HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot 02Forest Grove Lot 2 #014-081-29 SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELL _ INSIDE LENGTH GRE)%, ER ANCHORAGE AREA BORwdGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 MANUFACTURER LEGAL DESCRIPTION MATERIAI NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS INSIDE WIDTH LIQUID DEPTH LIQUID CAPAC ITV GALLONS. SEEPAGE PIT: NUMBER OF PITS DIAMETER _OR WIDTH_ LENGTH_, DEPTH LINING MATERIAL CRIB SIZE: DIAMETER —DEPTH— DISTANCE FROM: WELL TOTAL EFFECTIVE BUILDING FOUNDATION_, NEAREST LOT LINE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) SQ. FT. ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION WELL: n r• TYPE f /ZMY" -CONSTRUCTION / A�[ �"(J•�v ? DEPTH (I DISTANCE FROM: BUILDING NEAREST NEAREST FOUNDATION LOT LINE SEWER LINE__, SEPTIC 9z), TANK��. , SEEPAGE SYSTEM IC20 7� , CESSPOOL , OTHER SOURCES APPROVED DISAPPROVED DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: PIPE MATERIAL: LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: Form No. E0-031 REMAR DATE DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM APPROVED G.A.A.B. -4 !.-cs- [llz�- //:i.5 GRE^=R ANCHORAGE AREA BOl"JGH I"'l/",2zo D EPA RTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ERMIT NO 7370 •'C'• STREET ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99303 r II' Ab TELEPHONE 274-4361 LL Jl NAME OFr INSTALLATION LEGAL DESCR INSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK TYPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED FINANCED THROUGH SOIL TEST RESULTS COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED APPLICATION AND PERMIT MAILING ADDRESS L NOTE, THIS PERMIT IS NOT LVALID �WITH�ppUT SOIL ST tS0 OUT �O8 fun tie ICT/ dt'-c,,tel FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TS; ROQ,SEC ONau — SEPTIC TANK SIZE TYPE MINIMUM DISTANCES. REQUIREMENTS FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE PIT WALL DRAIN FIELD SEEPAGE AREA SIZE SEPTIC TANK SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD TO NEAREST LOT LINE. -n r MEMO= ■a�. ■■■■■/ i ■■ N rr ■■■�■■■■ ■■m■ ■ uiiiii i 0 WELL TO SEPTIC TANK E SEEPAGE PIT J* ■ DRAIN FIELD /06 ALSO CONSIDER AREA WELLS. WATER MAIN TO SEPTIC TANK ME SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD ■o■■■■ ■■ON9N■ SEPTIC TANK. SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD TO RIVER. LAKE. STREAM. CAST IRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP Of EXCAVATION S FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PIT PITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS. GRAVEL BACKFILL CONFORM TO BOROUGH REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. JOAO.. . IQ c.w .e. OR LIC SCD DESIGNER TYPE DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM NONE■ NONEa�N ■■■■ ■NOON MOON NOON �N■ MEMO= ■a�. ■■■■■/ i ■■ N rr ■■■�■■■■ ■■m■ ■ uiiiii i 0 MEM i ~■i ■ ■ ■ r -M i mm ■■i' ■ NONE ■ NOON NOON ME ■o■■■■ ■■ON9N■ of I NONE N■�_■� ■ammom■ ■�""�' �.� ■■4rlfil�N W NOON■■■ I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUG e49NANCE NO. 9OB AND THAT T/rE ABOVE DESCRIBED SYSTEM IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CODE. 45����.T/��//J T//^ DATE APPLICANTS SIGNATURE _5 //a.I �A' � ( 1 FORM NO. EO -015 qq ARCTIC PUMP & WELL INC. Jim Sullivan, CPI own rn PO Box 770197 d'IScwt t am - Eagle River, AK 99577 (907)688-2510 (907)258-2510 anw r e n�K Pump Installation Log Well Drilling Permit Number: SW Date of Issue: Parcel Identification Number: Of9---cr6ij - Legal Dcscription:Forest Grove Property Owner Name & Address: Lot:2A William Creech Block: 7070 Elmore RD 4nrh 4K QQ4n7 Pump Installation Date: 6/25/2009 Pump Intake Depth Below Top of Well Casing: Feet Pump Manufacturer's Name: Pump Model: Pump Size: hp Pitless Adapter Burial Depth: feet Pitless Adapter Manufacturer's Name: Pitless Adapter Installer: Arctic Pump & Well, Inc. Well Disinfected Upon Completion? Yes Method of Disinfection: Chlorine Comments: Well permanently decommissioned by procedurel5.55.060L.c. Pump Installer Name: Arctic Pump & Well, Inc. Arctic Pump & DWI, Inc. Page I of a ?WVIA' r~'. A?,4DE-,2 70No 4680T7- LP 90 LOT 2 r-409CST 6/20UC= SGi/d. OV. 14 SD7 i= r, C -/o /C- 2G .2r, -:30 30-y/ III - a'12 - WELL GQCr ocz�c. y Z5A,V!D u p/2/Gc//v% Co. 3-Zle& 6 441ctfo" 6E/ rJ& 94S0/ 9-.9 y- 7 S tf x O 41 L-:,4 D S ` ylcLp yD GPM srATrc a9' PIFLC-55 4a4Pr. 7' '12. hnp. pLxmp -2g , N g -I MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DIVISION OF ENVIROMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APPLICATION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CERTIFICATE 1. General Information Applicaticn Date 6 (a) Legal Eoscription (include lot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) Location (address (b) Applicants Name. Telephone 37, d,�9 Applicants Address'O�O AhborSt�or 99107 (c) Applicant is (check one) Lending Institution Owner/builder 1 ; Buyer Other Q (explain); / (d) Lending Institutirn 'Teleprxxe Address _�FlO L..vd�//n��rf (e) Tbal Estate Co. s Agent Address Telephone 2. Type of Residence Single -Family [,Kl Multi -Family f::l Other (describe) Number of Bedrocns 3 3. Water Supply Individual IL11 111-1-� 11 Community r:::l Public Note: If camunity well system, must have written confirmation fran the State Department of Envirorsental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. Is the well adequate for the number of bedrooms specified in this HAA (YIN) Y 4. Sewage Disposal Orsite U—Kj Public F-1 Cwmnity f -::l Holding Tark Is the wastewater disposal system adequate for the rL%mber of bedrooms (YIN) Y (Page 1 of 21 2-15-84 S..E_rgineering Firm Providing Inspections, Tests, Data and Information I certify that I have checked, verified, or conformed to all M3A HAA Guidelines in effect on the date of this insoection. Si A= Date 4e, ""I'ze Name of Firm P -f �oO�r . PE Telephone 3¢9-2�zG Address /0o7 E. 7¢ �/i .4�c. 9952 Date (ENGINEER SEAL) 6.DHEP Approval Approved for bedrooms By Approved, Disapproved Terms of Conditional Approval Conditional (-� The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection does not guarantee the continued satisfactory perfermanoe of the water supply and/or the wastewater disposal system. This approval indicates that, as of the validation date shown above, based on the data and information furnished by an engineer registered in the State of Alaska, the water supply and wastewater disposal system is safe and func- ticnal for the number of bedroans and type of structure indicated. (CHEP SEAL) 7. Mail the HAA to the following address: RB2/dS/s rn'�4a v l- `lt4C, �- 3Lkcj (Page 2 fl2]' 1 2-15-64 1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA) HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL (HAA) CHECKLIST - FEBRUARY 1984 A. WELL DATA Legal Description: LoT 2 fo�B77���o✓G �ie..bd. Well Classification If A, B, or C, D.E.C. Approved(Y/N) y� Well Log Present (YIN) Al Date CcrVleted Yiedci 3 Total Depth /02 Cased to /oo Depth of Grouting Static Water Leel QO iRf Punp Set At 97 Casing Height Above Ground /. 4. leV Sanitary Seal on Casing (Y/N) Electrical Wiring in Conduit (Y/N) Y Depression Around Wellhead (Y ) .V Separation Distances from Wbll: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot B9.9 74P �L; On Adjoining Lots /57 1Y To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot /09 /,w ; On Adjoining Lots //O f To Nearest Public Sewer Lire 11V� To Nearest Public Sewer Cleanout/Manhole 14// To Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot ,✓, Water Sample Collected By Date G - Water Sanple Test Results Canwnts v B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date Installed /9G9 Size /zz No. of Cacpartments 2. Standpipes (Y/N) Y e,44 / Air -tight Caps (Y Foundation Cleanout (Y/N) ,V Depression over Tank !(Y/N Date Last Pumped • 9 �yr4 enc �L Pumping/Mainteranee Contract on ~ile (Y/N) ,V for Holding Tank High -Water Alarm (Y/N) L� Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) Separation Distances from Septic/Holding Tank: To Water -Supply Wall B9. 9 _ / To Building Foundation /7 ' To Property Line -1W A9 To Disposal Field zo' To Water Main/Service Line i✓� To Stream, Pond, Lake, cr Major Drainage Course 'l/ 1 Y (Page 1 of 21 2-15-84 C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Strata /50 5,OZei� Type of System Design 8se/ Date Installed 15;�9 Length of Field RO IZV Width of Field 3' Depthof Field 2' Gravel Bed Thickness Square Feet of Absorption Area 2¢O Standpipes Present (Y/N) Al Depression. over Field (Y/N) Al Date of Last Adequacy Ttst Results of Last Adequacy Thst ,4o��u��c 504q*Od Separation Distance from Absorption Field: To Water -Supply Wall /09 ' To Property Line To Building Foundation 250 To Existing or Abandoned System on Lot N�-4 Cn Adjoining Lots 5,9 f'7` To Water Main/Service Line To Clutbank(if present) iY/A To Stream/Pond/Lake/or Major Drairage Course J4/- To Driveway, Parking Area, or Vehicle Storage Area 50 /'11 Camients�C,�/,/ D. LIFT STATION A,�,4 Date Installed Size in Gallons "Pump Cn" Level at High Water Alarm Level at Tested for Electrical Codes(Y/N) Comments "I J Dirmnsions Manhole/Access (YIN) "Pump Off" Level at Vent (Y/N) Pumping Cycles during Adequacy Test. Meets MOA ** Check Permitted Bedroan Rating Against HAA Request ** I certify that I have checked, verified, cr conformed to all MOA HAA Guidelines in effect on the date of this irs ion. _ OF AO Sign'� Date li /P(E .....�...Qs¢0°O e Company �� .+e< 8_ y��x. v�'�LS MOA No. y. 'G E ? *;49L'v D KB1/d5/s ,»,. }•¢O 9 � Jama l+, RoWm • �� �'�•. No. 1316E ,�•'� (Page 2 of 21 2-15-84 JAMES B. ROBERTS, PE, RLS ENOINEER L SURVEYOR June 11, 1984 (907) 349-R526 (13AIDT� N0110310V 1tl"'f1P10aIM13 38 MI'nH 40'IdICI 30YaoFONY 40 WYdI01N(1W Municipality of Anchorage Division of Environmental Health Department of Health and Environmental Protection Fourth Floor — West End 8th and L Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Gentlemen: We hereby make request on behalf of our, client, Mr. Rick Eiben, for a waiver for absorption field distance to property line of 5 feet at the front of the lot on Lot 2 Forest Grove Subdivision as shown on the application for HAA dated 6/1/84. We are enclosing the reciept for pumping of the septic tank. The air tight cap has been installed on the septic vent and the slight depression over the tank has been filled. This completes the punch list of items requested by you for approval. Yours very truly 11 James S. Roberts P.E., R.L.S. Enclosure 1207 East 74th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99502