HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOREALIS Community Water Systems Information December 15, 1977 Millard Owens or A. Perkins Star Route A ~ox 1581-W A~chorage, Alaska 99507 Subject; Borealis-Alpha Subdivision According to this department;s water sa~ling moniter listw we have not as yet received a water sample for the above subject w~ll system for the month of December, 1977. Our records indicate that you are responsible for turning these mandatory san~ples in for the subject water system. If you have not ~one so as yet, please obtain a water sampling bottle from the State Lab, 527 ~ast 4th Avenue~ as soon as possible and return the sample to the same address for analysi~. If you are no longer ~n charge of the subject water system~ please notify us immediately to any name and/or a~ress changes. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720 or at the abov~ addres~o Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Sincerely, Lynn Bringle COde ~nforcement Officer L~/ljh RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL 30(~ (plus postage) SENT TO STREET AND NO. F.O;i STATE AND ZIP CODE DP~ION~L ~ERI/IC~S FOR ADDITIONAL FEES ' RETURN ~ Sh~ws to wfiom ~ld da~e delivered~.....-~' 1~ I ~ ~ With delivery to addressee only ............ 65¢ / R~CEIPT ~' 2. Shows to whom date and where del vered .. 35¢ I SERVICES pP' With deHvery to addressee only ............ 85¢ POSTMARK OR DATE PS Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- (See other side) Apr. 197] NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL * GP0:1972 0-460-743 FRO~ SUBJECT DATE - . . - . -/ ~- ./--/ .... SIGNED SEND PARTS I AND 3 WITH CARBON WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY. Redi~prm® 4S 472 Poiy Pak {50 sets) 4P472 DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP · Besse, P.E. M and B Engineering 1330 East 71st Avenue Anchorage, AK 99502 Subject: Borealis Subdivision Addition No. 1 - Water System Dear Mr. Besse: .~ The plans and specifications for the subject project are approved for those features with which this department is concerned. The Anchorage Municipality has informed us of pressure problems with the system. Have these problems been resolved? Yours truly, cherry, P.E. Regional Environmental Supervisor sv cc: Les Buchholz FROM: D E P A R TM E N T: ~Z.~ ~:--?'~J~-,-,~-,-,~-,-,~-,~~-/~--- ~'~'7''' INITIATED BY: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DATE ANSWER REQUESTED: REQUESTED ACTION SCHEDULE "'"' t~ FOR INFORMATION ONLY ~J PREPARE BACK-UP INFORMATION ~,~ FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION ~J CALL ME BEFORE YOU ANSWER FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION ,l~ NEED YOUR RECOMMENDATION ~Jj OTHER T~ CIVIL ENGINEERING 1330 EAST 71ST AVENUE ~ ANCHORAGE ALASKA 99502 TELEPHONE: 907-344-4014 February 3, 1976 State'of:Alaska .Department of Environmental Conservation 338'Denali Street AnchOrage, Alaska 99501 get;Borealis'Subdivfsion Addition No. 1, Water System 'Attn~ .Mr, Kyle Cherry Gentlemen~ Enclosed find two (2) cop£es each of the As-Built water system details, one (1) copy of the well log and one (1) copy of the chemical and bacteriological' analysis for the above referenced water system. - " ~ .. A Home-Owners AssociatiOn is being formed for the residents of Omega Ci~c'l&' - and the maintenance and operation of the water system will be included. AlsO, a bacteriological analysis of the water produced by the system ona monthly basis will,be p~Ovided in the Association by-laws. Your efforts to expedite the review of the water system would be app Sincerely, M & B ENGINEERING Richard L. Besse PE Encl: (4) Mr. Les Buchholz 2510 Tudor Road Mr. Fred Smith 7600 Stanley Drive ~epaP~men~ o~ P~bllc ~ork$ approved by thts Department, Les ~, ~uchhol~ 4.1 gecember ~, 1975 Thts DePartment has recetved chAmtcal anetys?s as ~equested, however, the as-bu~t plans of the Nell house have not bee~ ConservAtton, Sta~e Of AlAska. Lega3 proceedl.figs v~] be SnttJA~ed tn ten days from recefpt of thtS letter s~nce you have been officially nottf~ed of the discrepancy b~fore, Les H. Suchhol~ LHG/IJh cc: Kyle Cherry, D.E.C. Ste~e of AlAska RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL~30~~ (plus postage) SENT TO STREET AND NO, P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE -- 01~¥i6HA£~ERVICES ¢OR- AD61TIOH~L FEES __ -- RETUR~ ~ Shows to w~om and d~te delivered .....;.... ....... ~ With delivery to addressee only ........... G5~ flr~c:rr ~ 2. Shows tO whom, date and where delivered ,, 35¢ SERVICES ~ With deliveryto addresse~only ........... .,~85¢ POSTMARK OR DATE PS Form Apr, 1971 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- (See other side) NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL *~ apo: 1D'72 o- 4s0."t4,~ Anchorage, Alaska ggS03 4.1 ~ove~ber ~1, lg75 Anchorage, Alask~ ~Jth our recant JnspecttoQ of the well horse constitutes approval of the water $~PPlY sys~e~, The ~elt must be sa~ple~ quarterly tn or, er t,o Matntatn 1ts current status. offtce it ~74-4561, e.ten$1on 136. CHEMICAL & &_OLOGICAL LABORATC..:,~$ OF ALASKA, INC. TELEPHONE (907) 279-4014 P.O. BOX 4- 1276 4649 BUSINESS PARK bLVD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 WATER ANALYSIS REPORT OPZ~ATO~ Colonial Re~l i~y Wm'-L NO Number 0ne(l) lt'IlgLD COUNTY ~rATu A1 ~ka DA?m No__ve__m_ber 14, 1975 LAS NO- 3708 LOCA?ZON Borealis Subdivision #l I~ORMATION INTERVAL SAMPLE FRO~, Omega Circle RIgMAR~8 & CONCLUSION0: CI ear Water. Fecal Co]iforms, co]onies/100m]...,,,. Neqai;iv~ ToUl Catlam .... 3.4q ?ot~ ^,k~ .... F~_ 4q ~m-cs ,q~ n~/~ .......... Obeer~ 43.5 earn. ms,tm Obe,,,~,,ed pH .......... 6.7 C.]:.;~.e:~ .... = --- alu~.m#n'e N& ~nple above de.-ri'bed ...................... , .... ::::::::::::::::::::: ................... :::::: ................... :::::::::::: .................................... ............ :::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: C~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ....................... ;;::::::: : : : II :: ::|:::| ......, .................. ,.,,,, ::: ::: ........................ , .......... ~ : : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: II WATER ANALYSI8 PATTERN ME0 ~ Unit lO Nm 1 Ca 1 Mg 1 Fe C1 HCOs 80~ CO, ',-'1 i I/ ~! I i LI JAY S. HAMIdOND, Governor DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTA RVATION wA $OUT~TRA // SOUTNCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE ( -- ~T~ MACKAY BLDG. ,. ~ ANCHORAGE 99501 November 11, 1975 Mr. Les N. Bucholz, Sanitarian Municipality of Anchorage Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, AK 99502 Subject: Borealis Subdivision Well Site Details Dear ~ir. Bucholz: From the single plan sheet submitted to this office it would appear that the well house and appurtenances are adequate. This opinion Js based on the premise that the we].], casing extends at least 12 ~nches above the floor and an aquate seal is 'provided. Sincerely, ? · Regional Environmental Supervisor CHEMICAL ,~ : OLOGICAL LABORATL TELEPHONE (,907) 279- 4014 P.O. BOX 4,- 1276 ~ ,, ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99509 WATER ANALYSIS R~PORT OPERATOr., :Mi 1 lard E._ wD~L WELL #O Wai;er Wel 1 Anchora§e___ BTATU · .'; OF ALASKA, iNC. 4649 BUSINESS PARK REMARKS & CONCLUSIO)rJ,~ter. Fecal Colif~rm/ldfl ml.. .. ~-- ' '~-~-'-, ', ............................ Neqatlve Total H ' carb .......... =-- -~ ..... · - - . H-~]-cJ~g Ci~_g,~.V~.onate.~m~L~l .... 62.5 . . 3 7 qraln~ n ,. '. . -' ~~ _Ca_rbonate~_m_.q[1..]'~[O.O ..... ~raffi~~ mee~s American Public Health Specii:ications ~dksn - ' .... ~ O. 64 ~ 8u~b~ ...... Trace --- ~ ...... 2 0.05 ~ 5 o.f~ ~ '- .... ~ 0.25 ~ ~ ..... ~ l~ ~.80 Nil WATI~R ANALYSIS HCO,~ CO, (#o ~uJuo h ~ m~b8 Imkd~ N& K, md Ld) HOT LINE Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality COMPLAINT AND ACTION FORM HOUSING AIR POLLUTION CASE NO. PUBLIC FACILITIES JUNK AUTOS DATE EWER & WATER LOCATION OF COMPLAINT: RESPONSIBLE PARTY ADDI~ W.,~,q PHONE NUMBER RECORD OF CONTACTS AND CORRESPONDENCE Date Time Comments TIME & DATE COMPLAINTANT CALLED BACK EQ-045(9-74) Use Reverse Side of Form for Further Comments ?600 Stanley AJteh~?al~'O, Alaska On Atqpuat ~tO. 10TS an instpe~Jon wes made on th~ eo~amuntty w~il loeated oyi The tnspeotfon r~ereol~l the Following eut"t"mt m~ndttlans esuse the water supply system to b~ svstepttble to and ~l~ty (80) pounds_~ The pump ayeles evelT flftem (16) seconds when s wat~J~ domsud ~ists. ~~[ ~ Mr. Me. ill the ~ ~a m~ t~ ~e if p~rly twanty-ed4~R (28) IMundds iS deemed inadequate to p~ope~ly pre~out4~ the MEhtr The pz~osm problem and napld ayolinr time twhiah eanae pump damask) must ~ed withh flftean (IS) days ~ the ~ of this iettoF. The w~ must be ropdKlM~l ~dd ~e~u. ed wflhin thirty ($0} days. Failings to ottmply will result in lelfal nailed thigh the Stet~ AdministF~ttive AUFdst 29, 1975 Omega C~rcle llomeowners AssocJatioll P, ox 10259 Klatt Stat.ion Anchorage, Alaska 99507 August 2§, 1975 Mr. ]:ret1 Smith (2o71o'n i al Real 1:)' 7600 Start 1. ey Anchorage, Alasl<~ 'Dear Iqr. Smith: 99501 On 1:he 13th of! August, the Omega Circle l]onleowners Assoc:iation held a meet:lng with discuss:ion centering around the deficiencies sti'll exist:lng :in this subd:ivision. Of particular concern are the water system, hydrant, water pressure, adequacy of water volume and the pump house itself. The de~.iciencies above are of extreme concern due to the approach of winter, 'l'his assoc:iation has dec:ided that :if the al)ove def:i, cienc~es are not corrected w:ithin ten days of receipt o:~ thSs letter, we sha]] l)Ursue more posJl:Jve action. Sincerely' yours, ])resident ])dVJ / eg cc: 1)ff. Re:id Environmental Qua] Jty Dept. (iAAB Mr. ]:rank Bethnrd Mortgage ],oan ])opt. NBA Mr. lh'eund, V.P. ')st Nationnl Bank o(' Alasl<~ Chief' 1;a~.lley 4350 Ma~)nnes, Anchorage Mr. lV. K!u'; ing College Vie,,' Apt. 11303 350l E. 42m; Ave. Anchorage Mr. Start I:ischer Consumer Protect:ion Agency 360 l( Streel Anchorage~ A1 a :',',,a 9950] GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Hay 14, 1975 Hr. Fred Smtth Borealts Subdivision SRA Box 4086 Anchorage, AK 99502 SUBJECT: Comauntty~e1100~eelts Subdivision Addttton i 1. Oe~r Hr. Smtth: Thts Department ~ecetved a letter dated 14Nr 20, 1976 rrm. you stattng tl~e11 ands commnttytmter system wt11 be Installed. As of thts dire, es requtred by law, thts Department has not recetved as-butlta, ~&ter analysis, sampllng schedules, or spp~ov~ f~om the State Department of £n¥tt'onmental Conservation. Recently, complaints hive been recetved regarding Inadequate ~tor pressure, and the ¢tre hydrant betng Inoperable. ~ter analysts and &s-butlts must be sent to thts department and the State Department of Environmental Conservation le~edtatily. $1ncarely, Les Buchholz, R.S. 5&nttartan LB/st cc: IlCyle Cbe~y RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--3O(~ (plus postage! - ~ O~NACSERVIC~ FO~ADDIfi~AL FEES - - ~ ...... & * With delivery to addressee only ........... 65¢ RECEIPT ~ 2 Shows to whom, date and where delivered .. 35¢ SERVICES ~ ' W th de ivery to addressee only ...~.:..~**.~5~ ~PE~IA~ DELIVERY (ex~;~{e~ ~equire~) .................................... PS Form 3800 HO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- (See other side) Apr. 1~?] NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL ~ ~]~o: ~e~e o- ~0-?~a BOREALIS SUBDIVISION Star Route A, Box 4085 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 May 20, 197~ Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 9950~ Re: Borealis Subdivision, Addition Number One Gentlemen: This is to certify that we are the owners of the ten lots that make up Addition Number One, and that we will install a community water system including well and pump house, a water main, key box service to each lot and one fire hydrant. The installation will be designed and supervised by M 2 B Engineering whose address is 8505 Rangeview Avenue, Anchorage. Work is underway and should be completed within forty-five days. Sincerely, Fred A. Smith General Partner FAS/ls January '~'~ 1~74 John Canno~ F.H. Ltnds~y am~ Associates P.O. Box A~chorage, Alaska 9950~ SUBJECT: Borealts Subdivision Water System {Semi-Public Class A) l)ear ~lr. Cannon: The Department of Environmental Quality ))as received and reviewed as-~)uilt plans of the r~.ain and service connections for the subject water system. This portion of the project is approved for those features for which this departj'~nt is concerned. We will expect to receive completed plans on the well house, plumbing, electrical, etc. and che~,}tcal and bacterial analysis to complet~ Che er)tire project. Prior to our approval of putting this w~ter system into use, these additional submissions must be reviewed and approved by this department. Should you have any questions regarding our review of the data submitted as of this date, ~lease contact the undersigned. Si ~)cerel)~, ilolf Strtckland, R.S. Chi of SmH tari an lb ~ L~D Sunv~s HYDnoon~pmo Sunwvs F. M. Lindsey and Associates P. O. Box 4-081 2502 West Northern Lights Blvd. Ph. 272-4428 or 272-4429 ANc~o~o~, January 22, 1974 Mr. Rolf Strickland Chief Sanitarian GAAB Dept. of Environmental Quality 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Borealis Subdivision Water System Dear Mr. Strickland: Enclosed herewith is a copy of a partial As-Built of subject water system. Only the main and th~ service conn~ntian have been placed to date. It is in--that the system be completed in May or June. Additional drawings and other required data will be sent to you at that time. Please call me if there are any questions. Sincerely, Attach. Copy: Mr. Millard Owens JC:dt January 30, 1974. // WILLIA/klA EGAN, GOVERNOR / / SO~/TtIC£NTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE / 338 OENALI STREET / MACKA Y£UILOING-ROOM$SO ANCItORA GE ~q501 Mr. John Cannon. P.E. F. M. Lindsey & Associates P. O. Box 4-081 Anchorage, Alaska SUBJECT: Borealis Subdivision -Water System, As-Built Pl'ans Dear Mr. Cannon: The construction on the as-built dr'awing¢ submitted to this office which consisted of approximately 385 linear ft. of 6 IncP, ductile ir6n pipe with service connections on Alpha Circle.is approved for the features wil'h which-Phis department is concerned. Yours truly, Kyle 'Cf. Cherr/, P.E. ' oRegional Environmental Engineer cc: Roll Stricklandz/ October 12, lg73 Hr. i Jori HcGee 4:~12 Sundi Drtv~: Anci~orage, Alaska System for AddlLion J'l, Borealis Subdivision Ti~,~ Creater i,ncilorage Ar~:a borough DeparCmeqi: of Environmental Quali ~y oas r~ceived and revi~}.~ed the prelii~dnary engineerinu plans for the pro- F. oscd ~.]at~Jr syst,Jm irt the subject subdivision. ~e fin~ that these p)ans LaD,:r, ',~e ~]aw~ learll~?d from both Hr. Cannon, the engineer, and Li~e ~.,cll drtll,~r, Hr. Wayne ~us&berg of H A W ~Jrilling, tila~ t,le well ac:ually will no: imoduce fJur%y (,SO) gallons a minuLe. '[,1~ prulil:dnar.v engineering and ~m~ sys~ef~l can adequately be desig~*~ed to ilanale .:~11 homes in Audition #l, ,vi'Ch th~: reduced flow as Che driller and engineer have projected. Nu a sagisfacgory system. Ne woulu mention, ~L this Lilne, that wi)eh the well goes in for ~))e Second Addition to ~orualis Subdivision, and, if iL pro- duces a substantially larger volumne of water, this ~epar:)m:n~ will re- quire ~nat both well //1 and /~2 be inter-tied Co )i)aKe a higher produuinu syste~) for all lots witJ}in the subdivision. Should you have any quo,sCions regarding our co~mien~s ii'] tili$ letter, please contocC ~i~c, und~Jrsi.dned direcCly. Si nc:~ re ly, i<olf SCrickland, "~' Chief Sanitarian ~]YDROCItAPHIC SUHVBYS F. M. Lindsey and Associates P. O. Box 4-081 2502 West Northern Lights Blvd. Ph. 272.4428 or 272-4429 ANCHO~U,O~, ALaS~ October 12, 1973 Mr. Rolf Strickland Chief Sanitarian G.A.A.B. Dept. Of Environmental Quality 3330 C st. Anchorage, Ak., 99503 Subject: Proposed Borealis Subdivision and Borealis Subdivision Addition No. i Water Systems Dear Rolf, This letter has two purposes: First, to request your approval of a revision of the system described in the Engineering Report for Borealis Subdivision and, secondly, to request a letter of approval for a revised system of the same type for Borealis Subdivision Addition No. 1 As proposed, the system would have been a 40 GPM well supply and about 300 gallons storage in a 600 gallon pressure tank. The well only produces about 12 GPM. We would like to reduce the anticipated demand load to 25 GPM (2.5 GPM per residence) which, in my opinion, is still within acceptable limits. Based on a peak hour flow of 25 GPM and assuming a sustained pumpage rate of 10 GPM it will be necessary to store a 15 GPM x 60 minutes = 750 gallons. To provide this, we propose to install a 1500 gallon pressure tank within a pump house in the center of the cul-de-sac. All requirements for the pump house will be met and it will be fully described on "As-Built" drawings. The well has not yet been drilled for Addition No. 1. It may well be that a larger-flow will be attained,at that location. If, however, a lower yield well is developed, we would propose to take a similar approach to that described for Borealis Subdivision. Mr. McGee, owner of Borealis Subdivision Addition, is in the process of seeking financing for his development. If this approach is acceptable We'd appreciate a letter to that effect. If you would like any further information, please call me. S~cerel y, John bannon, P.E. Chief Engineer JC/dat BECE~VE~ JUL o 0 19/3 PM July 25, 1973. ,~r. John Cmmon, P.E. P. H. Lindse¥ ~ Associates P. O. Box 4-081 Anc!~rago, Alaska ~REATER ANCHORA~I~.~,J~EA BOROUGH II~lIPT, OF .~NVIRONM~N?AL RECEIVED JUL 0 1@73 Pm SUBJti~: ¥~realis Subdivision lcater S).~tems: I)oar I4r. Cannon: l{ith the understanding tlmt the paint usmt to cover the interior of the 600 gallon water tanks meets an AI;TIA or other apl~ropriate spccification~ the plans m~cl sp~ifications for the subject proj~t are apprwe4 for the features ~ith ~hich this de~r~ent is co:menz~, l,[e shall look fommrd to the r~eint are d~elop~. Yours truly, Regional l~wiron~ental cc: Roll Strickland, GAf~-DEQ// July Subject: tJorealis Subdivision .- Sek~er a,u lJa~:r You nav~.' requ,.~s~ed a staten~nC fro)~ our {JeparCnlelll; i~l regards go the eater and sewor systo)'~s proj(~cte(~ for the subjuc~ subdivision. Ti~c current sCatu~ of this sued)vis)oh i~ as follows: (~r~'~ater Anchorage Area Boroug~ ~art~m~ of Euvirom~ental Qudlity hav~: r,)vi.Jv.,e6 a~)d aF!.)rovt~d the construct)or) plans on ~i)e ;.aCer system. Tiris ~.~ater systehl has ueen properly designed ~y your fin:~ mia, i~) our ~stima- ~ion, ~dll proviJe, adequab~ ~latur Co all lots in Cae SubdivisioF~. SEb, JA(JE tJlSt;USi~L: ~\t Ci~e Ci;~)e that 'Lile subdivisio, plat was ~pprovud. your fin)~ ~'C ',dCi) t,ds LJq)artm~:mt ar)d ca)~ Co m') a§reu)~ent on the lot size vmi ci~ al lows for adequat~ sewage disposal o~ each I ut unti I puuli c sewn-Jr 5ecom~.:s availabh.~. /kC ~i,e curre)lC rabJ of s(~'wer dev~loi)m~r)t;, it is proj(;cb~d .~i~at t~m se,.~er will be available Co tais subuivision witida the nex~ six ('.o ~i.',.l!,C ( Li-a ) years. 'Th~ luLs are properly sized Lo i~andle t~)Jividua') ~asb:~' disi)osal s?st.~l)~s on all 'lo~.s ,dCi~uuC cr'eatilK} problems until rids tiu~. mental Conservation f~ul ti)at this ~ubdi¥ision has buer~ properly desig~- eU to provide adequate ~at(Jr toaall lots m~d, likewise, adequately handle on-siC~ ~vast~ disposal o~ all lots. Si nceruly, Rolf Scric~lmid, i.<.S. Ci~ief Sa:flier)mi J~Jty 1,::., i,iJ C:li of' Sa~i tarian