HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAGLE RIVER VALLEY RANCHETTES LT 6D1v� Y- LOT 6A ZOT LOT 6 D ~ SG7 LOT 5,q · ~ LO T SC CI T,4TIOIJ ~oowo I,.18P °.59'I$"'/,4.] Oegl~ter~d ~and Gurveyor Pouch ~Y7 Box 927 AnC~OFgg~A/~ 99502 . INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SEPTIC T~K: D~$t~ce f~m well Mate~al ~0~. N~e~ of co~a~n~s L~qu~d capac~y./~ ZaUons. Inside len~h ~' Inside w~d~h L~quid depth S~PAGE SYS~M: Seepage P~= Nu~e~ of p~s../ Outside d~a~e~ -e11. · ~ buildtn[ fo~dat[~, hearst lot ltne.~~ Tot~ effecttve ~so=pttoa a~a (wall a~a) ~{~ sq. ft. TIL~I~ FIELD: Distance f~om well ~ fo~dation ~ hearst lot line l'o~al len~h of l[n~ Nu~e~ of l[aes DJstanc~ between lines T~nch ~[dth in. Total effective ~so~ptim a~ea sq. ft. ~n~h oE each line ~pth: Top of tile to finish Z~ade, Depth of f~lte~ ~e~[al beneath t~ie ~n. ~ove tile depth. ~ot line. , nearest sewe~ line ~ septzc t~k, ~ seegage system cessp~[ othe~ ~ ~ so~es DIAG~M OF SYSTEM DISTANCES: DATE: APPROVED Health Authority --'of SELVAGE DISPOSAL SYST£~! - APPLICATION_S; PE1U~IT ~ AppUcatl~ to Inst~l~ Nptlc t~~ep~e plt~ ~ field, Pe~olati~ Test ~s~ts_ , ~tl~pa~ Date of ~0~ TO BE FIL~ O~ BY ~ D~T~ This is to serve an. . pent to install I .... as described belov. Size of unit to be oerved__ · Septic tank size,., T~pe _~ .Seepage A~ea. , Type. DIAGRAH OF SY$IZH ~alth AuthOrity · I ce~tif~ that I am faalliar with the ~equire--nte of (~eataz. /achorage A=ea Borough Ordinance No. 28-68 and that the above described system is In accordance vtth aald code.