HomeMy WebLinkAboutHOLLOWBROOK Public Water Supply Inspection Informationiow b oOk D II. STATE OF ALASKA Form No. PEEHP-W-1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT LOCATION: Operating Agency: Re sponsible Official: Mailing Address: Box 2019, Star Rt. A, Spenard SYSTEM DATA: Area Served: North of 76thAvenue No. of Connections: 25 Metered? Quantity- Range: ' N/A Source s: Artesian Well T4OLLOWBROOK WATER Ran ~aldarO~] Date of Visit: Title: Auq. 8, 1966 President Office Location: Bella Vista Subdv. Population Served: 70 No Water Rate: $7.00 mos. Average:. 5,OOD GPD IV. Raw Water pH: Temp_: 38°F TREATMENT PLANT OPERATING PERSONNEL: Chief Operator: N/A Operators: N/A 7.8 Treated Water pH: N/A Chlorine Residual: N/A Yrs. Exp.: N/A Cert.: N~/A Y?s. Exp.: N/A Cert.: N/A Yrs. Exp.: N/A Cert.: N/A SANITARY AND PUBLIC HEALTH CONDITIONS OR HAZARDS: a) .Facilities: Toilet: N/A Wash Basin: N/A Shower: b) Source Protection: Good, Isolated~ 200' safety radius. c) Ctear Well Protection: No Ctear~ell d) Building Drains and Sewers to: Individual disposal e) Cross Connections: g) General Cleanliness: Good h) Other: N/A Not observed f ) Fencing:. No SAFETY CONDITIONS: First Aid Equipment: Chlorinator Housing: Ventilation: Good N/A N/A Gas Masks: N/A Walkways: N/A Lightin. g:. Good Othe r: N/A VI. VII. RECORDS KEPT: a) Permanent Files: "As Built" Plans: Yes (1963) Engineer: Detailed Piping & Electrical Plans: Yes Shop Drawings and Operating Instructions for ]Equipment: b) Performance Records: No c) Reports on File: No e Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page Z Frank ~Vince Lew Dickinson N/A d) Reports iz% Progress: No GENERAL COMMENTS: System has a 6" overflow which runs continually to Campbell Creek. ~Vell house is well situated at least 2' above surrounding ground level. Qo_ncrete fills the anular space around the casing to a depth of 8'. No seal is provided at the top of the casin9[ but due to the large .overflow at the present time, the danger of contamination is minimal . Adequate outside drainage has been provided. VIII. EFFECT OF 1964 EARTHQUAKE ON WATER SYSTEM: On Water Sources: None On Treatment Plant: N/A On Distribution System: ~on~ Repairs and Reconstructi0n Completed: N/A Remaining Effects on System: N/A I. SOURCE: a) Surface: Structure: C ond it ion: b) Wells: Depth: 150' Dr awdown: N,/A INVENTORY SUPPLEMENT Casing Material: Steel c) Emergency source: II. STORAGE: Type Mater iai Pres sure Form No. PEEHP~W-i; Page 3 C apac ity: Size: 8" Casin9 Static Level: Overflows Rated Capacity: 350 .~_P__M_ Screens:, Yes Casing Depth: 150' 5 PIP lacuzzi Centrifugal Pump Size Glass Lined Steel 500 gal. (60 psig) Condition Good III. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Type of Pipe: Transite Dead ends: No Other: N/A Pressures: Fire Hydrants: No 45 pslg at highest elev. IV. CHEMICAL FEED: Chemical Equipment N/A Control Condition MIXING: Size: N/A Equipment: lkl/A C ondit ion: I~/A Rated Capac ity: N/A VI. COAGULATION: Size: E qu~pm e nt: N/A C ond it ion: N/A Rated Capacity: N/A VII. 'SEDIMENTATION: N/A E qu [pm e nt: i~/A Size: N/A C ond it ion: N/A VIII. IX. FILTRATION: No. of Units: Filter Material: Underdrain System: Rate Control]er: Backwash Method: General Condition: REACTOR TYPES: General Description: T yp e: N/A N/A Form No. Da ge- Ins talle d: Size: N/A e PEEHP-W- Page N/A Loss of Head Gage: N/A N/A N/A C ondition: N/A SLUDGE HANDLING: Method: Disposed to: N/A C ondit ion: N/A XI. CLEA1KWELL: Size: N/A C ondit ion: N/A XII. XIII, CHLORINATION: Model: N/A Control: N/A Type of Supply: Detention Time: N/A Gondltion: ~,~/A PUMPS: Purpose Pump Type No. V~ell Berks Subm. 1 YVell Berks Subm. 1 N/A C apac ity: N/A Point of Application: N./A C apac 1/2 h.p. 15 GPM Good 1/2 h.p. 15 GPM Good C ond it [ on XIV. BOOSTER STATIONS: Location Pumps N/A C apac Condition XV. XVI. XVII. LABORATORY: Size: E qu ipm e nt: RI/A EMERGENCY PROVISIONS: N/A Form No. PEEHP-~Af-I Page 5 Stand-by Equipment: Spare Parts: Adoquate Auxiliary Powe r:~_~ne .. COLD WEATHEi~ PROTECTION: Units Housed: Un[ts Heated: 5 h.p. Centrifugal Pump Jacuzzi Yes~ with I.R. Bulbs XVIII. OTHER UNITS: (for iron and manganese removal, softening, aeration, taste and odor control, corrosion control, fluoridation, etc.) N/a Lab Results: DH: 8.2 Sp Cond: 255 CHEMICAL FEED: Chern[cal OPERATIONS SUPPLEMENT Fo rm No. Quant it y Method of Addition o PEEHP-W- 1 Page 6 It. SEDIMENTATION: Method of Cleaning: Sludge Disposed to: N/A III. FILTRATION: Condition of Filter Bed: Backwash Operated by~. .... N/A Frequency: Backwash Disposed ~o~ N/A ..... Frequency: N,/A N/A N/A Quantity: N/A 'iW. CHLORINATION: Dosage Rate Ob~eyved: N.'t/A Residual Measured: N/A Amt. Stored on Premises: V. OPERATION OF OTPD~R UNITS: N/A VII. SAMPLING AND TESTING: a) Samples taken of: Nons Tests Conducted: N/A GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS (low temperature, etc. ) None VIII, OVER-ALL MAINTENANCE: Lubrication Schedule:As requirsd Painting Schedule: ~s required Reservoir Cleaning Schedule: Other: N/A N/A Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page 7 RECOMMENDATIONS WATER SOURCES: In the event of the continuous overflow being eliminated, a sanitary seal should be installed in the casing. Furth~ expansion should includs an additional 250 gal P. T. II. TREATMENT PLANT: III. DISTRIBUTION: '~ None GENERAL OPERATION: None SPECLkL PREPAREDNESS FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE DISASTERS: Auxiliary power supply for the standby pump should be provided. Further expansion should include fire protection design considerations. IV. · TESTING · EXPLORATION · CHEMICAL · MATERIALS · INSPECTION I940 POST ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Mr. Harris Magnusson PHONE 272-3428 Date:. Aug.~st 12t 1966 Work Order No.: 7349 c/o Alaska Department of Health & Welfare 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska Project: Post Quake Sanitation Study Subject: Coliform Determination on Water Samples Gentlemen: In accordance with your request coliform determinations have been performe~' in our labQratory usin~ the Millipore Membrane method. The sample identification and results are as follows: Sample No. Identification Hoblowbrook, sampled 8 August 1966 at pressure tank. SK-GJC Coliform Organisms per 100 milliliters 297 298 Same as above except house tap. 0 If there are any questions with regard to the above tests please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Kenneth W. Blg'dsoe, MAIG Water Laboratory Supervisor State Permit KWB:sc Continuous Ovszr?lom,~ II. e STATE OF ALASKA Form No. PEEHP-W-1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT LOCATION: Operating Agency: NOLLOWBROOK WATER CO. Responsible Official: Ben Calderon Mailing .Address: BOX 20~.~_t." Star__t~, At SPallard SYSTEM DATA: Area Served: North of 76thAvenue No. of Connections: 25 Metered? Quantity- Range: N/A Sour ces: Artesian Well Date of Visit: Au9. 8t 1966 Title: President Office Location: Bella Vista Subdv. Population Served: 70 No Water Rate: $7.00 mos. Average: 5,800 GPD III. IV. l~aw Water pH: f~mp_; 38°7 TREATMENT PLANT OPERATING PERSONNEL: Chief Operator: N/A Operators: NI/A 7.8 Treated Water pH: N/A Chlorine Residual: N/A Yrs. Exp.: N/A Cert.: N/A Y'rs. Exp.: N/A Cert.: N/A Yrs. Exp.: N/A Cert.: N/A SANITARY AND PUBLIC HEALTH CONDITIONS OR HAZARDS: a) Facilities: Toilet: N/A Wash Basin: N/A Shower: b) Source Protection: Good, Isolated[ 200' safety radius. c) Clear Well Protection: No Ctear~u~.ll N/A d) Building Drains and Sewers to: Individual disposal e) Cross Connections: Not observed f) g) General Cleanliness: ~ood h) Other: N/A Fencing: No SAFETY CONDITIONS: First Aid Equip~ment: Chlorinator Housing: Ventilation: Good N/A Gas Masks: N/A Walkways: N/A N/A Lightin. g: Good Other: N/A _ _ VI. VII. R'ECORDS KEPT: a) Permanent Files: ~'As Built" Plans: .¥es__[~l_.9__63_J~Engineer: Detailed Piping ~_z Electrical Plans: Yes Shop Drawings and Operating instructions for ~quiprnent: b) Performance Records: No c) Reports on File: No Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page Z Frank Wince Lew Dickinson N/A dt ReForts :b% Progress: ~o GLNLRA~ COMMENTS: System has a 6" overflow which runs continually to Campbell Creek. Well house is well situated at least 2' above surrounding ground level. ___Concrete fills the anular space around t. he casin_n_n_n_~ to a depth of 8'. No seal is provided at the top_of the casing; but due to the large overflow at the present time, the danger of contamination is minimal . Adequate outside drainage has been provided. VIII. EFFECT OF 1964 EARTHQUAKE ON WATER SYSTEM: On Water Sources: None On Treatment Plant: N/A On Distribution System: None Repairs and Reconstruction Compieted:~_~N~A..__. Remaining Effects on System: I. SOURCE: a) Surface: b) Structure: Oondltion: Wells: Depth: Drawdown: INVENTORY SUPPLEMENT Form No. PEEHP-W-i~ Page 3 c) II. STORAGE: Typ~e Pre s sure Casilog Material: Steel Casing Depth: Emergency source: 5 HP 7acuzzi Centrifugal Pump, rq/g C apac ity: 150' Size: 8" Casing Static Level: Overflows _ N/A Rated Capacity: 350 GPM Screens: Yes 150' Mater iai Size Glass Lined Steel 500 gal. (60 psig) C ond[tion Good III. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Type of [Pipe: Transite Dead ends: No Other:_ N/A Fire Hydrants: No ', 45 psig at highest elev. Pressures: IV. CHEMICAL FEED: Chemical Equipment Control Condition MIXING: Size: N/A E clu ipm e nt: NY/A Condition: Rated Capacity: N/A VI. COAGULATION: Size: N/A Equipment: C ond it [on: N/A Rated Capacity: N/A VII. SEDIMENTATION: N/A E qu ipm e nt: N/A Size: N/A C ond it [on: N/A FILTRATION: Type: N/A No. of Units: N/A Filter Mater iai: N/A Underdrain System: N/A Form No. Pt~EHp-w-1 Page 4 Date Installed: N/A Rate ControIIer: N/A Rac <wash M~thod: ~,, General Condition: N/A SZze: REAC TOI% TYPES: General Descr ipt[on: Loss of Head Gage: N/A G ondition: N/A SLUDGE HANDLING: Method:~N/A Disposed Co: C ondit ion; N/A Xi. CLEA~IWELL: Size: N/A C ondit ion: N/A XII£, CHLORINATION: Model: N/A Control:, ~_k~A~ , TYPe of Supply: Detention Time: N/A Condition: ~/A PUMPS: Pnrpose Pump Type lge].l Berks 8ubm~ 1 Well Berks Subm. i C apac ity: N/A Point of Application: G apac 1/2 h~p. 15 GPM Good 1/2 h.p. 15 GPM Good C ond it ion XiY. BOOS'£IER STATIONS: Location Pumps ___N_-//A . Ca, pac[ty Condition XV. e LA'."30 RAT O1% Y: Sfze: E qu [prn e nt: NY/A Form No. pEEHP-W-1 Page 5 5 hopo Centrifugal Pump lacuzzi Spare Parts: M on :, COLD ¥/NATHE~ Pi~OTEGTiON: '0'nbs Xoused: Yes, with I~Ro Bulbs OTHER UNITS: {for iron and manganese removal, softening, aeration, taste and odor control, corrosion control, fiuo~'[dat[on, etc.) OPERATIONS SUPPLEMENT Quant [ty Fo rn~ No. Method of Addition pEEPIP- I4r- 1 Page 6 N/A Frequency: __N__/A N/A N/A Quant it y: N/A N/A a) S~t:xqples '~aken of: Menu Conducted: N/A ~lqA~oN AND MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS (low temperature, etc.) None Schedule: ,is i)(AqL~i~'G,'6 ReServoir Cleaning Schedule; N/A ...... - N/A RE00 iV~lV~E ND A TIONS Form No. PEEHP-~V-1 Page 7 [:z,R o~. glk(3~_,S~ the event of the continuous overflow being eliminated, a sanitary seal ' snou±e se znszall..d in the casing° · '" .... .,~, ....... ..~ sheu!c] ins:h!~b ~li] ~'~c~.~t:~o ,a~ 250 gal Po ~ I'REA Ti~NT PLANT: N'ene Nene o~ ~z~ PREPAREDNESS PON POSSIBLE PUTURE DISASTERS: Auxilia~ pewer supply for '~he standby pump should be provided. iV. TESTING ~ EXPLORATION ~ CHEMICAL ~ MATEP-IALS ~ INSPECTION 1940 POST ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA Mr. Harris Magnusson c/o Alaska Department of Health & Welfare 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska PHONE 272-3428 Date: August 12~ 1966 Work Order No.: 7349 Project: Post Quake Sanitation Study Subject: Coliform Determination on Water Samples Gentlemen: In accordance with your request coliform determinations have been performed in our laboratory using the Millipore Membrane method. The sample identification and results are as follows: Sample No. Identification 297 Hol,lowbrook, sampled 8 August 1966 at pressure tank. SK-GIG Coliform Organisms per 100 milliliters 298 Same as above except house tap. If there are any questions with regard to the above tests please' contact our office. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTIAB Kenneth W. Bl~soe, MAIG Water ~boratory Supe~isor State Permit W-1 KWB:sc ~ollhous~ Cont&nuous Ove~f~oe~