HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIDEAWAY HILLS Block 1 Water Information November 21, 1973. WILLIAM A. EGA~/, GOVE£NOR 0 -- JUNEAU 9~801 Mr. Stephen D. Brown, Jr.P.E. Dickinson-Oswald & Partners 800 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: NO~/~ 6 1973 ~M ~p,~ff, R ANC~HO~AQI~ AREA ~OR~U~H CAU 1973 Water Improvement, Schedule O-Hideaway Hills Subdivision Dear Mr. Brown: The plans and specifications for the subject project are approved for the features with which this department is concerned. Yours truly, Rog ion~ Env~ Fonmenfa I Engineer cc: GAAB-DEQ ~" TO: Department of Environmental Quality FROM: Sewer Engineering SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR WELL SURVEY DATE: November 12, 1974 I am requesting a well survey for Hideway Hills Subdivision. See attached map. The area of concern is enclosed in red. R. Nyholm / Civil Engineer II- ~d- Attachment ~ _ S3' - 70 ,% Nov.umber S, 1973 Oici~i;',son, Oswald ACb~; S~epnen i]. ~,rown, Jr. G30 CorJuva SCreet Anc~orage. Alaska SuO}ecC: 1SI3 C~i,b ,~atcr Im?rovcmun~, Schedule "6" Havitur !,ia>, -. iiid,~away iii'Ils EstaLes Subeivision ()ur ~]ei)arCm,_,lL i~as revi~'~;u C,~e s;reliminary ,~n'.,lin(~ring p'laliS for dicions wiC<~ whic~ this u~¥.~ar&mcn~ is co~cerneJ. H,~ uould assum(~ sysCem wnic;:~ nor; serws C:lu majoriLy of C~is subd'ivi~ion. Should you i'tavu any qu,~stions r~.~gardi;~g our '~ ,~., undersigned. h'olf c ~ '. .... Ci~i c.'F San i tari au TO ~ICKINSON- OSWALD ? :RS 800 Cordova~'treet ~.--~ ':J · [~1~=~=~-~'" A~)j~= ~~~ ANCHORAGE, A~SKA 99501 ~C~ 277-~685 I []V 5 _ 1978 J  ..~ GENTLEMEN: YOU "~ttached [] Under separate cover via WE ARE SENDING [] Shop drawings /[] Prints '~/~Pl'ans [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] [] Samples .the following items: [] Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION / THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:  For approval [] Approved as submitted ' [] For your use [] Approved as noted E3 As requested [] Returned for corrections [] For review and comment [] [] FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS [] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify -us at ~ce.' .... DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION / September 24, 1973. SOUrUC£NrnAtR£GIONAZOFFICE / 3ma£~vAuSrRE£r Mr. Roll Strickland Chief Sanitarian Dept. of Environmental Quality Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Strickland: Enclosed are two additional water sample~reports taken in a ditch adjacent to Dr. William Reinbold's residence, at 2615 Seclusion. Attached to the reports is a general map showing the location where the samples were taken. ~, If you need any additional assistance from this office ~Please feel free to contact us. Sincerely yours, EPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION / SOIJTNCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE / 338 DENALI STREET September ?, 197S. / %CK~Yf~LOsg,5~~ ROO/~85S Mr. Roll Strickland Dept. of Environmental Quality Greater Anchorage Area Borough STATt OF AUSICA DATE DE[ MENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL ..'ICES ,_ab. No. DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER AHALY$1$ OFFICE PUBLIC [] SEMI-PUBLIC [] ADDRESS LOF source SAMPLE COLLECTED BY ~ DATE COLLECTED Collected ap Well [] Dug ~ Driven SOURCE: [] Spring [] Cistern Dug Well or Cistern Construction: Walls -- [] Wood [] Concrete Top -- [] Wood [] Concrete LOCATION: [] In Basement [] In Yard []Other Building Sewer DISTANCE TO: or Other Drainage Pipe Tile Seepage Field--Feet, Pit Other Possible Sources of Contamination Cast MATERIAL: Building Sewer -- [] Iron [] Wood [] Plastic Joint Material -- Type GENERAL: Does Water Become Muddy or Discolored? :N DIVIDUAL:I~r OTH E R"~ i'T, (~- .~' REPORT RESULTS TO CODE When? TIME COLLECTED [] Drilled [] Bored [] Other [] Metal i-I Tile [] Brick or Concrete [] Metal [] Open TOp Basement Offset [] Under House Septic Feet. Tank Feet. Cess- Feet. Pool Feet. Privy.-- Feet. Asbestos [] Tile [] Fibre [] Cement R~cords in this office indicate this WATER SUPPLY to be of: [] Satisfactory [] Questionable [] Unsatisfactory Sanitary Status. Analysis shows this Water SAMPLE to be: Satisfactory [] Questionable I-I Unsatisfactory. If an "Unsatisfactory" or "Questionable" status is indicated above you should take immediate action as recommended below. 1. Notify consumers water is polluted. Boil or chemically treat this water as outlined in the encIosed leaflet "Drink It Pure." 2. Increase chlorination sufficiently to meet recommended residual standards. [] Yes [] No Determine source of contamination and take action necessary to maintain a safe water supply at all times, __ 3. Check chlorination and other mechanical equipment. Make certain it is functioning properly. __ 4. If after checking equipment a disinfecting residual is not obtained, please wire this office for emergency assistance or advisory services, __ 5. This is a surface water source and subject to pollution by man and animals, An approved water supply source should be developed. 6, Improve your [:]spring rldug well [:]driven weft []drilled well []cistern __ 7, Relocateyourwell to a safe location in relationship to your sewage disposal system. [] see enclosure __ 8. Sample too long in transit; sample should not be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results, please send new sample. [] Bottle Broken in transit, please send new sample. 9. Contact your nearest [] Local Health Department or []Alaska Division of Public Health, sanitation office for bulletins, consultation and assistance. Diameter of Well Depth Well Casing Material Diameter Depth Length of Water Depth Drop Pipe From Bottom Offset In [] In Basement PUMP LOCATION: [] In Well [] Basement On Top [] Other [] Of Well PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Illness Suspected? ~]Yes [] No Feet, Feet, In Utility [] Room TO: FROM: SUBJECT: GREATER ANCHOp~r~GE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality MEMORANDUH September 4, 1973 Wayne Mabry Planning Department Rolf Strickland, R.S. ~'~ Chief Sanitarian Subdivision Pl:t~ a,,(a,, 4~n,- ,Jl,~ .... R .... ~ .... Neeting of September 20, ~o Listed below are the cases which meet this Department's approval and also which are provided with public sewer and water: l) S 3172 Snyder Subdivision, Addition #1 Lot lA 2) S 3175 East Addition to Original Townsite, Lot 7A, Block 26C .3) S 3176 First Addition, Alaska Industrial Subdivision, Lot 4A, Block 9 4) S 3177 Green Valley Subdivision, Unit #1, Tracts lA and C 5). S 3180 Huntington Park Subdivision 6) S 3167 Track 5B and 6A, Campbell Lake Heights #9 7) S 3173 Hess Subdivision 8) S 317~ Hideaway Hills #1 9) S 3171 Lot 8El and 8E2 The cases listed below ¥~ill meet our requirements once the following additions are attached to the subdivision agreement: 10) S 3181 Community Park Subdivision Public sewer and water is available for extension into ~n~ lots from either Bragaw or 20th Avenue. Not all of the lots have sewer available rigi~t now. We recommend the petitioner enter into a subdivision agree- merit to provide public sewer and water to all lots. Copy of my letter should be included with this case. 06-1220 (~) DATE u..i ~ ~DDR~ Rsco~ds in th~ oI!l~ tndic,~le th~ WATEr, SUPPLY to b~ o/: A~lytfis sho~ t)ki~ Waler. ?.,ASfP LE. to [~] Ea'tlslactory [2] Que~fionob!e [-I Unemisfactory, '~O~c.r ~.0 ~M~*Z~-~Y-~~"~ZE~i7 ............. - ~,,~,~ ,. ~ ~r, .. -~.-.~-~ .....--,~,-,',~, ~ a d)~ '~f~cff~ r~:~'~r~! ~ ~e~ e :'m~-- Well ~ Dug ~ Drlv~ [~ Prillc~ ~ ~.m~ .~ ~ SOURCE: ~ Spring [] Ci~n [] O~her ~ - ...... ~l A~ ~proved wa~r ~pply ~co sho'~d 1~ d. ovaop~ ~gWellorC~lem~*~ct~m ~ m . ~ ~dc~o j~, 6, lmprove~our ~ ~g ~ d~ well [J ~i~en Tep- ~ ;V~ L~ ~n.elo ~ l,{et~l ~ O~ L~ATION: ~ ~ ~emont ~ B~ent Off~et ~ Under ~ow_~ ~ ~. ~elo~to your v;~)l to a s~o l~a~on ~ rekalo~p to yom' ~ew~ge Length of -~ F~m gottom ~ D. In utility PUMP LO~A'iION: [~ ~ ~ ~ ~m~nt ~ m ~mont __.~. n~ ~ew~ofSuppl¢ ~ ~(~ ~ I40 . ~e~i~toS~em~ ~ Yo~' ~ ~o STATE of &.LA.S 13A [-The Files ~o~ Robert C. Flint. ~' Environmental Techni~- Anchorage ~A'r~ : July 13, 1973. ~ SUBJECt: Septic Tank Effluent Rzznning into Open Ditch ~o ~ I ~ 2. On June 27, 1973 Kyle Cherry and I investigated a complaint concerning a non-functioning septic system, causing sewage ~o flow in~o a ditch adjacent to Ptarmigan Court in the ~ldoon area. The septic system was located at the residence of Dr. William Reinbold, 2615 Seclusion Drive. The effluent flowing into the ditch adjacent to the Doctor's residence had the color and odor of sewage. Two samples of the effluent ~ere taken at that time, and photographs of the area were also taken. Dr. Reinbold was contacted by ~. Cherry. The problem was explained to him and he gave his permission to dye the sewer, system.. at his residence. On the evening of July 2, 1973, Kyle Cherry and I returned to the Reinbold residence and dyed the sewage system with a r~d dye. The dye was put into the upst~irstoilet. We returned on July 5th and found some of the dye had appeared in the ditch with the effluent. We took pictures to show the color change in the effluent. On July 6, 1973 I returned to the Doctor's residence. The dye in the effluent was more evident than on the 5th. I took additional pictures of the effluent ditch. During that afternoon I surveyed Dr. Reinbold's neighbors. Of the 13 houses in. 'the near vicinity, 7 had residents at home. Attached is a copy of the questions asked and the individual answers. Generally the results showed the older houses (the oldest was built in 1964) had most of the problems with the sewage systems. The systems generally were septic tanks and cesspool combinations. Z~¢o houses had to have their systems pumped once a month while a third had to pump weekly. Each person I' interviewed expressed a very strorgand favorable opinion about the need for the Borough Sewer System in the neighborhood. The residents said that the Borough had promised the sewer over the past two years, but had failed to date to connect them into the system. Continued neglect by the Borough Sewage department will only increase the health hazzards to the neighborhood. 'On July 9, 1973 Dr. Reinbold called this office to inquire about the dye .test. I explained to him that the dye had indicated the effluent was from his system. The Dr. Felt his expenditures within the last six months of $800.00 to put ina new septic system should be considered "his share". From his dis- cription the new system may be causing more problems than his old one. He said the new system was 30 Ft. into the ground. This would put it into the water table. 'Prompt action is necessary in this case~ GREATER A[,ICHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality M E M 0 R A N D U M March 27, 1973 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: C.E. "Butch" !,!est, Director Public Works Department Director '. ,[~ Petition for Sewers, Hideaway Hills Subdivision Attached is a copy of the plat for the subject subdivision and a copy of a petition submitted by the residents of the subdivision. It is my under- standing that the petition represents 100% of the occupied parcels as indicated on the plat. There are some continual sewage overflow problems in this subdivision and many of the residents are contineally required to use cesspool pumpers to maintain their on-site waste disposal systems. They have indicated a very strong desire for sewers. There has even been some discussion of installing a lateral system and financing the pumping of one large holding tank 'until public sewers are available to the Sub- division. In response to their petition, these people would like to know how soon sewers can be made available to them and if they cannot be made available during 1973 construction season, what, if any, alternatives are available to their present costly on-site waste disposal systems. If you wish to reply directly to them, you could do so through Dr. William B. Reinhold of Lot 1, Block 2~ Hideaway Hills Subdivision. If not, I will refer any information that you provide to the homeowners involved. They have indicated a desire to have some sort of an answer within the next week or SO, rn encs. l:r~P~h 'i0.. 1973 the OPoa%er Anchora{{e Area Borou~l'n ~rovi.de sewaTe A~aci!itios for ou? division: Fi,'. and ...... Robert R. Dorris t9~2 Ptar:u.&!an Cou?t Lot .lA Block 1 !4~'o and k'.rs, John L. Foss 2630 Seclusion ]~ive Lot ~ Block 1 2646 Seclusion Drive Lot ~% Block 1 1,~. and t,~s. James L. 2664 Seclusion Drive Lot 4 Block 1 ~.~o and }Ts. David Ro Naylor 2708 Seclusion Drive Lot 5 Block ! Mm, and b~s, Richard O. Cantz 2?26 Seclusion Drive Lot 6 Block 1 Dr. and ?,~s. M~hlon J. Shoff 7925 Seclusion Drive Lot 7 Block 1 ?,~. and ~s. Jack W. Jacobson 7956 Seclusion Drive Lo~ 8 Blcck I Harry J. A!~fors 8010 Seclusion Drive Lots 9 and 10 Block 1 Dr. and }~s. William B. Reinbold 2615 Seclusion Drive Lot I Block 2 2633 Seclusion Drive Lot 2 Block 2 ~. and .~so Tom D. Longoria 2651 Seclusion Drive Lot 3 Block 2 M~. and }'.rs. William G. Benbow 2709 Sec!u.~ion Drive Lot 4 Block 2 ~I and ~2~s. Charles T. Borg M~. and b~s. James Little 8011 Seclusion ~ive Lot 6 Blocx 2 /' Dr. and ~'s. Louis E. Mayer 2734 ~.~vitur Way Lot 7 Block 2 Mr, Thoras Gielar~r~ski 2708 F~vitur Way Lot 8 B..oc:.< 2 ~uestions: When was your house constructed? What tFpe of sewage disposal system do you have? A. -Septic System B. Cesspool Was the system Borough approved? A) Have you ever pumped out your system? -B) How often is this necessary? Has your system ever overflowed and come above ground? How deep is your sewage system in the ground? Do you have trouble with your ~ter pressure? e 1971 1967 1964 1972 1969 1968 1972 1964-72 Septic Septic Septic Septic Septic Septic Septic Cesspool Cessp. CessP. Cessp. Cessp. System Septic Tank ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Not Knmm No S yrs. Pump Older ones trouble ago mthly ' No ~ly. mthly. No more4 of trouble? prob~ No 5 yrs. Inside No Yes Yes No 4 of 7 ago ? ? ?. 6 Ft, ? ? ? Gen. Unknmm No No No No No No No' No prob. prob. prob. prob. prob. prob. prob~ prob. zl g O~OB NO 0O'9191~1 ~ ,,gJ ,LOoO 0 N