ~' ............. ~ 9~ feet ~',~ ~ - "~ " ~'k.~ to bedrock 23 fe~, corner Lot 3~ B~oc~ l. r.~ ~ Hole No. 4 in .... - roadway aopro~ima~ely ~ co..n~ Lot 2~ Block 1 ~ " ~2 ~ z.,eptn to bedrock s feet~ Thia .... wo.r.,, was performed by ~ setf-pro~e!led track mo~mted 1~-61 drill rig and crew from our -affiliate, Northwes~ Exploration Servioes, Inc~ liote logging and supervision of the wofk'was per- ~ = ~ ~ isle ~,'fanager for Physical ~" . ~ - formed by tl'~lr. ~ =..~ ~.=~r. ~ ~tlng~ ~dinerai and ~ateri~ls Lab, Inc~ &ll holes were by 6-inch solid fli.sht ~.uger ~ - Yours_, Very General Manager PROJECT ~rk Side Subdivision BORING NO. C9-1 TYPE 6 DATE ~' · op ~ o ~',0~', ~:_, 1~7~: LOCATION ,Jee Plot SURFACE ELEV. WATER DEPTH DATE FEET OBSERVED J'~O~o DESCRIPTION OF STRATUM 3ROAN ~iL~£ SANDY GRAVEL v~/coArse ~ravei and boulders i:~termixed from 5' ~oulder 8.5 - 9.~ finer gravel w/ellt tI~ - PROJECT P:=~rlc ~.'~.., d e -- SURFACE ELEE F~ BORING NO. C3-2 TYPE 6" ~ger FEET I OBSERVED , "'WATER DEPTH ~ DATE DATE ~';ov~ 22 ~.nd 24~l~t~ LOCATION Soa~' Plot~- , ~ ~ ~ DESCRIPTION OF STRATUM / ~/boulders ~d c~ ~ ~-~ i ~ .~U~ // ~Very dense by 22* J PROJECT BORING NO. C~-3 DATE ~,;ov. "~ 972 Park Side Subdivision . TYPE 6" Auger ' / LOCATION ~.$ee Plot a~s~[a mzneral & ~4ateria!s L ' ~ Inc. SURFACE ELEV. DATE FT.1 I OBSERVEDI WATER DEPTH FEET None DESCRIPTION OF STRATU t DROWN - u.- AV~, ~ w/boulders and coarse gr~ve! i-~ · n,~ermz~ed from '~£ri!!ed 8_rou.<,.. boulder from 14 i;o 16.9 and 1~.~, to 19.5 /ICES PROdECT 'P~rk Side ,Subdivision SURFACE ELEV. BORING NO. ~._ - cD 4 TYPE 6" &ug~r WATER DEPTH / DATE FEET ~ OBSERVED DATE ~'[ov, 24, 1972 ' JLOCATION S~e ~lot J None ~= DESCRIPTION OF STRATU~  w/boulders and cobbles inte~ixod by 4' ' September 8, 1972 },Ir, Ro]C Strick]and Department oC En\;Jronmental Quality (;AAB 3S00 Tudor 2 ' Anchorage, Alaska Re; PARKSIDE SUP, DIVISION ANCHORAGE, ALASI<A 09501 (907) Dear Rolf: The referenced proposed subdivision was field in,'~s~4onted 972, ,or the purposes o£ determznzn~ the suitability, of the soils for "on site" sewa,~e disposal. The investigation was made solely along the cut banks of the newly constructed access road within the proposed subdivisiou. The findin~Is are as follows with soils classifications related to bedrooms: 1. Cut bank in old slide area Fragmented rock, loose ......... 100 s.f./ BR. 2. Cut bank (3') Fragmented rock with some silt, loose .... 150 s.f./BR. 3. Cut bank (10') Silty, sandy fragmented rock, - ........... 225 s.f./BR. 4. Cut bank (12') Sand>,, silty fragmented rock, loose ......... 175 s.f./BR. 5. Cut bank fll') Fragmented rock, loose ..................... 125 6, Cut bank (11') Silty, fragmented rock ..................... 200s.f./BR. 7. Cut bank (9') Silty, frarlmented rock ...................... 200 s.f./BR. The general conclusion that can be drawn from this inspection is one of concern. The soils boom,se of their looseness will certainly provide the percltlatJon as reqdired; however, a certain a:nount of surfaco appearance downhill off each scepa7!c pit may occur if prudent judgcnient is not exercised in thc site selectiou and conatruction of ~'ach individual pit. Tho seepage pit site locations as shown on the accompanyin~ plat arc general iD ll~l:tlre and alterations in the exact placement may be required where rock outcroppinq< are encountered. Thc lots are certainly large enotu[h to allow location mUust:nents within each confining lot boundhrics. If there are any questions please don't hesitate to call at 279-6508, rmve::toer 27, · .~tl~ce Box 246 River~ Alaska 99577 ~,coo ~ ....: wit}'i verballno' "~'u-. LlC~iO~S'' fO~l? -~eotoJ- holes 97o Yor ' ~: ..... .~ ~.e -or~mar.v purpose ol dezerm~nzng depth %0 bedrock~ The results of 4-;.,=o~.~,.~.~.: test holes and tL, e respective hole !oea- ~,lons ~o~_~,:c~_d ~ '~, by~ ,yourself o~o~'~ .... ~ on ~r'ior. shallow excavations ara as follows: corner Lo~; 2~ Bkock 2 P;~ ~ ~p~,. to bedrock~~. Hole No. 2 - in roadway approximate!ir $5~ feet corner ~o~ 1~ Block 2 Depth to. be~o~_~ 25 NO !e ~' ~-,o. 3 - mn roadway amDroximate!~z ~ feetz, as:~ corner Lot 3, Blo~k_ 1. Leu%h. to bedrock ~,~ ~ +~e~.-~.~ Hole ~ ~'~ ~'~0 4 in ~, "~ ..... " ~ corner Lo~ 2~ Block 1. De~h ~o bedrock 32 feet, T~i= work was oerforme4 b~ ~ setr-prooe!le~ track <orm'~d by '~ " + o.:.~q~ ~.Mana2er lot~ ~k-,~q~=] .~ ~.- · ~ . ~.. ?diners.1 snd ~,',a~:r~u~s naa, Ineo All holes were by G-inch solid RONALD L.THIEL. DE. CONSULTING ENGINEER November 2, 1972 519 WEST EIGHTH AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Rolf Strickland Dept. of Environmental Quality GAAB 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska RE; PARKSIDE SUBD. SEWER FACILITY PLACEMENT Dear Rolf: The owner, Mr. Wallace, elected on his own accord to provide test holes to allow soil classifications in addition to the ones made from road construction cuts. All test holes show acceptable soils and no bedrock encountered. An occasional erratic boulder exists that One may relate to as bedrock but such is not the case. Reference to my letter of September 8, 1972, wherein I expressed concern is made at this time. That "concern" was in reference to locating seepage pits in the low areas or draws. The seepage pit layout that was previously submitted was a schematic in nature and one should exercise caution in following precise suggested locations. The adjustment, however, of a seepage pit location was not consid- ered determental since the lots were of such large sizes. I expect to see some major changes in the seepage pit locations by owners and/or builders when a detailed investigation is made and all members of the household are being satisfied. Let me bring to your attention at this time that the cleared area on lot'4, block 1 is from homestead clearing efforts and not that of snow slides as was mentioned during the Planning & Zoning meeting. If there are any questions please call. Thank you.. e 1 y, ~ }t~n~ldL. Thiel, P.E. k~/' "' HEALTH -DEPAkT,'. ENT '~./ CASE 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAG~ ALASKA' 99501 ~, ~ , ' 'Date Performed / Location Sketch':' . . --o ( ~ { e { Net Tzme [ Deoth ~o H~O' · ~ . : ~ ........... ~_ _. I .. . '-~- ' ..... : CO}D,~ENTS: . '--E"- ~~~ .... : ..... ~ ....... · ... ~ . -. ' · . ~ / .,,, . ....... -i · · t ....... . , ,_ Data HEALTH-DEPAP. T~!ENT CASE ~/ . , "~ 327 EAGLE STREET ~/ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA' 99501 PePformed Fo 3~_~ ' 'Date Performed .' /~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~ // tf Yes, A'~ Wha~ Depth : are ~'t ~n-'ga~i~t~on: Seepage Pit Field ' .... {~/~ /~ ~ .... ~-, ...... .~-:,.' ,..:.'.~.....~ ..... L.:" .,.~'t:, l' ·., ': <,,'.: .... D~to Ce:etJ. fled'By: ' ' / · / ' '~ ~ i... ,~:~ · "~ ,: .;. ' : ,': '/ .' > "? . <' " ~ 5.;~';.:,,- . ', (Q F~et Sell ChmPacterlstics ' , ~1,fo,.I 4~ ~ ~,... ~' . ', , . -~Se..~X;..- '.. ;'~' ~ . ,.. ... · .~. -~ ~-. ,(~.~RE'ATER"ANCHORAGE 'AREA BOROUfi,' 227 EAGL~ STR~T ANCHORAGE, ALASXA'99501 Pep, o. med Iov ~:~- _ - 'Date Performed This Fo~ Repopts a: So~ls~nog ..... Z' .~~ Depth //~ 7 7~ .......... .~ .. Location Sketch' If Yes. At What D~pth~ Readlng P~o~ose , · '* P s Drain P~eld Dep:ch Of Inlot ~aotb To ~3 .... , ~com Of Pit Or T~4ench ........ ' .~.~; ...... HEALTIt -DEPAP. THENT '' 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE~ ALASXA'99501 : got ~lock This Fo~ Reports a. So~ls Log ,~ · . ,~. ,~ .. ~ .' ~ I ~ ~~ , t .. , ~-~ · ..o~o.,ed instal}~-:-geepdge Pit Dm~in Fie!d Dep%h Of Inlet ..,, ~~~~~ .... . - , .....:('( ~P,~,ATER'A;;CffORAGE-Af,,EA BO?,O.U~U , .x._~ .... /iEALTll .-DEPA p. TF ~NT .~ CASE 3~7 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE~ ALASXA'99501 Thzs Fern R~popts a: SoiLs Lo~ ~ - ~' ~ , ' Lrercozatzon Tes~ ' Location Was G.-o'und Wa'rem ~ncountered? If Yeso At Whas Depth I '-J-- Reading 'Date I G~ u~p'cn Or Inlet uz'azn F~e!d --' ~, / '. ~ ~ ~ .... ~.. · ... .'. ,.... ........'. ,.- 3 .... ':.- . · '.~_~ ...... ttERLTIt-DEPt~kT}!EHT ' ~-,? CASE 327 EAGLU STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASXA'99501 " ~- ' Lrovco~a'c~on Test Feet Sell Characteristics -' · Was G~ound Watem If Yes~ At L'hat Depth " ' Location Sketch' ~,~'~--~ _~.__ . _ - ~ I . ~- ~me t Depth ~TO H 0 xnsca~lq~zen. ~eepage Pit DPa'in Field Dep%h Of Inlet ' Det)%~- Bottom Pzt TPenc~ COHHE~tTS: ~.~ ..... . o " ' /c/~/x -:" ":"'"" ""':" "~' ""~'"" ""' ' ~L ' x '.,- .... .=' ...... ' .......... .--: ~,.:~.,..-:., '-.x..,?... Data Cemt%.xfed B r : :"-': ...... . -~ ~ .... ~ ":' '" ' "' ': "' ': i/J,' '.:?'-':'.", ~'i~ %7 ..:"~" . ' 327 EAGLE STREET -' · ANCHOR^GE, ALASKA· 99501 h.t om~ Reporto a, So~ls Lo~ .... ~ ation Test ''' Depth Location Sketch''' Proposed .[ns'L'al~at~Sae~ag,~ Pit D~din Field Dep%h Of Inlet ~a~th. To Bot.tom Of Pit OP T~4ench COHM~NTS: ~- HSALT!{ '-DEPAkTEEIIT .~..-;j CASE f/ 327 EAGLE STREET -- .. ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA· 99501 Legal Descr~ptxon: Lot Block S~d.~iSi0~ '~ . . .... ' .' . ' ' Location S' ¢etch . { ~e. j ess Time 'l A~t Tiaa J D~th To ' I ' ' ' ~~~-: ~_ - I ~" H20 , ' Net Drop· j. .. ~ d ~norallqtzon: Seepage Plt " Depth Of Inlet DPaSn Field ,. .. _ . · , · _3=~.t z~.~_ ~._~; ~.-, ,' . - · ~' '~ . .. . . Data Certified By:' ' / ~ -~ . '-, ... ' ,-: .......--..?:-.'-: .... :. ~ ~..Jc .... · September 8, 1972 blt. Roil Strickland pepartment of Environmental Quality The r~ere~ced proposed subdxv~sion was ff~d .znvestlgated on At;4~t 21, - -. "on sitev sewage disposal. The inv~st, igation was made solely alon~ the cut banks of the newly const~ct~d access road.within the proposed sgbdivision. % Tho'-findings are as follow~ with'soils classifications related ~o bedrooms: . . 1. Cut bank in old slide area - Fragmented rock~-...loose .---~--~-100 s.f../ BR, ' Pragmented:..rc k witil Some silt, loose --~150 s~f./~;P. ' Sand~, si~y ~r~aented rock, loose ....... 17S 5. Cut bank (11'3 ' '~, 'Silty, fragmented rock'~ ....... 2......k .... 200s.f./BR. Silty, fragmented rock -' ................... 200 s.f,/B~ Tim'general conclusion that can be drawn from this inspection ts ~;;~, of :";-~ concern. The soils because, of'their'looseness'will certainly pr~:vi;Ie the perculat~on as required; however, a certain ammmt of surface a:':~arance downhill of each seepage p~t may occur if prudent '" ju~gen,ent ts ~ .... exercised i~' the site selection and construction of'each individual p~y. ;I;e ' '' ' seepage pit site locations'as sho~ on tho accompanying pla: :~re ~eneral .9~.gyoppineq ai'6'bnkdh6tered. ?e lots arc certainly lar2e enoug~ to allow locatio'n"dyL;;'i~¥;Y~'~%qL¢{h('~hco cnnftntn~ lot boundaries.' If there are an/ ques'tions please don't hesitate to call at 279-6508. ,I ~ RONALD L. THIEL, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEER ~ovember ~, 1972 919 WEST EIGHTH AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (9071 2'/9-6508 Rolf Strickland Dept. of Environmental Quality GAAB 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska RE~ PARKSIDE SUBD. SEWER FACILITY PLACEMENT Dear Rolf: The owner, Mr. Wallace, elected on his own accord to provide test holes to allow soil classifications in addition to the ones made from road construction cuts. All test holes show acceptable soils and no bedrock encountered. An occasional erratic boulder exists that one may relate to as bedrock but such is not the case. Reference to my letter of September 8, 1972, wherein I expressed concern is made at this time. That "concern" was in reference to locating seepage pits in the low areas or draws. The seepage pit layout that was previously submitted was a schematic in nature and one should exercise caution in following precise suggested locations. The adjustment, however, of a seepage pit location was not consid- ered determental since the lots were of such large sizes. I expect to see some major changes in the seepage pit locations by owners and/or builders when a detailed investigation is made and all members of the household are being satisfied. Let me bring to your attention at this time that the cleared area on lot~4, block 1 is from homestead clearing efforts and not that of snow slides as was mentioned during the Planning & Zoning meeting. If there are any questions please call. Thank you. ely, , P.E. i-)a'~,¢: .¥~i TR.~ATER'"ANCHOR~GE -'AREA BOROUGH. .......... ' '_>~'~ ..... HEALTI{-DSPARTMENT (k~.~' CASE ~, 327 EAGLE STREET -' .... - ANCHORAGE¢ ALASKA 99501 Th~s Fo~ Repopts a: Soils Log .~ · 'Percolation Tes~ Feet Soil Characteristics - Location Sketch' Net Time Depth To H20' Proposed Instal~Seepage Pit Drain Field Depth Of inlet Deoth To Bo'tt~i~ Or TPench~ ' ..... Ne~c Drop- --' ,-'~. ~L%RE'ATtiR-~'AN6HORAGE "AI~EA BOROUC, F j Da',:,:: ......... ~.~ ....... HEALTH-DE-PART~ENT ' ~ ~ CASE 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 Legal Descrip(i°n: L~t Block S~diVjSi~h ~~ ' ''~ ln~s ~o~ ~eports a: bozls bog .. '~ --Pe~colatmon Test Depth ~ ~ ..... ' ~ ................... >Soil Cha~ae~eris~ic~ ., . If Yes~ At What Readlng Location Sketch' I ' Gross Time i~ Net Dr_op' I Proposed instal~-(n': '*Seepage Pit Drain Field Dep'~h Of Inlet Depth. To 'Bottom Of P~.~ Or T~enc~' co~.,~Ts: ..~'.._l 75~.. '-2~: ::~'o ~,?-.. . - . ..... ~- - , ~',~:~} ~T_~r_ '~.~.~ ': "~ .. ,... ': :. :'. ~. ". . '-' . ' .... . ~/~/~ , .., .. ~.. , ...-,.: ..... .:...: >.._.,,.,_.... . . :~..~?.. ... . Oer¢&f~ed'~y~' ' ' /.- / :' ~ : '~- ::.,~'. .... :;,....'. -,:."' ;.,~:-.":2.,'w',~.~?',':.,1": '. ' Performed Fo~ LeEal Descrlp~'~'~: Lot Block This Form Reports a: So~--~Lo~ Dz?~:,:: .-~ ',L~R~ATER":ANCHORAGE "AREA BORO.UGF ,~ ........ ' ...... HEALTH ~DSPART~;ENT ' .~.~/..'7 CASE {~ 327 EAGLE STREET -~ ....-;-~- ~ ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 Location Sketch' Reading 'Date Gross Time Ne~ Time Depth To : I ate Net Drop' ~nstall~t~on: Seepage Pi~ Ora'in Field Dep%h Of Inlet Daoth. To Bo'~tom Of ~-i~ Om T~enc~~ ' ' ' ................. ~t~ c~nX,d '''~y. ' /l.~Z~: ~'.. - ,-;' --' . : ..... · ........ .,. ',., ~ .... :~ ....' DaV,~: -~ ~L~REAT~R':ANCHO,RAGE~AREA BOROUGF ......... '~'-'~ .......HEALTH--DEPARTHENT ' 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 Performed For '.~_. ~ ' ' 'Date Pe~_~formed Th~s Fo~ Repomts a: So~ls Log ~ ...... --Pemcolat~on res~ ....... Sotl Chamacterls~ics ".' Location Sketch''' t Net'T ; h T,o H20' Ne~" .... Reading 'Date. Gross Time ime D pt Drop' Proposed instal~Seepage Pit Drain Field Dep'"ch Of Inle~ Dao~h T'o ~0~o~' Of' Pi~ Or T~ench 9a~,~: ~ LTtKATER':'AN£HORAGE --AREA BOROUGH ~ . ' ': ...... :(~ ~ ..... I. EALTH'"DEPARTHENT ' ' ,. 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 . Soil Cha~acteristic~ Location Sketch' '' ~ Feet ; ..... . . If Yos~ At What Depth -. : ~u~e Proposed lnstall~t~on~' Seepage Pit Dpain Field Dep%h Of Inlet DePth To Bottom of-P~it O? T~ench' ~COMMENTS: ' / ..... ~EATEg":ANCHORAGE-'AREA BOROUG~ HEALTH "-DSPARTHENT 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 c^sE ~ La[al Dese~,ipt~,on: Lot Block . Subd,v~s~.on This Form Reports a: So~-~LoF, Feet Soil Characteristics Was G~ound l~ate~ Encountered? ~ -- tf Yes~ At What Depth _ .- ~.._ Location Sketch''' ~ .': Reading 'Date, Gmoss Time ' h'et Drop- "' ' [~. :":'-' 1 .'"? ~ .... ·I..-.. ..., t~' ~' '_... "~ i-'---i.-~---------'----f lute Proposed insra.l~t~on., Seepage Pit DPaln Field Dep%h Of Inlet . .................. _ . Data Con,tried '~yx ' ' 327 EAGLE STREET . ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 This Fo~ Reports al Solls LoE __. _~-_ _ i hPerc°latz°n 'res~ _: _ ..... .._... Depth Soil Characteristics ! '7---5'~ 2", If Yes~ At What Depth -.. Location Sketch':' Reading 'Date, Gross Time Net Time Depth To H20 r Net Drop' lute .. Proposed ~nstal~Seepa~ Pit Drain Field Dep'"ch Of Inlet aoth To Bot~t'~ Of Pit Or T~enc~ COM,~NTS: .~ ..... / ~_~_ ~. ~ . . ...... -.. · ...... . . ~~. --, ~ .... :--;-%. ~-.-- . -. ........ --~,-~ t -.,~ . .. - ~ ....... [ ..... ... · . . /. /? , .~ ;. ':'.;- .., . : .. .~.;?','.;.~-',..~ ~..3~-?. i~ai~,:: .... {i~jUREATER:ANCHORAGE"AREA BOROUGF ' ' ....... --' ....... HEALTH-DEPARTMENT ~..~J.-) CASE 327 EAGLE STREET AHCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 Proposed lnstalla, t~on: Seepage Pit Drain F~eld Dep%h Of Inlet ~aoth To Bottom O~ .z~ Or T~enc~