HomeMy WebLinkAboutGIRDWOOD ORIGINAL TOWNSITE BLK 2 LT 24GI*rdwood Original Townsite Block 2 Lot 24 #075-152-49 �efnJ Dri�illc�, enc. Well Lo �Yarr1)?(�� Dt•i(lin,)art/7ur.,;+Stria ::r,.(::rni:.R(:5k.:(a;�):1_•;:a:04092007 - 0409;2.0_07 Drilling Started. _ _ _ ('omplctcd. _ _ City:6oruu_h: Subdivision: BLOCK 1 1.0 Property Ouncr Xamc & Address: Larry palubicki ' P.O. Box 583 Site. Old Girdwood Girdwood Original Townsite 2 24 _ _ Girdwood Ak.99587 Meridian Town+hip Ranee S=cion VA of ;•a of _ %a of % i BOREHOLE DATA(from top of easing)Depth Dnllin_= method. (X ) .Air rotary_( ) Cable tool, Other Marcrial: Type, Color & %vujcss From To I Well use: ( ) Puhlie supply, IX ) Domestic. Other — - — stickup 0 2 I Depth of hole: _$Q_ n, Casing stickup: 2_—n Casing typc:steel .. 'Ihickness:__250inches sand & gravel 2 8 Casing diameter. _ 6_ inches Caving depth: ,_80 •__ n Liner type: - Diameter: _inches Depth: - t) clay w/ gravel $ 10 Static water (from top of casing): 3'8_' R on04 ' 09.2007 Pumping level & yield: feet afier - hours at gpm Rccovery rate: 50+ jrTm. hiethod urrestin_: airlift sand & gravel w/ H2O 10 18 Dcscloprr.cm method: airlift Duration: 1 hour wet silty clay 18 40 Well intake opening npc: (X) Open cnd. t ) Open hole. Other __ Screened. Start: - Ii. Stopped.__ gravel w/ H2O 40 52 Screen type: - Slot 'mLsh size: - Perforated: Stan: n. Stopped: n gravel w/ claylayers & H2O 52 56 start: - n. Stopped: - n Note* Grout type: b*rito�i= N,blumc _ gravel w/ H2O , 56 65 Depth; from ground surface dry silty clay w/ rocks 65 70 Pump intake depth: _ _ - fi Pump size: hp. Brand name: coarse gravel w/ H2O 70 80 Was well disinfected upon compictiotil (X) lbs. ( ) No Method of disinrcction:Calcium.H pochlorte..(Chlorine)... Driller conuttcnis disclairten:...............................................:............ ' ............... _.................................................................... -....... .......................................................... `Vkell driller name: Johnny Kay Company name:...Hefty.Drillingr Inc: ........ .......................... Mailing address:... 3.f`i'4...0 Akula Dr. .............. ray: Anchorage_ stwc:.4K zip 99516 _ Phone number : ( 907 ) 345 _ 0593 fax:345-4700 Drillers si.naturc: Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On -Site Water and Wastewater Section 4700 South Bragaw St, P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.muni.org/onsite (907)343-7904 zatention: Property�6wner shall provide a well log to the )SD within 60 days of well completion. Permit Number: SW070026 Dme of Issue:M�tL ParclldentiticationVumber. /J —152-49 Is well lucated at upprt»cd pcnit lucatiun'.' (x) Yes or ( )No Pump Installation Log .� �cAnoY � b/ f a y �,� o IrT" 1 KAYE: r r C% j "a< CR(XM DATE C9�i O CASR+C iPitless Adapter Manufacturer's Name: Ca ,1 1 a, ) 0 7( Pitless Adapter Installer. A e , i O' IO 91 PUMP rfPE u tC n ey6 !C YAK[ A r r-k4j r YODE1, T- 6 -50 .2 N.1rLRMV &y Di-107'11gc inc %ti�CI�61' lVect cilli-TLi;11�I Jf111Cc (90) 345-0503 v DROP TTPL Type Pyl.._ s:,. I" Condtion ! / e N,/ .. a POrkRCARtL• Tyq34riGY plK.L S+ta )�l� N/CiY'al SS Co Wcn ,I ELECTRICAL; vau 10 An" (a 0 ' WATER TAM Ty" WELL CASING S40 Diu. Tip _ , ICASED MCI-• Fran G.J To STRUC1UR£: TW, r7 f'✓'r1 1"d iINTAKE , From " To CM NOME: rran well was disinfected upon completion. method: calcium hypochlorite. &y Di-107'11gc inc %ti�CI�61' lVect cilli-TLi;11�I Jf111Cc (90) 345-0503 v �•� . � /V� S % Z•'�i �S WiL�V `YI Tl�� •� � � • y v -y �e�.. - .. Aao SS R1- i Lor z(O alt its a1 1 'SS:OpeE IZO.00 I � . , . 1/. M••L.e.. rl ITtciLe '•� i116G L'dUR.I µeye O E/t5T1.Ka.C6hrh._ r.. 20FLoLaL. T15-1 LOT ZS nye 'co ss - fit I b„ 'i 111 O /nT? E IZo•oo N h • _ yay.r jk%-j46 vi Z :: O pa1J F C•ttftA6o •:j O N Qlv "&cOO-SS%OoeW 120-00 1 - ZT.1 .!3}IST. f¢LlPVr 19.11.►JC�;, NorG:_ .ISasg fl,00p. GLeV. 241..__ PLOT PLAN AC 3UILT X SCALEla:•�o GRID 5112 JOB No `Jo -119 LltS1!!S t7LYi `-+d C L'_f !S'S 0 u George BellCircle C Anchwale, Alaska 99515 ' (907) 545-6476 I Hereby certify. that i Lata LZ0 oawgSdter Slot 2 d•property: Apjc Hoa.fbU Racwdiaq Disv::, Alaska, and that the lmp-ovamants sltaated thereon are within the property Uses and do-aet aaooach onto the prapartT adjacent therato, that so Improvements an the property lying aLjacaat thereto entr",j on the ,arta}ed pramicas and that there art ne roadways, transmission lincs.r'etbar.visibt� aaumanv on said property except as indicated heraen., Dated this the �eS>:y of • ' CQ 0. •1 I S ,�` a.. �4cbwa}a. Alaska !' It is the responsibiAty of t!a•eaiar ie detcrmiai the existent of any aastments, tovmants, at ristr[ctims which da aet Aron thi racwdad mbditision plat. CO Ke Ih a tog • `•^ �•,• LS -5202 ` ss It 0 4 ========4 FMV V CO I I 0 r I I I � I r" Z g CL I 0 0 I 'i LL C) Z N 7 -hr, Qri J,rta) WGI1 Wie, CvLld n04- bz�. door, �GGcc»C oL over },1 �ot✓�� ).his The 13cbrn j��,5hf OC -}ham d7r�)I Tig iS �r-I)e,r lhen +hL Powc( )than l7ivrdi�� L-o�' �Ll, ('Lloc,4,8 we -l) +o da off' e X j.54 -i' -n-3 wi 1z,79 --0K MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department On -Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519.6650 (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WATER SUPPLY PERMIT Initial Date Issued: Apr 02, 2007 Expiration Date: Apr 01, 2008 Permit Number: SW070026 Parcel ID: 075-152-49 Legal Description: GIRDWOOD ORIGINALTOWNSITE BLOCK 2 LOT 24 Design Engineer: 0000 ZZ - NONE NEEDED Owner Name: LARRY PALUBICKI Owner Address: PO BOX 583 GIRDWOOD . AK 99587 - Site Address: 282 MAIN STREET Lot Size: 3600 SQ. FT. Total Bedrooms: 1 Permit Bedrooms: 1 This permit Is for the construction of: ❑ Disposal Field ❑ Septic Tank ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Privy ❑✓ Private Well ❑ Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. All requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations (18AAC80 ). 3, The engineer must notify DSD at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsurface soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either: A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. 5. The following special provisions. -THE ORIGINAL WELL NEEDS TO BE PERMANENTLY DECOMMISSIONED PER AMC 15.55.060J, DOCUMENTATION NEEDS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH NEW WELL LOG. -THE INSTALLATION OF A WATER WELL SHALL MEET ALL THE ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE 15.55. PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED SHEET "PERMIT REQUIREMENTS FOR A DOMESTIC WATER SYSTEM'. IT IS THE BURDEN OF THE PROPERTY OWNER TO DETERMINE THAT THE PROPOSED WELL WILL NOT HAVE ANY ADVERSE IMPACTS ON ADJASCENT WELLS OR WASTEWATER SYSTEMS. IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL THE MUNICIPAL ON SITE WATER AND WASTEWATER PROGRAM AT 907-343-7904. Received Date: `ll314-7 Issued By. t (1 Date: r Z /^ Municipality of Anchorage 40. Development Services DepartmentBuilding Safety DivisionOn-Site Water and Wastewater Program.. 4700 Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.muni.orglonsite (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE SEPTIC/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. W-5+ 15:91- Ln Property owner(s) La P' ( ;)r 1 Y—` Day phone 2r-3— 13 4 7 - Mailing address p.0 t3o* S�3 (-, CC� L "Xrj tjZip Code Site address4 � Zip Code 95 7 e1K0iW10L0 Legal description (Sub'd, Block & Lot) �a�� Legal description (Township, Section & Range) -Foy I i,s to e1S old Lot Size x(70 Sq. Ft. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR (®all that apply): Absorption Field ❑ Septic Tank ❑ Holding Tank ❑ Privy ❑ Private Well C9 Water Storage ❑ Number of Bedrooms THIS APPLICATION IS AN: Initial 11 Upgrade 1❑ Renewal ❑ I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this application is being made for a Single Family Dwelling and is in accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. of property owner or authorized agent) Permit/Rush Fees: S Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: �5i_/�_'D 'r" Date of Payment: Receipt Number. 9 a5ac� Receipt Number: (Rev. 17105) 01 6r—t'uJe— • 1/.2o SS P -1-- i I LOT- zt- r1.5 { L' i i '' SS, 00, I Gltaa V N•Ha FIe�xi%4.,nS J • +� -I �CSialiJL II ib.a �1 IJoT 24 `�� f C-Maotso +i 31LGOs.�• L.Wws"t s ZIA :sp-x. OLeV,- OTT ZotaEt_ 1?-rLI — P—TOT PLAN __ AC BUILT X SCALEtj 1°• 30 M ,Vk% fel - /Q 4N6� +M • 0 X 2!r 601 O MVM'. EASS O^^ � 0 0- O V Q CI I t lea GoL L UDr-7. GRID 5112_ 1013 No 1731 George Hell Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99515 (907) 945-6176 I Eueby certify that i have s'.vtayed the following described property: Lotz4x5.8loch?�_.-raw NSITE Apir- a,F:vIF Reerding Oestri :, Aleska, and that the imp-oremtnts situated thereon art within the property lines and depot encroach onto the propan.;- adjacent thereto, that nr improvements on the property lying aijaeent thereto encroaet on the sunayed premises and that there are no roadways, transmission limas or'ather Tisih easements on said property azcapt as Indicated hsrton.. Datedthisthe SLDay of 7 r1IMS iR ; t Qbt.}nehoraoa, Alaska �j It it the r=nsibillty a[ the caner to Attermina the r=inaoea of any easements, eoaanants, or ri strictians which dr not pear on thi recordad raodirfcion plat. >� OF AQ7Tt to .. •/ Ls. 5202Ar L �•p�leszlolTa\�MvJ/+ I, ty A o a -z— � ry^ `1 L.Wws"t s ZIA :sp-x. OLeV,- OTT ZotaEt_ 1?-rLI — P—TOT PLAN __ AC BUILT X SCALEtj 1°• 30 M ,Vk% fel - /Q 4N6� +M • 0 X 2!r 601 O MVM'. EASS O^^ � 0 0- O V Q CI I t lea GoL L UDr-7. GRID 5112_ 1013 No 1731 George Hell Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99515 (907) 945-6176 I Eueby certify that i have s'.vtayed the following described property: Lotz4x5.8loch?�_.-raw NSITE Apir- a,F:vIF Reerding Oestri :, Aleska, and that the imp-oremtnts situated thereon art within the property lines and depot encroach onto the propan.;- adjacent thereto, that nr improvements on the property lying aijaeent thereto encroaet on the sunayed premises and that there are no roadways, transmission limas or'ather Tisih easements on said property azcapt as Indicated hsrton.. Datedthisthe SLDay of 7 r1IMS iR ; t Qbt.}nehoraoa, Alaska �j It it the r=nsibillty a[ the caner to Attermina the r=inaoea of any easements, eoaanants, or ri strictians which dr not pear on thi recordad raodirfcion plat. >� OF AQ7Tt to .. •/ Ls. 5202Ar L �•p�leszlolTa\�MvJ/+ LoT' ?~'L 6o~ 3A PLOT PLAN ~- AS BUILT __ SCALE GRID. 1731 George Bell Circle Aachora~t7 Alaska 99515 I lttr~b¥ certify that I hart surYty~d the following d~scribad property: ~FlOaq~t,~ Rtcordin~ Distric% Alaska, and that th~ improvtmtnts situated tharton art within th~ property l/nt~ and do not tncroacb onto tbt proptrty ~djactnt thtrtt% that no improvtmtnt/ on iht property lying adjactnt thereto tncroach on th¢ survtytd pr=mists and that thtrt ar~ no roadway*~ tran;mis[ion lints or other visibl~ ~a~tmtnt~ on ~aid proptrty txctpt a; indicattd htrton. It i~ th~ r~pon~ibility of tht owntr to d[ttrmint th~ ex/~ttnct ot ~ny [as~mtntI, covtnants, or rtstrictio~ which do not ~pptar on tht rtcordtd subdivi;ion plat. JOB i'io go'il? MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DE' RTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SER ES ..~ ~' Environmental Health Division D ''~''~ / 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Name ~ DJSTANCES HP~P I ~ ~A ~ II ;p ~ ~A ~ I~ar ~TO ~ ABSORPTION Address~UI~I ~ TANK FIELD WELL ~ WELL ~,o.~,~, IP.,~" No- N°' °f Be~°°ms 7~t 7~3 - a3~ ~7o ~ 7 . LOT LINE fO ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot Block Subdivlsion~ ~/~O~O~ ......... ~/~ Z ~ ' ' t ~V ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ ~ ....... '~ - FOUNDATION 7~ Township, Range, Section AS-BUILT OIAGRA~ (Show location of well septic system, property hnes, driveway, water bodies, etc.) TANKS % N : ManuIactu~er Capac~W ~n ~aaons Matedal ~o. o~ Compa~ments t/ ~ TRENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~ OTHER//~ / '~ ~ Depth to p~pe bottom from Total depth from original grade original grade FT FT~ // Fill added above original grade Gravel depth beneath p~pe FT~' FT ~ ~ FT FT! Totalabsorp, ea ..... SQ FT Distance between lines Fl///-- --~ ~ / ~ ' ~'' ~ //L fl ~ ~__~ ~ . ~. I / SOFT ~ ~ PRIVATE ~ OTHERfldentiiv) / ~ ~ ~assmcaUon (A,B,C) ~otal Depth ~ Installe~ Date InsJalled: . Scale: j ti ~ ~ t ENG NEER'S I ~~ ~ ~ ce~ill thai this inspection WaS pedormed accordi,g tO ail ~- . ,H~ODOR~ F. ,~O~E Municipal and Slate guidelines iff ellect ofl Ibis date: /~ / / 7 (.~ ~ ~'~' ~'Y~%o u~ .... - ~ou-z~ o .... ' " .ealth Depanmem ~pprovau , I'.'1 U N :~: C ;l: P A i... ]: ",'-" Y O F A N C !..I O R A S7¢5 L Str'~.:.~,r.+:,t., Pu'u::hcn'a~o:.;,~, Alaska t:~ N ..... S :!: T E [.! (:3 L. D ]: N ii:) 'i A N K F' MUJqlCIPAL!T¥ OF- ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ,$EP 2 4.1987 RECEIVED ~u[top lec/~nic~] Services 14530 Echo Street · ¢ U icipality of Anchorage MEMORANDUM DATE: 'August 6, 1987 TO: Mary Autor, Community Planning Department FROM: Robert W. Robinson, Program Manager, On-site Services ~/~ Health and Human Services Department SUBJECT: Old Girdwood Townsite Dan Roth has asked me to respond to your inquiry of July 14 regarding this department's position on further development in the Old Girdwood Townsite area. The problem is really two-fold: one part is that of future development, and the other is that of existing development. Our file information clearly shows that this land is unsuitable for on-site wastewater disposal due to poor soils and a high water table which is also influenced by tidal variations. Considering that situation, you will find that this department writes generally negative comments on proposed plats and even zoning changes which we review. Unfortunately, our comments seem to frequently be overlooked either by staff or by the platting or zoning authorities. From our discussions with AWWU, the extension of public sewer into this area is years away, therefore it would be prudent to delay development until sewer is available. We are unable to grant holding tank permits for new construction since AMC 15.65 prohibits their use except for existing situations or where public sewer will be available within one (1) year. There is a pending ordinance amendment (awaiting Assembly action) which would allow holding tanks to be installed, however, we are reluctant to predict the outcome of the Assembly action. We are aware that much of the current development has occurred without benefit of land use permits, or even on-site permits from this office. As is the general policy elsewhere, when an illegal system is identified, we make every effort to work with the owner to bring the system into compliance. Where a dwelling already exists, a holding tank may be allowed provided other criteria are met. Since Zoning Enforcement is now targeting this area for land use permits, we will continue to work with owners to gain compliance. Clearly then, unless a lot owner can meet the technical requirements of our ordinance, no new on-site septic permits will be written in this area. That in turn means that land use permits will not be granted. The only exception to this will occur when the development is for a commercial or business use. At this point, our jurisdiction ends and the State of Alaska is responsible for the on-site permits. There is no doubt that ADEC has, in the past, written permits for situations where this department considered the land unsuitable for development. Mary Autor Community Planning Department August 6, 1987 Page Two Your second inquiry concerned the Old Girdwood Townsite Mall which is currently experiencing difficulties with the on-site sewer system. In this case, our department made negative comments on the plat review process, citing the need for the applicant to show three sites for on, site disposal. Obviously he was unable to do this, but the plat was approved over our objection. Later we were able to have the ADEC require a single replacement area for the system on a lot to the south of the mall. Please note that legally ADEC cannot require a replacement site for any development. When the problem first appeared, our department sent a sanitarian and an engineer to investigate. We still retain jurisdiction over the public facilities within the mall. Based upon our recommendation, the septic tank was temporarily converted to a holding tank until such time as the design engineer was able to effect an acceptable repair of the system. We were recently informed by the owner's representative that the entire disposal system has since been upgraded and the system is now functional. We still do not have the groundwater monitoring information that we requested, and we are still concerned with the possible encroachment of the groundwater into the system. We were recently advised by the owner's representative that the,entire bed system has been removed and replaced. ADEC advised this dat~ that their office did not issue the required permit for this latest upgrade and that a citation would be issued immediately. We and ADEC share the opinion that there is probably groundwater encroachment, and unless further intensive testing proves to the contrary, the septic system will have to be converted to a permanent holding tank. RWR/ljw