HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot 03, 05, 06 POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLE$, MA YO ~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION June 11, 1982 Nell Thompson, Pastor Sunset Hills Baptist Church Post Office Box 10-205 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Subject: CU82-75: Sunset Hills Baptist Church This department has reviewed the adequacy test performed by Alaska Environmental Control Services on June 9, 1982. The test indicates the septic system~and a 500 gallon septic tank add-on will meet the guidelines of this department, concerning the wastewater disposal for the church. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, John W. Lynn Environmental Specialist JWn/ljw cc: Joe Stimson Municipal Planning Department ALASKA enuIRonmenTAL CONTROL SeRUICeS, InC. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE RECEIVED June 10, 1982 Mr. Neil Thompson Sunset Hills Baptist Church Mile 8 Old Seward Highway P.O. Box 10205 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Dear Mr. Thompson: The Sunset Hills Baptist Church seepage system was tested by an adequacy test on June 9, 1982. The seepage system is capable of absorbing 1,067 gallons per day, using a safety factor of 1.5. The EPA Design Manual for "On-site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems" gives typical wastewater flows for buildings. It does not have a flow rate for churches, so a flow rate for a visitors center of 5.3 gpd per person was used as being a conservative rate. Using this criteria the seepage system can handle the wastes from a church and Sunday School with 200 people. Sincerely, Leroy C. Reid Jr., PhD, PE President 1220 [ll6s! 25th Avent~¢ · Ancher,:t% Al~]sk(~ 99503 · (907) 276-1361 P~OCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, A~ ASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLE$. MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION June 4, 1982 Nell G. Thompson, Pastor Sunset Hills Baptist Church Post Office Box 10-205 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Subject: CU82-75: Sunset Hills Baptist Church This office has reviewed your letter of intent, dated June 1, 1982. It is in line with the concerns of this department and will cover the concerns regarding the seating capacity, the septic tank and the leaching area. This depart~ent recoramends that a test be made on the existing leaching area to assure it will handle the additional load. Also, a 500 gallon septic tank added to the existing tank. Thus, making the total septic tank capacity 1,500 gallons and more than adequate for the increase in size of the building. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. ,/' Environmental Specialist JWL/ljw SUNSET HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Located Mile 8 - Old Seward Highway p.O.Box 10205 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 Nell G. Thompson, Pastor Phone: 907/345-2500 Allan Covington, Associate Pastor 345-4889 June 1, 1982 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Environmental Protection 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska ATTN: John Lynn RECEIVED Dear John, This letter submitted as per our telephone conversation Tuesday morning, Reference: Case number CU 82-75, Sunset Hills Baptist Church~ .it ?s our intent to comply with all existing specifications for an adequate sewer/septic system. As discussed, we feel our maximum capacity w[ll be about 175. Currently~ we have an average maximum Sunday morning attendance of approximately 135, There have been no problems to date with our existing system. However, if your de- partment determines a larger capacity is needed, we will enlarge it at the t~me of building. We have an engineer who has agreed to do the soil work at the appropriate time to meet specified compliance and our contractor will accomplish the work as directed. Your cooperation is appreciated, as our desire is to begin this project at the earliest possible date. Sincerely, Pastor Gary Civil Engineer Darrell Peterson Contractor "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto Salvation to everyone that believes." Romans l:16 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [~] PLATTING BOARD [~] PLANNING & ZONING CU82-75 A request for an amendment to a conditional use for addition to existing church. May 20, 1982 May 27, 1982 (Sunset Hills Baptist Church) [] PUBLIC WATER.NQT, iAVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA [] PUBLIC SEWER NOT AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) CASE NO. A request to A request to Li~Y OF ^Nc:~O~^GE ' MUN%CIPA ,~ CO:.L4Ei1TS TO: p~T C~ ' ;~:" ' MUNICIPAL PLANNZNG DEP~R-,'IEH~ ~ning and Platting Division h ..... ~horage, Alaska 99502 '- 26~-42Z5 rezone approximately acres from to amend Title 21 to X A request for concept/final approval of a conditional use to permit a in the zone. A request for au amendment to a conditional use A site plan review for C O>h,~ uL'~TS. Planning & Zoning Commission Public Hearing Date: D!STRIBUTIOH: STANDARD DISTRIBUTION (Public Projects) Urban Beautification Commission (ordinance Amendments) 'unlclpal Attorney's Office ~/~__ Community Council CASE: PETITIONER: REQUEST: ? , TOTAL AREA: LOCATION: Community Council) ~ILOUTS Mailed Favor Against Unclaimed C~LMISSION ASSEMBLY Other KLATT - JACK SI TR 8 [3-3 TR E TR F TR G TR I TR 8 TR A St TR J FINAL CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Municipality of Anchorage Planning Department Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 : OFFICE USE Verification of Owaer~hip Assembly P.H. Date Approved Denied I. The undersigned hereby applies to the Municipality of Anchorage for final approval of: check one ( ) new conditional use (~'mendment to a conditional use II. Description: (use additional paper if necessary) Legal description of the area requested for the conditional use Area (square feet or acres) of the petition area Current zoning of the petition area Present ownership of the petition area ~ ~ ~ II1. Application Information: (use additional paper if necessary) Section or subsection of ordinance under which conditional use is authorized Explain the planning objectives to be achieved, including a description of the character of the proposed development and an xpianation of the fac rs that eter ina the pa ticular Provide {he starting and completion dates for construction (for each phase, if applicable) Provide a statement of intent as to final ownership IV. Conditional Use Findings: (us~additional paper if necessary) A resolution granding final approval may be adopted only if it includes the following findings. Explain how your proposal satisfies these findings. that the proposed construction and use of the conditional use will not e detri ental to the general weffare of the community thatthereareadequateexistingsewagecapacity, tran portafionfa.cilities, energy.s p. plyand watersupplytoservetheproposedcondit[onaluse '~p~' ~'3~1-~l~_ ,~,\,~t~' that the conditional use conforms to the intent of the zoning district ~ thattheuseoruses oposedarea ro riatetothecharacterofthesreainwhichtheproject that the deve opment will not have a ubs~a rial n g,atJve aesthetic effect on the loc leo[the that the proposed se will not ubectsurroundin properti s and pedestrians to hazardous traffic conditions ~--o-'J',n~'¢ 5[~=~-C~.S~ u~',~m~_~ ~m~ ~¢. ;~ ~ At least 18 copies of a detailed site p~an must be submitted with the application. The site plan taus(show: - vicinity map showing the proposed development in relation to surrounding development, streets and utilities - topography showing contours at 10' intervals (if applicable) - exact Jocation of all buildings and structures (existing and proposed) - existing and proposed vehicular access circulation and parking, storage, service, and loading areas (if applicable) - any pedestrian circulation - any fencing, landscaping, and buffering VI. Petitioner's Agreement: I understand that payment of the tee(s) specified is to defray the costs of handling and investigation of this application and the cost of the necessary hearings by the Planning Commission; and that payment ol the tee(s) does nol entitle me to, nor does it assure approval of this appgcation, and that no refund of the fee(s) will be made. J hereby alfirm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also affirm . that I am the true and legal property owner or the authorized agent thereof for the property subject herein. SIGNAT E(S) OF THE OWNER(S) O~ THE // ' ADDRESS PHONE NO. If applicant is not owner ol the properly; SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT" DATE ADDRESS PHONE NO 'If more than one owner or if more Ihan one parcel is involved, atlach all signatures on separate piece of paper identifyin~ which parcels are owned by which persons. 'Writlen aulhorization ol the property owner must be submitted with Ibis application it the appticant is other thar~ the owner. o_~ [- OU / / ~z Ld -o~ l_l-. ~ -c;~< Z Z 8