HomeMy WebLinkAboutWOODHAVEN #2 TR D-2 PQUGlt6-650 AlXlCl-t O RAG F, ALASKA (907') 2fi4-41 ~ ! January 4, 1982 Mark Swank 4510 Laurel St. Anchorage, AK 99507 Permit % 810984 Subject: Tract D-2 Woodhaven S/D A permit issued by this department for a well and/or sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1981. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal Ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log should be sent to this department to document the installation date. If an engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, please have them send us the as-builts for our files. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Sewer and Water Program Enclosure: Copy of Permit MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAl.. PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 9950'1 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAl. SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT MAILING ADDRE~ ' ~ .... DISTANCE TO: IWell 2.0Z Abs°rpti°n area Dwelling /¢ ~' Materia,~ p~ ~ / No. of compartments Liq~P~t~allons IF HOMEMADE: Inside length Nidth Liquid depth , ~ Well Dwelling PERMIT NO. ~O~ DISTANCE TO: O ~ < Manufacturer Material Liquid capacity in gallons ~= DISTANCE TO: Well IgO' Foundation ~,5 / Nearestlotline /~1 PERMITNO. ~ m j Length of each line ~0 Total length of lin~ Trench wi~z ~ ~ Top of tile to finish grade / Material beneath tile Length Width Depth PER~T NO. ~ ~ Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Total effective absorption area ~ Well ~uilding foundation Nearest lot line ~ DISTANCE TO: ~ Class Depth Driller Distance to lot llne PERMIT NO. ~ Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(s) ~ DISTANCE PIPE MATERIALS REMARKS ' h / APPROVED DATE LEGAL Location: ~o[~n ;~ ~ Legal Description: ~---~- 9- g ~_~MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE,.--, Departmen~ '~ Healthand Environmenta' ?rotection 825 ~ Street, Anchorage, AK. 99501 264-4720 * * * HANDWRITTEN PERMIT * * * WELL ANDT~% ON-SITE SEWER PERMIT Mailing Address: Phone Number: Lot Size Type of Soil Absorption System Is: Trench: ~ Drainfield: Seepage Bed: __ Holding Tank: Maximum Number of Bedrooms: soil Rating(sq.ft/br) The Required Size of the Soil Absorption System Is:~ DEPTH LENGTH GRAVEL DEPTH WIDTH The length dimension is the length(in feet) of the trench or drainfield. The depth of a trench or pit is the distance between the surface of the ground and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). There is no set width for trenches. The gravel depth is the minimum depth of gravel between the outfall pipe and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). * * REQUIRED SEPTIC(HOLDING) TANK SIZE = ~ GALLONS * * Permit applicant has the responsibility to inform this department during the installation inspections of any wells adjacent to this property and the number of residences that the well will serve. * * * TWO(2) INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED * * * Backfilling of any system without final inspection and approval by this department will be subject to prosecution. Minimum distance between a well and any on-site sewage disposal system is 100 feet for a private well or 150 to 200 feet from a public well depending upon the type of public well. Minimum distance from a private well to a private sewer line is 25 feet'and to a community sewer line is 75 feet. Well logs are required and must be returned to this department within 30 days of the well completion. Other requirements may apply. Specifications and construction diagrams are available to insure proper installation. * * * PERMIT EXPIRES DECEMBER 3L 1 9 8 1 * * * I certify that: (1) I am familiar with the requirements for on-site sewers and wells as set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage. (2) I will install the system in accordance with codes. (3) I understand that the on-site sewer system may require enlargement if the res-i~~ remo~-~d~o include more that 3 bedrooms. Signea: Issued by.7~. ~"~'C W (~ Appl~a-ntDate: 3--/S-~') ALASKA EI'IUIROFIm FITAL COFITROL SERUICeS, ~nqin~rinq & ~nuir~nm~f~l Sludi~s lDO. Specifications for Well on Tract I)2 Woodhaven Subdivision 1.0 General 1.1 The well shall be constructed in accordance with State and Local regulations. 1.2 The well shall be located not closer than 200 ft. to the nearest septic tank or soil absorption system. 1.3 A pitless adaptor shall be installed at a depth of not less than 10 ft. below ground surface. 1.4 The well shall have a saritary well seal in the top of the casing. 1.5 The casing shall extend at least 12 inches above the ground surface. 1.6 The pump electrical cable shall be placed in a conduit from the box in the well seal to a depth of not less than 4 fto below ground surface. 1.7 The line from the pJtless adapter shall be of the same size as tile discharge line from the pump. 1.8 The annular surface between the drill hole and the casing shall be filled with a bentonite slurg. The depth of this seal shall be at least 10 ft.- 1.9 The co~tractor shall provide the information on drawdown and flow for the well. SEP 1 4 1981 EKVIR J,~:,,,,c ~iAL CONSEllVATION I1EGION II 1220 ~.Ucsl 251h ~ucnue o A,¢hor,:q¢, Alosb 99503 ~ (907} 216-1361 MUNICIPALITY C~'~ICHO RAG E M EIVIORANDU~ ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVlCF~-~,!NC, 1220West 25th ^~ Je ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 276-1361 ALASKA erlUIROlqmelqTAL COIqTROL SeRUlCe$, InC. ~n§in¢~rin§ $ ~nuiror~m~l~[ Studi~ Specifications for Trinity United Prebyterian Church 1.0 Genera]. 1ol Ail materials and construction methods shall meet the standards of the Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection. 1.2 The drawings are part of this specification. 1.3 The septic tank and seepage Trench shall not be closer than 150 ft° from any wello 2.0 Septic Tank 2.1 The septic tank shall be two compartment and not less than 2250 gallons and of steel construction. 2.2 The first compartment of the tank shall hold from 60 to 66 % of the total volume. 2.3 The steel shall be coated inside and out with bitumastic coating° 2.4 The inlet and outlet pipe stub shall accept normal 4" pipe. 2.5 The inlet and outlet pipes shall be secured to the tank stub with Calder Couplings. 2°6 Each man way shall have a 4" inspection part attached to the lid. Each part will have a normal 4" pipe to which a plastic or cast iron standpipe can be attached with either a 4" nohub or Calder Coupling° 2.7 The tank shall be placed level and bedded in sand or silty rock and soilo 2.8 Each standpipe shall be covered with a Jim cap or equal. 2.9 The lines from the church to the septic tank and from the septic tank to the trench may be 4" no hub cast iron or 4" pvc plastic schedule 40 or ASTM D3034. 3.0 Seepage Trench 3.1 The seepage trench shall be of the length and depth shown on the drawings. The width shall be between 18-36 inches. (A normal backhoe width.) 3.2 The trench bottom shall be level and the sides raked to remove slickensides. 3.3 The seepage trench shall not be closer to the septic tank than 5 ft. 3.4 The perforated distribution pipe shall be plastic pvc or PE , ASTM D2729, 1500 pound crush strength. 3.5 The distribution pipe shall be laid level with an inspection pipe at the end. 3.6 The fill rock shall be cleaned graded rock~ 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches, and be from a Municipally approved gravel pit~ It shall meet the approval of the design engineer. 3.7 The rock shall cover the perforated pipe by not less than 2 inches° 3.8 The rock shall be covered with one layer of untested 1220 L[Jesl 25Ih Auenue e ~nchoraq¢. f~losk~ 99503 ~ [907) 276-1351 building paper or engineering fabric. 3.9 The backfill shall be mounded not less than 6" over ground level to accomodate setting and be compacted. 4.0 Site Grading 4.1 The area around the ttrench shall be so graded to allow all surface waters to drain away. 4.2 The area over the trench shall be seeded with grass or clover. ALASKA ENVlROF~NTAL ,CONTROL SERVI(~_~ INC. 1220 West 25th Avenue ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 276-1361 CALCULATED BY ~ ~'~ '-~"' ~' DATE SCALE :--W-_.,/- ALASKA ENVIRON~,NTAL CONTROL SERVI(,,..~ INC. 1220 West 25th Avenue ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 276-1361 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L, Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST [~ /SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 2 5- 6- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20- COMMENTS ,~0~ ~f'~' )/'/~ ~J~ PERFORMED BY:_ fir/ WAS GROUND WATER p C) ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN (1~- FT AND--~O '~"FT CERTIFIED 'Y:__~~ DAT':<:~ Reading Date Time Time Water Drop ~_-// /, q'-ts/ lO .~ ,oH N~uNli~,~'~'~Lt'I'y oF ANCHORAGE poUCH 6-650 · ANCHORAGE, AK 99502 · pHoNE 264.6400 FINANCE DEPARTMENT cASH RECEIPT BY: MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: September 3, 1981 Laura Crow Sewer and Water Program Request for Refund - Account #2460 Tract D-2 Woodhaven Subdivision Please make arrangements to have a refund for the following: The engineer is goin~ to inspect the installation of the on-site sewer system rather than this department, therefore, a refund is necessary. Swank Construction 4510 Laurel Street Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Receipt #158965 $30.00 fee Laura J. Ward Senior Office Assistant Sewer and Water Program ljw 914310 (5/78) DIRECTIONS TO PROPERTY TO BE INSP~CT~D, Sewer and Water Program Note: be sure to put colour of house or other landmarks that will make it easy for the inspector to find. Accurate directions will save time and not cause delays in scheduling. SWP/025 SO UTHCEN ['RA L REGIONAL OFFICE (907) 274-2533 (907) 486-3350 (907) 262-5210 (907) 835 4698 April 26, ].982 Mr. Leroy C. Reid, Jr. Alaska Environmental Control Services, Inc. 1220 West 25th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99503 Subject: Well Sewer Separation Waiver Dear Mr. Reid: We have reviewed your letter and soil analysis for the Trinity Presbyterian Church, Tract D-2, Woodhaven Subdivision #2 and hereby waive the 200 foot well to sewage disposal system distance to 180 feet. Siscerely, Bruce Erickson BEE/nd MUNICIPAUTY OF ANCHOP, AG~I: DEPT. OF HSALT~-I ,% ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APR $ 0 sgB2 RECEIVED ', --%,,, MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET "~.~ [~ PLATTING BOARD [] PLANNING & ZONING CASE NUMBER NAME CU-81-35 A request for final approval of a conditional DATE RECEIVED use to permit a church in the R~6 zone. May 7, 1981 COMMENT TO PLANNING BY May 12, 1981 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF ~I~PUBLIC WATER NOT AVAILABLE TQ PETITION AREA J~"'"~UBLiC SEWER NO.,..~O~T AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA REVlEWER'S COMMENTS; 71-014 (Rev. 2/78) CASE NO. request to rezone approximately to RETUk,. CONME,HTS TO: MUNICIPAL PLANNING DEPARTHE?IT Zoning and Platting Division Pouch 6-650 .Anchorage, Alaska 99502 264-4215 acres from A request to amend Title 21 to __A request for concept~ina~approval of a conditional use to permit a ~~ _~7- in the ~-& zone. A request for an amendment to a conditional use A site plan review for CO;.h.,mNTS: , D ISTRIJ. UTION: STAMDARD DISTRIBUTION (Public Projects) urban Beau~z~zc~,t~o Commission (ord~na~nce Ame%'~dments) l.~un~.cl, pal Attorney's office ~th. Ave , 6A 6B 7 '"'-', TR I0 TR 2 TR 3 TR /6 $ 5A -' 'z~-P LI TR E-I 4 TR O-; Ave JE TAIGA Dr TR 0-1 -> 22 FINAL CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Municipality of Anchorage I~lanning Department Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 OFFICE USE The undersigned hereby applies to the Municipality of Anchorage for final approval of: check one (2) new conditional use ( ) amendment to a conditional use IL Description: (use additional paper if r~ecessary) Legal description of the area requested for the conditional use Area (square feet or acres) of the petition area c~.28 Acres Current zoning of the petition area ~-~ Application Information: (use additional paper if necessary) scheme proposed k church is te be built on this site t~ s~rve She South Anchorage area. Provide the startin .and corn letion dates for construction (for each phase, if applicabre) Construction~to start in June. 1981 -~stimated eomoletion ~ec..!gS1 IV. Conditional Use Findings: (use additional paper if necessary) A resolution granding final approval may be adopted only if it includes the following findings. Explain how your proposal satisfies these findings· that the.proposed construction and use of the conditional use will not be detrimental to the uae'and will maintain the parklike setting e£ the surrounding area. that the conditional use meets the standards and requirements prescribed by the Zoning that there are adequate existing sewage capacity, transportation facilities, energy supply and water supply to serve the proposed conditional use ~.w~. ,~T,~,.~ +.y =.~ -nt,~r supply are adequate. Electrical energ~ is available f~om Chugach that the conditional use conforms to the intent of the zoning district ~_~ ?_~. ~!~rict allows schools, parks and low density land use. This conditional to the desirability of suburban living. will previde a buffer between the school and Huffman Road. Ail PARKING HUFFMAN ROAD d LU '/ / ,, OVO~ NV~rIH 167 ' MULTI-PURPOSE z ASIST. PASTOR OFFICE ~,DULT NARTHEX YOUNG ADULT NURSERY INDERGARDEN PRE-SCHOOL 2/3GRADE SCHEME 1 PHASE 2 JUN[ORS 6/7/8 GRADE Engineering, Planning & Surveying 2220 E. 88th Ave. Anchorage, Ak. 99507 Telephone (907) 349-6451,344-1352 May 27, 1981. , . Department of Health & Environmental Protection 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Attention: Mr. John Lynn Dear Mr. Lynn: Subject: On Site Waste Water Disposal System for Tract D-2, Woodhaven Addition Attached please find a copy of Alaska Test Labs report regarding the above mentioned project. The report outlines-that within the five acre tract, 4 test holes were drilled and one percolation test performed within test hole 3A. The percolation rate measured 30 minutes per inch. In addition to t, he~rilled test holes, a backhoe pit was dug by Mr. Bill Prosser to a depth of 18 ~eet on March 16, 1981, approximately 100 feet sou~th~. · e__~rly of test hole 3~k~T_b~hole was left open ove~ night and in~pecte~ ~e following day. No water table was observed. ' in reviewi~gthe teS~ report, the sit'conditions and the proposed usage ' of the five acre tract as a church site, It appears that an adequate location for an~ite septic disRosal system and a replacement drain field is available. It is recommended that the system be designed in accordance with Part II of the Manual of "Septic-tank Practice", U.S. Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare, Septic-tank Systems for Institutions, Recreational Areas and other establishments. It is also recommended that the seepage trenches be inspected p~ior to installing the system in order to adjust the final desi§n to actual conditions encountered. advis~.f you have .any questi?~.~,, :: cc Bill Prosser need any additional information, please Very/~ y yo.~urs:/~ '4040 "B""$TRE.ET "':' . .:~07) 27~1,551 "", ' / ? July 28, 1980' '. ~ / W.O. $A19384 / Suite 505 99503 Mr. Eric Wohlforth Wohlforth & Flynn 900 West 5th, Anchorage, AK Subject: Subsurface Investigation for Suitability of On-Site Waste Water Disposal System Tract D-2, Woodhaven Addition, Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Wohlf~rth: . Transmitted herein in accordance with your i~struc~tons are the results of the.above referenced investigati0n as per~ .. formed by us on July 25 and 26, 1980. The scope of this ' project is an investigation for suitability of ~n-site ~. waste-water disposal system. Included in this transmittal are: Test Hole. Location Sketch Test Ho%e Logs Explanatory. Information 'Figure 1' Table A Sheets 1-3 The exploration was conducted;using a continuous, flight ~...',_:- solid stem auger. The rig.~s owned and operated by Dena.1£' ".>'{'~'.':' Drilling, Inc. Drilling was supervised, the test hole ~. ... logged and percolation test performed by. T.L. Barber,.. '. engineering ~eologist with Alaska Testlab. ' : ~,. The logs of these test holes are included, as Table ALD of .' this report.' 'In'interpreting the log, it wo~ld..be, helpful~:~.<!> 'to utilize the.explanatory' information coqtai~e~ ~n~Shee~e '~:~ to 3 of,this report. '' When drilling ~as complete~ a.3/4~ slotted PVC pip'e'~as''I''. inserted i~ the .hole to aid in d~ter~aining th~ f~ee:water .'.:::,<' level. .For ~he'Pe~col~tion tgst', th~ test,hcule was with water and 'le~t overnight to0saturg~e. .O~ .ret~rn'i~g next day,.the hole was. ~ef~led with water,and ~he water lgvel.c~refutly, monito~ed. 6y~ t~e ng~t'60 " t . ~.... '.,~. ~_', ''. . · · , ' ' ~'F'.. I ~0 _ LESLIE T/-/2. , Street J I Mr. Eric Wohlforth July 28, 1980 Page 2 In areas where the'water table is~less-than 8 ~e~t beloW the' ground surface the soil is considered no~ ~uitable",for an .. in the "ManuaI"0f on-site waste-water disposal system based Septic Tan~ Practl~e" used by the M~nlcipality of Anchbrage, Department of'Publlc Health ~nd Environmental Protection. Therefore,' in areas ~f test h01es' 1 and 2, shallow subsurf .w~ste-water disposal ". water levels '(approximately 2;5-4.0 feet) were encountered and are not suitable .for an on-site system. Test hole ~3Lha~ a free water level at 11,2"..from the ground'surface. Tes= hole %3A was l~cated 6 feet away from test hole 3, drilled and a.percolatlon test run. rate for ~he 'last 30 minutes, measured in-lO gThe minute.intervalss ~i~e3 e~n~e~e~e ~h e criteria of 2~ q - f Senti- Tank Practic? , ~ . ~=~ in the Manual o ~ ~ ~is value ~s for the, s0x~ from 1.0' to 9.?." We recommend that .the seepage %renches be i~sPe installing the system as the above 'rec°mmenda~iOns' on'the result of a 6" test hole. If conditiQns'~re'.di . than encountered in the test hole,.it may be necessary lengthen or enlarge the trenches. Further attention .be paid to the subsurface water ~able 6n the site...The subsurface ~ater appearS to be variable in depth and may.- fl.uctuate daily. We hope thi~ report me, tS your present needs; If we 'csn of further service, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, ALASKA TESTLAB Ter[Y L. Barber Geologist ~. · ' Test Hole ~[[~.~' . '.Depth in Feet ~ ~ ., From ~o 7.~.. !~...,., 0.0' 2.0' '' 2.0' 10.0' Bottom of. Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: Tabl~ A .wo ~.,,~ ~.~'-- ".". - · Date:. _ 7/25/80~' Logged by.~' ~T. L. 'Soil Description F-4, brown Peat, moist, sqft. F-4, brown-grey, ~ravelly Sandy.~ilt, . subrounded 1" gravel,~st-~--~i~-2~ard, SM. 10i None 3'6" Observed Test Hole #2 Depth in Feet From To 0.0' .- 2.0' 2.0' 8.0' 8.0' 10.0' Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line:.. Free Water Level: Table B WO' I~19~83 'Date= 7/25/80 Logged by= T.L. Soil Description F-4, brown Peat, wet;saturated, s6ft.. F-2, grey-brown, Gravelly Silty Sand, subrounded 3/4" gravel, sa~ fi.n~--~-~ medium, wet-saturated, medium dense. F-4, brown grey Sandy Silt, plastic, subrounded gravel 1-3/4'-~--, saturated. 10.0'· None Observed 2'5" Test Hole %3 ~;~ ~-. . ?~¢~" .. ~Depth in Feet · ~.~ ,, From To '-;.~ ' 0o0' - .~ 1.0~ 8.0~ 8.0' '9.5' ~' ,.". ' 9,5' 15,0' Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: Table-C Wo %Al 9383 -Date: 7/2 S/~6 Logged by: Soil Description F-4, brown Peat. Fh4, brown Gravelly Sandy Silt, plastic Silt,. subrounded 3/4~avel,:fine .to me--~um Sand, stiff, moist to wet.. F-2, grey, Silty medium Sand, moist-wet. F-4, brown Sandy silt, plastic, w/trace gravel, wet, s--~ff. @15' None Observed 11 '2" Test Hole %3A Tabl~ D WO %A19383 Dates 7/26/80 Logged. bye' T.L. Depth in Feet From To 0.0' 2.0' 2.0' - 8.0' 8.0' - 9.0' 9.0' /~l Soil Description F-4, brown Pea~, soft, meist to wet. F-4, brown Sandy silt, w/some 3/4 su rounded gravel, p~ic, moist.to wet, stiff, ML. F~I, brown Silty Sandy Grave~, wet, dense F-4, brown Sandy. silt, plastic, wet, stiff. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free'Water Level: 10' None Observed None Observed " 30% GRAVEL ¢ ' '"' L sAND· ~;~ ~" SAND SOIL CLASSIFI AT, ION CHART GRAVELLy SANDY ' GR/~VEL 2o, ' '30 40' . ~.0 · 60 70 GRAVF~L ('*=4 $cREE.N).% GRAVEL GRAVEL 90 I 0 1~0. 100 '.. - BY WEIGHT' ' : ~T SUScEPTIBLE'S'OILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS T'HAN,3% F'I'NER THAN 0.02 mm. · ~PTIBLE SOILS~ ,; ~' . . '.:' J - GRAV£~LY'SOIESCON~'AINING BE3'WEEN3AI~020% FINER THAN0.02~'/Im.,.. :. ' ~'2 SANDY SOILS CONTAINING iJETWEEN 3 AND 15% FINER T~IAN 0JO2,mm. , · F3 a. GRAVELLY SOILS CONT~,INING MORE "~'HAN.?0% FINER THAN 0.02 m~n.,ANO SANDY S01L'S ' , (EXCEPT FINE SILTY..SA'NDS)'CONTAININC, MOEE THAN ]5% FINER Tf-f,'~N 0.02 mm. b. CLAYS WITH' PLASTICITY IND, EXbS OF MORtL THAN.12.,EXC£PT VARV£D CLA,YS. l, ALI.~ SILTS INCI~UDIN(.; SANDY SILTS. · ., · ! -- · b. FINESILTYSANDSCON1AININGMORE'~HANI5%FINERTHANO.O~.mm. .,' · ¢. LEAN CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY ,INDEXES OF LESS T~,IAN · .' ~ I;I. VARVEDCLAYS, ~, s ~'-.'k, ., ... :.' Ic sail.dez~riptions shown on thc lugs arc the best estimate of the soil's rcisiofl of 3 I~or~tory Irsdni procedure, If ;he loI includes smls sample*, t~ ~mpJes ~cceJvc an independent Icxtural classification in the laboratory t~Jfy I~ (?Id e~aminatJon, Test Hole Log - D?cription Guid~ TIw logs often include the following Items: Frost Classification - NFS, Fl. F2. Fa, F4, see "Soil Cbs~Jfication · Texture of.%i] - An engineering classification of the soils by particte ~ "' 'saturated, free water may be si ueezed out, ifa free draining soil: ~, dilatent az ~a~maJ mint(ute content, ifa non.plastic silt or fine , .. y - ~nd. (Thc moisture con~enr is t'ur~her defined by reference to PL '.:' ' L~, NP, M%or d~atency.) ~?, ~x~es with or'without a. fine fraczion derivM from dr~ling action ': ;[~..a~ot ~mple data; usually described ds: very loose, Ioog, medium ~'~.~ 'Stiffness ~' refers m more~r- ess cbhes ye 5o s and fine grained sihs bf , ~:' ~s~t groups. De~ved from d~ill actioh 3nd/or sample data. Very ;~.v ~fz, ~fi. stiff, very stiff and hard'are, commohly fised terms. ~ ~'~artide size - The larges~ particle recovered by the split spoon ~s '~lby tube 3", auger flights (minute.man) 2",'Auger flights ' - (~50 hollow s~em) 6"-8" Lzrger particles'are desc¢ bed nd~eczl~ by ' ' action of the dr~ling ~nd are zefer~cd ip as cobbles, 3 to 8 " .'boulders'8"+. Therefore when revluwmg ~he Sradatiun shee~l if any ":. Iht description un the hole og must ~c cons'tiered fm an"'~'cgc%n (~%'~U~d So~ Cbssification'- Th s s a ~wo etter code See Un fled ~.~ ~AA ~ da~ficazmns may be shgwn as well as the um~ed. ~ ~ mols~e content bcl~ved to be less ~in p~sdc mobtme comenz b~e~ to ~e srea~ct lhin liq~d ~ ~s~ic uKf~ is i ~dif~ing description o{ some ~.~.~ nciHy satmAted sod ~mple when vibrated or jo[led - u~ Rock flour -fineiy g~ound ~od that is not plastic but otherwise appears dm~r to a chycy sUt. . ,'~ of all orgam~ - as Peat. This may include tundra, muskeg and b~. Muck - a modi~e~ u~d tn describe very ~ft, seml~rgani¢ Amorphus pea~ -. orgamc particles nearly or fully disintegrated.. - Frost Line - seamnal frost depth a's degribed by drilli~ action andl~ ~mples at the ~ime ofdrilling. Frozen Ground - other ~an frost line. des~ibed by ~mples. includes description of ice content, often will include modil~ed Uni~ Classification for frozen ~ih - thai is a ~cbl cae reAt~ m: Free Water Level - The free water le~l noted during drilling, ~i~ is ~oils requires obserwtion wells o~ p~zomete¢ in'~ta}~ati~ns, ugd only ~. B ow/6" - The number of bJow~ of a 140 we~hg ft~ falli~ 30" Io adwnce a 2" ~pli~ spoon 6"; the number of blows for a ~2" a~n¢e j~. b~ ~¢finkion. the ~tandard ,~% - natural moisture coment of ~he mil ~mple, usu~Uy ~ormed on clean ~nd~ or Ira~l~ below the wa~er table. Type of Sample - . ~' ' ~, refers to 2". =plat ~pqon ~iven ~to the loll by 140 weight, a disturbed sample. . ~, thin wall tube, "Shelby"~d ~o o~ o( ~ne 8rained ~oil, ~, "~ab" d~tur~ed sample from a~et ~hl'~ or war of - ~, col ~mple. uhaisl~bed ~le [tom Wall of erench.. '" L=Low, M=Medium. H=H~h Group ,L The ~mplel are~l~ged.inlu apparently o~ ¢o~r aM ~txlure and ate arbi r~ily assg~d a IrOUp ] ~dbtutbed'lesl* incl~i~ Atlerbe~g Ligfils, grain size, ~eb~ion~ip, elc, may be performed on the group re~ec{ the i~ner~l db.~d ¢hara¢l~isli¢l u( ~e Irou~ ~ ~ an Jm~anl phag' of. the log {~lyd~ a~ R a~nda~Jzc Ih'e vaNqb~