HomeMy WebLinkAbout259OLD[N 'VIEW ~T C-1 Subsurface Investigation & Foundation Recommendations Prepared for ECi/HYER 4040 "B" Street Anchorage, Alaska NOVEMBER 1982 DOWL En in ers _ 4040 "B" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Phone (907) 278-1551 ( Telecopler (907) 272-5742 ) November 3, 1982 W.O. #D50039 Grid: 3139 ECI/Hyer 101 Benson, Suite 306 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attention: Mr. Terry Hyer Subject: Soils Investigation for Possible Siting of Golden View Elementary School, Tract C-i, Mt. Air Estates, Addition No. 2. Dear Mr. Hyer: Transmitted herein are the results of a soils investigation of a 32-acre parcel (Tract C1) located near the upper portion of Rabbit Creek Road and 179th Avenue. The site is just southeast of the Rabbit Creek Fire Station at mile 3.1 of Rabbit Creek Roa~. The investigation presents geheral recommendations concerning site development. Building foundations, parking, and on-site sewage disposal are addressed, but specific recommendations await a final determination of the building position and additional exploration. If we can provide any additional assistance, please call. Sincerely, DOWL ENGINEERS ~/~/Mark Holum Geotechnical Engineer Approved: Melvin R. Nichols, P.E. Partner MH:MRN:kf Enc. Lewis E. Dickinson Maurice P. Oswald Kenneth B. Walch Melvin R. Nichols SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION GOLDEN VIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TRACT C1 Prepared for: ECI/HYER Prepared by: DOWL ENGINEERS November, 1982 W.O. #D50039 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SITE CONDITIONS. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS VICINITY MAP . '. TEST BORING LOCATIONS. TEST BORING LOGS ~ GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTIONS APPENDIX WASTE WATER DISPOSAL SITE Page .1 ~1-2 .3-5 · Figure 1 . Figure 2 .Figures 3-35 · Sheets 1-7 INTRODUCTION The report presents the results of a subsurface investiga- tion of Tract C-l, Mt. Air Estates Subdivision, Addition No. 2, located near the Rabbit Creek Fire Station and shown on Figure 1. Twenty-nine shallow'probes and three, 30 foot deep test borings were drilled to define shallow peat depths and ground water levels, but because of the occurrence of organic soils relatively deep in the deeper borings, the re- sults of this investigation present information only con- cerning shallow peat and also point t~ concerns about deep soils which must be fully investigated prior to final building design. The proposed school will consist of an approximately 50,000 square foot, single story building. Building loads are assumed to be similar to those listed in our report of August 13, 1982 which addressed another site near Golden View Drive. This investigation has not described all possible foundation systems in detail, but has focused on evmluatin9 various types of' foundations. Test borings and probes were placed in approximately a 200 foot grid distribution in order to evaluate foundation systems, allowable soil loads, ground water levels, and the potential for on-site waste water disposal. SITE CONDITIONS The site is approximately 32-acres enclosed by 149th Avenue and Mountain Air Drive. It lies just southeast of the Rabbit Creek Fire Station at mile 3.1 Rabbit Creek Road. The undeveloped site is moderately wooded., except that the wetter areas contain marshy low vegetation. The topography of the parcel is generally level with approx- imately 16 feet of rise across the site from east to west. Rabbit Creek lies immediately south of the parcel in a steep ravine. The building site is a nearly level area with approximately 4 fact of change in elevation between the high and low points. Twenty-nine test probes and three deeper test borings indi- cate the soils consist of alternating layers of silty gravel, sandy silt, and silty clay interspersed with layers --1-- of peat and organic rich silt. The test probes generally revealed a surface peat layer which was from 1 to 11 feet thick. The west portion of the parcel generally had less peat than the eastern portion. This variation was consist- ent across the site. The surface peat was wet and soft. Soil layers encountered below the surface peat were quite variable although only a few test borings were sufficiently deep to define the entire upper sqil profile. The large variation in soil layer texture and the occurrence of deep organic soils indicate a varied depositional history of the site. Succeeding environments deposited coarse soil, fine grained soil and organic material. A few of the deposits appear sorted by wind or water and these generally lie at some depth. Most deposits consist of a diamicten resembling a glacial till or a moderately reworked glacial till. Ground water was observed in most test borings and probes at shallow depths. The water level was usually in the saturated peat layer, but may have only been a~p_grched water table supported by dense silty or clayey soils immediately beneath the peat. Generally the surface of the site was very wet except near the southwest corner. The .low permeability of the silty soils inhibits the rapid establishment of a stable ground water level. The water level in Test Boring 2 was observed thirteen days after drilling and was found to be 4 feet below the surface. The surface of the site was generally forzen, but vegetation suggestive of wet surface conditions predominate. No permafrost was observed, but Test Boring 2 was instrumented with thermistors to a depth of thirty feet. Readings taken approximately 10 days after installation indicate soil temperatures between 34° and 35°F for the entire depth. These values are lower than those commonly seen at low elevations in Anchorage, but are not indicative of permafrost. Additional exploratiDn for permafrost is needed prior to development. The deep lying organic soils were checked for organic content and were found to vary from highly organic peat to nearly inorganic silt with organic stains. The deepest occurrence of organic soil generally exhibited the lea~t organic content. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Foundations The preliminary building location is near Test Borings TB3, A3, 3 and C3 as determined by preliminary siting considerations. These four borings indicate approximately 1 to 8 feet of peat lies on the building site. The soils directly beneath the peat consist of silty gravel and plastic silt. The gravel and silt generally are sufficiently dense or stiff to support conventional spread footings with low to moderate soil bearing capacities. Some of the inorganic soil must also be removed since it is soft and would not form an acceptable base to support a deep fill section. A single test boring, TB3, encountered a 5 foot layer of soil at a depth of 17 feet which contained a small amount of organics. The stiffness of this layer was low but sufficient to support moderate loads. The organic content of this layer was observed to-be 4.6% according to the Alaska Standard Method. This amount of organics is sufficiently low to imply that the layer will not undergo settlement due to organic decomposition or consolidation. However, a number of deep soil test borings must be made prior to concluding' that this layer is capable of supporting the proposed fill and building. In the event that deep unstable soil layers are found during additional soil investigations, it may be necessary to found the building on soil which lies beneath the soft organic layers. Very dense or hard soil layers are found in Test Boring 3 at a depth of 21 feet, and these layers appear capable of supporting a pile foundation. Dense soils were found in all three deep test borings at depths ranging from 16 to 22 feet. Preliminary estimates for a pile foundation indicate that a dense bearing layer exists at a depth of 21 feet below grade. This dense layer may be utilized to support end bearing piles consisting of closed end pipe piles or H piles, but both types of piles should develop sufficient resistance to support allowable loads of 100 tons/ft2 on the gross pile cross section, which for H piles is the web depth times flange width. Actual pile capacity should be determined by pile load tests. Pile penetration into the bearing layer and driving characteristics should also be determined with test piles. Preliminary estimates of the soil bearing capacity rely on soil density estimates of the plastic silt and silty gravel obtained while probing the peat. Conventional spread footings may be designed using an allowable soil bearing capacity of 3000 psf, with an allowable one-third increase for wind and seismic load conditions, but this value may be modified depending on actual soil strength encountered while doing additional soil investigations. A factor which may allow use of a higher soil bearing capacity is the depth of the soft plastic silt found in several test probes. If the soft material is sufficiently shallow, it may be removed to allow the fill and the footings to be founded on firmer soil. The relatively level site implies that large differences in fill depths may not be necessary, and that no fill section beneath footings should exceed approximately 5 feet. Fill sections should be reviewed to determine the potential for differential settlements. Preliminary earthwork estimates should anticipate removing the peat and approximately the top 6 inches of the inorganic soil which lies immediately below the peat. The inorganic soils are generally silty and wet. Earthwork with or on such material may provide difficult. Coarse, clean fill should be utilized for structural fill, and it should be separated from the underlying silty soil with filter fabric. Silty soil may be used for fill provided the contractor can control ground and surface water while doing earthwork, but silty soil should only be used where frost heave is not a design concern. All peat and highly organic soil should be removed from beneath structural fill. Drainage Surface water was observed at most test borings and probes. The area near Test Probe A1 was the dryest area but of small extent. Surface drainage is generally towards Rabbit Creek which is at a sufficiently low elevation to permit use of high gradients in drain structures. Subdrains should be placed around the perimeter of the building at or below the footing elevation if spread foot-' ings are used. Interior drainage of crawl spaces should also be provided. Parking and play areas should be kept sufficiently above the surrounding wet areas to control sur- face water and prevent flooding. The high water level observed in most test probes.indicates that on-site waste water disposal must accommodate high water levels which may be due to either extensive surface water or to a high ground water table. The most promising -4- area for on-site waste water disposal is the area near Test Probe Al. This area is slightly higher than the surrounding area and has a silty gravel soil. Most other areas have higher water levels and clayey silty soil which has a very low permeability. The silty gravel also appears to have a low permeability, but no percolation tests were performed. The silty gravel, although of low permeability, appears to be similar to formations which have been utilized elsewhere in Anchorage for on-site wastewater disposal. The area which lies southwest of Test Probe A1 and outside the subject parcel is also high ground containing vegetation indicative of moderately well drained soil. This area should also be investigated for possible wastewater disposal. It should be noted that mounded systems and curtain drains may be necessary even in potentially dry areas near Test Probe Al. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION Subsurface exploration for this study was conducted on October 19 through 22, 1982, and consisted of 3 test borings and 29 test probes. Depth of borings varied from 5 to 32 feet. All drilling was accomplished by Denali Drilling, Inc., employing a Mobile B-50 drill equipped with a hollow stem auger and a solid flight auger for test probes. Test holes were logged by an Alaska Testlab geolbgist, Mr~ Terry Barber. Test hole locations were measured from access roads by pacing and have not been surveyed. Test boring locations shown on Figure 2 may be inaccurate. Penetration samples were taken by driving a standard 2-inch O.D. split spoon sampler into the soil by the action of a 140 pound hammer, free falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows to drive the sampler the last 12 inches of an 18 inch penetration is recorded on the logs. A large diameter, 2.5" I.D., split spoon driven by a 340 pound hammer dropped 30 inches was also used. Ail laboratory testing was performed by Alaska Testlab and involved visual classification, moisture tests, and grain size analysis. The results of the tests are shown on the boring logs and on the grain size distribution sheets. COX OR. E/34TH AVE TH, AVE ' ' I · t PRO LOCATgON TR,4C7' C-I VICINITY MAP w.o. D50039 FIGURE i GOLDEN VIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TRACT C-I 149TH _ AVE · A-6 ~c-6 ~ ..~- ~ 6'5 ~ D-5 '~ A-5 ~ 8-5 ~!1 A-4 0 B-4 ~ 0-4 ill D-4 TB-3 PROPOSED BUILDING LINE B-3 ~ ~0-5 ~E-3 · E -I.5 TB-I KEY 'G ~¢~ T. ~-~ ¢ TEST BORINGS t ¢ SCALE 1"=200' ] ! ' -~_.-:7'_. '· ........ ----4 ITEST BORING LOOAilON MAP W.O. DSO059__ F,CUr~E 2_ ~ GOLDEN VIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I RAC.T._..~- ! __j b~ ........ ~i~ ~, i,,.-,.,.,~ '~-'~""~'_~5., ..... ~.~' "~ .... ;,.~ ' '-~ ~20 o 25 30 35 ~6,6 79.6 ,6 .4 .3 9.4 34,5 37.0 38-0 43. KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIOUID LiMiT PI =PLASTIC ]NOEX [] = GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAHPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2.5" I.D. SPOON SAMPLE 340~ WEIGHT, JO" FALL BORING 1 TEST LOCAT ! ON= ELEVAT I ON~-' DEPTH BBCWN FEAT. SATURATED, SOFT FI BR¢WN SILTY SANDv GRAVEL BROWN PEAT. WET. SOFT S.O F2 GRAY SILTY GRAVELLY SAND, SAFURATED. VERY DENSE 6.S 16.9 ;I GRAY SILTY SANDY GRAVEL, SUBROUNDEB 6RAVEL. DAMP. VERY DENSE 25.0 F4 GRAY GRAVELLY SANDY SILT. (GLACIAL TILL). NONPLASTIC, SUBROUNDED GRAVEL. DAMP TO DRY. HARD .......................... TEST BORING COMPLETED )0/2)/82 NO OROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BT:) . BARBER F16URB ~' ~A ~A 33,5 34. ~ 36.3 34.0 36 .O IS -~ ~,TEST BORING 2 zo ~ LOCATION-- ~ m ELEVATION= DEPTH BROWN PEAT. SATURATED. SOFT ¸3.0 F4 BROWN SILT, WITH SOHE ORGANICS AT 5 TO 6 FEET, PLASTIC, SATURATED. STIEF 145 F2 GRAY SILTY SAND. DENSE 16,0 ~4 BLACK TO GRAY SANDY SILT WITH LAYERS OF NFS BLACK SAND, STIFF SILT, DENSE SAND, WET ................... - ...... 3i,S TEST BORING COMPLETED i0/2i/82 GROUNDWATER AT SURFACE KEY MA = MEGBAN1CAL ANALYSIS LL : LIOU1D LIMIT Pi = PLASTIC iNDEX [] = CRAB SAMPLE [] : SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] ~ 2.5" 1.g. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT, 30" FALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY:T. BARBER W,O. NO.; 050039 FIGURE .", 36,9 ~?.9 MA 38. 37. ORGANIC CONTENT= 4.i~ i9.4 27.3 [ 38.C ;4 KEY MA : MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIQUID LIMIT PI = PLASTIC INDEX [] : CRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2.5" [,D. SPOON SAMPLE 34~# WEIGHT. 30" FALL TEST LOCATION: ELEVATION: BORING 3 DEPTH BROWN PEAT. SATURATED. SOFT GROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING 6.0 F4 GRAY SILT. PLASTIC,SATURATED.SOFT 7.2 F4 GRAY SANDY GRAVELLY SILT WITH LAYERS OF FINE SAND. NONPLASTiC. SATURATED TO DAMP.STiFF TO HARD 17.9 F4 BLACK SILT WITH TRACE OF ORGANICS, SOFT 22.0 F2 BLACK SILTY GRAVELLY SAND. VERY DENSE F4 BLACK SANDY SiLT i HARD,NONPLASTIC BECOMING PLASTIC BELOW 28 FEET 25.0 .......................... 32.0 TEST BORING COMPLETED 10/22/82 DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LODGED BY~TB ~1.9, NO,: 950039 FIGURE 5 ~20 25 35 25.4 3.2 HA BORING A-1 DEPTH BROWN PEAT, OAMP, SOFT ~2.2 BROWN GRAVELLY SILTY SAND F, BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL TEST BORING COMPLETED i0/19/82 NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED iO~ KEY MA = HECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIOU!D LIMIT P1 : PLASTIC INDEX ~ = GRAB SANPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2,5" [.O- SPOON SANPLE 340~ WEigHT, $0" FALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY:T. BARBER i4.0- NO.: D500.~9 F ] GUR~ ' TESTBORINGA-2 LOCATION: ELEVATION= DEPTH ~BROWN PEAT, SATURATED, SOFI ~ GROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING 2.5 BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL, SUBROUNDED GRAVEL, TEST BORING COMPLETED i0/20/82 3S KEY MA : MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIOUID LiMiT Pi : PLASTIC INDEX [] : GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] : 2.5" i.O. SPOON SAMPLE 340# ~EIGHT, JO" ~ALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY~T. BARBER ~'1.0. NO,: 050039 FIGURE 7 KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIOUID LIMIT Pi = PLASTIC iNDEX [] = GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2.5'j i.D- SPOON SAHPLE 340# WEIGHT, JO" ~ALL TEST BORING A-J LOCATION: DEPTH ELEVATION= EBROWN PEAT, SOFT .0 F; BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL, SUBROUNDED , GRAVEL,W TH OCCASIONAL COBBLES.DAMP.DENSE _ . 5.5 TEST BORING COMPLETED ~0/19/B2 NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED By~T. BARBER W.O. NO.~ D500,39AA FIGURE ~- ,5O ,55 3i. 17, BORING A-4 DEPTH ~ '~.~RO~N PEAT. SATURATED. SOFT ~ ~ ~OURD ~ATER LEVEL ~HILE BR!LLI~,~ 2.0 --~lllllll ~'~ ~ ~*~-~,,~ ~:r~' ~ ~.o TEST BORING COHPLETEO 10/19/82 KEY HA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LiQUiD LIMIT PI = PLASTIC iNDEX [] = CRAB SAMPLE [] : SPT SAMPLE [] : SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] : 2,5" I.D. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT, 30" FALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY:T. BARRER W.O. NO., 0B0039 FIGURE :, 0 ~20 L 25 30 35 4,? MA ~ ~ TEST BORING A-5 J o LOCATION= DEPTH ~ ~BROWN PEAT, SATURATED. SOFT ~J ~ GROUND WAFER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING S.O ~ F4 OLIVE SANDY SILT, PLASTIC SATURATED STIFF iJ]Jj r2 GRAY SILTY SAND, DRY, DENSE~ ~ ....... ........ ' ........... lO.O TEST BORING COMPLETED 10/19/82 KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL : LIOUID LIMIT Pi = PLASTIC INDEX [] = DRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2.5" i.D. SPOON SAMPLE ' 3~0# ;/EIGHT, 30" FALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY~T. BARBER W.O. NO.~ 050039 FICUREfO TEST BORING A-6 LOCATION~ ELEVATION= DEPTH F4 SLUE TO GRAY SANDY SILT, PLASTIC, SATURATED',' STIFF - 04. TEST BORING COMPLETED 10/19/82 KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL : LIOU1D LIMIT PI : PLASTIC INDEX [] : GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAHPLE [] : SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2.5" I,D. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT, 30" FALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED By,T, BARBER W.O. NO.: 050039 FIGURE H t8,8 15-2 14.5 TEST BORING B-O LOCATION= ELEVATION= DEPTH BROWN PEAT. SATURATED. SOFT GROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING P-4, BROWN SILT WITH SOME VOLCANIC ASH, SOFT F-4. BROWN SILT, NONPLAST1C. DAMP, STIFF 2.0 S.S TEST BORING COMPLETED 10/21/82 KEY MA : MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LZOUID LIMIT Pi = PLAST]C INDEX [] = GRAB SAMPLE [] : SPT SAMPLE [] : SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] : 2.$" I-D- SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT, 30" hALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY:TB ~'!.0- NO.: 050039 FI GURE I:. TESTBORING LOCATION: ELEVATION-- DEPTH ~--- GROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING !~.o F-4, BROWN ORGANIC SILT, PLASTIC, SATURATED, SOrt ' 5.0 ~-4, BLUE-GREY SILTy CLAY, NONPLASTIC, DAMP~ ST~'F i0,0 TEST BOR]NG.COHPuETED 10/20/82 KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIQUID LIMIT PI : PLASTIC INDEX [] = GRAB SAMPLE [] = SpT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2.5",I.D. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT, 50" PALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY:TB W,O. NO,~ gsooJ9 FIGURE I, KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIOUID LIMIT PI = PLASTIC INDEX [] : CRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] : SHELBY TUBE-RUSTlED [] = 2.5" I.D. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT, 30" FALL TEST LOCATION: EL El'AT 1 ON BORING B-2 DEPTH · ~BROWN PEAT, SATURATED, SOFT L-- GROUND WATER LEI,EL WHILE DRILLING BLUE-CREY SILT. PLASTIC. SATURATED. SOFT TO STIFF 5.S 8.0 F-4, BLUE-GREY SANDY SILT, NONPLAST[C, WET, STIPF .......................... tO.O TEST BORING COMPLETED 10/20/82 DOWL ENGINEER°~ LOG OF BORING LOGGED ~y:TB W,O. NO.: 050039 F 1GURE ~4 Pi=9 KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL : LIOUID LIMIT P! = PLASTIC INDEX [] = GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] : 2.5" I.D. SPOON SAMPI. E 340# WEIGHT, 50" FALL TEST LOCAT I ON= ELEVATION= BORING B-3 DEPTH BROWN PEAT, SATURATED, SOFT GROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING 6.5 F-q, GREY SANDY SILT. PLASTIC. SATURAfED, BECOMING DAMP BELOW I~',SOFT TO STIFF TEST BORING COMPLETED i0/20/82 15.0 DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY ~ TB W.O. NO-~ 050039 FIGURE is 21 .5 KEY MA = HECHANiCAL ANALYSIS LL = LIQUID LIMIT PI : PLASTIC INDEX [] = CRAB SAMPLE [] : SPT SAHPLE [] : SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] : 2.5" I.D. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT, 30" FALL TEST LOCAT i ON: ELEVATION: BORING B-4 DEPTH BROWN PEAT, SOFT 9,0 F-4. GREY SILT. ~LAST]~C. SATURATED, SOFT TEST BORING COMPLETED i0/2o/82 NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED 15.0 DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOCOED BY:TB ~.0. NO., 050039 FIGURE :5 0 TEST BORING B-5 LOCATION: ELEVAT10N= DEPTH CROWN PEAT, SOFT GROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING 8.S F-4. GREY SANDY SILT. PLASTIC, SATURATED, SOFT TO STIFF ~'~'"'~' ........................... TEST BORING COMPLETED 10/~9/82 KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL : LIOUID LIMIT PI : PLASTIC INDEX [] = GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAHPLE [] : SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] : 2.5" I.D. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT, 30" FALl_ DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY~TB W.O. NO.: 050039 FIGURE 16 TEST BORING C-O LOCATION: ELEVATION: DEPTH ~ OROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DR1LL[NG 2.0 TEST BORING COMPLETED 10/21/82 KEY MA : MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL : LIOUID LIMIT Pi = PLASTIC iNDEX [] = GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] : SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2.5" i.D. SPOON SAMPLE J40# WEIGHT, 30" FALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED By~TB W.O. NO-: 0500-39 FIGURE 17 5O 9A LL=22 pi=4 KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIQUID LIMIT PI = PLASTIC INDEX [] = GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2.5",[.0. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT. 50" FALL TEST LOCATION= ELEVATION: BORING C-1 DEPTH BROWN PEAr, SATURATED, SOFT GROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING 4,5 F-4, BLUE TO GREY SANDY CLAYEY SILT, WET fO DRY BELOW,'9''~'' ....... ~ TEST BORING COMPLETED 10/20/82 /S DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED By~TB W,O. NO.: D50039 FIGURE 18 TEST BORING C-2 LOCATION: ELEVAT I ON= · ~BROWN PEAT, SATURATED, SOFT L____ GROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING DEPTH SLUE TO SREY SANDY ~i.,~Z,~'~. SATURATED F-4. '~', S~FT.TO STIF~ 7.5 ........... I3.5 TEST BORING COMPLETED 10/20/82 KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL : LIOUID LIMIT PI : PLASTIC ]NDEX [] : GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2,5~ I-D, SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT, 30" FALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED DY,TB W,O, NO,, 050059 FIGURE ICJ TESTBORINGC-5 LOCATION: ELEVATION: OEPTH BROWN PEAT, SATURATED, SOFT~. ~ DRDUNO WATER LEVEL WHILE BRILLINg F-4, GREY TO SLUE GRAVELLY SANDY SILT, PLASTIC. SATURATED, .SOFT TO STIFF ~ 12.5 TEST BORING COMPLETED i0/20/82 KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIOUiD LIMIT Pi = PLASTIC iNDEX [] = DRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2,5" I.D. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT, $0" ~ALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED By:T8 W.O. NO.~ 050039 F 1 DUPE 2J TEST LOCATION= ELEVATION= BORING C-4 WN PEAT, SATURATED, SOFT GROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING DEPTH F-4, SLUE TO CREY SANDY CLAYEY SILT. PLASTIC, SATURATED.~ ~ ~'~ 9.0 .......................... 14.0 TEST BORING COMPLETED ~0/20/B2 KEY MA ~ MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL =LIQUIO LIMIT PI = PLAST1C INDEX [] : GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] : SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] : 2-5" i.D. SPOON SAHPLE 3qO# WEIGHT, gO" FALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY~TD W.O. NO.: DSOOJg F I GURE 21 KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIOUID LIMIT PI = PLASTIC iNDEX [] = GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2.$" I.D, SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT. 50" FALL TESTBORINGC-5 LOCATION= ON= DEPTH BROWN PEAT, SATURATED. SOFT GROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING 10.0 GREY SILT, SLIGHTLY PLASTIC, SATIJRATEO. STIFF TEST BORING COMPLETED 10/20/82 15.0 DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY:TB ¥1.0. NO.: 050039 FIGURE 22 27.2 KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIOUID LIHIT P1 = PLASTIC INDEX [] = GRAB SAHPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SltELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2,5"'l.D. SPOON SAHPLE 340# WEIGHT, 50" FALL TEST LOCATION= ELEVATION: BORING C6 DEPTH IROWN PEAT,SATURATED,SOFT GROUND WAFER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING 9.0 F4 BLUE TO GREY CLAYEY SILT, PLASTIC, SATURATED. STIFF ...... TEST 80RING COMPLETED i0/20/82 15-0 DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOCGED By:TB W,O. NO,~ OSOOJ9 FIGURE 23. 1.4 DRGANIC CONTENT: S.BZ !.8 KEY MA : MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL : LIOUID LIMIT P] : PLASTIC INDEX [] : GRAB SAMPLE [] : SPT SAMPLE [] : SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] : 2.S" ].D. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHf, 30" ~ALL TEST LOCATION: ELEVATION: BORING DI DEPTH ~BROWN PEAT. SATURATED. SOFT GROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING 7.5 F4 GREY SANDY SILT, NOT PLASflC, DAHP F4 OLIVE TO BROWN ORGANIC SILT ~0,0 12.5 ~2 GREY SILTY GRAVELLY SAND SUBROUNDED GRAVEL, DAMP, DENSE .... ~ ..................... 15,0 TEST BORING COMPLETED i0/21/82 DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED By~TB W,O, NO.: 050039 FIGURE 24 Ld TEST LOCATION= ELEVATION= BORING D2 DEPTH tROWN PEAT, SATURATED, SOFT GROUND WATER LEVEL WH1LE DRILL1ND 7.0 F4 GREY SANDY SiLT WITH A TRACE OF SOFT ORDANiCS FROM 9-10.5 FEET, PLASTIC, SATURATED, STIF.~F TEST BORING COMPLETED l(~/21/82 KEY MA = MECHANIDAL ANALYSIS LL = LIOU1D LIMIT PI = PLAST1D iNDEX [] = DRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PBSHED [] = 2,5" I.D. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WELCH,, 30" ~ALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LODGED BY ~ TB W,O. NO.: D$00~9 FI GURE ;:t 'E E' 19.0 KEY MA : MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL : LIOUID LIMIT Pi : PLASTIC iNDEX [] = DRAB SAMPLE [] : SPT SAHRLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-RUSHED [] : 2.$" I.D. SPOON SAHPLE 340# WEIGHT. 30" FALL TEST BORING 03 LOCATION= , ELEVATION: DEPTH · ~BROWN PEAT, SATURATED. SOFT ~ DROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING 8.0 n4 GREY ORGANIC SILT, PLASTIC, SATURATED, SOFT TO STIFF F2 GREY SILTY SANDY GRAVEL TEST BORING COMPLETED i0/21/82 ~2.0 15.0 DOWL ENGINEERS LOC OF BORING LOGGED BY~TB W.O, NO.: 050039 F i CURE :~- 78. 3RGANIC 30NTENT 32,4% LL=22 Pi=3 KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL - LIOUID LIMIT PI - PLASTIC INDEX [] = CRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE (~] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2-5" I.D- SPOON SAMPLE 340# ~EIBHT. 30" FALL TEST BORING LOCATION: ' ELEVATION: D4 DEPTH DROWN PEAT, SATURATED, SOFT GROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING 4,5 F4 BROWN ORGANIC SILT, WITH SOME PEAT LAYERING 12.0 F4 BLUE GREY SILT, SLIGHTLY PLASTIC, SATURATEO, ........................... TEST BORING COMPLETED ]0/2~/82 DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY~TB W.O. NO.= 050039 FIGURE 27 KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIOUID LIMIT PI = PLAST!C INDEX [] = GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2,5" i,D, SPOON SAMPLE ~40# WEIOHT, 30" FALL TEST LOCATION= ELEVATION= BORING D5 DEPTH -\BROWN PEAT, SATURATED, SOFT \ ~ DROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING ~0.5 F4 GREY SANDY SILT, PLASTIC, SATURATED, STIFF TEST BORING COMPLETED 10/21/82 DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF' BORING LOGGED BY~TB W.O, NO.: D50039 FIGURE 2~ 29. 27- ~RGAN 1C ~ONTENT= s.,~ TEST LOCATION= ELEVATION= BORING E 1 DEPTH · \BROWN PEAT, SATURATED, SOFT \~ GROUND WATE~ LEVEL WHILE DRILLING ~F2 BROWN ORGANIC SAN'D. LOOSF F4 GRAY T9 BROWN SILT WITH TRACE OF OGRANICS F3,~._~G.R_~,~iLTY SAND WiTH TRACE OF GRAVEL · DAMP. ']ERY B,O 6.0 ~ ................... 13.5 TESTBORING COMPLETED 10/22/82 KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LiOUID LIMIT PI = PLASTIC iNDEX [] = GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] : SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2,5",1.D. SPOON SAMPLE 340~ WEICltT, 30" FALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED By:TB W,O. NO.: D500:~9 FIGURE 29 TEST BORING · LOCATION= ELEVATION= DEPTH BROWN PEAT. SATURATED, SOFT FI BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL, SATURATED, LOOSE SUBROUNDED GRAVEL, BROWN ORGANIC SILT, SOFT 30 ORGANIC CONTENT =iI,SX 12.0 F2 BROWN- GREY GRAVELLY BAND, LOOSE 13.9 F4 BROWN ORGANIC SILT AND PEAT, STIFF, SATURATED F2 GREY TO SLACK SILTY SANQJ. S.ATURATED, DENSE ......................... 17.5 TEST BORING COMPLETED t0.22 N~ ~ROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED ¥/ WHILE DRILLING KEY MA : MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIOUiD LIMIT Pi : PLASTIC INDEX [] : GRAB SAMPLE [] : SPT SAMPLE [] : SHELBY TUBE-PUSMED ~ ~ 2.5" I.D. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT, $0" KALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY~TB W.O. NO.: D50039 F I CURE3F, 26'3I BORING TEST E2 LOCATION= ELEVATION: DEPTH ~BROWN PEAT, SATURATED, SOFT N__ GROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING F4 BROWN ORGANIC SILT, SATURATED, STIFF !0.0 F4 GREY SANDY SILT, NON PLASTIC, SATURATED, STIFF .................. ~ ........ 15.0 TEST BORING COMPLETED 10/21/82 KEY HA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIOUIB LIMIT Pi = PLASTIC INDEX [] = CRAB SAMPLE [] : SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED ~ : 2,5" i,B, SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT, 50" FALL DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF' BORING LOGGED BY~'FB W,9, NO,: 050059 FI OURE ~1 35 78, 19. KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL : L~OUID LIMIT Pi = PLASTIC INDEX [] = GRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAMPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED IX] = 2.5" I.D. SPOON SAMPLE 34~# WEIGHT, 30" FALL TEST LOCATION= ELEVATION= BORING E3 DEPTH IROWN PEAT, SATURATED. SOFT GROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING 8.0 F4 GREY SANDY SILT, PLASTIC, SATURATED. STIFF ........................... 15.0 TEST 80RING COMPLETED i0/21/82 DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY~TB OSuO~9 W,O. NO.~ ~ ~ FIGURE 32 .i ORGANIC CONTENT 6.2% 30 KEY HA : NECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIOUID L1H]T PI = PLASTIC INDEX [] : CRAB SAMPLE [] : SPT SAHPLE [] : SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] = 2.5" I.D. SPOON SAMPLE J40# WEIGHT, $0" FALL TEST. BORING LOCATION: ELEVATION: F1 DEPTH BROWN PEAT, SOFT Fi BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL. SUBROUNDED GRACEL 2.5 B.O BROWN PEAT FJ GRAY SILTY SAND, DAHP, DENSE 7.0 TEST BOR1NG COMPLETED i0/21/82 NO OROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED ...... 12.0 DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY,TO W,O. NO., 0500¥9 F I CURE 34 TEST LOCATION: ELEVATION= KEY MA = MECHANICAL ANALYSIS LL = LIOUID LIMIT Pi = PLASTIC INDEX [] = gRAB SAMPLE [] = SPT SAHPLE [] = SHELBY TUBE-PUSHED [] : 2.5" [.O. SPOON SAMPLE 340# WEIGHT, 30" FALl_ BORING F2 OEPTH BROWN PEAT, SATURATED, SOFT GROUND WATER LEVEL WHILE DRILLING F4 GREY SANDY SILT F2 GREY SILTY SAND, SATURATED, LOOSE 4.0 5.7 8.5 F4 BLUE TO GREY GRAVELLY SANDY SILT, PLASTIC, SATURATED, STIFF I0.0 TEST BORING COMPLETED 10/21/82 J DOWL ENGINEERS LOG OF BORING LOGGED BY:TB W.O- NO.~ 050039 FIGURE35 ~> ~0~ ^ oo~ o ~ ~o 0 o o o o ~ ~o ~o ~ o ~o o ~ ~o o ~o ~o o o ~ p o ~ _'2 ~t~lllll!tlllll ,, jjjjjjjjjj _o ~o ~o o o ~ ~o ~o ? ~ 0 o o ~ 8 ~ Test Hole LoS - Description Guide The ~oil descripnons shnv.,n on the logs are the best estimate of the soil's characteristics at the time of field examination and as such do not achieve the precision of a labor~toty testing procedure, ff the Jog includes soils samples. The logs ofren include the following items: Depth Interval - usually shown to 0.1 foot, within that zone no significant change in sod type was ob~rved through drill action, direct observation or sampling. Frost Classification -- NFS, Fl, F2, F3, F4, see "Soil Classification Chart" Texture of Soil An engineering classification of the soils by particle size and proportion, see "Soil Classification Chart", note tile d~rv. no or little apparent surface moisture, damp, m(dsture forms portion of color, less thou plastic limit, sand. (Thc nloisture content ts further definedby reference to PI, LW, NP, M%or dilatency.) Density refers to mor0-or-less non-cohesive soils, such as sand grave[ mixttues willt or without a fine fraction, derived from drilling action and/or sample data; usually described as: very loose, loose, medium dense, very dense. General intent is to portray earthwork characteristics. ~ cIay-sih groups. Derived from drill action and/or sample data. Very soft, soft, stiff, very stiff and hard are commonly used terms. Particle size -- The largest particle recovered by the spill spoon is 1-3/8', Shelb.~ tube y', auger flights {minute-man) 2", Auger flights (13-50 hollow stem) 6"-8". Larger particles are described indirectly by action of the drilling and are referred to as cobbles, Y' to 8', or boulders 8"+. Therefore when reviewing the gradation sheets, if any, the description on thc hole log musl be considered for an'indication of larger particles. Unified Soil CLassification - This is a two letter code. See Unified Classification sheet for ftuther definition. In some cases AASHO and/or FAA soil classifications may be shown as well as the unified. Atterberg Limits - useful for fine grained and other plastic soils. PI+; natural moisture content believed to be between plastic and liquid ~mits L..~; natural moisture content believed to be greater than liquid limit NP; non-plastic, useful as a nlodifying description of some silty mat~rhls. Dihtency - is thc abdity of water to migrate to the surface of a as ~n aid to dete~nnne if a fine i[r~ined soil is a slighdy or non-phstic Rock flour - finely ground soil that is not plastic but othenvise appears similar to a clayey silt. Organic Content -- usually described as Peat, PT, sometimes includes i~':scrcte, particles such as wood, coal, etc. as a modifier to an inorgamc soil. Quantity described as; trace, or an estimate of volume, or, in case of all organic, - as Peat, This may include tundra, muskeg and bog material, Muck - a modifier used to describe very soft, semi-organic depos:ts usually occuring below a peat deposit. Amorphus peat - organic particles nearly or fully disintegrated. Fibrous Peat - organic particles more.or-less intact. Frost Line - seasonal frost depth as described by drilling action and/or samples at the time of drilling. Frozen Ground - other that] frost line, described by sanlplcs, usually includes description of icc content, often will include modified Unified Classification for frozen soils - this is a special case related to permafrost studies. Free Water Level - The free water level noted during drilling. This is not necessarily the static water table at the time of drilling or at other seasons. Static water table determination in other than very permeable soils requires observation wells or piezomctcr installations, used only in special cases, Blow/6" - The nulnber of blows of a 140 weight free failing 30" to advance a 2" split spoon 6"; the number of blows for a 12" advance is, by definition, the standard penetration. ,d% - natural moisture content of the soil sample, usually not ~'~formed on clean sands or gravels below tile water table. Type of Sample SP, refers to 2" split spoon driven into the soil by 140 pound weight, a disturbed sample, S, thin wall tube, "Shelby" used to obtain undisturbed sample~ of fine grained sod, C., "grab" disturbed sample from auger flights or wall of trench, C, cut sample, undisturbed sample from wall of trench. Dr.y_Stren t~ - a useful indicator of a sows clayey fraction, N=None, L=Low, M~Medium, H=High Group - The s~mples are placed into apparently similar grot!ps based on color and texture and are arbitrarily assigned a group '.otter. Further disturbed tests including AIterbcrg Limits, grain size, moisture-density relationship, etc. may be pert'ormed on the group and are assumed to reflect the general dislrubed characteristics of the soils assMned to the group. This :s an important pha~e of the soil analysis and is used ~o / GRAVEL ~0 % SOIL TEXTURAL CLASSIFICATION CLAY CHART CLAYE CLAYE' OR SILT'f S~ND SILTY GRAVEL 0 I0 GRAVELLY 20 ;50 GRAVEL SAND GRAVEL 40 50 GO 70 80 90 + :1¢ 4- SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT I00 FROST CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS THAN 3% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. GROUPS OF FROSt-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: F1 GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 20% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. F2 SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. F3 a. GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE THAN 20% FINER THAN 0,02 mm. AND SANDY SOILS {EXCEPT FINE SILTY. SANDS) CONTAINING MORE THAN ].5% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. b. CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN 12. EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS. F4 a. ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANDY SILTS. b. FINE SILTY SANDS CONTAINING MORE THAN ].5% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. c. LEAN CLAYS WITH, PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS THAN ].2. d. VARVE[} CLAYS.