HomeMy WebLinkAboutGRACE #1 Block 1 Lot 1A Plat# 96-49 S-9677 DOWL ENGINEERS A Oivision of DOWL, Incorporated WO # D55288 June 27, 1996 Mr. James Cross Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Subject: Grace Subdivision Plat - Case No. S-9677S Dear Mr. Cross This letter serves to inform you that the existing septic tank on Lot 34, Block 3, McMahon Subdivision, was abandoned on June 26, 1996. The existing tank was pumped empty, then crushed in place. The excavated hole was backfilled, compacted and graded to match the existing ground surface. The work was done by S & A Enterprises. As we discussed on June 18, 1996, I believe this was the last remaining item needed for you to sign-off on plat condition number four of Municipality of Anchorage Plat Case S-9677S for Grace Subdivision. We trust this information satisfies your concerns and will enable you to sign-off on plat condition number four. Please call if you need any additional information. Sincerely, DOWL Engineers 4040 S STREET · ANCHORAGE · ALASKA · 99503-5999 · 907/562-2000 · FAX 907/563-3953 May 1, 1996 Mr. James Cross Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Subject: Grace Subdivision Plat - Case No. S~9677S Dear Mr. Cross ANCHORAGE GRACE RECEIVED MAY 7 1996 Municipality of Anchorage Dept, Health & Human Sen/ices ]'his letter is in response to your review comments regarding Municipality of Anchorage Plat Case S-9677S for Grace Subdivision. The well and septic system in question are not being utilized at this time. The house has not been occupied since Mid-Januaw 1996 due to a fire at the residence. The house will remain unoccupied until it is removed from the site. Anchorage Grace Brethren Church plans to regrade the property during summer of 1996. Prior to grading the site, the existing house will be either demolished or moved to a different property. At the time the site grading is done the well and septic system will be abandoned in accordance with ADEC regulations. The existing on-site water and wastewater systems serving the church/school facility were approved by ADEC in 1985 (see attached letter). We trust this information satisfies your concerns and will enable you to sign-off on plat condition number four. Please call Pastor Steve Pauls if you need any additional information. Sincerely, Gary S. Cain Facility Plamfing Task Force 12407 Pintail Street Anchorage, AK 99516 (907) 345-3741 FAX (907) 345-4241 DEPT. OF ENY lllONMENTAL CONSEilV/~TION / /. ANCHORAGE/WEST~tN DISTRICT OFFICE 437 "E" STREET, SUITE 303 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 August 12, 1985 BILL SHEF~. IELD, GOVERNOR 274-2533 Alaska Environmental Control Services, Inc. 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SUBJ.: Grace Brethern Church Sewer & Water Improvements, Anchorage, Alaska 8621-DA-043 Dear Sir: We have reviewed the plans and specifications for the subject project and are hereby issuing this approval letter which constitutes the permit required by A.S. 46.03.720(a) for construction of the sewerage and water syst~ns. It should be re~red that final approval will necessitate the sukrais- sion of Engineer As-Built Plans and owners name, address and telephone number. This will consequently mandate that a professional engineer conduct basic inspection of this project so as to be able to sign o£f on as-built plans. Arrangement for this inspection work is the responsi- bility o£ the developer. Any £uture expansion of subject project will require additional approval from this office. · Sincerely, District Engineer . s /dd .j lhle: To: From: ~/:~ s Cms~. P.E.. Program Manager. Oq-$itc/Wate. r Quality Subject: Request/or Ct mnenL~ lur (;axes due 12/29/94. MUNICIPAI,ITY OF ANCHORAGE Departmen! uf llealth and H_~r~!ant~-vices Anchorage, Alaska ~19-~65am O tZ2 8 05 Deccm~r 21, 1994 ~ming mid Platting Division. cfr) Thc Environmental Services Division, On-Sim Services Section ha:, reviewed Iht following cases and has these comments: S-96755 (..'ollcge Park SuNtivisinn - Willl Vacation. No objecdoas. S-9676S Timber Ridge Add/finn #1 - Wilh Vacation. No objections. Grace .S ur~hvision church/school/itcility nmxr nlcol ADEC r~luJrcnlcntx' ~e existing well ~ o~l-xitc wastewatcr systems serving thc single family htm~. tm the southern poaion of this property arc nor pernfil/cd, and have not bec, approved by DHHS. Prior to approval of ibc request, the applicum mu.s{ t~e necessary acli.n to brfllg thc~: unapprovc~ syslcms into compliance wi~ on-site water and wastcwatcr dispo~l rcguhlrions. 'T~d ( I'~;".- - Anchorage P.O. B,x 196(550 .Xmchoragc. Alaska 99519-(i650 Tclci)honc: (907) ;343-4222 Rick .VyS~l'onl. .Ifayov I)EIkH~'MEX~ OFCOMMI'NITYI'LkNNING.kNI) I)E\~H.OI'MEN~ December 28~ 1~94 ~nchorage Grace Brethern Church 12407 Pintail Street ~nuchorage, Al( 99516 Dear Applicant: On January 3, 1995. the Platting Authority acted on your petition S-9677S GRACE SUBDIVISION. The petition was APPROVED. Special Conditions, in addition to those of Title 21, of the AMC attached by the Platting Authority are on the enclosed Summary of action. If you have any questions on these conditions or changes, please call our office at 343-4267. · PP~gLIMIN~tRY APPROVAL IS VA~ID ONLY FOR 18 MONTHS. Within that time, you must accomplish the following to finalize your request: 1. Negotiate a subdivision agreement with the Department of Public Works, if required. 2. Meet the conditions specified by the Platting Authority which are included in the attached Suramary of Action in addition to those of Title 21 of the AMC. 3. Comply with all applicable provisions of the Municipal Land Subdivision Regulations. 4. In the case of subdivision, submit to the Department of Community Planning and Development a properly executed final plat ready for filing. If you wish to appeal this decision or any of the conditions, we will furnish copies of our appeal procedures. Please note that all appeals must be made within fifteen (15) days of the Platting Board's action. Sincerely, DEPART~NT OF CO~iMUNITY PI2~NNING AND DEVELOP}LENT Zoning and Platting Section cc: DOWL Engineers 4040 B Street Anchorage, AK 99503 SHORT PLAT SUM1VLA_RY OF ACTION January $, 199~~''~ S-~75 COLLEGE PARK SUBDMSION Appro~v~ of the vacation where the structure encroache~ a suitab~plat within 18 months. Approval of ~_plat subject to:. ~[ ~is°lving U~asolving s etba 'f emejf s~pthfs B'F~o~ with Enforcement. ect to filing Land Use 3. Correcting street DeBarr Road. to: Boniface Parkway. and S-9676 TIMBER RIDGE ADDITION NO, 1 BLOCK 3, LOT 10A-1 / ~, aAPsPu~tOavblaleCrfept~tv~.~ 18~ Whme;~thtBse' structu~creaches, subject to filing Approval of the p./t subject to: ~ 1. Resotving~.,e. need for drainage improvemen~x~ and drainage easem¢l~ with Project Management and Engineering.~ 2. Veri~g with Land Use Enforcement that the variance g~n.. ted was f~e exact configuration shown on the current as-built.. ~ Eabeling Canyon View Drive. S-9677 GRACE SUBDMSION. BLOCK 1, LOT lA Approval of the plat subject to: SOA January 3, 1995 Page 2 1. Resolving utility easements. ,2. Resolving the need for drainage improvements and drainage easements with Project Management and Engineering. Providing an as-built of all structures and obtaining variances, needed, to be resolved with La_nd Use Enforcement. 4. Resolving well and wastewater septic systems being in comphance with DHHS. 5. Placing a note on the plat stating: "Direct vehicular ingress/egress from Lot lA onto Huffman Road is prohibited." 6. Resolving with Land Use Enforcement ~vhether the replat affects the site plan review approval. 7. Ensuring that landscaping exists adjacent to Huffman Road in the landscaping easement. Je ~TW~e~ ~ . aver, Jr. Platting Authority A Division of DOWLj Incorl~orated June 17, 1996 W.O. D55288 RECEIVED dUN l? 199 Municipality of Anchorage Dept. Health & Human Services Mr. James Cross Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Hmman Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Subject: Grace Subdivision Plat - Case No. S-9677S Dear Mr. Cross On May 22, 1996 I met with you concerning your review comments regarding Municipality of Anchorage(MOA) Plat Case S-9677S for Grace Subdivision. You indicated that before you can sign off on the plat condition number four, the existing well and septic system must be documented as required by Anchorage Municipal Code, Title 15. Attached is documentation found to date for the existing well and septic system. On June 4, 1996, Mr. Brian Caldwell, an inspector from our office, made a field inspection of the well and septic system. Our inspection was limited to visual inspection and field location of the system components that were visible from the surface. Measurements of the well depth and water level were made, and depths of the septic system cleanouts were measured. The horizontal and vertical locations found are shown on the attached "Existing Conditions Map". We contacted numerous local well drillers and the U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division, but no well log could be found. Our field inspection found the existing well to be an eight-inch steel casing capped with a sanitary seal. The casing extends six inches above, and 75.3 feet below, the ground surface. Positive drainage is provided away from the well casing. The water level was found to be 48 feet below the top of the casing. The existing septic tank size and drainfield dimensions could not be verified. Our field inspection found three iron stand-pipes, four inches in diameter, for the septic system. All the pipes were outfitted with airtight caps. The pipe at the building is assumed to be a cleanout ahead of the septic tank. This eleanout extends four feet three inches below the ground surface. The two remaining stand- pipes are assumed to be located at the beginning and end of the disposal area. Based on the location and depths of the stand-pipes (see "Existing Conditions Map" for depths), it appears that a trench system was installed with a sidewall depth ranging between four and five feet. Given the soils shown in DOWL's test boring number six (SP/SM - Poorly graded sand with silt and gravel - 10 percent silt) the absorption area required is 563 square feet (150 gallons per bedroom times three bedrooms divided by 0.8 gpd/sq, ft.). The absorption area provided is estimated to be 648 square feet (five and one-half foot avg. sidewall depth times two sidewalls times 72-foot length). No ground water was present in DOWL's test borings (Nos. 4, 5, 6, & 7) which indicates that the bottom of the sbandpipes are at least 20 feet above the ground water table. 4040 [] •TRSI~T · ANCHORAGE · ALASKA · 99503-5999 · 907/569-2000 g FAX 907/563-3953 Mr. James Cross Municipality of Anchorage June 17, 1996 Page 2 We trust this information satisfies your concerns and will enable you to sign-off on plat condition number four. Please call if you need any additional information. Sincerely, DOWL Engineers D55288.Cross. GSC. 061796.kmp Anchorage Property Report (Residential) Parcel ID 017-042-23 App000 Card 01 Landuse Residential 1-Family Le~lal Description MCMAHON #I BLK 3 LT 34 GeoWorks North 06/14/96 Street Address ~'t2601MERGANSER ClR Owner GIONET PAUL J ~.700 E 147TH AVE ~,NCHORAGE AK 99516-4113 Assessed Value Land 1994 $35,300 ~ 1993 $32,900 J 1992 $32,900 Site Information Topography Level Level Utilities Private Water Septic System Building $96,100 $100,200 $100,200 Total $131,400 $135,800 $133,100 Deed Change Date 05/17/94 Book 2653 Page 0300 Plat 710317 Street Type Dirt/Ungraded Access Good Page I Miscellaneous Blue Book Page 24t Small Grid 2835 Large Grid 51107 Unit Tax Dist 6 Zoning R6 Living Units 1 Lot Size 56,708 % Ownership 0 Leasehold 0 Traffic Low Wetlands Drainage Good Common Area 0 Structure Information Construction Style Two Story Ext Wall Metal/Alum Stories High (above ground) 2.0 Quality Grade Average Condition Fair Custom Des Fact 0 % Rooms Heating Total * 11 Type Bedroom 3 System Rec Room Fuel Full Bath 2 1/2 Bath Condo Add'l Fixture Style · not incl. RR or bath Floor Central Electric Oil Fireplace Stacks Openings Fraestand EZ Set 2 Year Built 1973 Effective 1973 Areas Basement 1 st Floor Fin/Bsmnt 1/2 Floor 1,085 2nd Floor 1,540 Attic 3rd Floor Recrcom Bsmnt Garage Total Living Area 0 2,625 Additional Features Basement 1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Feature Area Cov'rd Open Porch Attch/BIt-ln Garage 156 650 Other Buildin~ls and Yard Improvements Type Qty Year Bit Size Grade Condition 3.30 ...... i/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CIOWI. ENGINE El=IS 4040 "B" Street Anchorege, Alosko 99503 PHONE (907) 562-2000 FAX (907) 563-5955 ( \ V MONITORING l\ I\ I \ SCALE: 1%60' EXISTING CONDI~ON$ MAP W.~ NO. D55288 dUNE 4, 1996 FROH : Gene Sleeper Agenc~j ~...,..':-~:.. ~ '; ~ ........ ~.. . PHONE NO. : 9(]? 349 1320 JLtn. 03 1996 12:3?PM P1 Poat-R" brand fax transmittal memo 7671 l # o, pa~,s ~- ~ .. ~ ...... ~ ...... ~.~ :i~. : ~: ": .... ,' ' ,',' : ~ ..... .~: ~ .... : '~ .... ~'~' :" ': ~'~ , , · :: ..:... . ..: . :.~:. ~ . '~; ~ . ~: ] ; ] : ~: ~ ~at ,o lmprovem~ on prop~y lying aajacent ~ereto ...... : ' ' i · . e~cept as Lndi~ hereon. ' · i : · - · i'! ; [ 3 64 TEST BORING 4 LOCATION;SEE TEST BORING LOCAT]0N NAP ELEVATION: ., DEPTH ASPHALT SURFACE AND LEVELING COURSE /-0.4 NFS, BROWN, POORLY GRADED SAND WITH GRAVEL, ABOUT 40% GRAVEL AND 5% SILT, GRAVEL SUBROUNDED TO 1.5", MEDIUM SAND, DAMP, VERY OENSE, FR0~EN, Nf 3 31 SAME, DENSE F3, BROWN, POORLY GRADED SAND HITH SILT AND GRAVEL, ABOUT 30% GRAVEL AND [0% SILT, NONPLASTIC, GRAVEL SUBROUNDEO TO I", MEDIUM SAND, DAMP, MEDIUM DENSE 9.3 F4, BROWN, SANDY SILT, ABOUT 10% GRAVEL AND 40% SAND, NONPLASTIC, GRAVEL SUBROUNDED TO 3/8", FINE SAND, DAMP. VERY STIFF 17 37 F4, BROWN, SANDY SILT WITH GRAVEL, ABOUT 20% GRAVEL AND 30% SAND, LOW PLASTICITY, GRAVEL SUBROUNBEB TO SUBANGULAR TO 3/8". FINE SAND, OAMP TO WET, HARO 19.3 60/4 ENCOUNTERED ROCK - NO SAMPLE RECOVERED NO GROUND WATER OBSERVE0 WHILE DRILLING PVC STANDPIPE INSTALLED NO GROUND WATER WHEN MEASURED ON 12/22/95 KEY TV = Torvane (TSF) 0 = Grab Sample CLIENT: GRACE BRETHREN CHURCH PROJECT; AGB CAHPUS EXPANSION LOGGED DY: HARIA E. KAHPSEN ~0RING COMPLETED: 12/19/95 N.O. D55639A OOHL ENGINEERS ALASKA TESTLAB LOG OF BORING FIGURE 6 13 47 I0 40 23 26 6O TEST BORING 5 LOCATIO~ SEE TEST BORING LOCATION NAR ELEVATION: DEPTH ASPHALT SURFACE AND LEVELING COURSE /-0.4 F4, BROWN, SANDY SILT, ABOUT 5% GRAVEL ANO 45% SANO, MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVEL SUBROUNDED TO 3/8",F~NE SAND, DAMP, HARD, FROZEN, Nb SAME, BECOMING LESS SANDY WITH ABOUT GRAVEL AND 40% SAND, GRAVEL SURROUNDED T01/2" 9.3 F4, SRONN, SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL, ABOUT 25% GRAVEL AND 45% SILT, MEDIUM PLASTICITY. GRAVEL SUBROUNDED TO 2", FINE SAND, DAMP, DENSE 14.3 F4, BROWN, SANDY SILT WITH GRAVEL, ABOUT 20% GRAVEL AND 30% SAND, MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVEL SURROUNDED TO I", FINE SAND, DAMP, VERY STIFF F4, SROWN. SANDY SILT, ABOUT I0% GRAVEL AND 30% SAND, MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVEL SUSROUNDED TO 3/8", FINE SAND, WET TO SATURATED. VERY STIFF --24.3 F4, BROWN, SANDY SILT WITH GRAVEL, ABOUT 25% GRAVEL AND 25% SAND, MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVEL SUBANGULAR TO 1", FINE NO GROUND WATER OBSERVED WHILE DRILLING PVC STANDPIPE INSTALLED GROUND WATER MEASURED AT 25.4' ON 12/19/95 KEY TV = Torvane (TSF] DOWL ENGINEERS ALASKA TESTLAB LOG OF BORING CLIENT: GRACE BRETHREN CHURCH PROJECT: AGE CAMPUS EXPANSION LOGGED BY; MAR[A E. KAMPSEN BORING COMPLETED: 12/18/95 W.0. D5563gA FIGURE 7 TEST BORING 6 '~ LOCATION: SEE TEST BORING LOCATION MAP ,o u. ELEVATION: DEPTH F4, BROWN, PEAT, VERY STIFF, FROZEN, Vi 2.5 -MA ~ 22 4 28 S2 (MOA F2),BROWN,.POORLY GRADED SAND WITH SILT AND GRAVEL, ABOUT 30% GRAVEL AND 10% SILT. NONPLASTIC, GRAVEL SUBROUNDEO TO I", MED. IUM SAND, DAMP. MEDIUM DENSE SAME, BECOMING LESS SANDY WITH 'ABOUT 35% GRAVEL AND 7% SILT 3 33 SAME, GRAVEL SUGROUNDED TO 1.5", FINE SAND, DENSE 6 5O [4.3 FA, BROWN, SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL, ABOUT 30% GRAVEL AND 30% SILT, NONPLASTIC, GRAVEL SUBROUNDED TO LG". FINE SAND, DAMP. -'-_9~ ...................................... NO GROUND WATER OBSERVED WHILE DRILLING PVC STANDPIPE INSTALLEO NO GROUND WATER WHEN MEASURED ON 12/22/95 KEY LL = Liquid Limit PP=PocketPenetrometer (TSF) TV= Torvane [TSF) [~= Grab Sample ~ SPT Sample 1'= Shelby Tube - pushed [] = 2.5" I.O. Spoon Sample affected by sampling procedure CLIENT: GRACE BRETHREN CHURCH PROJECT: AGB CAMPUS EXPANSION LOGGED BY: MARIA E. KAMPSEN BORING COMPLETED: 12/20/95 fl.O. 055639A ,~DOWL ENGINEERS ALASKA TESTLAB LOG OF BORING FIGURE 8 42 6O 20 23 TEST BOR[NG 7 LOCATION:SEE TEST CORING LOCATION NAP ELEVATION: DEPTH F4. BRONN, PEAT, STIFF, FROZEN, Vi 2.5 F3. BROWN. SZLTY SAND'WITH BRAVEL. ABOUT 30% GRAVEL AND 20% SILT, NONPLASTIC, GRAVEL SUBROUNDED TO 1.5", FINE SAND, DAMP, 4.3 VERY DENSE, FROZEN, Nb /- F3, BROWN, SILTY SAND, ABOUT 10% GRAVEL AND 30% SILT, NONPLASTIC, GRAVEl' SUBROUNOEE) TO ].5", FINE SAND, DAMP, MEDIUM DENSE F4, BRONN~-S~-T~ SAND, ABOUT 20% SAND, 9.3 MEDIUM PLASTICITY~:.F'!NE SAND, DAMP, VERY F4, BR~N~SANDY SZLT, ABOUT 30% SAND, HEDZUM PLASTZCZTY. F~NE SANO, 0AMP, DENSE N0 GROUND ~AT~R OBSERVED NHZLE DRJLL~NG PVC STANDPIPE ZNSTALLE0 NO GROUNO WATER WHEN MEASUREO ON 12/22/95 KEY TV = Torvane (TSF] DOflL ENGINEERS ALASKA TESTLAB LOG OF BORING CLIENT: GRACE BRETHREN CHURCH PROJECT: AGE CAHPUS EXPANSION LOGGED BY: NARIA E. KAHPSEN BORING CONPLETED: 12/19/95 N.0. 055839A FIGURE 9 STREET