HomeMy WebLinkAboutJOHN JACOB CRAIG LT 1$[¢to April 25, 1972 Abbott Realty ;~220 Loganberry .~Jtchorafje ,. ~1 asKa 99502 Subject: 5 1/2 of Lot 33, Section 10, T12N, R4~, S.~4. Dear Sir: The sea{er a~d .ater facilities for the subject lot {4ere inspected by ~}is officc o~) April 20, '}972. Tr,~-: sev~age disposal system consists of a 750 gallon septic tank and (~dJOii)tiJg seepag~ pit. This installation ~vas t)lspected and approved by t~)is DePar~,~)ent in 1968. The ~ater systc~m consists of a 240 foot, 6 inch ~ell, located in a 7 foot ~ll pit, The well casi~)gs must be brought up aOo~e the natural ground level, the pressure tank relocated m)d tae pit filled ~iti) impervious material. A drain pipe must be installed in the coF~crete wall which exists above the existing pit. This offic~ ~ill give temporary approval for the above vzater system pe)~din.~] bh~; escro,w of fu~)ds for ti)e headed improvements. These p)'oveme)lts sP. ould be made by A.r~ust 1, 1972. If you ()ave any furtk)er questions concernin(j this matter, please call my office at 279-86c,~, extenstoK~ 336. Stacerely, Tt:mthy L. Rumfelt cc~ ¥~teran's Admintstrati~ GR,.ATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUG;,-- DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 3500 TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 ' .' ' " ' ' 279-8686 DATE RECEIVED: INSPECT: ~EQUEST FOR ^PPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER AND WATER FACILITIES FOR e APPROVAL ADDRESS.: PHONE'. TYPE FACILITY TO BE INSPECTED: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: WELL DATA: A. B. C. D. E. DEPTH ~'~ SIZE CONSTRUCTION '--~,~ BACTERIAL ANALYSIS 6. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Ae SEPTIC TAN-K 1. 2. 3. (IF HOMEMADE, SHOW SIZE '~3~) .TA-A Z AGE MA,UFACTURER DIAGRAM ON BACK) 4. INSTALLER 'APPROVAL 'REQUE. rOR-~SEWER & WATER FACILI'. PAGE TWO B. SEEPAGE PIT 1. SIZE' LINING C. DISPOSAL FIEL'D 1. NUMBEROF LINES 2. TOTAL LENGTH t REQUIRED MEASUREMENTS A. WELL TO SEPTIC TANK B. WELL TO SEEPAGE PIT J~ / C. WELL TO SEWER LINE D. WELL TO PROPERTY LINE GO ~ E. WELL TO OTHER POSSIBLE CONTAMINATION F. FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK H. SEEPAGE PIT TO PROPERTY LINE COMMENTS: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA DISAPPROVED: DATE: FROM DATE SIGNED. BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIT ~uly 22, Z968 M~. Nevin Hayes Box Dear Mr, Hayes: 99503 Sewage Disposal System at 8757 Jade Stalest The G~aater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department ~etnspeeted ~nd approved the installation of a 750 gallon septic tank in conjun~tion with adequate seepage a~a the sub~ect address, A recent water sample taken at the ~estdence is also Sincerely, DAVID R, L. DUNCAN, M, D. Medical ec~ V~ B¥~ Roll R, St~iokland~ R, $, Sanitarian LoT Jl~.y 18~ 1968 ~r, Nevin Hayes Box Anchorage, AlaSka 99503 SU~IECT; Se~;s~ and Wats~ Inspsstlon £o~ Existing Home, $l/2 of Lot 83, Santten 10, TI2N0 R#Ws S,~, 8757 ~ada Street Des= H~. Hayesl Tho GPeate~ Anchorage A~ea Borough Wealth Department inspected you~ residence at the Sub,eot add.ess on July t7s 1958~ and fotmd the sewage disposal system was a cesspool located lO0 feet from the well. We wish to info~r~you that the present system cannot be approved by this Department and fu~he~ that it must be modified ~o meet the exietin[ Borough ~equirsmen~s ffo~ individual sewage disposal systems. Enclosed is a copy of the lndivid~utl se~aie disposal specifications. The required size septic tank fop this hotme is 750 iallons and eau be placed in line with the existing cesspool. Please note that the septic tank must be located at least 50 feet ffrom the ~ell and must be properly installed, We ~equest that this modification be made wlthln l~ days. Please contact this office to schedule final inspection of the ne~ installation prior to backfillin~. Since~ly, ~edtcal 91recto~ Sanitarian cc~ VA ~r~ I~ame of person requesting approval, ~/~ ~__/~_~ ~ /- 21" N~ of pPopeP~y~owne~ ~~f~ ~ ~ ~-~~ ' %-. ~ - J - '0 .... ~. Nu~e~-~ooms in house ~ ~ 5. ~;a~e~ ~nal~is. ' ' ' "~ '' ~--/~ ~ ~ 6 , We ~ data: ~~~~~' ,, d. Distance, t f~om well to closest ezistinE oP p~oposed: ~ ~ ~ 1. Septic tank 3, Seepage Ame'a ~, Cesspool'... //.30/ , 6. OtheP sourcesof posslnle .... contamlnatlon~ i.e.,'~-~creeks' lakes: houses, barn, dPaina~e ditch~ etc. ,, Sewage disposal system. a. ^~e of system ~,~ b.' Septic tank capacity in~~allons'';~~ c. hame of septic tank manufactu~P ........... 1. If "home made" show dia~Pam on ~evePse side of this fo~m. Disposal field or seepaKe pit size and type , 1, Distanc~ to proper~cy line ' to house foundation ~. Percolatio~k. Te'st '~esults f. Percolation Test performed by 'a- Use the reverse .side of this form to show diagram. Diagram should include '~;he foJ_].owing information: ~operty llnes;.well location, house location. ~,:,t~c tank location, disposal area location~ location of percolation test~ a~d d~rection of ground slojp~\ 9. The ~nfo~-,v~on on t~s and-' rrect ~\ S t to the best of my knowledge. ' ' ' D Signed FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPART}.~ENT PERSONNEL The abovedescribed' sanitary facilities are hereby approved, subject to the rollowzng conditions: Conditions: The above described sanitary facilities are disapproved for the following Approval is valid for one year following the date of approval. CPJ:cw