HomeMy WebLinkAboutUS SURVEY 3201 LT 23 T10N R1W SEC 23 EB Enterprises Fax : Nov 14 12:09 DEPARTMENT OF ~EAL.'TH AND HUMAN SERVICES - ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O_ Box 196650 · Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 · Telephone: 343-4744 On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and/or Well Inspection Report Permit Number: ~'%ut ~ ~ ~(*~L¢'~ ~ PID Number; .~ - ~ .... ~. ~ ~ W~steweter S~sI~m; ~IN~ Upgrade LEGAL DESCRIPTION. ~alrRating:l · ~ GPD/8,.F,. SEPARATION DISTANCES ~Septic ~ Holdi,g lq 8.T.E.". w~t~ . N/~ LIFT STATION ....... Remarks; BENCH MARK .... Reviewed and approved by: Date'//-2 7~ 11/14/95 13:45 TX/RX N0.0843 P.002 · Permit No. On-$i[e Legal Description: Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION P.O. Box 196650' Anchorage, AK 99519-6650' Tel: 343-4744 Was[ewa[er Disposal System/Well Inspec[ion LOT 23 U.S. SURVEY 3201 PID No. Page of__ W.O. 95165 Date 10-26-95 Repot[ 40.O'(A) ASBUILT OF EXISTING TRENCH SOLID MANIFOLD (W/CLEANOUT) PIPE FROM SEPTIC TANK. 4" PERFORTATED PIPE PERF DOWN LAID LEVEL MONITORING TUBES CAPPED - PERFORATED IN SEWER ROCK, SOLID ABOVE. PLAN VIEW .Ts CLEANOUTS - CAPPED (BOTIOM LEVEL) SEWER ROCK PROFILE (TYP) NTS EXISTING SYSTEM: 1. 1000 GALLON BAFFLED SEPTIC TANK. 100" MONITOR TUBE CAPPED. iD IN SEWER ROCK, SOLID ABOVE. BACKFILL 64" PERFORATEO PIPE LAID LEVEL ~TH HOLES DOWN AND 36" CAPPED ON END. I oP TRENCH MONITOR ~JBE PERFORATED IN ROCK. SOLID ABOVE. CROSS SECTION TRENCH A NTs SENTEC Inc. 7801 E. 36TH AVE. Suite A. Anchorage, Ak 99504 Ph: (907) 3334~881 Fax: (907) 333-1085 (E~ ENTERPF~ISE5 2. EXISTING SYSTEM WAS UNCOVERED AT THE TANK AND TRENCH. THE UNDERLYING MATERIAL POORLY GRADED SILTY GRAVEL. USE 1.2 GPD/SQ. FT. 5. 90' LONG BY 3' WIDE TRENCH W/ 36" OF GRAVEL. 4. TOTAL AVAILABLE ABSORPTION AREA: 540 SQ. FT. DHHS REQUIREMENTS: 1. THREE (.3) BEDROOMS 2. WASTEWATER APPLICATION RATING: 1.2 GPD/SQ. FT TOTAL ABSORPTION REQUIRED: 575 SQ. FT. .3. REQUIREMENTS MEET: YES DWN: ekb ~ CND: gmp  ~;o gs DATE: E: AB NOTE SENTEC Inc. 7801 E. 36TH AVE. Suite A. Anchorage, Ak 99504 Co~75f. ru~;[o¢l 4 /~1~;~//1~r[t3~:~ Ph: (907) 333~881 Fax: (907) 333-1085 Department of Health and Human Services, Environmental Services Division 825 "L' Street, Room 502 Anchorage, AK 99501 RE: Lot 23 U.S. Survey 3201 Un-permitted on site services October 30, 1995 The above mentioned lot improvements consist of a mobile home and on site services consisting of a well and a septic system. DHHS has a well log on file but the septic system is unpermitted. My client purchased this lot with the above mentioned on site services and he is proposing to improve the lot by building a three bedroom home. In the process he is attempting to conform to the DHHS on site services ordinances so that he may receive a land use permit for his proposed improvements. To verify the septic systems construction, the system was uncovered at two locations: at the septic tank and near the end of the leach field. The enclosed asbuilt illustrates the conditions I observed. The test pit near the end of the leach field was excavated to approximately 12 feet to verify separation to ground water and to perform a perc test at the depth of the existing system, approximately 6.0 feet. No ground water was encountered during excavation to a depth of 12 feet below. A monitoring tube installed and was checked on Oct. 2 and was dry. In summary, the septic system consists of a baffled 1000 gallon tank (recently pumped) and a deep trench leach field 90 feet in length underlain by 3.0 feet of sewer rock. A perc test was performed on the poorly graded gravel with silt, at approx. 5.5 feet resulting in a perc rate of 2.5 minutes per inch (or 1.2 gpd/sq, ft). With an application rate of 1.2 gpd/sq ft the proposed improvements will require approx. 375 square feet of absorption area. The existing system has 540 sq. feet of absorption area. I conducted a septic adequacy test and a 4 hour well flow test and the results are enclosed. In summary, the well produced 750 gallons within the 4 hour period. The leach field was dry prior to the test and absorbed 450 gallons with in 90 minutes with a total change in depth of 12 inches. Both leach field monitoring tubes were monitored to ensure equal trench distribution. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you. Sincerely, Erin K Bashaw, Owner I'111~ 2 Crow Creek tdw~to, t=.0o I~k~x 273, ~lrclwoocl, ~laet~ 09~,~7 l~n~/£ax 1-~7-7~3-2337 Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 %" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE PERFORMED: Township, Range, Section: 1 2 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED7 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Depth to Waler After Moniloring? ~'~~ t3ate: ),} o S L O P E Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop ~ ',00 ,. ~ ~:o ~ 1,/~ ~ ~ ~ ~' e' PERCOLATION RATE , (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER ~DIt PERFORMED BY: I TEST RUN BETWEFN 5 ~ FT AND ~'~ % FT / CERTIFY THAT THiS TEST WAS PERFORMED iN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev. 4185) ['l'jZEl'.,!II'qlJ[:'l [:,I:E;TFINCE E,[zI!IE-EEi'I FI !,,.l[!!:LL FII",I[:' l::lll',l:'r' .~ ,,".:,].IE '::EL'IIFI[:i[} ..... ":;'-'""'¥ - [:' ~-' "~ ',,'~:'l"F I.:.IELL..: I]lR JJ2}::Z~FEET FOR I=1 ri,: ........... [[.~]Ci TC.I [~1:::1[:::1 F[!:[~TT I:=ROh'I 1:=I FlJE:L ZC I.,.IELL_ [:,EF:'ENE:,Iiq[E~ I.IF'ON THE 'I":T'PE OF P_.[:LI" [,.!El.L.. I,.I[ELL L.L 2.5 Fl[q:[~] RE(}!UIRE[:' FI["~[) h'IUL'~FF 8~ RE]'T.IRIq[~Z' T'.] TIqE [::EF'Ffl:;TTI'"IEI",IT I*[ITHIN B:3 ': ':'F:' 'T'HE I.,.IEI. Z_. COHF'LET:[ON. CI'FHEI~: R[:~I]i[I.]][I:~::[~]f'I[.T.['"t'['(-}: I"tFI"~" FIPF'L.'*L :~F'EC]iF'IC!=IT]:CIN:E: F:II',I[:' CON::~:TRUC"FI()N [:: :[ I=I(]J[{U::[["['-:~: FI":"FI ]: L.I::I[3[.E TCI I [.,IL:'~;I_![R:E PROF'EF: I N:Y['FIL. LFIT ]] 0I":1. :[ ..I:[-.Fi[':' THFfF J..: I FII'"I F'FIM-T. L. :1: FIR [,-! I 'l"l'~ ]"HE REI;!U ]: I:'~:EI'"IE[",I]".~; F'C[[;~: I.-.[i:.:[--:il; ]: '["E :SE[lllER'-:5 F:ff'.![:' b. IEL.I..']~; FORTH F",' _ _ ,=, 'THE l"1 i'.I'I"TF'FIL iT:'r' I]lF' FII:,ICHCI'r'~:FIGE. "= ':" "::"' ='" ! f',l F:ICCOR[:,FINCE I.,J. I "['H THE ":r'~[:,E~!;. ' FIF'F'L ]: CI:II',,!T :E;T[~U'SFI l,..,., ........ WELL OWNER ~Si~'~_.V~ ~OOATION L t?~- ~.. WATER WELL LOG FOSS DRILLING 1336 Ingra Street MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE f~'l DEPT OF HEALTH & )/IRONMSNTAL p~OTF-CT ON OCT ~ 1978 SIZE OF CA~ING ~"DEPTH OF HOLE ~FT. CASED TO ~ ~-~_ STATIC WATER LibEL 7/,,,FTo YIELD /0 GALoPERoMIN. WITH FEET OF DRAWDOWN. REMARKS DATE COMPLETED ~ -c~ ~ ~ PUMP TO BE SET AT LOT 11 LOT 22 LOT 2,3 ..r? ~ ®® PROPOSED HOUSE LOC F.F. = 100.0' / / LOT 10 LOT 26 LOT 24 DAVE SIEFERT with GLACIER VALLEY CONSTRUCTION EXCLUSION NOIES: It is the owners' responsibility to determine the existence of any easements, covenants, or restrictions which do not appear on the recorded subdivision plat. NOTE: It ts the contractor's responsibility to check top of foundation grade and building setbacks in relation to IotJines and esm'ts. LAND & CONSTRUCTION SURVEYORS-PLANNERS-ENGINEERS 440 WEST BENSON BLVD. # 105 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 562-5291 J(fax) 561-6626 SURVEY CERTIFICAHON: LANTECH has conducted a physical survey of this property as shown on this drawing and to the best of our knowledge end abilities, oil dimensions have been measured true PLOT PLAN OF: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LEGEND: SET FND 5/§"RD W/CAP~ 5/8" RB 0 3.25' ALMON.*MONU"EN[*I ! OVERHA~G- CONCRETE- I'~ . ' '1 LOT 25 U.S. SURVEY .3201 LOT 22 LOT 11 LOT 23 LOT 26 / / LOT 1 0 LOT 24- :. Mark E. Davis ." '... LS--7338,'"' DAVE SIEFERT with GLACIER VALLEY CONSTRUCIlON LAND & CONSTRUCTION SURVEYORS-PLANNERS-ENGINEERS 440 WEST BENSON BLVD. # 105 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99505 (907) 562-5291 WORK ORDER NUMBER: NOV. 1, 1995 1"=60' fax) 561--6626 slono 95-24 ~'""~"' 4760 LEGEND: SET FND EXCLUSION NOTES: It is the owners responsibility to determine the existence o any easements, covenants, or restrictions E/8"BB W/CAP~) 5/8" RB which do not appeor on the recorded subdivision plot. NOTE: It 3.25" AL.MON.~MONUMENf is the contractor's responsibility to check top of foundotion RUB & TACK E3 LOT 23 U S. SURVEY 3201