HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIRCHWOOD PARK Lots 4 & 5 Federal Housin~ Adml~tatration Post Office B~x 723 Anehorage, Alaska Re: 8E FHA For~ 2217 & 2218 l~S, Claude O. ALt of ~t ~, P~i~ ~ B~r~w~ P~k 8ub~. ~e, ~ 8erl~ ~. ~0 Gentlm ~ EncXoee~ please f~l I~A F~ 2~X7 and 2~18 for the above mentleaed ~ropert~. This i~s~ation is &pprovedbytheDepartment. Xf we ma~ be of further asa~etauee re~ard~ this propert~ please £eel free to contact u~. Ver~ trul~ Mourn, A~s J. AX~r~ Chief ~ee. cf 8a~ttatiea a~d F~aeeri~ form &22lB Mr. I~z'e~z,~'~ 5 ~ovember 1957 Rhodes, CJJude O, A]L~ of Lo~ 50 Por~Lou of Lo~ & B~rehsmod Park Subd. &Teh S~mt SerLal Ho. 60005710 'FHA Form No. 2217 (Revised Dee. 1948) [] New installation. · ~ Existing installation. Budget nureau NO. ( ,qt~ 1'] ~t I Il ti lq1 b(~l' ) FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF INSPECTION INDIVIDUAL WATER-SUPPLY SYSTEM To 8e Heoded in by FHA Office (Insut'ing office) (Mortgagee) (Mol'tgagor or sponsol') Property address ~7 (City) (County} (S~ate) Total number: Living units ___1___ Bedrooms_ __~ ..... Ba~hs__ _~ ..... Basement: ~ Yes ~ No. Sewage disposal by: ~ Public s~er. ~ Community system. ~ Individual system on site. Part I-a.--FOR USE OF INSPECTING OFFICIAL (Fill in below information applicable to subject installation) 1NSTRUCTIONSi If 9tcw installation, inspect for compliance with approved exhibits and record any observed information not shown on, or which varies from, the approved exhibits. If existing installation, furnish as much of the information as may be available. Distance to nearest public water main, ___U~.~_. feet. Size of main, _?__.:::~:_ inches. Individual wells ~ are [] are not customary in neighborhood. Give most recent record of failure of wells in immediate vicinity to furnish adequate supply of water ~__~_~: Properties in neighborhood J~ are [] are not being developed with both individual water-supply and sewage-disposal systems. Lot size: .... ~__O_:_Q ...... feet wide, ._~..~.~ ...... feet deep. Dwelling set back from front property line, _¢_~__~__(~ ...... feet. Individual water supply from: [~ Drilled well. [] Driven well. [] Dug well. [] Bored well. Distance of well from: Building foundation, __ _zg__0_fl_ .................... feet; nearest lot line at [] front, ~ side, [] rear .... _~.~_'~ .................. feet, cast iron sewer, _____./~.~.P?~___ feet; tile sewer, _ ................ feet; septic tank, ]__0__~ __~"~.____ feet; disposal field, ................. feet; seepage pit,/-_9_-°-_.~ ...... feet; cesspool, .................. feet; other sources of possible pollution, ................ feet. Well construction: _ ~ Diameter, ____~ ...... inches. Total depth, [.~____.J~. feet. Type of casing, ~ ....... Depth of casing,/_ ...... ~ feet. Approximate depth to pumping level of water in well, _~ _~.____ feet. Approximate yield,/__,7_¢~_~ gallons Sealed watertight to depth of _g~.~-__~ feet. Exterior space around casing sealed with: [] Cement grout. [] Puddled clay. ~1 Ordinary backfill. Well cover: [] Concrete. [] Wood. [~ Metal. Openings in well cover watertight: [] Yes. [] No. Pump: [] Shallow well. ~ Deep well. Length of drop pipe .... ~___d___0__ feet. Pump capacity, __~_.?g'_0__ gallons Located in: [] Basement. [] Pump room off basement. [] Pump house above ground. [] Pump pit. ~ ~ Pump room properly drained: [] Yes. [] No. Pump mouniing watertight: [~ Yes. [] No. ....... Type of storage: J~ Pressure. [] Gravity. Capacity, __ _~,~ gallons. Has bacteriological examination of water been made? J~ Yes. [] No. If answer is "yes," give date .... ~_~-.,~ ....... 19~2: Quality of water ~ is [] is not satisfactory for human consumption. Installation ~ does [] does not comply with approved exhibits, if any. Inspection made by: [] State. [] County. ~]~ Local Health Authority. (Signed) .............. ~_~ ~,~_ _ .............................. (Title) Part I-b.--See reverse side- Part IL--FOR USE OF THE HE~.LTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL REVIEWING REPORT Based on the information reported hereon and other available information, it is the opinion of the [~State [] County [] Local Department of Health that this system [~is []is not satisfactory as a domestic water supply for the subject property. Remarks: A~oa ?. alJ;e~.~ ~ex Date _..l~.~ml~t~__~_ ............. :9___~? .... 8e~.__~__~a~__~ ~erl~ ........ (Title) To THE CHIEF UNDERWRITER: Part Ill.--FOR USE OF F. II. A. OFFICE I have reviewed the foregoing and the pertinent FHA Compliance Inspection Report, and recommend that the individual water- supply system be considered [] acceptable [] not acceptable. Remarks: Date ................................... , 19 ...... 2217--Individual Water-Supply System (Signed) .................................................................. [] Chief Arch:tect. [] Deputy for Chief Architect. Report of Inspection FHA ~rrn No. ~18 ~orm approved. (Revl~ed J..o ~0~) FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF INSPECTION INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE-DISPOSAL SYSTEM To Be Headed in by FHA Proper~y address ...... ~. ~ ~: l~?~ 3~ [] New installation. :~ Existing installation. (City) (County) (~tate) Total number: Living units ....... 1 ......Bedrooms ......S- ......Baths ..... 1 .......Basement: [] Yes [] No. Water supply by: [] Public system. [] Community system. ~] Individual system on site. Part I-a.--FOR USE OF INSPECTING OFFICIAL (Fill in below information applicable to subject installation) INSTI~UCTIONS: If ~W g~stcdla~io~, inspect for compliance with approved exhibits and record any observed info~ation not shown on, or which varies from, the approved exhibits. If e~s~ ~o~, furnish as much of the information as may be available. PRIHARY TREATMENT consists of ~ Septic t~k. .~ Cesspool. Septic Tank: Distance from well,~___ ~eet. Material, ................................... Number of compa~ment~- Total liquid cap~city, ....................................... gallons. Capacity inlet compartment, _..~..~__.~ ..................... gallo~. Inside length, _~ ..... ~ Inmde w~d~h, ~__~ ......... ~ L~qmd depth,~_.~.-.~ Cesspool: Distance from: Well, .............. fee~; foundation, ............... feet; nearest lo~ line a~ ~ fron~, ~ side, ~ rear, ............... feet. Inside diameter, .......... feet. Depth, .......... feet. Liquid cap,city, ............ g~llons. Lining ma~erlal ......................... SECONDARY TREATMENT consists of ~ Distribution box and ~ Tile disposal field. ~ Seepage pi~s. Other ........................... Tile Disposal Field: Distance from: Well, ............ ~eet; foundation, ............. fee~; nearest lot line at ;~ front, ~ side, ~ rear, ............... feet. Total length of tile lines, ..................... feet. Number of lines, ..................... Distance between lines, .................... feet. Total effective absorption area in bottom of trenches, ........................... square feet. Trench width, ..................... inches. Length of each line, ....................................... feet. Depth, top of ~ile to finish grade, ....................................... inches. Type of ~r material: ~ Gravel. ~ Broken stone. ~ Cinders. Other ........... ~ ............................................................ Depth of fil~r materlal beneath tile, ........................ inches. Depth of fil~er ma~erlal over ~ile, .............................. inches. Seepage P~ts: Number ~of pits .~._. Outside diameter, ~-- feet. Depth, .-~ ....... feet. Lining material ............ , ......... D~stance from: Well,~-~__ feet; foundation, ~_.~ ...... ~ee~; nearest lot line at ~ front, ~ side, ~rear, _~_~_._.. feet. If Existing Installation, give all the following ~i~o~al info~atlon available: Distance to nearest: Public sewer, ................. feet. Community system, ............... feet. Approximate direction of surface drainage of lot, .................................... Approxlma~e slope, ................. feet per 100 feet. Soilis: ~ Loam. ~ Sandyloam. ~ Clay. ~ Sandyclay. ~ Coarse sand or ~avel. ~ Hardp~. ~ Rock. Other ..................... Number o~ bathrooms, _ ........... Is there a basement~ ~ Yes. ~ No. Basemen~ drains to ............................................... Fixtures in basement: ~ Laundry tray. .~ Toilet. ~ Bathtub. ~ Shower. ~ None. :~ Floor drain. ~ Sump pump. Laundry waste disposal: Direct to ~ Seepage pit. Other .................. Through sump pit ~o: ~ Septic tank. ~ Seepage pits. Is foo~ing drain provided? ~ Yes. ~ No. Drains to: '~ Surface. ~ D~ well. ~ Sump in basement. Other ......... L .......... Downspouts or areaway drain ~o: ~ Su~ace discharge. ~ Dry well. Other .................................................................... Depth of house sewer belo~ finish grade a~ foundation, ................ feet. Inspection made by: ~ State. ~ ~unty. ~ Local Health Au~horlty. (Si~ed) Date of inspection ___~..~__-~ .............. ,19~-~ --: ...... ~~ ..................... Part I-b.--See reverse side Part II.--FOR USE OF THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL REVIEWING REPORT Based on ~he info~a~ion reposed hereon and other available information, i~ is the o~inion of the ~ S~ate ~ County ~ Local Department o~ Health ~hat this sys~em with proper maintenance: ~ can be expected to ~unc~ion satisfactorily, and is ~ cannot be expected to function satisfacto~ly. not likely to create an insanitary condition. Remarks: . (Signed) Ams J. ~ter~ ~ef Date _..~~..~- ............... 19~. ~--~--~~-~-~~ (Title) Part III.--FOR USE OF FHA OFFICE TO THE CHIEF UNDERWRITER: I have reviewed the foregoing and the' pertinent FHA Compliance Inspection Report, and recommend that the individual sewage-disposal system be considered [] acceptable .[] not acceptable. Remarks Date ....................................,19 ..... 2218--Individual Sewage-Disposal System Signed) ........................................................................ [] Chie~ A~'chitect. [] Deputy fo~ Chief A~chitec~. ~,~ ~ Report of lnsp. ection 'I.m~op u! aq.~aosop '~o:~o~$sp,~un s.t uaa:[s~:~ aql 5~g~$ uo.m.tclo ut: u.t ~in~a.x X~ zla.tti~ ptmo;r o~ ~uo.t:[.tpuoa $]~ .uo.Bmu.m~u.t ~uau.B~ad [~4uamoldtIns ,4u~ a]Ol,~---'S~K~¢II~Oo · u-I ,~ud u! paq!Josop Xilnj lou ggu!pu[I ]~mu[lxod ~uu ~aoiaq ~i.*la~lS 2rq aUUlS~---.llD&~DIS S,,IO,LDZGaN! TRYC~K, NYMAN & HAYEB July 24, 1964 Greater Andmrage Health District 217 E. Street Anchorage, Alaska ATTN: Dr. C~arles Shockey, O~ief Sanitarian Dear Dr. Shockey: Transmitted herewith for your approval are three (3) sets of drawings of six (6) prints each delineating water extensions wifldn B!~chw~0dPark, Sperstad and DeBarr Vista Subdivisions. Very Truly yours, Joe L. Hayes JLH:bb Encls.