HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPRING FOREST SOUTH S-6451 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT QF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEF-T ET PLATTING BOAR[) ~ PLANNING & ZONING S-6451 )ATE RECEIVED July 20, 1982 NAME Tracts lC, iD Spring Forest South Subdivision COMMENTTO PLANNING BY August 6, 1982 TOR MFETING OF CASE OF ~I/PUBLIC WATER .N.O~T AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA FZ~'PU-BI lC SEWER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA ~EVIEWER'S COMMENTS: 71-014 (Roy. 2178) January 1.4, 19'77 ./ MUNICIPAU~Y OF ANCHORAG Alaska Corp.o. ration of Sevent.h Day AdventzS,~o 718 Barrow Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Mro Eugene Start ~ , Facilities · r~,,-~. · O ' Malley Church · Sub] .... jUL 2 0 1982 Dear 10r. [4hart: Tral,smitted herein in accordance with our instructions are the ?csults of the subsuIface investigation performed January 5, L977. This exploration includes !l test holes drilled project site at pro)osed improvement locations- · The e~pioration was conducted using a "Mobile Drill" Model B-50 ~ ." : .,~;..,,- ~ ow~nct and or..eraz¢-o .)~ ;.- .- .... ,, ..., Table A ,,(,ntains the loqs of these test holes. The standard expJ.anahory information on Sheets 1 to 3, following zap. will help in interpreting the logs. Hole locations are shown the Test ~ole Location Sketch at the end of the report. ..... s collected from all test holes and given a, visual field classifLcation- As the samples were recovered, they were -' -.-' b~gs, sealed labeled and retu~'ned ko tbs ? , - ~ '" tbS: placed in p.~astlc }in the laboratory for ~urther classification- . samples were again visually classified and rested z ~ con~ent add dry strength, Smnples ef similar color, %exture grain s~ze distribution were lnmDed together and given an arbJ trary group designation. Grain size dis%ribution ~eoL- on specimens from the major composite qroups. The gradation curves are presented a~ter the exp1ana~ocy information. CONCLUSIONS: T,le e×ploration indicates the projec'~ sLte has a organic (peat) mantle, Tl~e peat depths reco.ca:;~ 0.5' to t h i. n ,laried F,~r I ~_anuary .14' 1977 iPage 2 .2. LThe-.organic soils .are underlain by a sandy silt layer which :ranges in :thickness from 2.5' 'to 21.5'· The sandy silts :have 'vmry low permeability. 3. Stratas of gravelly sands and sandy gravels with significant · silt content were encountered throughout the site. They ranqed in depth from 2.5 feet to 20 feet. Their thickness ranges from about 2.5 feet to 7 feet. 4. The free water table was not identified during'~[he explora- tion, but some near surface seepage was noticed in two of the test holes, indicating some potential for a perched ground water table during the wetter months of the year. 5. The site is suitable for conventional shallow spread footings as defined under the Recon~nendation~. Sandy silts found on the project site are not suitable for structural fill. Sands and gravels found on the project site appear 'to have some potential for structural fill and as a leading field for sewage disposal systems. The horizontal and vertical extent of these materials was not fully defined by this exploration. Two percolation tests were perfor]ned. They yielded percola- tion rates of 17 minu~es per inch and 8.3 minutes per inch. Our past experience with the glacial tills found in this project area indicates -that the higher value of 17 minutes per inch is more typical of the site soils. Fine grained glacial tills do not possess good percolation values. RECOMMENDATIONS Foundation Systems A. C_on~ventional Shallow S_~[ead Eootings Minimum Widths: a) Continuous wide. footings should be at least 14" b) Isolated square footings should be at least 18" square. c) Footings should be sized so that the soil bearing value listed in ~his report is not exceeded. d) Unheated foo[~ings should be at least 6" w~der than their stcm (or co].umn) . Reinforce the stent and footing to resist tensile, uplift, forces along the face of the stein. Alaska Ce. pozatior~ of ganuary 14, 1977 Page 3 Seventh Day Adventists Minimum depth of cover: a) Heated perimeter footings; 4' below nearest surface grade to bottom of footing. b) Heated interior footings; 2' be~u~w nearest surface grade to bottom of footing. c) Unheated footings; 5' below surface grade to the top of footing, where moderate movement may be .tolerated. Where seasonal movement may not be tolerated, provide heat, or provide 2 inches of Styrofoam SB (blue) insulation placed 12 inches below grade for no less than 3 feet outboard of the unheated footing. Insulation a) Provide a frost bond break and thermal barrier by placing at least 1 inch of Styrofoam SB (blue) or similar non-water absorbing, gas filled, polystyrene, rigid insulation below grade along the outboard face of all perimeter footing walls. The purpose of the insu].ation is as follows: l) To control heat loss by directing heat flow down from the interior floor or slab along the footing wall and under the footing to keep the underlying foundation soil thawed, 2) To provide a resilient surface to absorb horizontal frost heave strains which would otherwise act directly on the footing's face, 3) TO provide a slip plane to absorb vertical frost heave strains which would otherwise act directly on the footing's face. Note: A heated structure is defined for the purposes of this report as a building which is heated during the winter months for its entire life, including construction. Addi- tionally, the floor slab must be uninsulated to allow heat to flow into the soil. .January 14, 1977 .Page .4 Day Ad ven t~.s I..s ~) Zn specific instances styrofoam SB (blue) insulation should be placed at or near the ground surface beneath or about specific improvements to maintain the depth of frost penetration within the insulation or within acceptable limits. 4. Allowable Bearing Value: a) Allowable bearing value for minimum width footings is 4000 psf. II. Earthwork A. Site Preparation Ail organic material, frozen soil, loose fill and debris should be removed from the work site prior to placing any structural fill, slabs, or foot&ngs. Do not start structural fill operations or footing construction on frozen soil. Protect soils used for founding footings or grade slabs from freezing during and subsequent to construction. Protect foundation soils from surface and subsurface water intrusion during the construction secuence. Construction roads and/or work pads may be necessary in the summer months to separate construction traffic from the silts. These soils may become unstable (muddy) if not adequately protected. In areas of high intensity heavy truck loading two to three feet of compacted sandy grew J or gravelly sand may be zequired to diffuse the dyuamic stress generated by this traffic to within acceptable limits. An alternative section is 18" of NFS material with a filter fabric similar to ~4irafi la0 placed directly on the silts. The thickness of the section will be a function of the weight of the vehicles, tire size, and number of passes. Sections should be estimated for construction, but placed as expedient to the task. (Note, this consideration, while possible, is not believed to be probable). Structural Fill 1. Materials: a. Imported 1) ~all graded, non-frost susceptible (NFS) sandy qrave].s or gravelly sands are Alaska Corporatior Qf Seventh Day Adventists January 14, 1977 Page 5 preferred° The last 12 inches of fill below footings or slabs should have an upper size limit of about 2 inches, while that below, if any, may include occasional cobbles. The lower limit of grain size is not more than 5% passing the #200 screen. 2) Materials of similar nature, but with more than 5% passing the !!200 screen are often used as the supply of the preferred material dwindles. Soils of this nature may be used as structural fill. However, if more than 3% passes the 0.02 mm size, the materials are considered to be frost susceptible and must be kept in the thawed state during and subsequent to construction. In order to provide a stable fill without subsequent sub- sidence, 'these soils must be placed at very near, or at: slightly less than the optimum moisture content. Too much moisture causes the soil to become unstable during compaction, and with too little moisture the soil will not attain sufficient density at a reasonable compactive effort or lift thickness. Control of moisture content and surface water becomes increasingly important as the silt content increases. In all cases at least 35% of the fill material should be +I[4 screen size, and in no case should the silt content (-!!200 screen size) exceed[ ~2%. On-Site Soils 1) If the on-site silty sandy gravel, if used as a structural fill, it also must remain thawed during and subsequent to construction, and must be placed at or slightly less than optimum moisture. It should not be placed within 12" of the footings unless all of the plus 2" material is screened out. We expect the on-site soils to be difficult to manage and compact due to the higher than preferred silt content. Quality control will be as much a function of the inspectors opinion as it is of field density tests. Excessively cobbly material is not acceptab].e fill material.. Alaska Corporation of Seventh Day Adventists January 14, 1977 Page 6 o 2) Any fill material placed directly over silts should be an easily compacted material, that is, a very clean, well graded sandy gravel with less than 5% passing the ~200 screen. The fill should be compacted with an initial lift of no less than 2-1/2 nor more than 3-1/2 feet "loose" to lim~ the stress intensities at the fill/silt interface to acceptable limits. We expect a vibratory compactor equivalent to a "Ray-Go Rascal Model 400" to be sufficient for this need. Drainage of the fill material is absolutely imperative where placed and compacted over the silts. A layer of porous polyester fiber fabric similar to Marifi 140 may be laid between the fine grained soils and ~he fill to minimize the intermixing of these materials. In such an application the fabric may be laid directly on the ground surface, ii1 which case a minimum of 18 inches of well graded sandy gravel should be placed over the fabric before initial compaction. Densification: a) Ail fill placed to support structures, load bearing areas, or to be used as base or subbase for roads, driveways, or parking lots should be thoroughly and uniformly compacted. 1) 2) 3) Below footings, grade slabs, or under paved areas the minimum permissible density for any one 'test should be 95%. Non-load bearing backfill against footing walls should have a minimum permissible density of 88% wi'th an average value of at least 93%. Compaction tests should be taken in every lift, with lifts being no more than 18" thick where large vibratory compaction can be satisfactorily used, and lifts no moire than 6" where smaller vibratory compactors, or where static compactors (sheepfoot roller or rubber- tired roller) are necessary to the soil type. Alaska Corporation January 14, 1977 Page 7 Seventh D~y Adventists b) C · 4) 3Compaction of non-cohesive granular NFS !soils is most effectively accomplished with large, vibratory compactors and ~sufficient quantities of water. Compaction of cohesive or moisture sensitive soils is best acc~DPlisted at slightly ].ess than optimum meisture, and never at moisture contents above optimum, and generally is best accomplished in thin lifts with static roller, sheep- foot, or rubber-tired compactors. 5) In-place field densities may be deter-' mined by comparison with the Providence Field Standard (in NFS material only), the Alaska Testlab Area Standard for granular soils or AASHO T180, Method D. Natural coarse grained soils should be compacted if they are within 12" of the bottom of a footing or if they are used as base or subbase materials to correct inevit- able disturbance of the soils due to excava- tion, grading and miscellaneous construction operations. Fine grained soils are not generally easily recompacted so care should be taken to maintain their natural structure in order that they may develop the allowed bearing values. Reductien of bearing values may be required in slightly disturbed soils. Over excavation and replacement with a structural fill may be required in extreme cases. Excavation ~) Excavations for feotings in fine qrained material (silts) must. be done with care. Where wet and disturbed, these foundation soils will become unstable (rubbery). Corrective measures will then have to be taken to restore their stability (i.e. drying, redensification or removal and replacement). This situation can be minimized by selection of the proper ;construction techniques. 2) Foundation aad utility trench excavations in dry to damp silty sands and silts should shaad well. When dug in granu].ar .materials (saads and gravels), the Alaska Corporatic January 14, 1977 Page 8 of Seventh .Day Adventists 3) -4) excavation should be expected to slough. .Side slopes of 1 horizontal (minimum) to 1 vertical are recon~nended for dense granular soils; 1.5 horizontal (minimum) to 1 vertical are recommended for medium dense granular soils; and 2 horizontal (minimum) to 1 vertical are recommended for loose: granular soils. Excavation in frozen material should stand well, but may ~[[ough without warning, particularly during }periods of thaw. Additional controls with regard to shoring and side slopes may be required by various Federal and State regulatory organizations depending on the nature of the excavations. Utility Trenches: (a) Ail utility trenches should be backfilled according to recom- mendations stated in Paragraph IIB2a (Earthwork/Densification) · Percolation Tests: Two percolation test holes were drilled during this investigation. When drilling was completed a 3/4" slotted PVC pipe was inserted in the holes to aid in determining tt~e free water level. For the percolation test, the test ho].es were filled with water add left over-' night to saturate. On returning the next day, the holes were refllled with water and the drop Jn the water level was monitored over the next 60 minutes. This procedure is in accordance with 'the 'Munic]pal~!:y of Anchorage, Department of Public Health and Environmental Protection procedu~:es to evaluate a site for a proposed on-site sewerage system. using the above test, the observed percolation rates were 17 minutes per inch feI~ test hole P-1 and 8.33 minutes per inch for test hole P-2. In our opinion ~he hiqhor w~lue (17 minutes per inch) is the more typical value as it reflects tho q]acial tills commonly found on thc in'eject site. Alaska Corporatio~ o~ ganuary 14, _1977 Page 9 Seventh.Day Adventists 7The.extent to which the site soils can ~absorb prolonged slightly treated effluent ~discharge from a septic tank system was not,resolved in this study. Should · ~subsurface sands and gravels prove to be extensive and continuous, simple on-site sewage systems should work adequately. However, if these strata are isolated and confined in pockets, simple on-site sewage systems may pose disposal problems in the future. Strong consideration should be given to the use of a packaged treatment plant. ~Septic systems discinarge solid matter into the soils which tends to clog or plug absorption fields and the adjacent soil sections, further reducing the soils capacity to absorb water. The packaged treatment plants break down and retain the majority of the so].ids found in sewage and tlnereby reduce significantly the adverse effect that solid wastes .have on soil sections. This could prove ~particularly helpful on this site. III. Grading and Drainage A. Surface The shallow soi].s are often nearly impermeable and, therefore, an indentation in the surface will collect and hold water. Sucln areas when exposed to and disturbed by 'traffic will become unstab3e. Surface water will[ be perched on top of the silts affecting any improvement not provided wi'tin proper drainage. That water should be collected and directed away from the developed ~areas. Gradients of three to five percent are expected to be sufficient for this purpose. The comprehensive site grading aud drainage must protect excavations from excessive surface water which might cause side wall erosion of earth slopes, as well as localized flooding of improvements such as basements and crawl spaces--- should the rate of surface water intrusion exceed the capacity of the drainage facilities. Subsurface Water flow or seepage can be expected at random levels in excavations. The source of this water is expected to be from surface sources both on and off site. Alaska Corporation January 14, 1977 Page 10 o£ Seventh D~y Adventists IV. Subdrains and drain tiles perform best when surrounded by a graded filter. The fine grained soils should be isolated by a 3" to 6'' layer of sand, such as that used in p.e. concrete, overlaid with 3" to 6" of uniform 3/4" graved, conforming to p.c. concrete specs. The pipe should be laid with slots or perforations down and then covered with more 3/4" gravel. The remainder of the trench should be NFS material. ...A..n equally accept- able and preferred alternative includes the use of a polyester fiber filter fabric,, such as Mirafi 140 manufactured by Celanese, to simplify, the drains construction. The MJrafi is wrapped about the drain. The gravel backfill in this alternative may be more loosely graded though it should include at least 35% sand and be well graded. Bo sections Suggested paving A. Light traffic loadings: 2" A.C. paving with 4" of D-1 ~lev~ling course and 18" (~ninimum) of NFS soil is reco~]ended. See Section IV.C. below for a modified section. This section is suited to auto parking. Heavy traffic loadings: 2" A.C. paving with 6" of D-1 base/leveling course and 30" of NFS soil is recoimnended. See Section ]V.C. below for a modified section. ThJ_s section is suited to main traffic arteries and truck The amount of D-1 materlal may be reduced to as little as 2", if 6" o~--[q-FS subbase material of graded sandy graved, or a gravelly sand with a significant gravel content (unless deflned elsewhere), is placed below the base course. The remainder of the subbase must be compacted NFS soil. The purpose of these sections is to provide a satis- factory base for traffic loadings and to control frost heave, so the pavements can carry the traffic loads during spring tlnaw without excessive "chuckholing" or other pavement failures. Transverse or longitudinal gradients on the order of ~.5%-~ will discourage the formation of "birdbaths" during the thaw. Drainage of the subbase is recommended. In this regard continuity of drainage to a suitable collection point or discharge point by maintaining positive grade of 'tine subbase to tine point is required. Where positive continuity is broken a collection point is required. The collection point may be a ]engtln of perforated CMP placed transverse to the road in thc- subbase and sur- rounded by a graded filter or filter fabrlc as described iii the subsurface drainage sect~on of thi. s report. The collector may be discharged ['t~ the area storm drain system, or other suitable outlet, Alaska Cot ~orat[on of Jauuary 14, ].977 Page ll .E. Where paving is to be deferred, the surfacing should include sufficient D-1 or similar materials to accept the traffic without excessive maintenance. We suggest 6" for the initial treatment renewed as necessary. Subarctic Construction Practice A. P.C. Concrete where related to foundaE%on items. Exposure P.C. concrete, particularly thin sections, such as curb gutter, walks, and drives, exposed to eave drippings, de-icing salts and other actions which cause frequent wetting and drying and/or freezing and thawing, suffers the most severe environmental conditions for that material. The degree of protection from exposure is coupled to the curing period as well as the air entrainment and cement factor of the mix. Thus, we routinely suggest that p.c. concrete placed between mid-September and May include at least 5.5 sacks of Portland cement/cubic yard, and admixture the "pozzolith, 300N" or at ].east 6 sacks of portland cement/cubic yard; that air entrainment be near the upper accepted limits, 6-~- 1.5% for 3/4" maximum size aggregate concrete; and the slump be the least commensurate with placing and finishing operations (4" slump is generally adequate to this purpose); and that the concrete be surface dry or drier prior to being exposed to freezing temperatures (i.e., after initial cure, 3 days or preferably ]]]ore, allow to dry before turning heat off in temperature prospected work). Where de-Jcing agents are used, the owner should be warned that he will eveatually damage the concrete. That damag? is often slowed substantJally by periodic treatment with linseed oil cut 3:1 with gasoline or other thinner. ']3he common application periods are at one year and then at three-year intervals. Cracking of p.c. concrete slabs can be reduced by allowing them to be free floating. Slabs exterior to the structure must not be connected to the footings, as they--will receive some d~fferential vertical movement duc to frost action. Control joints should be placed at each change itl section or direction and at uot. more than the width of the slab as appropriate to the work. January 14, 19y7 Page [L2 B. Frost }leave 1. Structures Care should be taken to cause Surface water to drain away from the work in areas of cyclic freeze and thaw, near entrances and about the perimeter of heated structures. (It is assumed that structures will have sufficient heat loss to maintain the bearing soils in the thawed state.) Unheated foundations remote from heated buildings may heave unless founded well below the frost line, which is deepest in areas of snow removal or compaction. For typical areas, the footlng section for unheated structures described previously in this report is reasonable, and should not develop excessive heave even though it is embedded within the ultiraate frost zone. The use of permeable backfill, impermeable surface seals and resilient frost breaks should prevent frost heave stresses from beco~ning excessive on tire footings and grade beams. We trust the foregoing is sufficient and complete to your present needs, though not necessari].y exhaustive of the possibilities. If there are questions or J.f we may be of further service please do not hesitate to call our office. Very truly yours, APPP, OVED: D~te l,oggcd: 1/5/77 Test .Hole #A .' .Table A WO #9525 _Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 2.5 2.5 7.0 7.0 20.75 Soil Descripti[~_ F-4, brown peat, damp, soft, Pt. F-4, brown sandy silt, damp, stiff, NP, F-i, brown silt~ gravel (cobbles/boulders 4.0'-6.0'), poorly graded, 'damp, hard, rounded particles, 12" maximum size, GM. F-4, brown ~silty sand ML. sand~ silt (traces of gravel and lenses), damp, stiff, NP, ML. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 20.75' 0.5' None Observed Sample Depth 1 2 3 4 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strenqtb Group Temip. °F 5.0-5.4 105 ].4.5 SP N F - 10.0-11.5 11/21/30 20.2 SP L B 40° 15.0-].5.9 36/93 25.1 SP L-M B 40° 20.0-20.75 50/55 11.6 SP L-M E 42° Remarks: 1. Type U = undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, Group refers to similar material, this General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, It=High. study only. Sheet 2. ~ate Logged: 1/5/77 Test Hole #B ' Table A WO 119525 Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 2.5 2.5 8.0 8.0 17.0 17.0 19.0 19.0 20.5 Soil Description F-4, brown peat, damp, soft, Pt. F-4, brown s__a~ silt, damp, stiff, NP, ML. F-4, brown sandy silt (occassional gravel), damp, stiff, NP, subrounded particles, 3" m~aximum size, ML. F-4, brown sandy silt (w/silty sand lenses), damp, stiff, NP, ML. F-2, brown ~iltz sand, poorly graded, medium to fine, damp, medium density, SM. F-4, brown ~ravellZ sand_y_ silt, damp, hard, NP, subrounded particles, 3" maximum size, ML. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 20.5' 0.5' None Observed ~ample Depth 1 5.0-6.5 2 10.0-11.5 3 15.0-16.0 4 20.0--20.5 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Str__en__gth Group Temp.°F 15/15/16 18.9 SP L B 39° 16/20/28 10.6 SP N B 40° 38/67 15.9 SP L B 40° 135 7.4 SP N E 41° Remarks: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost: and Textural classification, see Sheet 2. unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Date Logged: 1/5/77 Test Hole ~C Table A WO #9525 pepth in Feet From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.5 2.5 5.0 5.0 13.0 13.0 180 B 18.5 20.45 Soil Description F-4, brown peat, damp, soft, P%%. F-4, brown san~ silt, damp, stiff, NP, ML. F-4, brown grave~l~ sa~n_~y silt, damp, stiff, NP, subrounded particles, 2" maximum size, ML. F-4, brown s__a~d_y_ silt (w/traces of gravel and silty sand lenses), damp, stJ_ff, NP, ML. F-2, brown silt~, sand, poorly graded, medium to fine, damp, medium density, ML. F-4, ~ravell~_ sand~ silt, damp, hard, NP, subrounded particles, 3" maximum size, ML/SM. · Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 20.45' 0.5' None Observed Sample Depth l. 5.0-6.5 2 10.0--11.5 3 15.0-16.5 4 20.0-20.45 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group Temp.°F 12/14/13 11.5 SP L A 40° 23/36/42 18.6 SP L B 39° 23/40/52 6.2 SP N C 40° 120 10.9 SP L D 42° Remarks: 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = Undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frosl~ and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test ~Hole :#P-i :Table A WO tt9525 Depth in Feet From To 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 16.0 Soil Description F-4, brown peat, damp, soft, Pt. F-4, brown sand~[ silt, damp, stiff, NP, ML. F-4, brown gravellz sandy silt, damp, stiff, NP, subrounded particles, 3" maximum size, ML. Bottom of'Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0' 0.5' Nene Observed Sample pepth 1 5.0 2 10.0 3 15. 0 Type of Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group - 11. 5 G L A - 16. 5 G L-M E - 13.9 G M E Remarks: 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L-Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet ~. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. Test Hole Table A WO It9525 Depth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 2.0 7.0 7.0 16.0 Soil Description F-4, brown ~eat, damp, soft, Pt. F-4, brown sand~ sJ. lt, damp, stiff, MLo F-l, brown silt~ grav~j.l_~_ sand, well graded, dam[), medium density, rounded and subrounded particles, 3" maximum size, SM. ]?-4, brown 9ravellz sandz silt, damp, stiff, NP, subrounded particles, 2" maximum size, ML. Bottom of Test Bole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0' 0.5' None Observed .Sample Depth 1 5.0 2 10.0 3 15.0 Type of ]Dry Blows/6" M% Sample Strength Group Temp. °F - 4.7 G L D - 13.8 G M E - 12.5 G M E Remarks: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP = Standard Penetration, U = undisturbed. Dry Strength, N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High. Group refers to similar material, this study only. General Information, see Sheet 1. Frost and Textural Classification, see Sheet 2. Unified Classification, see Sheet 3. -~TH-E ~TH-G 4-~TH-F Ttt-G PERC. ~HOLE P-I SCHOOt SI TK T EST HOLE!LOCATIONSKETCH O'MALL,_Y CHURCH FACILITIES SCALE W.O. 9525 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAl_ PROTECTION E-'nvironmental Health I')ivision CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: DATE RECEIVED: COMMENTS DUE BY: S-7376 November 30, 1983 December 16, 1973 SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Tracts 2C, 2D Spring Forest South Subdivision 71-014 (Rev. 5/83) o~: q MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTIVIENT OF HEAl_TH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [] PLATTING BOARD M PLANNING & ZONING 'CASE NUMBER NAME S-6089 Tracts 2A, 2B Spring Forest South S/D [)ATE RECEIVED and O'Malley Park January 27, 1982 COMMENT TO PLANNING BY February 19, 1982 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF I~ PUB~.G-WAT'~R NOT AVAI LAI3LE TO PETITION AREA I~}~BLIC SEWER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA REVIEWER'S COMMENTS: ~ ~ ~ l '""fFz {.~o.~:~~,~.~,.,,,~,~ ., -/ 71-014 (Rev, 2/78)