HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOUDERMILK Lots 1-4 Plat# 1982-1368 S-5885 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [] PLATTING BOARD [] PLANNING & ZONING CASE NUMBER NAME S-5885 Lots 1 - 4 Loudermilk Subdivision DATE RECEIVED September 2, 1981 COMMENT TO PLANNING BY September 21, 1981 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF [~3~UBLIC WATER N~TT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA [~]~DBLIC SEWER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA REVlEWER'S COMMENTS: 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) GEOLOGIC SOIL INVESTIGATION OF THE B. L. M. Lot 5 Section 15, T12N, R3W, S.M. /~UNICIPALIi'Y OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF I~.~ALTil & ENVIRONMENTAL Pr;OTECTION SEP~,o 1r-381 RECEIVED Referred to as: Loudermilk Subdivision Prepared by: DOWLING AND ASSOCIATES 804 East 15th Ave. Suite 2 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 $,~8 85 OOT O?lgSt TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SITE INVESTIGATION SUB-SURFACE SOILS AND CONDITIONS CONCLUSION SOILS LOCATION 'MAP LOGS OF TEST HOLES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION INTRODUCTION This report is the result of 3 field trip investigations conducted June 26, 1981 and August 20, 1981, on the proposed subdivision of B.L~M. Ldt 5, located within Section ~5~ TI2N, R3W, S.M. This lot is located west along 104th'Ave. from Birch Road. This subdivision consists of 4 lots from the original B.L.M. Lot. The lots will have 1.25 acres each which conforms to the R-6 zoning. The proposed area is planned exclusive of public water and sewer utilities. Development of adequate sanitary facilities will be the responsibility of the in- dividual property owners, although, there exists a well and a septic system the proposed Lot 3 serving the existing residence. The sewerage disposal will consist fo convential septic tanks draining into a seepage pit and/or drain field'. Drawings extracted from the Department of Health and Environmental protection, Municipality of Anchorage, have been made a part of this report for the purposes of depicting the septic system required. Water source will be from individually drilled wells. The purpose of this report is to define the soils conditions within the propoerty and determine' the area requirements for proper sewerage seepage, in that particular soil. '~ SITE DESCRIPTION Loudermilk Subdivision is located on the south side of 104th Ave about ¼ mile west of Birch Road. The ground slopes gently from the SE cot :~ to the NW corner of the subdivision. The slope within the subdivision · is about 1 to 2 percent. The area is covered with a plush growth of birch, spruce and underbrush, with the exception of the area where the house is located. There is no evidence of water problems from surface drainage nor would any be expected within this area. The road (104th Ave.) is constructed past the proposed subdivision..The owner has been appraised of his resp- onsibility of road construction to the interior of the subdivision. SUB-SURFACE SOILS AND CONDITIONS The surface soils found in ~this area is a varing depth of topsoil and over- burden rootmat material. It i~s a moderately light colored, loam probably not too good a quality .for nutrients for plant growing without additi~onal suppli- ments The thickness varies from'2 to 2.5 feet in depth. Below the' loam in hole I there was a layer of sand about 1.3 feet deeP. This layer of sand gave way to a hard-pan material of a silty sand gravel material to 7.0 feet. Below that there was a gravelly sandy silt material. The total hole did not seem to have a good prospect for septic system, so I asked_Mr. Tobbin Spurkland to per- form a~perk test on this hole. He confirmed that perk could be achieved. He then went to the' northwesterly portion of the lot and dug a new hole ~2 where he perfOrmed ,the necessary tests for percolation. Those results are made a part of this r.eport. Alaska Testlab was~used for the MA's on the original testhoie #1 and %he results are also made a part of this report. As' is shown in test hole #2 peri~ormed by Mr~ Spurkland, the material changes very substantially. This can be confirmed by the test results within Leland Stanford Subdivision just to the Northwest of this subdivision. The results of test hole #1 seem to be the non- conforming hole within the area. Test'Hole #3 showed a much different result; more like what was found north of the B.L.M. lot. There were very good loose.gravels of GP classification where there should be no trouble setting a septic system. CONCLUSIONS These materials have fair to excellant percolation ability, and the fair soils have been tested and passed for percolation in the location of the second hole dug. Lot #3 has a dwelling with septic tank and well, conforming to the requirements of thm;Municipality.of Anchorage. Bedrock was not encountered nor should there be any.likelyhood of ~t. No perma- frost was encountered and no water was found in either of these holes. Bases on the information obtained in these holes, it is proven that this sub- division is suitable for single family units, as zoned. It is felt that the soils conditions encountered do not preclude the utilization of septic tanks and soils absorption systems for residential sewerage disposal. It must be pointed out at this time that further a~proval may be required for septic tank locations by.the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Health and Enviromental Protection. ~ /~ James Korl Dowling James K. Dowling P.E. DOWLING AND'ASSOCIATES 804 E. 15th Ave. Suite ~2 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subscribed and swo.,,-~to before me .this day of LINDON M, 8~ VERA S.~-'~UDERMILK My Commission Expires Notary Public 4un/cipa/ity of "p/at have been '~' Da te NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Subscribed and sworn to before me fhis day of !981, My Commission Expires NolQry Public WCINITY MAP SCA LE: 17 16 (~'MALL EY 20 21 HUFF MAN MILITAR ABBOTT 15 · TI2N II 12 18 ROAD ~ 23 24 LOTS .I. THRU 4 LO UDERMILK SUBDIVISION A SUBDIVISION OF B.L:M. LOT 5 LOCATED IN SECTION 15, TI2N;R3W,(CONTAINs 5.0AC.-*) SEWARD MERIDIAN, ALASKA' Grid 2 5 3 7 Drawn ,JKD D 0 WL lNG A ND ASSO CIA TES 804 EAST 15th AVE. SUITE ANCHORAGEt ALASKA 99501 JSca/e I" = I00' IDate AUG 19'-~'1 . Book JFile No. 81--518' J,'VO No. 81-518 Page S89056'10''E -- " I .AVENU I~.' ;~: 1"" " I I · I · ~ TR A . ~',~ ¢. . SECI5 c-s-SE ~/S4 28 B 28A ~O~-s ~ 1969 2" BC MON. ON I-I/Z" GIP FLUSH W/GR. · I04 TH 2 ' I/2"ALUM CAP MON, ON ' "I ?'1/2" x :50" ALUM PIPE · FLUSH W/GE,; · ~.~ · :. ¢- · '~,,':Co~;~d" '~'J~/':'. BOWLING & ASSOCIATES .... · ~'- ' ... " : ' -. .' .Engineers -- Surveyors: ~ N~ ...~, ~, ~' .. ' ~ .. :~ ~. .':.: ....... ~. ~,~ : :" ' ~n~ho~ge, . ~/~sk~ .. ":::"::~.::~ ?. · .: :- ..-.. -:.. : '( ~.':.'.: ...... ' '. -' , IT/me . . - .. .... - - / ~D~e ~eother · ' ' :Sampling : '" ,' ~ _: Tobbe Spurl la d P.E. 8155 Cranberry St. Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Phone (907) 243-5302 Dowling Rice and Associates 804 E 15th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 June 28, 1981 Subject: Percolation Test Lot 5, Section 15, T 12 N, R 3 W · Gentlemen; Per your reo~est I conducted a percolation investigation on subject lot on June 26. I utilized a Massey F~rguson ~0 backhoe to dig a test pit on the North Wear corner of the lot. Th~ attached soillog shows the conditions found in the pit. These soil are well suited for soilabsorption systems, ~d any:~system installed can be expected to perform satisfactory for many years. Yours r~.~.. JUNE 25, 1971 Oat~' Comploted ~',,!' . DOWLING & ·ASSOCIATES .:'.~" '?sheet,',.~'~'.'~~ ". ~'C:.'"'". 'of :'" '~ · ~ .. ..':..,... .... ~, . · .... ~.. .... ~i~.N~ .' .~ ~ :...,.: :5:3>/ ..~ ~gi~e~r~ ~ .Surv~yor~ . ...:?~ ¢,:..~ .~.'To~l D~h..': '" ~ . ~nchorage~ · ~laska ,. '"'~'7;?:">'," - ':' ":"" : '-'~:'' .' '.: ...... ' PrWeoI N~ ~/~ ~ ' ' ' .' :"" ' '""':":' '":'~":':~; :~? "'" . '"' h'5.....-. '..:':.~ . ' Ground : Water TaMe ' ' ~o~o,o. :~Z~' f~.~' ~r~~'.l~. ~/~ ~"~ ~ ' ~ ,' ' '. ' "'1 . ~,,,~,,,~. . ~~ ...... .- ,.o,.,,~.- -F'~' :~ ~" ' "" I ' "'""] / D~e' ' . ;' ' ' ' ' '. .~. ... .,.' . , . ~' -', .~ ,.. - . !Sompllng : . . ~. ...... .- . . Soil lype, 00106 texture~ ........ , . ~ ,.~ ~ .... ..._ ,. ,,...... ......... . .. ... .. .~ .. _~ ... ~ _~ dopths clrou/o/l ~ ..... . .~ ~- ,.,.. ~ : .. _. ,, . ..;...,...,,; 7,~ . .. , ..... . :', '.v. ~ : ,'. ,, . ~ p. -. ..,~ ~ ~. , . ..... ...,. ...., ~,., ..... . ...... ~ : ,..,._;z--; ._ ' · ·. - 'i,. · ' '.: ' ~;,~ ~ ",: '" ': '::'¢'~ _L ~ "r- ' '~ ...... "' ' ' ""'"'::" '" ' ;¥ '"'" · -. ...' .: . · . { . ........ :[ . ,, ...... ,,;. .:.. ~ i¢'t:-~,': ..... ' .... ' ' ' ' ...... :'"'::"" " ._ --- .., .. · c~: i:: . ..... . ... ,... -. · _. /:_)~,...... ... ...... .... ... . _  . ..... ..... ~- ,. ; .':!:..<..:.. . , % ...,, .:,5..,' '. '~" ''? ..... ":'" ' ' ': ' '"' ,'i . . . .'.: . . . .,' .:'...':. · Alaska Tes iab 4040 "B" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Phone (907) 278-1551 ( Telecopler (907) 272-5742 ) DOWLING & ASSOC. 80~ EAST 15TH , SUITE 2 ANCHORAGE, AK -qgS01 22 JUN 1981 ~.0. # A19891 ATTENTION: JI~ OOMLING PROJECT: LOUDERMILK SUBDIVISION DATE TESTED: 17 JUN leal GENTLEMENt ATTACHED ARE THE RESULTS OF'THE ~ECHANICAL GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS PERFORMED BY ALASKA TESTLAB ON THE SUBJECT SAMPLES. THE GRADATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPUTED AND ARE REPRESENTEO ON SHEETS I .THROUGH 2 ATTACHED. ALSO ATTACHED ARE.THO INFORMATIONAL SHEETS: SOIL. CLASS- IFICATION CHART aND THE UNIFIED SOILS CLASSIFICATION'SYSTEM. THEY EXPEAIN THE VARIOUS'SOILS CLASSIFICATIONS GIVEN FOR EACH SAMPLE TESTED. IF THERE ARE QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS TESTING, PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE:. VERY TRULY YOURS, ****/~ALASKA TESTLAB **** '~'ff~ELVIN R. NICHOLS, PE LABORATORY MANAGER ATTACHMENTS,., CC: Aiaska Testlab 3,040 "B' Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Phone (907) 278-1551 SHEET 1 OF 2 22'JUN ~981 W.O, ~ A19891 ( Telecopier (907) 272-5742 **** RESULT8 OF'MECHANICAL GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS ****** PROJECT: LOUDERMILK SUBDIVISION :SAMPLE~ DESIGNATION: A26S6 SAMPLE, @ :N/A ~ LOCATIONI LAUDERMILK SUBDIVISION CLIENT: DOWL ENGINEERS SAMPLE REQUESTED ON 17 JUN 19S1 AND TESTED ON 17 JUN lg81 FROST CLASSIFICATIONZ F~ UNIFIED CLASSIFICATION~ ML · TEXTURE DESCRIPTION~ 8ANDY SILT ****SAMPLE GRADATION*** US STANDARD CUM, % SIEVE PASSING ! t/2 INCH * 100,0 ** 1 INCH * 98,~ ** 3/~ INCH * g7.6 ** ~/2 INCH * 96.7 ** 3/8 INCH * gs,! ** · *NO, q***** g2,S ** NO, 10 * 90,6 ** NO, 20 * 88,6 ** NO, ~0 * 86,8 ** NO, 100 * 81.q ** · *NO, 200*** 7~,3 ** Alaska Testlab 4040 "1~" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Phone (907) 278-1551 SHEET 2 OF 2 22 JUN 1981 ~.0. # A19891 **** RESULTS OF MECHANICAL GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS ****** PROJECT: L~UDERMILK SUBDIVISION SAMPLE DESIGNATION: A2b)7 SAMPLE @ :N/A LOCATION: LALIDERMILK SUBDIVISION CLIENT: DONL ENGINEER8 8AMPLE REQUESTED ON 17 jUN 1981 AND TESTED ON 17 JUN 1981 ( Telecopier (907) 272-5742 ) FROST CLASSIFICATION: FQ UNIFIEO CLASSIFICATION: 8M TEXTURE DESCRIPTION: SILTY GRAVELLY 8AND ****SAMPLE GRADATION*** US STANDARD CUM. % SIEVE PASSING *********************** I 1/2 INCH * 1 INCH * 3/4 INCH * I/2 INCH * 3/8 INCH * · *NO. ~***** NO. 10 * NO, 20 * NO, ~0 * NO, 100 * · *NO, 200*** 0.040 MM * 0.030 MM * · *O,02**MM * 0,000 MM * 0,000 MM * O.O00 MM * 0,011 MM * 100.0 ** 91,7 ** 82.9 ** 77,2 ** 71.7 ** 66.7 ** bO,; ** 55,~ ** ~9.5 33.0 ** 27,~ ** 20.g5 ** 19,23 ** 17.15 ** 0,00 ** 0,00 ** 0.00 ** 12,67 ** B. L. M. Lot 5 Section 15, T12N, R3W, S.M. Prepared by: DOWLING AND ASSOCIATES 804 East 15th Ave. Suite 2 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 , TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SITE INVESTIGATION SUB-SURFACE SOILS AND CONDITIONS CONCLUSION SOILS LOCATION MAP LOGS OF TEST HOLES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION INTRODUCTION This repor~ is the result of.~.fie]d trip investigations conducted dune 26, 1981 andAugust 20, 1981, on the proposed subdivision of B.L.M. LOt 5, located within Section 15~ TI2N, R3W, S.M. This lot is located west along 104th ^ye. from Birch Road. This subdivision consists of 4 lots from the original B.L.M~'Lot. The lo~s will ~ have 1.25 acres each which conforms to the R-6 zoning. The proposed area is planned e×clusive of public water and sewer utilities. Development of adequate sanitary facilities will be the responsibility of the in- dividual property owners, althou§h, there exists a well and a septic system the proposed Lot 3 serving the existin§ residence. The sewera§e disposal will consist fo co~vential septic tanks draining into a seepage pit and/or drain field'. Drawings extracted from the Department'of Health and EnvironmentalProtection, Municipality of ^nchorage, have been made a part of this report for the purposes of depictin§ the' septic system required. Water source will be from individually drilled wells. The purpose of this report is to define the soils conditions within the propoerty and determine the area requirements for proper sewerage seepage, in that particular soil. SITE DESCRIPTION Loudermilk Subdivision is located on the south side of 104th Ave about ¼ mile west of Birch Road. The ground slopes gently from the SE cot to the NW corner of the subdivision. The slope within the subdivision is about i to 2 percent~ The area is cove~ed with a plush growth of birch, spruce and underbrush, with the exception of the area where the house is located. There is no evidence of water problems from surface drainage nor would any be expected within this area. The road (104th Ave.) is constructed past the proposed subdivision. The owner has been appraised of his resp- onsibility of road construction to_the interior of the subdivision. SUB-SURFACE SOILS AND CONDITIONS The surface soils found in,this area is a varing depth of topsoil and over- burden rootmat material. It Ss a moderately light colored loam probably not too good a quali-ty for nutrients for plant growing without additi~onal suppli- ments. The thickness varies from 2 to 2.5 feet in depth. Below the loam in hole 1 there was a layer of sand about 1.3 feet deep. This layer of sand gave way to a hard-pan material of a silty sand gravel material to 7.0 feet. Below that there was a gravelly sandy silt material. The total hole did not seem to have a good prospect for septic system, so I asked Mr. Tobbin Spurkland to per- form a perk test on this hole. He confirmed that perk could be achieved. He then went to the northwesterly portion of the lot and dug a new hole #2 where he performed ~he necessary tests for percolation. Those results are made a part of this report. Alaska Testlab was used for the MA's on the original testhole #1 and the results are also made a part of this report. As is shown in test hole #2 performed by Mr. Spurkland, the material changes very substantially. This can be confirmed by the test results within Leland Stanford Subdivision just to the Northwest of this subdivision. The results of test hole #1 seem to be the non- conforming hole within the area'. Test Hole #3 showed a much different result; more like what was found north of t~e B.L.M. lot. There were very good loose.gravels of GP classification where there should be no trouble setting a septic system. CONCLUSIONS These materials have fair to excellant percolation ability, and the fair soils have been tested and passed for percolation in the location of the second hole dug. Lot #3 has a dwelling with septic tank and well, conforming to the requirements of the..;Muni'cipality of Anchorage. Bedrock was not encountered nor should there be any likelyhood of it.'No perma- frost was encountered and no water was found in either of these holes. Bases on the information obtained in these holes, it is proven that this sub- division is suitable for single family units, as zoned. It is felt that the soils conditions encountered do not preclude the utilization of septic tanks and soils absorption systems for residential sewerage disposal. It must be pointed out at this time that further approval may be required for septic tank locations by the Municipality of Anchorage, ~epartment of Health and Enviromental Protection, ~ ?~.~'...... .... ,~.~ . ~- - . .-_ ,, ~.~ , / ' ~ ~?ROFESS~O~~ James K. Dowling P.E. DOWLING AND.:ASSOC IA~ES 804 E. 15th Ave. Suite ~2 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ' '~,. Subscribed and sworn to before me LINDON M, 5 VERA ~. 'LOUDERMILK · ~/= this day of 19~. My Commission Expires Notary Public NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, SuDscribad and sworn to before me this day of I..981, Municipality of 'p/at have been icial ;o: Da to My Commtssion Expires Notar.v Public VICINITY MAP SCALE: 17 20 16 O'MA~LEY I I"= I MILE TI2N I0 MILITAR ABBOTT LOOF · ~04th AVF_..~ .LOTS; II 12 7 RES. BDY, ROAD I. THRU 4 LO UDERMILK · SUBDIVISION A SUBDIVISION OF B.L.M. LOT 5 LOCATED IN SECTION 15,;I'I2NiR3W,(CONTA~NS 5.0AC.t) SEWARD MERIDIAN, ALASKA" Grid 25 3 7 Drawn JKD D 0 WL lNG A ND ASSO CIA TES 804 EAST 15th AVE. SUITE 2 ~ ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 F/ieNo. 81--518' '. WONo. 81-518 Page 104 TH 0 N 89°47'42''W- 329.67'(M) ;~.0' SUBJECT TO B,L.M. RESERVATION. 41~170 s.f. Z N 89° 501 04" W '504.64 50~ 2?2 s. f, "~ lO~ 49,458 s,f, N 89o 50'04" W. (R) 279.58 2 · I/2"ALUM CAP MON. ON ' ' J 2_-1/2' x 30" ALUM PIPE 52,428 's. f.(~ 329.55 ' N89°50'O4'"Wf =529.55' (M) 28A 28B j 0 I 2"BC MON. ON I-I/2'61P FLUSH W/6R.. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SglLS LOG PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15- i6 17 18~ 19- LoT ,~ DATE PE~FO.MED: I ~. I o, 8 1 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? SLOPE SITE PLAN ~ . Gross Net Depth to Net ~ea~mg Date Time Time Watei Drop 20- PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) RUN BETWEEN · ' ' ' J - - Ground Wa/or Table ' Il/mo . l- ' ' I I"" ' G~ologlst SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE [] PERCOLATION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TEST 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 ' ~ SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR:~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 '2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9- 10- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS ~ PERFORMED BY: SLOPE SITE PLAN ENCOUNTERED? O P E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Gross 'Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop ,'49~H No. 2225-E '~' JUNE 25. 1971 ' PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) .,,.,, _ ., TEST D, UN ~BETWEEN= . . FT, AND . FT Tobben Spurkland P.E. 8155 Cranberry St. Anchorage, AlaSka 99502 Phone (907) 243-5302 Dowling Rice and Associates 804 E 15th.Ave. Anchorage' ~Laska 99501 June 28, 1981 Subject: Percolation Test Lot 5, Section 15, T 12 N, R 3 W · Gentlemen; Per your request I conducted a percolation investigation on subject lot on Juno 26. I utilized a Massey Fsrguson ~0 backhoe to dig a test pit on the North Wes~ corner of the lot. Th~ attached soillog shows the conditions found in the pit. These soil are well suited for soilabsorption systems, ~ud any:.system installed can be expected to perform satisfactory for many years. Yo u1~ s ~ . ~,:~'.'..'.' , . ....... .......:...:..'.: ... .... ~..:. :" 2 · r~: i:: '- ':' ': ............... "" ~ :~ ' . .......... . ..... . .'..:'. .... ...,.: :.. . .':,..'.:.j' . .... :.... ., ! Alaska Tes lab 4040 '~B" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Phone (907) 278-1551 ( Telecopier (907) 272-5742 JUN 1981 W.O. # AlV89! DOWLIN6 & ASSOC. 80~ EAST 1STH v SUITE ANCHOR~GE~ AK ggsol ATTENTION: JIM OOWLING PROJECT: L~UDERMILK SUBDIVISION DATE TESTED. 17 JUN GENTLEMEN: ATIACHEO ARE THE RESULTS OF THE MECHANICAL GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS PERFORMED ~Y ALASKA TESTLAB ON THE SUBJECT SAMPLES. THE'GRADATIONS HAVE BEEN COMPUTED AND. ARE REPRESENTED ON SHEETS 1 THROUGH 2 ATTACHED. ALSO ATTACHED ARE TWO INFORMATIONAL SHEETS~ SOIL. CLASS- IFICATION CHART AND THE UNIFIED SOILS CLASSIFICAT'ION SYSTEM. THEY EXPLAIN THE VARIOUS SOIL8 CLASSIFICATIONS GIVEN FOR.EACH SAMPLE TESTED. I.F THERE ARE QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS TESTING, PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE.. VERY TRULY YOURS, ***/~ALASKA TESTLAB **** '~"~ ~,~.v~N R. NICHOLS, PE LABORATORY MANAGER ATTACHMENTS- CC: Alaska Testlab 4040 "B" Slreet Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Phone (907) 278-1551 SHEET ! OF 2 ~ JUN ].981 ~.0. ~ A19891 **** RESULTS OF'~ECMANICAL GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS ****** ( Telecopier (907) 272-5742 PROJECT: LOUDER~ILK SUBDIVISION SAMPLE DESIGNATION: A2636 SANPLE @ :N/A LOC~TION: LAUOERMILK SUBDIVISION CLIENT: DOlL ENGINEERS SAMPLE REQUESTED ON 17 JUN 1981 AND TESTED ON 17 JUN 1981 FROST CLASSIFICATION: F~ UNIFIED CLASSIFICaTION~ ML TEXTURE DESCRIPTION: 8ANDY SILT ****SAMPLE GRAOATION*** US STANDARD CUM, % SIEVE PASSING *********************** ! 1/2 INCH * 100,0 ** I INCH * gs',~ ** 3/~ INCH * 97.6 ** 1/2 INCH * g6,7 ** ~/8 INCH * 95,l ** · *NO, 4***** g2,8 ** NO, 10 * 90.6 ** NO, 20 * 88,6 ** NO, 40 * 86,8 ** NO, 100' * 81,4 ** · *NO. 200'** 72,3 ** ( )Alaska Testlab 4040 "B' Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Phone (907) 278-1551 ( Telecopier (907) 272-5~42 ) SHEET ~ Of 2 · 22 JUN 1981 W,O, # Algggl **** RESULTS OF MECHANICAL GRAIN SIZE ANILYSI$ PROJECT~ L~UDERMILK SUBDIVISION SAMPLE DESIGNATION: A2657 SANPLE @ :N/A LOCA'rlON: LALIDERMILK SUBDIVISION CLIENT: DOWL ENGINEERS SAMPLE REQUE. STEO ON 17 JUN 196! ANt) TESTED ON 17 JUN 198 FROST CLA88IFICATION: Fq UNIFIEO CLA88IFICATION: S~ TEXTURE DESCRIPTION: SILTY GRAVELLY 8AND ****~AMPLE GRADATION*** US STANDARD CUM. % SIEVE PASSING *********************** 1 1/2 INCH * 100.0 ** 1 INCH * 91.7 ** 3/~ INCH * 82.g ** 1/2 INCH * 77.2 ** 3/8 INCH * 7~.7 ** · ~NO..~***** 66.7 ** NO, lO * 60.~ ** NO, 20 * 5S.~ ** NO, ~0 * ~g,5 ** NO, tO0 * 33,0 ** · *NO, 200*** 27.~ ** 0,0~0 MM * 20.g5 ** 0,030 MM ~ lg,23 ** · *O,02**MM * 17,15 ** 0,000 MM * 0,00 ** 0.000 MM * 0,00 ** 0.000 MM * 0.00 ** 0.011 MM * 12.67 *~ TEXTURAL SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART GRAVEL .30 % CLAYE OR SILT~ SAND SILT GRAVEL GRAVELLY SAND 0 I0 20' .%0 40 50 60 70 .- GRAVEL (+ q~4 SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT GRAVEL 80 · 90 I00 FROST CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM NoNFRos~ sUs~PTIB~E~'S-O'iLs-~-iN(~i~G,~I-C's-~-II~,~-C~NTAI~I*NG ~Ess :FHAN 3% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: , - - F1 GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 20%' FINER THAN 0.02 mm. _ F2 SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm.- F3 a. GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE THAN 20% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. AND ~ANDY SOILS (EXCEPT FINE SILTY, SANDS) CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. b. CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN 1~. EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS. F4 a. ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANDY SILTS. b. FINE SILTY SANDS CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. c. LEAN CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS THAN 12. d. VARVED CLAYS. ~' Mote than half o f e~se More than hail of coarse ~' a' and c~ys Silts a~ c~y$ ~- (For visual cla ffication, the ~ in. size may be used as i ~' ~ ~. ':.'. 4,;'SEWER LiNE.E] 'L _~. :'o~^' W~L$ ~ SF. WE.R S..YsTgD / .,..'.Cp~EXCAV&TION BASEO ONSOIL '.- . eo Pz~ '~5o - .... . -- · ~ON SEWE~ L~NE ~. , ~EWATEBTI ' :..'.'.:.'-'pUBL~C - over 25 service or btore ~ -, I. · Th~n ~5 connects , '/. TO.TANK 200' [ :. TO'PTT 200' [ ) ~00,.200, oNLY ' case './ -i ' L~NE OF" ] . . ~JT, ~00' NO SOURCE / 'GRADE:'2'.PI 'V," PER FOOl =.".. 9BECEEDIN[ · ,'""i- SHOULO NO' ' "' ' 6"PER ' -"fERn; , -, .... ?-micipaliw of Anchorage ' ~-", '~ ' [JEPARTMENT OF HEAL'I d & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PRErlNSP'ECTION CHECK SHEET T~PICAL T~.ENCH ~ ON LEVEL'TOPOGRAPHY 264-47'20 4" CAST IRON CLEANOUT 'WITH. AIRTIDHT CAP [] MINIMUM'WELL DISTANCES: INDIVIDUAL TO TANK 100' TO TRENCH 100' CLASS A, B PUBLIC - Over 25 Service or More Than 15 Connects TO TANK 200' TO TPJENCH 200' CLASS'C PUBLIC ~ Under: 2! 'Service or Less Than 15 Connects TO TAN~ 150' TO TRENCH 150' Public wells must.have dedicated protective radius recorded.on the plat'. Adequate engineering p~ans Minimum 5' cast iron are requ..ired into undisturbed soil(4'! ,pipe) , '. ,." ' ~, Plastic Pipe ASTM'D3034.may be use,d . in place of the. cast., iron, . / I . replacement-: si~k .. .... ,~ '.' "' ' ~ '"J ' ' ' ' ."' "1 .'..':.! ".:".-. :,.- CLEANOUTWITH AIRTIGHT CAP .. : .,,o.:.,., .'"' .... ,"' ,' ........ "' with'.Cap PERFORATED PIPE INSTALLED L~VEL [] . .- .. ,...,..,.,...: . SEEP~GETRENCH INSTALLED ACCORD Nb TO SOILTEST [] SEPTIC TANK MuNIcIPALIT~ APPROVED Fi NLETAND OUTLET OF SEPTIC T~NK WATERTIGHT [] TRENCH INSTALLED ACROSS SLOPE PERFORATED'.PIPE LEVEL LINE BET~.EEN. TANK ~.ND HOUSE 2% to 6% .SL0~E Bottom o.f seepage trench 4" Minimum above water table ' ' ' ' Excavation' to , lot line 10' And 6'. minimu~"..above. . ~edrock. , (.) RAKE SIDEWALLS B~'FORE INSTA~LI,!G,,,,, . GRAVEL,,,, .,,. -~[] ' /./ .,~ . .... . .... . .... ~!!"'. .. ,:.:~,{.. ' / ~1....,. · ...'.:'~:., , · . / ..., ,./..,,' ,.; .,, I · .,~.~::rz, ~,,,..~ ~ ,