HomeMy WebLinkAboutG A PHILLIPS ADDITION BLK 2 LT 1 GAAB-HD- I GR~-~TER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROU-~H HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 279-2511 NAME INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM · . PHONE ADDRESS / LOCATION ~,~7"~--_ ~ SEPTIC TANK: LIQUID CAPACITY ~/~-' ~) GALLONS. SEEPAGE SYSTEM: NUMBER OF PITS //~. ~' .~Z//~? _,~. '~.. NUMBER OF / MATERIAL I,. Z'C."g'L ~.'~ ~ ~ . COMPARTMENTS INSIDE LENGTH ~ INSIDE WIDTH / DEPTH OUTSIDE DIAMETER 'OR WIDTH , LENGTH. , DEPTH LINING MATERIAl DISTANCE FROM WELL BUILDING FOUNDATION NEAREST LOT LINE TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) SQ. FT. TILE DRAIN FIELD: TOTAL LENGTH DISTAN~FROM WELL ~, FOUNDATION , N~R~iNE. . OF LINES. _----~-- , ABSORPTION AREA SQ. ET. LENGTH OF EACH LINE DEPTH: TOP OF TILE/~ O FINISH GRA~E WELL: ~r"~T~PE~Z~//~' ~'Z~'~Z"//"~/'Z~-~DEPTH NEAREST SEPTIC LOT LINE ~ . SEWER LINE ~ ., TANK DEPTH OF FILTER MATERIAL BENEATH TILE IN. ABOVE TILE DISTANCE FROM ~ WATER , BUILDING FOUNDATION. SAMPLE . NEAREST SEEPAGE / OTHER ~ , SYSTEM , CESSPOOl ~ , SOURCES DISTANCES: DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM GREATER . ,NCHORAGE AREA 'ROUGH Cas, No. ,- HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 Eagle St. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 279-2511 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION & PERMIT NAME OF APPLICANT AILING ADDRESS RESIB~Ng~ ADDRESS ~~~'~ LOgAT,O, OF INSTALLATION APPLICATION TO INSTALL: SEPTIC TANK /.8EE~/ /~ TO SERVE THE FOLLOWING FACILITY ~ ~Z:~°oe/"~ ~/~ ~- FINANCED THROUGH ~ ~ TO BE INSTALLED BY PERCOLATION TEST R~SULT8 ./~/ ~ ANTICIPATED BAT~ OF COMPLETION BEL~ TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ~;.V;~ ~ /2~;;'/~/~y~ ~ ~q P~RMIT TO INSTALL A THIS IS TO .~. ~.2~.. ~ ...~ ..... - AS DESCRIBED BELOW. SIZE OF UNIT TOjBE SERVED SEPTIC TANKS ZE ~ ~/~TYPE ~>~ SEEPAGE AREA/~ DISTANCES: Health Authority I certify that i am familiar with the requirements of Greater Anchorage Area Borough Ordinance No. 28-68 and that the above described system is in accordance with said code. '~' ,/',. APPLICANTS SIGNATURE ×/~f~z ~/fL .v ~, t~t..a' '~ '-' z~/~' ..~ Y~ d' -~ ~( -~'~ ,~'a,~[~ ' a REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OP '~ (~> ~'' , ,.~,v~-~P~ ~. ~IND~VIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES ) ~'~ . ~~ ~ ~ (Fill out in Triplicate) ~ ~~ Deter, gent "' ' . , a, Age of system b, Septic tank capacity in gallons... ~. c, Name of septic tank manufactu~.m 1, If "home made" show diagram on reverse side of this form, d,' Disposal field or seepage pit size and type ~; -e, 'Pefco] at Jxm.x T~st f, Percolation Test performed by Use the reverse .side of this form to show diagram, Diagram should include ~[~;.he foJLowing information: p~operty lines~.well location, house location~ ~i:~c tank 3~ocation, disposal area location, location of percolation test, aad diY-ection of ground slope. TY~e ~,~tloa on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Applicant Date Signed ~.0.~ .B~_ FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPAP. T~-~ENT PERSONNEL The above described sanitary facilities are hereby approved subject to the Conditiona: The above described sanitary facilities are disapproved for the following reasons: ~"ignature of 8ffie-i;R'~l~ ~Y;'~' '.'~~ ........ ' .... ~)~-t~. }...!, ,.~. ...... ~, ..... Approval is valid for one year following the date of approval, CPJ: cw Veteran, s ~&:inist~'ation ~.u. o0× 1599 Anchorage, Alaska Jun~ i, 1970 ought iy ~Tor Lot t, ~)lock 2, {:.~0 Phillips Stbdivision t~car Sirs-. 1ho subject soy:or and water systems ~eoro i. nsi~ected by this 96' driiiod ~eti and a ~¢ater sample takeli fro~;, the t~oll ,aas satisfactory. ~ho sewer systoiil was a cessp¢~>l and was located al>proximately 75' from the well, t~hite tho cess[:oot was located dot.mgrade from tiio welt [uld would pyobabl7 not contaminate the t~ell, the following deficietmies ~::~ust be I~otod: Sower system' '~" ..... CessFc~l within lot)' protective radius o~ tho well. Simuhi these c'.~ficienc~es be correct¢;d, apl>reval for the subject so,mr and ~a'ter system,s couhl be given, Sinco~x~ly, CLiFFOI{D P. JUDKINS, ReS. ~klr..'.-ini st rat i ye Oirector cc: !~,obert i*roadwater i970 Vo%erans Ad~ti)~i:;tration , .~,. Box 1599 3)~d~ora~;¢~ Alaska 995(11 ,;~;~ez System and ~,;ater ,%pply ±k~r Lot I, ~;lock Z, G.A. PhilliI~s gui:division __ ' ' cm~l.,~,o, of a drilled letter l,;aro: 2. Ccsspc-.ol withi)~ 100" radius of it is aliticipated that I~hillips SubciivisJ.on will be scrwd with public soy:ers durin:; ~lm su:m~r of 1970, [~causc of im'adlod t~y your office to cover rite cost of 5.nstallina a mtm'ialize for ~ext year. Sincerely, Ad~:inistrative t)ircctor Iff: Sani~arim~ ¢c: ~qOb¢;rt Broadwatcr Ad~nI~ration .Alaska 99501 S~divis~n Sirs: CLif>i;ORD P. JUD~INS, JRL:rn ~ w,ma VH~ 13911H3U¥ :~IH~, JlOd AlfldgO LJ 13~llH3~;V ~IglH.) WBJ. S&S 1V$OdSla :I~)VMIS (]NV AlddlIS ~li:¥J~ I¥/I(/IAI(INI lYAOIIddV &MIIOflJ.(l¥ H&lVliH ~)4~1¥NOIS J a/va · alqgadaa)v :oN [-'] alqmdaaa¥ [] paJap!suoa ~xt I~sOds!p a~?g,~aS alq~da~¥ loN [] alq~lda:o¥ ~-] paaap!su0a ac{ tua:~s,(s .(lddns-.:alg~ Iunp!a!pul pug %toda~I uo!~adsuI aatre!IdtUoD YH~I luau}~ad aq:l pug ~u!o~a;o./ aq: pataa!aa.i at, gq I :UIJ. IUMU~IONfl JllH:} IHl O.L t:)hhlO VH:I dO tSI1 UOJ--'III IUVd · XilJOqiflo ,,,lilD eq ' ~/*pGpl~0Jd sGgod, eqi ut ilill puu e~niouGIs 'olop xwu puo eAOqU 4uemeloJs UOlUldo elojJdo~ddu eqi eleldwoa-plnoqs ~JJOqiflO ql~eq Gq1/ :JXON XlpO:a~jsp~s uopaunj o: pa:a~xa aq :ouu~ ~ pug 'AI}aO:~Jspgs uop~unj o: pa;aadxa ~ ~D ~ mo;sAs ,(iddns-Jaig~ Ignp!^.tpu.t s!q: ;uq~ qqgaH jo :uauai~gdaC[ Ig2O'l ~ ~un°D F~ aag~$ [] atp jo uo!u!do aqa s! aI H::)1:]~$ $,UO,I~::IdSNI INaW,L~iYdtO HXIY]H 1N:IWIUVdlO HJ. IVIH Ag OjJ. lldWO:) Ig O1--'11 1UVd ON [] sax ~ ~10~1C]INOISlC] Wa/SAS INgW::lcjyg :ulgwnN lVJ. OX UOl. O,l. pPV sd~tll, qd 'V '0 :tWYN NOI$1^iOgi'IS j. smooJpeq |ouoH|ppo o4uI epDw eq DedU aeq*o Jo ~!#o UD~) uop~ll~:SU! ,~aN [] 9L~ ~LL 'ON 1¥P4 ~15 VHJ Ag Oi/tldWO:) Ig 01--'1 iUVd W::ILSAS 1Y$OdglO :IOYM3S ONY Xlddn$ B::IXYM 1YnOIAIONI 1YAO~IddY AXI~iOHIrI¥ H/1YgH MD~ICIPALiTY OF ANCHORAGE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. O? :'t~-£H & DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTEC~I~ONMENTAL P~OTECTION  825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGDIVISlON JUL ~. 2 197'9 Telephone 264-4720 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATER AND SEWER F )1RECTIONS: Complete all parts on page 1, Incomplete requests will not be processed. Please allow ten (10) davs for processing. 1. PBDEERTY~OWNE R ~ /~ IPHONE MAI~LJ~tC,~A DDR ESS PROPERTY RESIDENT ' PHONE PHONE MAI LING ADDRESS ,. LEND,NG,NST,TUTION MAILING ADDRESS 4. REA LTO R/AG E,~..T~ MAI L~.~L~ ADDR ESS PHONE 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET LOCATION 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE [~ SINGLE FAMILY [] MULTIPLE FAMILY NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] One [] Four ~' Two [] Five [] Three [] Six [] Other 7. WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL* COMMUNITY [] PUBLIC UTILITY * ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available.) 8. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM [] INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE** ~ PUBLIC UTILITY **If individual/on-site, give installation date If system is over two (2) years old an adequacy test is required by this Department. NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. 72-010(3/78) THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS TIME TIME TIME DATE DATE DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR I NSP ECTOR DIRECTIONS: 1, TYPE OF RESIDENCE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] SINGLE FAMILY [] ONE [] THREE [] FIVE [] OTHER [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] TWO [] FOUR [] SIX PERMIT NUMBER 2. WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL DEPTH OF WELL [] COMMUNITY DATE DRILLED [] PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified LOG RECEIVED 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NUMBER [] INDIVIDUAL/ON -SITE DATE INSTALLED []PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified INSTALLER []Septic Tank or []Holding Tank Size; If Tank is homemade SOILS RATING give dimensions: TYPE OF TANK MANUFACTURER TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA MATERIAL 4. DISTANCES Septic/Holding Tank .IAbsorption Area Sewer Lin, I Nearest Lot Line I WELL TO: Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line 5. COMMENTS ~-~',~PPROVED FOR ~ BEDROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificat/~ /) [] DISAPPROVED LEGAL DESCRIPTION 72-010 (Rev. 3/78) April 14, 197§ Mr. Richard Hi.lc P,O. Box 3 Eagle River, Alaska Dear Mr. Hinkle~ ?~ ~ I~-/'~ ~ It has been brought to our attention that pub!lc sewer is available to Block 2, Lot 1, G.A. Phillips 5~bdivision. According to Greater Anchorage Area Borough Ordinance, Chapter 16, Article lil. 45, Section 16.45.050: "Septic tank-seepage system sewage disposal facilities shall not be installed or used on any premises where sanitary sewers are available within seYenty (70) feet of the nearest lot line of said premises ...". The Greater Anchorage Area Borough Public Works Department has checked their records and they indicate that your structure (s) is ~ not connected to the sanita~'y sewer. Would you please check your records to verify that the structure (s) is or is not connected and notify us immediately if your records indicate that a connection has been made. tf we do not hear f~-om you within seven (7) days, we will assume that our records are correct. We, therefore, request you connect any and all structures located on the subject property to public sewer during the 1975 construction season. You must apply for a connection permit from the permit officer for the Greater Anchorage Area Borough, 35~0 East Tudor Road. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact the pelm~it officer at 279-8686, extension 259, or the Department of EnVironmental Quality at 274~4561, extension 141. Sincerely, John Lee Eagle River District Sanitarian JL/lw Apl~tl 14, 1975 Mr. Richa~'d Hinkle Eagle, River, Alaska Dear ~ir. }link!e; It has been brought to our attention that public se, war is available to itloek l, I,~t 1, G .A, Phillips Sul~divi~ion. According to Gre,ater Anchor~q~e, Ar~a l~o~'ough Ordinance, Chapter t6, Article 16.45, Section 16,45,650: "Septle tank.--aeepage aYstenTM' s~wage, disposal fs¢itiiies ~hal! not b~ in~t~iled or u~ed ~n ~y p~emi~e~ wh~re ~a~!a~y ~ewers are available witht~'~e-~enW (70) feet of the nearest tot line of The (ireater Anchorage Area Bor(~ugh Public Works Dep!!rt~lent ~t connected to the ~anita~y ~wer. Would you please check your ~-ecords to ve~fy ~ai lb.e ~trucmr~(s) t~ o~ ia not conn~eted and notify us imr~ediately if yo~r records indtca~ that a ~nnection ha~ been made. ~ ~ve do not h~ar from you within seven (7) days, we, will assulv, e that ~u~' ree~rd~ a~e ~r~ect. We, therefore, reqt~est ~t~ connect ~ny and idl structurea located on the subject property to public ~ewer (k~ring the 1975 construction sea,on. You must apply fo~' a connection permit f~.om the perrait officer for the, Greater Anchorage AI, ea Bc~rough, 3500 East Tudi~r R~ad. If you have any queslion~ regarding the above, pleaae (lo not hesitate to contact the permit officer at 279~86~6, extension 259. or th~ Department of Environmental Quati~ ~t 274-45~1, e~cms~n 141. Since,rely, John Lee ~agte ~Iver District JL/lw BL O,(;K ~ NO, ~ o.ol DTIO00~