HomeMy WebLinkAboutGREENBROOK Soils Test Reports Testlab Alaska ':' · 40~0 "B" Slreel 'Ar, chorage, Alaska 99503 Phone (907) 278-1551 ( Telecopler (907) 272-5742 Apr±l 17~ 1981 WoO. #A19708 Second and Fourth Anchorage Limited Partnership 4611 Business Park Blvd.. Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Mr. Les Pace Re: Subsurface investigation for Suitability of On-Site Sewage Disposal,~Lot 4, Block 1;~Lot 2, Block 2; Lot 3, Block 2; Lot 8, Block 2; Lot 9, Block 2; Lot 10, Block 2; Lot 17, Block 2; Lot 19, Block 2; Lot 26, Block 2; Lot 3, Block 4; ~ot 4, Block 4; Lot 6, 'Block 4; ~ot 12, Block 4; LOt 13, Block 4; Lot 14, Block 4, G~eenbrook Subdivision' Dear Mr. Pace: During March and April of 1981, we drilled a 15 foot boring on each of the above lots and placed a perforated, 3/4 inch PVC pipe in each hole so that the water table could be monitored over a period of time and a percolation test run in the hole. The holes were drilled using a Nodwell.mounted, Mobile B50 drill rig owned and operated by Denali Drilling, Inc. The drilling was supervised and the test holes logged by Mr. Ted Krupka, senior technician, and Mr. O.M. ~atch, geologist with Alaska Testlab. After the holes were drilled, our technician returned on several occasions and checked the water level in each of the test holes. After a period of time the holes were saturated, left to stand overnight, saturated again and a percolation test run. The percolation test was run by monitoring the'drop in the water table elevation at 10 minute intervals for a minimum of one hour. The percolation rate listed in this report was computed using the slowest 20 minutes of that percolation test. 'Included with this report is a'test hole location sketch for each lot an~ a log of the b0ri'ng placed on each lot. The results of this exploration are described as follows: Lot 4, Block 1 The water table elevation measured in the test hole at this site remained fairly constant at about 12 feet. The percolation rate measured on April 15 was 6.0 minute~/inch. Because of the need to keep. the system shallow and %he high silt content, we recommend a more conserw~tive design p~rcolation rate of 10.0 minutes/inch. Second and Fourth Anchorage Limited Partnership April 17, 1981 Page Two We recommend 'the sewage system be placed as high as possible, in the upper 4 to 8 feet, to avoid high water problems during the spring breakup. Lot 2, Block 2 The test hole was placed in-the front of the lot, and this is where we would recommend the on-site sewage disposal system be placed. The lot slopes considerably to the back,' where it appears there may be a high water table. The water table in the test hole was observed at 8.0 feet on March 18, during the peak of breakup then lowered to 10.5 feet by April 9. The percolation rate measured on April 15 was 4.0 minutes/inch. However, we recommend using a more conservative percolation rate of 10.0 minutes/inch, due to the silt content of the soils. We also recommend that the disposal system be kept as'shallow as. possible. It may require mounding to provide adequate insulation and yet maintain the necessary separation between the system and the ground water level during spring-runoff. Lot 3, Block 2 The disposal system on this lot should also be located at the front of the lot, near the test hole, as this lot slopes downward to the back. The water level in the test hole was measured at 1].6 feet on April 18, but had measured at 8.1 feet on March 9. The water level was encountered at 11.4 feet on March 15, and the percolation rate on this date was 12.5 minutes/inch. We recommend a mounded .sewage disposal system be used to maintain the necessary separation from the seasonal high water level, and adequate insulation of the system. ' 8, Block 2 ~ When drilling the test hole, no water was observed within the 16 foot depth hole at this site° The following day, April 9, water was observed at 7.6 feet. The water level in the test hole was 8.2 'feet on April 15. This water is probably surface seepage from thawing conditions. The percolation rate was measured at 5.5 minutes/inch, however, we recor~end a design rate of 10o0 minutes/inch because of the silt content. A mounded sewage disposal system due to the high spring water level, should be used. No water was obse~'ved in the test hole while drilling, but was found at 7.8 feet the next day, April 9. The water is probably surface seepage from thawing conditions. The measured percolation ALASKA '[ES'IFI. AB Second and Fourth Anchorage Limited Partnership · April 17, 1981 Page Three rate was 5.2 minutes/inch, however, we recommend a design rate of 10.0 minutes/inch. Since the seasonal.water level is quite high, we recommend a mounded disposal system so sufficient separation is achieved. Lot 10, Block 2 The test hole was located in the southwest corner of the lot, and we recommend that ~the sewage disposal system be,placed in this area. The water level is quite near the surface towards the front of the lot. The water level while drilling on April 8 was 9°0 feet, then was found at about 12 feet over the next few days. On April 14, the percolation rate was measured at 2.5 minutes/inch. We recommend that a more conservative rate of 10 0 minutes/inch be used, due to the silty nature of the upper soils° The system should, be placed as high as possible, in the upper 8 to ~0 feet, to avoid conflicts with the seasonal high water, mounding may be necessary for insulation. Lot 17, Block 2 No ground water was encountered while drilling on this lot on April 8, or when checked again April 9 and April 16. The measured percolation rate was 5.4 minutes/inch, however, we recormmend a more conservative design rate of 10.0 minutes/inch because of the siltier nature of the soils. Lot 19, Block No water table was observed in the 16 foot test hole while drilling on April 8, or on April 9. The percolation rate was measured at 8.9 minutes/inch, however, we recommend a more conservative design rate of 10.0 minutes/inch because of the silty nature-of the soils. The system should be placed as high as possible~ as high seasonal water levels were found in the immediate area. Lot 26, Block 2 The test hole was drilled nea.r the center of the lo't April 8, and no water was observed. The test hole was als0 found dry April 9. The measured percolation rate was 6.2 minutes/inch. ~~ was observed-in the test hole at this site while drilling · on April 8, but was at 12.5 feet the following day. The measured percolation rate was 14.6 minutes/inch. .The disposal system should be kept as high as possible to avoid conflicts with the Second and Fourth Anchorage Limited Partnership 'April 17, 1981 Page Four seasonal high water. Lot 4, Block 4 The measured water level in the test hole at this si%e r~mained fairly constant and high. Saturated conditions were encountered at 12 feet while drilling on March 14. The water table elevation was found at 6.8 feet on March 23, at 6.8 feet on April 9, and at 8.'3 feet on March 16. The measured percolation rate was 40 minutes/inch° Because of the high ground water, a shallow mounded disposal system should be used. Lot 6, Block 4 The high water level at this site necessitates a highly mounded system; or using insulation to provide frost protection while maintaining the necessary separation between the disposal system and the seasonal high water. While drilling, saturated conditions were encountered at 13 feet. On'April 18, the water level was measured at 5.4 feet, then at 5.1 feet on April 23, the water level had lowered to seven feet by April 9, and then to 7.5 feet on April 15. However, much of this water is probably from surface water and melting seasonal frost. The measured percolation rate was 3.8 minutes/inch, however, we recommend a more conservative design value of 10.'0 minutes/inch. Lot 12, Block 4 Again, the disposal system should be placed as high as possible at this site. The water level in the test hole remained fairly constant at eight feet. The water level was measured at 2.8 feet on March 8, but it appeared that ~his high level was caused by infiltration of surface water, and was not the true water level at the time. The measured percolation rate on March 17 was 3.4 minutes/inch, but it is recommended the more conservative value of 10.0 minutes/inc~ be used, because of the high silt con%en% of the.upper soils. Lot 13, Block 4 The test hole was drilled near the center of the lot on April 7, and no water was observed. Again on APril 9, no water was detected. On April 15, the measured percolation was 9.0 minutes/inch. We recommend the disposal system be placed between 5 and 11 feet, to avoid the surface silts. Lot 14, Block 4 No water wa's encountered while dril'ling, on April 7, or when , ALASKA lES 1-LAB Second and Fourth Anchorage Limited Partnership April 17, 1981 Page Five checked April 9. The measured percolation rate was 4.0 minutes/inch. We recommend a more conservative rate of 10.0 minutes/inch be used, since the upper soil is silt. If you have any questions regarding these tests, please feel free to call. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB carl A. Bassle~ Geotechnical Engineer Approved.by: CAB/mg Attachments cc: Manager Ralph~ Westover, Tryck, Nyman & Hayes Z 9 .." 00'£0~ .,~ 9 Lot 4', Block Table A WO #A19708 Date: 3/14/81 Logged by: T~ Krupka Depth in Feet From To 0.0 -. 0.5 0.5 7.0 7.0 15.0 Soil Description Peat F-3, Brown ~ Sand, SMt silt to 40%, moist F-2/F-3, Brown Silty. Sand, SM, silt to 25%, saturated below 12' ~ Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to run perc test and to monitor water table elevation. aerc Rate = 6.0 minutes/inch. Recommended Design Perc Rate = 10.0 minutes/inch Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 15.0 Feet 1.0 Foot 3/14/81 - 12.0 Feet 3/18/81 - 11.9 Feet 4/9/81 - 12o5 Feet 4/14/81 ~ 1.2.0 Feet H86o24' /5 ' 5 7 6 .30 . ~o LOt 2, Block 2 Table B WO #A19708 Date: 3/14/81 Logged by: T. Krupka D_~pth in Feet From To 0.0 - 0.5 0.5 15.0 Soil Description Peat F-3, Brown Silt~ Sand, SM, with 10% rounded gravel, well graded sand, 40% silt, plastic, moist, firm, occasional cobbles below 10', saturated at 15' Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to run perc test and to monitor water table elevation. ,Perc Rate = 4.0 minutes/inc~. Recommended Design Perc Rate = 10.0 minutes/inch Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 15.0 Feet 3.0 Feet 3/14/81 - 15.0 Feet 3/18/81 - 8.0 Feet 3/23/81 - 8.9 Feet 4/9/81 - 30.5 Feet 4/15/81 - 9.0 Feet Lot 3, Block 2 Depth in Feet From TO 0.0 0.5 0.5 12.0 12.0 15.0 Table C WO ~A19708 Date: 3/14/81 Logged by: T. Krupka Soil Description Peat F-3, Brown Silt~ pand, SM, 10% rounded gravel to 3/4", silt to 30%, moistt firm F-2/F-3, grey Silt~ pand, SM, silt to 20%, saturated,.firm Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to run perc test and to monitor water table elevation. Perc Rate = 12.5 minutes/inch Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 15.0 Feet 2.5 Feet 3/14/81 - None Observed 3/18/81 - 11.6 Feet 3/23/81 - 10.4 Feet 4/9/81 - 8.1 Feet 4/15/81 - 11.4 Feet 14, Lot 17, Block 2 Table D WO #A19708 Date: 4/8/81 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 1 .0 I .0 2.0 2.0 16.0 Soil Description Brown Peat, Pt F-4, Brown Silt, ML, moist, stiff, N~ F-4, Brown Gravell~ San~ Silt, ML,.moist, stiff, NP, 3" maximum Set 3/4"'perforated PVC pipe to run perc test and to monitor water table elevation. Percolation Rate = 5.4 minutes/inch. Recommended Design Perc Rate = 10.0 minutes/inch. Bottom of Test. Hole: F~ost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0 Feet 1.0 Foot 4/8/81 - None Observed 4/9/81 - None Observed 4/16/81 - None Observed Lot 10, Block 2 Table H WO #A19708 Date: 4/8/81 Logged by: O. Hatch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 1 .0 1.0 2.0 2.0 12.0 12.0 15.0 Soil Description Brown Peat F-4, Brown Silt, ~L, stiff, moist, ~P F-4, Brown Gravelly Sandy. Silt, ML, moist to saturated, stiff, 3" maximum, NP F-2/F-4, Silt~ ~and, SM~ saturated, stiff, NP Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to run per¢ test and to monitor water table elevation. Measured Perc Rate = 2,5 minutes/inch. Recommended Design Perc Rate = 10.0 minutes/inch. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level~ 15.0 Feet 1.5 Feet 4//8/81 - 9/81 ~_4~14/81 9.0. Feet 12.0 Feet 11.7 Feet Lot ~9, Block 2 pepth in Feet From To 0.0 1 o0 I .0 2.0 2.0 13.0 13.0 16.0 Table E WO #A19708 Date: 4/18/81 Logged by: O. Hatch Soil Description Brown Peat F-4, Brown Sand~ Silt, ML, moist, stiff, NP F-2, Brown ~ilty Gravelly Sand,.SM, moist, medium dense, 3" maximum F-4, Brown Gravelly Sandy Silt, ML, moist, stiff, 2" maximum, NP Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to run perc test ~and to monitor water table .elevation. Perc Rate = 8.9 minutes/inch. Recommended Design Perc Rate = 10.0 minutes/inch. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level~ 16.0 Feet 1o0 Foot 4/8/81 - None Observed 4/9/81 - None Observed Lot 26, Block 2 Table I WO #A19708 Date: 4/8/81 Logged by: O. Hatch D__e~th in Feet From To 0.0 1 .0 1 .0 8.0 8.0 11 .0 11.0 16.0 Soil Description Brown Peat F-2/F-4, Brown Gravell~ Si!tJ~ Sand, 'SM, occasional cobbles, moist, medium dense NFS/F-2, Brown pravelly. Sand, SP, trace silt, moist, medium dense, 3" maximum F-l, Brown Sil~ Sand~ Gravel, GM, occasional cobbles, moist, medium dense Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to'run perc test and to monitor water table elevation. Perc Rate = 6.2 minutes/inch. Bottom of Test HolD: Frost Line: Free Water Level 16.0 Feet 1.5 Feet 4/8/81 - None Observed 4/9/81 -None Observed Lot 3, Blbck 4 Depth in Feet From To 0.0 1 .0 1 .0 2.0 2.0 7.0 7.0 16.0 Table J WO ~.A19708 Date: 4/8/81 Logged by: O. Hatch Soil Description Brown Peat F-4, Brown Sand~ Silt, ML, moist, stiff, NP F-l, Brown Silty '~andy Gravel, GM, moist, medium dense, poorly graded, 3" maximum F-4, Brown Sand~ Silt, ML, trace gravel, moist, stiff, NP Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to run perc test and to monitor water table elevation. perc Rate = 14.6 minutes/inch. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0 Feet 1.5 Feet 4/8/81 - None Observed 4/9/81 - 12.5 Feet Lot 4, Block 4 D~epth in Feet From To 0.0 0.5 O.5 6.0 6.0 15.0 Table K WO ~A19708 Date: 3/14/81 Logged by: T. Krupka Soil Description Peat F-4, Brown S_il.~ Sand, SM, moist, firm F-3, GrRvell~ Sil__~_~ Sand, SM, occasional cobbles, moist, firm, becomes saturated at 12' Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to run perc test and to monitor water table elevation° Perc Rate = 40 minutes/inch. Bottom of Test'Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 15.0 Feet 1.0 Foot 3/14/81 - 12.0 Feet 3/18/81 - 6.0 Feet 3/23/81 - 6.8 Feet~ 4/9/8't - 7.0 Feet 4/16/81 - 8.3 Feet Lot 6, Black 4 Depth in Feet From To 0.0 15.0 Table L WO #A19708' Date: 3/14/81 Logged by: T. Krupka Soil Description F-3, Brown Silty. Gravell~ Sand, SM, well graded, particles rounded to 3/4", moist, firm, becomes saturated at 13' Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to run perc test and to monitor water table elevation. Perc Rate = 3.8 minutes/inch. Recommended Design Perc Rate = 10.0 minutes/inch. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 15.0 Feet 2.5 Feet 3/16/81 - 13.0 Feet 3/18/81 - 5.4 Feet 3/23/81 - 5.1 Feet 4/9/81 - 7.0 Feet 4/15/81 - 7.5 Feet Lot 12, Block 4 Depth in Feet FrOm To 0.0 7.5 7.5 15.0 Table M WO #A19708 Date: 4/14/81 Logged by: T. Krupka Soil Description F-4, Brown S__ilty Sand, SM, silt to 40%, firm, moist F-3, Brown Gravel~.~ Silty Sand, SM, occasional cobbles, firm, moist, becomes saturated at 15' Set 3/4" perforated PVC'pipe to run perc test and to monitor water table elevation. Measured Perc Rate = 3.4 minutes/inch. Recommended Desing Perc RAte = 10.0 minutes/inch. Bottom of Test' Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level:~ 15.0 Feet 1.0 Foot 3/14/81 - 15.0 Feet 3/18/81 - 2.8 Feet (Apparently from surface' water intrusion) 3/23/81 - 4/09/81 - 4/16/S - 7.8 Feet 7.~ 8 Feet 8.5 Feet Lot 13, Block 4 Table N WO #A19708 Date: 4/8/81 Logged by: O. H~ch Depth in Feet From To 0.0 1 .0 1.0 2.0 2.'0 8.5 8.5 11 .0 11.0 16.0 Soil Description Brown Peat F-4, Brown Silt, ML, moist, ~stiff, NP F-4, Brown Gravelly San~ Silt, ML moist, stiff, 6" maximum, NP F-2, Brown Silt~ Gravell~ Sand, SM, moist, medium dense, poorly graded, 2" maximum F-4, Brown Gravellz Sand~ Cla~ Sil~, ML, moist, stiff, 2" maximum, PL- to NP Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to run perc test and to monitor water table elevation. Perc Rate = 9.0 minutes/inch. System should be placed between 5.0 Feet and 11.0 Feet. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0 Feet 1.5 Feet 4/7/81 -'None Observed 4/9/81 - None Observed Lot 14, Block 4 Table O WO #A1970'8. Date: 4/8/81 Logged by: O. Hatch p~pth in Feet FrOm To 0.0 1 .0 1.0 11.0 11.0 16.0 Soil Description Brown Peat F-4, Brown Gravelly Sand~ Silt, ML, .moistf stiff, occasional cobbles, NP NFS/F-2, Brown Gravelly Sand, SP, trace silt, moist, medium dense, 2" maximum Set 3/4" perforated PVC pipe to run perc test and to monitor water table elevation. Measured Perc Rate = 4.0 minutes/inch. Recommended Design Perc Rate = 10.0 minutes/inch. Bottom of Test Hole: Frost Line: Free Water Level: 16.0 Feet 1.5 Feet 4/7/81 - None Observed 4/9/81 - None Observed. · / / 1/ . /