HomeMy WebLinkAboutSHIMAKONIS LT 74Bhimakoni Lot 74B #051-093-35 Municipality of Anchorage 7-;,-- Development Services Department .-~~ ~'' Budding Safety Division On-Site Water and Waztewater Program, 4700 $. Bragaw SL P,O, Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-8650 Page ef www.d.anchorage.akus (gO7) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Permit Number:. 2"'{4/~. '2~4~F PID Number. C) 'I '~'°:~.~J%t"Lh"U~ C~ ~,q~, WastewaterSystem: ,'~,'New [-IUpgrade LEGAL DESCRIPTION s~ ~,~ Township: Range; Sm:~ Fa ~ded abo~e Well: E~ew [] Upgrade :_'5 ' S~PAR~TION DISTANCES ~ ~ep~c ~ H~ding ~ S.T.~P. ~ O:he~ Tank Field Station Tank S~r L~e Engineer's Stamp Inspections pedormed by: ,~ ~ ~ M ~G...~* Dates: PaR~IIT NUa~ER RECORD DRAWING PIl) NUMBER 3W020488 06t-093-35 ~xmST. DRI~ / ..... - - PO~R POLE LOCA~0N~ ~89 52 42 E 94.91 (R) ~./aHV A~.~ ~ II I/Y / ~ ~LE PED /~ '~ ~3' ROW. EASEMENT ~ ' ~3" AL-CAP ~ //~ ~ EASEMENT { m ~, ~/ NEW ~ ~ 25' BUILDING 25' ~ ~ RECO~RED ~/ ~ ~SEmACK UNE m ~ ~= 44,176 S.F. ;~ A B ~ t FCO 8 : : ' ~ ~ DBL2 24 38 5 _1 ~ f R.O.W. EASEBENT (T~.) ~ ~ 001 36 RO 5 f~ ~ s89'56 oo w ~82.39 (c) ~ MT2 107 113 '' ~ S89'57'08"W 182.15'(R) LOT 75 ~..PL.%~ Conventional Single Family Residential ~ASK~ P.O. BOX 2749 ~&,~---~ ' z.,~ E~~~. PHONE: (907)745-0222 ~.... c[ ~o4~o ...¢~ ~ .. .... ..~~ FAX: (907)746-0222 R ' ' 15' U~LITY ~-2' AL-CXP / LOCAaON I t E BO NO "~'; SINGLE / ~ ~ / / ' ~'~ STORY / ~ , . / 1" = 50' I ;:o, LOT 74B ~= 44,176 S.F. :k LOT 74A A ~ ~ FCO 8 1 1~' 8UI~IN~ ~ ~k DBLI 22.5 3 a.O.W. [~S[U~NT (Tm.) k~ CO1 36 50 ~0' 8U~LD~NC S[~ACK UNE~-- ~ ~ MT1 37 5: .... ~ CO2 105 11 f~ ~ S89'56 00 W 182.39 (C) ~ ~ MT2 107 11 A B FCO 8 12 ST1 13 27 ST2 18.5 33 DBLI 22.5 37 DBL2 24 38.5 CO1 38 50.5 MT1 37 52 CO2 105 112 MT2 107 113 ~r ~'c ~'~. ,m . 75' '{" '~ () WIDE DRAINFIELD ,,.,,o,~,~ ~c (~ o.o~ ,~ o, .~, .,~u~.) P~N VIEW (~,. ~o~) SECTION X-X h I 6' ~vc ,~ TRENCH DETAIL ~.,~ ~ { ,' , TRENCH SECTION MONITOR TUBE DETAIL ~~ Conventional Single Family Residential ~¢.. . ..*~ RECORD DRAWINGS SEPTIC SYSTEM ~I~ ~ ;?~ ~:~:~,. LOT V4B, SHIMAKONIS ~~.~...:...~ ~ss~ ~.o. sox ~ ~Charles ~ ~et ,~W ~l~l PALMER. A~SKA 99645 gf~. CE 104~~ E~~~. PHONE: (907)745-0222 ~%~qm~ ~k~ Rim Engineering, Inc. ~:t~lz~[o, ~"r.i~llal~ s,~E, e o~ WELL LOG ~.? - -_~:-~] - ~.~ ~: ~0 ~. ~ ~. ~'~" ~: ,. . ~. ~. . ..,, . H~ · ~:~~-~ ~. S~/: ~: ~. T°:Z~ ~. ~: 10~ .. ~ ~. , ~: ~. ~o. .. - ~ ~,~ ·_ .~ ~ ~c.~,~I : ~T~)T ~)GS LOS st4os~s,Aanssons eOO:'iT EO EE uec' , MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORA GE Development Sen/ices Department On-Site Water & Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw Street P.O. Box 196650, Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL SYSTEM I WATER SUPPLY PERMIT Initial Date Issued: Dec 19, 2002 Expiration Date: Dec 19, 2003 Permit Number: SW020488 [.Legal Desc~ption: :.SHI .MAK..O.N.I~.LT.:.74B: Design Engineer: 0032 Alaska Rim Engineering Owner Name: Sudsbury & Sons Owner Address: 11239 Aurora St. Eagle River, AK 99577- Parcel ID: 051-093-35 Site Address: Lot Size: 44176 SQ. FT. Total Bedrooms: 3 Permit Bedrooms: 3 This permit is for the construction of: [] Disposal Field [] Septic Tank [] Holding Tank [] Privy [] Private Well [] Water Storage All construction must be in accordance with: 1. The attached approved design. 2. Ail requirements specified in Anchorage Municipal Code Chapters 15.55 and 15.65 and the State of Alaska Wastewater Disposal Regulations ( 18AAC72 ) and Drinking Water Regulations ( 18AAC80 ). 3. The engineer must notify DSD at least 2 hours prior to each inspection. Provide notification by calling (907) 343-7904 ( 24 hours ). ( Not required for a Water Supply Permit only ). 4. From October 15 to April 15, a subsun~ace soil absorption system under construction during freezing weather must be either. A. Open and closed on the same day. B. Covered, sealed, and heated to prevent freezing. Municipality of Anc o i rage Development Services Depa~m~ent Bu~ing Safer7 Division On-Site Water and Wastewater Program 4700 South Bragaw St. P,O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519-6650 www.ci, anchorage.ak, us (907) 343-7904 ON-SITE SEWER/WELL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Parcel I.D. Permit Number SWOZ 6) 4t~ Property owner(s) Mailing address (1) Mailing address (2). Legal description (Lot, Block & Sub'd.) Legal description (Section, Township & Range) Lot Size ~/3/~ } 7.~ 7q G Day phone~:><::t~ - [F.~z tC~ Zip Code Number of Bedrooms THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: Sewer Only Sewer and Well Sewer Upgrade THIS PROPERTY CONTAINS: Hot Tub Swimming Pool Therapy Pool [] Well Only [] ~ Water Storage [] [] Jacuzzi [] [] Water Softening Unit [] [] I certify that the above information is correct. I further certify that this application is being made for a Single Family Dwelling and is Tn accordance with applicable Municipal Codes. (Signature of property owner or authorized agent) Permit Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Number: (Re,/. 12/00) ~?t7~ Waiver Fees: Date of Payment: Receipt Numben . Phone (907) 745-0222 Fax (907) 746-0222 akrim @ rog e rshsa.com RO. Box 2749 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Dan Roth, P.E. Municipality of Anchorage Development Service Department P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519 RE: 74B, Shimakonis Subject: Permit Request ~ Design Narrative Dear Mr. Roth: The owner of the above referenced lot is proposing a three-bedroom single family residence. We are requesting a plan review and a permit to install a septic system to serve the proposed development. SOILS A test hole was excavated and a percolation test was performed Alaska Rim Engineering, inc. on October 23, 2002. The approximate location of the test hole is located on the attached site plan. On November 5, 2002 the monitoring tube was checked. Groundwater was observed at I I-feet below the existing ground. TRENCH DESIGN The dwelling has a 3-bedrooms, for an estimated daily wastewater flow rate of 450 gallons per day. The wastewater application rates form the percolation test is 0.6 gal/day/sit. The required soil absorption area is 750 square feet. Proposed is an 4-.foot deep, 5-foot wide trench 75 foot in length. Enclosed are drawings of the propose system. SURFACE WATERS There are no surface waters within 100 feet of the proposed upgrades. We do not anticipate any adverse effects on the neighboring well, septic systems, reserve areas or drainage patterns by the installation of the proposed septic system. The construction of this system will not prevent any furore development on any ofthe adjacent properties. If you have any question or wish to discuss this matter further, please contact me. Sincerely, Alaska Rim Engineering, Inc. Charles A. Leer, P.E. Project Engineer Encl: Permit Application Permit Fees Soil Log Perk Test Site Plan Drawing (2) cc: Client AK Rim File//02-00989 Engineers · Planners · Surveyors BIRCH A VE. x EXIST. DRIVE /N89 '42"£ 94 91'-R' POWER POLE LOCAllON--~ I '52 · (} ~*/GUY ANCHORS · ?(~89'53'16"E 95.10'(M)/ RECOVERED ~ < ' 1S u~LmTY ) , 8 RECO~RED -- ~/ PROPOSED~ ~ 25' BUILDING 25' ~ RECO~RED ~ ~LL~ ~SE~A~ LINE ~ -[~AL-CAP / -- LOCA~ON ~ XO0. P~ J k ~ ~ · SEeK LINE STORY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ Z - ~FRAMED ? ~~ ~. / -- " ~A 1"= 50' ~ x~' LO~ 74B ~"~ < ~ *a' ~4 '76 S.F. _. ~5~ LOT 74A ~ MT ..... X117 Xg X NOTES: ~ ~ ~ CONSTRU~ION SH~ BE COMPLIED IN v.7 ~ ¥~ ~ ACCO~CE WITH ~E MO~ CURRE~ MUNICIP~ ~ I ~n ~ OF ~CHO~GE CODE WATER ~ 155.55, ~ ~ ~ W~ER DISPOS~ 15.65 ~D ~EC W~ATER / I ~ ~ REGU~ONS 1~C72 ~D DRINKING WA~R ~ ARROW~ ~ ~ 2. ~E R~ OWE~NG LO~ON ~D RNISHED ~ ~ ~ R O W EASEMENT (T~.) ~ "' ~ ~ ~ ~.~ co~c~o.. J 10' BUILDING ~TBACK UNE ~ [~ ' S89'56 O0 W 182 39 (C) . ~ W 182.39'(C) m2 ~" S89'STO8"W 182.1S'(R) LOT 75 ~.~. Conventional Single Family Residential ~¢~."" :"-g*~oo~ PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN ~/~TH, ~ _~'~ L,o~t LOT 74B, SHIMAKONIS ~zM ........ ;.. f. ~...:... ~ ~_ ' C~ ~ PALMER, A~SKA 99645 '~_~,~harles A. ~et~ ENC~~~. PHONE: (907)745-0222 "~,.. c~ ~o~o ...'~ u~.~;... .... ~~~ FAX: (907)746-0222 ~%%~ Alaska Rim Engineerin[, Inc. WIDE DRAINFIE~ ~o~,~ evc ~ of W~t~ ~aultoam Il' (or gq.) may MONITOR TUBE TRENCH SECTION DETAIL -~-o' ~ Conven[ional Single Family Residen[ial ~.~ ............ :~,* ~ASK~ P.O. BOX 2749 -~_~Charles ~. ~et ~.~ ~-. ~[~ PALMER, A~SKA 99645 v~;~.... CE 10480 ..:~ E~~. PHONE: (907)745-0222 ~[~{~h%~ Alaska Rim Engineerinm Inc. ~o~ ,, [IdS jo~omp~'~ SHEET 2 0F 2 Municipality_=. _ .__ of AnchorageTest ,~.17;~ ~e~.~;.l~{. ~  Development Services Department d '~?." ~ [L~' Bu~ing Safe~ D~ion ~.* '. ~ .' ' '- ~,' 47~S~Bmg~SL ' . : ~ : P.O. Box 1 ~50 ~, AK 9951~50 ~.d.a~ae.ak.us ~. ~-, ct,~~= [o- Percolatmn t ,.~.. ..... Soils Legal Oes~ptton: Lo~ ~ ~ t % h; m~ r5 T~nship, ~nge, Se~on: 8~ Site Plan 4 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11. 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- ENCOUN"~RED? 9,~o S L IF YES. AT WHAT DEPTH? I~ ~z,~ 0 Depth to Water ARer / p Monitoring? II E ~: I//~/o~- 19- 20- PERCOLATION RA~ j (2 m~,.~.,~.c~) P£RC HOLE OU~.¥ER ~, ' ~ST RUN B~EN ~ AND ~ PERFORMEDINACCORDANCE~A~STATEANDMUNICIPALGUIDELINES E CTON~ISDA~. DA~: (~c,~ Reading Date Gross Time Net T~e Depth to WaterNet Drop Il:3? to Io,lz.o" u:,m IO /o,t,-~' ~-/~ ' j Lz:~ L~ /~.~.~- SOIL LOG Project: Lot74B, Shimakonis Date: 10123102 LoggedBy: Kent Sheets TEST HOLE NO. 1 AK Rim File No. 02-00989 Depth (feet) Description Top Soil I Clean Sandy Gravel w scattered Cobbles, 2 grey loose and slightly moist (SP) 3 4 ? 8 Sand, Gravel (SP) with trace silt 10 ! 1 Water Seeps 12 13 14 15 Bottom of Test Hole 16 17 18 19 20 21 This soil log was prepared for the sole purpose of determining th~ disposal system at the location of the test hole, Soil type ratings ~ verified with laboratory analyses. These soils have not been anal seismic stability or for any purpose other than wastewater absorp information in this log for any use other than wastewater absorpti TEST HOLE LOCATION: Within 25' of proposed SAS. COMMENTS: No impermeable layers were encountered. installed monitoring tube in test hole 11-5-02 returned water 11' below existing ground surface the feasibility of constructing an onsite wastewater s arc based on visual observation and have not been zed for structural properties, structural stability, and )tion field construction. Anyone relying on the )tion field development shall do so at his or her own risk. Alaska Rim Engineering, Inc. PO Bax 2749, Palmer, AK 99645 PERCOLATION TEST Project: Lot 74B, Shimakonis Date: 10123102 Test Hole Depth: 15 - Feet Inspector: Kent Sheets Start Soak: No presoak AKRim# 02-00989 End Soak: TEST NO. Time Water Level Time Water Level Net Time Net Drop Perk Rate (t - 1) (d - 1) (t- 2) (d - 2) (At) (Ad) (min. / inch) 11:04 9.5" 11:14 10.25" 10 314 13.3 11:15 9.5" 11:15 10.125" 10 5/8 16 11:26 9.5" 11:36 10.125" 10 518 16 11:37 9.5" 11:47 10.125" 10 518 16 11:48 9.5" 11:58 10.125" 10 518 16 12:00 9.5" 12:10 10.125" 10 518 16 ADEC SUGGESTED APPLICATION RATES Perk Rate Application Rate Comments Faster than I Not Suitable Requires sand liner or additional treatment. I -5 1.2 6- 15 0.8 16 -30 0.6 31 - 60 0.45 61 - 120 Not Suitable Requires engineering plans and ADEC plan approval. COMMENTS: The application rate per ADEC 18 AAC 72 regulations Table C, 'WASTEWATER APPLICATION RATES FROM PERCOLATION TEST ""'~'~ RESULTS' is 0.6 gal/day/sq, fl. Test Conducted at 6' below the existing ground surface. 6 _v. V.~,,~,.. · ........ .,~ There arc several methods of measuring soil percolation, technically called hydraulic conductivity. The soil percolation test method we performed was conducted in general conformance with thc Falling Head Percolation Test Procedure from £PA's Design Manual for Onsitc Wastcwater Treatment and Disposal Systems dated October 1980. This method is thc one most commonly used and can give an approximate measure of thc soil's saturated hydraulic conductivity. However, normally the percolation of wastewater through the soil below the leach field occurs through unsaturated soils. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity can vary greatly from the saturated hydraulic conductivity with changes in soil characteristics and moisture content. The results from this test method can be variable and may not measure the hydraulic conductivity accurately. These test results should only be used together with specific soil characteristic data and other site characteristics to design an appropriate soil absorption system. Alaska Rim Engineering, Inc. PO Box 2749, Palmer, AK 99645 SOILS LOG 01 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE �.- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION — PERCOLATION 9 TEST 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: L--- S A- 1 t�1 lam.+, i'<��'�� DATE PERFORMED: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I» -t' r7 k\J T ej ,�-k, _ I SLOPE SITE PLAN P I F � T D Q,L-i h -r-3, [., I I 2 3 � - 4 5 0� �vj 7 .r 8 ' .o 9- 10 „ 12 13 14- Or R" ` 15- 16 5 16 a' a,r.• n.o,ew'w a it -4 17 Pakwrt A. Sheivr �w191 r� 20 WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? k-3� L O -C P IF YES, A -I WHAT E DEPTH? Reading Date Gross Time Net Tirne Depth to Water Net Drop r I I PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN COMMENTS �Pf�' y'-"" 1-J�`'�"P1��A N\0>_) \'nnaL� 1 -h PERFORMED BY: i3'i3Ss� CERTIFI 7 a0e c6117 91orT 44 I� h --;minutes/inch) FT AND s__.__ FT DATE: KAY/�J-