HomeMy WebLinkAboutGINAMI HILLS Lots 2A & 2B S-6967Lo{s 2. A, Z. B ~4UNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~ Departmen~f Health & Environmental~'otection Environmental Health Division Case Review Worksheet Case Number t Date Received S-6967 / April 12, 1983 Comments Due By April 29, 1983 Subdivision or Project Title: Lots 2A, 2B Ginami Hills Subdivision ( ) Public water available ( ) Community water available ( ) Public sewer available Comments: C ,. & 'ENGINEERS, INC. ~ ' LEGAL O£SCF(IPTION: ! 8 9 !0 11 12 14 15 !6 !? 18 19 20 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 995~ 349-656l SOILS LOG :- PERCOLATION TEST /.£'- 7' C~Z4 IEST .~ t;.x~'. ...... '%o =' '-..* ', PER, FORMEO SLOPE SITE PLAN 2 3: oor/4 Time 0 Oepth to %¥ater S'C.y" ,:~" 5' 7"-/" _¢' z~" ?5" TEST'RUN DETV,,'EEN , .~.5.-~ . FT AND ~ FY S 6 9 6 7 MAY 02.?983' USEDn _E/II¢- ,5~ Pr~~~ & METHOD 'USED S ORILLER /'¢'~ ("""°'~ /L TIME STARTEO -,,/,'"~ "'. 5(') SOILS ENGINEERS, INC. LOG f;'t.-'A, .. FINISHEO ,,..~ t O o pV, A VEGETATION, DRAINAGE & GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY :ATION DIAGRAm' NOTES YARVINg, ICE I~I'PE, BONDING OR TouGHNESS, DRILLING NOTES SHEET / O'F_]----- HOLE ~ .[ TOTAL DEPTH ./~'~' PROJECT -,¢' ,~"' F - PROJECT GROUND WATER TIME '1 / OR J ,~' £NGINEERS, INC. s pEHFOHMED FOR' ANCHOHAGb-, ALASK, A 549 - 6561- SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST o -/, ?¢ ! 5 6-- 7 8 9 10 11 12 I'~ RCOL ATION TEST SITE PlAN j'-// SLOPE Time o S L 'O P E  SHEET I O'F.. MACHINE U~,ED .~. ~,o~,,...// s SOILS ¢///~-.~< ,o,,'// & ENGINEERS, INC, METHOD USED S ~ LOG .oLs ¢.1 ~ DRILLER ~'~¢ LOGGER ~'¢~k ~i~ PROJECT¢ ~'- - PROJECT P¢~I'P¢ ~'~ TIME STARTED ~tOCP~ FINISHED 3: ¢O ¢~ DATE VEGETATION~ DRAINAGE ~ ,GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY GROUND WATER ~J~r> ~, .~/%~f ~ ~ ~),' ~{D'//)~.~o~. TIME ~ w · / LOCATION QIAGRAM & NOTES///X~ /~ ~ > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~IPTI~- 9: ~' ':, ~ - 'R , "- .R, ~AAIN, SHAPE, LAYERING OR ~ ~; ~ ~ N ~ ~ m ~ ~ o VARVINQ, ICE ~PE, BONDIN~ OR TOUGHNESS, DRILLIN9 NOTES .., ~ . - o - f ~ ~ ~,,,'~ Y,.~ d~ , , ~ I., ,%//~ , hX'/4~ .... ..... ' ~. ~., _ - _ ~- ,~"~ .... ,. ¢ 'L~: L:7~.,.,'(~ .... . . . ~..- 2 ~._..._l -. .... j ........ ::.0~ ~ '. ~ " . :'"-'--' .'. ' ,- ~ 7~"~.U ~:~zP ' ~ . ~ .- ,~ q'~ '. . , . . ~ ;2:., ~:~ ~::~ ~.,~:.;~. ~,,: ,::,-:..,.. . ;...: .~Z~..~.~ ..... /~ ...... : .,,.-...~z, .~_- ~ ~ ~.._ ; "- =~'z:' t~-'-"~-~' ~':/~- ~: ~'~Z~ =t~:-*'-': IS- ~-?:, 7i - · : ..: . "-'(~.':'_:'. - ' . .:..-.:- :~' . "- .' .. . . · . -- . ,.: : ., -.. - _. ;- "'./ ~..-'. - .-. '.'. '",' ~-~ i: ,;--.':".::"', ' ~' '--'" ~'~ *~ ;-: :~;'.'W~-:'"~¢~":"'~ '~ ~--~ ~¢-- ~' "¢"" ' ' ; -: "'-_;':¢;: '7:-: ', ~t. 9:: ¢ ....... '- ''~" '""~"': '"'" ' -"" ..... " ..... ' .... ' ..... " ' S & S ENGINEERS, INC. 7125 OLD SEWARD H'W~ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99505 349-6561 SOILS LOG . PERCOLATION TES1 I'Et~COLATION rEST LEGAL L)E $CHIPTION 6 --pglzc. 8 SLOPE 10 11 12 WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTEREO? YES. AT WHAT 1,4 15 16 ..... '20 ~' TEST RUI TWEEN ~ -.. ~ COMMENTS ": ' ;' - ~'"" : - - '~_ -': ?': ., · , : '~/:: .,,.o0, ,o,-~, ..... ?: ~ :.:~"-.:: ..: -(:~_?-_ .... '.- / / II. III. IV. V. VI. APPEAL PACKET CASE NO. S-2789 GINKMI HILLS SUBDIVISION Assembly Memorandum No. 72-640A, October 30, 1972 Petitioner's Appeal Letter Answer to Appeal, Assembly Memorandum No. 72-640 Sketch Map of Subject Property Planning Commission Minutes, September 13, 1972 Planning Staff Memorandum, RE: Subdivision Plat to Planning Commission, August 23, 1972 1 page 2 pages 2 pages 1 page 2 pages 1 page First Submission to Board of Adjustment: Second Submission to Board of Adjustment: October 30, 1972 Submitted by Planning Department GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH, ALASKA DATE: TO: ASSEMBLY MEMORANDUM NO. 72 - 640A ober 30, 1 %Q~oug~s~bly (Board of Adjustment) FROM: Borough Administration SUBJ: Subdivision Case No. S 2789 Replat of Lot 7, Ginami Hills Subdivision Appeal by Lawrence R. McCubbins Presented herewith is the Appeal Packet on the above noted matter. This item has been set for consideration before the Board of Adjustment November 13, 1972. Respectfully submitted, JR:VRW: vec Attachments //~.~/Jack ~ode~ick Borough Mayor DATE: TO: FROM: SUB J: ~.~ Submitted by Planning Dept. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH, ALASKA ASSEMBLY MEMORANDUM NO. 72-640 October 30, 1972 Borough Assembly (Board of Adjustmcn0 Borough Administration Subdivision Case S-2789 Replat of Lot 7, Giaami !Iills Subdivision Appeal by Lawi:cncc R. McCubbins I. Sumnmry of Past Action: This appeal involves a subdivision that was approved by the Platting i3eard on September 13, 1972, subject to the following three conditions: Dedicating a road that folk;ws the natural contours of the land from Uppa. r Huffman to the northeast corner of the subdivision. Providing the I)epartment of ElwJronmental Quality with soils information and sizing the lots accordingly. 3. That the drafting and surveying requirements of thc Borough be met. The appellant contends that the first two conditions of approval required by the Platting Board should be waived by the Board of Adjustment. II. Description of Proposed Subdivision: The property involved is located next to Upper ttuffman Road; is five acres in area; contains steep Mope conditions and is proposed to be split into four lots. III. Answer to Appeal: ]'he Platting Board's action in regard to this appli- cation was based upon an anticipated need for future neighborhood streets in this general vicinity, plus the need to have positive proof that all the lots are capable of supporting both on-site sewer and water systems. The Platting Board did not deny this plat and they have not prohibited the appellant from developing a four-lot subdivision. The Board~s action was based on a proper concern for the health and safety of those persons who will be building a home and living on each of these lots and for the general public in regard to an adequate furore traffic circulation pattern. Assembly Memorandum No. 72-640 October 30, 1.972 Page 2 The legal right of the platting authority to require the dedication of adequate streets and to assure that a subdivision is capable of supporting the antici- pated development is well-established by Statute and legal case history. IV. Conclusion and Recommendation: The Administration recommends that the decision of the Planning Commission be upheld and that this appeal be denied. Respectful]y submitted, Jack Roderick Borough Mayor JIviA :I)GB :rvd Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting: September.13, 1972 facilities. Page No. 15 MR. STRICJiLAND, Department of Environmental Quality, stated that they have soils information on the lots and could recom~end approval if the lots were split down the middle so that the lots were of a more equal size. Mr. Crow moved, seconded by Mr. Wiley that the plat of BLM Small Tract Lot 95 be approved (Case No. S 2811) subject to: !.~ Equalizing the lots 2. Minor drafting revisions Voted for the motion.: Berg, Crow, Evans, Kallenberg, Matthews, Scik'regg, Sturgulewski and Wiley. The motion carried ung'~imously. 6. S 2812 Subdivision of 4.7 acres in the NE¼ of Section 15, T12N, R3W, S.M., Alaska, to be designated GALATCf SUBDIVISION located on the a~outh side of Abbott Road, west of Birch Road. FINAL MR. SCHEEN explained that i e o~.a~er had requested that this mat'ter be postPoned for three weeks, so that revisions could be made. ~. Mrs. Matthews moved, seconded by Mrs. Selkregg that at the request of the petitioner, that Case No. S 2812, GALAXY SUBDIVISION, be postponed for three weeks. All Commissioners voted in favor of the motion. ~.,~7. S 2789 Subdivision of 5 acres of Lot 7, Ginami Hills Subdivision in the SE¼ of Section 24, T12N, R3W, S.M., Alaska, located on the north side of Huffman Road, east of Birch Road. FINAL MR. SCHEEN explained that this had been reviewed as a preliminary at the last subdivision meeting. ~e staff had received the final in the office prior to acting on the preliminary so the final does not reflect the direction given to the preliminary plat. The staff would recommend that the plat be approved, subject to: 1. Dedicating a road which follows the natural contours of the land from Upper Huffman to the NE corner of the subdivision 2. Providing DEQ with soils information and sizing the lots in accordance with this information 3. Meeting the established drafting and survey requirements of the Borough MR. STRICKk%YD, the Department of Envirorunental Quality, stated that hah ad . talked to the owner and engineer after the preliminary approval, requesting soils information. They had not received it as yet, and there could be a very substantial change to these lots, as this is a questionable area. Planning and Zoning Cormn.~lssion Meeting: Septen'.~er 13, 1972 ' ) Page No. 16 CO:~-[ISSIONFR SELKREGG felt that it should be postponed as the c~anges would be substantial and important. Mr. Berg moved, seconded by Mrs. Selkregg that this plat (Case No. S 2789) be postponed until the next subdivision meeting. MR. SCHEEM co~ented that the stated intent of the petitioner was to hurry up the process. D~ere was a 30-day cut-off period. If he submits a preliminary ....... and-waits-for'Commission-- approvaZ,-30 days' have'gone by, and then'the~ are ........ talking about 60 to 80 days for final approval. In an attempt to expedite his plat, he submitted it before the Commission took action on the preliminary. The staff has had conversation with the engineer and they are in the process of making the changes requested in the preliminary. The plat would not be filed until the changes were made. They are not trying to get approval of something other than what was given to the preliminary. The Chairman called for the vote on the postponing motion: Voted for the motion: Berg, Kallenberg, Sel~regg and Sturgulewski. Voted against the motion: Crow, Evans, Matthews and Wiley. The motion failed. Mr. Evans moved, seconded by Mr. Crow that the plat of GIN~MI HILLS be approved, subject to: 1. Dedication of a road which follows the natural con- tours of the land from Upper Huffman to the NE corner of the subdivision 2. Providing DEQ with soils information and sizing the lots in accordance with this information 3. Meeting the drafting and survey requirements of the Borough COMMISSIONER EVANS stated that he would like to hear again from Mr. Scheen. MR. SCHEEN stated that he be!i~v~d these changes were being made. The engineer was in the office and picked up the list of chmtges and noted them on the plat and stated that he was going to make them. If these changes are not made, the plat will not be filed. The Chairman called for the vote on the motion to approve the plat subject to the staff conditions: Voted for the motion: Berg, Crow, Evans, Kallenberg, Matthews, Sturgulewski and Wiley. Voted against the motion: Selkregg. The motion carried. Planning and Zoning ~6~mission m Memorandum - August 23, 1972 5. S-2789 GINAMI HILLS.SUBDIVISION Subdivision S-2789 - Subdivision of 5 ± acres of Lot 7, Ginami'Hills Sub- division, SL/~ SE~, Section 24, T12N, R3bl, S.~4., Alaska to be designated Lots 7A, 78, 7C and 7D, Ginami Hills Subdivision (located on the north side of Huffman Road, east of Birch Road). (Lawrence NcCdbbins) PRELIMINARY REQUEST: To subdivide a 5-acre parcel into four lotso ~,,~. ,,is D-acre parcel ,s located where Upper Huffman Road takes the first sharp bend to the right anl starts ~witchbacking up the side of the mountain. This site is wooded and.vacant. It slopes to the northwest gradually near Ginami Street and more steeply towards the easterly boundary. ZONING: Presently Unrestricted and proposed for R-6 as part of Area "G".' ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS: The purpose of this preliminaKy plat mas to establish needed road ri§hts-of-way. Half of the Upper Huffman alignment has been dedicated by adjacent property ov~ners to the south of this parcel. Staff recommends that this plat dedicate the other half of Upper Huffman for approximately 2/3 of the length of this plat. It appears to be unfeasible to extend Upper Huffman any further because of the rapid increase in grade. Because of this steep slope, access to the property to the east and north- east of this parcel must logically be Qained throuqh this lot. We also reco~¢nd therefcre that a road be ded~'cated along the west and north boundary of Lot 7B to provide access to that unsubdivided land to the east of this parcel. Should the owner not desire to dedicate this road, we would then suggest that he furnish us with topographic data to show another feasible means of providing access to these adjacent properties. We have received no soils data on this site and prior to final approval we wo~ld request that the lot sizes be justified by submitting soils infor- ma ti on. RECOM:,L: L.qTION. Staff recommends grantino preliminary approval to this plat subject t¢ the foll¢~ing conditions: 1. Dedicating a 25-foot one-half right-of-way for the Uoper Huffman Road alignment from Ginami Street to the boundary of Lot 7D. 2. Dedicatinfl a road that follows the natural contours of the land from Upper Huffman to the northeast corner of the subdivision. 3. Providing the Department of Environmental Quality with soils information and sizing the lots in accordance with this information. 4. Meeting the established draftino and survey reeuirements of .the Greater Anchorage Area Borough.