HomeMy WebLinkAboutLAKE SPENARD PARK S-2292 GREATER A~Ci{OIIAGE AREA BOROUGF. 104 West ~$orthern Lights Boulevard Anchorage ~ Alaska S- 2292 Plat Status: Final Date: March 10, 1971 BOROUGh: Engineer ~ealth pppa~tment Public Works Department Sand Lake Fire Department School District Street Names Tax Assessor Alaska Department of Righways. Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Association ~.e: MMMy~vgz~OYaP~ / Description of Property: See attached plat. Norman E. Brunquist Gentlemen: CITY OF ~2':~IOf~AGE: Fire i. Iarshal Municipal Light & Power Department Property Management Officer Public Works Departq~ent Telephone Utility Traffic Engineer Water Utility GAB Telecommunications~ Inc. Matanuska Electric Association ~atanuska Telephone Association Assists~t Superintendent of Mails Resubdivision / ~y~v~g Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area ~orough Planning and'ZOning Commission for the proposed Resubdivision of subject property. Attached is a copy of ~e proposed plat. Will you please submit your comments in writing~ specifying any easements or other requirements that your department or agency may need. If we do not hear from you bz March 26, 197.1, we will assume that you do not wish to submit any comments. If you have no further use for the attached print, please return it with your com~entso Planning Department GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ~1'7 E STREET ~ P. O, ~0~ 968 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 8 August 1966 Mrs. Co J. Hoschouer Planning Assistant Greater Anchorage A~ea Borough Planning Department 104 Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska SUBJECT: 1. 2. 3. go Reilly Subdivision = Final. Jewel Lake Terrace - Final. Tengberg St~division-Final. Lake Spenard Park Subd. Final, 5. Burton Subdivision - Final. 6. Bruce Subdivision - Final. ?~ Bella Vista Subdo - CS No0- S-10B2 ~ Final° 8. Alyeska Basin Subd. Final. 9o Boling Subdivision CS No~ S-1068 ~ Final. 10~ Tracts 1 g 2~ NW 1/4~ NE 1/4, Sec° 30, T12N, R3W, SoM. CS NOo S-1069 ~ Final. Dear Mrs° Hoschouer: We have reviewed the subject plats for-sewerage disposal and water supply feasibility; our comments are as follows: 1. Reill~ Subdivision ~ Final~ No comment. 2. Jewel Lake Terrace - Final° We concur~ 3. ~dlvision - Final. We concur. 4. Lake Spenard Pamk Subdivision = Final. We concur° 5. Burton Subdivision ~ Final° ~ at th~f~ location will probably not support ~ site sewage disposal systems. This Department has been plagued with AIR MAIL TO ALASKA IS FASTER Mrs, C, J, Hoschouer Planning Assistant August 8, 1966 Page #2 overflowing sewage complaints from Duke Subdivision for several years. We recommend disapproval until such time as trunk sewer service is available. ~. Bruce Subdivision. (Final) We concur. 7. Bella Vista Subdivision. (Final) We concur. 8. Al~eska Basin Subdivision - Final. NO comment, 9. Bolin~ Subdivision - Final. The plat in~ica~ the use of a cesspool. Borough health Ordinances require septic tank installations. The land subdivision meets our approval. 10. Tracts 1. ~. ~., NW l/~, d~ 1/.~, Sec..30,..?~?~,. R~.,...SZM. - F~a~... We concur, Sincerely, DAVID k. b. DUNCAN~ :!.D. Medical Director Su~t~r~isin~ Sanita~z~'an CPJ/cc Cs. No. S-1067 ,' GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 104 W. NORTHERN.LIGHTS BLVD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PLAT STATUS: FINAL Borough Tax Assessor Bo _ l'h De a tne_ .. Anchorage Natural Gas Corporation Chugach Electric Associa:~ion, Inc. City of Anchorage Fire biarshall City of Anchorage City of Anchorage City of Anchorage Traffic Engineer Telephone Utility Public Works Dept. City of Anchorage Property Management Agent City of Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Dick Watts - Planning Coordinator DATE: August 2~ 1966 Charles Harvard Alaska Railroad Spenard District Alaska Department of Highways Central Alaska Utilities Matanuska Electric Assoc. Matanuska Telephone Assoc. Asst. Superintendent of Mails Dept. Re: _$~b~ii0/i~iO~ Resubdivision/__Vi~_c~_t_i.o_n__ Description of Property: Lots 12 ~ 15, Block S into Lot 12A, Block 3, Lake Spenard Park Sub. Gent 1 emen: Petition has been received by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Planning and Zoning Commission for the proposed of subject property. Resubdivision Attached is a copy of the proposed plat. Will you please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that your department or system may need. If we do not hear from you by Au~us~ 12. 1966 we will assume that you do not wish to submit any ~ommentf. Very truly yours, Planning Assistant .... 6/8/66 NOTE: If yo~.have-n~ further use for attached plat, please return with your comments ~J~ !-~/AU~ 3 1966 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA ~OROUGH - H~J~blH D~PARIM~['~ SPENARD ROAD SPENARD PARK SUBDIVISION