HomeMy WebLinkAboutWYNTER PARK #1 Water Improvement Information / DEPT. OF ENVI~ION~IENTAL CONSE~VAT~ON/~o/u¢~ 0 Jan. 9, 1974. WILLIAM A. EGAN, GOVE£~VOft -- JU~£AU ~801 Mr. Leslie k. Brattaln Tryck, Nyman & Hayes 740 t Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 'AL "19'/4 1 A.Ni SUBJECT: As-Built Plans -Water Improvements, Wynter Park Subdivision- Peters Creek Area Dear Mr. Bratl'ain: We are in receipt of a set of As-Built Plans which were prepared for the Mt. Eklutna Development Corporation by your firm and qualified by a note which reads as follows, "Water System was designed and cons- tructed by others,. This print does not certify the adequacy of the design of the materials and construction methods used. The water system was as-built as to location only by Tryck, Nyman & Hayes". Your pro- fesslonal responsibility lq submitting these plans Is rccog~!zed and appreciated. ~owever, as you realize They are ot liTTle use without the information referred to in your qualifying note. It w~l¢l also appear from the location of the wee house that lots 21, 22 and 31 must be restricted and no buildlng allowed because of the lack of space to Install a proper waste disposal system. This letter acknowledges the receipt of the subject plans and we wilt require that additional information be provided by the owner be- fore we can review a total as-built package. Yours truly, ~Che~rr y,Cp~? ......... ., . · .Regio~aI.Env.ironment-al Engineer, .· ........ -.. - .....~ ...... cC:, S±rlckland,GAAB-DEQ~.. ....,,. '. : '. .... ~ ....· . v '. . .:, ' .... FII~ No.: 4-1 bix'. mid ?,ifa. A1 lhomps~,n SUBJECT: Communiiy Water System - Wyntor Perk end Eklutni~ Heights ~ ubdiwsim~ This department has ~,ec~fved numerous ~ompl~ints the water system serving Ekhitna Heights and Wynter Palq{ Subdivision. 'rhi~ complaints rang~ fi~om inad~quaN~ (one (1) gallon pg~ hvonty-two Due to the reoccurrence of this situation and that si~voral resid~neei~ a~e now without water, this problem constitute~ a health hazard. You a~e, hereby, notift(~d that water ~er~4ee must be reestablished to all re~idence~ within one (13 day even if you must transport water to all residents until the water ~ysiem is permanently coffee.od. A permanent ~lution ha~ to be resolved by $~ptemher 4, 1975 or legal action will be taken by fhf~ dapnrtment through our authority of tho Alaska Admtnistralivi~ Code. Enolo.~od is a lia~ of the p~',oblem re'ecs. If you have. any questton~, please feol · ' .<- Sincerely, Fred Bl~,'tty Sanitarian C~.,r~tfied No.: 744~35 Eric. Fil~No.: 4-1 Au~ust 22, 1975 Ilomes on Ptarmigan Street with water problems - Ekhdna t{eight'~ SubdivtMon: Mr. l~ill Walker bit. J~,Jaes K~lley 5iz',, David Webst~' blt. Andy Zywot Mr. Joseph Mcrcou[~l~n Lot 15, Blo¢,,k 3 Lot 8, Dlock 8 Lot 3, Dlock 4 Let 5, Block 4 Lot 4, Block 6 : J,ot 4, Dloek 4 -- Wynter Park Subdi'viston: 5h'. 1,oger Cloud 5Ir. Michael Huff .Lot 7, Bio¢1¢ 3 Lot 8, Dlock 3 .. St nce~el y ~ Saattaria~ ~- _~ ~ r Head Office/ F YCK NYMAN ENGINEERS / PLANNERS / SURVEYORS 3674.0 December 27, 1973 Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 /907-279-0, Cable TNHANCAK/Telex 090 25332 Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attn: Mr. Rolf Strickland Subject: G ent~eme~: Wynter Park Subdivision Water System Attached for your information are two copies of our as-built of the water system in Wynter Park Subdivision and two copies of the drilling log and pump test report for the well in the above captioned subdivision. The well log and pump test report were furnished to us by the Owner and we do not guarantee their accuracy or completeness. Tryck, Nyman & Hayes did not design or inspect the construction of the well, well house and distribution system, and we do not guarantee the adequacy of the design, materials, or construction practice employed for the construction of this system. Our involvement in this system consisted of our survey crews periodically ~c~ecking the location of the water lines during their construction and after construction we as-built such improvements as could be seen from the surface. A chemical test of the water will be supplied separately at a later date. If you have any questions or co]mnents on this matter, please contact us. Very truly yours, TRYCK, NYMAN & HAYES Leslie L. Brattain, P.E. LLB:dea enclosures cc: Mt. Eklutna Development Corp. october 19, 1977 A1 93hon~pson Box 4-2734 · %~%c;horage, Alaska 99!109 Subjeota Wyntor Park Subdivision Acoording to this department's %;ag6~r s~pl~ monitor list, have not as ye~: retJ~J.vod a ~ator sar,~ple for tho above subject well s?~tel%'~ for tho month of Sop~enlb~3r, 1977. records indicate that you are responsibl~:: for turning these matldal;ory sat."apl(¢s itl for the subjc~{~,t water sy~'t~m. If you ho:va not done] so as y~t, please obtnln a wa'bet sautpli::~9' bot~!e frot~l the S'ga'zo Lab, 527 East 4~h Avenu:,:, as soon analysis. you ara no l<~,nf~c~r in charg'e of the snbje~'l:, w~lter sys~or.], plc~ase notify u,~) i~ll;ledia~.ely to any na~ne and./or addro~s ~f th~r~ are o]~y frJrtb(~r quostions, [~lo0, sa contact %his office a-g 264-4720 or at ttlo above ad<Ir~ss. 52hank you for your Lynn Bringla Pl~incJipal Environ~t~onta! Control Officer 31, 1977 A1 Anohora~.$e, Alaska. 99509 % Dawn Development Corporation According to this depar~n~ont's ~.~ater sanq?l(? mon.%t, ez llst, wu have not a~ yet received a water sara'pl~ for the above subjeut well syst. em for the month of MaY through August, (h/r records tnd~.c;at~ that you are responsi]:)l(~ for turl~ing these mandatory sa~.~ples, in for the subject water system. If you have~ not don6~ so as yet, ~;].ease obtain a ~ater ssm%pling bet%lc fro~% tile ~ltate Lab~ 527 East 4th Avenu(~-~ as soon aa ~3ssible and return the sample to tb.~ same addre~s for analys:[s. If you are no longer in char.qe of th~:~. subject water system, ~leas~ notify ua .tmm'~ediately to any name a'~%d/or, address :If there are any further, quest].ons, please contac~t this office at 264.-4720 or at the above acld.):ess. ~.['hank you for your (:o-operation in t'.his matte:=. Sincerely, I,ynn ~rtngle :Prin¢:i~al E~vironmental Control Officer D]/lJh ~ t~ (See other side) JaT~uary 3, 1974 Tryck [4yman & tiayes 740 "I" Stl'eet Anchorago, Alaska g9501 Attu~tlon. Cesli~ t. itu; Wy)~ter Park SubdiVision Water L~ar )~r. Brattatn: The Deparl;~[mt of Eevtronmental quality has received ~he as,.hatlts of t~e subject w~3ter system also tncludi))fl drilling lO~S and put~ '~est repo~l;. Our revtev( tndtcatus that this ~ater system i~uet;s ~ith all condttto~)s , uece~bur 27, 1973 we ~ill av~alt receipt of ~he chemical analysis of into the otiler systems o~vned by l, lr. ?bunce. Should you h(~vu any ques~to)) regarding our revteu of these pla~)s, please contact the ul)derst9)~ed' J{olf Strtcklat~d, Chief Sanitart ar~ l~S/ko CC: Bobby I~iou)~ce ;,It. Eklutna Uavelopment Cort). RETURN RECEIFI', REGISTERED, INSURED AND CERTIFIED MAIL MUNICIPALITY O' ANCHORAGE --,...,..-,o..., .~OUC/1~6-650 ANCHO~A.~E, AL./~$KA ~9502 _~,_/¢ ~ ~ ~= c. ,~i' "/ ' ' .... Z ' ,t ~:, REPLY DATE . FROM FORM 9%008(3/?6) Juno 13~ 1977 D~velopment Corporation Office Box 4-2734 A~lch orag~, Alaska 99509 ~ilubject: Wynter I~ark Subdivision According ~o thi~ d~..pa~tment's wa'for s~mple menfter list~ 5~e have not as y~t reooived a war. er sar~ple for the above subject well system for th(} month of May, 1977. Our records indioate that you az~e responsible for turnin(3 these man(latory ~amples in for the subj~o-h wad'.er system. If you have not done se as yet, please obtai~ a water sar~%pling boktl~ from th~ ~%ate Lab, 527 Eas~ 4%h Aw~nu~, as soon If you are no longer in charge of the subject water system, plea~e notify us immed, iately to any nam(~ and/or acldress chan(jeSo If there a.%'e any further quee~tlons, please contact thi,~ office at 279-2511~ ext~nsion 224, or at the abovs address° Thank you for your ce-operation in this matter.. Sincerely, William ~I. l)i~son P:~:incipal ~::nvironr~en~:al Control O.ffico. r 21, 1978 Kylo Cherry Environmental Conservation 33a Denali S~reat ~ac Kay Building ~u]horage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Cherry; Per your inquiry, an insiaeetion of the Dawn Water System public well, Lot 22 Block 2 91ynter Park S~division,,~a condl%cted on Ma~ch 17, 1978. The nelqhboring on~..site $~wer ~ystems wore measured for distance separation from '~he well head. Lot 21 Block 2 Wynter Park ~ubdivtsion ~d Lot 51 Block 1 Wynter Park ,gubdivision were 280' or more feat from th~ well. and present no violation of th~ protective radiums. If further documentation 2[8 requested by %he complainant, a Joint inspection by DEC and the Municipality can be arranged npon request uaually for the follow-ting day. If 'there are any further questions, pleaae contact 'ghis office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buohholz, .qoni~ Environmental .Specialist LNB/ljh