HomeMy WebLinkAboutTURNAGAIN Lot 8 & 9 ~Oi~ te~ must Any fu~he~ questiomm, Pouci; 6-550 (251C' E."l'udor P Anchora[;e, AK 99502 ~ Tel: '~76-222~ JOINT APPL~CAT!O,I TO OPERATE A C,H~L~REN'S CENTER [PLEASE WRIlE II/ BLACK INK] CHECK ONE:___/~ / INITIAL API*LICAT~OHr' /--7 RENEWAL Name of Center:_.~ _rEaELdmmhs~Ba~rs Child. C~re Location: Old Sewmrd Highway ~'oz.me~y Bingo t~mlmce [egal description of center property: Lot. eft9 Block .DIVISIOtl OF .,OCIA, 7RVICES CiiILD C~!RE UNIT-, ,allOdiaL OFFiCF Roem 222 'lacKay~dg , '338 Den~li St. Anchorage, AK 9~01 Tel: 272-0555 *lilIS bLOCK FfR AGERCY USE Oi,ILY* Date Application Received: License No.: Application Approved for: Number Of Children or Number of Occupants Telephone NO.: 3~9-302/+ Sbbdivision Turn,~g.~in ,4r'"e¢~' S~A Box 1~+75 A Mailing A.., .... : Maxilnum number ~f chiidren at one time?___~.¢; Total number of children served? Ages of children served: from ;~. to ~ Months open: Jen. l Days open: I,~oncm~ to Leburdqy Hours open: ? A.b~. to ? I-:.~. Total amount of space in center: ¢%000 sq. ft. Total usable space: Water and. sewage facilities provided via: ~.=ell & T~o~= Solid waste disposal: Center ¥,il] provide: Br~aKfast:_~ Morning Snack: X Lunch: ~ Dinner: - to Dec. 31 X Evening Snack: Afternoon Snack: HSS License:.. DOE Certification:__ Institution: S~ecial Services: Other: TAC, h.'&,ITS--Attach the following to your application form: 1. Blue print or scale drawing of building designating the planned use of each room, exits and other pertinent area. 2. Food plan. 3. Your experience in child care. 4. For renewals with no changes in l, 2 and 3, numbers 1, 2 and 3 do not apply. I certify tl~at I am familiar with the requirements of Greater AnchoraQe Area Borough.Code of Ordinance, Article 16.55, and State of Alaska Hinimum Standards for O~y Nurseries and that the above described facility will be maintained in compliance with said code. I agree that ne person employed in this nursery will subject any child or member of his family to' any d~scr~mna.~ tion or refuse admittance to any child on the grounds of race, color or national origin.. Zoning Officer: Fire Department: 8uild;ng Department: DeparLmen~ of Environmental Quality: App?oved: Health Authority Date: Date: Date: Date: Date: 90?