HomeMy WebLinkAboutJALASKO ADDN 1 S-10861,Tala ko Addition #$- 10861 CIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE OFFICE USE COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT P.O. Box 196650 REC'D BY: Anchorage, Alaska 995! 9-6650 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICA'[ION AG Please lill In Ihe Inlormalion requested below. Prlnl one letter or number per block. .1. Tax Identllication No. 2. Streel Address 1015101 1z1 1ol41 I l lzlzlTI I l lal l l I 1,1,,1 1 1 I,.Iolo1 '1 I II 3. NEW abbreviated legal desmiption (TI2N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB eLK 3 LOTS 34). 4. EXISTING abbreviated legal description (TI2N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB eLK 3 LOTS 34) lull legal on back page. 5. Pelitloner's Name (Last - First) I [;l:l. bl lol I,l. lvl l Klfl l- l Address ~ I~. ~)~v'~ Phone FAX# 7. Petition Area Acreage State Z~p c/q~lS-,2028 6. Pelitioner's Represenlalive Address ~. ~. ~){W~l~ B~Vc~ ;~'~t';~- City ~tY~-.~i'~0~[ ~ 6 State Phone ~ 5qq-13~ .Zip 8. Proposed 9. Existing Number Lois Number Lots $0. Grid Number 1 t. Zone 12. Fee $ '13. Community Council (Rev. r~o)' F~or4 I hereby cedily Ihal (I am) {1 have been aulhorlzed Io act Ior) Ihe owner o! Ihe property descried above and that I desire to subdivide It In conformance with Chaplet 2t Gl the Anchorage Municipal Code o! Ordinances. I undersland Ihat paymenl of Ihe basic subdivision lee Is nonrefundable and Is to cover the costs essocialed with processing Ihls application, that Il does nol assure approval o! the subdivision. I also understand Ihal addilional lees may be assessed II the Munlelpality's cosls Io process this application exceed Ihe basic fee. I further undersland Ihal assigned hearing dales are lenlalive and may have Io be postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board, Planning Commission,, Io admlnlslrallve ~.easons. _ or Ihe Assembly due ...... -- °A~ge~/%musl provide wriilen proc! o! autl~odzaflon. Co Please check or fill In the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan ~ Land Use Classification Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related Marginal Land Corn mercial/Industrial Public Lands/Institutions Alpir~e/Slope Affected Industrial Special Study 2. Comprehensive Plan-- Land Use Intensity Special Stud), Dwelling Units per Acre Alpine/Slope Affected 3. Environmental Factors (il any): a. Wetland ~'~O~p_,, b. f. "C* c. 2. "B' d. Please indicate below il any of these events have occurred in the last five years on the property. Rezonlng Subdivision Condil[onal Use Zoning Variance Enforcement Action For · · Building/Land Use Permit For Army Corp of Engineers Permit Case Number Case Number Case Number Case Number qO- oko , Avalanche, Floodplain Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) E. Legal description lot advertising, F. Checklist 42 Copies of Plat (Long Plal) X 32 Copies of Plat (Shod Plel) ~ Reduced COpy of Plat (8 t~ x11) X Cedificate to Plat ~,J/~, Aerial Photo ~'* Housing Stock Map · X Zoning Map .,. X Fee Drainage Plan Tope Map 4 Copies Soils Report 4 Copies Pedestrian Wafkways Landscaping Requirements Waler: private Wells Community Well Sewer: ,,~ , Private Septic Community Sys, 2o.oo3 Bac~ CRev. 6~oo) ' Waiver Public Utility Public Utility DHI CONSULTING EN Civil ° Surveying · Mr. Jim Cross Dept of Developmental Services 4700 South Bragaw Anchorage, Alaska 99508 · November 20, 2001 W.O.: 01528 RE: Preliminary Plat - Jalasko Subdivision, Addition No. 1 Lot 3 & Tract 'A' Soils Investigation Report for On-Site Septic Systems Dear Mr. Cross, The following report is being submitted for your review and approval in accordance with Title 15.65.180. Tract B-10 Spring Brook Vista Subdivision, Unit//1 (18.01 acres) is being subdivided into 2 parcels. Lot 3 is 1.8 acres and Tract 'A' is 16.2 acres. This parcel is located in Eagle River at the North East intersection of Eagle River Loop Road and Spring Brook Drive. Site topography slopes from the north east to the south west. Elevations range from a high elevation of approximately 471 at the northeast corner of the parcel to a Iow elevation of 330 at the south west corner. There is a deep draw the runs south to north along the east boundary of the property with a small creek which flows in the bottom of the draw. The soils range from sandy silts to clean NFS gravels with large boulders which can range in the neighborhood of 4 to 8 feet in diameter. The site has been used for gravel extraction, and there is indication that shallow, highly fractured bedrock was encountered somewhat randomly throughout the site. We have completed 2 test holes ranging in depth from 10.5' to 24'. These soils consist of a very thin organic mat under lain by sandy gravel with silt. In test hole one, we encountered large rocks up to 12" and an occasional boulder up to 3°. Percolation rates were under 10 minutes per inch. In accordance with Title 15.65.18.B.l{Subdivision Standards), Table 2. Both parcels need a minimum of 12,000 square feet of total reserve area. The enclosed map identifies the location of each test hole and Identifies the area on each lot which meets the above standard. There Is adequate area on each lot for on-site septic system. These parcels are serviced by public water which Is available in Eagle River Loop Road. On-site wells are not required. Enclosed cc: dalasko 528mo14no~,~)l .Itt ~/ery-.tr..u_lY y.ours, ~ _Dee .High, P,'E. f/ Principal Dirnond Center Tower, 5th Floor * 800 E. Dimond Blvd., Suite 3-545 · Anchorage, Alaska 99515 (907) 344-1385 ° Fax 344-1383 APPENDIX A: PRELIMINARY PLAT (~F/C4~ OF O~ · D~Z~IC4TION APPENDIX B: SOIL LOGS LOT Z LOTJ ~LOC;K 4 LOT $ Area ~= 1.8 SUBDIVISION  -*"S EPTIC RESERVE REA 1200 $.F. ADDITION NO.1 AREA 1: S.F. TRACT 'A° Area =16.2 Ac PROPOSED JALASKO SUBDMSION ADDITION NO.1 TEST HOLE MAP DEPAR11dENT OF HEALTH ac HUMAN SERVICES SOILS .LOG-PERCOLATION. TEST TEST HOLE 1 PERFCRMED FOR: JALASKO INVESTMENTS DATE PERFORMED: 10/23/09 LEOAL DrscR~PllON:SPRING BROOK VISTA TRACT B-1 -~ . ',... :~ 4 -'": '!i'" ' - , ('., ~'~ 5 r.; . '.~' 8 2 ?.:. :. 10 '' 11 :' '*"-.- 12 ~- '";' 1, '......- 14 ': "a~"- 15 21..':.'..'. 16 '~:' :- 17 :. -.. -. 18 19 '; · ' .' 20 -.' ' .:- 21 ' :.' '~ 7 22 -"~'" '2 23-.. 24 "': ' THIS TEST HOLE LOG IS PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF COUPLING WITH TITLE 15.180.D. IT SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE DESIGN ON A SEPTIC SYSTEM OR ANY OTHER PURPOSE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER. SANDY GRAVEL WITH THIN LENS OF SILT-ROCK TO 12" OCCASSIONAL BOULDER TO 2 FEEET BOT. M.T. SEEP SLOPE ~B.O.T. FRACTURED BEDROCK WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED ? YES IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH ? 20.3 DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING ? 22.1 Io/23/oo 2 IO/Z3/OO 4 10/23/00 io/~3/oo PERCOLATION RATE: .. TEST RUN BET~EN: SITE PLAN S L 0 P E DATE: 10/23/Ol .... (MINUTES/INCH.) PERCHOLE DIAMETER: 4.0 IrT. AND 4.5 FT. COMMENTS. SOILS PRESOAKED PRIOR TO STARTING TEST. HOLE LEFT OPEN THRU SUMMER TO MONETERI TABLE. THEN ¢u SET 20. M.T. PIPE & I~ACKFILLED LOTS, >' Z PERFORMED BY: DEE HIGH. L D~'E HICHCERT1FY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 446CSD4D = DEPARTMENT OF HEALIH &: HUMAN SERVICES SOILS LOG-PERCOLATION TEST TEST HOLE 2 PERFORMED FOR: JALASKO INVESTMENTS DATE PERFORMED: 11/02/00 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SPRING BROOK VISTA TRACT B-1 1 -"~'~,- //'/ 3 5 /'2~/ / 6 7 /.// 8 9 10 71>//_ / ,~,/ 11 - - 15 - 15 - ORGANICS THIS TEST HOLE LOG IS PROVlDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF' COMPLING WITH TITLE '15.180. IT SHALL NOT EIE USED FOR THE DESIGN ON A SEPTIC SYSTEM OR ANY OTHER PURPOSE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE ENGINEER. SLOPE SANDY GRAVEL W/ SILT SOME ROCK TO 2" WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED ? NO L 0 IF YES, AT !M-IAT p DEPTH ? E DEPTH OF WATER AFTER MONITORING ? NO WATER DATE: 2 11/02/04) 30 Vh, d. 3 ./02/00 ~o U,N. B.O.T. FRACTURED BEDROCK SITE PLAN 16 - 17 - 19 - PERCOLATION RATE: 7,14 (MINUTES/INCH.)PERCHOLE DIAMETER: 6" 20 TEST RUN BETWEEN: 2.0 FT. AND 2.5 F'T. COMMENTS*SOILS PRESOAKED PRIOR TO STARTING TEST. PERFORMED BY: .JEREMY HIGH & BRENDON MACK, DEE HIGHCER~FY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: 446CSD4D APPENDIX C: TOPOGRAPHIC MaP PRO JECI )D]tl CONSULTING ENGIN]~II~ TRACT B-1 · ".,~., (~')~'-'~ ' ,.- (~,~,-,., TOPO MAP ~. ~o~ ' ~*~ ~ ~'" SPRING BROOK VISTA ~.o. 2oaao ~co.~. r,ct ~/a ~sca[tl-=2oo, logit e/~z/oo SUBD. ~ tOJEC TRACT 'B- 1 DRAINAGE "P J/AN -' SPRING~ BRooK VISTA SUBD. S'I 0 8 6 1 OEC :] ! 2001 DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS Civil · Surveying · Planning January 24, 2002 W.O.: 01528 Mr. Jim Cross Dept. Of Developmental Services 4700 S. Bragaw Anchorage, Alaska 99508 RE: Preliminary Plat/Jalasko Subdivision, Addition No. 1 Lot 3 & Tract °A' (Case No. S-10861! On-Site Septic Dear Mr. Cross, You had questions concerning the length of time that the ground water table was monitored as shown the on-site septic logs. Please note that the dates as shown on the test hole logs are correct. Both test holes were monitored over a one year period, beginning in 2000 and ending in 2001. The reason for the 12 month monitoring periods Is strictly coincidental due to the project schedule. After completing the field work, the Owner put the plat on hold for about 12 months. After receiving notice to proceed, we did a final check on the water table and put those dates on the test hole logs. I hope this clears up any confusion over the length of time that we monitored the water table. ( The soils report is attached for your reference). Ve.~/-tr._uly yours, _Dee .Hig.h, PrE. ~/ Principal - L/ cc: Hugh Ashlock - Jalasko 528mc22jan02.1tr2 Dimond Center Tower, 5th Floor · 800 E. Diraond Blvd., Suite 3-545 · Anchorage, Alaska 99515 (907) 344-1385 ° Fax 344-1383 DHI CONSULTING ENGINEERS Civil · Surveying · Planning January 25, 2002 W.O.: 01528 Mr. Jim Cross Dept. of Developmental Services 4700 S. Bragaw Anchorage, Alaska 99508 RE: Preliminary Plat/Jalasko Subdivision, Addition No. 1 Lots 3 & Tract 'A' (Case No. S-10861} On-site Water Wells Dear Mr. Cross, The above preliminary plat was submitted for approval based on using On-Site Septic Systems and using the public water system. Since our submittal, AWWU has stated that the public water system in Eagle River Loop Road is not available for this subdivision. As such, I am revising our submittal to include On-Site Septic Systems and On-Site Wells. Enclosed in Appendix 'A' is a map showing the location of the existing water wells in the area, along with data showing the water table and the few well logs we could obtain. The water table appears to be around 40 feet +/- and flow rates are around 5-10 gpm. It appears that there is adequate ground water available to provide domestic water for this subdivision. I believe the enclosed information should be adequate for approval of the subdivision. Please give me a call if I can bring down the 'Summary of Actions" for your sign off or whether I need to provide additional information. (,,'~D~l%t r,uly yours, o0~ulting Eng,ne.~rs Dee High, P.E. Principal cc: Hugh Ashlock - Jalasko 528mc22jan02.1tr Dimond Center Tower, 5th Floor · 800 E. Dimond Blvd., Suite 3-545 * Anchorage, Alaska 99515 (907) 344.1385 ° Fax 344-1383 APPENDIX 'A' Water Well N LOT 2 8q,OC~( 4 SUBDIVISION ,--"S EPTIC RESERVE 2AREA 12,000 S.F. ADDITION NO.1 o PROPOSED '~ JALASKO SUBDMSION ADDITION NO.1 ~ TEST HOLE & WATER '~ WELL MAP ~ TRACT 'A' *~ SEPTIC ~RVE Area =16.2 Ac AREA 12 OOOS.F. \~.-- 200' PROTECTIVE WELL RADIUS .~ ])m CON~J'LTING ]~,G~ JALSKO SUBD. ADD. #! · ~ (~-i~' ,~ (~-~ WATER ~l.l. LOCATION '~ ' ~~~'" CASE ~S10861 STATE OF ALASKA DKPA~TM2~T~ OF NATu~AT~ R~SOURCES N ~ ~ e.~are ~h~= the lis~ of wells ts ~c ~lve of ~1 ~1~ ~ ~e ~a be~'~e ~ ~11 1c9s ~ ~ [/ ~D - 'Sg' .~. ~ - 01{ .~./~ - 002 .gm. 002569 D~ ~ 0093 ~B014-002-01~C1-9~ ~' ~ ~I~ PZP~ I LO~ B7 * ~ ~/C3/76 0G~5~9 ~, L~A J. 02~ g501~-0C2-01~-20 ~, S a .K DF~.T.~G $~ i LO4 ~5 · S ~/~1/63 003851 ~.~ & P~ ~ 0~D ~B014-0C2-01~6-1% ~'~-~ O~ ~IPP~ L07&8 ~5. S 01/27/83 004619 ~%~, ~ 022~ EBGl~'~02-01~'4 -- ~ ~ P/P~ 2 L19 ~' 2 S ~/26/a3 004~0 ~, ~ 0050 ~01~'0G2'01c""'~'~4 /~ C~-~N ~ ~IP~ L11 B~ U 03/31/~8 004621 ~X~ ~C 0100 SB01~'002-01~3'11j7( ~ ~Y PZP~ L05B B6 e S 09/17/83 D~622 ~G, ~ 008~ ~01&-002-01~-llJ~~' W~L~ ~Y PZP~ L06B ~ ~ 07/07/B~ 004623 ~Y~ ~ 0091 S~C14-0~2-~1~5-11J~ ~ ~Y ~ FZP~EL LO6A B6: S 09/~8/63 0~624 S~ 0060 ~B014-002-01C~-15 ~' ~WAF~ DRI~D~ PIPF~ LO7 ~9 * S 10/14/60 O~a26 ~ & ~IA~ OOS~ S~01%-~02-01~1-~ ' , K-W D~G F~ BOW~ LZ" ~ 02/15/75 O~B2B ~G, P~ 0025 S~G1%-00~-01~-45/~,~ ~ ~n~ ~ TZF'E ~e S 01/Ci/55 004629 ~, J.H.E. 0040 S~014-002-01~-SB ~' ~ G~ ~ M014.8 S / / 00%831 ~T'S ~ P~S 00G0 E~14-002-01~-59 J~ ~ D~TZ.TN~ PI~ L~ ~1 B / / D~832 }~, H.W. 0O&0 5~01&-002-01~-59 3~' ~D~ 0~833 ~, J.E. 0036 SB015-002-01~BC%-59 JO ~ ~ R ~ S 01/~1/53 004834 004835 00483g 004837 004839 004840 004841 004842 004044 004845 004846 00484? 004849 004876 005050 18907 005064 00506~ 00;519 00V401 GOV402 ;07403 007404 007405 007406 ~13929 0~146 01528% U~.G &,~,~SOCIA'I~S 0050 PIPE]E, WAL~ER G. 0018 ~L~J~TXN, PAUL/Db"'I'I'Y 0145 MCPARLA~iD, DOg 0256 ~ 005~ ~ RX~ ~l O O0S6 DRZ~, ~l~ 0056 TODD, ~S~g ~. 00~6 G~, DR. 0OS% ~EY, PAT 0100 CO.ELL, J~ O. 0090 ~, GOS3 E~, ~a~g 0105 C~KX, ~D 00~2 ~OH~, ~IC 0075 ~, ~y 0052 ~Y~ ~NC 0100 ~N/~n.~ 009; 8D~. ~ L 0071 O~, T~ 0165 ~Y~ X~ 0101 SB01%-002-01CBBDX-44 ~t H-H U~IGLZNG P, ARIOL~ BOGEN L8 SB014-002-0~CBCA1-30 ~7' L~NO~ PZFEEL ? SD014-002-010~DCl-24/~ A & L ~l~ PIPP~ 2 LX3 BI2* S~014-002-01~-24 ~ A & L ~l~l~ PZPE~ ~B01~-002-0100~1-6 ~T ~O~N PIPP~ ? SB014-002-010~2-6 ~S; M-N DRILLING PZPPSh L09 B8 55014-002-01CC~A2-29/~ G & G DRIVING ~lPPRL LOS 5B01i-002-0~CCBDi-12 - ~ PIPPEh ? SB01i-G02-0ZCCCA3-1% ~; C~ A~I~ PIPPRh ? S9014-002-01~C~-14 ,/1~ A & h DRIVING PZPPEL ? ~014-002-01~1-20 ~7~ ~EN D~X~ DIPPEL 7 S~01&-002*01~D~-5 ~ a & b U~I~IUG ~lPPgb bi1 B9 SB01i-002-01~BC2-5S - ~W~ PlPPgl, ~4 B1 6B01~-002-0100~2-2G ~0 A & h Dal~ING ~lPPEL 7 5BOlI-OO2-OlCC~i-16 ~* PIPPEG ? ~014-002-01~02-9V ~P~ ' HZ~I~ JAY DRl~ PIPPEL LO3 02/21/75 / / o5/ol/65 06/01/65 0X/01/62 12/04/73 / / / / 01/01/60 oa/ol/6~ oz/oz/6e o6/ol/95 s o7/oi/6s s oz/ol/et s SB014-002oO10AACl-I1 7 ~ ~ULLIVAN WAT~ W~ SFRINGa~[ VXZ~ Lt ~5, S 05/01/82 SB014-002-01~1-11 g~ f b~4 WAI~ ~ SPRI~BR~K VXG~ ILI ~Se S 06/17/83 5B014-002-01CC~1-5 ~5t 6~,l,l~ WAT~ ~IEL PIPEEI* I~3 B9 B ~ B9w S 04/29/62 SB014-O02-O1C~-15 ~2 ~A & L ~l~l~ PXPP~. I ~7 B9~ S 08/04/73 SB01%-002-01~ /jn~ GZE~SKX JOH DR gPR/~K ~TA L5 BS; U 10/04/8~ LAS 92~0 . I~I~NT BY: U~ ~OLOnI:AL gURV-~Y; /- SULLIV ': WATER WELLS DEPTH OF WELL LND OF FORMATION: rom ~ Ft.t,~ ~ FL mm ~:~ Ft. to !~ FL ~m . FI. Io ~ ~7 r~to~C ~m . F~ Io am , FL to Ft ~m Ft. to FI- · '74 ;:2'; om FL lo · ,Ft. em Ft. tn FI. om I . ,FL f^' -Fl. om FI. lo, Ft. From . ,FI. lo Ft. Frum__FL lo Fl. From - FI.to , . Fl. From, · Ft'. to Fl. Ft. to Ft. Fr~m Ft. ~ Ft. ma Fl. tn FI, J From ,., FL to__Ft. Dm Ft. lO Ff. J ~mm FI. lo SCL. ~NFO [~IATION: j ~ %r DRILLER'S Ol-17-L::'I~D2 i~4::~f~1 ~7 TI~ 713& P.~ · ~NT DY: IJ~ C~0L06TCAL RURV.ey; ,~/~/ P.O.~OXZ/;.CHLI~IAK, ALASICA~7 · TELEP'r~ONI~G~.2?sg ERMIT NU3IBER From Fc to . , Ft. From . FL to-- Ft. From__ FI. lo Ft. From From___.--.Ft. to , Fr~ ~ F~ to. From FI. ~rom Fl. [~ Ft. From__FL to FL ~t~ FL to Ft. From., FL From,., From F~om ~t. From Tr. la FY ISCL- I~FoRMAT~ON: :3500 TUO~R ~OAD ·ANCHORAGE · ~',- :~ '--*~'~ ~* -'*'"~*~ INSPECTION REPORT: ON-SliE SEWAGE DISPOSAGSYSTEM ~ TIrE C fCI~IAK, ALASKA '- KODIAK, ALA~ --~ ~q-"Z.-!~,.., 4~.4~ '. DATE - S~AitTED 1-7-83 DATE -' BI)ED, 1-~7-~:~ K~N.D OF FORMATION: FROM _ 0 F~.TO. · FROM ._..1~____ FT. TO FROM, 34 FT. TO FROM .._:.~.o. FT. ~o 70~ est.' - ,,.,:;~,~?~-. ·., ,. ,.. --"' "' _ :':'"I'[:7!' '" "'"' ' .r~_~.~t~CAS~ *tn: SCh,,._~4..~._ 3 FT-Overb-u-r,den . . ~itOM ;' ' FT}TO FT. 't4 FT. Kco~m.. g ~'a~.L. · ' ' 40 . _FT. Br .o~n clay' FROM FT. TO_, .FT. 70 FT. ~T,,Q]4~. ~ r~Vm ] FROM ,110 ~.r Orav.1 water FROM }'T. IO FT ......... FROM. ri. TO '. .... ,. '. n.- FT .... ,, : FROM- ~T. TO r., · . .'~-'.Iv., L::' No warranty or no warranty implied.· . Very good well. by 'ERMIT NUMBER. SULLIVAN WATER WELLS P, O. BOX 272. CHUGIAK, ALASKA 99M~7 ·TEL, EPHO~E 680-2759 ~s~vs or w£~ , *'7 4 t :2 ' t franc LL'VEr. OF WA~R FT. ~"~ DRAW DOWN FT. KIND OF CASING '~' '~ ~3 ~') 2ND OF FORMATION: 'ro~_.~rLto~ & rt ,,~'1~. rro~ .-Ft. to rt. ~ ~. 'tom ~ .Ft. to /~ Ft. ;c~0p',;4'7''' From ..Ft.to_ 'rmu I a FLto '~'7 Ft. .J'~r,,v~ Lea,d*/' From ..Ft.to_ Ft. tn .Ft~ ~,o Ft. k,~:. '~ From -Ft. m_ .Ft- 're. . Ft. to~rt. ~4;,4'F*~- rr~. . ,Ft. tO Ft. ;.,~ FL to FL From FL to_ ,, ,Ft. Em Ft. to ~FL From Ft. to_ rt. mm .Ft. to_ Ft. From .Ft. to , Ft. 'rom .Ft. to~ Ft. From _Ft. to F.t. 'rom .Ft. to~ Ft. From .FL to__ Ft. rom . rt. t'~ . - Ft. From Ft. to Fr. rom , .rt. to Ft. rrmu .Ft. to Ft. rom_ .rt. to Ft. From .Ft. to Ft. From . rom .rt. to Ft. '~'o tlSCL.. INFORMATION: DRILLER'S NAME - '-'/ '~*'~*:-'~"~-' IIOX~/oEAGLtRW[R, AILA~U~I~T/ · TE~EIM-Z51~ l & L DRILLING COMPANY · CHUGIAK, ALASKA 688.3 199 · ?~'~,.~ ~ :-~o' " WE SERVE ALL ALASKA '"" o~. '-" '--',, ........ , ,,,---~ ..... o~.o~_.~:_:.~.. ' ~,.~.~.~.~-';,7=.:'.,~' ADDILF~ .......... ,_.=...~, . . : ' . ' ' ' . ~.f:~ku- ~ 'z.'~ %--~1,,~'~"~,.- * --' -. '.:"~" '~'"'""'"°~-'"'"'P: ' ' ..... .... ~£LL- SIT! .~ ._._ ~ ....· ' .' , · · '~ ..- - " .... '" ---,'-,---..... DRA~/DO~N'FT~ .:~'," ,'~'-' "' · ., , ....:_., · .... .~ ,~:~..: . ~ ~.-~ .... GAI. S,I~£RHP.....~... .... ;:,, ~'.~ ~, ., .;:- -.:-,:- D4T~-. EN[ )£D .. ~ :. ICE~D OF CASING ,._.~., ' ' ,,..,a ,, =....'~;, ~,,::~.~;t~. ~", ...... KLND OF FO B.M&TION: ' ' ..... · .-r;~ ~"' "'.'"'- '. !~.O~ .... ~... FT.?O _ .,t,rt. "~'"~" "tfl~,lN~~" rr.'to..,,~ . .: .'rr/ ' -- -- ~ou.,, ..4 .~r. To,. ~.,,.,.n'.C.,,-~l/al..~,~',~v[ '~o~ ,,rr. r0..:_.__:.....rr:*~,,';., ....... .~ou. ~ rr. TO-~.L.,.rr..13o. l~.2' ,. ~oH;,,,,, :. ,~,To '- ..... .~. ,,;, .. ,.' ;..__ ~OM. FROlic:.,; ...... FT, TO, , ,FT. ,~. ,,,: ' · ~o~ "'.. , ;.rrna,,...,., i' ,rt...,,,?:. _. F~,O~- _,,, .,.: .YT~'TO'.. FT. ' ~,O~,..~,-FT. TO, ,, .,.,..;~,.,t~l'..,,, ,. ;..,,., .... YaOl~,';.." ~:;:;'I~T. TO ..... . ,t"'T,:/,, .' , ~ c,,~:l ~ ~.~ ....... 7 J,~-q- ' · '" ..,v .- l~V'O~..-L~: ........ :Fr. O. :'-'- .... ' ,,, · ~0~ ~ ...... ;:~ ,.,.,.'.. _~li'?;,"-' . · ~-: ~, :: .~,!.d~,,,.._ .... MEMORANDUM Municipality of Anchorage Development Services Department Building Safety Division DATE: TO: FRO M: SUBJECT: December 27, 2001 Jerry T. Weaver, Jr., Platting Officer, CPD ~~:: i,nP~,asP:sO~:~ cmo inmafffff,2~:~ i i~: War er& Was tewat er The On-Site Water & Wastewater Program has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S - 10861 Spring Brook Vista / Jalasko Seven day ground water monitoring must be conducted on test hole number 1. SHORT PI~T SUMMARY OF ACTION December 31 o ~-00! ~-10861, Jalasko #1, Lot 3 & Tract A Approval of thc plat subject to: 1. l~csolvlng Utility Easements Resolving with AWWU the need to extend water lines from the cxisting 8" water m~tn, located within the Eagle River Loop fight-of-way, to provide full lot frontage and water service to thc proposed parcels. 3. Providing to the On-Site Water & Wastewater Program seven day ground water monitoring for test hole/ti. Verifying with !_~d Use Enforcement that thc site has been restored in accordance with Planning and Zoning Commission resolution 96-010A, which approved the staging and landscape plan for the natural resource c~h ~cUon operation on the property. 5. Providing a 10-foot buffer landscape easement along the south property boundary exclusive of thc utiUty casement- 6. Renaming the 10-foot 'Screening Easement" along the east property boundary to "Buffer Landscape Easement". 7. Placing thc following note on the plat: 'Buffer landscaping meeting thc requircmcnts of AMC 21.45.125.C.2 shall be installed and m~ln.talncd by thc property owuer wlthfn the buffer landscape easemenL' 11.CorrecUng map info _n'~tion and street pnmcs per Development Services comments of DecPmb. el' 27, 2001. 12.11csolving with Physical Planning thc need to identify any of the property as wetlandsoo 13.Resolving acCe~SS to North Eagle Rlvcr Loop Road with State DOT/PF and Munic/pal Traffic DeparLuucnt and placc the appropriate notes on the plat. 14.Matnt~ir~tng plat notes # l, 2, 3. & 5. JC,~p1//ttin~, Jr. Municipalityof Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 995t 9-6650 Telephone: (907) 343-4309 Fax: (907) 343-4220 htlp://,,W~w, ci.anchorage.ak.us · George P. Wuet~h, Mayor DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING REQUEST.FOR COMMENTS ON SHORT PLAT SUBDIVISIONS November 28,200 The Municipality of Anchorage has received application relating to the following short plat activity. The hearing date is Monday, December 31,2001 and comments must reach our office by Thursday, December 27, 2001 in order to be included in the staff conditions of approval· Spdng BrookVista/Jalasko '~:~/~t/. fl/uO/d! 'r. ~-~) '~'7~ ~ / Attached are copies of the proposed Plats. Please submit your comments in wdting, specifying any easements or other requirements that you department or agency may need. If no easements are required at this time, please provide a list of those plats to which there is "no comment" or "no objection". Sincerely, Jerry T. Weaver, Jr Platting Officer Enclosures