HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTONY BROOK S-2971 THIEI. & ASSOCIATES February 16, 1973 Rolf Strickland Dept. of Environmental GAAB 3330 ~C" Street Anchorage, Alaska Quality Dear Rolf: On February 9, determine the the proposed subdivision of Stony Brook. E~ch test hole appeared to have similar material and the location of the holes were spread throughout the proposed subdivision it is mu opinion that the soils show uniform characteristics of approximately 200 to bedroom. --~ 1973, a field investigation was made to soils classification for four test holes in since entire will 225 s.f./ If there are any questions concerning the soils classification please don't hesitate to call at 27976508. Thank you. Sincerely, r Ro~a'ld L. Thiel, P.E. This Fare R~ports a: So~-~'-~ Lo~. ..... Depth Feet Soil Cha~acterls~ic~' "~ '.?Z"'. .... ~'. '. .... /~"' ~.'- ~ ~ ~ 1' -/~- '~-.-, ~ ~, '--.. . ~-~ / [ .:~. .-.:: . ..':..": : ~':~:. ~ ' ~ ' If Yes~ A~ ;/hat Depth_.. · '-}~ola~ion Tess Location Sketch'-° Reading Date. Gross Time ~;et Time "" i "~,, ~ Depth To ~[2O' J Dfc'in Field NeW Drop' · , , ~ A}~CHORAGE~ ALASKA' 99501 ~- - .. , ~ :. ' ..-, . '-, ~29.? - ~ n~-..~.;,~%'''' "' o" ' .Wiock'- ~ubd_vision " This For~. Reports a: So~--~--~ Log ..... D~pth ~ ": :.. " . F~e~ Soll 'Chaz~ac~e-~'~st~cs. _ , .. ':~ ~..... . ..: ~. : , If Yeso At What D~p~th__ Location S,,_~h ' .} . Depth To /,;er Drop' ,,. ~t.' .... t' t. } ,,,~. . . ,.~ , ~ "~, !-" ,.., I . .., L .... t ! : ...ovu~=d Xnstalia. tion: Seepage Pit Drain Field Depca Of Inlet ..... ',,Deo~h Yo Bottom Of Pi~ Om T~ench · Da'ca C~¢,¢irzed, By: ' : '-: '. ;v~'.'::..: ; ' - "-:. - : .. '.''.-'~ : ' " Dat~l N ' -' " ~ ............. ~ ~ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA' 99501 pcrfor,mcd FOr . q ~/~',. : L~gat D~scri~tion: Lo~ , Block ~ S~c~v~s~o~ ., This Fo~ KepOP~S a: S~Lo~ - .Pe~o'la~io'~ Tes~ Soil Ch~acte~s:i~s' ~a* Ground Wate~ Enceunte~ed? If Yes~ At What Dspth, : Location Reading Date. Gross Tim~ ' . l~et Tim=- Depth To ~.;e~ Drop' Proposed installation': ~apag~ Pit Drain Field . Demtrh Of Inlet ' ~eoth. To Bottom 0f PIt Or T~ench .... ~ ~ ~ ~,~-~ .... ~.,. ....,.~ . . . . 327 t;^GL~ $'rR~F,T . " ,rhls Fo~ R-~p~r:s a: S~o~ , . - .,?ercol~ion Tes~ ..... ' Depth Soil Was Ground Watem Encountered? if Yes: A'~ What Depth ..... Reading 1 Date t , F.amco'~ai~_on aa~e i'~/ ' F:coposed Depih Of Inlet Gross Time !natal~Seapage Pi-~ Location Sketch''' Dao~h To Bottom Of Yi~ Or ~'~ '~ . Drain Field