HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Information STATE OF ALASKA For~/a No. PEEHP-W-1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health II. III. PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT LOCATION: Operating Agency: Responsible Official: Mailing Addre ss: Spsnard Utilitiea Inc~ Dames ~oore 2326 Spenard Rd Date Of Visit:' Au§uat 17,. 1966 ,Title: Vice Presided t. OffiCe Location:2526 Spenard Rd ~.. Anchora,qei SYSTEM DATA: Debarr' Vista, Elm Rich, Nevilla Park Area Served:Creuk Side, BL~I~ Turpin, Colman Population Served:_ No. of Connections: 204 Metered? Quantity - Range: 51000 - 71000 GPD Source s:. Drt,l,l,e~ ,uKll! Raw Water pH: 8°0 Treated Water pH: l'emp: TREATMENTPLANT OPERATING PERSONNEL: Chief Operator: 3ohnny Operators: Dick Brink N0_ Wate'r Rate: 7.00./mos. Average: 61000 GPD N/A Chlorine Residual: N/A ' Yrs. Exp. Y?s. Exp., Yrs. Exp. 25 Cert.: N/A .. 2 Cert.: N/A ' Cert.: IV. SANITARY AND PUBLIC HEALTH CONDITIONS OR HAZARDS: a) b) c) d) e) g) h) Facilities: Toilet: Source Protection: No Wash Basin: Subground pit ¸No Shower: No Clear Well Protection: Bnilding Drains and Sewers to: Cross Connections: General Cleanliness: Other: No drains None observed :[) Fencing: No Vo SAFETY CONDITIONS: First Aid Equipment: No Chlorinator Housing: N/A Ventilation:_ Othe r: N/~ Gas Masks: No Walkways:. N/g Lighti. ng:, Good Form No. I~EEI~I~-W-1 Page 2 F. ngine e r :._Dickinson-Oswald Yas MI. RECORDS KEPT: a) I°ermanent Files: "As Built" l~lans: Yes Datailed l~iping & Electrical ~lans:_~ Shop Dra~ings and Operatin~ Instructions for Equipment:_ b) Perfor~anc~= Records:~yaa c) ~eports on File: Yes d) lieports i%'Progress:__N/g VM. GENERAL COMMENTS: ~3.1 is in a 20' deep ~it lined mith 6' dis C~IP. Capacity is adequate fo~ systom. glou3 is pumped illtO a 6~000 9al underground p~essu~ tam;<. Consido~in9 Nuflaka Uallsy, Shady Lane, amd Creak Side Systems together denlands are ovo~ 0.25 616D. Storaqe capacity ~ithout the sot satisfactory. VIii. FE ~ I OF 1964 EARTHQUAKE ON WATER SYSTEM: Water Sources: None On Treatment l~lant: ......... On Distribution Systen%:____~lin___~oF~_3_q~L<p___a~¢ some lin~. breakaqe. . Yes, repairs were first tem.porary, Then Repairs and Reconstruction Co~:apleted.. Final. Remaining Ef£ects on System: Nons II. SOURCE: a/ Surface: Structure: Condition: Wells: Depth: Drawdown: Casing Material:. c) Emergency source: STORAGE: T._~yj~_ Mater iai Prossuro Tank St~, INVENTORY SU~ PLEMENT Form No. pEEHP-W- Page b) No N/A C apac ity:, N/A ,- 340' Size: 15" Static Level: 90' 10' Rated Capacity:_ [Inl~nnmll Screens:__ Yah - Stool __ Casing Depth: 305' Nnn8 Size C ond[tion 6000 gas _ _ Good (50-70 osig) III. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Type of l~ipe: 6"~ 8"~ 10" AC Dead ends: No Pressures: Other: Fire Hydrants: Not tastsd Logical arrangamant of valves 42 IV. CHEMICAL FEED: Chemi. caI Equipment N~ C ont r el C ondit ion MrXING: Size: No Equipment:__ N/A C ondit ion: N/J~ Rated Capacity: VI. COAGULATION: Size: Equipment:__., N/IR C end it [on: N/A VII. SEDIMENTATION: Equipment: N/A No Rated Capacity: No Stze. C ond it ion: VIII. FILTRATION: Type: No F[lter Mater [al: N/& Underdra[n System: Rate C, ontroller. Backwash Method: General Cond[t ion: N//~ IX. REACTOI{ TYPES: General Descr [ption: No Form No, Date Installed: N/A Size: N/A Loss o£ Head Gage:__ PEEHP-%V- 1 Page 4 ~/^ Condition: X. SLUDGE HANDLING: Method: Disposed to: N/~ C ond ].t ion: N/A, XI. CLEAIIWELL: Size: C ondit ion: N/A Eli. CHLOiIINATION: Model: No Control: n_Type of Supply: Detention Time: Condition: N/~ XlII, PUMPS: G apac [ty:_ N/A, - ,.P°[nt of Application:_. . N/A Purpose Pump Type_ ___No__ .qapa¢[t~! C__o..n, 9 it ion ,~00 6PB -- , oG__g~j (S~rq-~arner) XIV. BOOSTER STATIONS: Location Pumps C__a, pac it¥ No Condition XV, XVI. XVII. XVIII. LAB 0 i~.ATOP,.Y: Size: No Equipment: .... ~/~ EME]kGENCY PP~OVISIONS: , Stand-by Equipment; ......... Spare Parts: Au.x[l[ary l°ower~' N~A~ , COLD WEATHE~I PtlOTEC TION: Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page' Units Housed: Yes Un[ts Heated: ,, , Yes OTHER UNITS: (for iron and manganese removal, sOften[ng,.aeration, taste and odor control, corrosion control, £1uor[dat[on, etc.) No · ]~0 rFfl ~TO, OPERAiION SUPPLEM P EEHP-W ~ 1 Page 6 i., CIH;~'MiCAL FEED: C hen'~ ical N/^ Quant [ty. Method of Addition III~ ~iL%'RATION: Condition of F.Ll~er ~edk ~A "' . . ~ac~wa~,, Or:'ara~ed by~_~2~&' .... ?:t'¢qm~ncy 'N/A ~uantLty: ~ackwash Disposed to~__~/~,_,:: ....................... ~ .. : .... W. CHLORINATION: Dosage 2%ars Cb?¢¢"~,~d: ............. :,N/A ...... . Residual Measured:_____~/A~ ............ /.,:.xxt. S';, red on V. OPEttATION OF OTI~t~ UNITS: N/A _,." NAa' ...: . N/^ SA.3A?L!'%'D AND TESTINQ: a) c " - ~a.xen of: Bacteriological .... ~,~,ts ~ '~ oamt).~a~ , -- '-"' ' ~onducted. Bimeekly~ ,, -- _~.~ .... 1t ....... ~.~LATION AND 1/~.A?.~, ~].:,N~iXCE . i{OBLEMS (!ow ~empera~;ure e~c. ) m VIiio Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page 7 RECOMMENDATIONS WATER SOURCES: Concrato f].oor_tu~_~.th drain piped to open outlet .10~.',,~4%~sm ~o].l should be p~ovidod in pit° II. III. TREATMENT PLANT: DISTRIBUTION: 500~000-gallon storage tank should bo incorporated in tho system. IV. GENERAL OPERATION: FI. ow should be measured. SPEC~ZAL PREPAREDNESS FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE DISASTERS:' Emergency supply should be p~oMided for this system ~hich wauld include also Kluene Terrace and Shady Lane. LABORATORY RESULTS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER RESOURCES DIVISION Analyses by Geological Survey, United S~;atos Department of bh~ In~erio~ (par~e par million) .L~bo~atory Numbo~ · · · · · · 9278 Date of Celleation . Silica (Si02) .... Iron (Fa) ...... ~,lsngancse (Ii]n) . . · Calcium (Ca) .... a~agnesium (r~9) .'. · Sodium (Na) Potassium (K) · Carb'on Oiex±de 8icarbonato (HCO~) Carbonate (C03) ~ . Sulfa%~ (SOs) · · · Chloride (C~) , . . Fluoride (F) · . Nitrate (NO5) . Dissolved Solids Caloulatod .... . ..... RosJ. du~ o~ 5vapors%ion at 18006.. Hardn~;ss as 00003 . . . o · . Noncarbonat~ Hardness as AlkaliRi~y · 8-15-66 · 12 · 0.06 · 9.0 · 3.6 0.5 1.6 163 0·6 · 0.0 154 127 47 80 Spooific Conduotencs (~icromho~ at 25~g) . · · ~ .... 272 pR ............ . .... 8.2 Color . · · ... . . . ,. . . · . .,. . · 5 Mr. Ifarris Magnusson c/o Alaska Department of I-lealth L Welfare 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska PHONE 272.342B Work Order NO.:L ?SZI~ _ Project: Post Quake Sanitation Study Subject: Coliform Determination on Water Samples Gentlemen: In accordance with your request coliform determinations have been performed in our laboratory using the Millipore Membrane method. The sample identification and results are as follows: Sample No. Identification Coliform Organisms per 100 milliliters ~/9 Creekside, at Texaco S'ba%ion; sampled 15 Augmst, 1966; GJC~SK 0 4,80 Same as above 0 If there are any questions with regard to the above tests please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTL~iB · Kenneth W, Bl~'dsoe, MAIG Water ~boratory Supervisor State Permit W-1 KAgB:sc