HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTRALEY LT 2 Anchorage P.O. BO~'"~ 96650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 (907) 343-4200 TONY KNOWLES, MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES NOvember 9, 1987 Bruce J. Corwin, P.E. Corwin & Associates, Inc. 12001 Industry Way, Bldg. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 B, Suite 11 Subject: Waiver Request for Lot 2 Straley Subdivision Waiver Request Number WR87-069 Dear Mr. Corwin: Your request for waiver for the above mentioned parcel has been denied at this time. It is my belief that a waiver is not required. The crib on Lot 3, off the west side of the house, has been abandoned and two 1,000 gallon holding tanks serve this dwelling according to our files. A well could be placed on the subject lot closer to these holding tanks and still meet the 100 foot setback from the standpipe on Lot 9. On October 14, 1987 we received an application for a permit to drill a well on the subject lot. Two concerns need to be addressed before a permit may be issued. They are as follows: The crib on Lot 3 needs to be inspected to verify that it is no longer part of the household plumbing. Proper abandonment must be verified. There is no record in our files of a septic system on the subject lot. An as-built of the system showing all dimensions along with a soils log with water monitoring must be supplied. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 343-4744. Sincerely, Daniel J. Roth Civil Engineer On-Site Services cc= Gus Andress, P.E. Manager, On-Site Services/Water Quality Programs · Bldg. B · Suite Eleven · Anchorage, Alaska 99515 · (907) 345-4440 Mr. Dan Bowles Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Human Services 825 L Street, 5th Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: LOT 2, STRALEY SUBDIVISION Dear Mr. Bowles: We have been asked to prepare a plot plan for a well permit on the subject property. After as-builting the area and drawing the plot plan, we have not been able to place a new well with adequate separation distance to all adjacent sewage systems. We request a waiver be granted to allow the new well installation within 90 ft. of an adjacent on-site septic system and the permit issued for installation of a new well. The present well has been having problems meeting demand and the property owner, of their own free will, would like to install a better well. We have investigated the area within a 200 ft. radius of the property and found that we could locate the new well to meet all separation distances except for one adjacent septic system at the rear of this lot. The maximum separation which we can achieve from this system is 90 ft. in order to meet all other distances. Please refer to the submitted plot plan. The entire area has numerous systems and we feel the proposed location is the best possible solution. The new location will provide more separation distance than that currently provided with the existing well. In this way, we are improving the overall situation by providing more separation distance with the new well. M~. Bowles October 28, Page 2 1987 We have enclosed well logs from two nearby wells which indicate that there are layers of fractured rock and bedrock below the upper layers of sand and gravel. Since this is indicative of the general area, we feel that there is no chance of damage to the aquifer due to the 90 ft. waiver request. We strongly urge your approval of the permit and waiver on the subject well installation. Should you have any questions, please let us know. Ve~y~ Truly Y~urs, /,,,rT BJC:jn '/ SYSTEM LOOATIOM PLAM LOT I ~LOCK J ~O~DIVISIO" ~ ~l SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANOE -- ~ ,,-~_, I NORTH ~cAa/ ~0~ I DIM[NSlONS INDICATED HAVE BEEN Ih'nfi"~" '"I71 .................... 7'. ' ' ,¢ ' ' ~,h:- P.O. Box 4-1728 · 2811 Dawson "' A C 907-279-1~41 ~, ,,~ ~ ANCHO~GE, ~.~S~ 99509 l eveL:_L-.llt:~---f t.. land or ~ti WELL LOG in feet ,from. ~rf~e*: "~' Give details pefietrated, colo!