HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAKE HILL ACRES #2 LT 8Onsite File µ N r Engineer has confirmed that the 20 14 upgrade has not E)EPFiRTI'dENT ~': HEFtLTH FIND ENVIF.:ONt'iENTFtL 'CTEC:TION o-:,~ .-.L,- :;TREET., IqNCHORRGE., RK. ~5(J± . 264-472~.'D '" HR~-iE:.I.4F-: I TTEt-4 F'E~:U'""i MUST BE ¢~BTFtINED FF.'_-M THE FILES - E:,KtTFt NOT R',,,'FtILFIE;LE IN THE C:O[,'IF'UTER Don Setters Post Office Box 10-1726 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Legal Description: Lot 8 Lake Hill Acres Subdivision~ SEE ATTACHED LETTER FOR CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT Issued: January 18, A ol2cant S1 natu~'~'"// January !7~ 19B3 ~9511 Lot 8~ Lake ~fl~ Acres ~ubdivi~ion , ~.~i~ro~" --,h~ ~r, ral ~",isti,w, ~onr~itiorw~ which ~rec]_ude die .{t~.l~.zat~on o:: A .,-,r, ~:r~e-~-;~c'-'< re~:triction from tho sh'~r,: line ;,r{.~.~:~..l// fluctuete seasonally The most nracticai and economic method of on-sit;:~ subsux'face d'' .... --"' ,~a~tewater %.;,hich would ': ....... ' ~ ~ ~" - ~ hove conditions Sy,~tem. :I hermit for ou-sJ, te di~posal facilities On. hot 2 La]<e Uiil Acres Dubdivi~i~)n No. 'l is granted ~.lt~der the fo!lovting conditio!~s: Compliance with all e×isting ?dunici~}al Code,.'; gti!isatiot'~ of a /qound Syste~ for sub:~urfac~~ absou~l.>tion ,'~isposal of the wastewater, The ~Tstem ?lans ami desiqn retest bo aj~,:)~'ove.t by the Oepart~:teat of ~fealt]~, method o~ -ji~)osa]. who~:eb,/ at lLea~'~t one trench it:~ alt,~avs in a period of dormancy for a rejuvenation cycle. (b) ehe ~llternating trenci~ method ,,,~itl E'!'i~.!.N% a ~'~y~te~,z of divqrtin.:] valves anS manifolds. (c) The ~-4ounc] System is a shallow system which pre'~ents an inherent freezing hazard. The septic tank~ lift chamber (if used)~ and Hound Syst¢~m must be quatelv insulated. (d) If lif~t facilities are necessary (between the septic tank an(~ ~4ound Svstem)~ the lift chamber should be designed such that the septic effluent is cycled into the Mound System 3-4 times each 24 hour period. (e) Monitoring stations (4"00 standpipe) will be installed at the ~own slope end of each trench° These standpipes shall be of ~" perforated plastic 9ipe, and ~all extend 6" into the insitu or native soil bed underlying the ~ound Svste~n. An additional monitoring station shall be ins~alied between the Mound System and ~.he septic tank (or lift chamber) to a total ~epth sufficient to penetrate at ].east 3' into the groun<~ water strata. (f) ~onitoring and/or testing practices shall include (but not necessarily by limitec] to) subsurface tem- peratures~ effluent quality, and ground ~ater' level. The testing and saw, piing shall be performed each ,~nonth for a one year duration. On-site testing sampling shall be perforated by .>!unicipaiity of Anchorage Department of Health and Environn~ental Protection personnel. (g) On-site inspections shall be made by the Department of Health, ~'208" Wastewater Study per~;onnel during th~ follo~-~in~ incr(~mental stages of installation: Preparation of the basal bed. Completion of the n~ound construction prior to insulation. Final inspection including operation of flo~ during facilities, The design criteria submitted by you and received by this office on January 4, 1983 is satisfactory for a mound type wastewater disposal system. It must b~ clearly under~tood that this con-- ditional ~oermit is subject to the terms and conditions outlined herein, a~d is further governed by the construction criteria outlined on your construction dragglings. Any variation from these ~esign criteria and conditions of the perrait ~ust b~ approved by this office. Sincerely, Robert W. Robinson Environmental Engineer MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Pouch 6-650, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 276-2224 SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG [] PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: Wi]ma Spearin DATE PERFORMED: 1 1 -6-79 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I.Ot 8: 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Organics and organic silt, moist, loose, dark brown (PT-OL). Sandy,silt few gravels, moist, medium dense, light brown (SM-ML). lake Hill Acres Suhdivisinn SLOPE 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? ,.YES IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH7 Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND (minutes/inch) ~ FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: CERTIFIED BY: DATE: A cho ge _ 825 "L" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 264-4111 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN, MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION December 17, 1979 Moening-Grey and Associates 715 L Street - Suite 8 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Mound Design - Lot 8 Lake Hill Acres Subdivision #2 The mound design is experimental in the Municipality and is currently allowed on a limited basis to establish its feasibility. Your work up appears satisfactory, however, this is not an existing structure and the proximity to Mirror Lake, an existing high water table, in our opinion, does not justify permitting of experimental systems. Effects on a lake used for swimming and the unknown fact as to satisfactory operation of these systems result in this department's recommendation that the lot not be developed under these circumstances and denial of a permit for this type of system. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz, R.S. Senior Environmental Specialist LNB/ljw MOEN NG-GREY & ASSOCIATES, NC. GEOLOGISTS AND ENGINEERS 715 L STREET, SUITE 8 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9950! TELEPHONE (907) 274-2314 December 4, 1979 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Environmental Protection 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF t~,:~ALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. 'DEC 1 ' 197§ Subject: Mounds Design-Sewer Disposal System Lot 8, Lake Hill Acres Subdivision #2 Owner: Wilma Spearin Gentlemen: Enclosed for your review and approval is our design for a mound type sewer disposal system for the subject property. The mound system is required because of the high ground water condition of the property. With this design, the necessary distances from wall and surface waters to the disposal system are maintained. Close supervision of the construction and adherence to the design specifications are required to ensure proper performance of this system. Please let us know if you have any questions. Respectfully submitted, MOENING-GREY & ASSOCIATES, INC. Howard J'. Grey HJG/lg Lake Shore u,'ive 70' Trench ~Boundary Sideslope Area From Wel 1 eL. Approx. Well bocation Mirror Lake