HomeMy WebLinkAboutSIMONSON LT 1 5imonson Homestead Lot 1 #001-201-13 Rick Mystrom. Mayor Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 http://www ci.anchorage.ak.us August4,2000 Mr. Ray Kreig R. A. Kreig & Associates 201 Barrow Street Anchorage, AK 99501-2429 Re: Simonson Homestead, Lot 1 Parcel I.D. 001-201-13-000-01 Dear Mr. Kreig: I have finished reviewing the information you have submitted to this office. Included in this information was: · AO 78-84, An Ordinance Relating to the Development of Land Within the Area Known as the Turnagain Slide Area .... · A letter from Craig Campbell, Director of Public Works, dated August 1, 2000. · A letter from Don Keefer, PE, Planning Supervisor with the Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility. I have determined from this information that the property known as Simonson Homestead, Lot 1 is eligible to apply for an individual on-site water and wastewater disposal system permit from this department. This property must meet all requirements of AMC 15.55 Water Wells and AMC 15.65 Wastewater Disposal Systems prior to the issuance of any permit. This water and wastewater system permit, if issued, shall be valid only for one single-family residence. The application for an on-site water and wastewater system will be thoroughly reviewed at the time of submittal. If you have any further questions or comments, please contact me at 343-4360. prely, E ager On-Site Services 1900-08-03 10:34 uo~ wok Municipalityof Anchorage August 1, 2000 Ray Kreig R. A. Kreig & Associates 201 Barrow Street Anchorage, AK 99501-2429 Re: Simonson Homestead, Lot 1 GeortJe _P, Wtterch, Mayor DEF.~£M'~9~ O]· PDl~LIC WOI~l~ De~r Mr. Kreig: Section 1 of AO 78-84 provides that: ~Any provisions of Title 21 or Title 23 of the Anchorage Municipal Code to the contrary notwithstanding and.exce, vt as£rovided in Section 2 ofthi~ ordinance, no license, approval, subd/vision pht, special exeeptiun, var/mace, permit: including but not limited to any building permit, or other authorization for development shall be issued for any property located in whole or in part within the areas described as follows: 13. A parcel bordered on the east by Lots 4,5 and 6 of Tehquana Heights Subdivision and on the west by Earthquake Park." (italics added) Section 2 of AO 78-84 provides that: '~The prohibition established by Section 1 of ordinance shall not apply to any property for which the Director of Public Works or Ms aesignee certifies in writing that the following improvements have been provided: 1. Paved streets, including curbs and gutters, constructed in accordance with the standards and spe¢i/ieatiom of the Municipality applicable to subdivisions under AMC 21.85.030 and ,035. 2. A wator supply system constructed in accordance with the standards established under A/vIC 21.85.055. 3. A sanitary sewer system constructed ~ accordance with the standards established under AMC 21.85.06O. 4. Public utilities, street name signs, attd street lighting comtmcted or provided in accordance with standards established under AMC 21.85.040; 065; and .080. 5. M0numentation and lot e0mer markers installed in accordance with the smn. dnrds and specifications set forth in AMC 21_85.025 a~d in accordance with an accurate survey by a surveyor registered i~ the State of Alaska. "' 1900-08-03 10:35 003 PO~ Ray Kreii Re: $imomon Homesw. ad, Lot i August 1, 2OO0 Pa~e 2 As you have discovered, Assembly actions over the last 22 years have changed the Code sectiom referred to in AO 78-84. Accordingly, your request will be evaluated based on the s~ction and subsection references as they existed On April ll, 1978, the effective date of AO 78-84. The copy o£ AMC 21.85 you furnished is dated March 31, 1978. I have attached a copy of the Code dated December 12, 1978 (you wflI note that the only difference is in AMC 21.85.065, which was amended by AO 78-50 on Mamh 21, 1978.) A~ the property is currently vacmt and/s proposed only for development with a single-family dwelling, I believe the intent of AO 78-84 can be satisfied through the building l~rm/t/ certificate of occupancy process. This would entail apreliminary certification of your plans before issuance of a building permit, and a final certification of thc construction before ~m~ance of a certificate of occupancy. I believe th/s approach allows you to reasonably develop the property while protecting the public interest. Therefore, in accordarme with Section 2 of AO 78-84, I make the followi~gpreliminary determinatiom for the purposes of building and as~oci~ed permits: I, I designate the Right-of-Way Plan Review Engineer as the person who shall determine if your proposed construction meets the reCltfirements of Section 2 paragraph 1. Issuance of a right-of-way permit shall comtitute his certification in writing that the requlr~ments have be~n satisfied, 2. A well permit issued by the Dcq~artment of I-Iealth and Human Services shall constitute the certification in writing that the water supply system meets thc requirements of Sect/on 2 paragraph 2. 3. A septic permit issued by the Department of Health and Human Services shall constitute the certification ia writing that the sgptlc system meets the requirements of Section 2 paragraph 3. 4. I designate the K/gilt-of-Way Plan Review F~ngineer as the person who shall determine ff your proposed conmmction meets the requirements of Section 2 paragraph 4. I~suance of a right-of-way l~raAt shall ¢ol'~titute his certification in writing that the requirements have been satisfied. 5. I designate the Municipal Surveyor as the person who shall determi'ne if your proposed construction meets the requirements of Section 2 paragraph 5. His approval of a field survey shall constitute the certification in writing that the requirements have been satisfied, I direct that items 1-4 above be verified prior to the issuance of any conditional or final certificate of occupanc7. I designate the Administrative Superintendent of Street Maintenance as the person who shall determine the adequacy of the actual co~troetion for items I and 4, above. His approval of a certificate of occupancy shall constitute the certification/n whit/ag that items 1 and 4 have been sat/stied. The post-construction/aspecfion report approved by the Department of Health and Human Services shall constitute the cert/ficatlon/u wriliug that items 2 and 3 have been saflsf/ed. The Mon/eipal Sttrveyor's approval, as noted above, shall corot/rote the ctrrtification in writing that item 5 has been satisfied. 1800-08-03 10:36 Ray l~eig Re; $imon~on Homestead, Lot 1 August 1, 2000 This letter does not relieve you of any other Code requirement. Your proposal will be thoroughly reviewed during the building permit p~oce~s, and specific requirements will be noted at that dine_ Sincerely, Dh'ector of Publia Works Enclosure: pages 21-165 tkrough 21-169 of the Anchorage Municipal Code (December 12, 1978 revision) 1M00-08-02 11:51 P~GE 03 ANCHORAGE WATER & WASTEWATER UTILITY George P. !,htercl, Mayor Engineering Division 3000 Arctic Boulevard Anchorage. Alaska 99503-3898 http:/A4 ww. awwu.~i.anchorage.ak.us July 28, 2000 Owned by the Municipaliiy of ,4nchorage Mr. Ray Kre[g, P.E., P.G. R. A; Kmig & Associates 201 Ba'rrow Street #1 Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2429 - RE: 'Lot 1 Simonson Homestead Subdivision - >arcel ID 001-201-13:000-0I Grid 1525/4331 Dear Mr5 Kre!g: This letter s 'in response ro your request dated June 23, 2000, in which you ask the 'Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility's (AWWU for its perspective regarding water ~uppl,~_an~d wastewater disposal relevant to your plans to construct a single family resid&nce on rne parcel. ~_j ---:_.. - . .. -Lot q--is ~i A.48 acre parcel, ali of which rests at the bottom of a bluff. The bluff was created _-..~ 'by seismic activity and subsequent land mass settlement in 1964. AWWU (public) water - and sanitarY/sewer mains 'do not front any portion of the property. The nearest public . ,wfit(i~ a-hd ~anitary sewer mains are above the bluff, located at the street intersection of Clay - ..Products Drive-and Tazlina Avenue. AWWU's understanding is that there ~s no proposal '- - tO-subdivide-the property and that the 4.48 acres wi[[ remain as a single parcel. ]' -'L -Th__e-parcd abuts-the Knik Arm mudflats ro the north, Earthquake Park to the west, and ' Subdivided property to the east ana south. It does not abut a dedicated public right-of-way. AcCess to the property is via Clay Products Drive and a-right-of-way easement dedicated in ' ~ 1956 across private property tc~ the south. The property is in a relatively unique situation, - :. at the bottom of a bluff, and isolated. -'lt can clearly be demonstrated that this parcel is a property on the periphery of AWWU's _ ~ - - service are_as, beyond which there is no practicality for mainline exmnsion. It can also be .demonstrated that the property is not integral to desires of other properties to the south that -_ - -.. (_:_ma_y ~eek mainline service extensio~ in the future. : ' AWWU nas no requirement lot justification) that water and sewer mains be extended to - the parcel under the development scenario presented (one single family residence per 4.48 acres), nor is AWWU aware of any requirement mandating the property connect to public Page 1 of 2 Page 2 ol~ 2 Lot 1 Simonson Homestead Subdivision July 28, 2000 water and wastewater facilities. -To the contrary, past local legislation has made on-site private systems a permissible option at the discretion of the designated administrative authorities. Please get in touch with the Municipal Department of Health & Human Services and the Municipal Department of Public Works to discuss the potential for on-site private services. Public water and sanitary sewer services are possible; the practicality of such services is very arguable. ' Thank you for your patience and understanding while AWWU prepared this response. If this office can be of further assistance, please advise. Respectfully, Donald C. K(~efe~, P.E. Planning Supervisor G:\Engineering\Planning\DCK\kreig.doc em,il: ray~kr, ig.com ,*¢07, 276.20~s ~"-. ~L. June 23, 2000 Don Keefer, PE Planning Supervisor Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility 3000 Arctic Blvd. Anchorage Alaska 99503 RE: 564.2.7-Sg~ On-Site Water & Wastewater for Lot 1 $imonson Hofnestead Subdivision Parcel 001-201-13-000-01 Dear Mr. Keefer: I wish to permit a single family residence on the abqve parcel:which is 4.48 acres in size. It is shown on Attachments C (MOA 100.s -c¢.. le grid base) and D (MOA 100 scale= topo + photo map). ' Existing sewer and water service is not available to the parcel and the cOSt to extend it to a residence on the property is not practical. . This tract is one of those list8d (#13)-as subject to'the 3/!4/78 Assembly Ordinance AO 78-84 "Relating to Development of Land Within the Area K~own as the Turnagain Slide Area and Repealing AO 77-214 and AO 77~00" .(copy attached). Requirement 2 in Section 2 of AO 78-84 refers to construction of community water supply systems in accordance with standards inAMC 2!.85.o557 Requirement 3 in the same section refers to construction of sanitary sewer systems in accordance with standards in AMC 21.85.060. For your re_ady, reCe~ence I hav. e included these paragraphs. The citations are all from AMC Chapter 21.85 entitled SUBDIVISION REGLjLATIONS- IMPROVEMENTS. Because they refer to subdivisions and subdividers, and because on-site systems are specifically provided for I as.-sijme they d° not apply to an existing lot large enough for on-site where no change ir~'iots Oi"'platting is involved. If this is not correct, please let me know. Ray Kreig to Don Keefer, PE - June 23, 2000 On-Site Water & Wastewater for Lot 1 Simonson Homestead Subdivision Parcel 001-201-13-000-01 Page 2 I request a letter of non-objection from AWWU to development of an on-site water & wastewater system on the above tract (assuming that it is properly designed to the applicable standards of MOA HHS - Environmental Services). Thank you. Sincerely yours, R. A. KREIG & ASSOCIATES Ray Kreig, P.E., P.G. attach R. A. KREIG & ASSOCIATES, INC. Submitted by: Chairman of the Assembly ac the request of the Mayor Prepared by: Department of ).aw For Reading: :~rch 14, ~97~ · '- AP?ROTSD ANCHORAGE, ALAS~ ^o AN ORDI:.iA/.;CE RELATING TO DE~;ELOP~'~;T OF LAND WITHIN THE AREA K~'~O~I AS-THE TUP, NAGAIN ~LIDB AREA A2~D ~EPF~%LING AO '/7-214 AO 77-400. ' ' - TH~ ANCHORAGE ASSF_J4BLY H.EPdSBY ORDAINS: Section t. Any prov£sions of Title 21 or TJ tle 23 of t~ Anchorage Hunicipal dode to the contrnry notwithstanding and except as provided in Sec=ion 2 of this ordinance, no license, approval, subdivision plat, special exception, variance, including but nou limited to any building permit, or other -authorizatioa for developmen~ shall be isst'~d for any property _ - ~located~ i'n 'whole or in part within the areas describod as . =-- '-I.' ~All of Block. A, Block A2, and Block K, Turnagain 2.' Ail of Power S~division. 3.' All of Lyn Ary H~site. " :- 3 . '- " .' 5..':~a='portion of Park'Su~ivision north of Ilia~a ' ~ '--6. All of-Block C and ~-,~ I through 11 of ~ts 29 -- .: '-- .. through 34-of ~lock B, Simonson Estates. 7. Ail of Pete's Subdivision. _ 8. All df Sonstrom Sluff Subdivi=lom. ' _ 9. Lot 9 aad Tracts B, C and C-I of PI~ S~division. · - - --. 10. Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Chilligan Glen Su~fvisio~. .7. AO Pa%'e 2 A parcel located bet~;een Lot 3, Chilligan Glen S~ubdivision and Lot IA, Sonstrom Bluff Subdivision. 12. Lots i-~ of Telaquana Heights Subdivision. A parcel bordered on the.east by Lots 4, 5 and 6 of Tolaquana Heights Subdivision amd on the west by Earthquake Park. ~ 14. ~Lots 5 through~ 8 of Block 1, West Turnagain Subdivision, - 15. Lots 4, $ and 6 of Block 1, Taz!ina Subdivision. 16~ Lot 6 of Block 2, Tazlina Subdivision. '17. Lots t0-C1 and 10-C2 of Bimonson llomestea~ Subdivision and all lots located north of Lots 10-C1 and 10-C2 of said subdivision. 18. Lots 4 and $ and all lots located north of Lots .4 ~ -:~' ' ~_~: =. - and 5 o~.~=oronzo~'~erraca Subdivision. S~ctien 2. The prohibition established by Section 1 of · ~his ordinance shall not apply to any property for which the Director of..Public .~;orks or his ·designee certifiez i~writing '~hat' ~he follo~¢i~g improvements have been prcvJ, ded: 1. Paved streets, including curbs and guth0rs, with the standards established under A~C 2i.85.055. constructed in accordance with thc stn~dards ;~d specifications of the ~unicipu].ity applicable to subdivisions under A~C 21.85.030 and .035. A water supply system constructed in accordance A sanitary s~wer system constructed 'in accordance with the standards established under ~C 21.85.060. Public utilities, street hanna signs, a~d street lighting constructed or provided in accordance with standards ~stablished under'AMC 21.85.6%6~ -" 065; and .080. -' ' ' Monumentatioe and lot corner marke~s ~insta~led in accordance with the standards and specifications set forth in AMC 21.85.025 and i~'accofda9ce Qith an accurate su---vey by a s~rveyor registered iW the Section 3. Ordinance numbers AO 77-214 and A~ 77-400' a~e repealed. ' Passed and approved by the Anchorage ASsembly, thi~ ' ATTEST: }lunicipa~l~rk~ Chapter 21.85 :':- "' ~ SUBDIVISION R EGU LATIoNS--IMPROVEMENTS Sections: .21.85.010 21.85. 015 21-. 85. 020 21.85. 025 -21.85. 030 21.85. 035 21.85. 040 21.85. 050 21.85. 055 21.85. 060 21.85. 065 21.85,070 21,85. 085 21.85. 090 21.85:100 '~1 110 Subdivision improvements--Purpose. Subdivision improvements--Responsibility for plans. Required public improvements. Monuments. Streets. Curbs and gutters. Installation of public utilities. Telephone and electric lines. Drainage. Water supply system. Sanitary sewer system. Street name signs. Walkways. Sidewalks. Street lighting. Erosion and sedimentation plan. Guarantee of completion of public improve- ments. Where improvements are required. Variances authorized. - -' 21.85.010- subdivision improvements--Purpose. 7.'~::. :The :purpose of this chapter is to establish and define : ..L-:-t_hk :improyements which will be reqoired under subdivision . . :agreement. to be .constructed by the subdivider as condition,s : .:--forLfina! plat approval, to delineate those areas within the ~: :. rhunicipality, which will require a specific degree of . - _~ ": : f improvement to be accomplished, and to outline the procedures '~-:and responsibilities of the subdivider and the appropriate _. =-:public officials and agencies concerned with the administering, . -plannin'g, designing, constructing and financing of public facilities, and to further establish procedures for assuring '. -_-. ·compliance with these requirements. (GAAB 21.10.050A). -' - ': 21.85~ 015 Subdivision imp rovements-- Responsibility . for plans. . .. It shall be the responsibility of the subdivider of every ~__- ..'proposed subdivision to have. prepared by a registered 21-309 -% engineer a complete set of construction pans, when deemed necessary by the Public Works D~partment. They shall include 'profiles, cross-sections,- specifications and other supporting data for the hereinafter recuired public streets, utilities,-anc other facilities. (GAAB 21.10.050B). 21.85.020 Required public 'mprovements. Every subdivider shal be responsible for the installation of improvements in accordance with the conditions and specifications outlined in Sections 21.85 025-.085 and as specified in Section 21.85.095. All standards and specifications that are referred to in this chapter and which fall under the jurisdiction' of the Assembly must be ratified by the Assembly by reso ution._ (GAAB 21.10.050C). 21.85 025 Monuments] MonumenEs ano lot corner markers for determining the boundaries of subdivisions and lot.corners shall be'set in a professional manner. In accordance with Title 3 of this code, the Department of PubJic.W_orks may promulgate regulations to further define the requirements -'or survey monumentation. (GAAB 21.10.050C,'am AO ~8-50). 21.85.030 Streets The subdivider shall construct oedica[eo streets within the subdivided 3rooe-~ty. In those portions of the municipality defined as urbah-or suburoan areas, paveo streets shall be required unless wa~veo-:n accoroance.with Section 21.85.110. In addition, the platting authorit~ may requiPe the subdivioer to construct or partiall}7 const?_uc~ periphery or access streets when such streets are' necessary to serve the subdivision or are otherwise made ne~'ssary by the subdivision. All interna subdivision streets ~h~l/ be constFucted in accordance with the standards and spe~ificatiohs adooted by the municipality. All required perip_he~y-~d access--streets shall be constructed or impr(~v6d in accordance with the Depa~tmen~ of Public Works policy for such s~reets: Such public works policy shall be determined and -adopted - by the platting authority after public hearing. (Adapted from GAAB_21.10.050C, am AO 78-50). 21-310 (Supp. ~2 3/31/78) 21.85.035 Curbs and gutters. 'Curbs ano gutters, when reouired, shall be constructed in accordance with the standards ano s2ecifications adopted by the municipality or the Alaska Department of Highways, depending on where the land proposed for subdivision is located. (GAAB 21.10.050C). .'7 21.85.040 Installation of public utilities. Public utilities shal be located in accordance with standards adopted by the Department of Public Works, and other applicable utility companies, deoending on where the land-pro.2osed for subdivision is Iocateo. (GAAB 21.10.050C). 21.85.045 Telephone and electric lines: Ali new telephone and electric lines underground, in accordance with specificationA, of the appropriate utility companies and the municipality. (Adapted from GAAB 21.20.050C). -. . 21.85.050 Drainage. ' - An adequate dra nage system, which may include -- . .necessary storm drainage facilities, drain inlets, manholes, .... culverts, bridges, and other ~ppur[enances, shall be required · ~__._-_ _' in all subdivisions. _This system shall take into consideration 3. the preservation of designated high quality wetlands critical to -- -~-- % the water table levels and wildlife habitat. The requirements _ .. _ ]'or ~ach particular subdivision shall 3e established .by the -=. __. ::._. ..~. Departhqent-of Public Works and oy the Department of Health . --::;_'~_. 'and Environmental Protection. (GAAB 21.10.050C). · ' -- - 21.85;055 Water suppi~/'system. ._: - - .... When a I~roposed _s'ubdivisi~)n is to be serviced by a ~-._-_- -_ __~. _ public water system, such system'shah be provided by the ; ~- -~- subdivider to standards established Dy the State of Alaska --~ . ~ Department of Environmenta Conservation. Fire hydrants - shall be provided to standards established by the American '~ _ ~. .-_ Waterworks Association. _f there s no existing or accessible - public water supply system, the subdivider may be' required to '---:'-_ ' : install a water supply system for the common use of the lots - :-- - - ''' within the subdivision f a public water ~ystem or a system covering a group of lots is unfeasible or undesirable, - - : : individual- wells may be permitted in accordance with the -' requiremen[s of the Department of Health and Environmental shall be installed 21-311 21.85.045 Telephone and electric lines. All new telephone and electric lines shall be installed unde/-ground, in accordance With specifications of the appropriate utility companies and the municipality. (Adapted from GAAB 21.20.050C). 21.85.050 Drainage. ' An adequate drainage system, which, may include necessary storm drainage facilities, drain inlets, manholes, culverts, bridges, and other appurtenances, shall be required in all subdivisions. This system shall take into consideration the preservation of designated high quality wetlands critical the water table levels and wildlife habitat. The requirements for each particular su'bdivision shall be established by the Department of Public Works and by the D-~partment of Health and Environmental Protection. (GAAB 21.10.050C). _ 21.85.055 Water supply system. When a proposed .subdivision is-to be serviced by a public water systern~ Such. ~ystem shall be provided by the subdivider to standar~is established by the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. Fire hydrants shall be prov!ded to :s'tandards established by the American Waterworks Association. If- there is no existing or accessible public watert supp_l.¥--s~ttem; the subdivider may be required to install a-Wated s[JplSl~z ~y_stem for-tt~e common use 0F th'~ lots within the subdivision, if. a ~ubli_c water §ystem or a system covering a grbup.'of lots is unfeasible- or undesirable, individual wells may :b-e:;permitted in accordance with the requirements of the _Depaht~ment of Health and Environmental Protection, such indiv.'idU;al wells not to be required of the developer. (GA~-~,.,~.~50C). 21.85.060 Sanitary '~ewer' S~st~m. When a proposed .'s~bdivision is to be serviced by a _.[~ublic sanita,ry -sewer ]systern, :sanitary sewers and other required ap!Surtenances thereon_ shall be p~ovided by the subdivider. Sea)er systems shall comply with the r~quirements of tt~e Department :~f Public WOrks. : Connection to the public sanitary sewer system ~hatl be required by the Department of Health and Environmental Protection or by applicable ordinances. If there 'is nO existing or accessible public sewer system, a sewer system for the common use of the lot owners may be r~quired to' be .provided by the subdivider. Alt 21-312 sewer, improvements easements . and community sewage system shall be dedicated to and accepted by the public for-administration, operation and maintenance. No proprietary rights of any type or description shall be retained by the developer or owner of the subdivision. ~f a subdivision cannot be. feasibly connected with an existing public sewer system or if a public sewer system cannot be provided for the subdivision itself, then approved septic tanks and disposal 'fields 'may be-permitted which shall comply with the requirements of the Department of Health and Environmental Protection and with the state Department of Environmental Conservation regulations. (GAAB 21.10.050C). associated ~vith such: a' ":'.'- 21.85.065 Street name .signs. - Street name signs will be installed in accordance with the - - .: requirements of the municipality, depending 06 where the land proposed for subdivision is located. (Adapted from --. - GAAB _21 .~10.050C). . .: .- 21.85. 070 Wal.kways. ~:.] ' Walkways, when required by the platting authority, · shall have an all-weather surface at least five feet in width, located generally along the centerline of the rights-of-way, ·: - - and dedicated as a public pedestrian walkway. ' : (GAAB 21.10.050C). : - :--- 21.85.075. Si-dewalks. .- '- -'. .- - ~dewalks, when required, shall meet the Standards of : ~ the Department of Public Works. (GAAB 21.10.050C). ~ .'.:'~:~'.. :: :' '' ': ' 21,85.080 Street lighting. Street lighting shall be installed in accordance with the -. requirements of the municipality. (GAAB 21.10.050C). 21.85.085 Erosion and sedimentation plan. I'~ the event that any developer shall intend to denude or recontour any land proposed to be subdivided, by means of . grading', excavation_ or the removal of or destruction of the natural topsoil, trees, or other vegetative covering thereof, a plan for erosion and sedimentation control shall be submitted to the Department of Public Works for approval prior to any recontouring or denudation' being done unless there has been a -21-313