HomeMy WebLinkAboutKNOX S-10937Knox Subdivision 5-10937 ';~"'4~"/2~02 '12:44':'FAX 907 343 4220' ./ ~- ~ SHORT P~T . S-1093~ Knox Subdivision Return for r'edeaign and modification to afldress' the ~ollowing: 1./Reconflgur/ng the lots t° meet AMC 21.80.330 [lot frontage and ~%~£// access) or p'roce'ssing the :~eqU'est 'to the Platting ]Board and requ~s~ :/~ a var/ance from'~hts provision.. ' ' . ' ~ / . -'. . . J ' . .,: ' .' . " 2. ~t~ Resolving with Parks and Recreation the need to provide a multi use ~¢'~ trail easement along the northeast property boundary to ,, ' ',L_ ' ~ accommodate potentlaltrail access as identi~edin the 1997 L"~'¢~u'~uu'~l 7 easements. - . . · 100-foot wide buffer zone/development setback from Providing Lake Barbara. Resolving with' the Plarmlng Department, Physical planning the · need to carry over plat note 4 from underlying plat 96-95 which states "A field wetland detex nfnat/on is r~q-'ired prior to any on-site construct/on or development to Identify the need for a'Corps pem~t." be conducted to com~,m the suitability for development using 9n- _site wastemater disposal systems. Gronnd water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fnll (October). or spring (April-May). 6. Submitting info, mat/on to Development Services. On-Site Water & . Wastewater wh/ch sat/sties the requirements spec'ffled tn AMC 21.15. and AMC 15.65 for each lot of this proposed subdivision, This lnfo~mation must include, but may not necessarily be limitec~. to: ' -. . . ' 7. Soils testing, percolation testing and groundwater monitoring must Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: September 9, 2002 Jerry T. Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD omm s Cross, PE, Program Manager, On-Site Water & Wastewater ents on Cases due September 13, 2002 The On-Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S- 10937-2 Knox Subdivision. No additional comments. Municipality of '1111" 002 Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Telephone: (907) 343-4309 Fax: (907) 343-4220 http:#www.ci.anchorage.ak.us George P. Wuerch, Mayor DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON PRELIMINARY PLAT SUBDIVISIONS September 04, 2002 The Municipality of Anchorage has received application relating to the following preliminarY plat activity. The heating date is Wednesday, October 02, 2002 and comments must reach our office by~~.~.002 in order to be included in the staff conditions of approval. :::);... 810937-2 SPECIAL ROUTING Knox Subdivision (REVISED with VARIANCE) Attached are copies of the Proposed plats. Please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or other requirements that you department or agency may · need. If no easements are required at this time, please provide a list of those plats to whicl~ there is "no comment" or "no objection". Sincerely, Jerry T. Weaver, Jr Platting Officer Enclosures . Municipality of Anchorage ' Application for SubdiviSion Variance RanningDepartment PO Box 196650 · Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 Please fill in the information asked for below. ~'- I ~q :~'7 - 2_. PETITIONER* PETITIONER REPRESENTATIVE (IF ANY) Name (last name first) M;~iling Adc~re~ 'P.O. '~o~ Name (last name first.) Mailing Address Contact Phdne: Day: Night: Contact Phone: Day: ? 5;,~ ~:'~ ~';~ Night: ~ 55 -,c:~9,S FAX: E-mail' E-mail' , ~ ...... ' ' t'~C..~. I r-~,¥ {.cz,~ ~:~c~c, ~ 'Repo~l a~d~t~onal per,boners or dL~dose other co-owners on supplemental lotto. I:ailum ~o ~ivulge o~er beneflmal inlere~ owners may Celay pn:)cessing of this application. PROPERTY INFORMATION , Property Tax #(ooo-~oo-oo.ooo): O.'5.3- qb, I -Cr~ Site Street Address: r~,l,- ~,,5 F_~b,~n,~. /~-,v_c. Current legal description: (,,~ additional sheet il necessa~) SEP 0 3 ZOOZ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ;OMMUNITY PL~NNIN~ & I hereby certify that (I am)(I have been authorized to act for) owner of the properly described above and that I am pe~tioning for an subdivision vadance in conformance with T~tle 21 of the Anchorage Municipal, Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the application fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, and that it does not assure approval of the variance. I understand that the burden of evidence to show compliance with the subdivision vadance standards rests with me, the applicant. Date [:OOMuENTARY The variance is for relief from the requirement to: igrv.,u fi:L,_ ~ ~v~c~% ~w~ uv~ ~' ~e existing situation is: Grantifig the variance Will allo~ CODE CITATIONS AMC 21.80.~ G AMC 21, · Accepted: by:." I Poster &. Affidavit,. 20-008 (Rev. 05~2)'Front ¸iF- ICase Number Pag~ 2 Applica~on lor Su~Msion Variance continued VARIANCE STANDARDS The Platting Board may only grant a variance if the Board finds that all of the following 4 standards are satisfied. Each standard must have a response in as much detail as it takes to explain how your property's condition satisfies the standard. The burden of proof rests with you. Use additional paper if needed. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property such that the stdct application of the provisions of the subdivision regulations would clearly be impractical, unreasonable or undesirable to the general public. EXPLAIN: The granting of the specific variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the area in which such property is situated. EXPLAIN: Such variance will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of the subdivision regulations or the comprehensive plan of the municipality. EXPLAIN: Undue hardship would result from strict compliance with specific provision, s or requirements of the subdivision regulations. ' EXPLAIN: 20-008 (Rev. 05/02)*Bac~ Attachment: .Application for Subdivision Variance I am applying for a variance to AMC 21.80.300, G requiring a maximum 200-foot flag pole lot for the Knox subdivision of tract B2A. I started this short plat in March of 2002 and in May received the summary ofaction report. After visiting with the planning office and going over the entire requirement with them, I felt that I had complied with the codes for the Municipality of Anchorage. In June of 2002, I turned in a redesign of the short plat and on Aug 5 was given the summery of action report. After going over this again with the planning department I felt I had complied with the Munleipality codes. On 30 Aug 2002, I again went to the planning office to turn the short plat for final and was told that I still did not meet code. Each time I tried to submit this short plat I have been informed of additional requirements. At this point I have been asked to submit a variance to AMC 21.80.300 G, length ora flag pole lot to increase the maximum length to 535 feet. Please take into consideration the following information that pertains to the subdivision of tract B2A-1 and B2A-2 of the Knox Subdivision. Standard 1: In configuring the lot for subdivision, the shown design is the only logical way in which to section out a portion of land and still maintain the original homestead due to the irregular shape of the original lot. There is only one means of access that can be established for this lot due to the fact that the land is bordered on two sides by private lands and on the third side by public land. The public land to the south includes Eklutna River. None ofthese sides are accessible to vehicle traffic or have the means of becoming accessible to traffic. Because this is a large irregularly shaped lot the design requires a flag pole shape or easement. The configuration ora flag pole lot is the desired approach in that it allows for the lot to also meet the requirement of AMC 21.80.330 (property abutting public land). In addition, this shape also gives adequate access to the property from Eklutna l_atke Rd. Standard 2: This variance would only service one lot and as such would not be detrimental to any surrounding properties. The lot will he large enough and the area for the new home will be situated in such a manner that fire and rescue vehicles will be able to maneuver with ease. In addition the road constructed to the new property will he of such a manner to support any fire or rescue vehicle that would use it. Standard 3: There is limited frontage omo Eklutna Lake road making this the only alternative for this lot. This variance will have no effect on subdivision regulations or the comprehensive plan of the Municipality of Anchorage. Standard 4: Ifthe 200-foot limitation or a 50-foot wide dedicated rite of way road were enforced, it would cause unnecessary hardship on the subdivision of this lot. Because this lot only serves a single-family property it is unreasonable to enforce this requirement. 05/29./02 12:$6 FAX 907 ~43 4220 Community Pl~nnl~ * CROSS ~002/00~ SHORT PLAT SUMMARY OF ACTION May 27, 2002 $~10937 l~nox Su~..dtvision Return for redesign and modillcation to address the following: Reconfiguring the lots to meet AMC 21.80.330 (lot frontage and access) or processing the request to the Platting Board and request a Yaxiance [rom ~his provision. Resolving with Parks and Recreation the need to provide a multi use tr~l easement along the northeast property boundary to accommodate potential trail access as identified in the 1997 Areawide Trail.~ Plan. 3. Dimensioning and labeling all utility easements and access easements. 4. Providing a 100-foot wide buffer zone/development setback from Lake Barbara. Resolving with the Planning Depart_meat, Physical Planning thc need to carry over plat note 4 from underlying plat 96-95 which states "A field wetland detea'hflnation is required prior to any on-site construction or development to identify the need for a Corps permit." Submitting tn¢or,-ation to Development Services. On-Site Water & Wastewater which satisfies the requirements specified in AMC 21,15. and AMC 15.65 for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This infm'mation must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: Soils testing, percolation tes*/ng and groundwater monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using on- site wastc~vater disposal system.~. Grodnd water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April-May). 12:$$ FAX 907 343 4220 Community Planning ~ CROSS ~003/003 Short Plat Summa-,y of Action May 27, 2O02 Page 2 Areas designated for thc origiv~! and replacement wastcwater disposal system sites must bc identified and must mcct _~u criteria spcctfled in AMC 15.65, including slope and setback req~?rernents. 9. Topographical slope infoxmation must be submitted, 10. Supporting doca]mentation on water availability must be provided. T. Weaver, Jr. tting Officer MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK. 99519 TO: Mr. Jim Cross REFERENCE: S-10937 Knox Subdivision Per your request, a test hole ~vas excavated and percolation test performed. In addition a 7-day water monitoring test ~vas also performed. The approximate location of the test hole is in the reserve area of tract B2A-1 as show on the attached site plan. At the time of the excavation no water xvas encountered in the test hole and after seven day ground water monitoring, the monitoring tube was found to be dry. This property has enough ama for future septic upgrade and should have no impact on any surrounding properties. If you require additional information, please contact me at 552-2878. Sincerely, WILLIAM E. WOOD, P.E. Performed For:. Legal Description: 4- 5- .6- 7- 0- 10- 12- 14- 15.I 17- 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS Municipality of Anch(~rage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O, Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www,munl,org/onsite (907) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Bob McEIroy 7AC .,...,._..~v.~,..~ %.,,._..: ..: j ~ ~. wtu~ ~. WOOD /~ Date Pedo~ed~ 15 Jun 2002 Knox Subdivision, Tracts B2A-1 and B2A-2 Township, Range, Section: Slope Site Plan i WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? NO IF YES, AT WHAT DEFTH? NIA L o Depth to Water After p Monltoflng? Dry E Date: 15 Jun 02 Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop Presoaked 6/15/2002 1 6/15/2002 12:15 4 I/2" -- 2 Refill 12:25 10 min. 5 1/2" 1" 3 Refill 12:35 10 min. 5 1/2" 1" 4 Refill 12:45 10 min. 6" I 1/2" 5 Refill 12:55 10 min. 5 1/2" 1" PERCOLATION RATE 8.8 .ir..~e~Jnch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER 6' TEST RUN BE'tWEEN 5' FT AND 6' FT CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WI'F/~LL STA~E AN'D MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 15 Jun 2002 Natural Natural / Dra~,/ ~oo' Existing Rood TH! TH2 J, ! 6,000$Q.FT ,0 OFFSET BLAKE ARBARA 25' ! ,,otO! OEPARTMENT OF NATURAl. RESOURCE,8 · . .... .. . WATER WELL RECORD LOCATION/SKETCH: WELL OWNER: """~*~ eAF&SURED FROM:~e$ino top [:..,]OrOun~ I~llce WELL, DEPTH:~ DATE OF COMPL~ON - '" Depth of hole:~ft Material Type end Color From To ,/~ ~other~ ..- _--.-- ' USE OF WELL: ~dome~tic ~ bdO~ti~n ~ monl~o~ .. ' _,, 8CR~ TYPE: Diem: ~. - GRAVEL PACK ~PE: " ~C~" vid OROUTTYPE,~olume: . Dept~ from f~o . . . *' dUN 1 1997 ~WELO~mT ~,~: ~ ~ ...... Outmtion: ~~ · uept. Health & I-J man ~err. CO~ PUM~NG L~EL AND Yl~:_~ it liter ~ hrl.oump~n0J ~.~m PUMP INTAKE DE~H~. ft H0rlepower: WELL DISINFECTED UPON COMPL~ION? ~YE5 ~ NO CON'TRACTOR INFORI~I~'IONt · ' - REMARKS: '~~/,/'~4~"~"'" /'/~: ~7 "L~'E MAIL WHITE COPY OF LOG TO: 3801 C St, S~to 800 .... , ANCHO~QE AK 99503-5936 BY: ; . 4' .~)'~7 277 G.,l:l$; IJAY.4.CI ID:ISJ, U; PA~,: :,'t~' 3ob No..~)~ t 4~ M-W brilling. Znc. · I',0. Box II ~75) AKl~ea&e. AI~ 99511 · · 907-345-1000 e 90'/.:I45-3~1f7 l-'&~ · · I~'ell (~onet: Rnd Rodr~l.m.rt . .. · LegatDe$c~otlon: Tract B Kno~ ,-.l~.kluma~l~kn * $~.e of Casing: o" ",De~tho. fiTot¢.'.S03' . Statlc wattr leyel . ~4.9' 6elow top of caslng. · Welt l~mtsk- O~en end (X): Screen f ): l'erfor~ed ( ) · ~'etllmmi~tmt~ ]5 ftailon~i~ermlnutefar _ l uf d~n~own from static revel. konr~ Ivlth 100% · Date of¢ornplett'on:_~lg.~O00 Wetl Lo~ /,/i- ~l/ Afecz~ 14/af er. l/.! Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: May 17, 2002 Jerry T. Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD ~. C~em~ ~: S~nP~ ,asP::~uaemMT~il ~e2r~ 002n-Site Wat er & Wastewat er The On-Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S - 10937 Knox Subdivision. Information to satisfy the requirements specified in AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: 1. Soils testing, percolation testing and groundwater monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April-May). 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65, including slope and setback requirements. 3. Topographical slope information must be submitted. 4. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided Performed For:. Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 wv~v.cl.anchoraqe.ak.u$ (9O7) 343-7904 Soils Log - Percolation Test Legal Description: 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- COMMENTS Slope / · .. c~-~aga Date Pedo~ed: T~nship. Range. Se~ion: Site Plan WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? ~u~O s IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? O Depth to Water After p Monitoring?Date: ~'~ Z. E Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to Water Net Drop !9'-3-oz. 3.~' o PERCOLATION RATE , I~ (mi~e~/r~h) PERC HOLE DIAMETER -. ~ '* TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ IrT AND ~ * Fl' PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL,GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: y "' ~.-~,~ ~,~0937 ~AY ~ 7 ~ IV. DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM(S) INSTRUCTIONS FOR DIAGRAM I. In a plan view, locate and identify each of the following: a) Well b) All Structures e) Surfac~ Water 0 Sourccs ofcont.~mination · h) Closest well on adjacent properly j) Closest edge of an absorption field on adjacent property 2. Show distances between the well and each of thc sources ofcontamination listed in I. 3. Show distances between water bodies and each part of the onsite system listed ia I. 4. In a cross section view of the soil absorption area, identify each component and show the depth (thickness) of the following: a) Soil Cover b) Absorption Material c) Water Table d) Bedrock e) Discharge pipes c) SepticTsok d) Soil Absorption System g) Property Line (Include dimension.s) i) Closest septic lank on an adjacent property k) Ail clcanouts and monitor tubes Insulation Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box196650 .Anchorage, Alaska g9519-6650 Telephone: (907) 343-4309 Fax: (907) 343-4220 . http://www, ci.anch orage.ak.us George P. Wuerch, Mayor DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISIONS April 23, 2002 The Municipality of Anchorage has received application relating to the following short plat activity, e_~_.~a_~.~g.~[.a_te__i; .lYl. gj~y, May 27, 2002 and comments must reach our office by~~..~0~;tf Order to be included in the staff conditions of approval. Attached are copies of the proposed plats.. Please submit your comments in writing, specifying any easements or Other requirements that you department or agency may need. If no easements are required at this time, please provide a list of those plats to which there is "no comment" or "no objection". Sincerely, Jerry T. Weaver, Jr Platting Officer Enclosures MUNICIPAL;TY OF ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPI~ENT P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION C."?ICE USE REC'D BY: Please fill in the information requested below. Print one letter or number par block. 1, Tax Idanflficafion NO. 2. Street Address ' 3. NEW abbreviated legal c=ocription (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34). ITbl~gl+l I~l~l~l-I~l I=lnlAI I~l~l~,l-lgl I~l,,gl,. I~I~Pl, I,,I,l~hb,~l I I I I h-~l~l~l/~lil~l I~1~1 I~F-b-b, o~ I.~1~1. II/I t I I/I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. EXISTING abbreviated legal description (T12N R2.W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOTS 34) full legaJ on back page. I"rl!lu,,.:l I~,1,1~1 L~I I~l¢.l:..lt.J, bl~l Lsl~l I I I I I I I 5. Petitioner's Name (Last. First) l I'tll ]1111 .I I I I I I I I I city ~.~ ~ ,,~ ~e. ~ State Phone # '.J~,~{~ Zip FAX# 7. Petition Area Acreage 8. Proposed Number Lots 9o 6. Petitioner's Representative Address city Phone # FAX # Existing Number Lots State Zip 10, Grid Number IIIIIII 11. Zone IIIIIII I1~1111 12. Fee $ :3. CommunityCouncU 'E.~l.~-n~ ~/alle¥ I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of t~,,= p,,.~,~, ~. ~escribed above and that I desire to subdivide it In conformance with Cllapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cow~'h~, costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assesse(l if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I lurther understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. signature 'A,- .... ...vritten'" ' ' 20.003 (Rev, 6~00)' Front ~(1!1!1rl o!lqnd ,~l!l!ln o!lqnd · sXS ,(l!untmuoo , ileM/[l!unuJuJog ' siue~ueJ!nbet4 I~u!d~ospu~rl SXeMXleM uePlsepecJ se!dog t~ IJOdeH OlioS se!doo t~ den odo. l. Uelcl e§eujP. JO eel o!ldes ele^!Jd SlleM e~.e^Fd :JeleM dej't 6u[uoz d~lAl XooIs Bu!snoH oloqd le.uav (L[ xz/& 8) l~ld Jo ,(do0 paonpe~ (leld peris) l=lcl lo se!dog ES (lelcl Duo-i) lelcJ lo se[dog ~t~ IS[Ix=eqo ':1 · ~U!S!~eAp~ JOi uo!~dUo~ep I~§e'l '~ l!uJJad SJeaUjlDU:l lo cboD ,(uJJV Jo:J 1.tUJed esr pue-i/6ulpl!ng JO::l uo]LoV lueuJeoJOjU:l JaquJnN eseo eoue.ueA §u!uoz JequJnN esso esl'l I~uo!l!puoo JequJnN e. seg uo!s~!pclns ~eq~unN eseO 5u!uozeu '/d. JedoJd eq~ uo sJea,( e^B ls~I eql u! peJJnooo O^I~LI SIUO^O esoqj lo ,(ue J! ~oleq eleoJpu! eSeald 'a (UOSME'I~U!PJ~H) augz O!LUSl..OS 'p U!eldpOoM eqOtml~AV -q .V. .Et. .O. ';. pu~lleM :(Xu~ 1!) s~mo~:l le~Ua,,,uaJ!^U3 /[pnls le[oads I~.ulsnpul paLoaitV edOlStaU!dl¥ ,~pnls repad$ Ji!suelul esr pueq -- tmld e^!sueueJduJog 'E pelelel:l uo!ielJodsueJJ. coedS uedots~ped ici;;auJudoo rajiueplsel:l T · UOJl~:)!J!SSl.~Ig eSR pue9 -- U~ld o^!sueqeJduJog 'L :5U!MOIIOt eqi u! II!t JO 4oeq'o eSeeld '0 08/16/02 13:23 FAX 907 343 4220 Commu~ttT Planning * CROSS ~003/015 SHORT PLAT SUMMARY OF ACTION August 5, 2002 1:,S-'10~37 KooX Snbclivlslov, Approval of the plat subject to thc foUowing conditions: 1. Resolving utility easements. / 2. Showing the 15-foot Telephone & Electrical easement along the west boun ,dary of proposed Tract B2A- 1. 3. Sho .w~g the 33-foot section line easement along the south boun~dary of the proposed lots. 4. Dedicating access to proposed Tract B2A-2 as required by AMC 21.80.330 or create a flag pole from proposed Tract B2A-2 to Eklutna Lake Road to meet the requirement or obtain a variance from the Platting Board. 5. Resolving with Physical Plarmtng thc location of any wetlands on this site. 6. Placing thc following note on the plat: "Access to Eklutna Lake Road is limited to ~g access point(s). Access requires ADOT & PF approval and a current valid driveway permit." 7. Resolving the following with Development Services. On-Site Water & Wastewater Division: Information to satisfy the requircm~-nts specified by AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must bc submitted for each lot of this proposcd subdivision. This information must include, but ~y not necessarily be limited to: Soils testing, percolation testtng and ground water monitoring must be conducted to co~fivm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either thc fall (October) or spring (April-May). 08/16/02 13:23 FAX ~07 313 4220 Community Plannin¢ ~ CROSS ~oo1/015 Shor~ Plat Summary of Action August 5. 2002 Areas designated for the or/ginal and replacement wastewater di.~posal system sites must be identi~ed and must meet ~11 criteria specified in AMC 15.65, including slope and setback requirements. c. Topographical slope info~mation must be submitted. ~. d. Supporting doc~,mentation on wa{er availability must be ~. provided. S-10957 Delong Landtm! Subdivision Approval of the plat subject to the following conditions: 1, Resolving ulility easements. 2. Resolving with AWWU the use of redundant service connections. 3. Resolving with Development Services, Floodplain Coordinator the need to include proposed plat note #4 as the property is not shown to be in a floodplain. 4. Providing Land Use Enforcement an approved copy of the amended duster housing site plan for this subdivision. 5. Con'ecting map infommtion east of proposed plat to read Tract A-2 S-10958 Timberlane Park #1 Approval of the plat subject to the following conditions: 1. Resolving ulfllity easements. 2. Showing and dimensioning all existing and proposed utility easement on the plat. 3. Submitting driveway construction to the Municipal Traffic Engineer which shows that the driveway on Lot 7B does not exceed 15% slope. Page 2 Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: July 17, 2002 Jerry T. Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD The On-Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: 0937 i?--'Kh75~'S/ibdivisi6ri ~Same-as'comments from my 5(17/02 memo:'I S - 10957 Delong Landing No objections. S - 10958 Timberlane Park #1 Information to satisfy the requirements specified in AMC 21.15 and AMC 15.65 must be submitted for each lot of this proposed subdivision. This information must include, but may not necessarily be limited to: 1. Soils testing, percolation testing and groundwater monitoring must be conducted to confirm the suitability for development using on-site wastewater disposal systems. Ground water monitoring must be conducted during high ground water season in either the fall (October) or spring (April-May). 2. Areas designated for the original and replacement wastewater disposal system sites must be identified and must meet all criteria specified in AMC 15.65, including slope and setback requirements. 3. Topographical slope information must be submitted. 4. Supporting documentation on water availability must be provided MUNIC~PAL:.TY OF ANCHORAGE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPI~ENT P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION REC D BY: ~"~-'~' ...j Please fill in the irrlormation requested below. Print one letter or number per block. 1o Tax Idenfif'~,ation No. 2. Street Address ~. N~ ~breviated legal ~criptio~ ~I~N R~W S~G 2 LOT 45 OR ~HORT SUB B~ ~ LOT~ ~). 4. ~I~NG ~re~at~ I~ description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB B~ 3 LOTS ~) full legal on back page. 5. Petitioner's Name (Last - First) 6. Petitiooer's Representative I~1,=1~1,~1 nt I~I~LI.I+t I I I I t ! I III1-11111111i11111111 · FAX# hl4EJd ~lol,fl IIIII State ~ z~, ~,qso ~ c.~_~z. - z~,o- 7. Petition Area Acreage I~1. blnl I I I 11!11!11 B. Proposed g. Existing Number Lots Number Lots 10. Grid Number I~l-cl~ ~loh/ IIIII,,11 11. Zone IIit111 12. Fee $ . I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of tt,,= w,,-w=,~y ~escribed above and that I desire to subdivide it conformance with Cha,oter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I unQerstand that payment of the basic subdivision fee nonrefundable and is to cow,'he costs associated with prccessing this appfication, that it does not assure al3proval of the subdivision. I understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Muni¢ipallty's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I turthe unaerstand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may have to be postponed by Planning Staff. Platting Board. Planning Commissicr or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. Signature °= ..... . .vritten'" ' ' 20-~03 IRev. 6,~0)' Front XI!I!ll'I o!lq n~l /,1!1!11'1 o!lqnd slu~ueJ!nbel=l S,(RM~IeM ueplseped sa!doo t~ l~Odelj si!os ' se!doO I~ delAI odoJ. eel · o!ldeS $11eM :J~lMeS l!U~J~d sJaeul§l..r~ lo d~oo ,(uJJV' JO-~ l!""ed esr pu~'i/5u!.pl!nEI Jo.~ uo.~oV luetue~oju~ JequJnN eseO eou~.u~A 5u!uoz ' Jequ~nN esso esl'l I~UO.~tpuoo ~b~::)-~ '~ -~1'..~ ~'~-~'~;;~ Jeq~unNe. 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