HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnit #1 ROBI$ON, rV[CCASKEY & LEWIS ATTORNEYS AT LAW ?:~8 EiIXTH AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 23 April 1963 Department Of Health & Welfare State of Alaska 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska Re: Woodland Lakes Development Unit Oxidation Pond ? ¥ Gentlemen: Reference to recent dlsc~Ssions between Dro Duncan, ~. Penner, Elton Wieman and NOrman Sommers. and further referring to the As Built drawing of the Woodland Lakes Development~oxidation pond dated January 17, 1963 by Eiton W. Wieman, this is to ass~e you that the five items listed as not completed in the 1962 construction season will be ~ompleted prior to July 1, 1963. Arrangements have been consummated with Central Alaska Utilities, Inc~ to perform this work as soon as spring breakup and ground conditions On completion of this work you will be notified so that final inspectio~ may be made~ Very t~uly yours, Paul F. Robison OFFICE 2600 NORTHERN ~ISHTS BLVD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PHONE FA 2-3765 ELTON W. WIEMAN RESIDENCE 2400 ST, ELIAS BLVD. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PHONE FA 2-1742 SUBDIVISIONS · ROADS · UTILITIES · LAND PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COPY &l:~ril 20,196Z Dept of Health and Wealfare State of Alaska ~27 E~4~le Street,Anchorage. AlasKa Attent ion~M~. Frank 0.Go ~ntle~n: ~closed is revised ~ng for the 3e~ 3tabilization ~n~ for the ~,Voodl~d L~ea Subdivision. T~ pl~ ~s been revised to incorporate eo~ents ~d re~o~endati~ contained in y~r letter of ~ch 14,19~3. The reeo~endations contained in your letter ~ ma~e in pre~io~s e~ferenees have been most help~l an~ I believe that t~gh ~ combined efforts w~v~ve a~hieve~ a desigh t~t will Be ~oth effective ~d economical. ~ the mat~er of cap~ity,I ~onc~ with yo~ restrletion as an ~. initial premise,however I ~ of the opini~ that ~onti~ed observation of the pond ~der desi~ loading wil~ indicate ~ additional practical ~eratl~ capacity.We will ~onsult your office ~rther in this re~rd if such increase Ve~ T~ly Y~rs, ce: ~.Paml Robison w/inels Mm. Don Penner/ w/inc ls ROBI$ON~ MCCASKEY & LEWIS 23 April 1963 Department of Health & Welfare State of Alaska 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska Re: Woodland Lakes Development Unit %1 Oxidation Pond Gentlemen: Reference to recent discussions between Dr. Duncan, Mr. Penner, Elton Wieman and Norman Sommers, and further referring to the As Built drawing of the Woodland Lakes Development oxidation pond dated January 17, 1963 by Elton W. Wieman, this is to asstLre you that the five items listed as not completed in the 1962 construction season will be completed prior to July 1, 1963. Arrangements have been consummated with Central Alaska Utilities, Inc. to perform this work as soon as spring breakup and ground conditions permit. On completion of this work you will be notified so that final inspection may be made. Very truly yours, Paul F. Robison PFR:M~ ADH A~M. 4 ROUTE S L ~-.~' I jUNEAU [] FAIRBANKS [] KETCHIKAN ~ ANCHORAGE [] G.A.H,D. [] To: Dr. Duncan Accounting ....... Medical Social ..................................... Commissioner Mental Health Administration Nursing .............. Health Ed ................................... Prey. Med. Serv Laboratory . San. O Eng ................................. MCH-CC .............................................. Vital Statistics Speech~Hearlng ....... Medical Fac .................................................................... Remarks: Approval Necessary action As requested Note and return Call me on this Note and fde Comment P~ease reply For your information Prepare reply initial and forward Signature More details Per conversation ADH-Adm.--Form 3a 8-§~20M MEMORANDUM FROM_..Erank..G.o ~..SCR0.,...Re gional. Engins. er. ............ DATE......tMa~ch SUBJECT...Le~te~ dated As you will note, I did not hesitate changing m~ thinking presented with convincing evidence from AHRC. I might po though that Prof. Oswald, in his paper, "Stabilization Po Research and Installation Experiences in California" says ~'No special benefits have been observed to result from jet (horizontal) type or riser type influent structure Experience has shown that submerged vertical inlets de methane fermentation more quickly thantangential jet . fao..M~...l~aul E...!~bisOn ....... )/14/63 (Copy enclosed) when h~t out ~d either reloped .nlets.,' However, regular 5 fps Velocity flows should easily eltm~ rate sludge deposit in the inlet md result.ant above discussed condition. Other advantages under Alaskan conditxons would seem to favor th~ vertical riser. Kindest regards. FCG:hm Enc. M~,R 15 ]963 (~BEATER ANCHORAGE JtiE~LTH DISTRICT Page 2 (5) (6) (7) The. Arotto Healt~ Research Canter 1~ now reou~ending the U~ of a vertical ricer for the tnfluen% outlet for' Al~kan lagoon, Thin deve*lolm fr~ the need to b~ry the tnfluent. 1Ann leading to the cenSr~lly legated cutlet under the lagoon floor to prevent it frc~ being li .f~ed by ice. It is felt that grit settling can be min~ized'by providing an outlet velooity of ~ A~ for the ~axi~um hou~l~ newage flow period. We recc~a~end a vertioal ricer flushed with the lagoon ~otta~ and 'anchored to · eonorete pad. We r~cc~aend a newer ~leano~t at the point of entra~on into the la~oon to fao~l~ate electing, ~..~. The lagoon ~ho~ld be fenced and powt~d with =no %ren~u~, eignn, ' : ~ ~ur approval of this innt*~latton in contingent ~n na%infaotory performance of the lagoon. Should ~rfle~lty or n~icanoe develop, the Depar~aent may require the oons~r~%ion of additional treatmant *faoility or other remedial a~tionc. EDWI~ O. ~KS, M.D., Dr'. P.H. DIRECTOR ¥COlh~ Hr. Elton Wie~an 2600 Northern Lights Mvd. Anchorage, Alaska ~r. Mormaz S~rn Central Alaska Utilities. 42O E. 5th St. Anchorage, Aluka Frank Co ~ Regional Engineer January 2t~ ~i9[~3 william J~ Oswald, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Sanitary Engineering and Publi~ l{ealth Earl Warren Hail Berkeley 4, California Dear Bill: Enelosed~ finally, is the plan for the oxidation pond sysgem for s~¥eral local subdivisions. There have b~en a number of ghang~ one o~ which was my idea of the individual ~tl system. The original proposal was for one pond ~hich would be expanded as needed. This, I ~igur~d, would eaus~ aumerous m~inte:,~an~e problems in ~he future. At pre,ant thi~ is the only raw sewage lagoon in the area. There ~re two secondary tceat~ent ponds~ one o~ which is similar ~:o a ~ ,- other ~,~ a sta~d~r~ city sysges~ wt~:h a s~-ndge digester, ~c. The m~chanicall~ ae~a~e~ primary gr~atmeut system, %~hich "' ~'es and mixes 9flor to entering %~he ponds. This wbAter I have wa~che~ both of the systems, a~id th~y bo~h haw worked beautifully. Both ponds froze to approximately half the working capacity, but this did not interfere ~ith the actual p~'ooeaa. ~h Mr. Wieman (the e~gineer) x;ho ia ~ [ncidengalJ. y, a ~. C. grad of som~ 20 years ago~ g~ld % are e~tremely interested in your co[~ments abou~ this system. I am sorry ~or the delay in get,lng the plans to you, but Mr. Wieman got tied up in his business, and was unable to complete the plans on schedule. Sincerely~ DAVID R. L. DUNCAN, 14, D. Medical Director Donald 1t. Penner, tl. $. Sanitarian DHP:ra GREATER ANCHORAGE HEALTH DISTRICT .,. 217 E Street P.O. Box 968 Phone BR-6-3351 Anchorage, Alaska 26 October 1962 Elton Wieman 2600 No. Lights Anchorage, Alaska In April, a letter was sent to you by the Greater ~nchorage Health P~mtric~,~n regards tO a survey of all Public and Semi'Public ~ater supplies. At this time, we either have not received a bacteriological water sample from you at all, or there has not been a sample sent in for a number of moDths. It is of the utmost importance that We receive your water sample, if this Department is to continue its program, If there is some reason why you cannot ~nd your monthly sample, please notify the Greater Anchorage Health District as soon as possible. Your cooperation in cnzs matter would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, DAVID R. L. DUb]CAN, M.D. Medical Director DHP:jla Donald H. Penner, R.S. Sanitarian