HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract A (11) ~p~Ll. 17. 1968 717 Kluane Terrace Anchora~e~ Alaska SUBJECTt SeWerage Disposal System ~ervtng Resident.at 717 Kluane Terrace Investigations by this office have shown that the sewaraie disposal system serving your premises is cOnnected with the system which terminates at the end of Chester Creek on Tract a. Since the beginning of this investigation this la, ge cesspool has been caved tn and filled and the line to It has been severed and plugged. This leaves your trailer,without adequate sewerage disposal facilities sines your cesspOOl overflow pipe was connected to ~htS-aystem. You could expect, within one to two weeks, that your cesspool would begin to overflow and would p~obably r~quir~ at least daily pumping. This problem has occurred in at least four trailers connected to this system. In an attempt ~o avoid the same problem occurring at your residence. we request abatement of this condition.- abatement, a~ be aCcompliShed hy either providing an adequate, approved, methed rOE sewage,disposal or by vacating the premises involved, Since '~Oand cOnditiOns 'iai the subject location preclude the installati°n Of:' ah.:on's{te:seWage disposal syetea, it is the recommendation of.this'Department ~h~t the Premises be vacated within 7 days after reCempt ef ~HiS~, letter, · In acco~a~ce with Sect~ 1275, Pa~'?, S~chaptem 1t, Chapter 2, Title 7, of:~he Alaska Administrative Cods as adop~ed by the Create~ ~cho~age Area Borough Code of Ordinances th~ above described condition iS hereby declared a p~llc nulsace and it !s ~be. reque~ o! this ~part~nt that ~he said n~is~ce be abated ~tthtn 7 days after receipt of this notice. If we may be of any assistance ~o you in th~$ matter, please feel free to ~ontact us. Sincerely, DAVID R. L. DUNCAN, !~. D. Medical Director RRS/srr Sanitarian INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVERING EMPLOYEE ~ Shew to whom, date, and r'-q Deliver ONLY ~ address where delivered I 1 to addressee (AddStlonal charges reqldred for these services) IHSUReD HO, · I ~ATE DELIVERED RECEIPT Received ~he numbered article d~scribed below, .,'REGISTERED NO, SIGNATURE OR I~AME OF ADDREGSEE (fir#si always $IGNATUR~ OF ADDRESSEE'S AGENT, IF ANY SHOal WHERE DELIVERED (on/~ RECE!,P)T_ FOR CERTIFIED delwered delivered 5 ~oo Fo~m3800 ~0 ssun~sc[ cowr ~ St~JECTt Ove~,-~lo~ing e~aspool this letter ts to se~e as due n~fce ~o your firm, f~om the G~a~e~ ~nehorage Area ~oreugh Health ~part~nt wi~h ~e~ion 901, SVbch~p~er 8, ~ap~er hazard c~ated bY the $~ect cesspool. ~ince %he cesspool is leeated e~tre~ly close to Chester Creek, i~ would be impossible ~o modify it in a mamae'~hat would .:' pre-ent sewage f~om flowin~ to the surface o~ the ~oundwi~hout polluting Cheste~ C~ek..C~nasque~lY~ aba~emen~..~hout~ be: accomplished.byseve~ing and pluggia~ these~e~line vunnin~t° contents of ~he eesapooi should be pumped out~and!i~Uled ~olan approved site pr£oP to caving in and ftlli~g. Abatemen~ should be aooompliShed within 10 days after ~eceipt of this notice. DAVID R, [.,. DUNCAN, ~. D. Medical Director co~ MP. Victor Cavi~on, Atto~neY Clifford P. Judk~ns, Chief Sanitarian INSTRUCTIONS TO DELIVE~~; [_.,J address where delivered (Additlonal charges req,dre~he~e services) Recet~e~ ~fie flu~bered article desertbed below. R~GIST~RED ~0. DATE DELIV£RED ~ ,SIGNATURE OR NAME OF AODRESSEE (Must always SHO-"~'~ER£ DELIVERED (onlyi/reeuested) ANOMO~A~, ALASKA ~0~ April 3, 1968 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department 327 Eagle Street Po O. Box 968 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention:Cliff Judkins Chief Sanitarian Dear Mr. Judkins: Pursuant to our telephone conservation of April 2, 1968, the following list of names enclosed are those believed or who could be connected to the cesspool located, adjacant to the West property of Cherry Street~ on Tract A of Kluane Terrace Subdivision, Lot 21N - Warren H. Ropa~ 700 Cherry St.~ Anchorage, Ak. Lot 21S - Doyle Baker, 708 Cherry St., Anchorage, Ak. Lot 22N - George H. Morgan, 701 Kluane Lan% Anchorage, Ak. Lot 22S - Floyd Single~, 709 Kl~ane Lane, Anchorage, Ak. Lot 23M 'Mente King,~MR 2~..Box 3224, Elmendorf AFB, Ak. Lot 23S Michael O'Conn~,~720 Cherry St., Anchorage, Ak. Lot 2~S Edward. T. LaGo~, 7~1 Kluane, Anchorage, Ak. Lot 2~M Donald E. Kaat~/~. ~0. Box ~-40~, Anchorage, Ak. Lot 2~E George Tauriain~m~l~ Rangeview, Anchorage, Ak. Lot 2~W - Elizabeth Craft, 8411 Rangeview Ave.~ Anchorage, Ak. If you have any questions regarding these, please don't hesitate to contacv our office. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA $©R©UGH - HI~ALTH DRPARTMEN'(, SERVING SUBURBAN Sincerely yours, ~ohn E. Bro~ ~stomer Ser~ce Mauager ALASKA Anchora~e~ Alaska 99503 Deer A review of the Bomough's ta~ records ahow~ that the sub~ect property is under the ownership of Spsnard Utilities, I~eorpo~ated, 2326 ~penard Road. The ceSSpool located on this piece of p~ope~y is overflo~ing and discharging ~aw sewage wastes to the surface of ~e gr~d and from the~e into Chester Creek. The a~e in which ~hiz discharge occu~ ts f~quented by a lamge n~br of ~ild~n going to and mtumtna f~ Huldo~ ~lmenta~y S~hool. pointed out that the Utility Company disclaim any ownership or responsibility for the cesspool end that it does not sha~ge any of the property served by the cesspool fo~ sewage services. ~ection g00, Subchapter 8, Chapter 2, Title 7, of the Alaska Admtnist~atfve Code, as adopted by the Greater tmehorage Area Borough Code of Ordinances, states aa follews~ "A[~ premises ehall he maintained, by the owner or agent, free of rubbish, garbage, manure, wood debris. and filth accumulation, and other such wastes ae hereby dsctare~ a nuisance. Putrescible wastes, sink water, containers which may provide breeding places for insects, dunnage, and stmila~ waste materials shall be co. side.ed to ~all within the provisions of this sea, ion," 9inoe the property en which the overflowing cesspool ia loeated i~ under tile ownership of Spensmd Utilities, Incorporated, it would a~pear that Spenard Utilities, Incorporated is in violation of the above cited Section go1 of the above cited Code states es follows~ "Ail acoumulations of refuse o~ othe~ ~te~tals cited i~ Section 900 of this Cods must be removed within 10 days upon receipt of due notice issued by the Commissioner of Health and Welfare or his authorized representative." section 902 of The above olted Code states as followm: "Upon failure o~ ~b~ owner or agent of a pre~lse~to ~move accumulative of ~fuse the djm~ts~tome~ of Health and Weliare or hiz authorized ~p~senta~tve may c~u~e such ~fuse ~o be removed a~ p~lie ~pense amd ~he cou~ a~sesa ~a~n~ aialns~ ~he defendane for ehe expense of ~a~in~ ~uch ~is~ce, ~hich ~ut~n~ shall be enforced in ~he same manner a~ an e~oution .in a civil aoti~. ~s clxed above, ~o abate ~he above cited condi~!~ wt~hin 10 flays upon ~ceip~ of ~hts le~er. hissed bglow a~ the lo~s amd owners of properties which appear to be ~erved hy th~ ceseP~;~ol. The~ ts so~ question in o~ mind a~ to ~us~ wt~H pmope~ies a~ a~tually served. ~o%.p 21, 23, 2~, and 26 - d~ K~lley, Box 2028, Anchorage ~e~ 22 - Lou~s E. ~d K. M. Mus~o, CMR ~1, Box ,~, EI~ndorf AFB ~t 25, W ~5 f~. - Clyde D. Paint, Box 3282, S~am Rou~e B, Anchorage Lot 25, E ~5 ft. - george ~d M. C. Taumiatnen, 8~15 Rangevlew Avenue, ~chomage. Please info~ us of your in~en~ions COhering this ma~er a~ the possible da~e. Sincere ly, DAVID R. L. DUNCAn', Medical Director BYt Cliffora ~. J~,a~ins, m. S. Chief Sanitarian CPJ/srr ocs Nm. Rob~r~ Smith, Vice-President Mr. Vic~,r D. Carlson, Attorney Complainant's Name: Street Address: Phone No. NUISANCE CpMPLAINT FORM ~ ,, Description of Complaint: Name of Person Against Whom Complaint is Made: ......... Owner of Property Where Nuisance Exists: ............. Owner's Address: Phone No. Location of Complaint: Street Address: Person Receiving Complaint: ~.~ I certify that such statement of facts is true to the best of my belief and know- ledge. I request that the foregoing matter he investigated and that appropriate action thereafter be taken. I am willing to testify to the facts stated in the foregoing complaint in court if necessary, Complainant InvestigatoP: ..... Date Investigated: REPORT OF ACTION TAKEM Action Taken: DATE COMPLAINANT WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINT: Januamy 12, 1968 M~. John Bmown, Vtce-Pmesident Central Alaska Utilities, Inc. 2326 Spenard Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SUBJECT~ Overflowing Sewage Disposal System - Kluane Terrace TraIle~ Estates Subdivision Dear Mr. Brown: The G~eatev Anchorage Area Borough }~alth Department made an inspection of the ~ubject sewage disposal system, in mesponse to a citizen's oomplaiBt, on Januapy 10, 1968. During the inspection it was found that the system was, in.fast, ovemflowtng to the suPfaee of ~he g~ouRd. After bringing this p=oblem to you~a%~entlon, the staff made a seeond inspection onthe afternoon of the sam~ day and found that your crew was at the slt~ in the proces~ of takin~ action, we are awa~e that the System has now been pumped and that actions a~e under way to pmevent ~he ~o¢ou~renee of the p~obtem. We appreciate your fast Tesponse and co-opepation in this matte~. As you ama awa~e, ~he exposure of sewage to the su~faee of the gmound and ~he~sby making it ae~essible to dogs, children~ eto., is of serious health impttcations~ and we hops that in the future you will maintain & sur~'eillan~e ove~ this system to insure that ~eoce~rrenee of the overflow is p~evented. Again, we thank you for you~ rapid response to this matte~. Since~ely~ DAVID R. L. DUNCAN, Medical Dimectom BYt ~ Chief Sanitarian NUISANCE COMPLAINT FORM Phone No, Q~].~,-~, O~Box N-ol ..... ~~~/. Description of Complaint:`. ,z2 ....... , '~-- , , ~ ~_, ~ ~ : . , . ~/~ Owne~ of P~ope~ty Where Nuisance Exists: Owner's Address: Location of Complaint: Person Receiving Complaint: Street Address~. Phone No. I certify that such statement of facts is true to the best of my belief and know- ledge. I request that the foregoing matter be investigated and that appropriate action thereafter be taken. I am willing to testify to the facts stated in the foregoing complaint in court if necessary. Complainant Investigator: Date Investigated:,, Action Taken: REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN DATE COMPLAINANT WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINT: NUISANCE cOMpLAINT FORM Compla~ nant' s Name: Street Address: Phone Mo,f337~-~/ Box No. Description of COmplaint: Name of Person Against Whom Complaint ii.Made:. . Owner of Property Where Nuisance Es~:z~'-'~ Owner's Address: Location of Complaint: Phone No. Person Receiving Complaint:..~ ~.~~_~, Date: .,~3_--~.,.~--~"'_2' I certify that such statement of facts is true to the best of my belief and know- ledge, I request that the foregoing matter be investigated and that appropmiate action thereafter be taken. I am willing to testify to the facts stated in the foregoing complaint in court if necessary. Complainant ffREPORT OF ACTI~ON iAKENL DATE COMPLAIN~NT WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINT: · e. Percolatio~,Te'st Y,esults f. Percolation Test performed by "'~-, Use the reverse.side of this form to show diagram. Diagram should include -~he following information: p~operty lines~.well location, house location, ~ptlc tank location~ disposal area location, location of percolation test~ a~d direction of ground slope. The knfo'~.~tion On this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPART~4ENT PERSONNEL ' lie above described sanitary facilities are hereby approved, subje.ct to the · · ollowing conair'ions: ~ ~)~' ~ The above descr~ibed~ sanitary facilities are disapproved for the following re as on,~: " / />' '- Approval ~,s.valid for one-.[y~am ~o~&ow&ns the date of approval. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 Eagle StPeet AnchoPage, Alaska 99501 Phone 272-6~67 June 13~ 1968 Mm. AlaPd Laudel 600 Mason Place Anchomage, Alaska 9950~ SUBJECT: Sewage Disposal System Semving Lot 8~ Kluane Tmailem Estates SUbdo No. 1 DeaP Mm. Baudel: This notice is to memind you of the conditional approval of ~h~ subject system by this office. The conditional appmoval expires on July 1~ 1968. Please contact this office to schedule final inspection of the mequi~ed modifications pmioP to backfilling. If we have not heamd fmom you pmio~ to the above expiration.. date, the eystem will automatically be disappmoved. SincePely~ DAVID R. L. DUNCAN, M. D. Medical Director Rol/~ '/~ R./~otmlckland, R. S. Sahitamian~' .' RRS/smm cc: Civilian Militamy Refem~al Office · ' GRE/~ .,:R ANCHORAGE AREA BO~_.,UGH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET · P. O. BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Sanitarian TO: Kyla Cherry, Rego San, Engo Enviro~,~ntal I-tealth, ~%achorage SUBJECT: KiU8/I~3 Terrace Trailer Estates No. 4 (Barnard~l)o%~4ing ~ Assoc.) Transmitted here}.~ith for your revie~ and co~unents are 'cwo sets of plans ~d ossociated docunents for the subject project° Your approval is recmm~nded. JRL:rn ®~ · · * · * ', · * · · USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR REPLY · · * · · * * · * · . lncboz~t'e ...... ~9502.. City Zip Code .999 ~[k~or Roacl ........... Alaska Dcpm tmen[ c,~ llcalth and Weifarc Mailing Address Pouch H Applicatlo:' Date "' Juner, u, Alaska 99801 .... 273,0470 Business Telephone No. (Name of DroJect for which apUroval of ~l~n~ ~a r~qu:sted) In a('cm'dan-e wRh ~laska SqttuCc*, Title l~, "Health and Safety", ChapLet 05, ~ec. 18.05.040, (11), (12), and rules and ulat~ons promulgated thercunde;'~ we, B~r4-3o~li~ & tssoo for ~1 k. ~oll ..gf._0~a~0I*~*_~..;.~!o~.~ra~&..~.l~r, ........ (Nar,lc of Applicant) herewith submit for your review and approval, with respect to SANITARY FEATURES, duplicate sets of complete plans for the proposed pre.]eot described Below. "Complete plans" shall be taken to mean General plans, Detailed plans and speci- fications, and a I'vcject Report tEngineering or Architec~tral Rbport) including necessary data required for full understand- InK of SANIT~RY FEATURES of design. (Give complete but brief description of project) laa~a~ ~o. inola4~ s~ 450 ~. P. of ~t,~ lin~ ~o ~h~ con,mot. These plans ~ere prepared by .~.8. K. DO~[~ Of ~ra-3~li~ & (Name of Designing Engh~ee~r, Architect or ~lri~l) .......................... ......... ~?~._~0~ .g0~_ ~0gQ~.~I ~.~.~. ................ and by or under the direction of the following Engineer(s) or (Address) Architect(s) duly licenser] to practice in Alaska: .......... J.a~S.. l._ DqI_I .i~?' ............. Civil (NAME~ (TYPE OF LICEN'SE (Civil, I~techanlcat, etc.) Certlncate of Registration No. This project is to be financed in the following n:anner: (Lis~nts). Sources of funds: ~ Amounts: Private ¢~l~ital ~ $..1.2~ ,.~1.,22 .... Totalestimated cost of this project ts $ 128t801~22 11 Sep 70 We uvd¢rstand that construction shall no; be s~r~cd until your f~nal approval c~ thcse plans has been received; no revisions in the plana affpctinC the SANITARY ~'E&TUF&EJ o~ the projoc~ may bo made subsequent to receipt of your final 9ppro,,'al unless such rcviz~ons be suomitted and approved; tha~ construction will be carrkd out in accordance with the approved plans; and thHt ttolo~ ~;oP, s~rnc~ion OH this projcc[ ~s s~rted wi~hlH a two-y¢~p period subsequent to yom' approval, such approval will become, void. Very truly yours, (~---n~.~, t' B~-Dowli~ & Assoc. (Slgncu} . _ .......... ~ (Official Tit!e) ~tnO~ .......................................................................... NUISANCE COMPLAINT FORM N~me of Person Agains~ Whom Complaint is Made: Owner of Property Where Nuisance Exists: Owner's Addresst Location of Complaint: Stree_~ress: I certify that such statement of facts is true to the best of my belief and know- ledge. I request that the foregoinff matter be investi~7ated and that appropriate action thereafter be taken. I am willing to testify to the facts stated in the foregoing complaint in court if necessary. Complainant · I~rvesti~a~o~: Date Investigated Action Taken: P~EPORT OF ACTION TAKEN DATE COMPLAINANT WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINT: IN~D'~VIDUAL SEWAGE AND VATER FACILIT~%~S. Name .of person requesting approval ~g-~----~ ,~~ ~~, , .. - -'~ ' . ' ~ ' , a. Bactg~.ial b. Detergent ~ - 6~ W~]l. data: a. b. Depth c. Casin~ Size d. Distance fr. om well to closest existing or proposed: 1, Sewer line 2, Septic tank 3, Seepage Ar. ea 4, Cesspooll- . 5. Property Line 6. Other sources of possible, contamination, i.e.~ creeks, lakes, houses, barn, drainage dztch, etc. , .... . , Sewage disposal system. " , Se ' ' - ' " ~ b. ptlc tank capacity zn gallons c. Name of septic ank manufact~e~~ 1. If "home made" ~ow 1. Distance to property..lln~ to house foundation Percolatio~ Te'st '~esakts f. Percolation Test performed by ~'~,. Use the reverse ,side of this form to show diagram; Diagram should include /~,~he roi%owing info~mation: p.roperty lines~ ~well location, house location, v~!Jt{e tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation test, a~d.. dir, ection of ground slope. 9. The 5~n~mt~on .on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Applicant / ~.O__B~E__FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPAET~4ENT PERSONNEL The above described sanitary facilities are hereby approved, ,s, ub, ject to the -~ollowmng cond,i'fions: Conditions The above described sanitary facilities are disapproved for the following re asoils ,~ · .Appmoval is valid for one year following the date of approval. CPJ:cw