HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIGHLAND PARK Sanitary Sewer HIGHLAND PAR]( SUBDIVISION SANITARY SE~R SPECIAL PROVISIONS SCOPE OF WOPd( The contractor ,~ha].l furnish labor and equipment and perfoz~n work nec- essayer for lsMing sewer and water ~ipe in accordance with the drawings furnished by Fred Ws.latka's engineering firm and requirements of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough. 2. TIY~ OF COMPLETION The coniracior shall complete all work within ten (10) days after receipt of a notice to proceed from the Owner. Should the contractor fail to complete the specified work within the required time, liquidated d~a~es in ~he amount of fifty dollars (I150~00) for each and every cal- endar day between 'the specified completion date smd the actual da%e of completion shall be deducted from the to~al contract amount. CONTRACT PERFORMhNCE AND PAYMENT BOND Simultaneously with his delivery of the executed contract, the contractor shall furnish a suret?z bond or bonds in the amount of 100% as:security for faithful performance of 'this contract, and for the payment of all persons performing labor on the project under ihis contract, and furnishing materials connected with ihis contract. The surety on such bond or bonds shall be duly authorized sureiy company satisfactory to the Owner. 4. ENGI~.~ERING AND INSPECTION The engineer or representative of the ovmer shall provide %he engin~ering~ surveying, and inspections. GENMR~L GU~tANTEE.. Neither the final pa~nent nor any provision in the contract documen s{nor partial or entire use of the work by the owner shall constitute an acSept.- ance of.work not done in accordance with %he contract doc~,en%s, or relieve -the contractor of liability in respect to any express warranties or respon- sibility for faulty materials o~ workmanship. PER~TS AND INSURANCE / The contractor shall meet 2he insursace requirements of 'the Greater Anchorage Area Borough and obtain all permits necessary to construct in the public right of way. 7. SPECIFICATIONS ANb TYPICAL bETAILS Ail work nnder this contract will be accomplished using Grea%er Anchorage Area Borough constr~ction speoifications and typical de,ail. lofl HIGHLAED PARK SU~DIVISION SANITARY SEWER BID PROPOSAL ,~ r ON DLSCRIP~I (Unit Price Written in Words') ITEM NO. Furnish and Install 8" A.C. Pi~e class 9_400 (0-10'.) per Ij.F. l~rnish and Ins'ball 8" C.I. Pioe class 22 per L.F. Consirnct Sanitary Sewer Cleanont per Each Sanita~ Sewer Service Con- nections Pit Run Grave]. per I~ach per C.Y. Dispose of Unsuitable Mater- ial from Trench per C.Y. Drop Sewer Connec2ion per Each QUANTITY ~55 50 1 Each Eao~ ~5 UNIT PRICE 1 Each TOTAL Con2rac~or Title Da2e lofl OFFICE: 272-O619 CIVIL ENGINEERING AND LAND SURVEYING 3107 29TH AVENUE · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 RESlDENCE:2~62 1)V / ENV IP, ON~,~]NTAL CONSERVATION ROO~d 222 -- ~]AfKAY BUILDING 338 pENAL/STREET -- AHCtlORAGE October 4, 1971 Hr. Fred Wal. atka Fred Walatka and Associates 3107 29th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SUBJECT: SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION - HIGHI~AND PARK SUBDIVISION Dear Mz. Walatka: We have completed our review of the snbject project which consists of the extension of an existing sewe:: line from a manhole at the intersection of Blackberry and West 67th approximately 265 feet to a cleanout to be con- structed. The plans and specifications for the subject project are approved for those features with which this Department is concerned. Yours truly~ Regional Em;ironmental Engineer cc: GAAB-DEQ B.L(.EIVED GREAlFR ANCI,IORAO[~ A~I~A BOROU6H September 30, 19~,1 Fred Walatka & Associates 31~}7 29th Avenue Anchora{le, Alaska 99503 Subject: Sanitary Sewer for Highla,d Park Subdivision. Dear Mro Walatka: The Greater Ancilorage Ar~a Borou§h, Department of Environ- mental Qaulity has reviewed the engineering plans for the subject sewer extension. Our De~artme~t a~'.~l;~roves the~e plans for those features w~th wi~ich we are concerned. We would caution you that prior to allowing your clienC to begin work on this project he should also receive a letter of approval from Mr. K.yle Cherry of the State Department of Environmental Conserve tt o,. Should you have any questions regardin9 our review of this project please contact the utidersigned. Sincerely, Rolf Strickland. R.S. Assistant Director